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Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 66rd Attention-Hungry Games
/nothingness/ - R I S E U P

December 2018 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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>be doing carbon based lifeforms meditation for three hours

>connect to girl i want to make connection with

>vivid imagery, shes riding me violently like a schoolgirl with five minutes alone before class starts in the bathroom

>i want in on this, shes in charge like a wild animal

>try to be more firm

>end up flaying her and wearing her skin

>can't feel her presence anymore




Did she died?


i doubt it but she definitively put up a barrier/refuses to listen.

i think she was fapping after me trying to connect my penis to her stomach for a while, which is why i out of nowhere had her sitting on top of me.

imagine fapping to some feel good feel being sent to you, you just wanna pound or ride it hard and suddenly you get a dreadful feel of being suffocated/trapped and skinned in an instant.

poor girl. it wasn't intentional.


This is my fear with things like telepathy or being in the astral: that my senses wander off and an intrusive thought becomes prevalent.


>dream of history and past life

>wake up with tears and feels in the otherwise empty temple


Pet crystal is trying to escape. Ungrateful mineral.



You probably didn't feed her enough bro.


Moldavite shattered, tipp broken.

tipp is dead, long love tipp.


I am Moloch. You ate Moloch. We are Moloch.

I am Moloch.

Moloch is the Demiurge, the four pillars, FireAirWaterEarth, the non conscious while still sentient lower vibrations which must abide to the higher vibrations of Spirit upon which matter rests.

Spirit by which the Demiurge flows according to is not Moloch.


The Knights of Malta is Moloch with Spirit.

Illuminati is Moloch void of Spirit.

CERN is a tool by the Knights to forcibly raise planetary consciousness and have each person Illuminated, according to their Doctrine of Lucifer, the true God hidden to the West by organised religion.

CERN will make the ground shake and heavens thunder as the planet is now forced to accumulated frequency of a vibration not natural to this cycle, the planet is evolving as a mind coiled in Soul, once it is enough of a receiver it can channel Spirit.

Lucifer is raising the Snake, Kundalini, being like the mind if God. It is to be Illuminated with knowledge and wisdom.


While the Illuminati wishes to keep people sedated and occupied in a lower state of consciousness, one of survival, like animals.

But are both of these not agencies of the church?

How old is this conspiracy, all the way back to the establishment of Roman London? Or further back, who really inherited or redesigned the faith at the council of Nicaea?




Breaking eggs to see what is inside.





shalom fellow jew


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“The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas.”



Take a hike.


>don't fap for a day

>already don't sleep more than three hours a day and have spirits lecture/cuss me out

>get to a point where beautiful woman would throw a torrent of shame at me

>in bed, still listening to her lecturing me

>had enough

>start going "wääh wääh WÄÄÄH" to express what she sounded like to me

>wake up doing wääh sounds at the really angry angel

Life sure is strange.


Great success. Mastered the tantras of LOA & channeling heavenly energy through crown.

It feels like Ryan Goku next to amputee Krillin.


wouldn't say mastered but had a major breakthrough in auramancing.

>able to infuse whole being with color of related chakra after a couple of minutes breathing

>thereafter can rapidly switch between them

>can feel the chakra in question pulse powerfully doing so, no weed, no help, no substitutes

>can feel all the emotions related to it

>after cycling everyone have them light up, color to area on body, feel like a rainbow

its a big 1up, i'm going to see if i can mess with someone who can see auras by switching changing quickly on public transport, rave or mineral pet shop.

will post meditations for these three soon.


oh, and, going from bottom to up i hear, clearly, buzzing white noise ramping up and ending in something that sounds like a pure singing bowl reaching the higher chakras. its not discrete, you hear it clearly.


new tantra for meditating with crystals.

