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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 18th Attention-Hungry Games
/nep/ - The cutest console war
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RulesMetaModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSS/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

File: 28e1118e7b7e5c0⋯.jpg (110.75 KB, 681x780, 227:260, SpA4uL0.jpg)


Who claimed /fringe/?


It wasn't up for claiming, was it?


File: f3c5e85016469f5⋯.png (34.78 KB, 300x300, 1:1, wow.png)


The board log says someone claimed it 10 hours ago. Maybe smiggle hadn't logged in for awhile?


File: c60c499d7236e86⋯.png (580.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1413845809716.png)


the lack of announcement concerns me


Smiley was recently arrested for statutory rape of a minor.

RIP smiley, renown pedophile



RIP Smiley

"My only dream is a world without jews"

2002 - 2016


File: 64808613de9d1e1⋯.jpg (26.01 KB, 736x522, 368:261, lain loves you.jpg)

I did, but don't worry. My intentions for claiming /fringe/ are to protect it from getting nuked/falling into the hands of someone with nefarious purposes until smiley gets back from where ever he might be (https://8ch.pl/4chon/res/38905.html).

I've already sent him a message on a certain platform that i won't name incase he shares his account or if someone has his password from a leaked database or something along those lines. When he replies to me I'll be asking for proof that he is really him to remove all chances of handing over the board to someone other than smiley.

In his absence I won't be changing any rules, settings, moderation, etc. Hope this calms any potential qualms you guys may be feeling and sorry for not informing you earlier.



>don't worry guys I totally won't go mad with power and turn into a power hungry monster

We all say that every time anon.


fringe hidden 59 minutes /fringe/ Created a new volunteer: RAEG_Jr (#26048)



File: 7db77eb4ed06b38⋯.png (78.73 KB, 974x1017, 974:1017, ss (2016-08-30 at 10.26.34….png)

File: b6ff5a738085cee⋯.png (119.28 KB, 959x1026, 959:1026, ss (2016-08-30 at 10.31.15….png)


So smiley has came back and I have given him back /fringe/. I asked him for a photo of himself with a timestamp, I don't think he had a pen so i instead asked for a picture of himself holding up his thumb index and middle finger of his right hand, he replied a minute later with a picture of his thumb and ring finger up (lel) then realizing his mistake he replied again with the first 3 fingers. The background had not changed from the first picture and he replied fairly quickly to my request which led me to believe it was really smiley and not someone else. He had also linked me to http://8ch.net/sudo/res/5321.html which pretty much confirmed in my mind it was smiley. After i had returned the board he decided to make me a volunteer and asked me to introduce myself so I guess consider this my introduction.



Welcome back, smiley-senpai. I'm glad everything is back to normal.



why did you blur out how they gave you the board?


File: 2d887b5f27a4802⋯.png (505.04 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, tmp_17689-Screenshot_2016-….png)

>This group chat requires updating to continue using calling and messaging features. To update, type /update into this group chat. Learn more


File: f24d51bf493f11d⋯.png (90.38 KB, 1745x1030, 349:206, email.png)


I didn't want to mention how i got the board because i thought there was a flaw in the claims system but I don't think thats the case anymore after seeing http://8ch.net/sudo/res/5184.html.

So I'll just explain what happened since i think it's safe enough to do so now.

On August 1st i noticed /fringe/ was claimable so i contacted smiley and told him to log in to prevent the board from being nuked again, i went to sleep woke up and he still hadn't responded and it was still claimable so i sent in a claims request. Later that day he messages me, logs in and /fringe/ was removed from the claims page. I thought my claim request would be nulled at that point but apparently that wasn't the case since I still got the board. I hadn't sent any claim request's since august 1st and I don't know if /fringe/ was actually claimable in the time span between yesterday and August 2nd. But if it wasn't, then in my mind one of three possibilities happened.

1. Whenever a board is claimable, if a claim request is sent in and the owner signs in AFTER the request is sent, then the person that sent in the request gets the board even after it was removed from the claims list. (this is what i originally thought happened and did my best to obfuscate how i got the board)

2. The guy Codemonkey hired just fucked up and gave me the board on accident.

3. Smiley hadn't actually signed in and the board was actually claimable.

I don't know which happened for sure but I'm leaning towards negligence on the part of the guy codemonkey hired. Attached is the email that got me /fringe/.



seems legit but why didn't you skype chansey like it says



Cause i don't trust people easily, I'm not going to trust someone I've never met over myself even if she had Smiley's vouch of approval. If something unexpected or bad happened to /fringe/ it would be my fault for handing over the power to someone else.



No it wouldn't lol it would be smiley's fault because it was his instructions. but whatever this place sucks anyways



No the proper, rational course of action is to contact ME FIRST, wait awhile, and maybe if it seems I'm dead or not coming back, give it over to Chansey.

The person who should have contacted Chansey is whoever is in control to give boards away.



that seems contradictory but w.e



Maybe you are confused. I am Fringe Wizard.



I know I was replying to the board owner. that doesn't make you immune to contradictions



I contracted him not myself. What is the problem?



who said there was a problem? you're only creating more confusion with the him and myself



…hail Eris?



I did



Why the fug did you bump this old rule-breaking shit thread? WHY?



>contact @chanseywrites to give the board to her


Are you absolutely sure about this Smiley?



>using skype



I reek of effeminacy. Poisoned by the jew mind control and sissification. Raised by a feminist and a sorry excuse for a "father".

I reek of effeminacy. Poisoned by the jew mind control and sissification. Raised by a feminist and a sorry excuse for a "father".

I reek of effeminacy. Poisoned by the jew mind control and sissification. Raised by a feminist and a sorry excuse for a "father".

I reek of effeminacy. Poisoned by the jew mind control and sissification. Raised by a feminist and a sorry excuse for a "father".

I reek of effeminacy. Poisoned by the jew mind control and sissification. Raised by a feminist and a sorry excuse for a "father".

I reek of effeminacy. Poisoned by the jew mind control and sissification. Raised by a feminist and a sorry excuse for a "father".

I reek of effeminacy. Poisoned by the jew mind control and sissification. Raised by a feminist and a sorry excuse for a "father".

(Rule 7 no board raids)

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