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What if Mankind is prety to the alien, out of-earth substance of Semen?

ALL humans are born from out and give birth(males)from it. Of course I advocate not releasing semens whatsover, but the thought frightens me.

What if,all along, love, hate,wars, everything,..was just the white liquid wanting to get reproduced and spread?

Semen is like a parasyte, one that only caused damage when released(a reverse parasyte?) but it's not just life-support, since it seeks to broaden itself.


try making more sense



I am making sense.



your not though. try explaining better



I understood. creepy.


who knows, maybe genitals are the only truly sentient part of the body and the brain and limbs and other organs are just a means theyve evolved to reproduce.

on another note, wouldnt it be weird if aeons ago aliens came to this planet and decided to have an orgy in the sea and thats what started life on this planet


in my opinion, both ejaculation and menstruation arent really natural. humans are supposed to have 1 teste and one ovary


File: af0840e1c28028c⋯.jpg (108.85 KB, 608x921, 608:921, 14011843_1174313815966521_….jpg)

Semen is power learn to self transmute


How the hell are you guys able to understand OP when these lines are broken english that doesn't make sense

>What if Mankind is prety to the alien, out of-earth substance of Semen?

> ALL humans are born from out and give birth(males)from it.

As for the rest of the post, yes wanting to live and spread is literally the goal of all life. From a biological and evolutionary stand point, the point of life is to survive and have as many amount of babies as possible to pass on your genes.

Case in point: literally all life is made from sperm or the function of sperm (except for when cutting a piece off creates a new organism)

Litearlly all reproduction is the mixture of genetics. Evolution can't happen if genetics stay the same, so it's through this mixing of genetics (which also always includes a chance of mutation) that causes species to evolve.

Yes, evolution is natural mutation. It's amazing how so little people understand evolution.


Well technically all sentience is genetics becoming self aware.



>was just the white liquid wanting to get reproduced and spread?

>Semen is like a parasyte,

>implying you dont already think with your dick


>From a biological and evolutionary stand point

hur durr

yes we all understand evolution

this is a thread about semen having a more complex existence than what is biologically understood so reiterating what you learned in school is not helpful

this is /fringe/ not /science/


>humans are supposed to have 1 teste and one ovary


why might that be?



the theory of 'semen having a more complex existence than what is biologically understood' becomes invalid if you know how evolution works. sorry you're an idiot


>implying any religions are right

>implying evolution is real

God just controls everything




>b-b-but my school books !!

do you even critically think?



>assuming all religions are wrong

>being a bigot


>not accepting evolution

christfag retard alert!

if you can't accept evolution and god at the same time you're way too fucking mundane for this board



evolution doesn't disprove anything in this thread



when the theory is simply 'semen is more complicated than we think' but what's actually stated is an oversimplification of how evolution works, then yea as I said the theory becomes invalid

as I also already said, according to evolution, all sentient life is genetics becoming self aware.

evolution implies a greater force behind all species, and organisms along with their reproductive cells are just mechanisms to propagate the sentient collective life form that is the species,



all religions are wrong and designed to control people, just like the government, and it's lies about evolution.

both are wrong.

>only believe in God

>God controls everything

religion is fake

evolution is fake



to add, DNA and genetics is just a physical manifestation of the collective consciousness of species


religion is subverted to this organized religion culture bullshit meant to control people

the theories of evolution is also subverted to disprove religion with false logic, to keep the mundane people divided and stupid

fake democracy is used as a front to allow oligarchies control everything while giving the mundane people the illusion of choice

try to get past such incredibly simple ideas of 'god controls everything' godamn you are mundane as fuck. saying god controls everything is the most meaningless shit



God created creation so God is the boss of it

God created free will so God is the boss of it

in essence, God multitasks every atom in the universe.

God controls everything.


if semen is alive is buttsex murder?



>1 teste 1 ovary

idk it just feels like itd make more sense to me. i mean i believe the creator is all perfect and imprefection comes from deviation of that plan.

it seems kinda counter intuitive that women should lose a load of life force every month and have to deal with cramps and stuff, same with men when they ejaculate though i guess not as bad.

plus in genesis it says god created adam (kadmon) in his own image, male and female he created him until he divided him into adam and eve and then into all of humanity.

idk i just got a feeling thats how its supposed to be


No, OP, we are actually living inside of a virtual simulation, we were tricked into playing this ultra realistic game and now we can't out. We didn't read the terms of the contract and now we're fucked, playing this game means that we lock our powers, lose memory of everything and we pay for this motherfucking game with our energy. If you don't pay the amount of energy which was in the contract, you get reborn with the energetic debt. You can't get out of here unless you pay the debt, stressful situations give more energy, that's why there is so much violence and handicapped people in this world. The only players are white people, others are NPCs.



Only no, that's both cynical and wrong.

We're memetic engines, we're literally creating the living memory and mind of "god" which is in essence a superintelligence which has not yet been "born" (aka crossing the threshold of the omega point, the creation of the singularity).

Yes we come back, yes we have work to do here, no it's not as cynical as you make it seem.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Nope mate, this world really is just a fucking game, that's why suicide is the most offensive thing you can do in this world. By killing yourself you are refusing to give off the energy you were supposed to pay in that life. Those who kill themselves get reborn as the worst potatoes, each day of their lives is hell. Now look around you how many handicapped there are, we are in deep shit, if we can't get out of this fucking game.



You're correct that it is a "game", just not on the reason or the outcome.

By nature memetics needs to be a "game".


File: ac592990063e41c⋯.jpg (58.3 KB, 540x531, 60:59, 1450171630375.jpg)

cowards of the world unite and see the sea of your mind spill into the waterfalls of hope, the continuation of your mother's abuse and hatred of your mind, you are butter and have become pizza

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