Visualization & Thoughtforming 09/29/14 (Mon) 21:20:56 No. 81
This thread is for discussion of and gathering of information related to visualization & thoughtforming . Have you read an article or site covering this topic? Post about it in here and give a link after summarizing. Have you found a chapter in a book or even a whole book dedicated to the topic? Post it in here also. What are visualization techniques you personally use? How good are you at thoughtforming? What are you theories pertaining to this matter? If you have any questions about this topic, ask them in here too. I practise heavy visualization every day as part of my daily magical practise. I make 3D numbers and I rotate them around, deform them, put them on thoughtformed hooks and stuff, smash them, knock them over, etc. it's really fun. If you are very skilled you can start to do stuff like create thoughtforms of say chest pieces, place them in your room, and have them all there complete with feeling and sounds and everything! If you ever want an object in your room, you can make it through thoughtforming, you can even make objects you've never seen before and that have really cool functions. There are endless possibilities for using the visual capacity. I recommend Initiation Into Hermetics and the practises in there as a good way to ramp up all the abilities you need for visualization. I'm sure others will give some books, texts, etc. though that can help too, I know the chaos magick texts cover it pretty well too.
09/30/14 (Tue) 02:43:08 No. 256
Chakra Tornado Visualization 09/30/14 (Tue) 05:00:49 No. 272
Here's a chakra visualization technique I received from a friend a while back. As a precursor to this exercise, you should have some basic knowledge about chakras (I'm assuming you do). We can debate whether or not it it will help to refine your subtle energy body, nonetheless, I have found it was helpful in improving my visualization skills (for the record, I have found this exercise beneficial in balancing my energy). 1) First, find a comfortable position to sit still for a while. Keep your back straight, relax your body, and begin to slow down and deepen your breathing. 2) Ground yourself. You can imagine yourself dropping an anchor into the center of the earth and pulling up energy from it if you wish; be creative. 3) Visualize your root chakra as a swirling vortex of energy. Focus on it, figure out whether it is spinning counterclockwise or clockwise, if it is spiraling from the top or bottom; the specifics are up to you. What color is it? Personally I follow the ROYGBIV scheme, thus my root chakra is red. 4) Take that vortex of energy and expand it. Ideally, you want it to look a tornado, with its base beneath your feet and the funnel extending above your head. Try to stabilize this image if you can. Hold this form for a certain number of breaths (up to you, once the concentrated vortex has expanded, I tend to go with 7 breaths per chakra. 5) Condense the tornado back into a smaller vortex, once you have stabilized this image, move onto the next chakra. 6) Repeat steps 3-5 for each of your chakras, in ascending order. 6) Optional: depending on your understanding of chakras, you may believe each energy center to have a front and a back (I do). If this is the case, feel free to extend the technique to fit your beliefs. If you want me to elaborate upon this method, just ask. This may be difficult at first, but with practice, you will improve. By focusing on each individual chakra, not only will your ability to visualize improve, but your understanding of these different aspects of yourself will improve along with it. I hope this helps. P.S. Regarding visualization, you may find the Lesser banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Middle Pillar Exercise to be tremendously helpful (in more ways than simply improving your ability to visualize).
09/30/14 (Tue) 05:27:47 No. 276
>>272 Could you elaborate number 6, please?
Chakra Tornado Visualization Part 2 09/30/14 (Tue) 06:16:53 No. 280
>>276 Absolutely. Whereas I learned the original technique from a friend, I have modified it in order to work with a more complex chakra model. I first encountered this energy model in Barbara Brennan's "Hands of Light" (a very interesting read regarding energy healing: ). The attached image is from her book.
The procedure is very similar to my previous post; I've edited it in order to explain the visualization in more detail.
According to this model, the root chakra appears as a downward facing vortex, while the crown chakra appears as an upward facing vortex. The remaining 5 chakras resemble a horizontal hourglass. Note that at each chakra, energy is being transferred from the external environment into your body.
1) First, find a comfortable position to sit still for a while. Keep your back straight, relax your body, and begin to slow down and deepen your breathing.
2) Ground yourself. You can imagine yourself dropping an anchor into the center of the earth and pulling up energy from it if you wish; be creative.
