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I need you guidance and advice, so reposting this here.

2 days ago, I posted http://8ch.net/pol/res/6917670.html#6930000 just before the thread filled up. 5 minutes later I slipped in the kitchen and broke my right wrist, called a cab and went to the hospital. Got out earlier today after surgery.

In the ER, they put me in the room in middle pic where they put on a temporary cast. Note the dubs and kek-like green smily face.

Anyway, when I got back today, I noticed the Kek meme image I originally posted has Kek holding up his right arm, and a bright light exactly where I broke my wrist.

Also, I didn't know about this null & void meme until today, was completely ignorant about it, I just reposted what I thought was a Kek meme magic image.

My question is, am I still in danger? Or was that the activation cost for that spell? What should I do? Help!


and here's the other thread on /pol/ for your reference…



> shitpost about sincronicities

> gets a major one

> freaks out when finally awoken

> that 11 on the door

This is hardly a coincidence. This is the way the "universe" talks to you. The question is, its legit? And if so, whats the mean?

> tfw dubs and gets will be the signs for prophets in the future

> tfw the universe is getting danker


Montalk has some good shit relating to synchronicities and what are good and positive synchronicities vs engineered and bad ones.

What should you do?

Praise Kek even more!


pure cohencidence



Kek is nu-illuminati

Just because it poisons people doesn't mean it isn't powerful.



>he says as he looshes me


Shit son you the chosen one


The alternative was worse.


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The oathbreaker didn't break your arm.

maybe it was that demon you've all been worshipping.

Masons are trying to fuck this website. (((Jim))) is a mason.

Oathbreaker is an anti-masonic memetic hazard

kek is a pro-masonic memetic hazard(mirroring the cycle of christ's passion)

>rise (rare pepes)

>death (crucifixion via normalfag)

>rebirth (discovery of kek)

typical masonic faggotry trying to get you to worship fucking demons.

Masons are the cancer OBKR is the chemo



Thank you anon.



So when ever you see a bunch of posters freaking out when someone posts oathbreaker, they're likely masons? I've had my suspicions that there are freemasons guiding /pol/ towards some end for a while. Might also explain why threads about Carl Munck's The Code get sunk by the mods on that board. Can't let the biggest masonic secrets get out.


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in fact, I suspect the memetic roots of pepe may be masonic in nature.

Pepe was created by San Fransisco based ink-slinger Matt Furie, appeared in the serialized comic strip Boys Club which he has described to be about "the adventures of funny-animal stoners"

funny-animal s were the precursor to furfags(look into this faggots), stoners are self-explanitory. Pepe himself is rooted in degenerate ideals.

This is the description of the comic (((Amazon))) gives

>Boy's Club is the debut comic by smokin' hot newcomer Matt Furie, featuring teenage monsters Andy, Brett, Landwolf, and Pepe who are always "drinkin', stinkin' and never thinkin'

Now, let's examine how and why pepe the frog was a good memetic device. Starting with his memetic origins. Pepe is a versatile meme, he's from a serialized comic so there are bound to be exploitable panels. His cartoon is easy to copy, make into vectors, and spread. He is shown in a number of situations that bear a number of different expressions; These can easily be used to communicate on imageboards. He can promote a cause, tell jokes, and in essence be used by any person for any reason.

In a matter of months, a comic about a pot smoking frog got turned into the poster boy for NEET withdraw and the feeling of lonliness, I'm sure many of you know the rest. After this, he was memetically canonized and the normalfags swooped in like vultures. Many counter-measures were made with the most successful being POOPOOPEEPEE. Then, through a combination of [s4s] and old WoW memes we started saying 'kek' to express laughter, and found eurosnax by the same name. It was clear synchronicity was on our side again when /intl/'s heh pilled nonsense was quickly and thoroughly BTFO by our discovery of the ancient egyptian deification of primordial darkness that conveniently goes by the same name.

Then, the cultist nonsense began, the rest is history(and if you haven't been browsing for the past two years at least stfu and gtfo, this post isn't 4U) yes, it's been two whole years since 2014, time flies when the world's ending

Now, let's look at what scripture has to say about this.

