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What would it take to convince you that Japan actually defeated the US in WWII? That since then the government has invested untold millions into a monolithic lie and doubled down every time the truth was about to be exposed.

>Emperor Hirohito was a marine biologists

>Created Unit 731 to create biological weapons that could destroy billions

>Used the natural air currents of the pacific to launch silk balloon bombs to the west coast to drop incendiary munitions to start forest fires.

>One single balloon bomb could contain an aerosolized biological load capable of infecting a major us city and inturn infecting most of the north american population

>The atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a desperate attempt to stop this and they failed to impact the Japanese war machine

>The Japanese allowed the US to lie to its population so long as it was able to dictate the terms of the cease-fire and eventual surrender.




Why would they demilitarize and allow the general of a foreign government to rule provisionally into the 50's and outlaw martial arts until he left?

Why would they have given up their ground in China?

Hell, why would the Emperor reduce himself from walking God to a powerless figurehead?

I'm all for pulling back the veil, but this one doesn't really make sense. If they'd had that much of a power advantage they wouldn't have given up massive chunks of their culture.


Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed m9, so I have a hard time believing the rest.



>nukes aren't real

see this one fairly frequently with nothing in support. got any links?


>jews trying to convince people that Israel didn't win WWII

The USA was made a puppet state of ZOG and defeated in WWII, Japan was made a puppet of USA.

fucking goys


If Japan actually won the war, why are we not speaking japanese?

Why isn't japan having like 8.0 birthrates? Why is it surrounded by hostiles on all sides?

If I was aiming for world domination, I'd like my neihgbours to shill for me, or at least not-hate me.

Most of those theories are pushed by chinese, who obviously have a vested interest in proving that japan is like ww2 nazi germany "only worse", unfortunately (for them) the japanese in fact WERE like Germany in that they did nothing wrong, rape of nanking is a hoax & so were comfort women shintoism is a religion of peace.

To prove a japanese ww2 victory is easy, now try explaining every facet of their post-ww2 history in light of them somehow being the victors, as if all those 70 years it wasn't Japan that got closer and closer to an american view.

It's been 70 years, why aren't we speaking japanese?



Well it's been 70 years and we are all worshiping a jew and our media, governments, education systems, food and water supplies, all controlled by jews.

I wonder who the real victor of World War Jew was?



>now try explaining every facet of their post-ww2 history in light of them somehow being the victors,

You are right. I am still studying all of this and this is the next thing I will get into.

After the bombs were dropped a ceasefire was called. US troops were sent in to clean up. The Japanese did not clean up their own cities., Does this sound like something the victors would do? The Japanese were dictating the terms.


>The first large group of US soldiers arrived in Nagasaki around September 23, about the time the Japanese newsreel teams started filming, and in Hiroshima two weeks later. They were part of a force of 240,000 that occupied the islands of Honshu (where Hiroshima is located) and Kyushu (Nagasaki). Many more landed in Nagasaki, partly because its harbor was not mined. Marines from the 2nd Division, with three regimental combat teams, took Nagasaki while the US Army’s 24th and 41st divisions seized Hiroshima. The US Navy transported Marines and evacuated POWs, but its role ashore (beyond medical services) was limited.

>Most of the troops in Hiroshima were based in camps on the edge of the city, but a larger number did set up camps inside Nagasaki. Because of the alleged absence of residual radiation, no one was urged to take precautions. Some bunked down in buildings close to ground zero, even slept on the earth and engaged in cleanup operations, including disposing bodies, without protective gear. Few if any wore radiation detection badges.


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The "surrender".

You will notice that Emperor Hirohito is not present.

You will notice there are no samurai swords.

You will notice the American flag is backwards and has only 31 stars!

This flag really is the smoking gun for me. It is actually a satanic flag. 31 being an inversion of the original 13 colonies. This ceremony was an occult ritual. In most photos they crop out the flag because they don't want people to see it.

…then there is roswell.




What about Japan's empire? They had MAJOR imperial ambitions during ww2 and were grabbing as much land as they could. One of their main goals was to expand their empire, a victory would have been pointless if they couldn't keep what they had gained.

Your theory is shit. It also does a disservice to the nips they fought to the end and its only when they encountered a weapon that they had no way to fight against that they surrendered.

I doubt the average jap would believe that they had won the war when he looks at what his country has become.



Step #1: Make a secret society whose aim is to take over the world.

Step #2: Take over the world using a (((subjugated race))) and put them in high-up places.

Step #3: Expose to everyone that this race is taking over the world.

Result: Lead the resistance against world domination and the conspiracy to control it, keeping the Jews in line or subverting the resistance when necessary.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>nukes aren't real

>got any links?



There is a lot of info in the youtube comments of this video, in addition to the video content itself.



Yeah the secret societies of today did not exist 2000 years ago yet the jews subverted and destroyed Rome.

The jews did the same to Egypt, Sumer, Atlantis, to every great civilization since the beginning of human history.

