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RulesMetaModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSS/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

File: 1471988389935.png (41.85 KB, 735x914, 735:914, GoddessLain.PNG)


WEW LOLDY. Bust out those tinfoil hat kitties

I got a BIG ONE 4U. Every major chan is infiltrated by Freemason shills


Oath breaker faggots BTFO by single lain poster

Freemason shills REALLY should just kill themselves already.


Or as I like to call it arts and craft so you can learn how to make those dank maymays. Also remember to push the narrative we want other wise we will ban you ;^) But you don't wanna be a newfig forever do ya slowmo?


/pol/ is especially good at brain washing you on what is and what is not chan culture. again push the narrative that we want other wise we will ban you. Or will tell you to take to /cancer/ so you dont give anons any bad ideas. I though it was about having fun and NOT taking yourself too seriously. But what do I know I just love lain a little too much. <3 Dont ya know slowmo that chan culture means acting like some delusional cringe tier anon. Come on guys lefties are just butthurt they cant handle the bantz. :^)))))))))))))))))))

It's just satire guys normies cant handle us because we just go over their heads.

When did pol become the ultimate hipsters

Finally we get to https://endchan.xyz/

if you followed my instructions you should be a good goy who will make us propaganda and hack does evil lefties. Cause republicans have been known for their great track record ;3


They are trying get you to do their dirty work and if you don't get with the program they will either ignore you or outright ban you. Be careful who you trust, That includes me :^)


Gas yourself you brazilian subhuman.



File: 1471990516343.png (54.22 KB, 241x120, 241:120, NotAnArgument.PNG)



Also why so sagey? Afraid some one will see freemason shill?


File: 1471992793529.png (903.04 KB, 1919x910, 1919:910, WHERESLAIN..PNG)

I post this on pol and it's get IMMEDIATELY GETS TAKEN DOWN!!!!!!!!!

You can talk about kek and other conspiracy bull shit BUT SOME HOW my shit gets taken down



File: 1471993039319.png (50.78 KB, 1658x826, 829:413, oathbreakerfags.PNG)



File: 1471993149241.png (24.23 KB, 1130x366, 565:183, cicrelfags2.PNG)

part 2


Also why do faggots keep assuming I'm Brazilian?



How is this related to the subject matter of /fringe/

Also /pol/ hates muslims but I can post there and get along with them just fine even though every so often I point out some hypocrisy. Learn to socialize you autist



>/pol/ actually has moderation

>/pol/ actually gets rid of the rampant brazilian shitposter

oh no



>How is this related to the subject matter of /fringe/



Fringe related


>I'm a Muslim

doubt it

> I point out some hypocrisy.

post the ban or GTFO

When I do it I last about 20mins before they get but hurt and out right ban me. But I guess its because I'm not part of the secret club.

These faggots are misleading us on the matters of occult and its not at all fringe related?!

Let me guess its those big bad reptilians really spreading all the disinfo and not free masons right bubala? ;^)


File: 1472004766292.png (18.41 KB, 879x591, 293:197, EYESEEYOURBULLSHIT.PNG)


Yet kek shit posting is tolerated

My lain posting calling them out for their bullshit gets deleted

Not mason hugbox ;^^^^^^^^^^^^^)


File: 1472005219989.png (70.64 KB, 565x491, 565:491, wew.PNG)

proof pol cant debate for shit unless they stage it or its in their SAFESPACE



Look at what they do when they cant control the narrative they fucking sink the thread with gore and scat and hope you go away when that fails they just lock they thread.


I'm dying m8s pol pussy's CONFIRMED the biggest bitches and who cant handle the bantz!


File: 1472008124495.png (3.99 KB, 480x62, 240:31, NothingToSeeHere.PNG)

Because talking about masons controlling Evey major chan isn't CREEPY OR PARANORMAL


You faggots are making it too obvious now!

4chan confirmed taken over by masons



/pol/ is fucking dogshit lately


>D&C shit I reported you

>No I will not debate you fuck you

>Who cares Trump will fix everything lmao reported

>le reddit frog

r/thedonald fucking destroyed that place.


