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File: 8020406a46e5b7e⋯.jpg (120.97 KB, 750x938, 375:469, nephilim-giantess.jpg)


Nephilim giant females?

Are they real?

Can /fringe/ share any knowledge on this topic?



well, there is only 1 question we all want to know the answer…



>well, there is only 1 question we all want to know the answer…

which is?


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AFAIK giant humans were populating earth in previous eras, either dvapara yuga or treta yuga. With each era people become less spiritual, smaller in stature, dumber, less moral, uglier and their life span gets shorter.

Era changes are marked by cataclysmic events that wipe out previous civilizations (like a comet causing ice age; global flood), thus giants are extinct in our dimension / the part of earth we are able observe.


File: f1300733f2c0984⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 234.jpg)


They were miscegenated out of existence, exactly right…


From the Cassiopaea material (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/sess_cass/cass20.htm#February%2024,%201996):

>A: No to latter. One clue: double Y chromosomes.

>Q: (W) That’s male…

>A: Nephilim were.

They also supposedly had three gonads.



In that context… when one has a strong desire to be with a giant woman… a purest desire that comes from your deepest spiritual self… does that mean one had contact with the women of another era, in previous life or somehow?



I don't think so, if you were a giant in some of your previous life, you wouldn't consider yourself a giant if everyone around you is the same size. Either it's just a fetish akin to furries or a subconscious wish to mate with a genetically superior being.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Woah, little memer



I'm not saying I was a giant myself. Just had a contact with them somehow in my previous life. And now I desire to be around them again.


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If you can't perfectly recall any of your previous lives, it is better to disregard any "memories" of previous lives as a product of your imagination. Why you have such desires? Only you can answer that, try meditating on it. Inferiority complex would be my guess. Suppose you come into physical contact with an angel-like giant, why would it want to have anything to do with a retarded midget, ten or hundred times shorter than itself?



nice 666^^^ I was just contemplating on how satan makes us do things like this and hope to one day reawaken and even few of us will try this, he is merciful


do you want to get in some pussy


"no, ty

Although I bet your vagina is nice and warm and you are a lovely young ladie!!!"

Yeah one time I must have said the wrong thing to this girl and so I thought she was gonna launch a missle at my basement from sweden or wherever it was she lived at


FW is a giant and his bwc is real. Checkmate atheists!


File: 35d1c6bad225343⋯.jpg (45.18 KB, 442x800, 221:400, 1503979448063.jpg)


Just an fyi if a male giant like fw exists, then there are giant female equivalents! CHECK MAKE ATHEISTS!

(6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time)


Thats a huge bitch

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