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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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We can only rest in sorrow and pain.

What are the best ways y'all have found to find a worthwhile date?

Or: How to invoke magickal wimmens?



I've had a feeling all day that there should be some book that talks about this. This is such a common issue, there's no way someone hasn't made instructions for it.

My attempts using thoughtforms have failed. I honestly wonder if I'm not meant to know this, because I have to learn more about myself first.

Basically, bumping this.


The world is plenty of them, but just as Uk only 7% of woman identify with feminism yet media makes it FEEL like its 99%.

the whole western word perspective has shifted to see the failed ones… focusing mostly in the type of woman they dont want and forgetting to focus (and thus manifest) the type of woman they do want.

so how do you fing a magik grill?

start by thinking they already exist. do you even wizard bro?

(no srly. start lifting is also a good way to increase body, increase spirit and also serves to change both ambient and attitude, add that to the equation and the type of relationship will come to you instead of you going nutz searching for it everywhere without results)



ok ok

so i'm talking to this necromancer chick

and things get metaphysical

then bam, she drops out

(no bro, i don't wizard i magus

wizard took my first grill after i made her magick)


This is so easy if you just understand the basics of magick and the structure of this reality anon. Just remember you're an ocean of thought and send out / broadcast the mental influences you want to, to attract who you want. I can go up to any women and feel her, see her aura, sometimes hear and see her thoughts, etc. and know pretty well right away if she's compatible or if there's a shitload of work to be done on her and it's not worth the effort. Also remember this principle; that if you can't find it then it must be created. When there is a psychic demand for something then seemingly out of the void that thing will manifest. As long as men yearn for a certain kind of women, women will end up appearing that conform to those archetypal energies.


One other thing. Have no wanting in your heart. This applies to women and to healing.

If you think you have to want something very bad or that God cares how much something is important to you, you are wrong.

This has been one of the hardest lessons for me to learn and verify through my personal experience over the years.

Generally, the more you want something, the more there is a build up of a kind of power that you are helpless to use. It is a latent force that is very useful when someone else taps into it and fulfills it for you but otherwise you can't do shit with it yourself.

So you need to let go of that tension, let go of your wanting, and just get into a state of mind of "(insert relevant deity) work upon me because it pleases you and it is in your nature, make me worthy, beautiful, healthy because you can and you will". Treat it like it's just for fun and you get the best results. It's almost like when forcing yourself through some exam or schoolwork, you effortlessly absorb and remember stuff that interests you and doesn't pressure you, but you breakdown and struggle so much if you take school to seriously.

When you start to see the whole reality in the right perspective and to truly understand and gain insight into the higher nature then power flows from you with no-effort. It is a strange thing but the more effort you put into a lot of this stuff, the less results, because everything must flow naturally and not with strain.

A big part of magick is all like chapter 8 of Personal Magnetism. It's about learning to function in a natural manner, not overstraining yourself, getting the greatest results while seemingly barely doing anything.


The illuminated man goes through everything and has everything flow to him with seemingly no effort. Lesser men look on, jealous, and try harder; and struggle all the more so. They look at the man who passes through everything so easily and cry that their efforts are in vain. However God is not a slave-driver, he didn't make this reality one where hard work pays off, he made this reality so that love and joy and harmony pay off.



This does not mean btw that he just sits around, slacks off, does nothing, etc. but that he is "at rest in motion". That all the work he does (mental, physical, social, etc.), does not tire or strain him and everything is good for him, everything vitalizes him, and gives fully of its wealth to him.



I think a decent alternative explanation is that one should know that what one's inner-self desires, is not always apparent.

In fact our life can be comprised of receiving what we really "want", although do not acknowledge as desire is essentially intent. It is when our heart of hearts, and our conscious mind are out of sync that we desire things we truly "do not actually want".

Know yourself, know who you are in this world, and that which you truly desire in the core of your being will be apparent, and the more grateful and accepting of your nature that you are, the more the true expression of what you desire will manifest.

I suppose the prevailing theme of both posts is, that "forced memes" of desire and intent are artificial and therefore fall upon deaf ears in a quantum sense.

One must be honest with oneself and that only happens when you allow yourself to be who you are and to accept where you are so that you may understand where you are heading in this life.