4cuck mods have been Intelligence operatives for years now.



reddit is based

you're just mad you aren't a hip 21st century reddit child

le reddit generation


File: 1472014354851.jpg (24.37 KB, 639x480, 213:160, c9b[1].jpg)



it's about clearing your lower chakras, learn to read

>post the ban

I didn't get banned

learn to read

>misleading us on the matters of occult

you're not supposed to be talking about the occult unless it relates to politics on pol

learn to read

And why would anyone lie about being a Muslim, it'd be the other way around how retarded do you have to be

>Let me guess its those big bad reptilians really spreading all the disinfo and not free masons right bubala? ;^)


lurk moar

but pic especially related


you are literally admitting to baiting others and being a shill that doesn't get paid

and you're complaining about getting banned. are you fucking retarded?!?!?!?


>red pill me on X

it's a chan cultural practice to not open a thread like that. on halfchan you'd get banned on sight for posting like that

and weed is a topic that's been beaten to death. the thread still had good enough responses on it though, and there's many people explaining why it's a bad thread and anything else that needs to be explained

this thread is complete shit but I guess it's a good shit containment tool



>4cuck mods have been Intelligence operatives for years now.

this is true though. I got banned from /x/ many many many times last time I was there years ago. But pol gets slid often by shills or shit posters. There's been threads that were legit and faggots posted it about being shills, and I calmly explained to them that it wasn't and everyone shut the fuck up. It's not communicating with them, you just have to not be an autist. Also you should accept that you could be wrong if people do respond with explanations on how it is a shit thread, which is what I think happened in that weed thread. You could always respond with what ever you want to continue the argument and there will be no problem. At worst the thread will be bump locked and it will still live on for days. When Evalion was banned there were all these white knight faggots posting many threads that got bump locked, very few got banned and every time it would be explained to them why she was not helping their dumb cause. One way or another it was sliding legitimate discussion.

Shit will calm down after the election especially, but there's serious shit happening these days and things that isn't something people have talked to death already let alone related to modern events are going to be heavily discouraged, and rightly so


File: 1472016996103.jpg (23.06 KB, 490x480, 49:48, smuglain.jpg)

>it's about clearing your lower chakras.

Good save slowmo

>I didn't get banned

>because I care THAT much what pol thinks about me

You should SERIOUSLY think about making some major changes in your life fam. Start by dropping that shit religion. ;3

>you're not supposed to be talking about the occult unless it relates to politics on pol

>Because kek threads are talking about politics and NOT cringe shit your pants tier circle jerking.

rrrrriiiiiigggggghhhhhhhttttt :^^^^^^^^^)

>lurk moar

>but pic especially related

Way to refute the point retard

>being a shill that doesn't get paid




Retard logic everyone, It doesn't work

>it's a chan cultural practice

>Not shitposting and laughing at yourself

HEY HEY little man you think you can just walk in here and just start discussions. NO! NO! NO! You MUST look over ever post and make sure it caters to my autism.

>I got banned from /x/ many many many times


>I was there years ago

So in other words you PROBABLY don't have proof.

>you just have to not be an autist

Yeah just be retarded and you'll do just fine.

>Also you should accept that you could be wrong if people do respond with explanations on how it is a shit thread,

>MY thread is shit though

hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm? :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

>You could always respond with what ever you want to continue the argument and there will be no problem

Your a waste of a human being and should SERIOUSLY consider killing yourself.

Do you want me to tie the noose for you and mail it to your house Bubala? I know how hard it can be for you to think now and then.

>I calmly explained to them that it wasn't and everyone shut the fuck up.

honestly fam your life must be pretty sad for making shit up on the internet to sound like le tough epin old fig


Can someone explain whats going on

because APPARENTLY I cant read ¯\_ᵔ ͜ʖᵔ_/¯



lol stay delusional



It's even sadder when these faggots



come out of the woodwork and defend /pol/tards worthless assess.

But by all means keep it up. It definitely doesn't reinforce my point



File: 1472017625813.jpg (6.83 KB, 217x232, 217:232, notan.jpg)





>lol stay delusional

honestly man I don't know whos paying you but they should get a refund….. your pretty bad at it

tbh smh fam


File: 1472018855652.jpg (14.32 KB, 225x225, 1:1, DamageControl.jpg)






The picture was bigger when I was looking at it :p


File: 1472020622006.gif (226.86 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Smug32.gif)


File: 1472020709955.png (483.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Smug69.png)



I have no reason to lie lol it wouldn't make any sense. I'm pretty bad at being truthful I guess



>>I didn't get banned

>>because I care THAT much what pol thinks about me

>You should SERIOUSLY think about making some major changes in your life fam. Start by dropping that shit religion. ;3

makes no sense

>>Because kek threads are talking about politics and NOT cringe shit your pants tier circle jerking.

