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Esoteric Wizardry


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/fringe/ wizards, it is time for us to act,

We are a community dedicated to empowering Aryan man with magic. /pol/ and politically minded brothers are of some importance to us because of this. The health and potency of their basic instincts is a resource we should be concerned with, which if weakened will weaken our potential power base.

As of late, a Jewish-spawned doctrine called 'Neoreaction' has been infecting many chans. This movement was inspired by a Jew named 'moldbug' who says that people who think there is a Jewish problem 'misunderstand reality'. He called his site 'pro-Jewish' and said that the new governmental order he wished to bring about would at the very least be 'chock full of Jews'.

The current leader of the movement is Nick Land. He is a former accelerationist Marxist (the doctrine that degeneracy is just what civilisation needs) who at some point became very interested in Kaballah and Occultic synchronicity and various related topics. Somewhere along the line he decided to create an apparently hard-right form in service of an invokation of a kind of Lovecraftian force. He frequently alludes to this as his ultimate aim: the use of capitalism as a kind of Saturnalian death machine to choke humanity out via Eugenics and give rise to new machine-intelligences.

How smart Land is is a matter of debate. It is like he will ultimately just be one more Shabbos goy with his mind and instincts addled by the postmodern, Marxist, and Moldbuggian Jewish doctrines his mind is filled with. But either way he has created a bizarre, sprawling EGREGORE or labyrinthine political language. That egregore has begun to infect our chans, it opposes our power interests, and we need to rout it out and create a stronger egregore in its place.

Moldbug and Land's writings appear to be on the hard-right. They appear to want a return to feudalistic or monarchical forms. But they do this a) whilst ignoring the Jewish problem b) whilst under the direction of a Jew-inspired occultist attempting a Lovecraftian invokation c) in explicit brown-nosing of potential New World Order interests and the international Jewish capital controlling them.

The writings are attractive to many who were formerly interested in Libertarianism. They deal entirely in 'ideas' about liberalism, left vs. right, and abstract forces like a vague 'transpersonal capitalism' instead of the clear reality of WHO is at work. The Protocols of Zion laugh about goyim believing in such abstractions, not seeing the real, tangible power plays happening right in front of them each day. These power plays merely use such ideas. These ideas, in this case, will all be used to disempower Aryan man further.

Libertarianism targets the same crowd: our potential power-base. It is also heavily Jew-controlled via the Austrian School of economics, which confuses Aryans into thinking that the economic system, not the tribal/genetic interests and their various machinations, is the root of our society's sickness. It had the practical effect of encouraging the neoliberal loosening of social controls on international (Jewish) capital and thus the further degradation of our societies.

It was European man who generated the technology of civilisation. As soon as we were freed from the controls of the Catholic mind-contol, we began to flouruish. We did so as long as we had a land to ourselves and basic civic freedoms. We as /fringe/ wizards must defend the remaining vital segments of our people so that this great creative potential continues into the future with a chance of survival.

It was only when Jewish, Jew-Masonic, and Jew-Jesuit interests began machinating to retake the protestant countries that things began to fall apart. They have played their hand openly and made it very obvious, and we need to USE this to create clear purpose in the minds of those of our brothers who can see and can be made purer by the knowledge of it.

This is a thread for us to plan and create A) and set of thoughts and images in the minds of our Aryan men to innoculate against the Neoreactionary plague B) a set of strategies to destroy Neoreaction's influence and excise its cancer.


This is a first attempt at formulating a response to the cancer:


The thread has been moderately successful. I recommend you study it to understand the problems. It elicited this response from Nick Land on his website xenosystems.com:

'04 Oct
On Difficulty

From the moment of its inception, Outside in has been camped at the edge of the ‘reactosphere’ — and everything that occurs under the label ‘NRx’ is (at least nominally) its concern. As this territory has expanded, from a compact redoubt to sprawling tracts whose boundaries are lost beyond misty horizons, close and comprehensive scrutiny has become impractical. Instead, themes and trends emerge, absorbing and carrying mere incidents. Like climatic changes, or vague weather-systems, they suggest patterns of persistent and diffuse development.

Among these rumblings, the most indefinite, tentative, and unresolved tend to the aesthetic. Without settled criteria of evaluation, there is little obvious basis for productive collision. Instead, there are idiosyncratic statements of appreciation, expressed as such, or adamant judgments of affirmation or negation, surging forth, draped in the heraldic finery of the absolute, before collapsing back into the hollowness of their unsustainable pretensions. As things stand, when somebody posts a picture of some architectural treasure, or classical painting, remarking (or more commonly merely insinuating) “You should all esteem this,” there is no truly appropriate response but laughter. If there were not a profound problem exactly in this regard, NRx would not exist. Criteria are broken, strewn, and dispossessed, authoritative tradition is smashed, infected, or reduced to self-parody, the Muses raped and butchered. That’s where we are in the land of the dying sun.

An associated, insistent murmur concerns communicative lucidity. This is not solely a question of aesthetics, but in its quavering groundlessness, it behaves as one. It arises most typically as the assertion — initially unsupported and subsequently undeveloped — that clearly, ‘unnecessary obscurity’ should be condemned. '

He will try to modify their tactics. They are weak because they DO NOT HAVE a coherent doctrine. They are more like a coalescence of people drawn in by pretension and attractive writing all being ushered towards Land's known AIMS. Now, before they alter their tactics, is the time to DEFINE THEM as what they are and purge them from our chans and our minds.


And this has been quoted to Land's Xenosystems:


"At least one of the 10,000 anonymice at 8chan definitely has my number:

Given that you linked the site, now would be a good time to drop some info.

‘Xeno’ obviously means from without; alien. Nick Land, author of Xenosystems, frequently compares capitalism to a kind of impersonal superintelligent force, a bit like some Lovecraftian intelligence stretching back from the future to manipulate petty humans en mass. And he longs for the antihuman genocide these intelligences, once ‘taken off’, will inflict.

It might sound crazy, but this is the clear landscape of his inner thought, if you go through the posts and study them. He constantly references Lovecraftian gods (think about it: Xenos, aliens, Xenosystems, alien-systems) and sometimes his attempts to darkly invoke them. He’s also into Kaballah and Eugenics. And he wants his cold lovecraftian capitalism to take root in some ‘exit’ nation like Singapore and implement a eugenic program under the guidance of a capitalistic-monarchical elite.

It should be clear to you by now that he’s an early-stage NWO stooge to get a movement of people begging for their own enslavement going. He is an ex-Marxist primarily inspired by a malignant Jew. He thinks he’s a super-clever occultist with his games and finds it funny laughing at all of you fools who think he actually cares about degeneracy and all the wrongs this big mean society has done to your little plebian selves.

If you knew Spengler, you’d be able to predict this. Winter phase. If you knew history, you’d be able to predict this: Jesuits being jesuitical, plebs being plebian. Agents causing, and the masses being cut up, re-crafted, and stuffed into new, tighter boxes.

Does anybody else out there expect the NWO to be this cool?"


'Does anybody else expect the NWO to be this cool?' in >>860 was Land's italicised comment, not the original text.


I should clarify the purpose:

Right now, we are at a pivotal movement in the development of the chans. 4chan and the cancer it contained has been discredited for the more active minded and useful channers. We have exercised power and force through Gamergate. The order of /fringe/ wizards has exercised power through ebola chan.

Land is a cancer infecting /pol/ but he is not the point. The point is that we can use this conflict to begin creating egregores on and cultivating the right spirit for /pol/. We as /fringe/ wizards need a power base to channel the power of our minds, and this is it.

What we are attempting to resotore is the basic knowledge of European man's creative power, before any abstraction or confusion, and the exercising of that tribal identity in a forceful way. So we need to repeat that message loud and clear on /pol/, seeding an alternate vision of humanity's ascent and progress to Land's machine-transhumanistic one.

We can bring receptive minds to see that it is Aryan man and his power which will take us to the stars, evolve us in the right direction, and heal our sickened societies. This is the alternate vision we can offer, and all the proof backs it.

This video shows a Jewish force behind GamerGate, which plays to our advantage:


We can use this.


African wizard reporting in.
I don't care.



You worry about your people, we'll worry about ours. This thread isn't for you.


As of now you can help by:

-Posting to /pol/ neoreaction threads on 8chan and elsewhere
-Creating infographics and image macros
-Pushing the alternative thought form and giving it life
-Doing magic

Please report back relevant info, contribution, and progress.


I sincerely doubt that Jewish people are a threat by simply existing



You don't know what you're talking about. We are concerned with their role in our societies and our lands, and as an organised political force.

If you want to be a strong wizard, you need to be a polymath. A polymath studies before speaking. Go study Kevin McDonald or the vast resources available on this topic.


all that needs to be done is post concrete proof that neoreaction is by jews with an insincere agenda as you've done here, make an image and post it every time neo-reaction is posted

throw in some sigils, meditation and other shit and pray it becomes a meme where it will be reposted by other anons when they see neo-reaction

also land is fucking suicidally insane if even 5% of what you've said about his intentions is true


>that GET


I came to the conclusion yesterday that any movement labeled neo- by its founders is intentionally a dead end, they expect no other movement to evolve from it because you cant label something derived from 'new-x' as also new.

this shows at the least a subliminal psychology of deceit


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The cosmos speaks.