Revelation 16:13

>And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet

Revelation 16:14

>For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty

Revelation 16:15

>Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame

Revelation 16:16

>And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

>a multi-faceted frog will come from the beast, perform miracles, then betray you

>Behold, I come as a thief *smug expression*

sound familiar? Kek is accelerationism for the end of the world.


>I've had my suspicions that there are freemasons guiding /pol/ towards some end for a while.

It's clear they are at this point. Masons worship a frog idol name of JahBulOn

JAH = Jahweh, the God of the Hebrews.

BUL = Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god associated with 'licentious rites of imitative magic

ON = Osiris, the Ancient Egyptian god of the underworld.

Kek worship is an unholy amalgamation of gnosticism, kabbalah, and the scottish rites.



>when ever you see a bunch of posters freaking out when someone posts oathbreaker, they're likely masons?

probably not directly, lurk masonic threads on /pol/ there are lots of them creeping there, defending their oaths.



Well if you believe in Christian prophecy, isn't it a good thing in a way that Kek is being used to accelerate things towards the end when the Messiah shall return?



Thank you anon.



It might be, the cultists are the ones willingly flinging themselves into the lake of fire, trying to let you know what you're getting into / spread info.

Personally think end will come about once the kikes construct an eruv around the whole planet and meme the antichrist into reality. He could be kek, he's probably Judas since he's the only other person in recoded history to die twice in the same lifetime, pretty sure he got kicked out of Hell.



Thank you anon.



You keep saying that.



The board is under attack for some reason.



business as usual.


most important thing is to not get freaked out. you have to just go with it




I've heard a story of an anon, that saw a weird cable running trough all his city, and whenever he cut it, some weird jewish men replaced it, and this cable was interconneted trough jewish religious buildings and homes.


Update: my first followup appointment is on aug 11th




that would be the eruv.




Omg that's it.

All we he to do is target the cohesiveness of the Jews Masons and NWO and watch them crumble.

Imagine the potential.


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sure hope you were speaking the truth there


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I would like to add that the transformation from Pepe to Kek perfectly embodies the masonic belief of man ascending into Godhood by his own merits.

As a brief primer, the ancient Egyptian gods are some of the most powerful anti-Abrahamic memes. No other nation so greatly opposed and conquered the Yahudym (children of God); a defeat so great that their very freedom required divine intervention and miracles not again seen until the time of Christ. Kek (and Isis) are being reborn again in the modern world, along with the all seeing eye of Horus (ever-present in American society), which represent a spiritual rebirth of Egypt's ancient reign over Yahowah, who is known as the "demiurge", or supreme villain, of Gnostic circles. As we know, Masonry is heavily influenced by Gnosticism, Although Masonry claims to praise him, they actually defame Yahowah by mutating him into a combination of his two greatest enemies, creating Jahbulon—the god Canaanites and the god of the Egyptians: Baal and Osiris respectively, are combined with Yahowah into a hideous monster "Architect" god.

Anyway, back to Pepe and Kek. The "birth" (or rather, "ascension") of Kek is pretty interesting, wouldn't you agree? It all came about so…organically. It was a meme of humble beginnings, (much like the average mason, starting out), that has since risen from obscurity to omnipresence, Now, he has literally been deified. Now, of course there was a long initiation process of Pepe "working his way" to meme status, but then all of a sudden, this ancient frog hieroglyph was (((introduced))) into the chan consiciousness, (with its perfect computer NEET representative), and the descriptions of said god held powerful associations with chan culture: chaos, darkness, and of course (((bringing light))). And of course, it has completely appropriated Dubs culture, which has always been a powerful chan meme, "Kek is the god of repeating digits"…pure coincidence, right? Not to mention, his new name had been primed for years in WoW circles, embedding itself in NEET culture through one of the rare confluent pastimes of both autists and normies alike for maximum exposure via the most popular MMORPG of all time.

