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Esoteric Wizardry


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You Shower Too Much!

How often do you shower or wash your body? Chances are, you probably bathe too much! Bathing every day strips the body and hair of natural oils, and it dries out the skin. Trace washes away some myths and explains why showering too often could be bad for your skin and your health.

Read More:

>Hygiene of the Skin: When Is Clean Too Clean?

"Skin hygiene, particularly of the hands, is a primary mechanism for reducing contact and fecal-oral transmission of infections agents."

>Are Long, Hot Showers Bad For Your Skin?

"It's a cruel world sometimes. The tastiest foods are bad for your health, the finest things are bad for your wallet and long, hot showers, unfortunately, are bad for your skin."

>The Great Unwashed

"A daily shower is a deep ingrained American habit. Most people would no sooner disclose they had not showered in days than admit infidelity."

>Crystal structure and functional mechanism of a human antimicrobial membrane channel

"Multicellular organisms ?ght bacterial and fungal infections by producing peptide-derived broad-spectrum antibiotics."

>Surface Bacteria Maintains Skin's Healthy Balance

"On the skin's surface, bacteria are abundant, diverse and constant, but inflammation is undesirable."

>Commensal bacteria regulate TLR3-dependent inflammation following skin injury

"The normal microflora of the skin includes staphylococcal species that will induce inflammation when present below the dermis but are tolerated on the epidermal surface without initiating inflammation."

>How Much Should You Shower?

"It's conventional wisdom that the more you shower, the cleaner you are."

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmj_G6VxgT4


Personal notes on the magical use of common substances

Mint is calming and stabilizing. Drink mint tea to acquire emotional stability and overcome the highs and lows. Don't if you need to work up a lot of anger or something.

Meats, bones, organs, and blood are best consumed in the morning. They seem to help the bones and give long-lasting energy as they slowly breakdown through the day. Good for black magick operations, strength, physical work, etc.

Garlic and similar substances (onions/chives/leeks); good for cleansing the system and granting increased immunity for awhile, best to consume before a period of long mundane work or to repell magical entities. Decreases lucidity and basically shuts down the third eye temporarily – not completely but it makes it very hard and you need to really apply your will intensely to overcome its effects. Are you being overwhelmed by sickness or need to keep yourself fixed in third density for awhile? Garlic will help you. It really makes it difficult to astral project properly and to create thoughtforms though.

Citrus fruits (organs/lemons/grapefruit/etc.) – all of them increase lucidity and make astral projection and thoughtform work easier. If you are going to perform some magical operations you will want to consume that citric acid. Potential drawback is entities also get an opening to come at you for a visit whether it's wanted or not and you may get abducted easier. Really overall there's nothing wrong with using these, it's great for intense mental work, you just can't do it all the time without losing its effects; the system should always be reset at some point. They probably help decalcify the pineal gland too.

Green tea accelerates thought processes and is great for intense meditation and has anti-oxidants that purge the body and help detox it, if you've been consuming meats for awhile this helps counter its effects and balance you again. Green tea combines extremely well with citrus, use both at once for extremely intense meditation and magickal operations. If you want to have a wildly awesome astral projection consume lemons and green tea together after a period of fasting and pranayama.

Fasting is necessary to reset the body every once in awhile and cleanse the system. During fasting it's ok to eat vegetables, oatmeal, fruits, etc. and juicing.

A spoon full of apple-cider-vinegar seems to help after a big meal especially one with lots of food group the grains/breads food category. I discovered this on my own through random experimentation but this article seems to back me up on my finding: http://www.amazing-green-tea.com/apple-cider-vinegar-benefits.html

Sodium bicarbonate removes excess oils from the body very effectively and cleanses skin pores but leaving it on for hours burns you so wash that shit off after 15 or so minutes.


Forgot to mention that hot peppers clear the nostrils when they are getting clogged which helps me do pranayama when otherwise I could not do it due to clogged nostrils.


Thanks for this info.
I was a little disappointed to learn about onions and garlic decreasing lucidity because I cook with them often. Although it explains why you're supposed to use garlic to repel vampires.
My own method for clearing my nostrils is to exercise. I believe carbon dioxide acts as a nasal decongestant.


I took a whole bunch of garlic yesterday and it did a major hit on my lucidity for the next 12 hours.


What the fuck that woman in the thumbnail has been photoshopped or is wearing cosmetics that somehow aren't washing off in that shower.