3) Visualize your root chakra as an inverted vortex of energy moving from beneath you up into your body (particularly your perineum). What color is it? Personally I follow the ROYGBIV scheme, thus my root chakra is red.
4) Rotate this vortex (180 degrees) of energy and expand it. Ideally, you want it to look a tornado, with its base beneath your feet and the funnel extending above your head. Try to stabilize this image if you can. Hold this form for a certain number of breaths (up to you, once the concentrated vortex has expanded, I tend to go with 7 breaths per chakra.
5) Condense the tornado back into a smaller vortex, and rotate it back into its original position. once you have stabilized this image, move onto the next chakra.
6)These next five chakras will have a slightly different procedure. Moving on to your sacral chakra, focus on the portion entering the front of your body. Stabilize this image and then rotate it 90 degrees so that the vortex surrounds you. Focus on this for 7 breaths and then rotate it back into its original position. Stabilize then repeat this procedure with the portion entering from behind you.
7) Follow this procedure for the five central chakras.
8) Follow the original procedure for the crown (no rotation necessary).
Feel free to alter this procedure to whatever feels best for you. 7 breaths per chakra (7-14 really) is not necessary, it is simply what I do. Try to spend a decent amount of time on each chakra, some may require more time than others.
If you found this interesting, you may wish to check out the book I mentioned earlier to find out more about the healing of your subtle bodies.
09/30/14 (Tue) 12:45:55 No. 297
>>280 Thank you, I really appreciate it!
09/30/14 (Tue) 12:49:24 No. 298
>>272 >>280 Your chakra meditation sounds very similar to what was written in the Book of Knowledge Practically identical except his method used a sphere of energy instead of a vortex though since it's a visualization exercise the shape matters little.
09/30/14 (Tue) 18:56:03 No. 310
>>297 You are quite welcome.
>>280 Honestly, I'm not surprised. I have not read "The Book of Knowledge," yet, but I'll take a look at it when I have some spare time. As I said in the original post, I learned this technique from a friend of mine. Where exactly he learned it, I am not quite sure; if my memory serves me correctly, he said it was a book he picked up in the late 1980's or early 1990's (I do not recall the title). Whether he read this book in the past or whether the author of the book in question learned the technique from another source are both possibilities. I'm sure if you searched the web, you would find similar techniques from various sources. Since the book was published anonymously (and I don't recall seeing when it was created), I don't have sufficient evidence to say which possibility is more likely.
09/30/14 (Tue) 20:07:02 No. 337
Embedding error.
09/30/14 (Tue) 20:12:44 No. 345
>>272 A chakra technique I used myself when in my first attempts at manipulation. Though it is recommended you become comfortable with your third eye before trying to do this, as it can easily put one out of control.
Visualize your third eye as a sphere, either at the center or via the extension.
Spiral energy around the sphere, in both directions, squeezing the gland and milking it.
If practiced and perfected, you can induce psychedelic effects on demand.
09/30/14 (Tue) 20:25:21 No. 357
>>272 >see the picture >immediately start visualizing a tornado >still see the tornado as I'm typing, these written words look distant and vague
10/01/14 (Wed) 16:01:04 No. 534
This is a simple technique I use to calm myself when I feel angry. >Purification of Anger Dwelling in Abdomen or Midriff (P. A. D. A. M) >1. Sit straight. Take deep breaths to calm yourself. >2. Focus on your stomach. Focus on the heat the anger has caused. >3.1 Visualize sparks floating in your stomach, as in the picture. Imagine them dancing and spiraling around. >3.2 Visualize ashen specks floating with the sparks, if you want to. Make them dance and spiral with the sparks. >4. Now, inhale and hold your breath. Focus on the image of dancing sparks and ash. >5. While exhaling, imagine that the sparks and ash leave through your mouth/nostrils. Visualize them rising from your stomach to your throat along with the air that leaves your body. See them leave through your mouth/nostrils. Then, hold your breath. >6. Feel. Has the anger ceased? Do you feel any calmer? Has the burning ceased? >7. Repeat until you feel purified.
10/01/14 (Wed) 21:03:01 No. 546
>>357 >tfw since seeing the tornado I couldn't read that guy's post anymore and I still don't know what it's about Better just read and suppress muh visualization.