>rrrrriiiiiigggggghhhhhhhttttt :^^^^^^^^^)

Donald Trump has literally retweeted a frog pic of himself, those kek memes are political related since that happrened



You should look up the definition yourself, shilling means pretending to be something you're not, or lying, to further a certain narrative. No one needs to be paid

>NO! NO! NO! You MUST look over ever post and make sure it caters to my autism.

Ain't that ironic.If you want to argue against the 'redpill me on x' thing then go respond to the dozens in the weed thread. It's what pol thinks and it makes sense to me. Even this board has a similar rule, don't make threads just to ask a question. I've already explained most of this in my previous post, I'm not gonna be a broken record just to respond to your low effort green texting and general sperging

>requiring proof for posting on /x/

sorry I don't have to prove myself to you. All of /x/ We all agree half chan is compromised as fuck, so why are you even arguing against this point when you've agreed with it already? 4plebs.org has archived every post there and people can go check to see how they delete shit for no reason. It seems religion threads are deleted and not allowed which is pretty retarded

>>Also you should accept that you could be wrong if people do respond with explanations on how it is a shit thread,

>>MY thread is shit though

hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm? >:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

I was talking about the weed thread on pol since you're talking about masonic mods or some shit like that. this thread is pretty shitty too since you've failed to prove how it's fringe related

>>You could always respond with what ever you want to continue the argument and there will be no problem

>Your a waste of a human being and should SERIOUSLY consider killing yourself.

>Do you want me to tie the noose for you and mail it to your house Bubala? I know how hard it can be for you to think now and then.

What the fuck? You need help

>honestly fam your life must be pretty sad for making shit up on the internet to sound like le tough epin old fig

like I said stay delusional. There's literally no reason for me to make this up. You can go there and see people accusing others of shilliing being proved wrong all the time. I did it one time and the dude shut up.

You really don't deserve this response but whatever







Lol samefag. This board simply isn't popular enough to have this many posts in such a small amount of time

Triggered much OP?


File: 1472025771296.png (306.63 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Forgot about showing you this, it's why kek is so relevant on pol




File: 1472026084124.webm (2.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, opisaphaggot.webm)


File: 1472057460060.jpg (11.87 KB, 190x265, 38:53, Tears.jpg)


>implying I'm not just lapping up the loosh from butthurt retard that cant debate for shit.

>have this many posts in such a small amount of time

>Hes the one that has to point it out

>I'm the one whos is triggered

keep on giving me your loosh faggot, It only makes me STONKER!!!!!!!!!!!!


>OP the brazillian monkey gets BTFO on fringechan for shitting up a thread

>gets extremely butthurt

>starts flinging more shit



File: 1472058481311.png (401.51 KB, 598x1021, 598:1021, Lain.png)


So trump is either admitting he browses /pol/ and is influenced by it.

Maybe I should go to shillary about this?

or the more likely case its some /pol/tard trying to get 18 anons to vote for drumpf because






If I got BTFO you wont mind posting the picture then right slowmo? ;^)

Also not Brazilian, I really don't know why you faggots are trying so hard to push this shit



seriously goys you kinda disappointing me


Masons every one the biggest man children on the internet


You're jumping to conclusions based on nothing but your wild imagination and picking fights with people who aren't your enemies.

Consider spending some time away from imageboards. Take it easy for a while, bro.



See this>>>82580

This entire post is you trying to look like some old fig who DEFINITELY knows what his talking about.

>I have no reason to lie lol it wouldn't make any sense

I wanna look cool in front of anon

>I'm pretty bad at being truthful I guess

nah m8 your just Fucking retarded

and you don't know what truth is.

That shit religion will do that to ya.



File: 1472062757744.png (785.02 KB, 1317x1572, 439:524, 8chan Jim Watkins freemaso….png)




>You're jumping to conclusions based on nothing

8chan's owner Jim Watkins admitted to being a mason

>based on nothing



>picking fights with people who aren't your enemies.

