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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact chanseywrites@hotmail.com to give the board to her. To contact the board owner send an email to fringewizard@pm.me

Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 90db1582ee6730d⋯.png (650.13 KB, 1498x2428, 749:1214, 74534253252.png)


I heard someone say that if you post it on /tech/ your post is deleted very quickly and they got banned for pointing out shills.

the shills are very much against the spread of this image and try to get it removed or thread slide or criticize the image claiming things about it are bad, but it's a good image and they really don't want anyone to have it. it renders most of their tactics meaningless because people who are aware of them aren't as easily fooled.

it's/they are on every board giving bad advice on purpose.

>on /ck/ they shill monsanto shit and try to make people eat gmo's and pesticide "enriched" foods and fanatically try to convince people they don't deserve to know what they are buying so foods in the store should "never" be labled. (promoting corn syrup, gmo soy, roundup, yellow 5, and other additves or unhealthy foods as safe or healthy)

>on /fit/ they give bad advice on purpose that will get people hurt or sick (dentist threads promoting vaccines, mercury dental fillings, fluoride)

>on both /ck/ and /fit/ they shoot down and make a scape goat meme out of vegans who try to share their success stories on how they got healthy eating their veg "wow vegans are such gay fairies and sissy wimps! here eat some unhealthy shit like a man"

>on /tech/ they always say "well hue hue guys its okay that I use windows 10" "here use intel" "I love google chrome"

>on /v/ they want people to give money to EA and Ubisoft and Microsoft and Sony and Activision and Bethesda

>on /pol/ they shill obvious things like "stop knowing things you shouldn't know", attempting to trick people into accepting mainstream promoted AAA ideas and kosher thoughts and thread slide all the good threads all the way to the bottom at alarming speeds so that topics that they don't approve of are not seen, and if thread sliding fails they create arguments and disrupt all civilized discussion in the thread until the thread reaches the bump limit and disappears.

>on /x/ they are always being skeptical or claiming others are crazy or paranoid

>on /n/ they shit everything up and prevent real discussion about news

>on /newsplus/ they post the "real news" (only "certified" "special" "people" are allowed to post "real" "news" threads)

>on /cuteboys/ they tell everyone the risk of getting HIV is 1% or "you would have to fuck 92 people to get aids" so that they trick people into having unsafe sex and getting HIV

on all boards they tell everyone to "take your meds" to which everyone replies "bake your breads" or "we already took the red pill"

anyone who disagrees with them or calls them out on their bullshit gets a bunch of scripted SJW type replies like "oh you are just intolerant/uneducated/too young/too old/too stupid/ too this/ too that/ not good enough/"

anyone else notice this trend?


I wanted to contribute this image to /fringe/ so that you could all easily spot these shills better. this image is a very very big problem to them because it's very information dense but easy to understand. they are literally freaking out about people posting it and using the sneakiest methods to avoid it's spread.

save it if you can/ want to, and repost it and give it to others, and especially post it when you suspect a shill.

this is really important because the more people know about it, the less harm they can do.


pretty cool but you could have posted this in the red pill thread

anyways we can talk specifically about shills in this thread, though that may attract shills. which would let us apply the identification methods mentioned in that pic



>pretty cool but you could have posted this in the red pill thread



File: ee86ef39e09352d⋯.png (669.69 KB, 1498x2428, 749:1214, 64343452345.png)

updated with gaslighting reference



discussion specifically about the methodology that shills use doesn't relate to anything /fringe/ meaning it's breaking rule 4

maybe if we start talking about shills in general, we can get towards the topic of secret societies which is definitely a /fringe/ topic



I'm not breaking any rules by immunizing everyone from a virus.



>4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/).

