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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I am pretty much done reading and done with discussing magick.

Fringe started as a research group after I was inspired one day to learn about magick. It started with my quest for understanding. It started when I was confused, unsure of myself, and grasping around in the dark.

Now I don't feel the need to read anymore. I have a thorough grasp of all the principles of magick. At best I feel inclined only to turn back to The Kybalion or another book to refresh and re-center my mind upon a topic and for inspiration but beyond that I'm done. The only extra information there out there still is merely that of history, form, tradition, etc. of the occult (TRIVIA); but there is nothing essential to be gained anymore from these further readings. Everything I need to know, to do anything, I know. All the practical, usable knowledge, that I could gain from third density; it's all embedded strongly into my mind now.

I'm pretty much done with discussion and talking. I am tired of answering the same old questions in an inefficient manner. I feel that to wrap up all these years of careful meditation, experiment, and research I'll just do a series of videos to answer some of the most common questions. Some videos I want to do will at once answer a great many questions.

As far as I'm concerned it is time for Fringe to enter a new phase of development. Everything is known now, everything is revealed. The endless barrage of useless neophyte questions is tedious and inefficient. Everyone should be able to answer just about any of the most common questions for themselves.

I have become depressed as of late that I am at the end of this road already. Somehow, I felt like the process of learning would go on and on, and that the need for dialogues would still always be there – but it's no longer necessary.

If Fringe is to continue to have any meaning to me we must transform its purpose now. However I don't know how to do that, except by bringing all the mundane, all the neophytes, up to our level of understanding so they can begin in earnest the work of magick.

I can answer any question as to how to do anything in magick. Trivia I can't, but trivia is not important, it is just filler.

After I am done giving my final presentation or FAQ on magick, what am I to do with myself?

That is the big question I am faced with right now. I know everything now; so what am I going to do with this knowledge? I continuously feel a lack of purpose in being in this world, and do not feel strongly drawn to any role within it, and even fear that in assuming some given role it will consume my whole life and hinder my spiritual/incarnational progress.

Somehow I am stuck because I haven't the desire to do anything; or rather my desires are so scattered I can not commit myself fully to one thing before I change my mind and want to chase down some other pursuit.

I think I will have to sit in meditation for a few days so that the straight and narrow path may be revealed to me, the one that simultaneously develops many aspects of myself, and lifts me up.

…but then again, I also feel that if I just petition God for help using my usual method, everything will be arranged immediately for me to develop myself.

I also know a way to bring higher knowledge into this world and if the role of teacher were to hold enough attraction to me, if you wanted me to be a mouthpiece of the divine, I could do it. I would prefer not to do; because all you can for yourselves establish this connection to the divine and receive from God, The All, whatever is needed to be known by you and which suits your unique purpose in being here. I might, if I want to put the nail in the coffin of Fringe (in its current form), gather to me the astral light and ask of God to reveal to me a book to end all the discussion on here. I may very well just do this, if such a measure gains the approval of some of the vets of Fringe here, and it's not just a wasted effort (pearls before swine). Otherwise I would prefer to end my service to the community of seekers, and set myself instead firmly on the road of personal-attainment, and the realization of new conditions of life more suited to my being.

One other great problem I have continued to be faced with is that I am so alone. Without someone to witness me, I feel like my life has no meaning, like I can wield these incredible powers and there is nobody to appreciate me for it. Day after day I just pass by, filling in time, wanting to sleep, tired of my life. It doesn't matter that I've moved objects by my will. It doesn't matter that I have had fantastic, beautiful visions, and seen the connections between life, energy, and mater. It doesn't matter that I have experienced other bodies and minds and personalities. All the cool shit I can do doesn't fucking matter, because it is done, and it passes, and all the people in this world remain where they are in their personal stage of development and proceeding at the pace that fits them, and I am too far advanced beyond everyone to have any relevance in their lives. Those that I can call my peers have shrank greatly in number.

It is making me wonder if I should throw the full force of my will into dragging through intense synchronicity someone into my life to share my continued ascent with. I need someone who is on my level of understanding, or who can be quickly brought to it, and who isn't antagonistic towards me… someone redpilled and with a similarly firm grasp of the greenpill to be with. Maybe it should be a man and not a woman, less a woman drags me into the spiritual mud, but I don't know.

I have been searching for someone but all who have answered the call have proven themselves to be supremely ignorant or even hostile to magick. I feel on an intuitive level, right away, before even reading their emails a kind of revulsion towards them.

I don't know what to do except grind on and give one last summary of magick for you all. After that I think that, if I fail to find someone to work with, I might as well resign myself to a very much inactive role on /fringe/ only signing in and doing administrative work as need be. Maybe appoint someone as a middle-man between myself and the general populace, who can bring to my attention anything on the board that needs to be known by me, so I may focus more of my time elsewhere.

I'm going to stick to my pledge concerning 2018. I have a great desire to die now, and if by the time I'm 25 I still feel this profound sense of Earth having nothing to offer me, I am going to just dissolve myself, leave, or otherwise purge myself from all these things which are undesirable to me.

