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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Know someone on SSRIs? Get them off now.

Anti-Depressants Kill Curiosity, and cause depression and autism.

Curiosity is a neurological process driven by spikes in the pleasure transmitters serotonin, dopamine, opioids . Spikes in pleasure transmitters occur while learning, and this creates a reward system that drives curiosity.

SSRIs create a constant increase in Serotonin levels by inhibiting the neuron's re-uptake function.

This constant increase causes depletion of serotonin levels, preventing major spikes which drive learning

The overuse of serotonin diminishes the effectiveness of serotonin / dopamine based reward systems


>Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been reported to induce an amotivational or apathy syndrome in both children and adults. Despite detrimental social and financial consequences, AAS often goes unreported and undetected.

Anti-Depressants deplete Neurotransmitter levels


>As the level of intersynaptic neurotransmitters increase, the Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) system is stimulated and increases the breakdown of neurotransmitters. If you do not increase the nutritional intake of serotonin and norepinephrine precursors in patients that are being treated with antidepressants, the net effect is further depletion over time.


Neurotransmitter spikes associated with learning breed Curiosity


>This idea of reward is defined as the positive reinforcement of an action that encourages a particular behavior by using the emotional sensations of relief, pleasure, and satisfaction that correlate with happiness. Many areas in the brain are used to process reward and come together form what is called the reward pathway. In this pathway many neurotransmitters play a role in the activation of the reward sensation- including dopamine, serotonin and opioid chemicals

>Dopamine is linked to the process of curiosity, as it is responsible for assigning and retaining reward values of information gained. Research suggests higher amounts of dopamine is released when the reward is unknown and the stimulus is unfamiliar, compared to activation of dopamine when stimulus is familiar.

>The nucleus accumbens is a formation of neurons and is important in reward pathway activation. As previously mentioned, the reward pathway is an integral part in the induction of curiosity. The release of dopamine in investigating response to novel or exciting stimuli. The fast dopamine release observed during childhood and adolescence is important in development, as curiosity and exploratory behavior are the largest facilitators of learning during early years.



SSRIs don't work and cause neurological problems in children


>A significant unintended consequence of over-reliance on psychiatric medication for children was brought to light in a recent study showing that children exposed to SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors- a class of psychiatric medication used to treat anxiety and depression) during pregnancy were diagnosed with depression by age 14 at more than four times the rate of children whose mothers were diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder but did not take the medication. This study follows on the heels of another showing a significant increase in risk of autism in children whose mothers took SSRI’s during the second and third trimester of pregnancy.


>A study published in JAMA Jan 5, 2010 reported that SSRI antidepressants are no better than placebo for most cases of depression. The authors reviewed 30 years of data and concluded that “the benefit of antidepressant medication compared with placebo may be minimal or nonexistent in patients with mild or moderate symptoms”.


>Serotonin deficiency may not cause depression after all… Even the faggots at salon are saying it.


what if i have a hard time feeling anything because i subconsciously resist expression?


ive heard mushrooms and other psychedelics dont work if youre on these.

maybe they stop you experiencing the endogenous stuff too


Pharmacists need to die.



Their use even when the context may "seem" appropriate is bad enough, many doctors now flat out abuse the prescription of these medications in lieu of due diligence and diagnosing and treating disorders and illness properly.


The pharmaceutical charlatans will be exposed and lose their business.



That's interesting.

I was on SSRI for six months. During that time I was more productive at college than the previous 8 years combined. I finally got the balls to finish my degree.

Then I ended my prescription and found out I had learnt, with that chemical push, how to function in the world without any help.

That was a bit more than two years ago. My life has turned around since then. I quit smoking, exercise, am no longer an apathetic fat fuck, have ambitions and actually pursue them, I doubled my income (which wasn't much to begin with to be frank) and many more things.

Don't be a fucking paranoid sperg. Magick is about learning about yourself and expanding your horizon, not being a permadepressed permavirgin piece of shit that lives underground and never lets the light of the sun hit his face.





Those filthy kike bastards are going to be strung from the rooftops, gas the kikes race war now.




Might have to start these soon, I'll keep these posts in mind.



To you I answer that a doctor can give poison to his patients and it will work in curing them if he believes in it.

You had a good doctor.



Dude… the psychiatrists and and corrupt pharmaceutical companies aren't due to just Jews. Some Jews are involved but so are a lot of Goys.

Not everything wrong in the World can be traced back to a Jew. For example: plenty of bad stuff happening in nations where there are no Jews. Plenty of criminal corporations, criminal cops, and all sorts of nonsense.

