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or if you think i have not, make me reveal myself


The only stream that came out of you is piss.



but where is the curvature?



Why is it that you can drink a drink but you can't food a food?



because english is a shitty language

try german



Because drink is both a noun and a verb, and food is just a noun, because english is a basterd language.

It would be interesting to create a language and meticulously craft so it would be fairly logical and consistent, and the use of which would affect the behavior of a community in a way, going as far as finding which basic sounds evoked a given feeling in a person. Sounds that evoked good feelings would be used to craft the word "good", bad feeling to "bad", etc. If I ever found myself the leader of some kind of tribe I would do just that.




hahahah puss



autistic babbling



Why not do it now? People make languages for fun all the time. You'd be sure to make something better than a language that only uses emojis.

It'd surely be better than watching youtube or playing vidya.



Thinking about it, a wizard conlang would be the sickest shit ever. Imagine all the ways you could use the knowledge we have in a language. If you ever do make one, please tell. Time to spend the rest of my night researching conlangs



Keys To The True Quabbalah and Science of Miracles will both interest you as both are EXACTLY what you're looking for and have to do with a sacred language which when spoken has immense power.



By stream you mean what anon, that you are in synchronistic harmony, or that you are connected to a stream of thoughts?



stream enterer is a buddhist term

though i hate buddhism

it means basically loss of sense of self

since im no expert on buddhism you have to ask a buddhist what they mean with stream entry

i could explain to you what happened to me



its true

essen essen

means eating food in german

in german you can food food



>synchronistic harmony, or that you are connected to a stream of thoughts?

i dont understand your question clearly

but basically the two to me are the same thing you'll realize



impossible to create

what you are looking for already exists

but its outside the realm of humans

if it was human created it would not be the real thing


Twitch.tv is not /fringe/


(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)






Well I don't know exactly what stream entry entails. A type of higher spiritual state, I assume.

If you have the ability to come help me and you have pure intentions and a noble heart.

Will you please come help me enter the stream.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>ask someone who has attained stream entry 6 years ago anything

The recipe for the single greatest plate of biscuits and gravy that has ever existed.

Anything less and your a delusional faggot playing outside your levels zone.




stream entry is a state of partial insight that guarantees non-retrogression.

non-retrogression means you will never be reborn in lower/degenerate realms, you will either be born in a heaven realm and attain enlightenment there or attain enlightenment in this life.



>A sotāpanna will be safe from falling into the states of misery (they will not be born as an animal, ghost, or hell being). Their lust, hatred and delusion will not be strong enough to cause rebirth in the lower realms. A sotāpanna will have to be reborn at most only seven more times in the human or heavenly worlds before attaining nibbāna.[30] It is not necessary for a sotāpanna to be reborn seven more times before attaining nibbāna, as an ardent practitioner may progress to the higher stages in the same life in which he/she reaches the Sotāpanna level by making an aspiration and persistent effort to reach the final goal of nibbāna


as beautiful as Buddhism is with its teachings and art and stories I feel that it is greatly incomplete because it remains silent about God.

Although it indirectly talks about him when it speaks of nirvana, the absolute, eternal state beyond being and non-being, but most can't see this, and it's left completely impersonal and void of relationship.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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