The jews are a parasitic race of demi-humans connected to a hivemind. They are the physical incarnation of the demiurge and exist only to destroy humanity.

We will never be free until they are gone.



>You will notice the American flag is backwards and has only 31 stars!



>"Yeah the secret societies of today did not exist 2000 years ago"

>implying you know truthes regarding secret societies


>The jews are a parasitic race of demi-humans connected to a hivemind. They are the physical incarnation of the demiurge and exist only to destroy humanity.

Sounds like the Zerg are an allegory of der Jude, no? With their infested terrans and overminds?

Anyway if exoteric religious Jews are expecting 2800 slaves each, wouldn't destroying humanity put a dampener on that?



>Anyway if exoteric religious Jews are expecting 2800 slaves each, wouldn't destroying humanity put a dampener on that?

They want golem slaves, not humans.

Golems are created by degenerating the human condition using poisons in the food and water supplies and racemixing. Once the average intelligence of the human race has been reduced to that of primates der juden wins.



The average Jew isn't getting anything. The only people getting slaves are those that are able to mobilize der juden.



>no way to fight against

Did you even read the thread? Dirigibles + Unit 731 = Game Over.


The jap nationalists are delusional.

The real truth is that the cold war never ended, some flags just changed and russia took a breather in the 90's


It's true. All of it.



The strange behaviour of US soldiers or officials (probably due to culture shock) don't explain why post-ww2 japan never gained anyhting.



Jews are the victors of ww2

after ww2:

>jewish state gains legitimacy

>multi-milion holocaust industry receives eternal donations

>donations from evangelicals justified from ww2 & bible

>a parenthesis in every journalistic establishment

>entertainment wholly jewish-influenced

>all critiques of judaism don't really work

>demographic surge in israel


Japanese are the victors of ww2

after ww2:

>demographic decline in Japan

>demographic decline in japan's allies

>new constitution written by Americans, jewish feminist adds equality clauses

>no standing army allowed by constitution

>western ideological subversion, feminist theory, race theory, etc.

>every country demands and gets an apology for alleged war crimes, reparations

>unstable economy

What did they gain? Making anime popular among lonely nerds?

ITT: It's not the jews it's not the jews It's not the jews it's not the jews ok it's the jews but you know who's really to blame, right goy? The Japanese.





You clearly misunderstand.

The jews never really were a solid monolithic order: there are high families and "expendable" jews, when another christian country gets jewed out and begins "persecutions", the rich jews are the ones that escape, and the poorfag-low-class jews are the ones that take the brunt of the shock.

Ever wondered where poor persecuted oppressed jews suddenly get the money to finance princes and aristocrats?

Judaism is highly startified, and instinctively following YHWH aka Demiurge aka Allah aka Elohim.

The meaning of kabbalah is "unity" and the ideal of judaism is to unite humanity into "adom rishon" (not sure if I spelled that right), the first creation, if you watched Evangelion, with the orange goop, you basically get the picture (anno was inspired by kabbalah and jewish symbology).

Multiculturalism, globalization etc. are all instinctive to the jew because of his faith and uniting everyone, sacrificing local religious (and esoteric!!!!) traditions for the sake of one generic identity.

Now, who benefits?

let's say that there exist semi-spiritual creatures, and those spiritual creatures want humanity to "evolve" into perfect cattle that would voluntarily seek out enslavement and eventually replacement with hybrids (stronger, but also more sociopathic).

let's say that these creatures were using us for centuries, what would a perfect cult for them look like?

First of all, it'd be very "global", judaism is with its kabbalistic tradition up there, then it would heavily discourage any out of body projection because that would allow the spiritual beigns to be seen with their true nature. What cult does that? Again judaism.

Jews are not the ultimate evil, but they're the tool through which the ultimate evil operate, the religion is honed to perfection for that purpose alone.

Keep in mind that these (((beings))) have plans that last centuries, the jews might not be seeing the endgame of what they're doing now, but their superiors certainly will, at some point their actions might even lead them to extinction, to be replaced with judaism+++, but they won't really know.



It's not about destroying humanity, but forcibly uniting it into one "consciousness" and afterwards having it agree to get enslaved by the spiritual-physical beings.

Why? Free will mufugga, an all out invasion would give us grounds for self defence, as well as have other species intervene to defend. On the other hand if we (((voluntarily))) renounce our free will, then other non-human sentients can't really intervene cuz we "asked for it".


>neanderthals are apex predators, hunt mammonths, eurasian lions, tigers

>smart carnivorous gorillas that hunt at night and can also rape humans while using advanced tools like spears

>move into human space, get to raping & eating us

>50 (!!!) humans left

>we retaliate and genocide them despite being physically weaker

>no neanderthals left at all

We did it before, we can do it again, probably will.



>falling for the paper mache skeletons trick

And it was reading so well.



I was just pointing out that once you realize what you describe in your post, there is no point in being Jewish.