Nobody NEEDS me. If they "need" me at all, it's to play a lesser role than what I am capable of, and that is not acceptable to me. It is like the highly educated man resigned to working a cash register. I wish I had someone that wanted and needed me to go the full distance, whose desires would focus my will, and give a sense of urgency to my work.

It feels silly to have to create the need for me but it's looking like that's the only solution here; besides simply leaving Earth, leaving this sphere of consciousness, leaving this body and mind. I have to create the problem, the reaction, and the solution … or else play along with a God that seems to have assigned to me a role that insults my true greatness and which does not grant me any dignity or love. If that's all that is to be demanded of me, if I am just here to be a mediocre cog, or a cosmic joke, then I must reject that role. Don't tell me I am worthless or that I should not have such advanced desires, and start talking about over-blown egos or whatever bullshit, any created thing must feel the internal-pressure of conforming to its true archetypal greatness. The cat must strive to be the finest example of a cat there is, the true-born craftsman must reach the peak of his art, I am wasting my time on Earth if I just live in brutal mediocrity.

The retard is easily content. I am restless, for I am nowhere near my place of rest.

I should just do it; kill the original purpose of Fringe. Put an end to the questioning. Reveal in condensed form, very simply, all that you need to know to get on with your life and true will. Then assume a role of passivity on here, ceasing to post if there is no real compelling reason to do so anymore.


Just an FYI this whole post really only concerns how magick is done / learning how to do magick.

There is still infinite room for memes, shitposting, trivia, and non-magick discussion.

It's just I feel I'm at a point where when it comes to actual magick discussion there is no need for discussion anymore.

I'll never have to ask anyone how to do anything, because God will tell me what to do.

…and I feel the rest of /fringe/ ought to get on this level with me, where there is no more need to ask basic questions anymore, and where you're able to answer your own questions with the help of God.

So in a way, the perceived shittier quality of /fringe/ lately is really just a sign of how advanced its users are. We don't need to discuss magick anymore, we know how it's done, we know how to manifest all the phenomena. So we're just going to shitpost now and share trivia and stories.


I just have to say Smiles, your post is very long and should be condensed.

Have you ever written an essay for a college english class? Use those skills.


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Condensed non-filibuster version is:

>Fringe started as a research group but has matured beyond the need of research now, as we have certainly uncovered all of the principles of magick now, and with these principles we can solve any problems/inquiries presented to use

>All that is left now is trivia, filler, outward-form; information that is non-essential to the actual practice of magick

>I am depressed that I don't need to read anymore, that I've reached the stage of complete redundancy, where everything is the same ideas presented and affirmed again & again in different wrappings or from different sources

>I have been planning a final presentation of magick, in the form of a bunch of videos

>if for some reason those videos fail to measure up to what I want them to be, then I may do an invocation of the divine role of teacher instead, and pass on directly higher knowledge to Fringe specially catered to us as a group

>however, even in doing something like that, I would just be making myself a middle-man between you and god; and if you were to learn how to work with God to receive whatever is needed you would be able to realize your life purpose all the more efficiently

>What am I to do now with my life and knowledge? Who even needs me anymore? Who can stir up a sense of purpose and belonging, such that I feel an urgency to my life, and satisfaction in an advanced role worthy of my being here on Earth?

>I am alone, there is nobody to witness me, nobody to appreciate me, I feel as if my accomplishments are nothing without anyone to even know I actually did anything at all

>should I exploit synchronicity to drag someone into my life by sheer metaphysical force, or would it bring unsatisfactory results?

>should I become more passive on this board, and maybe assign a middle-man, to bring whatever needs my attention to me, while just sitting back and let the neophytes do their thing on here?

>if I am still unsatisfied with my life by 2018, I'm going to Mahasamadhi

>the archetypal energies acting upon me are of a much higher grade than the average man, thus a lack of satisfaction or contentedness with mediocrity

There you go I condensed it all.



Socialization is all you need. Find clubs seek audiences become a servant and entertainer of the people and you will quickly find your void filled by living with people in the moment. It is not about knowing everything it is about applying what you do know and basking in the action thereof. Of course you feel bad that you have nobody to share it with it's not simply the sharing you lack it is the comfort of others praising you. That is a commodity you need that I bet you would find in a club suited to your skills. Perhaps not magic since that is a hard come-by for clubs (mainly since the few magic clubs which do exist I imagine are wrought with bullshit). But maybe a writing or philosophy or politics club. Something meaningful. Yeah, I know you do not want to socialize with pigs (rude term considering it is not as if any of us slid out of the womb illuminated though that would be an interesting site). There is a gradient of filtering through boring meaningless people you have to undertake over the span of many years to slowly build a web of connections to better people and gradually find the people you TRULY desire. I find it is also a good idea to find your favorite kinds of video games and play them during times when you are unable to socialize.