>>/fringe/ is a board for esoteric discussion including matters pertaining to; Magic : Philosophy : Paranormal : Dreams : Religion : Occult : Symbolism : Aliens : Demons & Angels : Metaphysics : Conspiracy : Secret Societies : Mind Control : Morality & Ethics : Mysticism : Qualia : Psychic Abilities – Anything that is fringe in some respect

None of that has anything to do with the methodologies of shills. learn to read


File: 3ef3e78e0d82531⋯.png (698.9 KB, 1498x2428, 749:1214, 5345625235234.png)


I'm sure the board owner wont mind someone doing something good for everyone. I wouldn't mind having a chat with them if they were interested.

here, have an updated one.

and by the way, they say hugs are good for you.


File: 71e03d776436e17⋯.png (84.78 KB, 500x650, 10:13, 1427993156821.png)


We don't want multiple threads on the same topic causing perfectly good threads to fall off the catalog. Haven't reached the maximum yet and ideally it should stay that way

>and by the way, they say hugs are good for you.

pic related



Oh I understand. you don't think my thread is good enough to exist.



not when there's multiple threads on the same topic godamn so many newfigs these days turning me into a broken record

1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.


File: c3394f5c96330c7⋯.png (734.76 KB, 1498x2428, 749:1214, 5234541325312.png)


this isn't a duplicate thread.




why are you in this thread desperately trying to find reasons to disrupt it?

you know what I think? you are a shill and you are angry that someone posted an image that makes your job more difficult.


proof of massive shill infestation



most of the people on imageboards are bots. I don't think it's right to call them shills as they're more like slave labour.



>consensus cracking


shill = person who disagrees with me



insightful. how'd a fringe wizard like you get so wise?

can you also tell me the True Way?



it couldn't possibly be that the thought police is upset that people are pointing them out




Bump for Justice.

If you're reading this, read OP's image and you will begin to see the matrix.


Thanks OP, saved all, reposted on fav boards.

Fuck you (((sage anon))) we will achieve archmages and undo the damage to this realm.


Essential information in the image, but could be expounded upon further especially in relation to encouraging the reader to learn about the more obscure and occulted aspects of information warfare. Topics like NLP, various psychological models, rational dialectics and the importance of critical reasoning along with a simple easy reading book list that goes into topics like these. I would like to highly recommend anyone interested to read 'A Rulebook for Arguments,' Third Edition by Anthony Weston. In 87 no-nonsense pages Weston covers all essential elements of rational argument. The first chapter introduces the ground rules; the next five lay out the strengths and pitfalls of various modes of argument and explain the classical forms of deductive reasoning. Weston next distills the art of writing argumentative essays into less than twenty pages, and ends with a concise tour of the classic fallacies.

It's not good enough to have knowledge on a handful of principles. Expansion of intellectual patterns is important for filling up psychological blind spots in all of its subtle nuances. It is a long and arduous process but worth it and should be communicated all the same to anyone practicing the art and science of true freedom of independent thought and freedom from the subtle negative influences of external memetic conditioning.

This is an excellent image to be studied and used as a reference guide, but is still incomplete in many ways. I will do what I can with my limited time to improve upon it, but hopefully others will do the same. Reminder that we are trying to encourage the profane mind to engage in the difficult process of learning how to think efficiently so simple language and visual aesthetics etc are important factors. It will have to get the Doc Suess treatment ss much as possible while still packed with vital information about shills, cointelpro tactics, disinformation vectors, etc. Would be interested to see what a final result of something like that would like. Worth a try. Because it is a seemingly endless process, I would suggest not being a perfectionist about it because there will always be more 'ways they can possibly get you.' Also not the best idea to get overly paranoid thinking everyone is a shill and so on. Rather than play the game of spot the shill, try playing the game of getting smart and writing out powerful irrefutable arguments and making a commitment to yourself to keep bumping the thread for a couple days or weeks.

And read the book recommended in this post. It's fucking amazing!


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>Also not the best idea to get overly paranoid thinking everyone is a shill and so on.

