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I really wanted to talk about the concept of superiority.

I'm a neophyte, just finished Kybalion and I'm reading it again, I find it incredibly interesting how the authors proclaim that everything is a half-truth (which is something I'm really ruminating on since I was finished with Prometheus Rising) but assumes so many topics as "right" and "true", like some path that should be followed (I think that's the whole point of Hermeticism), it's an interesting paradox, and an excellent example.

In this little dust of matter that we call a planet, we have billions of thinking minds, every single one of them processing completely different yet similar realities percepted by our limited brains, our personalities are mainly modeled by our first impressions after incarnation (maybe having some influence of past lifes, I don't know, didn't go much into reincarnation yet), and we can literally be brainwashed by any major influences to have completely different personalities and modus operandi than before, making the religious become ultimate fedoras, making narcissistic sceptics become selfless gurus, making peaceful civilians become precise killing machines, and they all believe they became that for the best, they convince theirselves that was the best choice, even if it wasn't their choice at all.

My point is, as limited human beings, we are VERY moldable, and we have the tendence to accept others beliefs and induce belief in others easily, and completely forget the whole half-truth concept, I'm not even talking about mundanes, I'm talking about all of us in general.

See the whole degenerate guys for example, I'm really not into drugs and orgies, but I can't deny that for the people who does this stuff it must be a quite unique experience, same thing for black magick, same thing for crowley-tier magic, same thing for homosexuals, serial killers, religious people, sadists, masochists, soldiers, politicians, etc. All of these people are "addicted" to what they do, all of them can change by their own or someone else's will, and all of them have advantages and disadvantages from their own vices (The Principle of Rhythm talks about it).

Ourselves too have some disadvantages, I believe that at least some of you are disconnected from society (which "naturally" is a bad thing), we can engage in some extreme activities to dare something like fasting, staying awake for too long, over-studying (neglecting any kind of entertainment is "naturally" bad too) and some advanced wizards here say that gets even more dangerous(Demons, aliens, other magi, etc.). I also believe that in this path you can develop some peculiar vices, like paranoia, compulsive reading, hallucinations, distrust, but I believe all of these are (or, at least, should be) temporary.

I don't believe in superiority, I believe in difference, I'm not better than a animal, I'm not better than a debt slave, I'm not better than a demon worshipper, I'm not better than a psychopath, we are the same thing in different degrees on the "evolution" scale, the day I want to unleash my animal side I'll do it, the day I want to "be evil", I'll make them feel pain, the day I want to be amorous, I'll make the people smile, the moment I want to destroy worlds, I'll clean the universes to new ones be born, the moment I want to unite with the all, I'll chase this path with all the purity of my soul.

It's all about the choices, opting for one doesn't make you superior, it makes you different. Also underestimation in general can make anyone pretty ignorant at all planes.

I know I'm new and I can be saying lots of shit, but I think it's an interesting debate to start.


>I don't believe in superiority, I believe in difference, I'm not better than an animal.

In what sense could this statement be seen as a half truth? From the perspective of the infinity of creation both you and an animal are relatively insignificant and so could be considered equal.
However from an individual perspective the difference is startling. What animal has the ability to question its place in the world as you do? Thinking this way you are clearly superior.


Half-baked sophistry of the highest order. Your compositional style needs work kiddo.


You aren't really saying anything provocative or original. It sounds like you're headed in the right direction though.
I think it's a big step towards an enlightened state of mind for a person raised in modern culture to accept that their ego has been lying to them. We're all manifestations of a singular life force, and it is illogical for one to be better than ones self.


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I am 100% sure OP is avoiding recognizing hierarchy and using the terms superior and inferior due to emotional conditioning alone making him want to avoid straight up identifying reality.

>Degrees of Diversity

I doubt you even know what the words you're using means.

>My point is, as limited human beings, we are VERY moldable, and we have the tendence to accept others beliefs and induce belief in others easily, and completely forget the whole half-truth concept, I'm not even talking about mundanes, I'm talking about all of us in general.

In the present time the opposite is the problem. Everyone thinks they got figured out, nobody is imaginative, people resist change, they stay fixed firmly in their reality tunnel and don't go outside of it. We are never able to change the beliefs of others nor to persuade them of anything in a discussion. It's the age of ignorant scepticism, the age of disbelief. Gullibility doesn't exist, denial only reigns in this day.