Also, I have desired to comprehend magic for a long time and I cannot perform or experience anything distinctly separate from a mundane reality after multiple years of trying. Would appreciate help. I read the Kybalion, skimmed some of the most promising looking books in the downloadable collection, and read about a third as I recall of the Initiation Into Hermetics book though I kept finding myself confused and bored too much to stand finishing.

You also speak and think strangely similar to me just thought I would point that out.


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Best of luck, man.

>As far as I'm concerned it is time for Fringe to enter a new phase of development. Everything is known now, everything is revealed. The endless barrage of useless neophyte questions is tedious and inefficient. Everyone should be able to answer just about any of the most common questions for themselves.

Why must this site change because you have? I used to push for high quality control but, as long as shitposting is kept out, I think "the same questions again and again" are fine. We should get the really constant ones (how to get gf/succubus/tulpa??) in the FAQ and answer the other ones normally. Everybody has different experiences, so it's best to not lump them all together.

>That is the big question I am faced with right now. I know everything now; so what am I going to do with this knowledge?

I don't know about you, but I really desire to help others learn. I have a site with book recommendations and small bits of information, and I plan to write books later. There can't be too much knowledge out there. Besides that, I want to perfect everything. I want to have complete control over my body, I want control over my life, I want to do so much. I hate to say that you just have to find something you love, but you basically do. And you won't find that purpose until you try many different things. Focus on living a positive life and it'll come towards you.

>One other great problem I have continued to be faced with is that I am so alone. Without someone to witness me, I feel like my life has no meaning

Did you read The Art of Loving like I suggested?

You say you're so well educated but your post says otherwise. Information is useless if you don't put it to use. Improve your life with magick. You think of yourself as useless, so you are useless. As above, so below. Change it.


well, seems like you didn't learn anything that actually matters



>Why must this site change because you have? I used to push for high quality control but, as long as shitposting is kept out, I think "the same questions again and again" are fine. We should get the really constant ones (how to get gf/succubus/tulpa??) in the FAQ and answer the other ones normally. Everybody has different experiences, so it's best to not lump them all together.

I just want to get us to a point where we link a page or a video each time someone asks these questions again, so we don't have to type up a response again. Basically ready-made copypasta.

>I don't know about you, but I really desire to help others learn. I have a site with book recommendations and small bits of information, and I plan to write books later. There can't be too much knowledge out there. Besides that, I want to perfect everything. I want to have complete control over my body, I want control over my life, I want to do so much. I hate to say that you just have to find something you love, but you basically do. And you won't find that purpose until you try many different things. Focus on living a positive life and it'll come towards you.

If you want to collaborate with me I will teach you how to channel information then from higher sources and we can produce a literally divinely inspired work.

>The Art of Loving

No never heard of this before. Link me to it?

>You say you're so well educated but your post says otherwise.

Have you ever heard of "educated stupid"? There's a big difference between experience and learning on the job, vs book knowledge. My posts clearly indicate I am well educated.

>Information is useless if you don't put it to use. Improve your life with magick. You think of yourself as useless, so you are useless. As above, so below. Change it.

I lack a sufficiently strong motivational force to do it. I know how to do it, but the loosh, I just don't have enough loosh…


Like what?



Smiles everyone is alone.

I think your real issue is that you are afraid to understand yourself.



I felt like posing that question to God but then I thought, is the most-efficient manner actually sustainable and good for long-term?

aka should I gut some random mundane of their loosh and then suffer some backlash or there is a better way?


I just went and laid down btw for about a half-hour trying to sleep and was thinking the whole time. I am back on the computer because of this thought: what is the most important entity I need in my life as defined by its role?

A companion?

A guide?

A guardian?

Something else?

I feel more strongly drawn to having a companion; but at the same time feel unworthy of companionship, for I am very unsatisfied with myself.

A guardian might be able to protect me and alert me to all kinds of negative influences, but might not be as uplifting an influence as I need.

I think right now, all different roles considered, I need a guide more than anything else.

So maybe I should stop putting so much energy and effort into tulpamancing a companion for myself.

Now I just need a name for my guide. I have names for companion tulpas, but I need a name for a guide, so I have something to focus on while I concentrate the energy for my guide to manifest through.


I should maybe make a list of concerns, stuff I need help with, before performing my next evocation so I have it all written down and it's ready to be asked right away.



Yeah, but we can't all come together and make one book that isn't shit that will somehow stand out above the rest. I think it's best I just throw good information into the pile so just someone can find it. All I can hope is that it helps someone out.


Your reliance on companions is why you're suffering. You're born alone, you die alone. There's no soulmates, no twin flames, nothing. Just you.


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>Your reliance on companions is why you're suffering. You're born alone, you die alone. There's no soulmates, no twin flames, nothing. Just you.

Nonsense. I hope you're not who I think you are. I'm sick of hearing this. I don't believe in twin flames and soulmates but I'm not alone.


yeah just go on and ignore my post god forbid you sully your time with lil ol' normie me the person who can't learn.


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What is the mood or state of mind which is most conducive to sleep and to healing?

Should I get depressed, angry, happy, horny, or something else?

