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Seeing as this forum is filled with absolute nonsense I have decided to make a basic introductory guide to magick in the hopes that someone will benefit from it.

The first step in learning magick is activating and opening your third eye. Quite a few learn to do this on their own, but I have found a method to easily replicate it, which has also been independently discovered by others.

Take a pencil and point it at the middle of your forehead just above the brow, with the tip almost touching the skin. Concentrate on how sharp it would feel if it were to touch. With luck, you'll feel a tingling sensation. If not, try using a knife to make the expectation of sharpness more dramatic, try using a mirror and viewing the object just about to touch, or have another person hold the pencil. Do be careful not to injure yourself.

Congratulations, you have begun to open your "third eye" which I'm sure you've heard about. You now know what magical energy feels like.

Now that you know what it feels like, you can evoke this sensation without needing a prop. If not, a bit of practice will make this so. To evoke the energy, remember what it felt like while focusing on your forehead - expecting to feel it is what triggers it, similarly with the pencil.

To fully open your third eye requires concentrating magical energy in it. To do this, close your eyes and concentrate intensely on the sensation - you will feel your mind wander, and try to think about random things, or even the act of focusing itself - the goal is to focus only and solely on the sensation and nothing else, or at least to keep stray thoughts to a minimum. The amount of concentration is linked to the intensity of the sensation, making it serve as a barometer of your progress. With a bit of practice you will be able to get into deep trance states, so deep as to see roiling colorful and geometric patterns. At this point your third eye is fully open.

Your fingertips are the second focal point of magical energy. While the third eye is good for gathering energy, the hands are unsurprisingly good for manipulating it.

Lie down on your back on a bed and position your elbows on the bed with your upper arms pointed up in the air. Make a cage with your hands, with fingertips touching, as if you were making a sphere with your hands. Arrange your arms so that you are using the least amount of effort balancing them, and the smallest amount of pressure on your fingertips.

Spend a few minutes gathering energy in your third eye, then concentrate on the sensation of your fingertips touching. Imagine the energy collecting there. You will begin to feel the same sensation in your fingertips. Once you are familiar with channeling energy into your fingertips you can do it without this initial position, though I find it useful for initial channeling. You can slowly move your hands apart and the energy will be retained, though if you move them too swiftly it will vanish. When moving them apart you will find that your fingers and hands are unnaturally still and steady, as if locked. With practice you will be able to channel energy whenever you want, even walking or engaging in other tasks.

There is a (relatively) easy trick for having a sort of partial out-of-body experience. With your hands in the cage position, and after having channeled energy, just barely begin to move your fingertips apart without actually doing so - it's more like moving your muscles almost imperceptibly as if you were going to move them apart. Feel free to fail a few times and actually move them apart a bit. When you do it right, your hands, and the energy, will feel as if it is moving inches apart while your fingertips are still touching. This will instantly deepen your trance state considerably.


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Awareness is a key element of magickal practice. By awareness I mean that which you are perceptually focusing on. Think of the sensations in your right foot right now: whether it is bare or covered, if it is upon anything, etc. The "spotlight" of your awareness is on your foot. Likewise, with energy channeling in one's forehead or fingertips, one's awareness is concentrated in these areas. another example is "looking out of the corner of your eye," where your awareness if focused outside of the visual center of your eye.

"Expanding awareness" is exactly as it sounds, it is widening the spotlight of your awareness to encompass as much as possible, or more than usual. The term unfortunately has been hijacked by charlatans. Right now face the center of your room or go outside if you already aren't - you want a complex visual environment. Try to focus your awareness on as many things as possible at the same time - you'll find this difficult, as your mind will want to focus on a tree, a squirrel, or a particular thing.

When meditating and channeling energy, if you cultivate the ability to expand your awareness you can channel magical energy in your entire body instead of just the primary loci. There are two exercises other than the above that can help.