10/06/14 (Mon) 06:39:30 No. 1304
im reaaally good at thoughtforms I can imagine really cool shit in my head in complex detail and it looks awesome. I will spend like hours just wandering around my house watching storylines in my head and scenes its kind of bizzare
10/06/14 (Mon) 06:41:40 No. 1306
10/06/14 (Mon) 07:08:27 No. 1310
>>1304 >head >not mind *materialist detected*
*purge from premises*
10/13/14 (Mon) 05:20:39 No. 3294
Magic and Mystery in Tibet; Alexandra David-Neel; End of Chapter VII 10/16/14 (Thu) 16:57:50 No. 4874
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Magic and Mystery in Tibet; Alexandra David-Neel; End of Chapter VII Quick summary in a video The master orders his disciple to shut himself in tsams and to meditate – taking his Yidam as object of his contemplation.
The novice dwelling in strict seclusion, concentrates his thoughts on the Yidam, imagining him in the shape and form ascribed to him in books and images. Repeating certain mystic formulas and constructing a kyilkhor are parts of the exercise of which the aim is to cause the Yidam to appear to his worshipper. At least, such is the aim that the master points out to the beginner.
The pupil breaks his contemplation during the time strictly necessary to eat (Generally the recluse has only one meal a day, but drinks buttered tea several times. However, during such periods of retreat some ascetics subsist on water and roast barley flour only.) and the very short time allowed for sleep. Often the recluse does not lie down and only dozes in one of those gomti which have been described in a previous chapter.
Months and even years may elapse in that way. Occasionally the master inquires about the progress of his pupil. At last a day comes when the novice informs him that he has reaped the fruit of his exertion: the Yidam has appeared. As a rule, the vision has been nebulous and lasted only a little while. The master declares that it is an encouraging success, but not as yet a definitive result. It is desirable that the recluse should longer enjoy the hallowed company of his protector.
The apprentice naljorpa cannot but agree, and continues his effort. A long time again elapses. Then, the Yidam is "fixed" – if I may use that term. He dwells in the tsams khang and the recluse sees him as always present in the middle of the kyilkhor.
"This is most excellent," answers the master when he is informed of the fact; "but you must seek a still greater favour. You must pursue your meditation until you are able to touch with your head the feet of the Yidam, until he blesses you and speaks to you."
Though the previous stages have taken long to be effected they may be considered the easiest part of the process. The following are much more arduous to attain, and only a small minority of novices meet with success.
These successful disciples see the Yidam taking on life. They distinctly feel the touch of his feet when, prostrated, they lay their head on them. They feel the weight of his hands when he blesses them. They see his eyes moving, his lips parting, he speaks. (…) And lo! he steps out of the kyilkhor and walks in the tsams khang.
It is a perilous moment. When wrathful demi-gods or demons have been called up in that way, they must never be allowed to escape from the kyilkhor, whose magic walls hold them prisoners. Set free out of due time, they would revenge themselves on the person who has compelled them to enter this prison-like consecrated circle. However, the Yidam, though his appearance may be dreadful and his power is to be feared, is not dangerous because the recluse has won his favour.
Consequently, he may move about as he pleases in the hermitage. Even better, he may cross its threshold and stand in the open. Following his teacher's advice, the novice must find out if the deity is willing to accompany him when he walks out.
This task is harder than all previous ones. Visible and tangible in the obscure hermitage fragrant with incense, where the psychic influences born from a prolonged concentration of thought are working; will the Yidam's form be able to subsist in quite different surroundings under the bright sunlight, exposed to influences which, instead of supporting it, will act as dissolving agents?
A new elimination takes place amongst the disciples. Most Yidam refuse to follow their devotee into the open. They remain obstinately in some dark corner and sometimes grow angry and avenge themselves for the disrespectful experiments to which they have been submitted. Strange accidents occur to some anchorites, but others succeed in their undertaking and wherever they go enjoy the presence of their worshipful protector.
"You have reached the desired goal," says the guru to his exultant disciple. "I have nothing more to teach you. You have won the favours of a protector mightier than I."
Certain disciples thank the lama and, proud of their achievement, return to their monastery or establish themselves in a hermitage and spend the remainder of their life playing with their phantom.