>I don't believe in superiority, I believe in difference,

This is retarded. Stop being retarded. Where there is difference there is a superior and an inferior. Your reason for believing this shit is to avoid criticism for those that would call you hateful, racist, whatever for acknowledging hierarchy.

>I'm not better than a animal

You are too. Otherwise you wouldn't even give this example.

>I'm not better than a debt slave

If you're not in debt, you're better off than them, for fucks sakes stop being so pedantic.

>I'm not better than a demon worshipper, I'm not better than a psychopath, we are the same thing in different degrees on the "evolution" scale,

You are completely misunderstanding the writings of The Kybalion. This is why we're not supposed to throw pearls before swine; because Swine like you doesn't GET IT.

>the day I want to unleash my animal side I'll do it, the day I want to "be evil", I'll make them feel pain, the day I want to be amorous, I'll make the people smile, the moment I want to destroy worlds, I'll clean the universes to new ones be born, the moment I want to unite with the all, I'll chase this path with all the purity of my soul.

Whatever faggot.

>It's all about the choices, opting for one doesn't make you superior, it makes you different.

Denying differences and pretending we're all the same is not true spirituality it's degenerate rubbish based on misunderstanding. Montalk on his site has already denounced people like you.

>Also underestimation in general can make anyone pretty ignorant at all planes.

You don't know what you're talking about.

>I know I'm new and I can be saying lots of shit, but I think it's an interesting debate to start.

It's shitty stoner-philosophy-tier garble you've spewed out.


You are delusional as the OP.

Yet another ego hater who is forcing himself towards 1st density instead of rising higher up in the scale of life.

It is perfectly logical to recognize a thing as being better than another thing.



>Thinking this way you are clearly superior.

Yes, I feel that, but I'm questioning this very feeling.


I'm not trying to convince anyone if is that what you are implying, but yes I can always work my stylistic.


>You aren't really saying anything provocative or original

That wasn't my intention, but if it isn't worth a thread the volunteers can move it to question thread, if necessary.

>It sounds like you're headed in the right direction though.

I'm not sure

> I think it's a big step towards an enlightened state of mind for a person raised in modern culture to accept that their ego has been lying to them

Yes, kind of, there are many forms of enlightenment, I think.

>We're all manifestations of a singular life force, and it is illogical for one to be better than ones self.

That's really doubtful, just because we are all manifestations of a single force, doesn't mean that we are equal to the others.


>I doubt you even know what the words you're using means.

Could you say what they mean?Like seriously, I'm curious

>Everyone thinks they got figured out, nobody is imaginative, people resist change, they stay fixed firmly in their reality tunnel and don't go outside of it

If you are talking about some extreme changes, yes I agree, but the minor ones keeps happening, I saw lots of "apathical" people going full religious or political after being convinced that party or belief was "for the best". Also I could say that ISIS is a rare example, they literally brainwash people in killing "infidels" for some "higher purpose".

>Where there is difference there is a superior and an inferior

Necessarily? I mean, what's the difference between a proton and a electron, they are clearly not equal, so, who's the better one?

>Your reason for believing this shit is to avoid criticism for those that would call you hateful, racist, whatever for acknowledging hierarchy.

I gotta admit, that's really is a problem for me, but creating threads like this and asking stuff at the questions threads is my way to work that out, think for a second, if I really feared I wouldn't create a thread like this, I would just keep the thoughts to myself. Also, I've probably would ignored your post or say some "ad hominem" bullshit for the "retarded" part, but I really don't care.

And "believe" isn't really a good word, it looks like I live by these words I've said and not the other way around.

>You are completely misunderstanding the writings of The Kybalion

Quoting the principle of polarity in that part wasn't intentional, I only noticed now, sorry for that, it was the first thing that came to my mind.

>Montalk on his site has already denounced people like you.

Could you link that, please?

>It's shitty stoner-philosophy-tier garble you've spewed out.

I really liked your answer, I'll imply that because you even bothered responding me, you are trying to help somehow, thanks.


Indeed, there is some misunderstanding concerning the ego. You have read the Kybalion, so I presume you are knowledgeable of the Mineral, Animal and Human Kingdoms and the Elemental Kingdoms between them. Do you know what happens when an entity rises in the scale of life?

It's ego grows. Minerals have a very weak ego, almost non-existent. Animals have more developed ego, but it is still immature. Humans have more strong an ego, more conscious and developed, but it needs to be developed consciously so that it becomes perfected.