It makes sense to me to be in the habit of skeptical paranoiac thinking. That involves pontificating thoughts like 'I've been misled, partially-deceived, ensnared in a lie', as that keeps one feeling insecure in a place of insecurity, as opposed to feeling secure in a pit of snakes; imagining the snakes to be equals. If you think everyone on an anonymous medium might not be a shill, you're wide open to reading their garbage, accepting their opinions and being influenced by it. Many internet forums show how the group mind (which 'they' aim to dominate) incorporates undiscerning individuals e.g. Something Awful used to be an intelligent forum years ago, is its devolution today a natural development, or were they were led into stupidity by shills using their humour and sense of belonging against them?

Rather than memorizing every Counter-Intelligence tactic (which include wasting my time and yours in heated, futile arguments), I think it's best not to engage them, unless an opportune spanner can be thrown into a thread that hurts their attempt at consensus. And worse than shill tactics is the capabilities a monolithic conspiracy has in a digital world, one of which being they don't need humans to shill their plans and they can have the weight of posts in any thread.



One of the traps people fell into was thinking that objectivity was objectivity, or equating facts with truth. They reasoned that since the New Agers were in la la land, in denial of what was ‘really going on in the world’, that by exposing themselves to each and every horror in the news about the latest Iraq War victim they were ‘shocking’ themselves into lucidity, into greater objectivity. The fallacy was in not realizing that there is a difference between truth, facts, information, wisdom, understanding, and knowledge or however you want to define those. Alternatively, something objective on one ‘plane’ may still be illusory compared to a higher plane of higher objectivity.

Therefore, seeing things “as is” — you have to ask, first of all, what constitutes “is” … are we talking about objective reality in the human earthly academically acceptable sense, or a higher metaphysical expanded perspective. Obviously, the more higher understanding you have, the clearer your perception of what’s actually going on. Sort of like a young child watching a magician versus an adult who has researched magic; both will view the act in different ways, and the child will say “I saw him make that dove disappear with my own eyes” and the child would be correct but there’s more to it. So a higher, correct, understanding is what’s needed and for that, I think it’s a combination of spiritual research and spiritual practice, including occult research and everything wide and far ranging to widen one’s perspective and not get trapped in a narrow lower viewpoint.



But to actually perceive things multidimensionally, that’s not just understanding, but it comes from an expanded state of being and that can’t be done in the human body without advanced technology, advanced biology, advanced etheric/astral development, or access to one’s higher consciousness. The 6D STO beings are not only advanced in essence of their being, but they are ‘located’ in a state analogous to a satellite while we might as well be mice at the bottom of a ravine. Mice can’t see the geography without going higher in elevation somehow, and I think the same can be said for us spiritually.

The most practical thing to do, which might only be a millimeter movement toward “as is”, is to be mindful of when we’re looking through the lens of ego/programming and seeking to rise above that and call upon all of our experience, research, intuition, and clear thinking to have some clarity and perspective on things.




Thanks, that's quite true what you said about one of the traps being 'shocking oneself' into a higher realisation of facts/reality (but still an inadequate realisation). I suppose it stays a trap for some and becomes a learning curve for others.

Mindfulness, effectiveness and poise can be attained by looking through the ego instead of looking from it, but I don't reckon it very hopeful for people to bank on the type of expanded lucidity you refer to from that. I think growing up entrained to the entertainments of this system precludes people from mastering and expanding their imagination and ability to think, like they're being towed spiritually instead of using their own motor. If the motor will sputter on, the vehicle could start making its own direction.

How to turn it on may be much the same as asking what the view is from the brim of that ravine. Although you mention mindfulness as a step, I think a priority is ensnaring emotional energy. Seeing as there isn't always love to be had, the options might be limited, but if repressed stress and repressed anger can bring a spirit out of a subdued state into its own, maybe it's worth undertaking, unless the end result is like Jack from that film The Ruling Class.




smiles, frowns

lives upside down

gone are the images with the sands of time

sent to the looney bin with the satanic mime


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