For the first exercise, find two candles or other visually distinct objects. Arrange them in front of a chair at least 5 feet away about 25 degrees apart from your sitting position - this is a bit more than twice the angular size of your fist held at arm's length (http://oneminuteastronomer.com/860/measuring-sky/) Try to focus your awareness on both objects at the same time while looking between them and not moving your eyes. You should initially find it difficult, with your awareness jumping back and forth from object to object. If it is easy move the objects a bit further apart. If you experience the awareness jumping you are doing it right. Keep at it and for brief periods you will be focused on both simultaneously. This should feel a bit weird, as if your mind is split into two to do such a thing. The common theme of all these exercises is that like physical exercise they require practice to get better at and hone, though the most difficult part is the first success.

Another way to expand awareness is to look at a somewhat regular, random, but textured surface. The night sky is ideal if it isn't terribly light polluted. A textured ceiling, wall, or even a piece of wood works well. Focus on a small area of the pattern, and gradually try to focus your awareness on more and more outside the center of your vision. Don't move your eyes. At a certain point your awareness will expand rapidly, and you will see a regular, tiled pattern across your field of view as your mind tries to fill in the blanks.

General mindfulness meditation techniques are also good both for magick and mental well-being. See the number of other great resources available for further details.


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Now on to staffs (and wands,) which are my specialty, as well as general projection. From here on out there will be quite a bit of interpretation and subjectivity involved with the practice itself.

You have learned to channel and focus magickal energy, to expand it along with your awareness to your entire body, and have disciplined your thoughts to a fair degree (able to concentrate and avoid the random stream-of-consciousness thoughts that pervade the mental lives of most.) What's next is projection.

A staff is useful because it acts as a conduit, an extension of your own body. Channel and gather energy in your hands, and then, in a way similar to how you channeled it to a wider portion of your body, do the same with your staff/wand. Focus your awareness on your hand(s) and the wand at the same time, like the two candles. You will eventually feel the magical energy through the entire staff/wand as if it were an extension of you.

You can also use your hand in whatever gesture and orientation suits you to project the energy. With the staff or your hands, you can then project the magick outwards by expanding your visual awareness and directing the energy towards that.

I am of the conviction that magick is about intent, and to cast a spell you focus the desired intention along with the energy. Wishes are for children, by intention I mean a purpose, a direction, such as goodness, peace, and healing. If it is an intent that involves you, the intent should be to affect you spiritually/psychologically in such a way to bring that thing about. Things like wisdom, insight, conscientiousness - these are things that have their source in you, and magick directed towards them empowers you to better realize them. Wishing for money, health etc and hoping the universe delivers will result only in disappointment at best, and magicoholicism at worst. Do not look for "signs" that your energy has affected something (unless it is yourself,) do not harbor any expectations that it has done anything in particular. Otherwise you can become addicted to power and seeing the results of it, consumed by arrogance and false notions of superiority, and other such diseases.

There is a strong element of psychology to magick, for example when considering your staff or wand. You can use any staff-like object as one, or enchant any object via similar means, but the best staffs are ones that have meaning to you. They should be comprised of materials you enjoy, ideally self-made, and comfortable to hold. The same goes for any other magickal paraphernalia you may have. Never get too attached to such paraphernalia - the are tools like any other.

All this implies nothing about gods or any other belief. You can be a materialistic atheist and a wizard without contradiction, though you'd probably interpret this as solely a meditative and mental phenomenon. If anyone else has any other techniques to share, or methods to reproduce magickal experiences, I would be most interested. I'm also interested if anyone has difficulties with this guide, or any part needs clarification.


>ritual bullshit

>bullshit bullshit


>staffs and wands




>reads something that does not align with his view of reality

>immediately resorts to insults and faggotry

because anyone with a different reality-view than you is immediately wrong and viewed as lesser, therefore deserving of humiliation and bad manners.

You don't want to be challenged, you always need to be right.

GEt your toxic narcissism off my

Keep posting OP. The above is all natural to me, I'm also comfortable in my practice, but I want to see how others do things.


>Seeing as this board is filled with absolute nonsense I have decided to make a basic introductory guide to magick in the hopes that someone will benefit from it.

In other words

>I didn't read the FAQ because I also didn't read the stickies or the header with all the links and rules in it, so I'm just assuming this place has no useful information in it.

