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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: c0b3421b8c8201c⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 2560x1080, 64:27, 2560x1080-fractal-3d-shape….jpg)

988794 No.83616

The nature of reality is mathematical. Our universe is a mathematical structure in the Ultimate Ensemble: the set of all possible mathematical structures. This not only includes an infinite number of parallell universes like our own as well as vastly different ones, but mathematical objects that aren't universes as well. The vast majority of these are uninteresting, however as every possible permutation of mathematical object exists, there are some that are self-aware. These are the machine elves, more accurately described as mathematical entities. They aren't gods, nothing created our universe, they have no hierarchy or power structure because they don't have our needs or limited resources. Can they, do they, or would they interact with us and our universe, or can we with them?

The world is filled with evidence of the mathematical nature of reality: wherever one goes one encounters it, both casually in the shapes and patterns of nature, or deeper in how mathematics can be used to describe the fundamental aspects of how nature works to an uncanny degree.

If you want to be an actual wizard, seek to become a mathematician, for magic is just a metaphor for math. This can involve a great many things as math is involved in pretty much everything, so decide a career path in your studies to suit your needs.

Or you could be a filthy word-using pleb who relies on linguistic bewitchment to get what they want instead of actual precision and analysis.

Word-users BTFO.

0969ce No.83622

maths is fake.

adf971 No.83635

What are the top resources to learn this sort of mathematics? How to begin and properly progress?

f99a73 No.83636

Actually, the universe is a balance between an abstract intangible source of energy and the translation of that energy into a medium we can understand and use. Math, music, art, dance, politics, etc. Its all just one way of expressing the energy which just is.

>tldr: youre full of shit you asswipe kike

5a1e08 No.83642

Not true OP. All fields of knowledge converge into one transcendental knowledge called metaphysics. Math just represents the universe but gnosis allows us to actually understand it; and to know is to become / to embody. To embody is to place your awareness into the object or subject.

5a1e08 No.83644

To be an actual wizard is to be a savant, a master of everything; and before you can become that you must be a master of your own mind and make it so efficient and powerful that you become capable of mastery in all fields.

a1178a No.83647

To truly understand anything you must understand it's philosophical basis


math isn't alive, it's just a way of describing patterns

all possible universes, everything in the physical realm (and pretty much all realms to different degrees) is based on patterns. without patterns there would be nothing of substance and everything would be complete and literal chaos, similar to tv static. nothing that could ever matter can actually exist without patterns

all possible entities that can ever existed need patterns to exist and so technically even a plant can be a mathematical entity. fucking electrons and etc are mathematical entities of the most basic kind. it's a meaningless phrase. machine elves of the psychedelic lore are just higher dimension beings and many of them probably have no idea of the mechanisms for this universe as they are different for the realm they come from and would require a different set of math to explain those patterns

linguistics is also based on math. look into computational linguistics if you like to get off on math so much

I do support the embracing of math but it's better to learn of it's philosophical basis before delving into it


you're full of shit you asswipe kike

the universe is energy, trying to reach the balance of entropy

the other stuff is abstract ideas that has nothing to do with physicality, and more to do with philosophy and different kinds of math


>Math just represents the universe

that is so incredibly wrong. physics describes the universe. nothing "represents" the universe

metaphysics is just a subcategory of philosophy


that's true, in the redundant sense

a1178a No.83648

so tldr, the nature of everything is actually philosophical, and the attempt at describing anything with a pattern is called math by definition

988794 No.83651


>A bunch of incoherent nonsense that doesn't actually mean anything.

Tarded word-user confirmed.


More incoherent nonsense. For word-users you guys sure do suck at basic communication. Where is the specificity, where is the explanation of what the fuck you are talking about? It's all just a word-haze, a linguistic gesturing towards an abstract fart.


Well at least you can communicate better than the others.

>math isn't alive, it's just a way of describing patterns

I didn't mean that math is alive. However it can create consciousness, for example consider a perfect mathematical model of how a human brain operates. In a reality where every possible mathematical object exists, you're going to have a lot of these that are outside of a universe structure like ours.

>all possible entities that can ever existed need patterns to exist and so technically even a plant can be a mathematical entity. fucking electrons and etc are mathematical entities of the most basic kind. it's a meaningless phrase. machine elves of the psychedelic lore are just higher dimension beings and many of them probably have no idea of the mechanisms for this universe as they are different for the realm they come from and would require a different set of math to explain those patterns

Yes, everything in our universe is mathematical, it's just that it has a unified set of rules and starting conditions and pseudo-separates it from the rest of the ultimate ensemble. By mathematical entity I mean a self-aware structure that isn't a part of a universe like ours, but exists timelessly as a result of every possible mathematical structure existing.

Mathematical structure isn't meaningless: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_structure

8fb9ab No.83653

>literally just a masc-energy thread discussing the importance of numbers

>how gematria kike magic started

>very limiting and structured system

>masc energy claims of dominance like always

>little man syndrome

>not using fem energy to wreck complete havoc with REAL magic instead of your kike bullshit

17ae4e No.83730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Feminine "magick" is bullshit. That's why the Jews push it so hard in the New Age movement. They want you not accomplishing anything of merit. They want you destroying yourself. They want you acting like retards.