Kek is now, without hyperbole, the veritable "god" of memes. He is infinitely applicable. There are more Kek/Pepe memes than anything else on the net, and they have resisted any and all attempts to subvert it. It is a meme, that when confronted with reddit and normie cancer, completely and utterly blew them the fuck out and kept evolving. There is seemingly no end to situations that Kek can be applied to because no matter what figure or event happens, a smug pepe can ALWAYS be shopped onto it. Wojack is similar in this way, but Wojack is not a god. Wojack clearly represents MAN, not God. Hence their perfect relationship. It's no wonder that between these two, Kek is clearly the dominant one, the tormentor and destroyer of Wojack in many, many memes. Kek has, in short, through his own Journeyman travels and endurance, has broken through the meme barrier and achieved immortality. He represents the mason achieving his own godhood through works. It is a perfect simile.

As an aside, I find some the Kek art today to be truly genius. There are occult Kek images that blow my mind in their specificity. These are practically Sistine Keks we're talking about here. And not only that, but we have witnessed Kek's many "works of wonder" in real life as well. He is now consider the sole representative of the concept of Meme Magick, and people attribute all good works of chaos unto his name, without irony. I have reason to believe that Kek is either a brilliant psyop or indeed, a divinely engineered creation. The Devil has many tricks, my friends. He is infinitely smarter than we ever could dream, and his immortality grants him a perspective of time that dwarfs our understanding. Is it so absurd to think he could place a computer on a statue solely to engineer a new way to fuck us a few thousand years later, only this time with "meme magic" as a new deity? Remember, 4000 years is like 4 days for him. And he knows EXACTLY how subtle to be.



Keep the revelations coming. Btw what do you even mean by "the devil" and why do you say he's really old?


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speaking of synchronicities…

I noticed this recently for the first time and I built this computer about 2 years ago.


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I don't know, you appear to view Kek as a tormentor of men, and i'm not sure it's a entire precise description. Not that no men will not be hurt by his actions, but he is said to be the god of Chaos, and that is exactly it's purpose.

I believe that he worked in favor of the Kikes before, but now they have attained so much control in their hands even to the point of creating a new world order, that the best way to Kek create Chaos is to disrupt this exact same New World Order they tried do build. It's the pendulum swinging, and i think (((they))) are getting hit again.

Anyone else willing to give his two cents in the matter is welcome.


This talk favourable to Kek is absolutely satanic. Everyone knows Wojak represents the everyman, who is locked into battle against the 'beast' so to speak. Wojak is the patron saint of sympathy and understanding to 21st Century Man. Kek/Pepe is the twisted and dark god of poo poo, pee pee and 'keks' had at the torment of Man.

I've more awe for the deity who sympathises with me and suffers with me, than the shadowy one who laughs at and exults in the suffering.


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Witnessing those digits.



>absolutely satanic

>666 trips





B-b-but Trump's victory, it feels so sweet

>Wojak is the patron saint of sympathy and understanding to 21st Century Man



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Feels Guy is nearly always wrecked or let down, the point of which is comedic empathy. The manifoldness of his despair; his disappointments and pains, are an analogue to those of his followers. These feelings are associated with his avatar, which leads to more Wojak OC in this pathos. Eventually he is confirmed in the popular imagination as a suffering figure, a non-heroic Sisyphyus. I characterise him as a Saint because, unlike Pepe (who shares some of the same pathos), Wojak is nearly always a sympathethic struggling figure with non-harmful intentions, who just wants a GF and happiness, but for the manipulations of fate.


Last night my friends and I realized that part of the reason kek is such a great anti-abrahamic meme in our modern era is because in english kek is close enough to kike to remind your subconscious who kek is fighting.



Wojak is undeserving of sympathy. Wojak represents Dionysus, blinded by hubris. Kek represents Apollo, bringer of nemesis.



Where is Apollo associated with Nemesis? Is that in one of Nietche's stories? Or am I to interpret hubris as always bringing about a fall?

The association to Dionysys is more amusing, he's 'feels' based to a detrimental level, imageboards are a bit of a revelry and he's somewhat a plebian's patron.

Apollo and Kek are the type to flay people; the same type of people, but unless Pepe is seen as a mask used for the undoing of 'hubristic' people for the self-glory of Kek/Apollo, then I dont see the association.



Thank you anon.



I feel like we need a Wojak flag. It's only fair with all the Pepe flags we have.


>bumping a thread that's been dead for several months




>Recursive "k"

Did Kek have a hand in the rise of Nazi Germany?



So the older threads are just for decoration?



If you have nothing to contribute to the discussion like that guy, yeah


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