>Bathing every day strips the body and hair of natural oils, and it dries out the skin.
You probably live in a very cold place. Here, if you don't shower several times a day, you stink (3 being the usual, 2 the minimum).


But IIH tells me I should scrub the fuck out of my skin all day err day. Who should I believe?


Seriously you guys should help me choosing my soap, shampoo, toothpaste, aftershave and deodorant. What should I buy?


Word. I live in Texas and between the heat, humidity, and the blanket of chemicals that gets blasted from flares at chemical plants into the atmosphere, I tend to feel pretty dirty in an unnatural way after a day of working outside.
I wish I could get away with not showering every day, but not only would it be disgusting, it might very well be unhealthy because of the exposure to petrochemicals I experience on a daily basis.
I'm very interested in this thread, though. Good idea, OP.


Well you could shower with cold water instead of hot water according to OP's sources


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But should psychological benefits of a nice hot shower be discounted?


Has anyone here given up soap, except for washing hands, and deodorant?

I find that when I shower with cold water and scrubbing that I don't stink. I think it has to do with a clean diet, sun, and regular exercise.


>Using maymays

You could obviously just meditate.


>Implying memes aren't magick
>You could obviously just meditate
It's not the same and you know it? Are hot springs also bad for you?


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Just straight up plain soap with no additives and shit. Hard to get but if you can find it, it'll do you good, as long as it's only used for when you actually need it to get some terrible dirt out. Otherwise use some really mild non-comedogenic sort of soap or don't use soap.


^ see the cetaphil soap, that's a good soap, doesn't clog pores


Baby shampoo. It's safe enough for use on babies and I think pets too and there's no reason that adults can't use it.

You're not supposed to use shampoo often btw:



Fluoride-free toothpaste.

This right here is the exact variant of toothpaste I use: http://www.fantasia-uae.com/Products.aspx?id=15

Note the chaos star in the top-left-corner of that site btw.

Well, here's the more exact variant of the same thing, as it's sold in my country and as the label actually appears on my toothpaste: http://shopping.canoe.ca/shop/product--productId_34224596.html

…but that chaos star man.


Not good. Don't use it at all. I haven't really researched this though maybe there's some soap-wort herbal alternative whatever for this. I've never shaved once in my life.

>and deodorant

Definitely don't use. Period. Get your body odour problems corrected via diet, pranayama, etc. don't put that deodorant shit on your body it's really bad for you.


Here's a little story, cocksuckers.

I usually use a shower filter true story stop getting gassed by the Jew under the plethora of toxic inhalants and obvious chlorine gas, but that is another story.

The real story: I recently showered at a motel and smelt like absolute shit afterwards especially my hair how disgusting it was like dirt smell plus chemicals. I then realized this is how everyone in that town smelt.

Today I am at another hotel but I will simply be applying shivambu to my entire body and hair instead of using their toxic soaps with shit water.


How is deodorant bad for you and what do I do to get around needing it?


>How is deodorant bad for you

Fucks up with the function of your skin in removing toxins. Enjoy becoming more and more toxic as your sweat glands are fucked with.

>and what do I do to get around needing it?

Superior diet, good circulation, pranayama, etc. I've never used deodorant in my life and I never smell unless I've consumed certain food substances but otherwise I never smell at all and people who I've mentioned this fact to have smelled me and confirmed I don't smell at all and then suggested that I just have superior genetics.


Most deodorant contains aluminum which is a very bad neurotoxin having synergistic toxicity with other heavy metals and much can be said on that alone…

You can use these cool rock salt thai deodorants (saw one in a health food store with aluminum added, sumbich!) Or baking soda, as balancing pH is the name of that game.

Really, I'd master the pH battle internally with a clean diet and then transition to not giving a fuck, which is what I do.

If I ever use a soap it's Bronners, the best.


I personally use sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) once in awhile on my skin and also drink 2 spoonfuls of Apple Cider Vinegar a day which stabilizes PH.

Never have any problems with smelling at all.


I only take long showers once in awhile while giving myself a rub down, brushing my teeth, and just doing a very lengthy total body clean and regeneration type deal. Otherwise I avoid them. They fuck up your skin bad especially if you take long showers frequently and don't use all sorts of different measures to combat the effects of such long showers.


I never use soap, only like once in a blue moon and under unusual circumstances.

Soap causes muh acne to get worse.


I live in… Northern Canada.

…but even during the hot summers I don't stink, my sweat has no smell to it.


