Lord Kek and Jahbulon 08/02/16 (Tue) 21:17:58 No. 81107
So, how do we best serve our Lord and Master(s)? I just want to know so I can do the right thing.
08/02/16 (Tue) 21:18:39 No. 81108
File: 1470172719767.jpg (137.79 KB, 600x726, 100:121, Jabulon is Your God - WORS….jpg )
Let's figure out who is who here. Those weirdos down at /pol/ worship a frog god. What's going on with that?
08/03/16 (Wed) 10:25:23 No. 81150
Why would you take that smug fuck as your lord and master?
08/03/16 (Wed) 11:23:47 No. 81152
According to le Grand Grimoire, Baal (or Bael) is the head of the infernal powers. He is also the first demon listed in Wierus' Pseudomonarchia daemonum. According to Wierus, Bael is first king of Hell with estates in the east. He has three heads: a toad, a man, and a cat. He also speaks in a raucous, but well formed voice, and commands 66 legions. Bael teaches the art of invisibility, and may be the equivalent of Baal or Baalzebub, one of the Seven princes of Hell.
08/03/16 (Wed) 11:32:55 No. 81153
File: 1470223975613.jpg (95.22 KB, 256x327, 256:327, The_Mystery_of_the_Druids_….jpg )
>/pol/ worshipping the same demon as their enemy
08/03/16 (Wed) 13:25:25 No. 81157
You are your own Master, the Lord is part of you, you a part of him.
Kek is a partner in crime.
08/03/16 (Wed) 14:14:21 No. 81158
Also the floor is a symbol of Saturn.
08/03/16 (Wed) 19:27:12 No. 81181
wow you are bluepilled as fuck.
google it and commit suicide.
guy in middle is yahweh, kitty is osiris, frog is baal.
little guys in the cars are shriners, basically masonic clowns they use to make their organization look harmless.
the jewish equivelent of those guys is the idea that "jews are just funny meek guys in little hats they aren't controlling anything goy :^)"
08/05/16 (Fri) 08:50:00 No. 81319
>beltane/Baal's fire/May festival
>Ishar - Baal's wife
looks sinister as fuck. so why did druids celebrate baal's fire? Perhaps to actualize a shadowy side of their mystery religion.
08/05/16 (Fri) 08:53:25 No. 81320
I've researched a bit, there seems to be a major conflict - a masonic divide - which was in line with political struggles of 16-19 century. Right-wing masonry (Scottish Rite) vs Left-wing international
08/06/16 (Sat) 01:52:17 No. 81352
we're all apart of the universal evolution, to build up and break down is our destiny.
just enjoy the wild ride from the birds eye view.
08/06/16 (Sat) 05:44:26 No. 81356
>right-wing masonry
anon, I…
08/06/16 (Sat) 07:54:05 No. 81359
The Phoenician-Celtic connection was more than just tin-trading.
>Crom Cruach
Why do you think the druids incited the tribes of Britain against Roman rule?
Why did the Romans kill of the druidic power structure and cut down the sacred groves?
Druidry delenda est
t.Scot interested in history
08/06/16 (Sat) 15:53:57 No. 81364
08/06/16 (Sat) 17:47:12 No. 81373
I don't think Kek is Baal, this is just a bad meme that /christian/ is trying to force, because they feel threatened by Kek's growing popularity.
Now, according to this, Kek is a facet of the Ogdoad, and the Ogdoadic plane is synonymous with the Logos, and therefore in Christian Gnostic tradition Christ is the Ogdoad. Hence the number 8 being associated with Logos/Christ.
08/06/16 (Sat) 19:55:16 No. 81385
How can you call yourself a Celt if you won't even sacrifice your firstborn on Magh Slécht?
*sips red lemonade*
08/08/16 (Mon) 03:18:54 No. 81489
Kek is a Frog headed man and a member of the Ogdoad. If you believe the ancient Egyptians were Atlanteans or Atlantis refugees then it can be assumed the Ogdoad were the gods of Atlantis or something more. Baal on the other hand is a Jewish demon.
08/08/16 (Mon) 03:56:39 No. 81490
Baal/Moloch was what caused the Atlanteans to become refugees.
Moloch and his jewish enemies are the enemies of mankind, and they exist only to create golems out of humanity and farm the loosh of the material plane.
08/08/16 (Mon) 06:47:42 No. 81493
So Ogdoad good, Canaanite Gods bad then.
Cube 08/08/16 (Mon) 07:07:19 No. 81495
Would you please explain your thinking here?
08/10/16 (Wed) 02:23:22 No. 81648
>google it and commit suicide
>goes on to spew a line of bullshit
wew lad
I don't think it was "right-wing" vs "left-wing" so much as ancient vs modern, no?
08/12/16 (Fri) 16:43:11 No. 81792
01/24/17 (Tue) 03:43:39 No. 90325
01/24/17 (Tue) 05:28:16 No. 90359
are there still good (Scottish rite) masons or has the whole thing become diluted.
01/24/17 (Tue) 08:27:50 No. 90370
Jahbulon has the head of a toad, not a frog. Want to know what Rastafari niggers call their God? Jah. A mere coincidence until you look into what Jahbulon is: A Goetic demon controlled by King Solomon. What did King Solomon use to summon and control Jahbulon? A Seal of Solomon, otherwise referred to as a Star of David. Where did Solomon live, and store his riches? Ethiopia. Guess where the Rastafari is centered? Ethiopia.