There must be some emotion that corresponds with the optimal state required for restful sleep and bodily regeneration.



I read your post and thought a whole bunch of thoughts inspired by your post but I don't have anything to say to you.

>Also, I have desired to comprehend magic for a long time and I cannot perform or experience anything distinctly separate from a mundane reality after multiple years of trying. Would appreciate help. I read the Kybalion, skimmed some of the most promising looking books in the downloadable collection, and read about a third as I recall of the Initiation Into Hermetics book though I kept finding myself confused and bored too much to stand finishing.

Do you live near me? I can perform miracles easily for those who desire them.


Just finished re-reading all of The Kybalion this very moment btw.



Say that to my face with an earnest desire to see some cool shit happen and we'll see what comes about, faggot.


It's not even difficult, it just takes a strong desire (which you will supply), and the rest is concentration and waiting.






do it on video its ridiculous to think we would just happen to be close by on the entire planet.



or better just explain in a paragraph how to easily and simply do something that is definitely distinguishable as 100% magical without being mistakable as a part of mundane reality.



Can't everything, and I mean absolutely everything, be made out to some kind of illusion or trick, and the intensely sceptical mind reject the whole of everything they experience?

People have a way of explaining away everything and never considering the possibility that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't a trick and it was actually done in a different way other than by trickery.



What kind of stuff are you willing to accept as magick?

What about "telepathy" aka the shared perception of thoughts when two people tune in their minds correctly to the same mental plane?



Can I bike to you?



>How about teleporting into his bedroom, Mr Miracles?

Well, if that genuinely will impress the shit out of you, and if you really do want me to do that…


Fine. Just communicate a full understandable conversation with me telepathically in a manner I can both listen to and respond to, and I will believe you and convey as much.



Welcome to eternity !



Op, I think that getting every one up to speed is a wonderful idea but might I suggest making it concise and give practical examples on how to use what's your explaining.

Also from my experience in talking to people you should define your terminology so that no mistake can be made.



That's not how it works, whyne. Think about telephones; he could dial your number as many times as he'd like, but if you can't answer the call there will be no conversation.


You know what fuck it, fuck it. Memes are the only magic and they're not even real magic. None of this works, fiction is the only place magic exists in. Nobody gonna prove anything? Fine, fuck this board. I waited long enough you're all wrong or you're all incapable of teaching.



fuck off, retard



I could communicate with him but I'd be doing double duty basically, having to temporarily stir up his own psychic faculties with my will, so as to make him able to register what I'm sending.


Did you even try making any thoughtforms.



Wait anon, I need to talk to you over Skype, I will teach you methods to basically fuck your own shit up massively but you'll get proof of magick in the process.



Deep and on the point!



not him, but, You've mentioned some time ago that thoughtforms, invocations/evocations etc, are useless if you don't have your third open

I mean when I tried doing it I could feel them but I could not see them, your thoughts on this?



Why don't you make a thoughtform to find that person who is as enlightened as you, and bring him to you?


There is always something new to learn, until all matter returns to make up one essence. The all-one alone.

But for you, it may be the time to turn a new page in your life's chapter. To put down the computer, the LCD and return to the origin, making your way back through the layers. Finding the heaven within. May you be blessed with that peace, so that you can share it with all beings your energy field comes in to contact with.

I too feel it's time for me to put down the screen. It time draws near… It is a new stage for many of us I think. I have noticed it with many of us that feel the same way. That the 2nd density is near its close for our lives. The frequencies it emits is harmful to our bodies anyway. So it is to our benefit to quit.

I have to say, I am grateful to everything the net has had to offer. It has helped make many of us into who we are today. But it is time we pack up our things and move on.

Nothing is made to last. No relationship. No vessel. "If it's going, it must've came." - Taylor Budd.

Good luck my family. May we reunite in the eternal bliss that I am that we are and always have been.



>implying I would willingly supply my skype

>implying the only way you are willing to teach is by harming me

>implying I would willingly magically harm myself just to know magic is real

I have a strong sense of reason not an impervious shell of skepticism you all generalize people with a basic sense of reason with having. See THIS is why none of you are good at magic. "Oh I can do magic but I can't teach it to anyone unless they are gullible as fuck or willing to harm themselves." It's as if none of you even care about magic and really just can't admit the whole thing is faulty and wrong. Maybe you should all learn to fucking teach magic instead of just learning it in order to jerk each other's astral forms off in your elitist illuminati magic power clubs none of you have the capacity to prove to a person with a sane mind. What an awful board, to just promote hating on a person's sense of reason which is required so people don't believe bullshit or waste their time on an unproven subject, aka absolute fiction. I'm not just talking to the guy I am replying to right now I am speaking to every magic user on this board. Why are you all so satisfied with knowing magic yet simply go "oh learn it yourself faggot" to people who want to know? THIS is why people hate on the magic community and rightly so. Maybe instead of writing books on the subject how about tutoring people now and then or filming magic distinctly separate from reality being performed OH WAIT IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO FILM MAGIC RIGHT??? You know the worst part about all this is if magic is real that you all are the people representing it. That elitism and selfishness with no regard for sensible reasoning and apathy towards the common people are the kind of character traits most mages wield.



