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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Is there a way to shut down my brain/suicide without physically harming myself/OD.


>is there a way to kill myself

>without being harmed

if you want painless suicide inject all the heroin you can buy, now get out and die faggot


apparently it is possible if you genuinely have no will to live

but you do because it hasn't happened yet

polite sage because i dont think people should help you. i know how you feel but its for the best that you don't kill yourself



>polite sage because i dont think people should help you. i know how you feel but its for the best that you don't kill yourself



/r/ the Gnostic explanation of suicide and it's spiritual ramifications. I know someone saved it here, it was posted sometime last year.


Not who you're quoting OP, but as best as I can remember what I'm requesting, is that should you kill yourself, you'll simply have to repeat life after being reincarnated, and it may or may not be worse for you in that life. Also, the karmic penalty for suicide tends to have you die in your next life at the moment you want life the most.

It's best to introspectively identify the reasons you want to commit suicide, and take action to change those reasons. One thing I find beneficial in this world is how changeable things can be per the Principle of Rhythm, and any situation can be transmuted to benefit yourself instead of having yourself be harmed by it. I really stress the part of taking action after identifying why you want to commit suicide; without active application of wanting to change, you simply won't change. If you are struggling with the mentality of "Why bother?" negative motivational reinforcement, I also highly recommend prayer and meditation, as I tend to find many of those interested in suicide have a form of spiritual despair, only fixable with a spiritual solution.

Best of luck.


You can do it through deep meditation, so deep that you heart stops, and you stop breathing oxygen.



>Also, the karmic penalty for suicide tends to have you die in your next life at the moment you want life the most.

That's just beyond cruel man



Spiritual ramifications (and magick entirely) are the last thing on my mind when I really want to kill myself. Even if it's true, I just want to end the suffering at the moment. The ego really takes over. Even if I do get a glimpse of proper thinking ("I'm being manipulated by a negative influence"), I discard it out of carelessness.

Most suicide is instinctual anyway. You're walking by traffic feeling like shit and the next second you're in front of a car. Or you're hiking and look down and then you're off the cliff. I've caught myself about to do it before.


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easy mode: climb a mountain and freeze to death

hard mode: sokushinbutsu




What prayers and to who?


File: 87853386d80f6f0⋯.jpg (306.19 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Jesus Christ.jpg)

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."


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"15All things have I seen in the days of my vanity: there is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness. 16Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself? 17Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time? 18It is good that thou shouldest take hold of this; yea, also from this withdraw not thine hand: for he that feareth God shall come forth of them all."



Also stop breaking rule 2.



mfw everyone of my own suicide attempts was like that, never ever anticipate it, it just came out of the blue all of a sudden without me even thinking about it

I have a LOT of esoteric texts on suicide btw. Some stoic views, I have also a chapter written by Manly P. Hall, etc.

Best way to an hero is either by doing increasingly daring occult fears, confronting ever more and more dangerous powers and entities, or else by simply challenging God to give your life a truly worthile purpose or else end you on the spot.



When was christianity about long life?!?


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one does not have to challenge God. He is truly ever-merciful… He is truly God and he is not far from us if we seek Him


"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 26And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?"



But its not literally being alive like in Ecclesiastes which promotes mediocrity.




Disregard abrahamics and their poison. You better believe they invented karma in the form it is now known.

This shows why the India is fucked, transformed from a spiritual place to the world capital of street shitting. Hinduism comes from the original pagan religion. There is no concept of karma there, because people who have not been subjected to jews and their poisons behave well by instinct.

You are born into a thoroughly jewed world and react appropriately. To invent karma to blame you for your natural reactions is horrible. This world is fucked, because of jews, and that is what's wrong. Not your reactions to this world.

Follow your sense of justice when appropriate, but above all do what you must to advance spiritually in this life. You can still empower your soul, so suicide solves nothing.



>You can still empower your soul, so suicide solves nothing

It actually solves absolutely everything. I'm tired of being humiliated every day, and don't even remember the last day where I woke up without dread.


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>Is there a way to shut down my brain/suicide without physically harming myself/OD.

Shitpost on board 20h's a day.

Seems to be working pretty well for me.


Yes there is. Try evocation and then fuck it up and watch as a spirit takes all your life-force.



Program a tulpa to off yourself when you are in your wonderland







who you evoke. In my years of magic and conjurations back and forth constantly, in heavily populated areas, a population of people can wipe you out overnight, if the karma density you are hopefully upholding drops it'll be like an old man dying from heart failure, but you're only 19. lol.


File: a63cf73ea815b31⋯.webm (1.18 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Serial Experiments Lain P….webm)


>the Gnostic explanation of suicide and it's spiritual ramifications

I'd love to see that. I've felt suicidal many times in my life, and I respect gnosticism.



If you really wanted to die, pain wouldn't be a factor Lmao

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