Question Thread #25 Post All Questions In Here 12/01/16 (Thu) 10:02:30 No. 87131
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: FAQ: /fringe/faq.html
Post last edited at 12/01/16 (Thu) 10:18:37
12/01/16 (Thu) 10:58:16 No. 87132
So how y'all doing? How is your training going?
12/01/16 (Thu) 18:15:20 No. 87134
When you guys are attempting an exercise from a book, how can you tell that you've mastered it and move on to the next exercise?
Also, has anyone else been unable to post in threads recently?
12/01/16 (Thu) 19:53:36 No. 87135
I was unable to post in the previous questions thread only, other threads worked fine. The quick reply didn't show up and post form at the top didn't show up either.
And as for your other question, I usually don't attempt to master the exercise but just get a general understanding and let my intuition tell me when I've learned/practiced it enough. This is assuming the book doesn't tell me when to stop one exercise and move on the next like IIH does.
What can be effective however is setting your own goal posts with an exercise. For example you want to practice your visualization. Then you can practice daily until you can hold a visualization for 5 minutes with no interruptions.
12/01/16 (Thu) 23:09:38 No. 87139
Tell me about the Joy of satan
are they full of shit or what.
I don't get why they say YWHA is a spirit battery
12/02/16 (Fri) 00:32:29 No. 87143
I'm not too sure about the accuracy of their historical information, for example they claim Satan to have been the creator of humanity, but a lot of the practical information is legit and works bretty well (meditations astrology witchcraft etc).
12/02/16 (Fri) 00:43:01 No. 87144
I'm new to all this esoteric stuff and it seems quite interesting, but I was just wondering, how can you differentiate the bullshit new-age stuff from the real deal?
What constitutes the real stuff?
12/02/16 (Fri) 00:46:53 No. 87145
Ya but I'm not sure on how they dismiss everything thats not jos
I want to look through everything myself ya now
12/02/16 (Fri) 06:00:55 No. 87155
What books are good for getting started with Egyptian magic?
tipp 12/02/16 (Fri) 16:23:00 No. 87158
You will know the truth when you read it, if not you will see it some time after.
12/02/16 (Fri) 21:27:54 No. 87168
Hey guys, Im a newbie to all this stuff and only started coming to this board recently. I dont know what to make of all this but I do know that I want to learn more. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I also want to know how to see my true form/aura and maybe who I was in past lives if those things exist in the first place. Like I said, Im rather new. Any help would be appreciated!
12/02/16 (Fri) 22:17:01 No. 87169
Start by reading some of the books recommended here in the faq. If you are interested in learning the theoretical or philosophy stuff first, check out manly p hall's Secret Teachings of All Ages or some of his other stuff. For practices you can do check out Book of Knowledge from the mega. Energy work is a good place to start imo because I was able to start feeling the energy movements in a few days of trying. Don't try to rush anything too much, it'll probably take a while for results.
12/02/16 (Fri) 22:27:11 No. 87170
How long does it take for the average person to get/what prerequisites do you need for becoming exceptional at it?
12/02/16 (Fri) 22:40:14 No. 87172
I dunno, I've been reading this stuff on and off for like three years, practicing on and off for about 1 and a half and I'm definitely not exceptional at it though I have had enough experience to have no doubt about it anymore.
You have to be able to stick with the practices and develop motivation to not slack off. Keeping some kind of journal or note of all the occult stuff you do is essential. Skills like emotional control and thought control are necessary. The speed that you improve at is just dependent on how much time and energy you put into it daily, for some people it could be slow, others quick. It's been a slow progression for me, but an enjoyable one.
12/02/16 (Fri) 22:49:52 No. 87173
Can you tell me about your experiences that made you believe all of it was true?
And what kind of practices are commonplace?
12/02/16 (Fri) 23:25:17 No. 87175
I did a bunch of sigils (probably about 12) in the start following Advanced Magick for Beginners by Alan Chapman's guide to them, had unlikely and weird things happen each time I did them which mostly convinced me. I did one to see money (I didn't actually want the money) and the next day down the hall I saw someone's debit card lying on the floor with no one around. Did the same sigil two other times in a row and had similar stuff happen and I normally never see money lying around. I wasn't even expecting or looking for it, it just popped into of the corner of my eye. After a couple failed ones in the start all the rest of my sigis got the result within a day.
Successes with practicing self-hypnosis by going into a trance and affirming things also helped.
Intuitiveness slowly increasing over time helped. In the beginning my gut feelings were almost always wrong, but these days they are always correct and they happen nearly every day.
