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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The Kybalion and SUMMUM are practically the same series of generalizations about the universe except for 1 principle being added in SUMMUM.

Anyway here's the synopsis of the changes I am making to create a better text of universal generalizations:

Removed principles: Creation, Correspondence, and Gender.

Added principle: Repolarization

Altered principles: Mentalism to Generalization, Cause & Effect to Specification, Renamed Rhythm Patternization because pattern makes more sense than rhythm (too nuanced to explain it here).

Reasons for removals: Gender and Creation were all principles that were just rehashings of the principle of polarity. Correspondence was just a rehashing of the principle of rhythm.

Reason for added Principle of Repolarization: The Kybalion's concept in the Principle of Polarization dealing with how a person can through will-power make themselves 'vibrate' on a specific polar end of a given spectrum is indeed true since people can on a mundane level take up an extreme stance on a spectrum of views. This is essentially the Principle of Extremism from a political standpoint. However, this information does not cover the process of changing the entire spectrum to in itself have new polarities. This is indeed a process one can take up but at the same time is not technically polarization, since it is not focused on the fact there are polarities one can embrace, but instead on the fact polarities can be replaced or altered in form. I call this the Principle of Repolarization. For better understanding, think from a political standpoint that it is like Radicalism wherein a political spectrum might be thrown away for a new political spectrum, like the difference between the western world's definition of the left and right wings and the eastern world's definition of the left and right wings in politics.

"All spectrums can be replaced; perception chooses each pair of poles; the pendulum can swing in all possible directions."

Reason for altered Principle of Mentalism to Principle of Generalization: "The universe is a generalization; everything can be summed up in vague meanings; the general guides to change." What does the universe being mental even mean? Even with esoteric study, you will find the meaning ultimately is just one thing: a generalization. Not as in generalizing the universe as being a literal mind, but just being that, generalization as a whole. The universe is from every single person's perception is ultimately a generalization they make up for themselves. Even if the universe is a living being, that being in itself would make a generalization about what the universe is.

Reason for altered Principle of Cause & Effect to Principle of Specification: "The universe's components are specific and specialized; the universes codes are complex; chance is code too complex to be understood by less specific codes." Cause and effect is essentially law according to The Kybalion and the laws of the universe are a series of codes and rules which are just specific dictations of how things are run on all levels below the general one. Chance is but more complex intricacies of the universe not understood on a more general level.

Principles left over: Principle of Generalization, Principle of Specification, Principle of Polarization, Principle of Vibration, Principle of Patternization, and Principle of Repolarization.

I will be working on the official wording of things and more elaborate explanations. Please ask questions and give feedback.

These are the core most barebones generalizations the universe runs on from what I have observed. The removed generalizations may indeed be true on certain levels, but they are not THE most essential generalizations. The final 6 generalizations are each equal in importance and balanced in significance.

These principles can also be graphed on a 3d chart much like how a political compass can be graphed. -x would be Vibration. +x would be Polarization. -z would be Repolarization. +z would be Patternization. -y would be Generalization. +y would be Specification.


Actually this is quite good. But how is vibration and polarization on the same dimension in the graph?



Simple. Polar opposites are opposite to the vibrations between polar opposites.


I am coming very close to something… important.

This is not simply a retelling of the Kybalion's principles with some inaccuracies removed, at least not anymore. This is a remodeling of how to view and apply everything in general.

Mystics think in this little meaningful esoteric box, as if science is simply a condescending formula for removing meaningfulness from the universe. But this model, this 3D Universal Compass (specification y+, generalization y-, polarization x+, vibration x-, patternization z+, repolarization z-) is doing something different from science or magic or even philosophy, while not in the slightest ignoring what they have to offer.

This is beyond the esoteric or exoteric. This is the pure, general coding of the universe, but given wording.

The y axis of the model is Rules, with there being the specific almost bureaucratic nature of the specific components of the universe working together, and the general rule of change which guides the universe as a whole in the long-run. Arguably there are other general rules but at the same time those are all less general rules than the main rule of change.

The x axis of the model is Forms, with there being polarity aka the absolutes which are consistently dual in their form, and vibration which is everything that exists between absolutes.

The z axis of the model is Perceptions, wiith there being the repolarization of how people perceive so they perceive differently, and the patternization of how people perceive so they perceive uniformly.

These terms are very close to hitting on some key basics of the universe's most fundamental traits. I do not claim to have been 'magically' guided to these truths but to have instead figured them out through careful logical and ethical contemplation on the Kybalion's principles combined with reflection upon my own personal mundane knowledge and experience.

I have also found that they are quickly swinging open doorways to other fields. When this model is applied to politics, I was able to find an extremely accurate way of perceiving politics, philosophy, and culture. I believe what the Kybalion was going for, comes much more clearly into the picture in this revised model of the principles of the universe.


For elaboration on how this 3D Universal Compass affects other fields, make 3 3D Conceptual graphs, one for a 3D Political Compass, one for a 3D Philosophical Compass, and one for a 3D Cultural Compass.

These terms are not all necessarily concrete, but they in theory could be. However, considering how sure many people were about the Kybalion and SUMMUM being concrete, I am going to say there are most likely flaws within these graphs. That being said, these are some damn good 3D conceptual compasses that thoroughly aid in organizing how one perceives these highly general fields.