This was my basic plan, yes. I felt it would be beneficial to share it with /fringe/ wizard brothers. Efforts will be kept up either way.

< Quote from Moldberg's site.

Their obscuritanism and fructured nature is very good for us. A simple message will drown them out. And the common enemy will help invigorate /pol/.


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Nick Land's post history will be more than ample.


damn this nigga is 10/10 delusional, its statements like this that make people antisemitic


any images I see made I will definitely repost. this is mind blowing information regarding neorx, I actually thought it was ok before, though I had no idea why they called it neo-reactionary when its just traditionalism


I hate this pretentious writing style


you have my support


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I just came here from /pol/

I'm not going to tell anybody about this place but, jesus man, how far down does the rabbit hole go?


>the rabbit hole
>ever coming to a stop

The ride never ends. Get comfortable, you're here forever.


That is precisely what tribalist zionists such as jews are though, an existential threat to all others. It is their sole function, the purpose they were programmed to play out. They are parasites, not to be pitied or negotiated with, to be removed and therefore destroyed.


Long time /pol/ack, not nearly experienced enough "hermeticist" here.

From what I remember back from 4chins reactionary threads Nick Land was described as a popularity seeking tranny, so it wouldn't surprise me that he was, in reality a poisonous creature. Moldberg is understandably against anything that isn't pro-jewish.

But my question is thus: Would you prefer discourse and "thought experiments" that is essentially in most cases described as the NRx completely destroyed or do you want the jew purged and the movement still existing as "traditionalist"?

Coincidentally, listening to Evola's Men Amongst the Ruins today.



As I said in my recent post to the thread, the strategy is to excise the leadership and redirect the thought of young Aryan dissidents away from their influence. Of course we don't seek to destroy the search and instincts of those men. Just to bring them back to the right and away from the deranged and confusing fantasies of the Jew and the techno-Marxist occultist.

The whole culture of NRx right now is affected in an unspoken way very strongly by these source materials. That needs to be broken apart. The collective limiting egregore needs to be broken apart. And it needs to get the fuck our chan, our territory, and our new blood.


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Recent posts in the thread are looking good. I think we have the motivating vision well expressed in seed form. I will make infographics over the next couple of days. Any contributions are of course welcome.


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Somebody posted this to the thread. Saving here for future use.


radical traditionalism sounds pretty radical


Can someone tl;dr this for me I'm very busy with some magick gone wild.


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Dear wizards,

We have stumbled upon this thread and, quite honestly, are a bit shocked to see that you all have been working congruently with us in regards towards the NRx "predicament" we find ourselves in.

While you all have approached this mental disease from a vastly different train of thought than us, we consider you allies in stamping this out.

We will be monitoring this thread and your developments. We hope you can read between the lines and discern our methods.


>We hope you can read between the lines and discern our methods.

Do you consider yourself a practitioner of magic or no?


they've got another thread up now



Let's get to work. Post/repost/attack.

I'll create an alternate attack thread as well, to distract them.

Image macros coming.



they've got their own board up and I must say the whole thing is impenetrably dense with culture, its clear these people are from some other forum, maybe a subreddit

theyre also extremely fond of being passive aggressive




The passive-aggressiveness is a way of smirking and feeling superior. That's the whole reason a person would adopt that kind of impenetrable, obfuscatory language in the first place. It allows them to generally avoid being pinned down by any real criticism or facts whilst feeling special for having a way of talking that other people don't understand.

And they get to do it all without actually being smarter or heretical or dead set against mundane understandings.

This is why it's filled with mundanes fresh out of libertarianism, PUA, and MRA. They're weak people.



It would be extremely valuable if we could ascertain their numbers. I am rather suspicious of this group and with a background in forensic writing analysis I find the deviation in post styles to atypically small.

We might be dealing with even fewer people in this cell than you might initially suspect.


>a background in forensic writing analysis

Oh man I wonder if you can tell my tulpas apart.


New thread they made asking for a truce:


So, tactics:
-Give them no peace. Drive them out of here and post links to any other general chans they are posting threads on. Drive them back into their own sites.
-Do NOT let them corner you into 'NatSoc' only. Of course we want to push an alternate vision, but the important thing is to reveal the contradictions in their form. Try to keep those contradictions as obvious to various positions as possible. Constantly associate those with it.


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I'm going to start searching through Fanged Nouemena and xenosystems for quotes. Most of them haven't read it so it will be a good way to shake them.


Land founded NRx to build a consensus needed to reach aims that very few people would agree to on their own terms. This is clear from his writings and allusions. He talks about capitalism as a kind of AI-like, teleological force stretching back through time to manipulate its own ascent. Might seem strange but its true. And he has a long history of using very extreme and obfuscatory rhetorical tactics to achieve his consistent aims.

If you haven't read Fangled Noumena, you have no idea what you're in.

So, yes, no 'NRx'. Because it's his creature, his consensus. If you have a general rightist position, that's fine. But NRx is a way of speaking, a way of cohering, and a mental infection generated for a specific purpose by a specific Accelerationist Marxist.

You don't even need the Jew criticism. Land's express aims are enough, along with the fact that he cultivated the culture and terms of coming together. You people need to cut him out and just go back associating with people who agree with you on the right.


Anonymous 10/08/14 (Wed) 02:44:28 ID: 9df78c No.136882
Essentially Land is laughing at all you who think he's interested in 'red pills' or 'degeneracy' or that the movement has anything to do with that.

If you understood the kinds of concept he's been interested in throughout his career, you'd understand that the NRx persona is a front. And the assortment of disaffected PUAs, rightists, libertarians and malcontents who he's gathered around him are in no sense his people.

They're just receptive mundanes, fields for the seeds he wants to plant. And which you can find him talking about planting throughout his work. With and end in mind. The movement is for that end and you pitching whatever your true affinities are in with it serves it and gives legitimacy to its momentum..'


I've been increasingly interested in the occult and have spent about a year researching, reading, and spending a lot of time on r/occult, which led me to and then r/sorceryofthespectacle and r/darkenlightenment . Someone dropped a link to the old fringe board, and i found myself coming back to /pol/ and with the recent events going on halfchan, ended up here. All I can say is seeing this other perspective, I don't really know what to believe, nor do I even know what is going on. What the fuck have I gotten myself in to?


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A test.

Or, from a kinder angle: a question, and a freedom.


You have my attention and curiosity. Can you expand?



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Somebody who's read this thread is being pretty funny in here (not speaking about it, just being funny):




Wrong thread. That's the other NRx critique thread currently on /pol/. Meant this one:


pic in >>1902 is NRx player-stats.


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Charisma would be up, Jews have a high verbal IQ

On a side note, NRx isn't as mundane as this thread paints them to be. The leniency on the Jewish question is a tactic on the surface to lull progressives into a false sense of security when engaging their dialectic.


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Ignore this. For Land, nothing is a tactic except in terms of his end goal (and see pictures coming for that).

For Moldbug, he was a Jew who like almost all Jews defended the tribe. He was into libertarianism before, another doctrine that lulled the goyim into a totally abstract and non-racial worldview.

NRx people themselves, if you press them, genuinely hold to something like the level of importance for the Jewish issue attributed in the source writings.

And it doesn't matter even if they don't: disrupting Land's working is the point.

<<What follows is one several page extract from Fanged Noumena. If you compare to Ginsberg's poem 'Moloch', it's basically the same thing writ large. The whole book develops into this kind of prison-death-trance as it goes on, mixing it with desire, tactics and prophecy.


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Ok done for this series. This kind of stuff is endless. This isn't the best extract by a long way, just one selection from the latter sections of Fanged Noumena.

Compare this to his allusions to evoking a hellish being on xenosystems, his current site, and you'll see the current movement he's spawned is an attempt to achieve what he was writing about back in these days.


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In this video, Snordster describes the machinistic rigidification of men's hearts underlying rigid systems, theories, and desires for machine transcendence.

Willhelm Reich developed Freud's theories in this direction, proving that deep-rooted muscular rigidites bound psychological pathology and limitation into place over the course of people's life.

Nick Land makes frequent reference to Reich in Fangled Noumena– but seeks to increase the trap. To increase control, abstraction, and rigidity. To go further and deeper into the machine trap.

Essentially, he has decided to take sickness and insanity to its limit, doing a reversal of the healing Reich intended for mankind. Wrecking it and submerging it in insane visions and controls and machinistic hypersystems by plunging headfirst into degeneracy, modernity, and fascistic reactions to it.

This is the intent you can see in any given page of xenosystems.net posts.

Most people who associate under the banner of neoreaction, which builds consensus and momentum for the aims needed for Land's project, are tools and fools who don't get this. They haven't even studied Fanged Noumena, and don't understand the smarter people who have and are using them.



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So, if you're going to post any of this to threads try to make your own position relatively hard to pin down or fragmented.

The Willhelm Reich template above is an example of that. The aim is to shift attention away from supposed National Socialism or whatever on your part and to attack them from multiple angles so that they won't be able to respond coherently or re-take the narrative.