On the contrary, others trembling in mental agony prostrate themselves at their guru's feet and confess some awful sin. (…) Doubts have arisen in their mind which, in spite of strenuous efforts, they have not been able to overcome. Before the Yidam himself, even when he spoke to them or when they touched him, the thought has arisen in them that they contemplated a mere phantasmagoria which they had themselves created.
The master appears afflicted by this confession. The unbeliever must return to his tsams khang and begin training all over again in order to conquer his incredulity, so ungrateful to the Yidam who has favoured him.
Once undermined, faith seldom regains a firm footing. If the great respect which Orientals feel for their religious teacher did not restrain them, these incredulous disciples would probably yield to the temptation of giving up the religious life, their long training having ended in materialism. But nearly all of them hold on to it, for if they doubt the reality of their Yidam, they never doubt their master's wisdom.
After a time the disciple repeats the same confession. It is even more positive than the first time. There is no longer any question of doubt; he is thoroughly convinced that the Yidam is produced by his mind and has no other existence than that which he has lent him.
"That is exactly what it is necessary for you to realize," the master tells him. "Gods, demons, the whole universe, are but a mirage which exists in the mind, 'springs from it, and sinks into it’.” (A declaration continually repeated by Tibetan mystics)
Visualization Dunce Xlaits 10/17/14 (Fri) 05:33:28 No. 4944
So, I seem to have a hard time focusing and visualizing. I know what I SHOULD be seeing, and the "plasma" I can see when my eyes are shut seem to start to form the shape or shapes I wish to visualize, but I can't seem to get my eyes to shut down, and let my subconsious do the seeing. Is there any way I can get this to happen easier?
10/17/14 (Fri) 17:22:53 No. 5080
Tell me about your achievements in visualization / affirmation field. What you made happen in real world?
10/18/14 (Sat) 18:55:54 No. 5239
Can my tulpa have a name?
10/19/14 (Sun) 08:35:17 No. 5367
>>5239 Yea, but some let them choose their own names, and even their own form.
!Inanna.UaI 10/19/14 (Sun) 14:03:06 No. 5394
>>5239 >>5367 a temporary nickname is fine too
10/19/14 (Sun) 18:30:01 No. 5562
>>5239 I tried to make one without giving it a name but I find it hard to do it that way. It's easier to give them a name, at least temporarily, and to give them a personality and so on and they can develop faster.
10/19/14 (Sun) 19:26:08 No. 5580
>>5562 can u FUK your tulpa?
10/19/14 (Sun) 19:43:48 No. 5581
>>5580 Yes you can and it can be far more intense than anything possible in third density.
10/19/14 (Sun) 19:45:33 No. 5582
>>5581 Sweet
I've got all the traits down and I'm gonna start now
!Inanna.UaI 10/31/14 (Fri) 16:43:15 No. 7409
>>5581 moreover, managed to have her as dense as a real human
>>4874 The video says Tulpa, the pasta says Yidam. You could think there's something wrong, so here's another extract from the book in question. Since existing translations mess with the meaning, I also provide alternative ones.
>FR: Comme il a été dit, certaines de ces apparitions sont créées volontairement, soit instantanément, si l’auteur du phénomène est doué d’une force psychique suffisante, soit par un procédé très lent du genre de celui décrit dans le chapitre précédent à propos de l’objectivation d’un Yidam.>EN: As I have said, some apparitions are created on purpose either by a lengthy process resembling that described in the former chapter on the visualization of Yidam or, in the case of proficient adepts, instantaneously or almost instantaneously. >11sayEN: As it was already mentioned, some of these apparitions are created on purpose. Etheir instantly, if the author of the phenomen is gufted with sufficient psychic power, or by a lengthy process ressembling that one described in the previous chapter telling about the objectivation of a Yidam. >RU: Некоторые из материализованных призраков создаются произвольно, если создатель призрака наделен достаточной духовной силой, или мгновенно, или же постепенно. Очень медленный процесс его создания подобен описанной в предыдущей главе процедуре объективизации какого-нибудь "йидам". >11sayRU: Как было уже сказано, некоторые из этих явлений(призраков) создаются преднамеренно, либо мгновенно, если автор феномена одарен достаточной психической силой, либо очень длинным методом в жанре описанного в прошлой главе метода объективизации Йидама.