Would you please remove a sexual attachment from me? Or at least give me knowledge in order for me to do it myself?




I'm good at harming myself, others, etc. because I draw upon the intense negative energy of imageboards to sustain my workings…

If I healed myself of the various problems I have, would you believe me then? I fix my eyesight, my skin, my breathing issues, etc.?



I have modified my own sexuality many times with great success.

I just do it by choosing to be disgusted by or drawing out the energy of sexual fixations so they cease to arouse me completely… or in other cases focusing on the thing and imagining I am aroused and attracted by it. I have made all kinds of modifcation many times, and even did some modifications very recently. I have found this area easy to work in because it's so easy to test and be sure the changes you made have taken hold.



I meant a succubus/sexual entity



In what way is this succubus attached to you exactly? What does it do? Repeatedly rape you or something? Just poison them with the energy of celibacy, or else deprive them of the energy of lust, and disconnect them by pulling the energy out of the emotional connections anchoring her to you.


>The cat must strive to be the finest example of a cat there is

I hope you always find new and interesting ways to make people love you my friend.


Smiley you may as well said

>After me, the deluge

The old namefag is dead, long live the namefags.

Good luck anyway lad, from one shitposter to another.



Don't want to derail this thread, my skype is attached to this post if you want to message me, thanks.



Who cares if the thread gets "derailed"? Others will learn from the conversation.


>about to break first peak

>haven't even gone first loop

>"i'm totes done w this shit"

You're not getting off this ride, you don't even know where the trees are.



What about our questions? Are they not as important too?

You can learn something new from anyone, any day. We all still have a long way to go.



you're improving, i like that


The Republic



The Empire



always, the journey starts once you know everything.

smiley wont jump the cliff, hes paved the road but is afraid to walk it.


I suggest you explore the worlds of philosophy and science and art next



The Ruins



Preserve and teach.

t. newfig


Shouldn't your relation with God be enough?



> experted in advance magick

> didnt get ride off restless in order to experience joyfull

Im not really sure but you could just find contentement and… be ok?

You dont need a companion for ego boost, that would make you vunerable. Even worse you could be manipulated by it. You are asking for someone to praise you. In reality you probably better off not nurshing that part of you.

Solitude is better for contentment actually but you have to start build that.


Maybe you never learned magic. Magic is described consistently to me as being something which can energize you and help increase one's meaningfulness. It's supposed to gain you contact with God and the ability to perform miracles. From what I've read and learned about you, I am led to conclude you have yet to experience magic.



Someone's been reading Collin Wison's book on The Occult.



even if you stop research, please meditate daily, even if briefly

trust me, it helps



*research and experimentation

it won't let me delete my post to correct it.


I was not able to join the Skype group when I tried to the last time. The posted link in the main thread of this board did not take me there either.


I haven't posted on /fringe/ in almost a year tbh. Smiles, I don't know if you still read this thread, but I might as well type shit up.

As far as I can remember you would post the same type of things:

-You are in a negative state of emotions

-You will eventually compile your own knowledge

-You don't have enough energy and your body is out of whack

-You have a lot of experiences, you want to share them, but you are alone, lonely and this never improves

Now the only thing that has changed about you is that you've completed your research, according to you. Knowing what you used to read, I assume it's mostly westerners or some popular yoga books.

It always seemed to me that if you could improve your personal energy levels, you would be one foot out of the grave. Your insistence on using negative emotions to fuel yourself has, most likely caused you to suffer from negative feedback loops both on an emotional level and with the experiences with people you attract and your daily life. As well as your absolute inability to invest time to solve your personal issues (since you seemingly repeat the same reasoning you had a year and two years back) is still causing you to stay on the same level you were.

If you are as powerful as you claim to be, why don't you center yourself in bliss? Your upper dan tien/chakras imho could be very powerful by birth, but your mid and lower ones are weak and might not be under control. You constantly act and state like you are the victim of your own circumstances, that people are worse in this or that, in the OP even mentioning that you find people that are redpilled, but lack in the greenpill department (feeling intense disgust towards them, of course, is a sign in itself, of course), but you seem to neglect that you didn't learn all this stuff from the start as well.

So tl;dr:

-Are you doing energy work (taoist shit, not just breathing a la Atkinson's Science of Breath

-Why don't you perpetually stay in bliss/positive emotion? Have you tried this at all?

-Why not wish for half-ready companions and then help them grow? You need companionship and love as much as everybody else no matter if you deny it.



M8, the only reason I will even engage with you is because your autistic shitposting on /pol/ and /bmw/ pissed me the fuck off.

Nobody is going to prove magic to you mostly because the ones that are powerful enough don't want to bother and those, that do get results that might convince only them and those that believe them, don't get enough to convince anyone 100% where judge of character comes into play (would anon x fake this and lie to me about magic? etc.).