This will also give grounds for doubt to people who might otherwise be susceptible to their attempts to retake ground on the Jewish issue. Those people are dumb and not for /fringe/, of course, but they are still potential nodes to disrupt the thought form in.


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What sphinx of cement and aluminum bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination?
Moloch! Solitude! Filth! Ugliness! Ashcans and unobtainable dollars! Children screaming under the stairways! Boys sobbing in armies! Old men weeping in the parks!
Moloch! Moloch! Nightmare of Moloch! Moloch the loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch the heavy judger of men!
Moloch the incomprehensible prison! Moloch the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! Moloch whose buildings are judgment! Moloch the vast stone of war! Moloch the stunned governments!
Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers are ten armies! Moloch whose breast is a cannibal dynamo! Moloch whose ear is a smoking tomb!
Moloch whose eyes are a thousand blind windows! Moloch whose skyscrapers stand in the long streets like endless Jehovahs! Moloch whose factories dream and croak in the fog! Moloch whose smoke-stacks and antennae crown the cities!
Moloch whose love is endless oil and stone! Moloch whose soul is electricity and banks! Moloch whose poverty is the specter of genius! Moloch whose fate is a cloud of sexless hydrogen! Moloch whose name is the Mind!
Moloch in whom I sit lonely! Moloch in whom I dream Angels! Crazy in Moloch! Cocksucker in Moloch! Lacklove and manless in Moloch!
Moloch who entered my soul early! Moloch in whom I am a consciousness without a body! Moloch who frightened me out of my natural ecstasy! Moloch whom I abandon! Wake up in Moloch! Light streaming out of the sky!
Moloch! Moloch! Robot apartments! invisible suburbs! skeleton treasuries! blind capitals! demonic industries! spectral nations! invincible madhouses! granite cocks! monstrous bombs!
They broke their backs lifting Moloch to Heaven! Pavements, trees, radios, tons! lifting the city to Heaven which exists and is everywhere about us!
Visions! omens! hallucinations! miracles! ecstasies! gone down the American river!
Dreams! adorations! illuminations! religions! the whole boatload of sensitive bullshit!
Breakthroughs! over the river! flips and crucifixions! gone down the flood! Highs! Epiphanies! Despairs! Ten years’ animal screams and suicides! Minds! New loves! Mad generation! down on the rocks of Time!
Real holy laughter in the river! They saw it all! the wild eyes! the holy yells! They bade farewell! They jumped off the roof! to solitude! waving! carrying flowers! Down to the river! into the street!



Strategy and what you can do.


That is what he's trying to invoke. Most of Fanged Noumena seeks that, if you read it.


Easy mode: copy the posts and images here and post them.
Better mode: do some of that and/or short disruptive/attacking posts.
Best mode: riff on the following themes:

-attack Moldbug on the Jew issue
-attack Land as a Shabbos Goy
-attack Land on the Reich/Moloch/ulterior aims issue
-attack rightists who pitch their flags in as fools giving legitimacy to Land's openly expressed goals
-attack them when they say NRx is more, because those two literally founded the movement
-attack the pretentious language and the psychological weakness that motivates using it
-attack them for not having read Fanged Noumena, the intellectual background of their movement's founder
-attack them for not understanding the Protocols of Zion and what it reveals about the function of doctrines like libertarianism
-attack them for being cuckold race-traitors who got fooled and are serving other agendas, making their doctrines shields of legitimacy to those agendas
-attack them for being unoriginal and crass developments of real reactionary authors
-attack them for being blue-pilled and not understanding what any real illuminite would. Their politics and understanding of the forces at play in this world is superficial and materialistic.
-Attack them for being crypto-Marxists (Land literally is, even if with occult aims) obsessed only with materialistic dialectics and not with spirit or their own people
-Attack them for attributing technological innovation to these dialectics instead of the real source: European man and his brilliance (historical fact).

Alternate vision: -racial and European imperium, without the abstractions, bullshit, and Jews.
-Our potential, instead of some abstraction's potential.
-Not cuckolding your own rightist position out to Land and Moldbug's community and way of speaking. Backing what you actually want.

Magic mode:
-do magic.

tl;dr: attack, drown out, drain.


I practice Kabbalahism and I'm in a family of Freemasons. I am Aryan.
What do you make of this?


I practice Kabbalahism and I'm in a family of Freemasons. I am Aryan.
What do you make of this?


>I'm in a family of Freemasons
shabbos goy who is helping to build the next temple



Evola: The Relationship between Judaism and Freemasonry


But Freemasonry is essentially a control structure. The point is to channel awakening nervous systems irreversibly into the current of one power-group, where otherwise the process would be a threat.


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Anonymous 10/09/14 (Thu) 21:31:49 ID: d5b137 No.147215
Hahaha, they literaly believe in magic!
And still they drone on about the jews, like were not on /pol/, like we are not aware.

Anonymous 10/09/14 (Thu) 21:38:42 ID: c14948 No.147254

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White nationalist bronies referencing memes irl? I have to say, I saw it coming, years ago. I must be be vaguely psychic or good at predicting trends. Maybe both.



And here I thought it was going to be Brazilian nationalist bronies blowing vuvuzelas on vine that would doom the world.


'>or birth a great general

kek, this won't happen. NRx think the height of strategy is reciting something they read in a game theory text or Machiavelli. Not one of them have served as a commissioned officer in any military, so they have zero experience leading men into battle, or leading men in any sort of conflict/competitive situation, war or otherwise.

Not one of the main talking heads were even enlisted, so they probably have lily white hands from not digging gun pits in torrential rain for weeks on end. If they were hunkered down in some SHTF happening, they probably haven't been a real gunfight, ever. They wouldn't know how to move in urban environments, how to set up a rural defensive position, how to use smoke and tactical deception, how to move at night, how to fucking handload. None of these things.

They haven't even made an effort to read actual military strategy, operations, or tactics. The most some of them have done is quote buzzwords like 4GW, usually without having even read Lind, Hammes, or Boyd. They probably wouldn't know what Nebenpunkte is, for instance. They probably think Manstein was a beer, and that Belisarius is a fashion line.

You can tell their strategic output is shit as well. The strategic assessments of their enemy (the cathedral) don't leave much for the imagination. Much of it is vague and wordy. Take for instance their hypothesis that the cathedral is a "decentralized conspiracy" or non-conspiracy, but decentralized spontaneous order or whatever the fuck they want to call it. After that, there is not much. For instance, they hit on the idea of foundations being part of the Cathedral, but there is not much analysis about that either. Let me clear here by what I mean by analysis: they haven't fully enumerated everything to do with the target system for possible exploitation and disruption. There is jackshit on the target system's economics, logistics, command & control, culture/anthropology, history, or how they carry out their operations. There is nothing on strengths, weaknesses, intentions. Take logistics for instance, How do foundations sustain their campaigns? How do these foundation's logistics relate to their overall strategy and planning? When the foundations deploy to an area (real space, cyberspace, or otherwise), what are their boundaries and limits? How do these limits affect logistics? How have their logistical systems changed over time? What are the critical centers in the logistical system? What are the critical connections in the logistics system? Do the logistics system connection rely on outside allies? Are there any security or deception operations in the logistic deployment? Are the logistics inline with foundation values and operating procedures? Given these analyses, are there any openings for exploitation or disruption? That's JUST logistics, and it doesn't even scratch the surface of the questions. There are many other factors that these dudes haven't even explored.

They of course will think I am missing the point, and that merely creating an "exit" society will be enough to attract people to it. A noble, bold philosophy that attracts people to your system is but one part, you also have to defeat, collapse, paralyse, or severely weaken the rival competing systems.

They get massively fucking butthurt about this too. Last time I mentioned the above, they are all like, "MUH BOOKREADING, THE WORLD IS GOING TO COLLAPSE, BUT I'LL KEEP WRITING THOUSAND WORD BLOGPOSTS, STFU NAZI, OMG". You'd think Bayesians would at least attend their local thunder ranch equivalent to act on their beliefs, rather than being fucking faggots who say one thing and do another.

Bet they'll bitch hard about this post on twitter too, that's how you know whether they are a competitive, adaptive organisation that learns from their environment and enemy. If they keep up the vague fag talk, then that's how you know they'll fail.'


