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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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For anyone who doesn't already know, Psychometry is where you touch something, and receive impressions in your mind connected to the thing touched.

All that is required to do Psychometry is you meet certain conditions and you follow a very simple procedure.

Those conditions are:

1. You must have attained a degree of faith, understanding, and maturity that your Soul (mind) has been so conditioned by your Spirit (awareness/will) that it has attained to a sufficient degree of realization of the mental nature of the Universe / the All. (You must Know the First Hermetic Axiom).

2. You must have previously exercised the imagination so as to develop the mental senses which correspond with the physical senses (clairvoyance/clairaudience/etc. aka visualization and the rest).

Now here is the procedure. It is not the only one, there are variations of it, but you will know those variations just by thinking about them after I give this one example. In my case I use psychometry to absorb knowledge rapidly from books without having to use the eyes, so my eyes don't get tired. There are various side-effects and dangers of psychometry but there are many advantages including the fact that whatever knowledge is absorbed in this way (at least for me), is absorbed more strongly, more perfectly, and is more accessible to my memory.


Procedure I

1. Place the hand(s) upon a book. (yes you could just place your awareness there without the hands, but the pairing of the physical gesture with the act of placing your awareness there helps automate the whole process later so that it comes to you without any particular effort or immense strain later on)

2. Having placed the hands there, your awareness is now centered on the book. You now condense the astral light around and into the form of the book.

3. The light thus condensed registers the form of the book exactly and becomes a copy of the book. Satisfied that your astral-book is ready, you then lift it up out of the physical copy (by intention/will/imagination) and continue to look at the book with your mind's eye.

4. You now proceed to any further necessary programming of your thoughtformed astral book, such as trying to empower it / give it duration so it doesn't immediately/rapidly dissipate when you take your attention off of it and you can keep your copy around.

5. You open it up to a random page, then begin reading it, make sure the words don't randomly mutate or shift around on you and so on, and then check that page against the exact same page in the physical book to make sure it's the same.

6. You may now recall that book later, or store it in some manner such as placing it in your astral palace on some bookshelf or whatever, or maybe some kind of computer or other means of organization like an InfiniBook that has an index of all books you store in it and it can morph and display any books in its index for you by you intending it.

Note concerning ritual-programming: placing the hands on there is a symbolic act. When developing psychometry like I did it above, weird side-effects happened for me, like picking up all kinds of random stuff connected to objects and persons and so on. The development of the ability for me was messy and not well controlled. By really being specific about how you intend to use your psychometry and thinking over the formula, thinking over what you want to pick up in relation to the object, and connecting the whole matter to a RITUAL you have more control AND automation over/of the whole process. The ritual makes it AUTOMATIC when it's repeated later, without you having to brute-force everything. It also gives you more control, and adding stuff in like maybe a glove, a ring, certain objects, etc. can help you retain further control over the whole thing and prevent you from accidentally psychomancing EVERYTHING you touch.

It also really helps that EVERY DAY and especially everytime before I go to sleep, I always visualize each number at least once, and visualize the whole alphabet; each letter appearing to me silently without me reading it, and same for the numbers. This very useful meditation has been a precursor for me developing a lot of different abilities. I've talked about it before on here years ago and many times since, most of you know what I'm talking about.


Procedure II (for when you don't need a full astral copy of a book and just need a quick impression of something specific)

1. Follow steps 1 and 2 of Procedure I.

2. Now condense / gather about you some of the astral light, sufficient enough to form a clearly visible piece of paper with text on it, but not necessarily condensed into the book it can just be around you or wherever.

3. Use intent to make that light receive the impressions of whatever page you're looking for in the book or whatever idea, event, or whatever else connected to a person/object/etc. you're psychomancing.

4. You will end up seeing with your mind's eye what you're looking for, a clear visual of the page or whatever your intent is to see.

5. Proceed with checks for objectivity, further thoughtform programming, or just let the impression dissolve after you take your attention away from it.