We mustn't deny our egos, or seek "the oblivion of ego", otherwise we are going backwards. Some people with undeveloped egos act like animals, succumbing to hedonistic pleasure and stupid mediocrity; they are most of the time not even conscious, mere animal-men; men with stronger egos deny their animal desires (666) and focus on perfecting themselves, shedding away the negative and destructive traits (hedonism, irrational hatred, and lack of concentration) and strengthening the positive and virtuous ones, (staying conscious, patience, and industriousness).

Ego is our tool to ascension.


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OP is right. Superior and inferior, just as right and wrong are human concepts. They are judgments made by the human mind.


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That was quite enlightening, Wizard

Could you share your opinion about the left-hand path? I mean, they seek the auto-perfection too, but in very unorthodox ways, I'm not advocating them, I can't understand the point of obtaining loosh on sacrifices for example, when there are so many ways to get it, I'm just trying to see things from a completely different point of view, that's how I arrived here in the first place.


Equality is even more of a bullshit human concept.


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First of all, I would say that the right-hand and left-hand path dichotomy is narrow and restricting, yet useful as a concept for the sake of communication. Do not let yourself be bound by them! Magic cannot be categorized and it transcends culture and morality. It is, to say, amoral.

If left-hand path focuses on carnality, that is, on sexual appetite and bodily sensations, then I denounce it for I feel those are not beneficial to spiritual growth and ego-strengthening. It seems contradictory to me to call such practices "spiritual" when they're so body-focused; especially note the New Age practice of Tantric sex; it is not spiritual anymore, nor is it "sacred sex"; it is just pleasure-seeking and materialistic.

Also, if LHP means "harming others for the sake of harming others", then I do not like it.

If, however, left-hand path means exploring the "dark side of the moon", promoting individualism & empowering the ego, rising above herd behavior and social conditioning, and developing one's skills and being, then I like it and promote it. However, it seems that this and the aforementioned (carnal) are mixed and thus they form a concept with both good and bad sides, (good = useful, bad = not useful).

As I have said, I feel this dichotomy is too limited and narrow and doesn't reflect the reality of magic. However, I feel spiritual growth can be attained 'the best' through so-called "right-hand path" practices, mainly because they focus on achieving virtues and turning the destructive negatives into constructive positives. However, not all of RHP is useful as some of them focus on destroying the ego, and that is not rational. Also, I do not renounce "the left-hand path" completely, though. It is useful for us to acknowledge the darker side of ourselves and of the universe.

Contemplate upon death and destruction, and embrace hatred with mindfulness without letting it manipulate you. Acknowledge that there is a lot of suffering in the world and face it with Buddhic stoicism and calmness. Transcend beyond good and evil actions, and see things through good and bad consequences. Help others when it actually benefits them, and know when to give up on some people as sometimes they are waste of time. Do not choke negative emotions, as they are a great tool to obtain power. "Be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves," as Jesus has advised.

But in the end, do not listen too much of what others have to say, myself included. Leave options open and be ready for change, and make your own path.


100% garbage



Amazing dissertation, anon, saved.

Here, have this music.


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My pleasure really!

Also, thank you for that, I enjoy Vangelis' music a lot. Keep growing and searching, friend!

Also, a synchronicity has occurred.
>Read about "Doctor of Philosophy" on Wikipedia
>read your post, check what "dissertation" means
>"a long essay on a particular subject, especially one written as a requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy degree."


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Montalk says it simple and clear:

>1) Beings who serve the entire system by expanding their consciousness and freewill in balance with the expansion of consciousness and freewill in others.

2) Beings who serve only themselves at the cost of suppressing the freewill and consciousness of others to the detriment of the entire system.



I'm not the same guy, nor am I far gone in this occult business, but I did spend a while on halfchan /pol/ and this is what I have come to see.

>I don't believe in superiority, I believe in difference

If this is the crux of your thesis, it is wrong. Things may be different, true, but if you examine them as they are, they are revealed to be superior or inferior (greater or lesser) in various regards. Take your call for the proton and electron. You see them as sub-atomic particles, and posit that the difference between positive and negative forces are indiscernible. No! For the proton is lesser in its fundamental negative aspect, whereas the electron is similarly lacking in the positive. In any case, it is a flawed example as they are simply elements of a model of viewing the universe, and work together as part of a cohesive whole (the atom, the material, the universe, et cetera).