!Inanna.UaI 11/06/14 (Thu) 01:32:08 No. 8462
just an extract from the english edition of Sinistrari's manuscript
11/27/14 (Thu) 18:28:12 No. 11162 Sleeping well helps with thoughtforming. I find it easier to AP when not absurdly tired.
11/29/14 (Sat) 19:30:08 No. 11413
>>272 I used a derivative of this to cleanse and heal my eyes when I scratched them.
applying the vortex to your immune response is very powerful for scouring areas of your body for invasive agents and damage.
12/23/14 (Tue) 22:50:31 No. 14570
Can anyone recommend me guides or explain to me in a more simple way about all of this. I just found about this place a few days ago and am fascinated, but most of the stuff and words you guys are using are still unfamiliar to me, I'd really appreciate a dumbed down guide. thanks in advance
01/01/15 (Thu) 19:35:20 No. 15932
01/02/15 (Fri) 18:58:14 No. 16038
I saw this guide on a visualisation thread that I think I saw on here a while ago. It was a guide to the different levels of visualisation and tips to do at each step, it had this anime girl with different levels of detail. It was posted in the thread and a link was given to a forum with it on. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
01/06/15 (Tue) 12:19:06 No. 16840
>>16038 I think this is what you're looking for, anon. The forums for this website have some good stuff, but it's recently turned into tumblrtard headmate central.
01/06/15 (Tue) 15:50:54 No. 16850
Can I make a genius tulpa that will remember everything I see, help on exams etc?
☻ 01/06/15 (Tue) 20:37:05 No. 16877
>>16850 Yeah that's one of the good uses of a tulpa.
01/06/15 (Tue) 20:38:39 No. 16878
>>14570 There's like 3 glossaries of terms we use that are in the sticky and there's some introductory books that will help you understand. Just visit the stickies.
01/06/15 (Tue) 23:08:31 No. 16920
>>16877 are you sure? from what I have read, opinions on this subject vary
01/06/15 (Tue) 23:21:14 No. 16924
>>16920 Where did you read it?
Most tulpa communities consist of fairly mundane fedora-tippers. The possibilities are much wider than they expect.
☻ 01/07/15 (Wed) 00:47:55 No. 16941
>>16920 100% sure, they are perfect for that sort of thing, and they can do far more than that too.
01/09/15 (Fri) 09:46:19 No. 17094
>>16924 I read it on some tulpa forum - I was fucking annoyed by those guys. They were like "you can't do it, besides tulpa is your friend and you shouldn't use them, they have their feelings". The thing is, most of "how to make a tulpa" guides are written by the same guys. So, if I want to make my genius tulpa, what should I do?
>>16941 What excactly?
01/09/15 (Fri) 23:06:21 No. 17109
What are some "lifehacks" one could do with a tulpa or servitor? I'm thinking of creating an index or a system of tags for my knowledge, so it doesn't get locked away.
01/10/15 (Sat) 02:13:24 No. 17135
>>17109 Make a persistent astral space.
Revisit it several times and make sure you have a reliable way to get back there.
Start creating storage rooms that are indexed for placing thoughtforms in.
You can have entire books in some of your rooms.
You could even make a thoughtform that then reads the books for you while you listen.
The books could be stored simply by touching a book and sensing all the information accurately in the book at once… or by scrolling down a PDF. You'll have to find out how much you need to know through experience. Maybe even just knowing the book title and cover will be enough for you to access all the relevant information via psychomancy in the astral.
01/10/15 (Sat) 12:51:50 No. 17177
01/11/15 (Sun) 06:59:46 No. 17370
I've noticed lately that there seems to be more than one kind of visualization, and it's been giving me grief because I only seem to be able to perform one, and it's not the one I want. If I just visualize something normally, it's just quick and blurry, and only sticks around as long I focus on it. It's hard to make things remain consistent, but things also only happen if I make them happen. Another type of visualization that I've performed before, but can't seem to perform again was like a more clear, persistent kind. Kinda like when you have an intrusive image that sticks around even when you don't focus on it. Things will produce appropriate sounds without you imagining them manually, and things can happen without your direct consent. It seems the latter form of visualization is the kind I need for practical purposes, such as forming a tulpa, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it again. Is this form of visualization only attainable while in a trance state? Any advice?