Astral light btw is a kind of coloured light. Any of you who have been to the astral know what it's like. All the mystics talking about seeing all light everywhere… well it's not necessarily just a blinding white light, it's a "everything I'm looking at it is made out of light" kind of thing, where even black is light, and where everything is more clear and vivid and your perception is not just of light reflected off of things but a direct perception of everything around you as being composed out of a mental light.

Authors of Books and Memory

Something I only recently found out like 2 or 3 days ago btw is that if I save a picture of the author of any book, as well as any characters or persons mentioned in the book, and I keep those pictures open on another part of my screen while reading (I guess you could guys also display it on another monitor or print it out), and I look intently at the pictures and then back at the text and connect the two together then my memory of the whole text becomes stronger and can be recalled more easily just by thinking of the picture again and also my interest in the text becomes greater too, making it easier to read and assimilate in my mind.


Numbers Meditation

Visualize from 0 to 9 without sounding out a single number, each in a row. Then do it again with different variations, such 0 to 60 or 0 to 300, using different increment such as going up by 2 or 3 or whatever instead of 1, etc. all the time never sounding out anything. Just repeat "ja" or some other nonsense each time you visualize each number to stop yourself from saying the numbers in your mind, until you can make each number show up to you without having to mentally repeat "ja" each time. Change around the font the numbers appear in and use animations like seeing the numbers drawn out or seeing them far away or seeing them appear small and then come big or seeing them go by on ticker tape or and so on. Also use roman numerals too. The cool thing about roman numerals is they are easier to do the numbers meditation with, which to me suggests that, roman numerals were first used by man because it it is easier to visualize them then it is with out numbers. I also notice there's a certain difference between visualizing for example 24 followed by 25 where the whole number is mentally redrawn, versus visualizing a 2 with a 4 beside it that turns into a 5 (and the 2 just isn't redrawn). It is more difficult, a more intense mental exercise, to redraw the numbers over and over in your mind then it is to fixate a little bit of astral light which then morphs into each number you want to see or to keep one number fixed and basically count from 0 to 9 over and over to the right of it as opposed to actually mentally adding up 25 + 1 = 26, 26 + 1 = 27, etc.. I usually use the more hardcore methods so as to push myself to my mental limits.


Alphabet Meditation

Same as numbers meditation. See each letter appear before you without sounding out the letters.

Voice-To-Text Meditation

Listen to anyone talk, or listen to an audiobook, or some news reporter, or youtube video, or whatever where someone is continuously saying stuff… and as they do so visualize each word appearing to you. Note that when you do this, you'll probably have no idea what they are saying, because you are concentrating so hard on seeing each word (one at a time) appear to you. Do this lots. Then later on try to actually visualize multiple words at once, until they're building up actual sentences, which scroll off to the left for you. Then progress to where you're basically visualizing a blank page or screen or something, and each word they see gets printed onto that page, forming full sentences. When you start this, usually what will happen is you will lose concentration and the sentences will dissolve. but eventually when you stabilize enough and also you're seeing it all very clearly you won't have that problem and you will be able to listen and watch as entire paragraphs of text get written down in front of you and fill out the entire page. If you want, you can get astral copies of complete narrations of conversations and stuff out of this, which you can then program and so on like I mentioned in my OP post.

Text-To-Autovoice Meditation

To start with, start looking at words in books, on internet pages, and anywhere else words are printed but only look at them. Don't read them. Concentrate and go through entire pages of text, carefully looking/gazing at each word, but without mentally sounding-out/reading any of the words as if you were looking at a different alphabet or were totally illiterate and had no idea what sounds the letters corresponded with.

Then, and you will probably require a fair bit of loosh to get this started, concentrate keenly with your clairaudience on hearing a voice that reads the text for you. Listen really hard, at first you might just pick up on static, then the voice comes out really muffled and you can't tell what it's saying at all, but eventually it becomes audible, and eventually it surpasses physical sounds by being more clear and loud and so on than any sound registered by the physical ears could ever be.