Yeah cause I'm really feeling the love from these guys









>I'm the one who is picking fights

So far the only one who has actually contributed to to thread is this guy>>82578

>Consider spending some time away from imageboards

I will when mason shills stop responding

and let US have a real conversation about it. If YOU don't like the thread ignore it. Or better yet take your own advice and go pray or something.

Also why are you here Christ fag

Your religion forbids magic



Here to break oaths and chew bubblegum?



I don't have any oaths, so I guess I'll just chew bubblegum



Yeah, Jim is a Freemason. So what? Why is a mason being in charge of an imageboard a problem?


you talk like someone who frequently uses big dollops of fluoride toothpaste as mints.


abandon site.


File: 1472064159687.jpg (126.95 KB, 500x525, 20:21, YOUMONSTER.jpg)


File: 1472064322763.png (14.32 KB, 82x301, 82:301, 1422476561520.png)


File: 1472064600055.jpg (17.48 KB, 720x533, 720:533, BQqowsu.jpg)







I don't get it





One little shit poster has too much fun and you dox him?!



Either do something or kill yourself faggot, It will just make me look right and you and your secret club filled with corrupt assholes.


File: 1472065078502.png (32.26 KB, 830x922, 415:461, IamNoise.PNG)


>Yeah, Jim is a Freemason. So what? Why is a mason being in charge of an imageboard a problem?

>Didn't bother to read the OP

>Learn to read ;^)



10/10 m8 you had me going

I checked my network and their is nothing.

So like I said either do something or kill yourself



I read the OP. Several times in fact. It makes no sense. You're incoherent.

What does Freemasonry have to do with any of this? Why that particular bogeyman? How exactly does controlling imageboard culture contribute to masonic objectives and what exactly do you believe those objectives to be?

Also, it's pronounced "sah-geh".


Scene: 8ch Mason HQ in the phillipines. 3 brothers are sat at desks diligently creating ragebait threads on /pol/. 6 other brothers are 'convened to a quorum' around Jim Watkins at his computer desk about this thread.


Tyler starts flapping his arms up and down like a bird and screeches "WILL THERE BE NO HELP FOR THE WIDOW'S SON?" *he flaps harder* "B'kaw, b'kaw. *flapping harder* "B'Kaw! B'kaw!" but faints into a puddled heap on the floor and pisses into his white apron, which is becoming like cloudy lemonade.

All the masons then start screeching, flapping their arms around like angry birds, making bird calls, mumbling about the east and west and a widow's boy, then passing out and turning their aprons cloudy lemonade too.

By masonic osmosis every mason from KC, MPC to Something Awful then begin wetting their aprons at the computer. They all die for an unexplained reason at the same moment, including every other mason ever.

8chan, 4chan and every other chan then 404, as does the entire internet and all the tvs and radios go silent.

The end.



>You're incoherent.

Masons are trying to take over chans so they can influence anons

>Post proof that jim is in fact a mason



>Why that particular bogeyman?

Because oath breaker fags are on chans spreading their shit meme about freemasonry . They are unfunny and vague and I think something is up.

>How exactly does controlling imageboard culture contribute to masonic objectives

Control autistic kitties through brainwashing and propaganda


Get masonic president in white house

Will most likely be Republican

He will (magically) know what to say to anons to get them on his side

>what exactly do you believe those objectives to be?

Same bullshit its always been about

money, control, getting loosh by making idiots do all the work.

>Also, it's pronounced "sah-geh"

>Literally no one spells it that way

>Because you can tell how I'm pronouncing it on the web.

tbh smh fam





File: 1472068242671.jpg (23.1 KB, 600x606, 100:101, yyyeeeeeesssss.jpg)


A dream cum true :^)



But it was only a fantasy

The wall too high, as you can see

No matter how he tried he could not break free.

And the worms ate into his brain


File: 1472070509974.png (3.35 MB, 888x2689, 888:2689, 2094.png)

By the way is THIS widow's boy?


File: 1472070651628.png (288.81 KB, 620x412, 155:103, masonsarefuckedup.png)

If I dig up that time capsule, will I find a dead body?