The only way to stop being jewish is to get transformed into ashes.



Since that post I found a lot of contradicting evidence about the Neanderthal Extermination Theory.

Neanderthals were carnivorous, practiced cannibalism and were sexually compatible with human females, the idea that they were holohoaxed sounds more proper than a general extinction due to low birthrates.


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People from the middle east contain the highest percentage of neanderthal DNA. You can see it just by looking at them. Its a huge topic I am still looking into. Its possible that the khazarian zionist jews hate all goyim because of what our ancestors did to them (pre-historic holocaust).


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





By being exposed to sunlight?



hate begets hate. if you treat a group of people like shit for centuries on end what do you expect.

you force people to live in ghettos where the only way they can make money is as a criminal, or an immoral banker how do you think that affects the adaptation of that group of people.

there is a cultural conciosness that is shaped by how the culture is treated.

take for example how the white culture has survived basically by raping and pillaging, a culture that believes itself to be superior.

is it any wonder most white people today are so entitled yet with a culture so mediocre and genetics which makes them susceptible to disease.

is it any wonder most american scientists and politicians are jewish,

a culture that has experienced huge devastations,where historically you had to be exceptional to survive natural selection on fast forward.



maybe they are related to neanderthals, i dont know, but it would be weird seeing as the neanderthals are named after the neanders,in france where the bones where discovered.

just cus folk living elsewhere are browner and hairier than you, you use that as some kind of way to demean them? can you see how dumb that is?

they could just as easily say something similar about pasty inbred aryan fucks like you, so fucking dumb.

yknow the word aryan is sanskrit for civilized, because whatever the dominant culture of the time is believes itself to be the civilized one, until it degenerates because of its own intrinsic sense of superiority to be replaced by a new one and so the cycle continues, the serpent devours its own tail and knows not that there is anything else



>just cus folk living elsewhere are browner and hairier than you, you use that as some kind of way to demean them? can you see how dumb that is?

This isn't about body hair. This is genetic. Neanderthals were twice as violent and raped and murdered Cro-magnon until they were decisively retaliated against.

>they could just as easily say something similar about pasty inbred aryan fucks like you,

You seem profoundly ignorant on the subject to I will tell you that Aryan man is not just "white". Iranians, Indians, Chinese, and Japanese all claim Aryan ancestry. (some of them anyway.) This one of the reasons Japan allied with the 3rd Riech.



>twice as violent

>raped and murdered

how the fuck do you know? all i see is one was wiped out completely, and the surviving one went on to commit genocide against a hundred other races and species.

as i said, aryan means civilized. it has very little to do with race, historically it was more about class


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Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries.

Repeat after me:109 times

A woman slept with a guy, he kicked her out, alright he's in the wrong, maybe she's really nice and loving.

But she's been mistreated by 109 boyfriends, does that not ring a bell? Send some alert?

Repeat after me: One hundred and nine. That's ten times ten + nine.

I come to you, say I've been kicked out of a bar, "well, the owner must have been a dick" you go…then I add that I have a string of being kicked out of 108 other bars, "but it's no big deal", "they just hated me because I was too good".

Repeat after me: one - o - nine

You got a nice house, you're renting it to somebody, then you find out he's been kicked out by the previous tenant…well, happens, maybe some personal issue, we know how that goes. He seems really nice.

Then another tenant tells you he kicked him out, and another, and another, 109 people can attest that yeah, we kicked the guy out.

Repeat after me: 109 countries kicked jews out.

At some point you have to stop and say "maybe it's not the resto f the world that is to blame"????

Nah, it's the dirty japs with their anime, obviously



>just cus folk living elsewhere are browner and hairier than you, you use that as some kind of way to demean them? can you see how dumb that is?

>they could just as easily say something similar about pasty inbred aryan fucks like you, so fucking dumb.

Your appeals to good feels and tolerance don't work here, cuck.

"w-what if somebody said mean stuff about you"

>pasty inbred aryan fucks

Whites are literally aliens, the proto-indoeuropean stock is from the stars, we don't belong to this earth, and the faster this planet is free of animals like YOU, sub 90 IQ races, the faster we get to make our mark on the universe.

Black people are fucking garbage you fool. To even personalize them to the level of a pet creature is ridiculous. They are below apes.

They're sin incarnate, their flesh was blackened by the hand of god.

You're probably some beta indian working in IT, smelling like curry, and thinking that makes you an equal to ltieral Gods on Earth, it doesn't, it never will. Kill yourself and try reincarnation.



>Whites are literally aliens, from the stars etc have over 90 IQ level

Das Reich!

>They're sin incarnate, their flesh was blackened by the hand of god.

That's from the torah you fuckin' rabbi, you have now lost credibility.



109 and counting



>I doubt the average jap would believe that they had won the war when he looks at what his country has become.

Japan is a 1st world country. I take you've never been.



Ken, why do you allow this shit?

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