This voice can now be used to read stuff for you automatically and you can just listen to it read to you. If you also combine it with the psychometry stuff I mentioned earlier, than you can have it read stuff to you, while you do not even have to look at the text at all. Now you can go and walk, or sit on a chair and close your eyes, or lay down and sleep, and whatever else and the voice will just read whatever you want for you.



I don't want to detail in full right now how to channel but it's pretty much just this:

1. Concentrate/condense the astral light or tune into the channel you want to listen to.

2. Have an idea of what it you want to tune into and intend to pick it up.

3. Register the vibrations (Third Hermetic Axiom/Principle) from sources paired to that idea or as directly from the pure idea itself as possible into the medium you are using.

This will bring you another great step very close to that quality of God called "Omniscience". It will open you up to all knowledge, quite literally. Think of any book, you just have to know the book exists, and you will be able to tune into it and have it auto-read to you or see it's pages in your mind's eye or whatever and you'll be able to go through it very efficiently. You can do likewise for perceiving events, scenes, etc. connected to anything and located anywhere on any timeline, knowing stuff from the remote past, and seeing into probable futures too.

Meditations Upon God

As you can see I am bringing you very close to God through what I've been talking to you about so far in this thread. Always spend at least part of your day, every day, to think of the attributes of God and to LOVE GOD and to Know (capital K, meaning to Know in the highest sense, aka to embody) God. Loving God (and not some deity or other things that are less than The All/The One/The Absolute, btw) puts into operation the Law of Attraction and draws more and more of the qualities of God into your astral matrix, spurring on spiritual growth, increasing awareness, ennobling the soul, etc. etc.


This whole board was wiped clean by some spammer last time I had this thread up, all just to kill this thread, because the knowledge in this thread is extremely potent to help anyone here advance very fast and efficient in learning everything about the occult. Save the thread before this happens again!


You may apply psychometry on people btw to absorb information from them. Just don't do it in a way that damages their psyche or you'll provoke a shitload of karmic backlash from the whole universe.


Hey thanks alot for this one fringewizard.

Im guessing the first condition is to possess conscious egohood?

Before I can start practicing these things Im going to have to cure myself from these subconscious influences which seem to be taking away my power of attention. One of the causes being the incorrect breathing(resistance while breathing caused by shitty posture), the other one being my deviated septum which is causing a deficiency of air moving through my nose which causes a feeling of suffocation.



When you arouse the negative emotions of others you get karmic backlash retard. Just pissing people off causes them to think thoughts about you which aren't good. If you piss them off a LOT they obsess over you, intensively, with strong emotions, and end up fucking you up big time. That's how people get cursed. When you go damage someone else's mind enough like a certain someone here did, you end up with a lot of people responding by fucking your shit up psychically.


There is a person IRL that I suspect might be a psychopath what should I do?



Restore their three highest chakras so they are overwhelmed with a sense of empathy and so on.



How do I do that?



You will need to focus on the points where those chakras are supposed to be (or just that general area, with all those nerves) and you use emotions + intent and you program them to have the attributes that correspond with those chakras and makes them functional again.

Note: prerequisites are clairvoyance / astral senses and the ability to do energy work and an understanding of all the qualities that correspond with those chakras.


This thread gets a space Aryan thumbs up.



This Chakra shit is so fucking gay. Come up with a better way to explain things. Your gay explainations of your gay shit is fucking gay.



damn… your chakra points sure are clogged


I'm saving this thread.


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Can this method be used to absorb information from PDF books on your computer?



And how about the internet? Can you for example absorb information from Wikipedia article.


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In Christianity there was a pretty strong tradition of withdrawing from the wider context of society which ran parallel and sometimes at odds with the (possibly) 'mainstream Orthodox' perspective of social cohesion. The lifestyle decision of personal seclusion (such as Monasticism) being similar to that of the Hermetists.



Not op but v based method.

For internet and electronic devices I've had success by visualizing circuitry/filepath involved. Bridge the gap with electric blue light. You could also literally scan the page with your eyes. Download the files to a folder with a sigil icon or associate with your own type of connecting magic.



> You could also literally scan the page with your eyes.