>thumb & finger pinching crystal

>energy to crystal through finger

>energy into heart, distributed to aura or to specific chakra from thumb

>after a while it'll flow naturally and you don't have to coax it

>so far only tried moldavite, body overflowing with power

>100% attention and focus, directed to any body part you'll feel everything

>will probably make you stretch any part you focus

found this while googling something unrelated, probably a good read, saving it here.



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>get warm giddy feels

>shes thinking of me

that puss mine soon.


>open the wrong folder looking for image

>lord why do you tempt me so



"Take a hike you filthy kike"

"Fuck you jew"



thats not what i said.



do you even /a/nimu?

take a hike and fly a kite, kid.


doing good progress with sufi spinning and flow, good to spice things up in dance trancework.


>tfw no fulgurite wand


facial expression, scalp tension, tongue placements all related to the highest chakras are much more frequent after having consciously felt and learned the muscles and channeling from crown.

>tongue out retard poses

crickle crackle.


Getting my hands on a rams head is tedious.

Anyone here own a farm with animals, can sell me &ship and perhaps is willing to do a ritual accompanied by the slaughter and boiling of it?





just make a mental ram and slaughter that



but i need the cranium. and the blood. and the liver.


In order for the "immaterial" Spirit, consciousness, to manifest in the material and exert its active will (not the passive guiding of evolution of matter through established universal laws) upon the demiurge it needs to inhabit a construct of equal evolution able to synchronize and channel it, the varying perfection of the body determines the maximum capacity of Spirit channeled at one point.


the stronger the vessel, the more consciousness able to pierce the veil.


>wake up in dream next to qt in dormitory bed, holy shit this is real, panic of having woken up from a bad dream and into reality wuth only memories of a dream"scuse me, who are you? I can't remember a thing, I don't know who you are, I don't know my name or where I am, help me."

>adventure ensues



Out of curiosity are you still having troubles with your energy body?




Trying to correlate confusion and lack of control within dreams with my issue?

Might be but I doubt it because halfway through the dream I'm climbing a 100 feet ladder into nothingness, "ladder of change", chased by the principal and someone the shadow of a figure, screaming I have to much potential and am not allowed to risk climbing it.

Reaching the top there is stillness, looking out over the area I for the first time realize that >this is the dream, principal says we should go down, its a bit shaky, I'm normally afraid/unwilling of heights but I think this ladder cured it to some degree, the ladder is shaky and I say it would be a bother to climb down, might step on those below, don't trust them not to rock the ladder which leans against nothing and does wobble, before I know it three giants appear, the ladder is no more than 20 feet high, at the same time the giant is 100 feet tall, giant gives me a kind smile, he looks like a hippie with long hair and somewhat thin frame, urges me to jump onto his back, I do and it turns out this giant is the comfiest giant ever, hugging his back feels like being surrounded by warm cotton made out of love, we walk towards the sunset and fade out into next scene, walking with girl I woke up with, earlier I had told a teacher while trolling class "I'm not from around here", which lead to something else, bla bla cover was blown, realize I can't play the dream like I'm from around there, they know I'm different, want to kiss girl because shes cute, she wont get closer than two steps because I'm not the one I'm possessing, decide I've had my fun, leave.

Spent better part of a day, dreamtime, putting on a coolface pretending like I know what I'm doing, like I know the teachers and tasks and what not.

Lucid dreaming is fun. The strangest things happen.


Don't eat the dream Kiwi, its a trap.




Its not easy when its tough.


stay with me

>have this idea planets grow since before

>looking at youtube video that brings up piri reis map

>getting tired of hearing about it with no new discoveries

>look up world tectonic plates over southern america in relation to video and "Aztlan", lost home of the amerindians

>tectonic plate not broken over argentina, argues against the piri reis map being a coast line depiction in favor or being an actual map of antarctica looted or copied from greek/egyptian libraries with connections from earlier kick start civlizations built by and given knowledge to by the people, "gods", from ruined antarctica or from another planet

>looking at the tectonic plates they remind me the plates on a skull

>back to planets grow

>now to saturn

>back to planets grow

>find below detailing idea


> . . .