Oh boy, i thought i was the only one in fringe who tough it like that…

(the only exception been the Insert Deity here part)


Dont get me wrong, there is power in building up thoughts and all the constant effort you can find in mundane stuff and more ascended ones like the left hand path.

But that doesn't mean the classic, Focus, Fire and Forget tactic of attracting stuff by sending a signal of whats wanted and then just relaxing for it to come is wrong.. There is also power and magic and delivered yet effortless casting something in your life.

Also, when we talk about Letting it Go/Forgetting about it, its not to stop wanting like exorcist yourself from desire… you do it so your desires are properly send in the universe and cast a clear signal, if you keep the thought too much you will start taint it with excessive specific expectations and thus ruining your wish.

All this is usually called the less walked way or the Path of less resistance (to the joy you as human are inertly worth)

its not like we must become pure, its just that we must free ourselves from other peoples shit, and for doing that is convenient to do it on your own away from point of views that aren't yours, so when you wish for something it was asked only from you and it will come only to you.


Everyone else already said everything of value so I'll just shitpost some personal experience.

>don't care if I meet her or not, just be amazing, myself and aim to have fun

>meet her because I'm really shining as a person


>another grill, thoughtforms and fap to her sending my feels actively, almost obsessively

>fucked her up beyond what she was, harmful

>when she's drunk she throws herself at me, when sober be mean

>decide she's not mature enough for the relationship I want anyway

>ended up hurting her, altough I did help her sort some of her shit (we were meant to meet)

Poor girl.

>girl on Facebook, looks cute, bit skinny for my taste but in period of tumbling down, fapping to facebook friends and friends of friends, cum to her thought of her choking on my dick, as usual instictively se d energy to her because fapping is better when there's a bond of some kind

>completely forget her

>month later friend (girl) mentions she's mentioned me to her friend, talks about her, apparently she's a medium and sensitive (have not met her yet, don't know what she's capable of but apparently she and male friend goes ghostbusting), girl I came at was apparently ecstatic when friend mentioned me and me being spiritual (explained god and souls in tgree sentences or so when drunk once)

>both the girls want us to meet

Anything can float your boat, just different results.

I've found it best to have zero expectation and focus on being your best self, it will surprise you positively and you will find someone compatible in a natural manner.

Another good thing is to align with already having, you'll have the confidence of someone already in a healthy relationship and exude all positive attributes which are the basics of a relationship.


Post scriptum, sorry for typos, phone posting like a pleb

Obsessively casting shit at a person is the path of most resistance.


any developments? i've spent years being uncaring and it didn't help. either i wasn't actually uncaring (likely the case) or people who say not to care just subconsciously attract people.


>go on tinder/dating site

>send something like "this may sound strange, but I've been doing some research on tantric yoga but I can't find anyone else who's interested in practicing it with me"

>disregard mundanes

>send them a copy of monatalk's book on multiple female orgasms



This will land you some pretty unstable babes, but you wanted a material succubi that will cut your dick off the second you stop feeding her loosh right anon?



Magic is more powerful the more people visualize on the same goal. Sex magick is INSANELY powerful, so it goes without saying that a partner who is aligned to your goals and world view is more desirable than working with yourself.

The hard part is finding such a person as most people, if spiritual at all, are at the base level where they are victimized and made into loosh generators for parasitic entities.

If a partner has the wrong alignments or visualizations, that person could invite parasites to leech off of the energy. Both need to know what they are doing.



>so it goes without saying that a partner who is aligned to your goals and world view is more desirable than working with yourself.

Until the person you're working with changes their goals and world view, similar to that of a magnet flipping poles. If anyone on /fringe/ wants a stable relationship, it would be better to find someone who shares your world views but completely mundane. Greenpilling from there should be easy and exciting, I would just make sure that you're in it for the long haul, otherwise you're going to create an unstable person who then will prey on someone looking for a sex magic partner.


Women are just a stove you extract jing from. Younger the better.


Your desire for female companionship will wane once you realize they are depraved males from past lives.




>Women are former men

>~50% of the human population

Does anyone here believe in the concept of a soulmate? If so, how would you work that belief into what you've read and learnt here?



While I think most of women hate is MGTOW anger phase shit, they are more susceptible to emotion, so more "degenerate". It's important to remember that even if they are "from hell", they're still people with spirits and a necessary compliment to men.