For this to make sense you have to actually draw and write these out. Look at the thumbnail of the OP of this thread for reference.

3D Political Compass: y+ Hierarchy, y- Anarchy, x+ Extremism, x- Moderacy, z+ Centrism, z- Radicalism. y axis is Laws, x axis is influence, z axis is balance.

I am incredibly certain of the 3D Political Compass.

3D Philosophical Compass: y+ Empiricism, y- Relativism, x+ Pragmatism, x- Idealism, z+ Eclecticism, z- Asceticism. y axis is Principles, x axis is Applications, z axis is Flexibility.

I need to think more about the 3D Philosophical Compass, but it makes sense at face value. Then again, the Kybalion made sense at face value.

3D Cultural Compass: y+ Low-Context, y- High-Context, x+ High-Power-Distance, x- Low-Power-Distance, z+ Collectivism, z- Individualism. y axis is Directions. x axis is power. z axis is Unity.

This one is easier to understand if you have taken a class in interpersonal communication or sociology, provided the classes emphasized differences in socialization between cultures. As a side note, when I saw the y axis is directions, I mean some people give directions with low context i.e. saying it directly, while some people give directions with high context i.e. saying it vaguely or indirectly with subtle hints that overall convey in a loose way what a directly stated direction would.


You may notice upon making the previously mentioned 3D graphs, they all perfectly organize the fields into simple concepts which align with the original 3D compass's basic axes and the ends of its axes.

It is all a bunch of helpful guiding generalizations at the end of the day, but that is what is special about them. They are quickly understood generalizations which have distinct principles, applications, and flexibility to them.

To put it simply, if I were able to perform magic, these principles would turn out to be the bread and butter if it is true magic ultimately taps into the general 'code' of the universe. I cannot do such a thing, but I can nonetheless appreciate and utilize the meaningful concepts and the fact ultimately all esoteric teachings are just trying to sum up the universe in meaningful generalizations, which I believe I have done to a degree which has yet to be equaled or outdone.



wouldn't repolarization then better be replaced by balance?

by finding the balance point between two polarities you can either ascend or descend through synthesis or analysis of those poles, since taking a polarized stance one has only the view of one side whereas with balance you become aware of both poles (balance would also indicate something you have to not only achieve but strive to keep since you're likely to be drawn to either pole)


that feel when the only way of magickal ascension is to think everything and from every modality and perspective

tfw you must be at once every kind of philosophical label wrapped up into one being



>Mystics think in this little meaningful esoteric box, as if science is simply a condescending formula for removing meaningfulness from the universe. But this model, this 3D Universal Compass (specification y+, generalization y-, polarization x+, vibration x-, patternization z+, repolarization z-) is doing something different from science or magic or even philosophy, while not in the slightest ignoring what they have to offer.

>This is beyond the esoteric or exoteric. This is the pure, general coding of the universe, but given wording.

If this is true then maybe you should submit your findings elsewhere. Maybe a philosophy or political board to start, though I admit the knuckleheads at /pol///leftypol/ won't know anything.


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Read the image of this post. Apparently fringe is stupidly censoring political words so I had to screenshot instead of just typing it.


Above post was focused on the wrong poster, I meant to focus the message on the poster:




>balance is a state of rest

I would disagree that we are almost never at a state of rest as long as we have to maintain balance between polarities

I see your point when it comes to repolarization being the movement between different sets of polarities since balance would aim to remain between the existing set of poles

Though to me it seems that constant repolarization in order to recognize sets of poles that are available to use to adapt and ascend or descend through would still require reaching some sort of equilibrium, balance or as you say state of rest. Unless there is some conscious goal behind ascension or descension assumed behind polarization that is.



As close to a momentary state of rest as one can get. I simply say state of rest to save words.


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personally have been too much inside the reality of /pol/ that have started making me feel a bit disconnected with our Timeline. Really think /pol/ has been hijacked and is currently suffering from a sever case of shills and newfigs. A new exodus is needed, sorry for /blogpost but had to vent and that place has gone to hell

Coming late to the party but I have also come to similar conclusions. Felt as if the Kybalion, principles of gender and correspondence, were only specific examples, maybe ones of the most important ones, of the generalization of Polarity.

Anyways, your new perspective of principles might be a good interpretation of reality. In my Mathfag LARPing I have come up with a generalization of what we with our mathematical methods can actually accomplish and how the whole universe can be studied behind a basic, fundamental, model of geometry. Closely tied with kybalion and other esoteric beliefs.

The most fundamental form in a 3D Plane will always be a sphere, which can surround and be surrounded by cubes. From there we can appoint symmetric values depending on the perspective we can to study. When talking about physics and stuff each coordinate will represent a specific function dependent on your x-Axis, representing the change of the function over time, for example. Basic maths here.

After getting the idea that the 3D coordinate system can describe everything we as humans can understand in the most mundane of ways, your application of principles under the same model, could function as a merging tool of the two. The esoteric way of picturing reality thanks to our basic understanding of Yes-No answers, representing polarity for the normies, and the way we perceive our world.

First pic would be the basic perspective of the all and how it interacts with other perspectives, infinities. Second pick is a Spiral based on the diagonal, sqrt(2), where both legs of the triangle are the same length, never reaching 0 nor infinity.


Why do you think /pol/ is evil?







Kek'd heatily.



>blaming fringe for what YogaPig does (global admin on 8chan)

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