Good on you for spreading knowledge and everything, but read the fucking sticky/header/FAQ. I do think it could all be organized and presented a bit better, but it's difficult not to notice that stuff.



That's not how anonymity works.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

According to this video, the third eye is super mega ultra sensitive and should be exercised on extremely subtly and in conjunction/balance with the heart and solar plexus energies. Forcing it to open wide in a flash, and that too without building the foundational biologic and energetical circuitry can prove to be not good for you. This is just according to embedded video. I don't know how true it is. Just wanted to post it for anyone out there who might be inclined to crank open the third eye without question thinking it's going to shower happy rainbow unicorn jizz all over your face. Tread lightly.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Part 2


tl;dw - before third eye opening, do naval/solar plexus microcosmic orbit meditation exercises, then heart chakra stuff, and finally use that foundation to LIGHTLY exercise 3rd eye. Good stuff in the video. WATCH!! kthnxbye




Bearhearts is bullshit occultism. Opinion disregarded.


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Can't give an opinion one way or the other on Bearheart, but I can vouch from experience that working the third eye center before you work the lower dan tien (Or navel center as he put it) will legitimately fuck your shit up. I did it a few years ago without knowing any better and went a little looney tunes for about two months. It's a miracle I didn't wind up in a laughing academy.

I think he's exaggerating how delicate the third eye center is a little bit but it's still very good advice. DON'T mess with your third eye untill you've made some progress filling your navel center to ground you. Insanity isn't a good look on anyone.


Anyway, You seem an expert on bullshit occultism when you see it. Maybe make a suggestion in this thread towards something you deem more acceptable? I'm curious.



That's grossly exaggerated. It actually just stems from the tradition that follows the logic that one builds a proper foundation (LDT, MDT) before building the house (UDT). Needless to say, all 3 faculties have to be developed.




No, it really does make you go insane. Took a eight month long night of the soul and didn't talk to anyone.



why converse with the dead?

are you not a slave?


>The first step in learning magick is activating and opening your third eye

Stopped reading right there. Bullshit occultism detected.




Every basic energy body theory states you work from lower to upper, LDT-MDT-UDT


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Dogma based on a philosophical system that demands this be such.

If you can monopolize the interpretation of an experience, make others dependent on the metaphysical model attached to it, you have a lot of power over them. I'm fine with anyone using whatever system they find useful, but when people make inaccurate claims about practice based upon them, and engage in silly fear-mongering such as the silly claim that you can go insane from tampering with your third eye, that's bullshit occultism.

I'm not offering a metaphysical system or anything of the sort in this thread, the purpose is purely to give energy magick techniques. The exception is the third post which I label as being interpretive and subjective. If you don't like the statement "The first step in learning magick is activating and opening your third eye," if it isn't true for your experience, then ignore it. This is like looking at a guide for how to bake a cake which mentions "the oven is the most important part of the kitchen" and then going "bullshit bullshit" and tossing away the book because you believe the refrigerator is instead.

The reality is that you can start anywhere, the problem is starting. I chose the third eye because the pencil technique has worked for all but a few of several dozen I have had try it.

There is another technique I didn't mention because I can't find a reliable way for other people to learn it, at least in a healthy way. By flexing some subtle muscle of the exact location I can't pinpoint somewhere in my neck, I can create a slight rush sensation that feels like I'm constricting or expanding some blood vessel. During channeling it gives a significant and instant boost to the magnitude of energy. This is what originally activated my third eye. There are other accounts of this phenomenon online.

I learned to flex this muscle via strange means: as a young child I would hold my breath and "push" upwards to make my face bright red to amuse my friends. Because of the result I was doubtlessly increasing the blood pressure to my head greatly, which is not at all healthy. Video of someone doing it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPgL3KrVv_o In the process of doing this I found how to flex this noted muscle / whatever it is independently of turning my head into a tomato. The means by which I learned it also implies that I'm manipulating the flow of blood to my brain somehow, perhaps increasing it.

