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Esoteric Wizardry


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I have an idea to settle once and for all the Fedora question.

How about each Fedora that doubts magick we locate them, travel to them via teleportation or Vrilcraft, capture them and then use magick to torture them and film the thing and upload it and post it on here?

Then we dump them in a lake or something and fly away?

Repeat again & again until all the Fedoras have learned their lesson not to pester wizards with their shit?


They honestly do not bother me that much to justify such effort on them. It is their own abilities their doubt destroys, not mine. Let them limit themselves, it is no problem for me.


I'm sick of them showing up in every thread and now and badgering me for proof when I just want to discuss occultism with others and explore the possibilities man.

They don't keep it in one thread they're in every single thread and they're very insulting and huge shit-stirrers. It takes a LOT of time for me to interrupt my practise to prove shit to one of them and they feel entitled to my time and energy. They're in my fucking threads shitting them up with talk of "burden of proof", "muh science", "crazy schizos", "magick doesn't real", etc. and it's like WTF I just want to talk AP with people that are interested in and practise AP.

I come here to discuss advanced occultism with people who KNOW and accept it is real. Not to have "does magick even real – the thread" for the 9,000th time over again with a bunch of trolling fedoras.

…and nothing sets a person right like an unwanted experience. It's hard to deny magick's happening when you get beat the fuck up from it.

…and I want to get myself a Vrilcraft anyways or learn teleportation, whichever comes first, regardless.

Might take years before I can actually do this but fuck those fedoras so hard for shitting up so many threads and ruining the atmosphere here.

This should be a fun board for people who are actually into magick not people who sit there, do nothing, don't read, etc.


I think I might start telling all the fedoras each time I see them "magick is not real, now go away" and maybe they will leave so we can actually do and discuss magick without them.

Would that get rid of them?


They would probably stay and start bragging about being right all along. The time is coming when ignorance will not be tolerated though. Those who are not illuminated by the rising fire will be incinerated by it. The only option for escape is going to be drowning in blood.

Golden Age of Truth soon!


Smiley, have you ever tried getting coordinates from IPs and launching remote psychic assaults on fedoras?


Hmmm would take a lot of practise, maybe it could be done. Just got to apply some psychometry to that shit.


no its fine the mods seem content with just dishing out bans and deleting on topic posts. Super magical.


>implying you don't deserve absolutely everything that's been done towards you and more


Good luck with that. May I ask to be the first on the list?


This is a great dea OP.
It has only problem though and it resides on the fact that the magick involved in the process isn't real. But other than that its a brilliant plan.


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Maybe they'll find something more euphoric like pic related.


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We are quite content with applying our quite justified and quite informal questions for justification. The greenpill thread has been debunked. The documents recommended in the OP is mostly full of unproven opinionated new age bullshit. We give you the honour of consideration, and you piss it away. For this, you too shall deserve whatever you will get.
Whenever you have food for the day, or whenever you can make your life better somehow in any way, or whenever you or your loved ones get sick, remember to symbolically thank the free market and science. Even if the free market is regulated to shits thanks to intellectually dishonest types like you, and even if the sciences are pestered with bullshit thanks to intellectually dishonest types like you, the free market and science forgives.


Semantical note: The "sick" part is not considered a good, the good is the part when you can actually recover from it.


t. fedora that never read the greenpill thread and just claims "it was debunked, trust me guise!" without actually giving links to the supposed debunking.


> We give you the honour of consideration, and you piss it away.

That's a pretty high opinion of yourself you have there.


You might say… he's enlightened by his intelligence! Quite an euphoric man really.


Whelp, i thought debunking that thread was easy enough with just some basic 'critical thinking'.


>tl;dr concentrating on an area increases the blood flow to that area
This is due to the endocrine system and the brain being interconnected.
The source link for this fact is dead.


>tl;dr magnetic fields around some bodyparts is what makes spatial orientation possible
The source link for this fact is dead. I can find no justifications for this claim on the internet except that birds
do in fact use the magnetic field of the earth to help navigate. I cant find the 1985 paper referenced. What causes
spatial orientation in humans is part visual, part vestibular and part proprioreceptive. Furthermore, even if this
claim is correct, it has no relation with being a "greenpilled" fact since it is ultimately based in biology.


I can find no other sources for this fact than that book, "miracles of love". If there is no systematic evidence,
we can be fairly sure that it is bunk.


>tl;dr boy doesnt eat for 96 hours, claims to not have for years but that is unverifiable.
>Source is a discovery documentary.
There was reportedly no doctor next to him during the time to monitor his stats. Furthermore, the crew could not film him at night which means he probably moves then. Since there is no systematic evidence for this type of thing, i will conclude that he was hoaxing.


>tl;dr man lives on sunlight


>tl;dr people with multiple personality disorder will wake up during surgery when they switch personality
I can't find much on this either. No systematic evidence, therefore probably bunk.

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