Soulmates are fantasy, sorry man. You're born alone and you die alone. All relations to others are temporary. Also, if you believe in reincarnation, you've also been a woman countless times and probably are your "soulmate" at some point.




No. I haven't learned anything "here" but I've seen through the new age soulmate bullshit. Soul friends and groups, maybe.


MGTOW is just the way to be. Humanity won't advance unless it has patriarchy. The other way leads to chaos.

It's just natural order. Women have more simian DNA than Men, they aren't full Humans. Incarnating into the male form is a higher step in spiritual evolution and you are better able to perform spiritual alchemy.

You can get all cringe and worship the feminine and say it completes you and stuff, but your soul has both "polarities" and the real divine feminine is the planetary consciousness - which is YUGE, GRAND CONSCIOUSNESS. You can't even fathom what it is to be a planet but she loves you like you love a microbe on your skin but much, much more. More than any monkey woman can love you. Same with the Sun. Sophia's consciousness makes one of the most beautiful planets in the galaxy.


Women are basically like animals. Yeah, I love my pets and hope they evolve up the spiritual ladder one day but I don't prioritize them, they serve a purpose and that purpose is enjoyment. Since I guide them aright surely they shall reincarnate as a more noble animal in their next life.



That's actually pretty convincing, but I enjoy their company if you catch my drift.


Great point.



Maybe that's just pheromones. Maybe it's the sisterhood training you to seek out their "praise" and validation. Women are cunning like snakes and know many psychological manipulation techniques to keep themselves relevant beyond their means. Be careful, because that path leads to destruction.


benevolence is lost on this plane, the falsehoods fly anyway

convenience of therominees bego parasailentome



Soul friends, soul groups, soul family, all similar stuff.

My teacher's view of soul mates is that they are friends and loved ones who are responsive to your love, and with whom you are deeply connected and share a common path and purpose.

and Twin Flames are just people who decide along with you that you'd like to mirror each other's energies.

Neither have to be romantic, and the latter gets pretty intense in my experience.



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The majority of 'esoteric' women are essentially in the same bag as normie esoteric men. They pick up a general neopagan appearance and do a few things in that regard because mom and dad never let them do such in the past.

You're better off just tending to yourself. Or, if you're feeling ballsy, you can always try 'connecting' to the other side for a partner but fuck all knows what type of grab bag misinformation there is in the matter. Plus, 95% of the time folk think they're connected to 'another being' it's honestly just a tulpa.

We are not here as some form of bliss or euphoric experience. This is plane Hell-Lite. It gives you everything but what you desire most. The more you wish and lust for something the more the reality itself moves against you. "Pretend" to desire the opposite and it favors that original desire. It's a strange game, the only winning move is not to play. Sometimes the best thing to consider is just "doing your time" and moving on.



>This is plane Hell-Lite




Yeah, it's just plain Hell



Wow what an original and inspired idea. You're a modern plato.



Explain your reasoning?


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To almost everyone who posted in this thread and to OP for starting it: thanks, it was super informative and I actually learned something, specifically, it cleared up a lot of unanswered questions I had regarding manifestation of desires.


For every wizard pining for a love not found there is a witch making love to demons in the forest.

Be the dark force in the place where desired magical girls are and they will flock to you like nymphs drawn to the old wood.



>Be the dark force in the place where desired magical girls are and they will flock to you like nymphs drawn to the old wood.

why the fuck would i want the vapid whores who were fucked by demons?


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> implying all witches have already been fucked.

You just revealed your desire for sloppy seconds.

Follow the white rabbit and you could get there before the hare.



I've also found this to be the case. I think that life is a set of phenomena that makes us forget our wholeness, and we look for wholeness in people, things, events, etc. And in the magickal act, we become whole (with God) again. And in doing so, we can feel that lightness of being; that humor; that sense of effortless flow. I think it's that state we should aim for, and that's why desperate lust of results sabotages the ability to manifest. Because, 1. You immediately forget that you are whole without that thing, thus robbing you of your power to have it, and 2. You resonate with the feeling of lack in a negative feedback loop that can only be ended by letting go.



>whores know enough to contact demons with the intent to fuck them

>i can trust this won't saddle me with a boon baby or a demon baby

get fucked cuck.

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