01/11/15 (Sun) 07:15:33 No. 17372
>>17370 Have some raw cacao. That shit sends my imagination into overdrive. It's called the "food of the Gods" by the natives for a reason. I think I may be channeling some shit from the divine Aleister Crowley style when I have coconut oil + coffee + 2 tablespoons of raw cacao. I recently started consuming it again and I am overflowing with ideas and visualizations, literally 16 hours a day I am filled with this shit.
01/18/15 (Sun) 16:34:41 No. 18570
01/18/15 (Sun) 22:04:50 No. 18609
have you hugged your tulpa today, /fringe/?
01/18/15 (Sun) 23:08:32 No. 18617
>>17370 You need alpha or theta brainwaves for the type of visualization you're talking about, which require deep relaxation. It's not hard to do; just lying down and doing breath meditation for a few minutes will get you there. The trick is in not falling asleep.
You're finding it frustrating because you're trying to do it from an alert state (beta). Once you get into alpha, the images flow much more naturally and are more vivid, and once you get into theta, they become almost lucid dreams.
Interestingly, more than a few systems of magic I've read about involve the idea that thoughts at slower brainwaves states are more powerful, and that the deeper you go, the more powerful they get.
01/20/15 (Tue) 03:42:08 No. 18773
>>18617 Now that you mention it, I'd been lying down for a pretty long time the last time I managed a powerful visualization.
Are there any specific breath meditations you'd suggest?
01/23/15 (Fri) 04:02:00 No. 19174
>>272 >Lesser banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Middle Pillar Exercise can someone please explain what these are?
01/23/15 (Fri) 04:27:51 No. 19175
>>19174 LBRP at the base practical is used for clearing/banishing before and after rituals, some use it for ritual practice.
The middle pillar ritual is to strengthen your aura and fill you with energy
01/24/15 (Sat) 01:57:10 No. 19287
>>19175 but how to do them
01/24/15 (Sat) 04:05:59 No. 19297
>>18773 Try just counting your breaths. It's a very simple way to quiet your mind and slow your brainwaves. See how many you can count without getting distracted; you'll be in a deep trance by the time you get to 100.
01/25/15 (Sun) 22:57:56 No. 19636
is making a tulpa a long process? is it hard for a beginner?
02/02/15 (Mon) 07:44:15 No. 20713
>>19297 I've been practicing this as of late, and while I can get to a very relaxed state (a numb, near sleep-paralysis level of relaxation, similar to what Montalk describes in "Active Dreaming") after counting as high as 300, my visualization doesn't seem to change during this state.
Is there some kind of common mistake I'm making? Am I actively supposed to do something different than normal while visualizing?
02/02/15 (Mon) 11:36:21 No. 20726
>>15932 Why I see this moving if it's not a .gif?
02/02/15 (Mon) 16:35:37 No. 20732
>>20726 because it's resizing
02/05/15 (Thu) 10:42:32 No. 21121
I can't get fucking better at visualization no matter how much I practice
02/05/15 (Thu) 10:47:19 No. 21122
>>21121 Sounds like you're lacking the schizo gene. Look at it as a blessing, I have too many visions.
02/07/15 (Sat) 18:26:59 No. 21332
>>21122 >>21121 It got so much better after I started applying montalk's reality creation.
>tfw unstoppable now
02/08/15 (Sun) 00:47:24 No. 21368
>>21332 Any tips? How long did it take? What emotion did you use and for how long and such?
02/08/15 (Sun) 00:55:14 No. 21369
>>21368 I just changed my approach from "impossible" to "already attained"
☻ 02/08/15 (Sun) 19:56:44 No. 21447
>>21369 I need to revise my notes again to put the reality creation texts in the Essential Reading list, it's the first shit anyone should read, and without understanding it you can't do anything.
03/08/15 (Sun) 05:29:11 No. 26054
>>21369 Can you explain to me how?
I seem not to understand the reality creation and how it relate to visulization
can you give simple guide step by step dummy proof
03/23/15 (Mon) 18:56:16 No. 29078
Has the joke that most other tulpa communities are affected anyone negatively? I know that I hate how the already minute chance of me being able to tell anyone about that part of my life is now a solid zero because anyone even remotely receptive will research it for maybe 3 minutes before coming to the completely reasonable conclusion that it's pure autism.
