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c90cad No.79142

Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

As my interest and understanding growth about the occult, power and magick and the way it all operates, I've found myself having an on/off relationship with it.

It never completely slips my mind, but I usually go from total devotion to only admiration (if you can call it that) and contemplation.

And I'd like to really get in tune with all of it, and perfect myself in the most efficient ways, be that physically, mentally and spiritually, for that is what I believe to be one of the main reasons we're here.

But I feel like sometimes I just lack discipline and motivation, and end up slacking for a few weeks, which puts me off my balance and depth.

Which is the reason I'd like to know, in your opinion, what are the best methods and routines to keep yourself in the path, to improve, to grow, to practice, to keep in balance with all the elements and to experience all there is to experience.

I haven't developed my own routine yet, but I feel like that would be a good idea, and to see what difference it makes when you truly apply to a repeated routine instead of chaotic practices, will to learn and instinctive decisions.

ae80ae No.79162

Don't follow occultism as a path that leads to a direction that is discernable by you, it's not, and if it says it is it's lying.

One, don't live in a town or city, spend all of your time in solitude and around nature, this is to prevent the mind control embedded in society through culture to take seed in your mind.

Two, appreciate everything around you, from a blade of grass to an oak tree. Treat animals with utmost respect and recognise them as beloved by the creator, for you are also beloved by the creator. Everything in this world is deeply loved by the creator and it pains him to see suffering and injustice, because he wants and hopes that you recognise that the creator is so loving, that he gave you free will, and that he would like you to love everything like he does.

Three, do not fall into the trap of rational thinking. Rational thought is satanism, it is the denial of god, it is the flame of prometheus, it is the acting upon assumptions, it is evil. You are not god, but you are his, so act as god for he is perfect. Going against him when it is clear that his ways are just is sin. Do not sin. All sin is equal in god's eyes however, but only you will judge yourself when hell comes knocking for you.

c90cad No.79172


Can you explain what you mean by this?

>Don't follow occultism as a path that leads to a direction that is discernable by you, it's not, and if it says it is it's lying.

By this,

>Going against him when it is clear that his ways are just is sin. Do not sin. All sin is equal in god's eyes however, but only you will judge yourself when hell comes knocking for you.

Do you mean that you believe in hell? And I mean a hell apart from the one we create here on earth, or the hell that can sometimes be perceived in our own lives and minds?

e3a473 No.79232


>Rational though is sin

are you retarded, rational though is necessary to evolve spiritually

a0ba53 No.79263


>"Everything in this world is deeply loved by the creator and it pains him…"

>applying human emotions to THE ALL

a0ba53 No.79264

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Just be sure to meditate at least 15 minutes a day.

Besides that, just find some area you are interested in, read, study it, and make a routine out of the exercises of that same area of interest.

Ignore what that anon says about not following your own Path, and also what he says about living in solitude. Not everyone can live in a monastery and eat leaves for lunch.

But do respect nature and try to make bonds with it, and do "force" amazement for the little things. That is going to bring you real reasons to be amazed.

c98486 No.79278

There is a powerful way to train extreme discipline and motivation, but it requires dedication and can be extremely dangerous and result in what mundanes call a "manic episode" as it uses willpower to create more willpower in a positive feedback loop. Our society is simply not designed to accommodate people who truly have free will - the vast majority of mankind is chained by fear, doubt, and fuzzy decision making, even and especially who we consider the most powerful.

If you're willing to commit, accept the risks, and all else has failed, reply and I will give details.

c90cad No.79279


I think that is exactly what I'm looking for, I'm just not being able of getting a grip on that firm commitment and dedication, can you help?

d91789 No.79286


This better not involve me eating my own shit or something like that.

e3e508 No.79295


please do go on

3d1045 No.79303


Have another reply. I am in need of this as well. I am actively seeking methods to inspire dedication.

dcba6a No.79316


Yes I'm interested

349233 No.79318



c98486 No.79336

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The problem causing a lack of motivation and willpower is that people make decisions incompletely and without organization, and are thus ruled by their subconsciousness. Most of their thinking is responses to what is outside them: to written words, images, and others speaking. Think of how much writing there is on the internet, so many debates and petty arguments, yet there is so very little directed at one's self, it is always for others. One must learn to communicate with themselves.

The tool to do this is written language, which is without doubt the most important invention in all of human history. With language transient and fuzzy thoughts become concrete, they can be inspected and re-arranged. Pen and paper can expand the power of one's mind more than any other tool, which is so true that we take it for granted: how many numbers or words can you hold in your memory compared to writing them down, and how easily? Writing makes informational storage trivial.

So the method involves writing to yourself to change behavior and action. I recommend using pen and paper for this, as it is much more physical than writing words on a computer screen.

With the power of your own words you will be convincing yourself to act, feel, and think exactly as you direct, literally writing your own victory. The premise is that it is impossible to not act on something you have fully decided is reasonable to do. The problem is that often our decisions are not "fully decided," they're in a disorganized haze in our minds, pushed and pulled by subconscious drives and desires.