If you want to try to learn this, I wouldn't recommend doing as I did, but experimenting with breathing while methodologically flexing various muscles in your neck, upper chest, and the base of your skull. I have had no success in others learning how to do it from such information though. Flexing this muscle induced tingling in my third eye a few years later, and I went from there.




> dogma

Going by that logic, the physical human anatomy is also "dogma."

Subtle energy is as real as the physicality you inhabit with certain unchangeable structures in basic. Yes it might be more fluid and can thus be manipulated by states of consciousness, but not so much that you think you can do anything with it without the proper side effects.

There are many fail safe methods that have been practiced for thousands of years to enhance subtle energy body in an optimized way.

Doing your own thing with it as you please is fine (for example focusing all your efforts in opening the third eye first without addressing everything else that makes up your being which are also extremely important), but there may be consequences to these things. If you think an open 3rd eye is really the first thing you need before you do anything else, I'm not one to judge, and I hope you know what you're doing and can handle whatever comes your way.

But the traditional methods are not "dogma." Their philosophies, etc., might be, but their energy body techniques are something to be seriously considered. Physical exercise routine is something that can be done all by yourself with little no serious consequnces, but we are still very much in the dark (at least the beginners) about the true nature of these electromagnetic centers and should probably consider messing with it in a better way.



just saying people really need to consider BALANCE in relation to these things. I have practiced spiritual exercises in imbalanced ways, and it is not pleasurable or healthy in the least.

The third eye works well with the root chakra and you should work in balance with that.

those with overdeveloped third eyes are often worn out. They burn up their energy indulging in inner vision and psychic perceptions.

because they so easily burn up their personal store of vital energy, their use of psychic and spiritual abilities are very restricted. Though they possess immense spiritual potential, they never use it or they use it with little creativity because they sense intuitively that to do more would throw their lives into disarray.

Those who like to camp out in the high and distant spiritual mountains of the third eye might consider how much more they would get out of life if they occasionally vacationed down into the valleys of the first chakra. In the first chakra is this immense emphasis on health and well-being. You learn to put aside all your inner dreams, all the mythical and spiritual quests, all the divine missions—you put it all off to the side.

And then you learn about physical exercise—aerobic exercise if only going for long walks or hiking. Weight training where you learn to develop all the muscles in your body. Stretching where you learn to become aware of how to relax and unwind those tightened muscles. Diet where you give you body a chance to eat some nourishing foods. And then there are the various kinds of physical exercise such as Tai Chi or Chi Kung, etc.

These are things where you consciously cultivate the life force in your body not through magic but in organic and natural ways. And you learn to do all of this so it is your first priority and foremost objective. Then when you return to third eye activities your dreams and visions are far more universal, deeper, and more complete because you see now with greater strength and endurance.

Over the years I have met so many psychics who are really scattered brained, mentally disturbed, and sickly that it begins to become quite obvious that if you want balance in your life you learn to study and make your opposite part of yourself. The third eye is like this incredibly wise man who sees the beginnings and ends of all things. And the first chakra is this incredibly beautiful woman full of life and natural beauty. She gives herself to him because she knows their children will possess the strength and wisdom to transform the world.

Well, I will tell you, it just does not happen that way in life. But if you want inner balance in yourself, if you want strength and practicality combined with divine vision and insight that transform the world, then unite these two opposites within yourself. It is essential for magical equilibrium. And the will of a magician is always an equal (let me say that again–equal) combination of masculine and feminine perfectly united. There is no gender conflict here and no sexual politics. Its your soul. Make it the temple of God.




Before the scientific investigation of the human body and germ theory there was a great deal of "knowledge" that turned out to be completely false. For example the four humours and illness thought to be the result of miasma. When knowledge of anatomy reached Chinese practitioners it contradicted nearly everything they thought about medicine. Just because a belief system has been practiced for thousands of years says nothing as to its validity.

Chakra systems claim various purposes to meridians and parts of the body. It is a pre-scientific view of how the body works. If your philosophy contradicts basic science, things that have been shown to have a high probability of being true based on experience and testing, you're engaging in bullshit occultism and dogmatic belief.