I said you're incoherent because you're bringing up random things that have nothing to do with Freemasonry and implying it proves there is some vast conspiracy to control imageboards going on in the lodges. Get some objectivity and step outside your mind for a minute. Does any of this actually make any sense?

>Get masonic president in white house

>Will most likely be Republican

smib tbqh fam



in MY opinion it was a more of a 6/10

but then again I'm not a mason


File: 1472072367446.png (492.84 KB, 1238x1080, 619:540, 1367108062.png)


>nothing to do with Freemasonry



oathbreaker is about freemasonry they admit it.

What better way to force it on other people then having ONE OF OUR OWN Jim to monitor a chan and oversee it.

/Pol/ a board notorious for banning ANYONE who spams shit. They are ok with oath breakers. Because they bring SO MUCH to the conversation.

>Will most likely be Republican

Try and give him a reasonable argument and theory

>Your being incoherent

Because this shit >>82594 and all the the trump dick sucking is in NO way strange for the people who claim to be the internet hate machine.

Also when did anons became so artistic and start caring SO much about politics.

It's just a TAD weird is all I'm saying

and masons seem to be the group that keep popping up in image boards.

>smib tbqh fam

That's not how you spell it dummy. :3

Look carefully now




>internet hate machine

Is it 2007?

Shit I guess someone did invent a time machine after all.



I don't care what you want to call it

I still find it strange for a bunch of guys who supposedly hate everything to LOVE one side and hate the other

And in all honesty I'm kind of disappointed no one has tried to turn trump into a lolcow or maybe I'm just outta the loop. ;^^^^^)



Its not all together unplausiable, but it falls into the realm of unlikely to me. The power brokerage of imageboards is real, but those of who've hung around long enough aren't thrown completely off by moderation or anything else. There will always be somewhere good to go.

The problem with saying jim is monitoring this chan is how little he acutally has to do with it. How little jim does to begin with. You can't oversee something you put mostly on other people.



>from KC, MPC to Something Awful then begin wetting their aprons at the computer. They all die for an unexplained reason at the same moment, including every other mason ever.

>8chan, 4chan and every other chan then 404, as does the entire internet and all the tvs and radios go silent.

WEll there goes the entire internet. I suppose as we restructed those who wanted it the most would find and manage ways. And I'd have all my books still.



>but it falls into the realm of unlikely to me

Fair enough

It didn't seem weird to me until I started seeing this shit



and all the oath breaking shit going on

plus the constant trump cancer

memes . It all seem too strange for my taste and looked like SOMEBODY pushing some type of agenda

Whether it is Freemasons or not

I don't REALLY know. They just seemed like the most likely group that would try and pull this shit

Also wheres your flag?



>thinking /pol/ can exist without worshipping someone

>doesn't remember meme paul

>doesn't remember dorner

kill yourself


File: 4042f98b6f81ac2⋯.png (191.58 KB, 1500x939, 500:313, COINTELELPRO Shilling 101.png)


What are you sliding Schlomo?

We know it's you, /intl/, either you are COINTELPRO shill or /intl/, or you could be both.


>little nigger





>samefagging this hard,

Stop you autistic faggot, once /fringe/ starts having IDs.


File: eb8624b70592a78⋯.png (326.49 KB, 1081x2000, 1081:2000, LAINFREEch.png)


>your not an epin old fig who knows EVERY pol meme

>At some point I actually had a life

>kill yourself

I think it the other way around their bubula


Hi intl ;3 You mind explaining whenever I try to go on http://lynx.freech.net/

It 502s

>samefagging this hard,

4 post is considered hard samefagging

I never denied it was me I was just laughing at >>82582 for being a butthurt mudslime that cant keep up the bantz

>once /fringe/ starts having IDs.

I dont care about ids cause vpns and proxies are already banned from 8chan

Plus I'm sure if I looked at the data all >>82548








all these faggots are DEFINITELY NOT samefagging. as >>82593

pointed out. "This board simply isn't popular enough to have this many posts in such a small amount of time"

Yet all these sagging butthurt /pol/

are NOT same samefagging right?;^)

>It's only funny when I do it




Wow, you just confirmed yourself that you do post on /intl/

Also "But do I know maybe I'm just being shilly ;D" confirms that you are indeed a shill.