If you read the 2001 edition of it, there's a footnote saying that advice is out of date and why.

Just do that one exercise in the Science of Breath that has the same effect of increasing circulation instead.


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[11:53:07 PM] Fringe Wizard: Hey Richard, true story, I just found out my toothpaste is connected to chaos magick.
[11:53:27 PM] Fringe Wizard: The same toothpaste I got years ago and which I was motivated to get because of an entity walking into my room and presenting me toothpaste.
[11:53:38 PM] Richard Clunes: what
[11:53:40 PM] Fringe Wizard: >tfw chaos magicians are manipulating my life
[11:53:51 PM] Richard Clunes: duh
[11:53:55 PM] Fringe Wizard: https://8chan.co/fringe/res/8263.html#8477
[11:53:59 PM] Richard Clunes: Im manipulating your life right now
[11:54:06 PM] Fringe Wizard: See that chaos star?
[11:54:14 PM] Fringe Wizard: http://fantasia-uae.com/
[11:54:25 PM] Richard Clunes: Fringe
[11:54:43 PM] Richard Clunes: you know that the 8 pointed star has other uses besides chaos magic
[11:54:50 PM] Richard Clunes: *meanings
[11:55:12 PM] Fringe Wizard: >implying this isn't a major "coincidence"
Thursday, November 6, 2014
[12:05:02 AM] Curls Georgeously ♂ ☻: it is a fucking coincidence, are you telling me that the scooby-doo family pack wet wipes they sell are occult too?
[12:05:40 AM] Fringe Wizard: >implying they aren't chaos wizards in Dubai using chaos magick to get their various products sold
[12:05:45 AM] Richard Clunes: Fringe
[12:05:48 AM] Fringe Wizard: >implying it's not just an example of using magick to get rich
[12:05:50 AM] Richard Clunes: why would dubai wizards
[12:05:56 AM] Richard Clunes: use American occult symbols
[12:06:03 AM] Richard Clunes: Fringe
[12:06:07 AM] Curls Georgeously ♂ ☻: >autists actually believe this
[12:06:09 AM] Fringe Wizard: >implying people around the world aren't getting visit by servitors with toothpaste meant to make them buy more of their fluoride-free toothpaste
[12:06:10 AM] Richard Clunes: why dont YOU use magic to get rich
[12:06:10 AM] Curls Georgeously ♂ ☻: holy shit
[12:06:16 AM] JS: fringes story sounds …..dubaious :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[12:06:23 AM] Fringe Wizard: ebin
[12:06:27 AM] Richard Clunes: (sunglasses) YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[12:06:36 AM] Curls Georgeously ♂ ☻: I can't tell if this is a joke or not anymore
[12:06:46 AM] Richard Clunes: Its not a joke
[12:06:52 AM] Richard Clunes: its the final stages of nihilism
[12:06:59 AM] Richard Clunes: dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
[12:07:18 AM] Curls Georgeously ♂ ☻: I mean, chaos wizards using toothpaste to make profit in dubai
[12:07:29 AM] Curls Georgeously ♂ ☻: I haven't even heard it all yet, have I?
[12:07:48 AM] Richard Clunes: Curls: sometimes I wonder if one days smiley is going to go on cam
[12:07:57 AM] Richard Clunes: and pull off a latex face mask
[12:08:03 AM] Richard Clunes: and reveal an aging Andy Kaufman
[12:08:08 AM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: i think fringe says things sometimes to sound crazy on purpose
[12:08:16 AM] Richard Clunes: Yeah that too
[12:08:17 AM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: bc it gets him attention
[12:08:23 AM] Richard Clunes: I think you mean LOOSH
[12:08:26 AM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: here we all are discussing it
[12:08:27 AM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: that too
[12:08:40 AM] Gabe (Euromutt) ♂ ☻: it's worked remarkably well for him so far, i have to say
Post last edited at 2014-11-06 05:19:12


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But it just feels so fucking good, and I always get deep incites during a long, hot shower. I've never notices any skin problems either.


Maybe you're just a water elemental who is unaffected by lots and lots of water pouring down on your for half an hour.



pls share diet canadian masterrace


Well my true star sign (http://www.horoscopedates.com/real-dates/) is Aquarius.


Canada is considered cold as fuck here.
I live around the equator line, some days I feel like I could fry eggs on the sidewalks.

We take cold showers tho.


