>>14667>>14673>>14701Whelp, i thought debunking that thread was easy enough with just some basic 'critical thinking'.
>GREENPILL FACT #1:>tl;dr concentrating on an area increases the blood flow to that areaThis is due to the endocrine system and the brain being interconnected.
The source link for this fact is dead.
>GREENPILL FACT #2:>tl;dr magnetic fields around some bodyparts is what makes spatial orientation possibleThe source link for this fact is dead. I can find no justifications for this claim on the internet except that birds
do in fact use the magnetic field of the earth to help navigate. I cant find the 1985 paper referenced. What causes
spatial orientation in humans is part visual, part vestibular and part proprioreceptive. Furthermore, even if this
claim is correct, it has no relation with being a "greenpilled" fact since it is ultimately based in biology.
>GREENPILL FACT #3I can find no other sources for this fact than that book, "miracles of love". If there is no systematic evidence,
we can be fairly sure that it is bunk.
>GREENPILL FACT #4:>tl;dr boy doesnt eat for 96 hours, claims to not have for years but that is unverifiable. >Source is a discovery documentary.There was reportedly no doctor next to him during the time to monitor his stats. Furthermore, the crew could not film him at night which means he probably moves then. Since there is no systematic evidence for this type of thing, i will conclude that he was hoaxing.
>GREENPILL FACT #5>tl;dr man lives on sunlighthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8WRQ1dUXWw
>GREENPILL FACT #6:>tl;dr people with multiple personality disorder will wake up during surgery when they switch personalityI can't find much on this either. No systematic evidence, therefore probably bunk.