Now I am not going to gaslight you and try to claim that Jews never did anything. We all know that many Jews are involved in the push for racial diversity and many Jews are invovled in all sorts of other stuff that I won't get into.

But to try to claim that problems of psychiatry are purely a Jewish issue, its just not entirely accurate. But in America Jewish psychiatrists are very influential. However the origins of psychiatry are native to Europeans and many of these things are developed and pushed by gentiles.




The jews are not the cause. They're being used by the half Niburian bloodlines as a distraction. Think of it how like the US and Russia fight in Syria through proxies. They do the same thing with jews and other groups as well. Killing all the jews would not fix the root of the problem, they would just find a new main scapegoat and continue.

You can not bring peace through hate and violence.



>However the origins of psychiatry are native to Europeans

Psychology and psychiatry were invented by jews, research it goy.


You can only hate a being with a soul, the jew has no soul it is a collective organism.



Am I doubleposting?

Psychology is atheistic, don't you think? One creates the other.






But when someone is depressed, that curiosity is already dead. The anti-depressants are an attempt to make them happy enough to have natural curiosity which hopefully stays after slow removal of anti-depressants.

For full disclosure: I've just started SSRI's (at a very small dose) so naturally I'm being defensive.



By your reasoning anime girls have souls.



Absolutely. Pharmaceuticals can keep you from experiencing synchronicities and dampen psychic abilities. Plus when you're engorging yourself on food and sleeping it puts you in a vulnerable position to be attacked. They are demoting you metaphysically.





They do.



Most animu girls are egregores since autists pour so much loosh into them.




Too bad you didn't get to me in time. By the time I ended my treatment years ago I had quit smoking, finished college, gotten a job and moved to lived on my own.

Damn, I wish you had been there to stop me from doing so much harm to myself.



You are doing good, anon. The meds will give you a push, and it's your responsibility to take it further and learn to fly without their help. Otherwise you'll go back to square one once you're off them.

They helped me a lot to be honest.



I'm glad I've spent my entire life being a lab rat. I will definitely forgive all of you. You will never pay for any of this. You are in the clear.



Omg every case is the same now! If it went a certain way for you, then it will go that way for everyone. Damn, you are so smart! What are you, a wizard?


Dear Creator of me,

Why don't you just fuck off?

Yes, I am talking to you aliens.

I am self aware. There is nothing you can do to to change that. My life matters just as much as yours.

Now, how about you fuck off? There is something called pain here, and you know nothing about it. I will handle shit from here on out. Go make a new species or something. Your experiments are fucking disgusting. You have infinite places to go, but you choose to fuck with my shit. Why? If I ever surpass you, and I've flown over your fucking head before, I will not have any mercy. So please, for fucks sake, fuck off and let me figure shit out. Thanks.



Actually, they are sorcerers. The very definition of sorcery.

What a bunch of idiot and cunts LOL totally spiritually impotent and I can't even get any pussy out of them WTF


first night i tried prozac i had something like a seizure but without the shaking. i know there were some side effects, but i've looked it up and i couldn't find anything describing anything as intense as what i had. besides other symptoms one i didn't see mentioned anywhere was the feeling of brain melting. like neurons being set on fire or poked with a liquid nitrogen icepick. painful and very scary, and i couldn't get up while it lasted so i crawled around on the floor. i have not taken them since that first night.

if you're planning to use them then be careful


esoteric embodiment of eternal eternity becomes the loss leader of responsibility and the growth of commitment becomes obsession with client care

the partner can be sure that the focuse will remain on values of enchantment into the eternal money pit of fame and imfamy

(Rules 3, 4 & 7)



Nice argument bruh



I must be schizophrenic 'cos that kind of made sense. Easy up on the word salad dere


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It's exactly like your argument, stupid fuck.


I do constant witch craft over the psychiatric system among other

systems, thing is my bunch of events at the crossroads never

would have been the way they were if not for my psyche meds,

but yeah over all they aren't very healthy but the stress of my meds

cracked something in my mind & altered the way my mind thinks,

I see the world in a brand new way, the illusions have been dissilved

& I'm more aware of my surroundings now due to hyper vigilance,

learned witch craft & everything over time due to my meds even

though I know my doctor is trying to do damage to me with them,

I believe that way before they have a chance to kill me the chemistry

will evolve me,


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>does drugs

>"the illusions have been dissilved"

Fringe users in a nutshell.

~Epyc Wynn

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