The idea that chakras manipulate the electromagnetic field of the body and that this somehow does something is a new fad (electromagnetic theory isn't thousands of years old) and pure pseudoscience. Around the internet and in literature you'll see great lengths to tie energy meridians and magick to scientific phenomenon, to justify and give authority to beliefs. It's the same trend seen in religious beliefs of all sorts. It's pure salesmanship, absolute rubbish, and I have no problem calling it such.

I have been practicing meditation and energy channeling for 17 years, in the whole body but especially the forehead and fingertips, and I haven't encountered any of the maladies you claim. My own experience says nothing objective. That's the problem with anecdotes, and without your system there's absolutely no reason to believe in any risk of harm.

What we're left with is experiences, which are doubtlessly a thing. These experiences can be interpreted in different ways, and I think should be, but unless you have any proof other than "thousands of years" there's no reason to believe that your interpretation is The Interpretation. A Christian might view this experience as an extension of prayer, a way to commune with God on a deeper level. A materialist might see it as a psychological phenomenon. A wiccan, a pagan, or a follower of other beliefs that involve magick may see it as magick. A Hindu or Bhuddist may see it as psycho/somatic/spiritual energy. And so on. All well and good, as long as you don't make scientific claims about the world or body you can't back up or arrogantly say that everyone else should believe as you do because insert bullshit here.



You are correct in that basically all of the information fed to the general public regarding the nature of the subtle energy bodies and it's relationship to the physical body and consciousness are bullshit. Even those who dig deeper into the information regarding these in older manuscripts doing decades of scholarship on ancient languages, occult research and practices etc are taking a shot in the dark. The true full whole knowledge is very much protected from the uninitiated and I believe this is true. I have gone to India and the spiritual practioners laugh in the face of people who think stuff like true chakra activation and raising kundalini/shakti, or even having a real understanding of what a chakra, ida pingala etc actually IS, and they ridicule anyone (especially westerners) who think they figured it out from reading occult books or websitrs. Or think it can be done like its nothing. They understand the master/student relationship in the occult world and the absolute importance of preventing info to reach into the hands of anyone who isn't ready. If you're familiar with the nature of magick and the occult you may know it is very much full of its share of blockades that can't be passed through until the baser aspects of the person is completely shed. It's not even a rhp/lhp, good/evil thing.. You simply cannot be perceived by what you are not resonant with, and even if you can be perceived, the observer understands how useless it is to open you up to what they know, like teaching children at a college level.

With all that being said, you can still very much pick up bits and pieces of more accurate descriptions of the nature of tje subtle body, and the secret exercises to awaken it to SOME degree but nowhere close to the 'real thing' if you are not initiated into a true ancient order, the kinds talked about as legends or myths, but known to exist to this day. These orders are not 'dogmatic'.. They just have objective information and possess skillsets that are only reswrves for those who get it. That is not to say they are better than the common man, just that you don't give guns to little kids.

The energy body is very real and there is a very real complex foundational structure to it that is to be exercised with care balance precision and most importantly patience. It takes at least twp decades to have a proper kundalini awakening and only under the strict guidance of a master. Nobody wants to do that on this board lol. But ay leasy we live in an age where we are getting some crumbs bersus nothing at all. I'm sorry you have yet to bear witness to the reality of the suntle body, but since your post indicates your rigid skepticism, I would recommend the scientific studies of harold saxon burr that demonstrate the reality of the t-field and l-fields.

I understand why you feel the way you feel, though. My advice is to stop using science (specifically the churcj of scientism) as the ultimate authoroty and arbitrator of your reality. Read some Tesla or something. There is a surprisingly ridiculous amount of gold in his writings that will trigger immense gnosis. That's TRUE science. And its bassed on occult and spiritual foundations.

Anyways i can keep going but I'll stop here. Again I highly recommend harold saxon burr if you've never had any direct experience with suntle energies.