So what is the big picture? Jahbulon's symbol is the Star of David, and this is the very symbol that represents Tetragrammaton - You will know him by "YHWH" - and so Jahbulon is another name/aspect of the (((God))) of the Abrahamists. Where does Kek fit into all this? Kek is the herald of all the Old Gods, and thus, a pivotal opponent of YHWH.
01/24/17 (Tue) 08:34:11 No. 90372
Thats a toad head, not a frog. Also we dont sacrifice little children but dank memes and a lot of time
01/24/17 (Tue) 08:37:57 No. 90373
>Using a Egregore to fight a Egregore
Might as well panic.
01/24/17 (Tue) 08:49:28 No. 90374
you may be interested in this
SAGE! 01/24/17 (Tue) 11:34:24 No. 90378
The kek hate is coming from goonchan who are jewish hermedic freemason satanists
01/24/17 (Tue) 11:40:14 No. 90379
KeK is the knower.
Pepe is smug because he KNOWS.
This was called Gnosis. Those who know God. So KeK is the embodiment of Enlightenment. Pepe is the knowing itself. Pepe is Gnosis. Knowing Pepe is the road to knowing KeK. Those who know KeK are the modern Gnostics.
Also, KeK is in some way a manifestation of nature itself, as frogs are manifestations of balance within nature. This is all my interpretation of my inner journeys, ymmv.
If you'd told me a week ago that a pepe meme would lead me to Buddhist Enlightenment I would have laughed yet here I am.
KeK is the Buddhadharma.
Shadilay, motherfuckers
01/24/17 (Tue) 13:44:12 No. 90380
Guys, please look into the actual structure of Freemasonry. There is no "divide" between appendant groups. Members usually belong to them all, because they can.
>Jahbulon has
Wrong. Jahbulon has nothing, because it's not a thing, it's a title. You're thinking of Ba'al Hammon.
01/24/17 (Tue) 15:22:19 No. 90385
Scottish rite freemasonry was about the Christ impulse and the Arab branches were about Satan and lucifer stuff
I'm not sure if good masons are still around anymore
01/24/17 (Tue) 18:05:46 No. 90392
I face reality. Delusion can carry you for awhile but when you stop living life on easy mode you realize that mAgicKq has no use. Everything can be done by doing it.
Stop letting your brain trick you with confirmation bias.
If magic is real your best friend is gonna die today. I just casted a spell. There is nothing you can do about this. I read a book and you didn't so now your best friend is dead.
Do you see how fucking stupid that is? Grow up 7th grader.
01/25/17 (Wed) 03:39:55 No. 90427
It wasn't, and there were no Arab branches. Where do you people fabricate this stuff from?
01/25/17 (Wed) 03:41:09 No. 90428
Good luck killing someone who doesn't real. I have no friends.
01/25/17 (Wed) 06:34:22 No. 90436
Yea I heard the Islamic countries usually made them illegal. Idk about the Arabs though
01/30/17 (Mon) 02:36:02 No. 90690
Kek represents chaos, to praise kek in a more materialistic sense is to embrace change, to embrace the unpredictable.
On a more esoteric level to align yourself and venerate an agent of change is to ride the wave and to not be toppled by it.
Ride the lightning, don't be struck by it, praise kek.
01/30/17 (Mon) 13:51:09 No. 90734
Stupid people traditionally do dumb things
01/30/17 (Mon) 13:57:36 No. 90736
"If you are getting raped just go with the flow."
Guys jus be liEk me and yoU wiLl haVe success Lol Xd My dad is GreaT Lol i meaN xd he has a billIOn dollars xd but so DoEs eveRyoNe just shut up and accept the monarchy ruled world you live in slave. Now go do my work for me. You think my rich life can happen without your hard work? Oh yeah praising kek will help too but I really just need you to work for me. Accept kek into your life, and accept that people like you don't control things, and people like me do. That's how the world works. If you want to be like me go back in time and tell your ancestors to exploit everyone around them. Praise me! I mean kek xd!
02/03/17 (Fri) 14:22:32 No. 90997
How is Pepe different to Kek? Is it like a holy trinity thing? Kek the father, Pepe the son and Wojak the holy ghost?
05/02/17 (Tue) 22:48:05 No. 97126
>maons in charge of knowing spiritual intricancies
>probably believes masons can be sourced
05/03/17 (Wed) 03:57:06 No. 97144
Kek, the Egyptian god/goddess, is pronounced the same as 'cuck'. Just saying.
05/10/17 (Wed) 22:49:09 No. 97694
At the top, all the Mystery Schools worship Lucifer. That's who were fighting. He's the mastermind.
05/10/17 (Wed) 23:47:31 No. 97699
>Posts quotes that make up <1% of of all selected authors' works.
>Makes up some random current #
Try harder. Top kek!
05/11/17 (Thu) 03:30:37 No. 97712
Ra-Hoor-Khuit is a Trimurti made of up of Ra and Horus. That quote just isn't right.
05/12/17 (Fri) 00:06:43 No. 97776
Step 1 recognize ancient kemet was an african society of MELANATED people. The gods dont care about skin color but its astounding how the racist pol found a black diety as their representation. Its because niggers and neckbeards come from the same vine. Theyre both rebels. Kek is a chaos god which is needed to change this kundane frequency.