04/21/15 (Tue) 04:26:20 No. 34064
Hi /fringe/ i have a rather noob question. When you close your eyes and visualize, do you see the stuff you visualize in the blackness in front of you or inside your mind ?
Because right now im only able to see stuff i visualize inside my mind only and wondering if i should change my approach in practicing this.
04/21/15 (Tue) 04:40:21 No. 34065
Visualizing is only within the minds eye. Except with practice you can strengthen and project an image so strongly that it starts to take over the neural feed of your sight. And with practice your minds eye vision will become exceptionally clear. You can clarify it further by being in light or deep trance state.
04/21/15 (Tue) 06:16:15 No. 34073
I see shit wherever I project it. I can create HUD-like interfaces over my vision with thoughtforms that rotate as I rotate my vision and display information. I can also create thoughtforms and fix them in particular spots in 3-dimensional space around me.
Go read Desire Power and start using your loosh + concentration to strengthen your thoughtforms rapidly. Then you'll be able to visualize shit with high intensity. All thoughtforms start off opaque and barely visible but can be intensified until they appear more vivid and real than the physical matter around them. A thoughtform can even become matter if you power it enough.
What do you even mean by "inside your mind"? It's not even possible for anyone to experience "outside of your mind" as everyone's experiences of all occur within their mind.
Btw, project some fog-like substance of any random colour you want in front of you and you can use this astral matter and shape it into something or even make it register the vibrations of something very far away (by desire) and conform to it via resonance thus allowing for a great variety of effects such as remote viewing, telepathy, astral portals, etc.
These are not necessarily images they are holograms and what's this fedora bullshit about neural feed? Don't forget we've living inside the universal infinite living mind. This isn't some brain hacking crap, that organ in your head is useful for some things and can be programmed in various ways and so on, but our power extends well beyond it. Thoughtforms have an independent existence and aren't just some autistic brain program.
04/21/15 (Tue) 06:17:03 No. 34074
Avoid the autism by calling them "sentient thoughtforms" or "elementals" instead of tulpas.
04/21/15 (Tue) 06:25:25 No. 34076
I simply try to use language which they would understand better.
04/21/15 (Tue) 06:29:50 No. 34077
If you do that then they will end up harming themselves and you will limit their development (like what happens on /tulpa/). You must never betray the first principle of Hermetic magick — All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.
If you want an example of someone that tries to use the most plain English while explaining occult concepts than Robert Bruce and William Walker Atkinson are the best examples I know as they avoid foreign terms people just don't get and instead use plain English.
04/21/15 (Tue) 06:45:30 No. 34080
Fucking your Tulpa is a bit like fucking your own daughter in my honest opinion.
04/21/15 (Tue) 14:28:10 No. 34116
bump. I want to know how to achieve that.
04/22/15 (Wed) 19:35:36 No. 34292
I know how you feel, but I'd probably never tell anyone anyway. Besides, it's more of a personal journey.
It really is sad though, most of the notable tulpa communities turned into tumblr-tier headmate shit and I doubt any sane person would actually take to heart the information there because of that.
04/29/15 (Wed) 04:22:20 No. 35581
Neophyte here, how much practice do average mundane like me have to do in order to achieve that level of visualization? Curious of all the kind of possible things i can do with it as my job involve some graphic/banner designs
Also do i have to practice all the time when im awake or set up a daily schedule of 1-2 hour daily?
04/29/15 (Wed) 04:43:23 No. 35583
15 minutes of mindfulness meditation and 5-15 minutes of visualization and single pointed focus meditation will yield you noticeable results within a few weeks and very good results if you keep to it over over a month. The key is habit and routine. Don't miss a single day.
04/29/15 (Wed) 04:54:27 No. 35584
Thanks. Really appreciate the answer. If i know how to send "loosh" or something i'd do that as a token of gratitude but im still studying that too :)
04/29/15 (Wed) 05:47:42 No. 35589
The greatest reward you could ever give is taking up the art of bettering yourself. Remember to use autosuggestion if you need help for getting into a routine.
05/10/15 (Sun) 02:02:54 No. 37620
05/11/15 (Mon) 09:15:25 No. 37849
Hi all. Is replaying a movie inside our mind can be considered as a form of visualization ?