> Chakra systems claim various purposes to meridians and parts of the body

Mainstream fluffy bunny new age bullshit theories about chakras has absolutely nothing to do with the actual pccilted nature of the chalra system. Nowhere close. Thay doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just means everyone is being fed inaccurate info. The 7 chakra system is derived frpm blavatsky and the Theosophical mpvement, who got it frpm some treatise in the 1550 AD or something. It is just one cjakra system among so many with no actual info on what a chakra even is. Even sanskri scholars that dig into tje ancient texts can barely scrape together a true picturr, though it is certainly a clearer one than blonde retarded soccer mom in California. As mentioned above only the truly initiated will get the truth. And it's not something you necessarily seek out. As you have probably heard before, the master arrives when the student is ready.



Checked, good post


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Or you could skip the bullshit and read this instead.



No I would suggest intricately reading the details of the actual studies conducted in their original forms so you can see beyond the shadow of a doubt how real it is. They are totally suppressed and ignored in mainstream science which is why it is not known. The actual studies will SHOW you the existence of these electromagnetic fields and how it can be manipulated through the physical and mental faculties. I'm giving you seriius gold here. Don't ignore it. Harold Saxon Burr - L fields - T fields.. Check yourself before you wreck yourself



The Body Electric is an easier read than the Blueprint of Immortality and still gives you the idea of what energy work is really manipulating. Unless you're talking about something else.



Do you know where I can find pdfs of either of those?




Thanks very much.


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Since this is a 101 thread, I'd like to offer a meditation that's very beginner friendly, fun, and has results that are very

self evident if you stick with it. I'm lifting it and paraphrasing it from "Path notes of an American Ninja by Glenn Morris" which despite the goofy title, is a fantastic read I highly recommend if you're interested in seeing how deep down the rabbit hole this esoteric game goes.

The technique is called "The Secret Smile." Here are the steps;

Take the meditation posture you prefer best. The most important point to remember here is to keep your spine straight as possible though I'd also recommend a posture where your legs are comfortable and you can easily feel your feet. Keep your tongue pressed up to the roof of your mouth (This is important. It might seem trivial but don't skip that one.) Close your eyes and slow your breathing down. Put a smile on your face (Lift your cheeks so the corners of your mouth turn upwards if you're a salt mine like me who's forgotten what a smile is)

Clench your toes as tightly as possible until they really hurt and then release them, Do this three times. Once the pain has stopped focus in on the feeling of relaxation in them and move it up your legs. Pull it up your ankles, up along your calves, feel it rise up over your knees, thighs, and across your hips. Feel the muscles relaxing along the way as you do this. Pull it up along the length of your spine, up over your head and down to the point where your tongue is touching the roof of your mouth. Swirl the feeling of relaxation in your mouth and mix it with your saliva. Swallow it down and let the relaxation circulate through your body as it goes.

Next, Think of a time you did something really well and were proud of yourself. Not only this, but other people were also proud of you and recognized what you'd achieved. Let the events fade away and hold onto just the feeling. Move the feeling down to your feet, and then feel it rise up your legs in the same way as the first step (You don't need to clench your toes anymore.) Let it rise up your spine, over your head, into your mouth. Mix it with your saliva and swallow it down. Mix it with the first feeling. Repeat this step twice more for a total of three cycles, or more if you're enjoying yourself.

Think of a time you laughed your ass off. A real deep, great laugh that you couldn't control or stop, Let the events fade away and hold onto that feeling of uncontrollable wild laughter. Let it flow down to your feet. Move it through your legs, up your spine and over your head. Mix this sensation of joy with your saliva and swallow it down. Let it mix with the others. Repeat for three cycles.

Think about a time you were in love, Truly, Madly, Deeply Do. Head over heels, and were also loved in turn. Let the circumstances fade, Hold onto that feeling. Move it down to your feet (Noticing a pattern yet?) move it up through your legs, up through your spine and over your head. Mix it with your saliva and swallow this loving feeling down, charging your body with deep unconditional love. Let it mix with the other feelings in your body. Repeat for three cycles.