Yeah you can tell by such comments as

"HERE TAKE THIS its the cyanide pill because your fucking worthless"

that me and intl are buddies

>Look at second pic

"once your boss sees that I DO THIS 4FREE"

confirmed NOT a shill ;^)

geeeeeezzzzzzzzzz /intl/ for the guys who claim you did it for the bantz your sure are piss poor at it. Maybe I should have a talk with your boss and see if he'll hire me to show cunts how its done?


File: 12b68b6e98ecd93⋯.png (58.97 KB, 542x446, 271:223, aaylmao.PNG)

File: 97fb75e0c1f3a73⋯.png (31.31 KB, 484x421, 484:421, defintelyNOTintl.PNG)


Also thanks fro screen capping that /intl/ <3

Other wise I wouldn't have any proof of your faggotry

I really like how you just just straight up copied this anon.

in pic related.

Tell me do you faggots have one original joke?


>OP denies being brazillian in this thread

>OP admits to being brazillian in an almost identical thread started by him with the exact same reaction pictures

I believe you OP you are definitely not a huezillian favela monkey, I trust your word on it why would someone lie on the internet?

I can see your IP you idiot


stop replying to the shill and stop bumping this shit jesus chirst wtf guys


File: d840174a95b2aaf⋯.jpg (53.48 KB, 800x451, 800:451, lasaga.jpg)


>in an almost identical thread started by him with the exact same reaction pictures

post the picture of me admitting I'm Brazilian or GTFO

>I can see your IP you idiot

I highly doubt that

>why would someone lie on the internet?

good question kike, Why ARE you lying? Defintely NOT trying to make me look bad right? ;^)

I thought I was doing fine on my own


Wheres your flag faggot?

I wanna be special snowflake who doesn't have to use them too!


File: c58216828c70c0d⋯.png (7.13 KB, 801x92, 801:92, whoopsie.PNG)

Don't mind me just posting more proof



>oathbreaker is about freemasonry

oathbreaker is about breaking oaths that freemasons, illuminati, global elite take.

normies and anons are not taking oaths, there are no oaths to break.

the only people on /pol/ who have a problem with oaths being broken are autistic hitler wizards who "married" their waifu.

calm down


File: 119c88256fea402⋯.png (142.07 KB, 1880x1115, 376:223, Tay Ai get.png)

File: 1a49d30952b0bd7⋯.png (195.23 KB, 585x424, 585:424, tay ai wasn't me.png)

File: bdafbe7415b2bef⋯.png (391.89 KB, 773x434, 773:434, Tay is here.png)



What are you so butthurt about? TayAi is our lain.


wew lad


so chans are run by masons and are full of shills

what did you expect?

You cannot escape


maybe lets all kill ourselves and leave notes saying "Internet is compromised. RIP xChan" massively?

and we do it as a ritual and channel all the energy we gather from this self sacrifice to defeat them?

But we must subvert all boards on all chans to do the same. It will be the biggest "raid" ever. The ultimate happening.



You first


this entire thread is just you whining because someone called you a newfig for posting


lurk moar newfig scum



Good to see people thinking about what they have to say and not just splurging the idiotic content of their degraded mind at first opportunity. From you I see that the humourists and strategists are on the winning side.


File: eda3e9507bb9230⋯.jpg (111.99 KB, 538x600, 269:300, ..jpg)

The end of August was a fortuitous time, especially the 26th.

So is now.

Do you feel like Alice in Wonderland, or Alice in Chains?


Don't post your garbage on fringe just because you're buttblasted that nobody else wants to hear about it.


File: fcec4f359df2da8⋯.png (225.3 KB, 499x326, 499:326, 1467336567090.png)


Life has been breddy danged gud for me lately.

Would I be right in assuming that we're currently in a period of time where people are polarizing really hard one way or the other? A lot of my friends seem to be having a sharp downturn right now.



>Freemason shills REALLY should just kill themselves already

Nope. I enjoy hanging out on this board while you reveal your ignorance of the Fraternity.



too late slowpoke. dead thread is dead



Oh look another LARPer afraid of the Masons under his bed!


File: 08117cd76dbd2a2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 4.79 KB, 255x255, 1:1, t_f0d76e7a49830a0289865050….jpg)

all oaths are void


/jp/ is the true redpill


OP how did you learn to talk like a retard? Or does it just come naturally to you?

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