Essentially, I see your response as a rejection of recognising some form of hierarchy in the universe. In fact, this is quite simply impossible. Hierarchy is the ascription of levels, or tiers, to varying degrees of substance. For example, temperature, distance, mass, income, wealth, power, "power rankings", food chains, food webs, stages of fetal development, stages of mental development, stages of spiritual development.

Now, as to which is "better" is a question of ethics.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong in any of this, it's late.


You just utterly shitwrecked the faggot OP.

100% sure he is trying to avoid recognizing hierarchy in the universe on purely emotional conditioning grounds and not because of any reasonable arrival at the matter. He is just uncomfortable with the existence of hierarchy due to years of being raised to think equality = good


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I'll be deleting this thread tomorrow, I already recognized that I'm wrong so long ago.

Just leaving the notification for no misinterpretation.


No please don't delete this thread just leave it alone. I want it around as an example for me to point to whenever someone starts making the same claims as OP.



Alright, I hope that it helps the neophytes somehow.

…wait, was >>8056 spoilered before? Is it dangerous? Damn it, I just posted because I thought it was fetching somehow. Had no bad intentions with >>8049 , >>8062 , that guy was awesome.


I have no idea at all why it's spoilered.



Isn't that one of the tarot cards of the O9A? I thought they were extremely sigilized.

My doubt is if I spoilered it because I knew that, what makes me wonder why the fuck would I post it here.

Or if I posted in ignorance and some started volunteer spoilered it before any collateral damage.

Probably the first, I don't even know how sigils work, I just read somewhere around here that they should be spoilered since they could "influence" the wrong people





David Myatt long ago renounced Satanism and became a Muslim then renounced Islam and became a typical egalitarian bluepill idiot.

…and I've seen all of the Sinister Tarot and whatever power might be infused in it probably has burn out already by now.



>typical egalitarian bluepill idiot.

I felt bad when I saw that, what the fuck happened? I really want to believe he was brainwashed or something.

Also, I can't really understand how the same guy that co-founded ONA wrote The Numinous Way which I didn't read yet, but will soon


Growth is a constant process of readjustment. It might not be fun to see your own wrongs, but it's a valid learning point


Ego is illusory, and in fact the source of all evil in the universe

The ego is part of the carrot and stick life we live and the progenitor of all desire, what is best is the total elimination of desire


>what is best is the total elimination of desire

So you can be like this guy apathetically awaiting his death https://wizardchan.org/v9k/res/179485.html ?

Fuck off ego hater.

I personally have practically no desire and am struggling very hard to cultivate any kind of desire or love for life.


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The carrot and stick way of life is caused by the slavery mindset and emotional programming which is caused by natural selection, not Ego.

The death of Ego leads to permanent death, which is not really bad, but fairly undesirable in this board.

We are the dragons, not the damsels in distress.


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"The Ego" which I spoke of is not actually "an ego" at all, and by "an ego" I mean, and I believe you too mean, the False-self. I differentiated the Ego from "an ego", the True Self from the False-self, and I used earlier the term "the Ego" to refer to the concept of ego-hood established by Atkinson.

Remember now; "the Ego" is the True Self, "an ego" the False-self.

Here I have compiled what I believe to be a useful chart. It's based on Atkinson's concept of ego-hood, or Personhood. It is composed of seven cores. First five I call "the False-self", the sixth one the "Self", or "True Self". The seventh is the Absolute, or God, or as I ceremonially call it, the Brahm. I included the seventh one because, according to Atkinson, the individuals' power IS the power of Brahm. The individual creates akin to Brahm, he is a center of power; but he is not Brahm itself, nay!, but he can manifest great power because of it.

Let us continue!

The first five compose "an ego" which is the False-self. A person who believes himself to be these is ignorant of his True Self, and may act in ignorance, thus doing evil. However, none of these should be abandoned(!); they are great tools to use, but the workman shouldn't associate himself with his tools! The blacksmith doesn't believe himself to be his hammer and and anvil, not at all, but he uses his tools to get what he wants; he makes the perfect work of metal with his tools, and so should the man use his tools to make himself more perfect.

The Ego, the True Self, should use the tools to achieve perfection. Never should one mistake himself for his tools. If he does, he clings to the False-self. When we achieve Egohood, or Personhood, we *know* that we are not the parts that compose the False-self. However, we should remember that these are the great tools given to us, and we ought to make a good use of them! One is not given a precious tool just so that he can throw it away, nay! You have a lot of equipment with you, why not make use of them? Why not use the to attain auto-perfection, personal power?