Magic, to get really powerful results, you need a lot of personal energy and skill in thoughtforming and putting emotion into it. Reality creation is basically that. However, if you're trying to prove this shit to yourself, your best bet would be either doing energy work until you feel noticeable changes in your own mind/body/spirit or putting time, emotion and energy into "intending" to either experience something, know or meet and so on. The most obvious and constant experiences in my life that remind me of the reactivity of this world is that the things I think about, discuss with others or get a sudden intense desire for happen across my path, get talked about by other or show up in the material world for me to interact with in the same day or a few days off.

No matter what you try, increasing your personal energy is something you should definitely do. Since, as far as I can tell, you're shit at reading books, here's a nice one with little text and a lot of pictures to do.


The book is Chuen Lam Kam's The Way of Energy. In essence it's a collection of standing gongs (poses so to say) for you to do. Either read it all, or just skip till you find a drawing of 5 poses in a circle. Do those for a total of 15 minutes between 6 of them (repeating the first in the end again). Do this for a few days and try and feel something. You will guaranteed feel significant change 100 days in, but you should feel the proof in the pudding a lot sooner.

In any case, do the work, nigga.



Good book

Wish more people on /fringe/ focused on the only things that really matter, energy work and personal development.

Magic isn't using bullshit rituals and shit to get results, it's As above so below.



Do you know of any other good books on energy work/taoism that you would suggest? I'm always looking for more and it's always worth asking.

>Magic isn't using bullshit rituals and shit to get results

Well, not to say that a proper ritual wouldn't get some results, though. But you're right.


Have you thought about making new magicks, and people evolving on your new foundation?


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I know some other anons mentioned this already, but to me it just sounds like you need to learn how to live with yourself. I know it's hard to do, especially when it feels like you're surrounded with mediocrity and loneliness. If you truly want to have a connection with another human being, you need to learn to love yourself before anybody else. How can you expect someone else to appreciate you when you yourself don't? Lead by example, expecting anything without giving anything is just selfish.

Good luck, despite how it feels you can do this.


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You know a board is dying when even the own has given up on it.



I'm not giving up on the board, this is just a phase of a multi-phase plan that I have finally completed, and I just wanted to announce that.

I'm still here and I still make posts and I still read a lot of the posts on here though not everything anymore.

I still post my thoughts on here that keep me up at night when I start thinking intensely about some subject of magick and I'm going to post stuff concerning actual non-armchair stuff I do.



I've seen exactly this shit spewed many times before and not it's not acceptable. I am capable of more.


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Where are my fringe 101 videos bub?



>I am capable of more

evidently not seeing as you lack basics.


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Oh, well, in that case, what's your opinion on "Kek", Kuk and Kauket?

/pol/'s version of magick and gods.



Look, no offense, but if you've been told this so many times don't you think there's some truth to it, or at least a reason why people keep telling you this? This isn't something you can solve with magic. You could, but I feel like attempting to solve a problem like this with magic might hinder more than help.



You should become a Christian IMO



In addendum to my post, here's



or any fucking psi video if you'd go search for them yourself. Psi-tek shit. There's all to many demonstrations and enough stuff on the web that you can actually find, however the old mantram "is this persona bullshitting me" comes into play. Either practice these things yourself, or you won't get satisfying proofs anytime soon, if smiley or someone else doesn't give in to you. Which is unlikely in all honesty.


If you learned all of this stuff you need to now practice it and help reshape the world and teach others.

Learn the occultic traditions of other cultures.

Also study science, math, physics, philosophy,art and metaphysics.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here is a guy i recently found that talks about and describes mathematics with the occult.



if you know everything there is to know then how about you summarize it for us instead of ranting about it



I have a feeling the rogue mod has something to do with you leaving. Don't be enemies to eachother. I ask you to please heed this. Regardless, you will be missed.



I also suspect something else may have happened, and is forcing forcing you to resign this board, but alas, I know not. Please all be well.



Can you please make a decent, simple and clear post about it?

Some of us are actually eager to learn and start practicing more than just meditation and empty mind…


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>A bunch of numerological numbers games.

>Claims that Pi is 22/7 when it isn't.

Occultists can't into math. The hilarity is that they miss out on the true power of mathematics because it doesn't involve fantasy woo nonsense.

Calculus is a science of change. It is a technology of change itself. Group theory, category theory, combinatorics, abstract algebra, Game/Control theory, and many others have technologies of reality just as powerful, many of which cannot even be equivocated verbally. To study the cutting edge of math is to get an idea of possible technologies that don't even exist yet.

Yet you fucks want to play with pseudo-geometry, with your digits and letters. Throw in some gross misunderstandings and misapplications of infinity (new-age bullshitters love this so much) and shiny pictures of fractals.

Math is the true magic.



Obullshitist detected


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Fringe promotes becoming passive and gullible. This board is meant to promote meaningful concepts without scholarly backing to them. These concepts while pleasing do not actually produce the results one is led to believe they do. Most of the magic on this board requires believing it works to the point of believing something is occurring when it is not. This is trained gullibility and leads to one progressively becoming more and more delusional. More creative people who can imagine things more vividly can experience severe delusions because of this and this is thus a serious issue for them (knew one personally who dealt with that issue).