> Wake up, get out of bed get ready to serve my lord Schlomo II.
> Year is 17 A.G., recently moved to Schlomo II's patch after being promised a bigger bread allotment than I was receiving under Chaim III
> Fuck yeah, this is progress oops I mean restoration. Fuck yeah.
> King's self driving bus takes me to the palace for work
> Bus takes a tunnel underground so we can enter through the servant's entrance in the basement
> On my way in notice a group of new recruits in HR taking IQ tests at a row of terminals
> One of the screens starts flashing red, electronic alarm sounds "130 IQ PLEB DETECTED"
> Drones swarm in and grab the goy, er guy taking the test, drag him away
> Thank Gnon, can you imagine living with such imbeciles
> Get ready to start work
> All real work is done by superior robots
> Humans receive payment by entertaining the king
> Just got a huge promotion from the groveling department
> Put on my crab suit
> Enter the royal throne room. Schlomo II sitting on his throne
> Spend the rest of the day dancing in crab suit for King Schlomo, singing hymns to Gnon
> Almost at the end of shift, master of entertainment comes in and tells King its time for the final entertainment
> Dis gon be good
> 130 IQ pleb from earlier is brought out by drones set before king
> Master of Entertainment: "Sire this man is guilty of poisoning our world with his low IQ DNA"
> King: "Accused, have you anything to say in your defense"
> The Accused: "Sire, I may be dumb but I have always been loyal. In the year 15 B.G. I started an NRx twitter feed with Moldbug quotes and reactionary cat memes"
> The whole throne room is silent waiting for the kings reply
> Crab dancers, grovelers, the royal family, hangers on, royal joke duck, all silent
> King: "Ha! No man of 130 IQ could truly comprehend the sacred NRx texts. You are a mere entryist. Feed him to Gnon!"
> A cheer goes up, the whole room starts chanting: "Gnon Gnon Gnon Gnon"
> A screen lights up on the opposite side of the room with a cold indifferent visage
> A fiery pit opens before the screen
> The king's drones drag the screaming pleb into the pit and he dies an awful death
> The visage drones: "This pleases Gnon. Now more crab dancing."
> Fuck. Gotta work overtime
> Shift finally ends and robo-bus takes me back to my techno-hovel
> Eat my bread allotment while watching The Radish Report
> What a great time to be alive


File: 1413039581036.jpg (15.04 KB, 220x293, 220:293, cicaaaada.jpg)

Present claims about ONA on /pol/ are a magical tactic, woven-in from the start. Do not be confused. The aims are /fringe/'s.

Also check out the thread it's pretty fun.


File: 1413040300378.jpg (72.09 KB, 383x522, 383:522, 1412571383262.jpg)

Fuck the neorecucktionaries.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
What'd you guys do today?

I directly trolled Nick Land even getting three tweets to one bullshit post here: >>2646


I also convinced at least one NRx'er to take up military arms, thus turning them into military extremists. LOL. WONDER IF THE FBI WILL BE KNOCKING ON DOORS SOON. Probably not, but hilarious anyway.

>Nick Land

>Taking posts on the internet seriously

I also convinced most NRx's that there is an o9a conspiracy afoot, making some happy and others paranoid.

Only one person picked up the overt full of shit attached video.

Thanks Sam Hyde.



Also, thanks guys for reposting my "deleted" posts.

The deleting paranoia adds to the overall effect. Well done.



Don't involve me in your racial lunacy








Here's a thought: Maybe he was invoking that cult to come by doing this.


File: 1413044664799.jpg (39.84 KB, 284x400, 71:100, 20-Aeon-NAOS.jpg)


You might think that, if you weren't me. Fear not brother.


Well, the ONA are everywhere. I do have some inside info in this regard. Overall, this situation of ours is complex and is going somewhere. The threads may weave many ways but the end is the fires of destruction.

Either way, your, uhm, presencings in the thread were wondrous.

>xenosystems is monitoring this thread, by the way. Bear in mind and PROCEED.



This may be an NRx poster trying to fob off the ONA thing as a ploy or pin down the chaos and attribute it all to one source. It's a useful flock for your tribe to have a single enemy.

Anyway: stay focused. Proceed, disrupt, destroy.


File: 1413045166971.png (764.61 KB, 973x900, 973:900, o9a.png)


It seems too tidy.

It flies in the face of this entire thread, and the other evidence presented. Like pic related, which were months before this happened.

How exactly is pic related a retroactive troll? It can't be.

The question is still open as to what is happening with Nick Land and the o9a. Is Nick Land an occultist? Or is Nick Land engaged in magic combat with the o9a?


ONA sounds like a bunch of bitches. why do fear them so?


File: 1413049955589.jpg (24.07 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 1412623925764.jpg)


>Le racial lunacy face


Is this a typical 'Aryan' thing? "Hey, that person insults me or doesn't agree with me.. he must be a jew or a jew lackey!"

Limited being. Get over your shit



Wizardry can't save you from cultural enrichment.

You can't study your arts if your home is turned into a shithole by third world migrants.


Mad you've been caught shlomo?


Ignore the bullshit. Stay focused:
-Colonise NRx threads and mindspace
-Report NRx threads on all right-leaning chans and boards here
-Dominate the narrative and the meaning it has to the chans

Current major NRx & ONA & /fringe/conpsiracy/ posts on pol:


& Here is Land responding to the ONA conspiracies and claiming some affinity (along with several other of his front page posts about 8chan happenings):




On it, boss.





Quality post from our NRx friends.


File: 1413087432249.jpg (155.79 KB, 727x1000, 727:1000, 1412810146083.jpg)

So there are Aryan wizards out there helping us at pol goo to know. Heinrich Himmler is that you helping us from beyond the grave?



of which i haven't any

i only have debt


Some of the old guard from /new/, before moot shut it down, were initiated into the dark arts. Later, moot would reactivate /new/ and rename it /pol/.

Rumor is that the admin of this very board is one of the elusive old guard.


File: 1413113460818.jpg (509.19 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 1392365224968.jpg)

Ummm… you guys aren't hating on Absolute Monarchy are you?

Your story there made me realize this old picture here I saved might be connected to this thing you're going on about.

I personally want an absolute monarchy but I'm not sure what this thing is you're going on about there.


File: 1413114482288.jpg (16.97 KB, 220x221, 220:221, 220px-Demetrius_I_of_Bactr….jpg)

Nay, he is just jesting.

You're not alone, most of us here want a monarch, especially an illumined one.


An honest question. Is there anything fundamentally wrong with NRx besides what Moldbug says about the Jews? Is the information provided when it comes to HBD correct and useful? What about a monarchy?

I am quite confused.


Fellow wizards,

I have discovered another location where thought correction is in need.


We must either enlighten or destroy these savages. I fear that only the latter may be possible.


Your fear of Moldbug betrays the fact you cannot reason. You can't tell the difference between a true position forwarded by a Jew and Jew position by a Jew. Which, similarly, means you cannot see the similarity between a Jew position by a Jew and a Jew position from an Aryan.



Which means, by extension, that they are mental Jews.


Is this stealth advertising? Who exactly needs to be corrected there and why?


File: 1413125992215.gif (3.8 KB, 452x523, 452:523, 1300226536644.gif)



Yes, it is. Move along.


File: 1413130986840.gif (15.93 KB, 452x523, 452:523, 1413125992215.gif)

Help the adept obtain the key and reach the chest!

You can only use one spell!



Somebody's slow.

Anyway, I'm going to re-focus on Moldbug's Jewry (study Kevin McDonald to contextualise) and Land's academic Marxist/Postmodernist blue-pill. This whole Egregore clusterfuck is like a dark blocking out the sunlight of reality.

Rise beyond this grotesque miasma of parasites and fools, Aryan man. In this chaos find your instincts for your people, your potential, the greatness that awaits.


Naughty naughty.


Hmmm I could use telekinesis or sticky hands maybe… or I could use a spell to turn that lava solid and then I could just throw a chunk of some rock or something to knock the key down then I could rock-climb my way to the chest and open it with the key or else pile rocks up or use some of those webs threads maybe to to it or I could knock the chest down by throwing rocks at it.

…or I could ignore the key and use my spell to destroy or otherwise open the chest without it. Unless it's a magical chest that prevents access to the contents unless the key is put through it.


Moldberg and Nick Landstein's ideal society is one ruled by skinnyfat, jewish computer programmers.

It would be hilarious were it not so tragic.

Anyway. The problem with Moldberg is that:

1) He's a kike who freely admits he stands for kike tribal interests.

2) Even in terms of pure statecraft and managerial politics, he's essentially a repackaged libertarian sperg, as many in Silicon Valley are. You can see this by reading how his articles critiqueing the system are generally good quality, because they're mostly copypastes of Carlyle and de Maistre and others, whilst when he starts talking about ideal societies, you get the full-load of Paulberg shit about countries as corporations.

Nick Landstein attempts to corroborate this by talking about China and Singapore and so on (I think that faggot managed to get a Chinese L Visa, do they offer L Visas for shitposting bloggers?) But he clearly speaks and reads no Chinese because, if he did (and even if he didn't provided he read the right History), he'd see China doesn't give two fucks about this highly internationalist form of "haha. us elites guys. us elites right…?" form of lolberg snobbery. China cares about the millenia-old polity called China, and the Chinese people. Neither of them are "capitalist" in the sense Landstein and Moldberg understand them either. The CCP is closer to Mussolini's and Gentile's ideas of corporatism.


I'm operating under the assumption we all know PUA was founded by Jews (the person who wrote "The Game" was a Jew), Roissy is a shabbos goy who plays the part of gnostic god man etc.

MRA is just another offshoot of liberalism. Their discourse is so embarassing, "but why won't you give us rights?!!! we agree more with equality than you!"

It's so embarassing.

Anyway, is there a NatSoc 8chan board?