Like I said Book of Knowledge is full of the practices that are common, the meditation thread here as well. You have to believe in this stuff before it will work though.
12/02/16 (Fri) 23:40:15 No. 87176
I want to believe very badly. I have a few ancient icelandic runes drawn on paper that I carry around with me. Is this a similar type of magic?
Also can you tell me the different meanings of the different spellings of the word magic and their meanings?
12/02/16 (Fri) 23:50:51 No. 87177
>Also can you tell me the different meanings of the different spellings of the word magic and their meanings?
It's just personal preference, doesn't really matter. Some people spell it with a -ck to separate from stage magic.
>I have a few ancient icelandic runes drawn on paper that I carry around with me. Is this a similar type of magic?
no sigils work because they "imprint" the symbol for the thing that you want to happen onto the unconscious mind while you are in a state like a trance.
12/03/16 (Sat) 00:06:39 No. 87178
So carrying them around in my wallet wont do anything?
I also have the rune Vegvisir tattooed on my shoulder.
Pic related
SAGE! 12/03/16 (Sat) 00:08:03 No. 87179
I forgot to ask if having it tattooed on me is any different from carrying ones written on paper.
12/03/16 (Sat) 00:21:10 No. 87180
I don't really know anything about runes. If you believe that they have an effect then they might, but just carrying something around without intention applied to it will not. In this esoteric stuff it's the mental side that counts, not what specific things are on your person or tattooed.
12/03/16 (Sat) 00:30:54 No. 87181
no and tattoos are for subhumans
SAGE! 12/03/16 (Sat) 00:33:19 No. 87182
What makes you say that? Its just a symbol, nothing lewd or offensive.
12/03/16 (Sat) 00:35:25 No. 87183
Well the runes I carry with me I believe to have power. I just dont know if I have enough evidence to 100% believe if they work, Im at the 95% mark, heres hoping my research will help.
Exactly how important is the mental aspect and how do I convince myself that I'm not just making it all up in my head?
12/03/16 (Sat) 00:37:33 No. 87184
if you charge it, it will work.
But marking your body because you like a symbol is stupid.
It defaces the product of nature
12/03/16 (Sat) 06:44:38 No. 87194
How does /fringe/ feel about vegetarianism? Are there legitimate reasons for giving up meat consumption (not merely moral reasons)? If so, what are they?
12/03/16 (Sat) 06:46:44 No. 87195
Question from the last thread that wasn't answered:
How do I into Aleister Crowley? Where to start? What order should I read his books? Any authors I should be familiar with before delving into him? Also WHY should I into Crowley? What does he have to offer that makes it worth reading him?
12/03/16 (Sat) 13:03:02 No. 87197
there are legitimate reasons behind everything we do.
your food is your medicine. a vegetarian diet would be very bad for a person with a wasting disease, a diet full of meat would be very bad for someone with obesity. these are 2 extremes. meat is good, because it is already animal flesh, so its easy for your body to turn into animal flesh. its bad because its unsustainable (atleast higher meats like cow or pig), the animals are treated cruelly, like products, and you are contributing to an awful industry when you buy it. ideally you should raise your own meat if you want to eat it; don't take life, unless you give life first. thats my opinion.
Kenneth Schuеlеr Kenneth Schuеlеr 12/04/16 (Sun) 00:49:50 No. 87209
12/04/16 (Sun) 02:34:00 No. 87211
12/04/16 (Sun) 06:18:02 No. 87213
12/04/16 (Sun) 09:05:47 No. 87215
why would something not be full of negative energy after it dies? you're taking in that massive negative energy, as well as all the animal gathered during its natural life, despite how "non-cruel" people claim it is. i would extend this to all animal product, including things such as leather.
in addition, there is health benefits to not eating meat, and even more to not eating other animal product such as milk. meat specifically is also very grounding and takes great effort to digest.
inb4 plants die too so they carry negative energy. if you strive to become fruitarian, they truly have a mutual agreement with their food. fruit are not part of the plant, but more like the ovary to the seeds, which you can spit into nature and both benefit
12/04/16 (Sun) 11:16:57 No. 87217
Jews of Satan is what it really is, it's a bunch of talmudist bullshit repurposed to unthinking goyim.
12/04/16 (Sun) 12:38:08 No. 87219
12/04/16 (Sun) 12:56:55 No. 87222
Their historical information is absolute trash and they're unwiling to accept anything that goes against their offical history.