Now for the fun part! Think about the best orgasm you've ever had. Take out the person, people, or animal in question and hold onto just the feeling. (Assuming you're a man it might help to focus on the moment just before the orgasm. Creaming your trousers would be counterproductive at this point.) Move it down to your feet, Up through your legs and spine, then up to the top of your head. Mix it with your saliva and swallow it down. Mix it up with the others. Repeat for three cycles.

Try to feel the combination of these energies which by now should feel pretty great. Circulate it all over your body and play with it for as long as you like.

By doing this, you're making yourself cool, confident, happy and sexy. Pretty useful. The end goal here is to learn how to truly internalize these feelings. Make it a part of your practice until it is so easy that it's just background sensation or an easy warm up for any other exercises. It's a great starting point for anything you'll have to handle in your life. /fringe/ or otherwise.

Enjoy, and have fun!


You are all idiots, magic can't be taught by others, because if he were to teach you, the magic would stop working. You either invent your own magic or you will never be able to use it. Every person is different and to think that you can learn from somebody else is absurd.



>you are all idiots, let me teach you how these things can't be taught

I recommend you a good dose of kill yourself, thrice a day after every meal




I didn't know I could feel emotions in different parts of my body, but I can.



He probably will since he just nullified his system of magic.


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I really like the "pen near third eye" technique. In fact, I would like to expand on it.

Stimulate the entire brain by doing the sharp object trick at the top of your head, the back of your head, for each ear, the nose, the chin, the cheeks…. just expand to get to the point where the tingly exists for the entire head.

Combining that with your "expansion" technique, of expanding awareness, do so with your entire head/brain that you have now stimulated entirely.

I am half way through trying this, and I am noticing huge awareness and clarity gains, IQ boost, overall mind gains, even physically (what with mental strength translating into physical), I feel very present and in my body, flexing feels good and motivated to DO SHIT.

Coming out of an extreme involution that I was intensely involved in (heh) for over a year, transitioning to an extreme evolution. I'm doing other things of course to cause this evolution shift, but this is amazing.

Very nice. After this, I'll move onto the throat (which I did a little of and was also great), shoulders, chest, back, onward and onward until my entire body can hold this 'charge'. I tried the finger thing, not much results besides a much weaker feeling of the 'charge' or 'tingles', but doing this seems to be superior, as mentally I am a very foundation oriented person, making it the natural optimum process for myself, though it may be objectively best.

Once I reach the point of full-blast head tingles, maybe after the neck, I will report back with results. Clarity, awareness, INT and WIS boost, physical strength and stamina, memory boost and perspective boost have been my current results. I am magical though, shit has been happening that is way way strange.

Anyone want to try and post results too?


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By the way, when doing this for the back of my neck, it felt like I was actually being poked by the pen when it was just hovering.

I have pin point magical intuition for the back of my neck I suppose. It eventually eased up and was more fluid rather than sharp, which is evidence of the fascia or muscle or energy being cleared, flushed, and renewed by this technique. It felt like wet air was being breathed when I did this for my adam's apple, along with a couple other places.

Very interesting.


Dice rollRolled 16, 24, 12, 25, 15, 27, 22, 29, 2, 22, 1, 12, 13, 5 = 225 (14d31)


good to know. it just makes things easier for me




I only converse with the dead.


Here's some stuff from here: https://discord.gg/VF6EBdB

ZenMind https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/294428724546502656/294555392577372161/zenmind.pdf

The Lightning and the Sun https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/294428724546502656/294555537264345098/lightning.pdf

Magical Techniques of Tibet <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B53pkp1KMl66WHFMaVJtOS0yeTQ/view>

- The Eddas: the Keys to the Mysteries of the North https://issuu.com/brandodimichele/docs/chisholmedda

- The Teachings of All Ages http://www.istitutocintamani.org/libri/The_secret_teachings_of_all_ages.pdf

Mysticism, Satan, Demons, the Occult


Astral Dynamics https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/175338681610141696/305205399915593728/Astral_Dynamics.pdf

Aleister Crowley PDF Library: <https://mega.nz/#F!BiBRDI4Y!AwH2b11rG5FLq8zT1ZHr5g>

Practical Mysticism http://holybooks.lichtenbergpress.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Evelyn-Underhill-Practical-Mysticism.pdf

