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I know this board is full of ignorant people but there are a few seekers of truth here. this isnt strictly an occult topic, but an occult perspective on a mundane topic creates a deeper understanding. heres is my proposal:

humans are overpopulated. this is an issue that not enough people care about. if we dont reduce our numbers, nature will. people have come up with all kinds of horrible and convoluted ways to reduce population, like wars and holocausts, rules about how many children you can have, eugenics. all of these things are flawed because they are not based on love and thus cause much suffering. i know this will be unpopular; but i dont understand why people cant see the simplest, most rational solution to overpopulation: homosexuality. in places with large populations, more people should be homosexual. likewise in places with smaller populations more people should be heterosexual. i believe everyone is bisexual by default anyway. would it not be the simplest solution to a problem that needs adressing? that is my opinion anyway. anyone agree? disagree?

dont just be blindly prejudiced, thats what sheep do, use reason.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i like this song. you may not like the music, but the message of the video is true nonetheless. society is degenerating because people are having too many children that they dont raise properly. on average dumber people have more children, and intelligent people have less. this is bad because evolution is happening every second even though we dont realise it. there are also hundreds of children who need adopting; why do people insist on procreating not for the good of the species but because of their own desire? i cant fathom it. this type of thing couldnt be enforced, it would have to be consensual.

many people enter relationships just because thats what youre supposed to do. and so they follow the model of a relationship society gives them. they cultivate a false love, really it is no different to children playing boyfriends and girlfriends.

the truth is, procreative sex is sacred, and should be treated as such. and every time you ejaculate you lose lifeforce.


people who are healthy and intelligent are full of jing or lifeforce. the easiest way to lose jing is through sex, but also the easiest way to cultivate it.

most men dont realise the power they have in their balls. if every sperm in a single ejaculation fertilized an egg, it could repopulate the UK twice.

Before humans had a higher intelligence, they were like animals.

sensuality and sexuality were not the same. people would only have sex during the mating season as was necessary, any other time they wouldnt ejaculate, but may be sensual with other members of the species, cultivating the jing so it was more powerful during the mating season. we have since evolved from that pure state and gained an intelligent mind. it would be wrong to deny any human sexual expression, because it is a fundamental aspect of our mind and body, but between those, it often gets confused. few men know how to please a woman because their energy gets depleted to quickly because it is volatile. these men should not have sex with women unless both them and the woman wanted children together. you can learn to retain your semen, and have multiple orgasms. this fills your body with jing and brings you to your highest potential. these are the people ,primarily, who should have children. homosexuality would be a good way to practise this.

ive read thats what dolphins, and monkeys, and even penguins often exhibit homosexual behaviour when overpopulated.


When the non-whites and gays are all killed there will be no overpopulation.



The ultimate environpill


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>Overpopulation meme

>Idiocracy is a documentary

>Acquire easy "Jing" by being gay

>Homosexuality is positive evolution

>"You could repopulate the whole of the UK twice with just one ejaculation"

1. You're intending to become a guru and you are figuring out a routine to cuck married followers.

2. You got stoned, went full homo AND full retard at the same time; attaining a type of degenerated gnosis that has never been imagined, and this thread is the message you took back.



Are you some sort of environmentalist? LOL

Every couple thousand years there is an extinction level event on this planet. The next one is months away.


How can it be predicted? The ancients left us writings of the planet's orbits. Oral tales corroborate. And it's all over youtube. Also, with the actions of public officials in the know, it's the only thing that makes sense.

"Men's hearts shall fail them out of fear"

"The stouthearted will not go down to destruction"


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


why months? why not years or days? where'd you get that information from?

it must be coming soon though


Humans aren't overpopulated but mud races sure are.


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whatever, im just putting my thoughts into the here to be developed further. planting seeds. this is the response i expected from this board, kinda disapointed theres not even a little constructive criticism though. this soil is pretty barren it seems.

>>86274 haha my friend used to call me naboo when i was younger. i had the same dumb haircut.

you arent getting my point; what im saying is homosexuality and heterosexuality both have an important roll in population control. people do this naturally without thinking. no one is homosexual in a small tribe culture, cus peoples primary focus is on having children. once a culture or an empire becomes large, homosexuality, openly or clandestinely, always becomes more commonplace.

it is nature trying to right itself.

dont confuse homosexuality with the degeneracy that can exist in all sexuality.

the mass perversion in our media exists in response to the puritan attitude that existed in our culture for centuries.

that too is nature trying to right itself, but in the mental sphere.


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>>86257 lmao kill the gays so they dont have gay children. nice logic, or lack thereof.

if you kill all the non whites you will severely reduce the gene pool of the human species, like inbreeding but on a global scale in terms of its effects.

i think what you mean is kill everyone whos not like me


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the end of our species could happen at any moment. and every single one of our lives, added together, with all the good we do, and the bad we do, determines when it will happen. so far there have always been enough good people to prevent it from happening. they say saints are made during times of hardship.

there are times in history when we have come close, many times.

the great plague of europe for example, right after mass witch and heretic burnings (ironically they also killed their cats as familliars)

the nazis, causing world war 2 and scarring the planet with atomic weapons, shedding so much blood, creating the false state of israel.

it happens so many times and people dont see. if we dont look at history with unbiased eyes; observing at our species and culture from the outside, then we are doomed to repeat its mistakes until one day we go too far.



nice tunes btw


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its only inevitable once you decide its inevitable.

the prophecies are written so they can be avoided.


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nothing needs to be addressed

the planet is alive, once the micro-organisms living on it become too much of a burden it gets a "cold" and wipes some of those organisms out

rinse and repeat

overpopulation is an idea that concerns the society, the individual is not society and the thought acts to distract from the important tasks

all the individual ought to do is prepare for in best case surviving and adapting and the worst case death


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Because there are ominous signs in the heavens like the scriptures dicktate. Even this dumb woman was able to heed the call.



gyeth blhaaaa xyenth

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