I don't know any legitimate pro-white boards. I'd make a /wn/ - White Nationalism board but my PC can never load the game when you create a board. :(


I cannot stop laughing. Holy shit.


The board /fringe/ is a legitimate pro-white board.


I'm talking about a board just for talks on the Weisse Rasse.


Like the Anti-ZOG Garden?



>5. opposing views and debate welcomed. this isn't a circlejerk.

That board isn't a proper circlejerk.


The NRx good goyim brigade is at it again, spreading their techno-slavery.

Check the /pol/ catalog.



They're not even /pol/ posters now. Real True Believer goyim. They have people literally saying that Modlbug isn't that bad because he's not Jewish by Jewish law, and claiming to be rational because they don't believe in the 'international Jewish conspiracy theory'.

I'm thinking they'll probably put off any real /pol/acks. They themselves are beyond help and no concern of ours.


Actually the whole catalog is filled with 'do you guys really believe the Jews thing?' level threads right now.



And those threads keep coming.


If you are going to make a thread, don't reveal yourself.

Focus and don't blow your own cover like that guy in the brony thread.




But the guy in the brony thread did great.

They now think it is mpcdot.com that is trolling them.

There are multiple competing hypotheses now.

Ambiguity > deception.

Were /fringe/ manipulated by mpc? Did o9a occultists manipulate /fringe/? No one knows, which is great. Meta-trolling, giving a big reveal of the troll like a stage magician, screws with their causality about who exactly is doing stuff. It either convinces people of the meta-troll, or it further convinces them of the providence of the original troll. Either way, we win.

Also, I like how NRx is now against magic, and pro-soapjackal.

This achieves the goal of creating a wedge between NRx and Mike Anissimov.

Anissimov is pro-Evola, who as we all know is a practicing occultist. It also makes future Nick Land posts on the occult easy to attack. We can flood his blog section with:

>neckbeard wizard

Thus driving a wedge between rationalist NRx'ers and those who want to use the occult.

Any future Euro New Right interactions with NRx will now be tainted, as they'll think they are wizards. Remember to magnify this in the future. If you see an Evola quote in an NRx thread, don't forget to call them neckbeard wizards.

Anissimov also recently had a spat with soapjackal on twitter, which will piss Anissimov off further.

Want to know something great about soapjackal? He is into BDSM and other weird sex shit: >>149816

The fact that we've controlled the direction onto who gets attention will make Anissimov pissed off, e.g. Justine Tunney.



File: 1413182305963.jpg (149.37 KB, 960x600, 8:5, 1371120228046.jpg)

This is fucking hilarious, but since I have "Playing-to-an-Empty-House Syndrome," as they call it in the counterintelligence literature, I'M GOING WITH THE BIG REVEAL WITH CAPS LOCK CRUISE CONTROL.










>As Nick Land explains in the Catacomic (1995:1), a hyperstition has four characteristics: They function as (1) an “element of effective culture that makes itself real,” (2) as a “fictional quality functional as a time-travelling device,” (3) as “coincidence intensifiers,” and (4) as a “call to the Old Ones”.





>Ambiguity, deception, novelty, mobility, and violence (or threat

thereof) are used to generate surprise and shock … Indications of success tend to be qualitative and are related to the widespread onset of confusion and disorder












One? We've been all calling others mundanes for a long time.


File: 1413187326067.png (326.56 KB, 1315x445, 263:89, 1396449394397.png)

I am a National Socialist Wizard and not really following this thread or caring to get into whatever you're doing, just read your post, and you look like you're having fun there with your master plan. Why do you wear the mask, pretending you don't into magick? I bet you're a pretty big guy.



Use this post whilst also ignoring it.

He is a puppet. A puppet I like very much and have fondness in my heart for but a puppet nonetheless. But he has chosen beautiful strings and so perhaps he's only playing at puppet for fun.

That said, we have an aim here, don't let him re-define it. Continue. Break down. Attack. Undermine. Do not get lost in the confusion– this started here and continues to emanate from here.

We have good chaos now, but what comes next is using it to create sustained memetic attack and egregore generation.

Land is being enticed to think it is a ploy to initiate him, and perhaps it is. The ONA may think it is one of their people, and perhaps it is. /fringe/ may think it's fringe's plan, and perhaps it is. Nobody without psychic power can know for sure, and claims to leadership and the knowledge of purpose it bestows are futile.

All we can know for sure is that this ends in fire, and in us dominating the mental landscape. So we continue, push the ideas, construct the egregore, and act with the Imperialism proper to our Wizardly kind.


File: 1413229953329.png (Spoiler Image, 4.87 KB, 263x250, 263:250, Oekaki.png)

>Shove your sigils up



Sorry, that's actually pretty funny.

Though Myatt isn't volkisch in the slightest, he's pretty kikey to the max and the fucker knows it. Magi-magi-magicion. Also he paeds it up too.

Actually, I wonder who'd score higher as a psychopath if Land and Myatt took some form of decent psychometric testing.


We National Socialists
Want no reaction (no Reactionaries)
We hate Jews and Marxists
Long live the German Revolution!
Onward, brothers, to the barricades!
The Führer calls, follow him now!
Reaction has betrayed him
But the Third Reich comes nevertheless.

Wir Nationalen Sozialisten,
Wir wollen keine Reaktion
Wir hassen Juden und Marxisten
Ein Hoch der deutschen Revolution
Drum Bruder auf die Barrikaden!
Der Führer ruft, so folget gleich
Die Reaktion hat ihn verraten,
Und dennoch kommit das Dritte Reich!



This is not what we want.

Destroy the NRx form from many angles and with information, and seed visions. This is not a vision, and it won't attract anybody who isn't already a very specific and not very seductive kind of NS.


These never do jack shit


Not the person you're replying to, but it should be obvious: what is your destiny?


File: 1413281808297.jpg (71.57 KB, 800x718, 400:359, jewish_political_movements.jpg)

I take it you're the OP of this thread.

Question for you, you must be familiar with Albert Pike's "prophecies" of three world wars, yes?

On the likelihood that he had received these prophecies not as divine vision, but as information relayed in private conversation as a reward from his, unbeknown to him, Jewish masters.

Are you familiar with the third prophecy. I post it here for brevity.

> "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Note what it says about a "reactionary" movement towards the end. Given Land's past, could it be that Nick Land see's his work as forming up the beginnings of what will become the cannon fodder of the future reactionary movement that Albert Pike describes? A movement that will ultimately be sacrificed alongside Freemasonry in accordance with the Jews aims?


We also need an archive for threads like these. This is gold that will prove invaluable in the years to come.



Familiar, of course.

The Protocols talk about a similar plan; to wreak continuous havoc until the people, utterly worn out and confused by the endless insanity, turn towards an entirely new structure. But because the insanity is progressive, that turn is of course reactionary in nature.

So neo-reaction is an expression of that impulse, consciously or unconsciously.

Going with unconsciously, Spengler's model would provide further support: the progress of the Aeon and its secularisation of ideas, along with the conflict and insanity that comes with the megalopolis of the Autumn phase, naturally will take us back towards a kind of reactionary impulse.

But with the Jew interfering in everything, and with directing think-tanks and groups well aware of all of these models (I can't verify this, but Coleman (ex-MilIntel) claims Tavistock decided to USE Spengler's model as a template, and Toynbee, inspired by Spengler, was heavy into Tavistock circles) these processes are very volatile. Every single one of the natural processes of the Aeon is drenched in esoteric mythology and manipulation and subversion.

Whether NRx is purposeful or not isn't that important. I'm sure Land thinks he has clever occultic plans and understanding. But either way the TYPE of reaction it imbues is a reaction against the progressive chaos which comes NOT from protestantism but from the Jewish-Protestand-Jesuit hybrid subversion of the reformation. The reformation being what set us all free from the mind control of the Church and allowed science and technology and high European culture to exist.

On Pike's plan: well, a Luciferian revelation isn't actually as dark as it sounds. It means illumination. Stepping outside of pleb-Christian reactionary impulses, it would actually be closer to true reaction. The real issue is the reactionary impulse being directed towards neo-Feudal plans, and neo-Fuedal-kike-Jesuit hybrid control orders, and the rule of various Saturnian, Archonic LIMITERS over the infinite potential which European man COULD develop.

We were never as controlling or shameless in our beastly insanities as the Jews or Muslims or whoever else. We have a spirit and a sense of idealism. We have great weakness, but we (and by that I mean the 1% of us who matter at all) also have a type of consciousness to us which the Western Aeon presenced and which NRx and all these other Reactionary-subversions will ultimately snuff out.

We need to throw off the parasites and rise. In doing so we'll also be throwing off our own mundanes, our own white slave populations. But that's not the same as merging with these manipulative Saturnian, mystical-machinistic, Archonic forces which HATE the best of our people.



Totally left out the Age of Aquarius. If you're familiar with it you're recognise that the forces in play are again drenched in attempts at subversion by the same old lines.

But the rising waters are chaotic and that chaos is our one real hope of breaking the machine-narrative and staying above water. It is our power. Just as all the remaining aspects of CREATIVE, WESTERN chaos are our power: i.e. technological dev, the tension and dynamism still present on the world stage and in our inter-connectivity. Etc.

