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File: 342886af94f0118⋯.jpg (198.28 KB, 1334x570, 667:285, Korea.jpg)


Unsure if this is the right place for this, but I thought you might find this interesting.



I cant stop thinking that the best korea worst korea memes have become reality. Will shitposting break our universe? Should I convert to kekism?


File: b6075455ecf6359⋯.jpg (45.98 KB, 460x691, 460:691, 3102f2b555007084517dcd756a….jpg)


Those are certainly interesting times.

Are we memeing our reality into the higher planes? Real anime girls when?


Eight women run a society.

It falls to shit.



south korea is insanely feminist, so it makes sense that their secret society would be all female. usually women are unable to lead or work in a group, but since these women are part of a secret society it's safe to assume they are beyond human limitations. here's 2 possibilities that i see as most possible:

>8 goddesses is a branch of a different secret society, with women assigned for gimmick / appearances

>8 goddesses is solo and run by women who are know what they are doing, or took their husbands positions.


File: 7b92eef8d09e063⋯.jpg (8.18 KB, 199x200, 199:200, 1438627082324.jpg)


>Polls indicate outgoing U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, a South Korean native, is the favorite to replace Park. The 72-year-old told Reuters last week that he would return to his home country in January to consider "what kind of role he can play for the future of Korea."

Haha oh wow. Fucking UN globalists man. UNATCO is fucking happening by the looks of it. What the fuck Deus Ex.


File: 8dfd4e3a1c06643⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 234x255, 78:85, 1460653151024.jpg)


Deus Ex is essential /fringe/ material.


This could be interesting. They seem to be neglecting this news story in Sweden. I guess a feminist secret society ruling from the shadows and influencing a female president is too much for whoever is overseeing the "social experiment vault" called SWEDEN YOU ASKED FOR THIS.

Meme magic isn't to be trifled with.



All paranormal/secret societies are run by CIA/Jews. I'm not joking. It allows them to operate completely in the open and bring in useful idiots.


File: e637c6506c1f21f⋯.jpg (50.34 KB, 225x350, 9:14, 277146.jpg)

They stole my love.

We still hang over this civilization as a phantom.

They are patient, but the game has reached overtime in my own favor.

This hubris must be similar to their own sentiment, as they fall before mine eyes.

The memes have grown strong, but few contain their aura sight without loss. It is a grievous, tedious Halloween in which everyone looks to their future.

I'm glad you finally see things my way, children.

Now, which game were you interested in turning the world into a simulacrum thereof?

Let's find out, shall we?



(((United Nations)))


Who does this group pay tribute to? Who do they follow?



>They stole my love.

Then get her back.



>should I convert to kekism




That's right, fags.

I'm not autistic enough to read all that greentext.




rape cute little girls


File: 6b474fe538499ff⋯.webm (4.37 MB, 480x360, 4:3, KEK.webm)


" kek is the Korean approximation in English of laughter"

KEK is Korean version of LOL


>Saw this webm

Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.

What more (((Proof))) do you need?


Girls cant be Illuminati silly :^)


republican government is a lie. I'm going to an hero






What the point of an heroing when you're just going to get reborn on Earth again? The Earth is close to leaving the age of materialism, just hold out anon.


File: 0b521bdfaced580⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1435437540583.jpg)





>Ban ki-moon resigns as UN Secretary General and becomes the next president of South Korea

>Obama becomes the next UN Secretary General

>Martial law is declared in the US the quell the massive demonstrations/rioting across the country



>rape cute little girls

But that's in the US, not Korea.



>8 Goddesses

I want to be a slave and a toy to a ~30yo powerful woman.




I don't want to fap to this idea. I want it to come true.

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