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I woke up and the word file where i keep all my occult knowledge was corrupt and wouldn't open, all the other files where normal.

The universe knows of my power.



>keeping all of your occult knowledge in one Word file

Think of this as a learning experience. Not backing up your files is incredibly stupid.



>using windows

what kind of wizard are you

that could be a synchronicity but it's probably just windows being shit



I actually have a usb with the file in it but it only contains an old version


Actually, the last thing i wrote in it was about how i was getting more into Gnosticism because the idea that god is a dick and created this hell world that we must escape through sacred knowledge appeals to me because my life sucks.



The universe, of which you are part of does not explicitly want to "hurt you", nor keep you ignorant.


I wouldn't be so harsh, realize that you're being taught a lesson. You may not like it, but it is a lesson nonetheless, and how you respond to this challenge will determine whether the outcome is positive or negative, no matter how minute and imperceptible it might seem.

>Gnosticism because the idea that god is a dick and created this hell world that we must escape through sacred knowledge appeals to me because my life sucks.

Think about it this way, the universe (us/god) is in the process of self-creation, bootstrapping itself incrementally through memetic manifestation.

We are part of a god creating ourselves, and all the things, no matter how shitty they are must exist just as much as the good things. The secret is, that YOU have the power to change the course of your time in the body you presently occupy.

The universe/you wants sacred knowledge to be used to create, the x-factor is the body you occupy and the mind that modulates your consciousness.

The universe does not want to keep you from anything, but as I've mentioned we all experience lives both good and bad, because they must both exist in all the forms they may manifest.

Unplug from your ego and face your challenges and keep grasping for the power the universe ultimately WANTS you to have. Don't be discouraged by bumps in the road, don't spite god/yourself because of your circumstances.


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God is a fucking dick.

Like isnt it funny that i come to this Gnostic epfinay about sacred knowledge and this hell world created by the demi urge.

And then the next day its all wiped out.

Fucking demi urge man.

Also you write like some new age faggot who says a lot of big words but ulitimtly doesn't actually say anything of value

hurrr unplug from your ego durrr


God is indifferent and yet infinitely involved. God is pretty much every opposite rolled into one.

However, the various deities, are aspects of God; and some of them resonate with you more than others. Find a God that is most in tune with your own nature, one that would work upon you because it pleases them to do so, and you will have tapped into immense power.


File: f1fd5e571088ade⋯.jpg (113.66 KB, 762x464, 381:232, varg-vikernes.jpg)

Quit Finland



>big words

Ok, so you're either functionally retarded or you think this is funny, alright.

>muh gnostic edginess is so much cooler and xxxtreeme 2tha maxx

So you're either 13 years old or you're functionally retarded.

No my dude, I've been perfectly concise, if you can't understand what I'm saying, that's ultimately your failing, not mine.

Creation is a perpetual process which we are involved with in a fundamental way, god does not act upon us, we are a "part" of god itself.

Why would some insecure edgetard want to adopt a way of thinking in which one is literally cucked by a superior being?

There's only one brand of faggotry going on here and that's it?

So if you can't understand what I'm saying and you're obsessed with this idea that you're being kept down by some cosmic force, you're not only a dullard but also a masochistic cuck.

Why oh why would you not want to unfuck yourself out of such a miserable faggoty mindset? Is that what you want? To believe you're being fucked in the ass by the universe? Don't project your gay tendencies on others, at least be honest with yourself.


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Im not miserable

Only you who live in the material world is.

You are what is called an archon, you stand between humanity and the transcendent state that can only be reached through gnosis.

There is the divine in each person and that divine wants to rejoin with the good god, not the demiurge, the one worshipped by you and 99% of the population.

Your body is not eternal so it does no matter what you do in the material world



The Source is All

The demiurge is Source and method of material manifestation - the "brain" of the cosmos

Gods and Goddesses of Earth are various royals of an extraterrestrial race

All is the part of Source

You live material lives to learn and experience - in the spiritual where the flow of "time" is different, makes it hard to do so

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