The passivity promoted on here causes people to become depressed and self-absorbed in their own little worlds. Many people on here treat themselves as elite Gods because of the various magical trivia they learn and because it feels good to feel like you are greater than other people they continue down this path. This results in psychopathy and severe egotism. This elitist passivity also makes one naturally more asocial and leaves one prone to bouts of negativity. Magic as a whole promotes meditation and thinking about yourself which is good in short doses however the long-term effects can be meditating to the point of being overly passive and lacking in energy. Focusing on oneself for extended periods of time without thinking about others or how they feel also results in a harmful selfishness which can cause one to feel isolated in a league of their own above all other people.

The term 'mundane' or more commonly known on 8chan 'normie' leads one to feel they are all alone in an elite group of sophisticated mages fighting for greater meaning and high quality much like in a Matrix movie. In fact, a mundane person is simply a typical healthy person trying to live a good life and though they can at times be misled or gullible, they are likely not nearly as gullible or full of false information as the average user on Fringe. Ironically, the very gullible misguidedness users of this board characterize mundanes as having is in fact a more apt description of the average user of this board.

Proof is essential so that we do not blindly follow blind leaders spouting nonsense that makes them feel special. If we simply trust people at their word, especially people we have no reason to believe are sound enough in judgement to be trusted, we will ourselves be misled by the untrustworthy and we will logically deserve such an outcome. The field of magic is wrought with lies and the only reasons one should study the field is to enjoy the creative and meaningful concepts and to also prove to oneself that the field is truly as invalid as people generally think it is -which from my couple years of experience I say it is definitively bollocks.



How do I reach Illumination?


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What's up with all this Epyc Wynn business lately?

I'm still here though, and I'm still going to honor my promise.

I've heard that illumination occurs when one walks a fine balance, understands reality deeply and does not entangle himself in this world. I haven't reached illumination myself for obvious reasons, and I don't think I want to yet. I'll look into it and make a thread about it.


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fk you stupid cunt

come and help us fight the jews



Well what the hell do you want? Most of magical work comes down to strengthening your energy body so your intent becomes more powerful.

It's pretty much (speaking in Taoist terms) breathe energy into lower dan tien and circulate energy along microcosmic orbit. Strengthen LDT until it overflows into MDT (middle). Stimulate MDT, LDT bit by bit, transform negative emotions into positive along the way so as not to negatively agitate your body, control your sexuality/reduce wasteful sexual expulsion. Strengthen the whole energy body. This is training.

If you want to experiment with Thoughtform and what they can do just make (visualize) a form/ball fill it with emotion and intent that you want something to happen. If you are weak (which you probably are), you'd have to do this for a longer time and muster up a lot of emotions to "push" into it. If you want something in your life, "live in it" before you got to bed - act it out in your mind with all your sense and push emotions into it as well. Ends up being thoughtforming as well.

If you want to contact entities, send out a request (say it in your mind with enough emotion) and then do the void meditation you've been practicing and try and pick something up. Maybe something will respond, maybe it won't.

But it all comes down to energy work and time invested. Growing immortal is a slow process, nigga. You could just as much follow Bardon's system because it's good for learning the elemental qualities (which are an integral part of the Earth Sphere)

Stuff you could read:

> The Way of Energy - Chuen Lam Kam

Standing Gongs, as linked above. Easy to start exercises.

>Awaken Healing Light, Iron Shirt Chi Kung and Multi Orgasmic Man - Mantak Chia

Seems to have "accurate" information, if criticism of him comes down to him taking the sources from his master and Mantak himself not being as developed. Read for knowledge and potential energy work meditations.

>Taoist Yoga - Alchemy and Immortality - Charles Luk

Just for the point of energize LDT so it eventually becomes a "fetus" (energy organ) + do Microcosmic Orbit. Supposedly a relatively shitty translation from a good source.

>Xing Yi Nei Gong - Dan Miller, Tim Cartmell

Various gongs and a possible series of poses to develop and do for a longer span of training.

>The site http://www.all-dao.com/

>Various taoist texts, if you so wish: Tao Te Ching, Hua Hu Ching, Wen-tzu, Zhuangzi, Neiye, Liezi

But the bottom line is that, that you should start today and right now is doing energy work, most importantly LDT breathing and Microcosmic Orbit. The more time you spend working these two every day for a few months, the more you'll start to see results. Just do it, nigga. Ain't not ez guide gonna fall into your lap in a time when Divine Providence has made it so there is information over-saturation and possibility for you to become a master in your own time and pace.


t. useless fuck who's too dumb to sit down, meditate and experience if magic is true or not.

Ground yourself, always be critical of what happens to you and most likely won't experience grand self-delusions. But who am I kidding, you're just here to waste time to those who would dedicate it to you. You have no agency and you will never understand reality.


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Hey smiley get a waifu. It will make you happy.