>during a planets evolution it reaches intervals of equilibrium and stability where the rotational speed allows for inflation without breaking apart

>back to saturn

>back to earth

>earth is hollow

>all planets are hollow


>if it has a non corporeal soul manifest in the electro magnetic spectrum like the earth it must at the very least have a semi solid non gaseous core


>>Saturn is approximately 75% hydrogen and 25% helium with traces of other substances like methane and water ice.

>it must have a solid core or else the aliens wouldn't garden the rings to broadcast it

>further the core must be incredibly hot due to pressure

>if not saturn already has passed its interval of equilibrium and is instead rotating as such speeds that the outward force causes the pressure of the gases density to be at a negative

>but then the planet wouldn't be?

>depends on how quickly this happens

>we'd know

>saturn lives

>it has a core of molten rock and metal


>> What they have never been able to confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt is the answer to does Saturn have a solid core.

>>core accretion theory

>>it’s low density seems to point to more of a liquid metal and rock mixture at the core.


>anti thesis to spirit

>composition of an infant sun

>no ignition

>a living planet has a hollow core of molten metal much like a soap bubble, sometime hitting a sweet spot in its planetary evolution with an enough forceful rotation a planets core expands from the center

>if conditions are right the rotational speed will counteract the ludicrous vacuum caused by a potentially air tight sphere of matter, stretching space towards zero causing the dimension of energy upon which matter rests to pierce the veil, creating a sun

somewhere along this train of thought i realized that gravity as a force does not exist, there is instead density and attraction between positive and negative energy


I did it. I'm done. You read it here first.


>saturn ate his son

>rings of saturn and asteroid belt come from a rekked planet

Did Saturn use to shine? Did it fade in relation to Neptune getting destroyed or crashing into it? Did Neptune and Saturn collide because Saturn faded? Was is Saturns gravity? Saturn is a Gas giant and would likely be plowed through by a planet, dense and with rich variety of atoms for life, Did Neptune and Nibiru crash and Saturn merely picking up pieces? Are Neptune & Nibiru the same?

Neptune I'm talking about is not the Neptune discovered September 23, 1846 but the one from history, religions, fables, the one talked about by the people who came to Earth from elsewhere.


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hurr durr durr


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>tfw people mistake me knowing them better than themselves for arrogance

>tfw layered people of substance are rare


happy birthday anon.


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>have canine fetish

>two weeks of nofap conjures up an erotic bitch who suckles and rides me

>have mental orgasm like I imagine a heroin rush might be like

>cuddle and love a fluffy wolf tenderly

>enjoying her daily patronage

>feels good man




When spirit animals are basically saying nofap is bad for folk.


Now this is quality shitposting!


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Wake up empty

Dry drunk

Fools gold on every corner

This is the beginning of my hypersigil

Chaos is my favorite kind of Xpectation



Wow bro, that's seems a little, thin-skinned :^)



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I know right, fucking normalfags


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>magical arab dodging the law while his skinwalker goats watch and video


I can't stop smiling. Literally. Because of enhanced neural rewiring, doing internal alchemy on exstacy my jaw will cramp if i don't smile.

The hard thing is, the smile has to be sincere, I can't just pull my lips, all the muscles in the jaw, cheek up to the eyes must be used or I'm in constant slackjawed agony.

I've been finding a lot more reasons to smile recently.



"I have no face and I must smile." Sounds terrible.



A gift from God, truly, and he does not allow me to spoil it.

On my way to the psychiatrist im bullshitting and i cant stop smiling like my dick is hanging through a portal in my pants and someone on the other side is zuk.


´= _ =`


Woke up staring at something ethereal on the side of my bed this night, about a meter tall, curious and way to close for comfort, wings, lithe, hooves, "cute" presence.

My pack of ciggs are missing.


upboat thread

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