I assume you mean something other than reading by this

> Download the files to a folder with a sigil icon or associate with your own type of connecting magic.

And this is there I got completely lost. Do you mean visualizing putting information from computer into a folder inside my brain? Can you elaborate more on this please?



Thanks in advance



Scanning in the way you would view an ispy book or a large painting, the more you do this the more important details will stick.

As far as the folder I would recommend both if you're into tech. Maintain a desktop in your mind and then match your own physical desktop as similar as possible. Do exactly the same in your inner space as outer while studying. Also keep in mind there are only so many stories written, factually based or not. Know the root stories cut your comprehemsion time in eighths. Look for symbols and patterns and with each book you read or pick up, some cracks will fill.


This is a great thread to say that lately I can't read any fucking books. I can't even get through a chapter of a book. It is too exhausting for me. I have just a handful of books I really want to finish but can't. I need to create interest maybe or something, I don't know, but something is blocking me from reading. I get sick while reading, like my breathing changes and I get cramps and so on, and I want to do anything else. I am very good at attaining knowledge through other means, and have a spirit that hangs around that has a spirit phone that doesn't lag and displays any information I could want. I really want to finish these last couple books but it's so god damned tedious and exhausting to read books anymore for me.



I can't relate.



I think I'm going to put my 2 fingers on the USB port and visualize dragging files from my desktop into my mind. Thanks btw



Too much wood element clogs the gears. Wood element rises into the brain and hands. Boost metal and fire element. Metal = Lungs and Large intestines, Fire = Heart and Small intestines. Vigorous, intense exercise and cardio covers both, so do that.


File: 6986bf922cf279b⋯.pdf (177.06 KB, Fringe Wizard's Guide to P….pdf)

Here is a hastily put together PDF backup of the info in this thread. I'm not very familiar with how to format most stuff but fix it if you want.



Thanks bb


heres a maigc trick

grab your dick and jack it off

a white liquid will ejaculate from your penis

then grab a kleenex and clean any extra cum trying to leak out of your cock

#gandalf #parryhotter #faggot #cringe



What effect is that supposed to have?


Some eastern magical schools have began to discover the mechanism by which psychometry operates.

Try not to "take" information from objects. Instead, commune with them, for they have a bit of conscious life essence of their own. Do not take from the spirit without giving in kind or you will lose ability, suffer, tempt fate, anger the gods, or worse…


> Tsukumogami (付喪神 or つくも神[note 1], lit. "tool kami") are tools in Japanese folklore that have acquired a spirit.[2] According to an annotated version of The Tales of Ise titled Ise Monogatari Shō, a certain theory in the Onmyōki, tsukumogami are what foxes that have lived for one hundred years turn into.[3] In modern times, they can also be written 九十九神 (ninety-nine kami).[4]

> According to Komatsu Kazuhiko, the idea of tsukumogami, or yōkai of tools, spread mostly in the Middle Ages, and declined in more recent generations. Komatsu infers that despite the depictions in Bakumatsu period ukiyo-e leading to a resurfacing of the idea, these were all produced in an era cut off from any actual belief in the idea of tsukumogami.[5]

> Because the term has been applied to several different concepts in Japanese folklore, there remains some confusion as to what the term actually means.[6][7] Today, the term is generally understood to be applied to virtually any object, “that has reached its 100th birthday and thus become alive and self-aware,” though this definition is not without controversy.[6][8][7]

Only a fool imagines that there is something special about the 100th birthday of an object; That is a numerological metaphor. An object does not suddenly wake up on its 100th birthday and become aware; The yōkai essence always existed and was slowly strengthening over time. Some things may take more time than others. There are a myriad of factors to consider which affect development of the 99-kami, from being used in the saving of another's life to association with [ascending] masters, traveling or remaining in a single spot, etc. Circumstance also affects the character of the developing spirit.

Feng Shui Kung Fu masters don't just arrange furniture and spaces, they manipulate the flow of spirit and tsukumogami are their primary magical devices / defenses / weapons. Be careful which objects you try speaking with: Some are liars and others may be trained assassins.


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