THIS is the power of the EGO! This is, the Egohood!

We should aim not to eliminate our desires, because then we would abandon our Will, a great tool, if not the greatest. We should however consider what we should desire the most. We should consider what is the most beneficial, the most good thing to desire and why. There is nothing wrong with desiring personal power, for example, because with personal power comes personal freedom. We shouldn't be afraid of desiring wealth, too, because with wealth we can supply ourselves with things we might need to evolve spiritually. Desire, or Will, is a tool most useful, but we should apply it wisely. We use it to HELP ourselves and the others, not to SATISFY our animal-desires.

In short, the Ego is a tool best used to achieve spiritual growth by means of applying it wisely. While the animal-man has his eyes set on himself and his animal-desires, the occultist has his eyes set on self-perfection and God. He uses his Ego humbly and wisely, not to achieve momentary pleasure or fame or such, but to achieve greatness, to achieve Perfection.

This all I call the Egohood.

Quite amusing that you would say what you said, because yesterday I thought about this, and wanted to make myself more clear. Thank you.


You are using your ego to even make this post…


You are desiring-desire, or still have a will to live, therefore you still have desire
Okay, that makes more sense, thank you



You don't know the way to enlightenment. Destoying the ego is not good. The separation between one thing and the next is the texture of the universe and is a truth affirmed in the throat chakra. The sense of 'self' that is felt in relation to 'other' is Ego. It is a truth affirmed in the solar plexus chakra.

Desire is good. It is the thing that is the precursor to action. That thing which should be abandoned is attachment. It is okay to desire this thing or that thing but if faced with an immovable obstacle between yourself and your desire it is unattachment which allows you to stop, re-evaluate, and retain your energy in anticipation of a new desire or redirect it elsewhere without stifling it. The truth of essential nature of desire is affirmed in the sacral chakra.


Fantastic post. Where can I read more on Atkinson? I personally feel very energized by this post. The notion that all these notions of false selves are valuable tools resonates greatly with me, and I would like to acquire more knowledge behind this

Thank you.


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Thank you, I am delighted!

There's a lot of Atkinson books here, >>1, and I'd, along with the others, recommend the Kybalion, The Arcane Teaching & Formulas and Vril, or Vital Magnetism. These offer a clear and useful cosmology which might help to understand other occult texts, especially Hermeticism. If you are interested in personal power, there is a book by similar name which offers some views on self-improving. The first book in the series (the Personal Power book is composed of shorter ones) explains some aspects of Egohood, so I recommend you to read it. I cannot quite yet comment on rest of the books, as I am still in middle of reading it.

If you wish practical books, you ought to check out Science of Breath. There is also Practical Water Cure, but I have yet to read it. However, Science of Breath is a recommended book here on /fringe/.

Let not the terminology intimidate you, and do not be disappointed if you do not understand something immediately! Sometimes you'll have to read Atkinson's other works to grasp the ideas he wishes to convey, but this shouldn't be too much of a trouble, especially as his works are short.

There's a lot of other works you might be interested in, but you should check out the link I gave and do some search of your own. Eat what interests you, there is plenty to eat, but do try out the other dishes!

Grow strong, friend!


PracticalWaterCure TLDR: Drink a lot of water, else shit will fail to dissolve properly and will stay in your tract and cause various funny stuff. To treat this and remove the shit, give yourself an enema of about a liter/quart and become /fit/. If becoming /fit/ is impossible for some reason, repeat enema once a month. Also, wash yourself in cold or lukewarm water, preferably cold.


>give yourself an enema and clean your tract with water

Crazy synchronicity: my whole day has been basically about this.


>get /fit/
So do wizards lift weights? Or is it all just bodyweight exercises?


I do callisthenics and yoga, because I want something that can be done anywhere regardless of circumstance. I cannot however claim to speak for all wizards.


>Calisthenics and yoga
Sounds good to me.


I lift weights. I'll probably compete in powerlifting at some point in the future. Resistance training is far and away the most efficient form of exercise.



What about desiring someone's love, in this lifetime and in the spiritual planes as well? How does that relate to the ego?

I want this person to love me back with her own free will. I do not wish to force anything upon her and would like for her to expand her consciousness and project her free will according to whatever she wants.

But I do desire her love as well.

This is the only reason I am learning how to be more spiritually aware.

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