Think of a problem you have, such as a fear, feeling unmotivated to do something, procrastination, etc and write it down. From here on out you will be writing out all of your thoughts on paper and reviewing them as you go. Start with a small problem, such as needing to exercise or do housekeeping. Now ask yourself questions such as "What is causing this problem?" and "what can I do to help solve this problem?"

Now try to answer these questions as fully as possible. Be honest with yourself and how you truly feel and think about them.

Next, think of a range of possible solutions that can solve the problem either fully or partially. List pros and cons and each solution, and again be honest with personal cons. Narrow down solutions to a single one you can do immediately, or set an exact time to do it if you cannot, using a cell phone timer to remind yourself.

If this process has worked you will put the pen and paper down and immediately do what you have willed yourself to do without a single trace of reluctance: you have fully consciously decided to do something and forced your subconscious to comply. If you still feel reluctance, write down that you feel reluctant and explore the reasons why, and argue against those reasons - don't give your subconscious a single out, a single reason to resist.

c98486 No.79337

You will then do whatever you have resolved to do. If you lose motivation in the process of doing it, or if you set a timer to do it later you feel unmotivated again, start the process over with the problem being your lack of being able to initiate or complete the task.

When you are finished, go back to your journal and write about your victory. You have successfully willed yourself to do something using only your own mind to do so. You must feel an emotional reward as a result, and if you don't, write out what is keeping you from feeling that way - perhaps it is hidden doubts or thoughts that it isn't actually an accomplishment. Don't just use this process on actions you want to do, but also unwanted negative emotions you want to overcome.

Here's the most vital part of the process: you use the emotional reward you gained as motivation and capital to continue the process with another task, and then use the emotional momentum from that to do another in a continuous and self-reinforcing chain. Tasks become easier and easier to perform, and within two weeks you will have developed them into good mental habits. This can also make this process dangerous if your mind is wired a certain way, as one can will manic euphoria and impulsivity into themselves that sustains itself like a drug your own mind makes before it finally burns out as the errors and bad decisions you make in a manic state catch up to you.

Eventually your self-inquiry will develop into scheduling and routine, and you will organize out your day. You'll take the above template and tailor it more specifically to your own needs as you ask questions to yourself regarding how to do so. Eventually you won't need to rely as heavily on journaling, but for major decisions it is always a valuable tool to organize your thoughts.

So that's it, no magick, no tricks, reads like stereo instructions. However as long as you have enough motivation to pick up a pen and write, it will work. Starting is also the hardest part of the process. Remember to use caution if you choose to use this technique, and at any point you feel euphoric or "enlightened" notify people whom you trust who are close to you in case you lose the ability to think rationally, or see a mental health professional.

c90cad No.79351


Thanks, I might try this.

Its a good method to handle things, specially big or tough decisions.

Are you the same person who posted

>>79278 ?

If so, can you explain why/how dangerous this can get? Is it THAT good of a method? (guess I wont know till I try it for myself)…

b7ff6b No.79365


>people responding to an obvious hypocrite

I'm sure you're avoiding societies mind control by posting on 8ch.net.

1f00b7 No.79368


thanks anon I will try, especially since writing has a strong psychological effect on me.

c90cad No.79371


Why the book picture btw?

7bcee9 No.79473


so was this >>79336 you?

06276f No.97069


Interesting, but I thought sin was missing the mark?

34c285 No.97073


Hahahaha that's soooo cute like totally adorable omg

I was going to give you advice until I saw your cringy chaos magician flag

Ooooo chaos

I bet you are also some sort of cryptokike

This is a white nationalist board, buddy

5460b1 No.97074


That's the etymological definition, and a non-religious/nuanced way of interpreting it. But, that Anon is a clear christcuck, so nothing to see here.

a51257 No.97108




>mfw Im actually legit manic depressive and this is all complete bullshit

You don't understand a manic episode for shit buddy. Your method is good I give you that, but learn to discern your vocabulary. Its just kind of rude to natural psychics like myself that have to deal with these ebbs and flows in natural cycles instead of having to completely instigate them myself.

The conclusion you've come to is natural in that the human mind in its own nature is a bit disorganized and that by leaving external reminders in a form the conscious mind can understand it will take care of most of the dirty work for you. This is 100% correct, use it wisely.

If anyone actually wants to induce a manic episode I know of a drug induced state that perfectly replicates it. If you push your psyche to its limit you'll even have a prolonged ego death/psychotic break as you delve deep into the archetypal world. Its not safe, you might end up in a psych ward, but it unlocks deep secrets within.

>plateau sigma

In the 2 years since I've found and been experimenting with this drug induced state my empathy has risen exponentially, I've begun receiving visions, my ceremonial magic has gotten more powerful, Ive gotten more focused and dedicated to my life path, my intellectual and rational thinking have increased, and so have my creative abilities.

If anyone's interested I have the dosing routine

548d24 No.97114


interested also

3f7799 No.97119


I am also curious

8af5b4 No.97137



This has all been working incredibly well for me, thanks for posting it. Today has been my most productive day in a month's time, and I've experienced drastically less anxiety.

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