Wisdom of the Mystic Masters https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2dNmdqJLcn3OGJTWXl1aHZITXM/edit(edited)

Book of Mystic Wisdom http://www.phipsisoftware.com/ultima4/Mystic.pdf

Mysticism, Science and Revelation https://bahai-library.com/pdf/s/shook_mysticism_science_revelation.pdf

High Mysticism http://www.iapsop.com/ssoc/1921hopkins_high_mysticism_eighth_study.pdf

The Books of Occult Philosophy 1-4 <https://www.mediafire.com/?d3d5wpa8847h6>

Faces in the Smoke <http://www103.zippyshare.com/d/dak1eJRx/45522/Douchan%20Gersi%20-%20Faces%20In%20The%20Smoke.pdf>

Paul Foster Complete Collection <http://www.mediafire.com/file/7v7bsisw6x1otqi/>

Israel Regardie Collection <https://www.mediafire.com/?t4jzy9cdvv86n>

Tarot https://mega.nz/#F!hQVFBDbT!f3gOa3LUAHJXJJbFZfDytg!5IlEmTSC


If it's not having any direct effect other than you feeling better it is not magic, but a placebo effect. Don't get me wrong, the placebo effect is powerful, but in the end OPs magic only has the goal to make you feel good and/or focused in your being. Of course I enjoy feeling good and being focused in my being as much as the next guy, but I believe you should look for purpose beyond that. Happiness should not be your purpose, it should be a side-effect of finding a higher purpose. And by aquiring that power OP warns us about, you expand your options for what your purpose could be. Sure, power often corrupts people, but if you give it a purpose other than yourself and it has a positive direction then it's a different story.

That said, however, if you are an beginner you should definetly start with OPs exercises. Getting a feeling for energy is extremely important if you want your shit to work.







I typed even I know how to get a point not even I know how I get a point across. Looks like I just teleported. #magik



Holy cunt I didn't type right and now either I just TP'd again. Is Kurt Cobain alive in this world?


What's it like being a 70 year old stalker faggot CIA Dweeb? You are such a fucking homosexual. Get a fucking life you parasite faggot. Hahahahahahahahahah I love when CIA faggots suffer or die!


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>Magic 101

Yeah, we already have that. Pic related. Read a book, niggers.

Also, it usually pays to be wary of taking occult advice from bald dudes with goatees, even if it is just a morrowind avatarfag.





Yeah well I doubt anyone here is surprised that in whatever state you might be in are not understanding complex sentences.


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Ah this thread.

The phenomena that OP thought was so important is neurological instrumentalization. Generate a neurological phenomena then manipulate that phenomena as you would magic or energy. Magic has a better intuitive meaning that grasps the expansiveness of it though.

So just as in Robert Bruce's Energy Work, you generate a sensation then move it around and morph it with growing tactile sensation. Sensation is the most grounded, so working directly with sensation means you're manifesting shit more directly into the Earth material dissection of reality.

The head is a fiery organ, with the neurological center the brain inside of it, so sensations from there are most easily transmitted across the neurons down the body into more Earth parts. Fire generates Earth in the 5 element theory, and is described as The Wizard archetype in what I've read. Earth is the Peacemaker. Metal is The Alchemist. Water The Philosopher. Wood The Pioneer.

If you want to be a wizard, cultivate your fire. Metal or being an alchemist is useless if you don't have the fire to transmutate reality. Raw ore is useless. Since we're in the "Dark Age" of some grand cycle, Kali Yuga, we have incredibly high Yin with low Yang. Earth, Metal, Water = Yin. Wood, Fire = Yang.

Pioneer and Wizard your shit up.

Take the basic sensation generation and turn it into a practice of its own. Think of your body as extremely locked down without feeling or sensation or awareness, because of this jam. When you can generate and feel sensations, you are unlocking your shit. You are vitalizing your nerves. Make neurological stimulation (wood/fire) your basic practice, more than meditation (Earth). True wizardry is a cultivation of Wood (associated with wind and electricity mind you) and Fire.

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