They will not always be there for us if things go wrong and the forces get gamed back into the New Order of the Old Order.


Nick Land is aware of this thread. It might Land himself trying to throw us off his tail.



Well he's only feeding us if so.

We just have to be persistent; if nothing else, it will clarify /fringe/'s consciousness and make us a more potent force.


You have my sword. This thread woke me up.


>be away from /fringe/ for a few days
>read this thread

y'all chaos magicians been busy

>briefly familiar with king-fags from going to /pol/ from time to time

>see o9a trolling, obviously familiar with them from /x/
>see someone summoned myatt's sockpuppets
>check out this nick land blog

i spent hours reading this thread and a bunch of posts over there

land is interesting

some good links and posts under the occult heading

the comment sections are pretty self congratulatory though with some dudes obviously on the spectrum as are some of the king-fag posts that he links to

if you chaotes want to upset these anons another way might be to pretend to be them in threads on /pol/ and turn threads into an echo chamber with lots of talk about how more smart and awesome they are than any other posters on /pol/

i think a handful of chaotes above might have tried this

you might even turn some of the king-fags into a cult of personality so that every time they drop a blog post y'all post it and circlejerk about it

most of us here are familiar with the dynamics of cults, cultees, and cults of personality and the damaging effects to group dynamics and long-term effectiveness of the their group

you would have to be careful with it not to go over the top

this might also play right into their conception of being "elitist"

thinking out loud of course it might also not work at all


File: 1413294216114.jpg (185.63 KB, 640x527, 640:527, neoreaction.jpg)


I am on this as we speak. I am remote-viewing tonight to search for entry-points.



I like this thinking a lot. Reminds me of Chloe.

Yes, let's do this. If anybody has the energy to set up a blog or twitter and embed themselves in the NRx sphere that's great. They are quite fluid so it should be easy to manipulate their communal-consensus-form one way or another. In fact they are fluxing like this constantly; they're not very thought out deep down so they're easy to remold in your image.

For everyone else let's just do this in their threads.

I also really, really like:


NRx is full of mundanes and people who are barely 'red pill' (whatever that is) at all.

Bring out the anti-magic; the anti-woman; the PUA autism; the consensus snide feeling of being better.

They are unstable and mostly arrogant and weak so, like all mundanes, are VERY easy to push around as to what reality means.

If we do this we will also destroy internal trust and so weaken the integrity of their online gathering spaces. Lower the tone.


Moldbug and Land always seemed like know-it-all, shifty Hebes anyway. Any way that I can help? Halfchan /pol/ack here.



I don't do magic, I am Christian though and came here from /pol/. Is it possible that possessed, demonic people can post on the internet?

The constant lies and deceptions by this anon along with the references to Satanic groups is weirding me the fuck out. What if this is Satan? Or someone possessed by Satan?


Pfft, don't worry about Satanists, I've studied every form of Satanism there is and it's a pretty pathetic religion just like Christfaggotry.

Demonic possession is completely legit though and the demonically possessed can definitely post online and do many other things.


Read the thread. Our modus operandi is information warfare.

OP, what is your opinion on Michael Anissimov and friends?


I've been reading the threads and looking up NRx and Dark Enlightenment material, but I'm confused about who is NXr and who is not.


I've been reading the threads and looking up NRx and Dark Enlightenment material, but I'm confused about who is NXr and who is not.

I mean, who are the heavy hitters of NRx? So far I have:
>Mencius Moldbug
>Nick Land
>Michael Anissimov and his More Right lackeys
>Justine Tunney
>Nick Steves
>The Hestia Society

Anyone else?


>Anyone else?
Ten more people are extremely relevant, but they're mostly on twitter and their blogs aren't distinguished.

>Justine Tunney

He's not relevant because he contributes to the movement. He's as relevant to NRx as Zoe Quin is relevant to video games. His only known because of trannygate drama we had, where some of NRxers wanted to kick him out (as in, make everyone ignore the degenerate), but it didn't come to pass. Still, he's at the fringe of NRx circle and at half of us consider the faggot unacceptable.


File: 1413426938769.jpg (3.19 MB, 2917x1493, 2917:1493, Boyaryna_Morozova_by_Vasil….jpg)

Alright, cool. I have a lot to learn, so I appreciate any help and your patience.

I admit, I do agree with quite a few NRx ideas and beliefs, but the idea of techocratic city-states or an America- run-like-a-business headed by nerdy Jew boys? Naaaah, I'll pass. For a group of people that espouse meritocratic governance, they sure act like the times to demand praise instead of earn it.
Maybe I spent too much time on /pol/, but every time a Jew or a few Jews are at the forefront of a movement, I tend to turn skeptical.
Wait, that's normal.

Count me in for your battle. I'll learn what I can and as much as I can and try my best to contribute in my own way.


>techocratic city-states or an America- run-like-a-business headed by nerdy Jew boys
It's funny because out of all three NRx groups, that one is the only one that doesn't care/tolerates Tunney.




>For a group of people that espouse meritocratic governance, they sure act like the times to demand praise instead of earn it.

*For a group of people that espouse meritocratic governance, they sure like to demand praise instead of earn it.

Fuck, I messed that post up.


The elitist atmosphere is there for a multiple reasons. Primarily to show distaste for equality and remind everyone that standards are a good thing. Second reason is that progressives get disoriented and puzzled in such systems which makes it easy to pick them out and NRx hard to attack.
That being sad, yeah, we're not Charlemagne and his aristocrats. Maybe our kids, maybe their kids, who knows; All we can do is pick up old knowledge and try to work out the best form it.


>All we can do is pick up old knowledge and try to work out the best form it.

Sounds like a plan to me. I understand that there is a natural hierarchy of sorts and egalitarianism bugs me.

I can see why: he's fuckedup.



>Second reason is that progressives get disoriented and puzzled in such systems which makes it easy to pick them out and NRx hard to attack.

kek, must be why progressives currently rule over you, and defeated Kings hundreds of years ago.


>Ten more people are extremely relevant, but they're mostly on twitter and their blogs aren't distinguished.

Who are they?



If you want to discuss this general-tier bullshit go back to pol or somewhere else and do it. This thread isn't for your smalltalk.

>maybe our children or granchildren

No. The people who'd children and grandchildren will be aristocrats are building wealth and empires and personal estates. They're not wasting time in your circles, except by the proxy of the impacts their funded movements and people and agencies can have.


I would use a powerful ice/frozen blast to freeze the lava and propel myself up to the key and making a bridge out of ice to slide to the chest on the way down. Think Mr. Freeze or whatever from the Incredibles.




File: 1413813161498.jpg (95.32 KB, 754x347, 754:347, nrx.jpg)

Good job on the current threads. We have some momentum going where new threads by them are shut down fast.

Keep going.


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what the fuck is this book about
is it some sort of weird creepy poem?


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As a person who doesn't know what "NRx" is, I can't properly tell what the fuck is going on in this thread.
Is this /fringe/ related? Looks like a mixture of reddit and /pol/


NRx is a band of right wing thinkers that got somewhat prominent on 8chan. Of course, because they're different and give out an elitist and intelectual vibe, their works being hundreds of thousands of heavy words long, many people find them scary. This lead to a few /fringe/ shitposters trying to flood every NRx thread with out of context quotes and various shit, including my little pony.
Then there's the fact that one of the prominent NRx associated authors is a jew and prominent guy (on the fringe) of NRx is a crazy british philosopher. So there's lots of ad hominems thrown around.


What a load of nonsense. Half of your post is completely wrong and the other half is simplified into unrecognizability.


I'm talking about your post, not what you linked in your post



Get the fuck out plebs. This place is not for you.



Most NRx haven't even read Fanged Noumena or understood the intelectual background of their own movement. Nobody (very few at least) is afraid of an 'elitist' vibe. That is something only an NRx would say, becuase it makes them feel good.

In truth NRx is full of middle-class people who don't understand the efficacy of, and aristocratic imperative behind, the 'Cathedral' system they claim to want to overthrow. They are people with no experience or sense of what it means to rule, or of how aristocracy thinks. Yet they claim, in an ideological way, to want some kind of aristocracy. It's laughable, because real aristocracy has an absolutely wonderful time today. Their only issue, given that they are not racalists or volkish or bleeding hearts, is that they aren't in power. And, motsly, that they raen't the type of people who could rear up a dynasty on their own.

This is pretty evident in Moldbug's character, or in the postmodern tradition of trying to beat out reality with the manipulation of language and bending of perception that Land has spent his whole career in. Before Land launched NRx (before anybody spouts the usual bullshit about him being one person, this is a matter of historical fact) he wrote articles for the CCRU, as an accelerationist Marxist, about using manufactured rhetoric to manipulate right wingers.

What's very clear to us at /fringe/ is that it's just one more mind-parasite blocking healthy instincts in dissident Aryan men. It brings out a bad narcissistic set of qualities and blocks the development of true insight, courage, and strength. We are interested because we care about Aryan man and have a long-standing association with /pol/. And because it's an opportunity to do something, which is what /fringe/ is all about.