Mark Passio covers this in his talk on New Age bullshit.

eb98d2 No.83732


Mhe… is nice but something feels odd about him.

Dont get me wrong, he reminds me of /pol/, wants to find good and spread it, but fails every now and then by overdoing himself.

he has a spot-on the forced duality in brain and so on, but he lost me on his lack on gnostic knowledge, he is decent informed, far beyond the redpill and into the green one, but seems to me he lacks practice.

e317ad No.83744


1f9149 No.83746


"bullshit" is shit bull tit mole hoopity floopity nick roll

035380 No.83747

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9c1f43 No.84775


Hello. You have awoken me. What is it that you want?

4fd963 No.84782



>every possible

monkeys with type-writers aren't bruteforce scripts, anon

cdb840 No.85248

File: 5e26c79d9a17afb⋯.png (66.02 KB, 600x407, 600:407, diagram of the universe.png)

take a look at this diagram of the universe. maths is just the most basic level of reality; the fundamental rules of existence.

those rules are put into practise and create the forces of physics. the forces of physics interact and create matter and chemisty, then biology, sentience, etc

its all just the fabric of reality folding upon itself into more and more complex forms.

you can read it from top down too, but in our materialist scientific society its probably easier to understand from bottom up.

the individual soul starts at the bottom and progresses upwards then when it completes the cycle of samsara it starts again, enriched by the process of life and bringing everything to a continually higher level

97f15a No.85591

File: 1f3f95d810c0079⋯.jpg (231.27 KB, 1200x888, 50:37, Zwölf_Sprichwörter_(Bruege….jpg)


well op, i define math as "logic applied to numbers". I just want to say, i find it really interesting that we're now using a base 10 system. I've also been told humans always used a base 10 system, but i believe that Indians (from India) worshiped the number 12 "complete", and i also find it interesting that English and German both have unique words for 1-12. When i read on why German has Elf and Zwölf, i was told that they used to use a base 12 system.

So i guess what im trying to say is that, for some reason Europeans switched form a base twelve system to a base 10 system. Interesting to note, the base twelve system has a large cult following. Though i have seen one video "debunking" the usefulness of a base twelve system (stating that it only helps simple math, but complex mathematics remain the same), i think it would be interesting if we found discrepancies in some of our logic based on the differences between the bases. Also, i can't seem to find any old written number forms from europe for some reason (pre-roman).

Sorry for the rambling lol

d27590 No.85594

File: 3cf17c8e3650a6f⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 300x176, 75:44, 1477263231572.gif)

>This is real life

>This thread exists in its current state

>Oh Lord why Lord

I guess, what can I expect from a thread on 8ch's /fringe/ with the subject "The Truth".

cda68b No.85597


Mathematics has only so far managed to provide insight into the material, and "wizardry" extends beyond that.

Words and linguistics is the power beyond the material, and it is far less quantifiable by our collective

cda68b No.85598


Shill detected.

cda68b No.85599


Why are materialists such as yourself so insecure?

Oh that's right, because your obsession with numbers only pertains to the narrow slice of existence that is material reality.

You're stunted, you see other people perceiving something that your stunted mind cannot comprehend due to your autismal obsession with procedure and numbers and therefore you become frustrated, aware of your own shortcomings so you decide to further prove your stunted nature by behaving like a child on a forum such as this.

Just remember, if you believed everything you said, you'd have no reason to even be here. But you are, and no amount of compensation for that will change any of it.

You're a materialist, your world is tiny and your sense of it is limited and sclerotic.

cda68b No.85600


OP confirmed for being basic and projecting his handicaps upon others.

09f4bc No.87071


What's your goal? Do you want to describe the world, or understand it?

Use math to describe.

Use ==== to understand.

All math can do to help you understand existence is by showing is deconstruction into a single 1 in a nD frame. It moves.

But yeah, stick with math if you want to describe. But I'd assume it's better to understand before you attempt to describe.

8f0a39 No.96841

File: c7f63746ebb504f⋯.gif (134.37 KB, 540x1391, 540:1391, youknownothing.gif)

3312e3 No.96863

File: 3e38c5bb129761f⋯.gif (956.08 KB, 492x360, 41:30, tumblr_okks2hC34Z1svu7e2o2….gif)

Some lyrics:

"If chemistry can silence this lion's laugh I'd be fine."

"Your mathematics might be good for finding the sum / but that ain't nearly whats up."

ff630d No.96916

Math ain't shit, it's like trying to understand fucking reality through machine code rather than Python or C or SQL. You fucker I know math is the shit, everyone should know math is the shit, but what about literally programming, physics, chemistry, biology, and psychology? HUH?!

Equal parts of each is way fucking better than putting all your stats into fucking MATH. Yes stats for the math theme. Don't reduce life to that shit, it misses the bigger picture by searching through a hole in the wall. Your brain ain't big enough for that shit faggot, use the efficient methods of higher sciences.

Once you reach domination and conquest of math through psychology/politics/sociology, go for the fringe science of psychic whatnow. We use math for physics, physics for chemistry, chemistry for biology, and biology for psychology (if you want a layer of description for understanding), so use psychology for psychic shit.

ff630d No.96918


And that doesn't mean "explain away" but "describing the success/failure of something" or the mechanics of it. Like, anger can traumatize a space so that ghosts go there now type shit.

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