05/12/15 (Tue) 01:19:44 No. 37979
Thank you for the recommendation of what to start with. It's really helpful.
SAGE! 05/12/15 (Tue) 05:35:11 No. 38043
Also fuck, forgot to ask. Did Desire Power get deleted during the mega purge? I looked over it and did a quick search around to find a pdf, but I was unable to. Hate to double post.
05/12/15 (Tue) 08:29:42 No. 38061
05/13/15 (Wed) 13:15:15 No. 38331
/fringe/,does playing videogame/electronic devices in general have negative effect on our minds eye?
☻ 05/13/15 (Wed) 17:09:35 No. 38374
Desire Power is part of the "Personal Power" book.
☻ 05/13/15 (Wed) 17:09:42 No. 38375
It depends on how you use them, if you use them correctly, it has a positive effect. If you use it mindlessly, it has a negative effect.
05/13/15 (Wed) 17:11:57 No. 38376
I guess this is the right thread to ask
>tl;dr Is it possible to lucid dream while being awake?
Let me explain. In some of my experiments with visuzalization techniques I got this hunch, this feeling that dreams are alwayas happening in the brain, not just when we sleep. It's just that we are so overwhelmed by "real" sensory perceptions that the ones happening in the mind don't make it to the consiousness.
Then I found some research that suppoert my hypothesis
>In fact, several studies over the last two years at the departments of Neuroscience at the University of Toronto and the University of Rochester have shown that adults who undergo stimuli depravation and also experience hallucinations begin to mimic the physiology of an REM sleep state. As with REM sleep, these hallucinating patients experienced a suppression of the neurotransmitters, norepinephrine, serotonin and histamine, brain activity maintained an alpha wave level or even higher and some patients even experienced paralysis, caused by the release of neurotransmitters gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine.
>Based on the findings above, one could argue that dreams are not switched on or off by chemical changes, nor do they induce physical changes that could only be functional for a sleep state. Instead, it’s possible that dreams as with these hallucinations, were made prominent by stimuli depravation and that they were not so much an added feature while undergoing depravation, but rather our ongoing stream, allowed to come to the forefront of the resting mind.
Then I started to look for techniques to get into these dreams while being awake. Which is when I found about image streaming.
AFter having practiced image streaming for a while, I'm capable of experiencing dreams while I'm awake. I can walk around and do stuff.
However I cannot really control these dreams. I'm very capable of lucid dreaming while I'm asleep, but I cannot lucid dream during these awake dreams. They are mostly automatic.
So does anyone knows a method to lucid dream while being awake?
☻ 05/13/15 (Wed) 17:47:01 No. 38384
Yes it's possible. That's the 4D state and also the same state so called "schizophrenics" are in.
Just use thoughtforms and a whole fuckload of Will to stay lucid.
06/23/15 (Tue) 19:11:59 No. 44817
06/27/15 (Sat) 09:35:57 No. 45096
I've found closed eye hallucinations/visualizations on dph (benadryl, unisom) to be the clearest I've ever had. This is what I should aspire to without the use of dph.
06/27/15 (Sat) 16:37:27 No. 45104
I just want to visualise a gf, I don't care about your chakra bullshit.
Give me the books I need to read and what I need to practice to make myself a loving gf and I'm golden.
Yes, I want a thoughtform gf, or at worst friend/little sister and not a "real" "human" one.
12/02/15 (Wed) 19:42:58 No. 62742
When I imagine biting a lemon, my mouth doesn't water.
I asked a friend how much I can roll my eyes into the back of my skull, and he said it's barely halfway.
Based on these tests, I doubt I can achieve much. But I started supplementing with zinc, ginko biloba, ginseng, green/white tea and cacao, and I'll see how it goes.
As long as I remember, when I meditate, there never were much images popping up in the eyes of my mind. I see and feel nothing. I learned remembering my dreams only to discover they are boring. I once had a dream that felt like an hour of math class in my old high school, 10 years back
I'm relatively satisfied with my life, but my life seems devoid of any special experience that others often describe as normal. I have a feeling of being an empty, neutral observer with limited experience
12/05/15 (Sat) 02:48:49 No. 62934
Does reading make one better at visualizing?