Nice fanfiction blog post

OP is writing about himself


Fanged Noumena and intelectual background have nothing to do with each other. Nick Land is not our leader nor is he the core of our movement. He's at the far fringe. Your understanding is wrong. And while most NRx have not read Fanged Noumena, you can't really get into the core circle if you don't know your Moldbug. That said, Moldbug is not at the core of the movement either, he's been replaced with Evola.


ok cool… I have a question, you realise that much of the western tradition is rooted in Quabalistic writings..

Yeah the jews…I support the fight against Zionism im just wondering what your talking about when you say Aryan..

We talking Indians (Hindus) or teutons? Fact is jews are woven into the entirety of western tradition just like zionism is

today. esoteric traditions have been a vehicle for marxism for a long time how do you ensure quality control?



sounds pretty time cubey to me, maybe you guys can use that to your advantage



This is bullshit for reasons explained in almost every thread that's been made on /pol/. Can you please get the fuck out back to your own board? You obviously haven't been following this and this thread isn't for explaining it to plebs like you.


You're literally delusional and you haven't explained anything.

>Can you please get the fuck out back to your own board

I am. In another tab.


Why is it so important to empower the aryan man with magic if the physical world can be modified and shit? Or can your soul be part of a race?


Reincarnation happens along racial lines. Zoroastrians believe this and so do most other traditions concerning reincarnation. The soul attempts to find a body that is, as much as possible, a perfect match to the previous one.


>Bla bla bla here is my political bullshit, the political minded are the curse that is killing this earth, all they care about is their wrapped food, their meaningless and time stealing jobs and their precious science, politicians argue about what is right for this society but they are what is wrong with it, they are the manipulation of your mind, the worst disease of your life, the poison which is killing your mind. I see conspiracy theorists on /x/ who believe that the world is a simulation similar to the plot of The Matrix, it is only when you realise that the Matrix movie was a big metaphor for society however that you can start to see the real hidden truth. "Red Pill or Blue pill?" is the question you must ask yourselves.


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>that pic
fukken saved


So the physical plane is still very important?


Very much so. Read Theozoology. It's a must read for all fellow wizards.

Here's an opening quote

In our search for God we neophytes have lost our way because we have forgotten the basic principle of all wisdom of the ancients, and because we have forgotten the goal and the beginning of all investigation: the human body. Hippolytus (Refutatio, 133) says this beautifully: ''The beginning of spiritual maturity is the knowledge of humanity, the knowledge of God is perfected (spiritual) maturity." So then we are searching for God by following the advice of the ancients – along anthropological lines!



File: 1418310791145.jpg (208.22 KB, 672x960, 7:10, image.jpg)

Very interesting. Time to look into that.


holy shit kekking hard over here

its fun because its true


This is the most important thread on /fringe/


i am going to read this thread twice


I use reddit on occasion and their speech isn't quite the same as how people speak over there on /duck/…

If anything, the speech patterns on /duck/ remind me of a fellow on the principiadiscordia.com forums named "brother nihil". He's absolutely hated over there for being a "fascist"…no doubt, he's an openly proclaimed "neoreactionary" and makes it a point to spam random neoreactionary jargon any time a thread catches his interest.

either way, my best guess is that this manner of speech isn't a forum dialect, but rather something people like this absorb from consuming too much neoreactionary propaganda.


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Nick Land is nothing but a shallow manipulator, petty idea thief, plunderer of secrets, servile usurper, shameless graverobber.



So is the Janus-faced labyrinth that is Long/Myatt. I guess they've met their matches, piddles in pods etc.

Where is this going? Save for the obvious descent into abject libidinal bitterness?(USER NEEDS A FLAG)


Holy shit this thread got slid so hard.

If you guys want to actually affect change you need to stop being manipulable whining cunts, for fucks sake.

Act like white men and you will bring the change you want(WHY NOT WEAR A TINFOIL HAT FLAG?)


That Martinist seal looks really nice with the Christmas hat on it.


File: 1419285066746.jpg (713.86 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20141213_142740.jpg)

I read that Obama is a martinist


>The Martinism of Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin which is a mystical tradition in which emphasis is placed on Meditation and inner spiritual alchemy. Saint-Martin disapproved of these teachings being called 'martinism' by his contemporaries, and instead explained it as a silent 'way of the heart' to attain reintegration.

The president of my nation is a fringe wizard. Rest of the world are you even trying?

jk i know the world is run via ancient tunnel system



He allegedly quoted Joachim von Fiore in a speech, so said the Telegraph. Strangely, the quote got pulled.

>i know the world is run via ancient tunnel system

I found my kin the other day. Looks like I'm Vril-ya-kin. I have phantom angel wings and a strong urge to go subterranean to be with my kind.


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I'm not going to read all that shit you just posted because I don't want to waste my time but I just came by to say this thread is bad :DD


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you #rekt this thred




The former president of my country was a Rosicrucian mystic so there's that.



>Obama visits von Fiore's abbey


> sorry it was the Times and it was behind a paywall not pulled, my bad.


>Catholic News Network on the matter


The wiki section on it, says no actual citation of him praising von Fiore was ever produced.


I meant the kin story

I've heard about phantom wings before, so I got curious


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Teach me your ways oh ascended master.


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>believes in demons
>hasn't accepted christ into his heart


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whats so wrong with some seduction 101? not that im a PUA fag but i read into it for some time and it helped me getting some pussy and social interaction in general. Why is fringe so notoriosly anti PUA? dont mean to troll or promote anything. Just asking


I can't speak for anyone else, but its just such a pointless thing to spend time on. Unless you really really like having sex.

The guys who get girls don't need PUA tactics, and most of the forever-virgins won't benefit from it.


And women think they're the ones being degraded. If I did any of that shit I think I'd have to kill myself out of shame.


im not a chastityfag nor are the mayority of masters of the hermetic arts. There are countless rituals on acheaving sexual fulfilment. Sexuality is an integral part of the human nature that needs to be nourished and alot of faggotry in the world derives directly from sexual frustration. Im not promoting promiscuity here as i think that monogamy is something noble. But i very much think that the ability to seduce woman and acheave sexual fulfilment (or acheaving any desire for that matter) is the manifestation of power.

The misconception about PUA is that many think its some kind of cheat or shortcut that enables betas and virgin fags to get laid. the contrary is the case. PUA is merely a tool to recover from oneselfes "betaness". Its a psychological teaching about the dynamics of social interaction.


youre being igorant here.. the opposite is the case. Betaness is degrading women. And thats why they dont get pussy in the end.

The concepts of PUA teach you to stop "wanting to get laid". They directly tackle ones needy inteions of wanting pussy (which is instantly percieved by any attractive being) and instead enter an honest and entertaining social intercourse with a person.


which in the end. gets you laid…


I don't disagree with you. I don't think I would even recommend celibacy to someone unless it was already in their nature, and a balanced approach to sexual desire is healthy.

This idea of seducing women and sexual satisfaction as a "manifestation of power" makes me wonder though. It seems to make sexual conquest an issue of self-affirmation or an exercise in ego-reinforcement. Needing outside confirmations of your personal power seems like steps down a road of dependance.

I might be going full autist here, but my original point is that sexual relations are natural, and "the art of picking up chicks" is unnecessary. If you're a healthy male, who is decent with social interaction, it shouldn't be an issue. The "goal" shouldn't be the act of sex, but healthy human relationships.


im glad you said this, as were on the same side and i wholeheartedly agree with you.
It is indeed natural. And there should be no PUA needed for it.

But a big part of the male population has lost this "naturality" (through the glorification of sex and the female body in media and society). They seem to be unable to interact in an honest and natural manner with women and are haunted by the seeds of lust that the glorification of sex has planted in them (i was a victim of it aswell to a certain extend).
PUA is basically only a tool to reattain this naturality as stated in >>17479
(and therefore atractivity).

But i can understand the prejudice and hate the lore gets as there is alot of charlatanry going around. Douchebags setting up youtube channels and kissing 20 different women during an evening and a whole community glorifying it. But i thing that its those individuals that are to blame and not the lore. Which is honest and useful to improve upon oneself (as it did for me)

on a sidenote: i see you tripfag as ZIMMER. Are you german by chance?


Learning "game" is just learning female psychology. PUAs are douche bags, but learning how women think and what appeals to them is extremely valuable. It is good for women too because it makes you a better mate, as you understand their needs and how to fulfill them. It also applies to all other areas of your life. It's all about social intelligence.

The problem is that most guys that acquire this kind of knowledge make it the center of their life and turn to hedonism.


spot on. perfect summary of what i was trying to say here


I suppose we just see the issue from slightly different perspectives, I am by nature very reclusive, so it's natural that I downplay social interaction in general.

This is a good way of looking at things, I got a little burnt out on the entire male-female dynamic from a crazy situation a few years ago, so I just stay out of the whole ballpark. So to speak.

And people ask if I'm german all the time lol. But no, it's just a nickname people called me back when I used to play tournament paintball.