Read this post, loosh/res/800.html#815

3dpd women are retarded and a "green pill" one will have retarded beliefs like wicca, new age, unconditional love, etc.


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2d is a good way to condition yourself for celibacy.

Once the lust of the flesh is dead the spirit can climb.



>destroying your mind to escape a succubus

You're a true wizard, but a bullet would be faster.


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i love how this thread slowly turning into a 2d waifu discussion


I didn't know this place was for blogging

get your shit together BO. Stop giving a fuck. Let go of your ego and identity; identify not with your body but with humanity itself. Of course we need you, just as much as you need us

You are pure consciousness. Choose a path, STS or STO. Also understand that a little STS is required to allow STO, and vice versa. But honestly it doesn't seem like you are doing either. As above so below; sort out your personal shit before trying to help anyone else. Regardless this article should help, though there may be other articles on that site that could help a lot more depending on your most recent situation



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dropped, bunch of jewish nonsense, BO isnt that stupid

he just need a reason to live and fight for

come and help us destroy the jews



>Smiley doing anything other than armchair occultism

The dude can't even into emotional alchemy after all these years. His complaints about persecution and being suicidal will never end. Pro tip, he's not going to kill himself whenever he promised to.

Anyone who still takes him seriously is pretty deluded as the only impressive thing about him is how he can know so much theory while being completely incapable of applying anything to fix his life and mental state.



Maybe because magic is not real, so he cant improve his life. Another example is Aliester Crowley who died a pauper and a drug addict. Magic is just advanced praying for man children to edgy and cool to be Christian or religious.



This board is literally smiley's blog, that's why he made it.



Do you still have faith in BO?



t. Epyc Wynn


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BO is another brain damage victim of nu-age and jewsus, he just need a little research to un-fuck his mind

im a asian, have meditated since 6 years old.

all my spirit knowledge about rising serpent energy/chi comes from my own experiment, intuition is my only teacher

i never do drugs or alcohol cuz im not stupid, eat what i pleased and keep my sexualy energy high, also have more than 5 years experience in chinese astrology and other divinations

not until recently i had study nu-age/chrisnity/islam( couldnt read english) did i relize how stupid those beliefs are

so i started learing who behind those corrupted shits. it get me to the truth about races, govement mind control, nazis, real holocaust, jew's global crimes, race mixing, white genocide, communist and its jewish roots which killed 100 millions chiness and more than 20 millions people of my country

save yourself before its too late, whites



do you know any non-bullshit books?


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the best way to learn about one' self or others is though natal charts

people born with different level of power, use your intuition, do whatever you like, read whatever you want

serpent energy, sexual energy, runes, elements, planets, sounds, yoga, visualize, chant are just ways to amplify power of energies

as long as you can feel your witch energies, everything will be fine

always say a affirmation after raising energies, say whatever you want, dosent matter, but you must say it.

if you dont, the energies in your body will active these "seeds of karma" in your charkas, a bad karma will fk you beyond anything

i myself rarely read any book, especially books about direct chi/energies

if those books hold anything important, the evil jews wouldnt have it published from the start



>Another example is Aliester Crowley who died a pauper and a drug addict

He died poor because he spent all his money propagating his message, and he was forced to use opiates because that was the only way to control his severe asthma. WW2 had disrupted the supply of his German asthma medicine.


What the fuck am I reading.



Your new home.

I just sorta 10 second skimmed OP but it looks like someone didn't realize that magic is practice and hard work, not study.


This needs to be a DO board not a STUDY board. Don't you agree?


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"I might, if I want to put the nail in the coffin of Fringe (in its current form), gather to me the astral light and ask of God to reveal to me a book to end all the discussion on here."

- Fringe Wizard


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"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him an helpe meet for him."


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Thanks for the maths.



I would like to add that I am the high priest of SMILEY EAT THE LEAVEN CRUST OFF MY HIGHLY ADEPT 5 DIMENSIONAL TAINT

"I will master the arts of magick. If I'm incapable of doing so by this arbitrary time limit I kill myself."

t. Smiley


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There is nothing wrong with being alone. Everyone is alone. You're free to see a person and talk to them.

And not everything in life is about magick. Go learn some mundane skills and enjoy your material existence.



who gives a fuck about you though this isnt about you your dumb gripes dont matter fuck off to your cuck shed



>I too feel it's time for me to put down the screen. It time draws near… It is a new stage for many of us I think. I have noticed it with many of us that feel the same way.

I feel you brother.

Everytime I get on the computer and open the browser I stare at a blank page for a minute or two because I simply don't know what site to visit. There's nothing to get from the internet anymore, now it's time to enter the real life to the fullest.

Of course the internet will remain to look up some minor information - just a tool, nothing more.



>responding to an outdated 1 year old thread



I have written, but it was destroyed.

The short of it is your gold is brass, and you haven't reduced, but impurified.



So where's the summary of how magick works, Smiley? It's been well over a year.

How can us Anons directly commune with God for divine knowledge?


How do I get to your level?


Have you read the BCR?

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