>wizards spend several days without a bath
>avoid soap at all costs
>rarely wash their hair
>can't use good toothpastes
>don't use deodorants
>neither aftershave
>nor perfumes
Is stinking a pre-requisite for being a magic user? Are you all trying to do some sort of smelly decay/plague rituals, and trying to smell as bad as possible to boost it's effects?

Would it hurt that much to smell and look good? Is spending an hour on a gym, getting home and taking a good shower really going to ruin your lives?


Personally I enjoy being aware of my slowly rotting body. Also aftershave may be used but why would you shave in the first place?


>Not hot as fuck

I want to move even further North because fuck this shit it's so fucking hot in Ontario.


>Is spending an hour on a gym, getting home and taking a good shower really going to ruin your lives?

>implying I don't work out intensely for 4 hours a day

I used to look really shit btw – back when I showered every single fucking day and my skin was an oily acne ridden mess. Now I shower only once a week approximately and my skin is much better.

Also I never smelled. Not before and not now.


I usually shoot for lukewarm, maybe a little colder. I absolutely hate being cold. It's probably my least favorite feeling, it's comparable to pain in my mind. I need to look into that wim hof shit.
I tend to stink, and I think it's largely from energy drinks. I usually drink one in the morning. I'm a recovering addict and caffeine and cigarettes are deeper and harder to kick than booze and dope were. They also make my sweat stink. And breath, immediately after consumption.
Is there a way to test the ph balance of my body? Did I miss that post somewhere?


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>tfw always ice cold and if I touch someone I feel like death with how cold my hands are
>tfw hate excessive heat and even a little heat causes serious problems for me like severe itching (I can't seem to sweat)
>tfw I shed a layer off my eyes every few days
>tfw I feel sun light very strongly and it heats me up fast even during winter
>tfw I am partially Reptilian



And I though being the normal kind of mixed was already bad.

You should do a AMA bro


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>If I ever use a soap it's Bronners, the best.
>"Bronner, whose parents were killed in the Holocaust, promoted a belief in the goodness and unity of humanity."


lol what? That soap forgot to list "dead jews" in its ingredients.


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lol who edited this wikipedia article? It's a joke right?

> Bronner, whose parents were killed in the Holocaust, promoted a belief in the goodness and unity of humanity.

> dropping "Heil" from his name
> then-ascendant Nazi Party
> In 1947, while promoting his "Moral ABC" at the University of Chicago, Bronner was arrested and committed to a mental hospital in Elgin, Illinois, from which he escaped after shock treatments.


The pleasure I derive from taking long, hot showers vastly outweighs any benefits that may exist from not doing that.

It's not like you're going to grow a 12 inch cock and start shitting money if you stop showering. You'll just smell worse, and your skin will have an extra layer of dead cells.


>It's not like you're going to grow a 12 inch cock
you get higher testosterone


This is the primary, and in some cases, only personal care product I use.

Applies for nearly all the needs of:

>It's a quality soap.

>Works well as a shampoo, not too harsh, and no weird moisturizer ingredients.
>Toothpaste. Not my go-to, but I just bring it when traveling. It's made with food grade ingredients, and really doesn't taste like much of anything.
>Aftershave. Well, I've shaved with a mixture of it and a touch of olive oil. Felt zero need for aftershave.


fuck off with that bullshit. If I don't shower twice a day, I'll go insane.

The Vedas say that a brahmin is supposed to bathe 3 times a day. So take your hippie bullshit and stick it up your ass.


[citation needed]


>showering twice a day

Such good goyim!



>The Vedas say that a brahmin is supposed to bathe 3 times a day

Where did you read this? I don't think Brahmins smell in the first place, don't they have a pretty strict diet?


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Trolling people into not showering? Bravo.



I only bathe in natutal hot springs. Cascading fluoridated water over yourself is idiotic. You may as well eat raw sodium fluoride.


a few years ago (when I was much more mundane) during a busy work week I wore deodorant, but since I was working so much I didn't shower when I got home, just crashed out and went to sleep, and in the morning rinsed off and applied more deodorant. After about 3 days of this my armpits swelled up so badly I could hardly put my arms down. I stopped wearing my deodorant, but it didn't go down until I squeezed the swollen portion, and every pore popped like a zit full of stale gray sweat. It was pretty horrifyingly amazing, actually.
True story. Thinking back I get chills just thinking of all the toxins I absorbed.


I shower every night, but i alternate using soap on my face or pits/privates every other night, and shampoo every 3 nights.
Keeps me smelling decently without drying me out too badly.

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