Pretending you don't want to get laid in order to get laid is the absolute most beta thing ever.
>The concepts of PUA teach you to stop "wanting to get laid".
That's like trying to cure a cocaine addiction by learning how to get cocaine.
>They directly tackle ones needy inteions of wanting pussy (which is instantly percieved by any attractive being) and instead enter an honest and entertaining social intercourse with a person.
That's a load of shit. A relationship can't be "honest" when it's based on one person bullshitting their way into the others' pants.
>what are you supposed to do with your arms if you don't smoke? Can you imagine how relaxed people with no arms must be? I wish I had no arms.
Who the fuck says shit like that? Someone so desperate for pussy they spend every waking moment pretending to be a retard to amuse chicks, that's who.


PUA is bluepilled horseshit. I get people to hand over money and do whatever I want them to do via mentalism. I can easily get a woman (or anyone else) to do whatever I want and I don't do any of the PUA horseshit. I also detest the idea of chasing after sex and having a disingenuous relationship. Reading The Universal Master Key and Mind Power will do anyone more good than reading all that PUA crap on the internet.


>We are a community dedicated to empowering Aryan man with magic.
lol? this isn't freedomboard. it's a fringe board on 8channel


this is such an important topic.
thank you for bringing this to my attention, OP.

unironic smile :)


File: 1422006681630.jpg (446.97 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, india.jpg)

>Why is fringe so notoriosly anti PUA?
PUA is focused on: how can I fuck as many bitches?
It's not interested in how to secure a long-term good partner, someone more than just a one night stand or fuckbuddy.


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File: 1422219111132.jpg (73.38 KB, 490x485, 98:97, PUA.jpg)


such an important thread.
thankyou, op.



The key is to stop thinking of sex as a product that you need. It has been consumerised by society, and rampant porn-addiction only feeds the belief that if you aren't having sex then there is something wrong with your life.

If beta males are power-tripping from picking up beta-females (who I can assure you, are part of the same 'sex as a product' mentality and are trying just as hard to manipulate you to the same ends), then you have fallen into the consumerist trap. Are you happier? Do you feel more fulfilled? Have you advanced in the social hierarchy? Not really. Any progress is just the churning of your own class, and you will fluctuate within it regardless of chasing that tail.

The betas are the ones always complaining about the quality of their partners. The intelligent, available alphas exist, but they aren't going to be tempted by your display of PUA tactics and degenerate sex-chasing. They are alphas for a reason, and you can't manipulate them while still partaking of the beta-level lifestyle.

In short, focus on your own self-development. Learn the value of discipline, and save your seed and energy. It is worth nothing if it is thrown in the street. And when you meet that intelligent alpha, they will see your honest worth and not your societal clothing.


>a 5
goes to show how delusional those virginosphere losers are. A fatty can never be more than a 2, 3 on a good day.


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File: 1423583739147.gif (1.99 MB, 310x320, 31:32, whats_going_on_in_this_thr….gif)

this is some crazy shit.

i'm a pol lurker from half chan, who has been more and more interested by the more, for lack of a better word, liberal, infinitychan policies.

i've always been fascinated with this kind of information, but i was raised a christian, and even though the extend of my beliefs these days boil down to the occasional prayer for my family and generalised mysticism, the occult is something i'm pretty sure i shouldn't get involved with if i want any chance of proceeding to the next life, if there is one.

i guess what i'm trying to say is that i fully agree with what you are trying to do, but i'm unable to agree with your methods.

good luck… i guess.


How hilarious.

1. The occult gives you the knowledge and understanding of the next life.
2. It ensures you get there through embodying many virtues and intense practise.

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The Lord will understand.

There is a place in this world for everything. Most of Christianity dares not admit it, but there is even a place for the things that lurk in the dark.

Go and reread Ecclesiastes 3.


It's because this is an old thread, and it's been picked up by the spam bots that have been trolling google's index.


>Nick Land, author of Xenosystems, frequently compares capitalism to a kind of impersonal superintelligent force, a bit like some Lovecraftian intelligence stretching back from the future to manipulate petty humans en mass. And he longs for the antihuman genocide these intelligences, once ‘taken off’, will inflict… It should be clear to you by now that he’s an early-stage NWO stooge to get a movement of people begging for their own enslavement going.

You cannot enslave a species which has been genocided out of existence.


Mr. Bone's wild ride. I love you so much right now.


Too many words, goober!



No, but you can genocide them through the subsumptive annihilation of the state and transpersonal eugenic/cultural machinic slavery. Though it is not so much pure genocide, but a transformation.

Apocalypse is gradual, it sneaks up on the species and before you realise it a new aeon has dawned.


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A lot of us are just strong traditionalists and don't care what Nick Land and Moldbug have to say. Modern society is a horrible thing for the most part and it's becoming increasingly worse. Some people may think that we can change society from inside democracy, but we realize democracy is a major part of the problem so we must turn to something more radical like monarchism and/or aristocracy.

Viewing a movement by individuals is very short-sighted, even if they created the movement. In fact they didn't really create it either. As the name implies, it's a variation of "reaction", which was a significant political force developed over centuries.

I'm glad you brought up Libertarianism, because it's the similar in this regard. Small governments and free markets has been an interest to people long before the likes of Rothbard and Rand had their take on it.

I agree and support you if this is a purging of the likes of Moldbug specifically - but to attack the movement as a whole is completely counter-productive. Most of us are on your side. If you really looked into tradition you'd see Jews have been despised for and expelled for centuries now.

Yes, there are probably a fair number of Mold-shills in neo-reaction, but please don't tar us all with the same brush.


Dice rollRolled 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 = 11 (6d2)

bump for the info

>we realize democracy is a major part of the problem

nice dubs, but democracy is not inherently at fault. It's our fault and it's always been. You, me, and everyone else.

The problem is the individual's inability to cultivate themselves regardless of the labels they adhere to or the culture they are a part of.

A democracy of awakened individuals would be a great one as well as any monarchy or fascist oligarchy made of awakened individuals. Likewise, a democracy of sleeping mundanes is the same as any other government power structure full of sleeping mundanes.

Trading power structures and labels does not affect this deficit in any meaningful way. railing against modern society and idealizing the past is the political equivalent of "le wrong generation."

Everything is the same as it has always been, and to fight it or join teams to feel like you've made a difference is a waste of energy one could spend cultivating themselves. In this case, the karmic cycle continues. We should be breaking the cycle starting with ourselves, not perpetuating it by supporting someone's petty power struggle disguised as radical ideology.



There will never be a society of awakened individuals, though. That is utopian thinking along the line of all other modern perverted political ideologies like communism and libtardism.


Dice rollRolled 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 = 8 (6d2)

>43: Determination


>The means used to counter negativity must be consistent with the end to be achieved. One cannot stop the spreading of lies by spreading more of them.

>never be

Societies of awakened individuals already exist and have always existed. I'm surprised you're here if you weren't already aware of this.

Take a step outside of the ideological conditioning you were programmed into and think about why you react to facts like this as "utopian" or compare to any mundane -ism system.


There are no large-scale communities that consist of awakened individuals that adhere to a democratic power structure. There may have been some in the past, however.


check these dubs. completely infallible


>power structure

Monkey speak. A pyramid is a pyramid and all the monkeys want to do is fight to sit at the top. In the next lifetime there will be a new pyramid by a new name, whatever's fashionable at the time, and new monkeys to shit on each other to get to the top.

Maybe we can be a part of it if it benefits us, or we can stay far away if it hinders us, but ultimately it's all a big monkey illusion.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
so you've decided to reincarnate – too bad you'll likely forget everything you've learned

structures of power are always faultful because power requires dominance and fear to assert itself

the whole nonsense of genetic communities plays into the hands of bad-thinking

even economic principles break down at this level


File: 1428280366790.jpg (30.76 KB, 512x341, 512:341, 0118.jpg)

>so you've decided to
You make it sound like an instruction manual.


well you haven't decided to not reincarnate


Haha. Our Egregore is winning.


Neorecucktionaries are in downfall.



Why fly your flags under their banner? You're just right. Co-opted right, in that your positions are fueling their bizarre compromise of not-quite-academic status seeking with moderately unfashionable fact.


Wow. Neorecucktionaries truly BTFO in this thread on /32/:


It's literally cuckoldry in ideological form. That's pretty funny.


nRX is dead.




Fuck off, William, I know it's you.



Ha Ha no it's not. Our egregore is stronk as fuck you puny retards. You will not defeat us.


File: 1432535883125.jpg (59.55 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 1432317104302.jpg)

polite sage


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love the new dark layout

guys please help . my favorite youtuber is going to be institutionalized for ranting about freemasons


he has not really exposed anything except slander counrty music artists

he doesnt deserve to have his life and freedom taken away


File: 1438054535495.gif (1.27 MB, 352x198, 16:9, flag.gif)


>We need to throw off the parasites and rise.




NRx has effectively disintegrated by now.

Moldbug rejected it on a recent AMA.

Anissimov was kicked out.

Bryce left of his own volition.

Land got butthurt about Evola and made so much noise that reasonable NRxers went full trad and abandoned the movement.

Out of Christian NRxers only Nick B. Steves is left and Land is droning on about his stuff.

NRx is no longer relevant.

This begs the question… What about Land himself? Is he a demon? Can anything be done about him?

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