12/04/16 (Sun) 16:54:06 No. 87227
Yeah dude! The nazis were master occultists! Their REAL occult practices where they worshiped statues worked, and that is why they won world war 8! Did I mention that I am really smart and joined the pol movement to easily scapegoat groups of people I have never met instead of facing the fact that I am a boring ugly lazy person and actually doing something so I could experience the love of a woman for the first time?
12/04/16 (Sun) 16:55:39 No. 87228
daily reminder that all this bullshit about gods and rituals is to distract you from tapping into your real power
CoNFirmAtiOn BiAs iS a BiTcH
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but your life is a lie. I was where you are once, but I slowly got over it, and now I am thinking clearer than ever.
Join me in freedom, or die in schizophrenia, your choice peasant bitch.
12/04/16 (Sun) 18:23:44 No. 87230
Every time me and this girl try to get together the world goes to shit, well at least the world around us. People start dying, we both start going crazy, and we both end up just hurting eachother.
We have perfect chemistry. I don't want to hear "maybe you just werent meant to be"… I control my life.
Who would go to such extreme measures to prevent two people from being together? I feel like we would be invincible together. Last two times we talked were occult dates (9/23, 10/31)
This bitch might not even know it but she is powerful as fuck. Her energy actually overwhelms mine and I feel like I am on fire. What the fuck? I don't like to ask questions much because I prefer to figure things out on my own, but I feel like there is more to this than meets the eye.
I will admit that everytime we meet, then chaos happens, then we fight and depart, I am 10000x more motivated to do things. I feel like this person kind of exists to be my rival and help push me to further evolution, but I really can't form much of a connection with anyone other than 4 women.
How the fuck do I escape this shit? I am sick of being this persons rival and would prefer to be with them.
We run into eachother at the most random fucking time in the most random places. One time I was in traffic for like 2 hours, barely missed chance to get through a few green lights, then when I get to gas station near my house there she is. Are we past lovers trying to help eachother? What the fuck?
12/04/16 (Sun) 20:07:47 No. 87231
They got some good material (ripped) from everywhere, good pieces, good meditations "tantras", techniques and most of what they've managed to piece together when it comes to history is good but they have a few things fundamentally wrong, things which the cult considers cornerstones.
It's a trap.
12/04/16 (Sun) 22:27:59 No. 87242
Can anyone recommend some decent works/resources on mental transmutation? There's a ton of stuff out there but a good portion of it seems to be new age hippie stuff.
12/05/16 (Mon) 03:15:27 No. 87244
I don't understand the point you are trying to make. Join you in freedom? So you became a mundane? Why are you still here?
Actually express and elaborate on your points or shut the fuck up please, you cryptic nerdlinger.
12/05/16 (Mon) 07:32:58 No. 87248
Hey guys I need some help, have you ever got the feeling that certain songs are intended for you, also movies, scenes, music through the radio and such, where major, even frightening coincidences, as if they are watching you and know all about your magick acts, mind and etc.. ?
Because I'm having this almost constantly, and I found it odd searching it on google to see if anyone could relate and found nothing. I think it started between the time where I had fallen in love, and the time I started with magick and the occult.
Could it be just some major synchronicity waves that are shooking me up? Can anyone relate?
12/05/16 (Mon) 07:38:19 No. 87249
What is the real power then?
12/05/16 (Mon) 13:57:35 No. 87252
The One True G-d Yaweh.
Only by repenting to Yaweh and Yeshua Christ can you be saved, occultists will all go to hell for eternity.
12/05/16 (Mon) 14:47:44 No. 87254
You go to hell for drawing cartoons (that are not about God/Bible/Jesus) as well, and I dont think i am going to repent of wanting to be a cartoonist like actual Satanist, Jim Davis.
topp 12/05/16 (Mon) 15:13:52 No. 87256
>he notices
Revel in, live and use the perfect chaos.
You will be able to predict the day or what happens next just by feeling the current flow.
Do you do spontaneous movements, what's the most.. intense or perfect one you can recall?
12/05/16 (Mon) 16:18:08 No. 87259
I know the feeling, but a lot of the synchronicities I've had are just ones I caused myself. If you are looking for these events you will probably find them.
LBRP 12/05/16 (Mon) 19:37:07 No. 87263
I study by Donald Kraig's "Modren Magic". I had been practising LBRP and Tarot Contemplation for about 3 months, adding the Middle Pillar and Circulation of body of light rituals in the process. Sometimes during the rituals I heard unusual clicks in my cupboard, or some noises in the flat, sometimes I felt lightness and easiness but those were pretty much all the effects I had. But once having finished, I felt presence in the room. And I shat bricks because it felt very awesome, very strong and full of dignity. I can't say I saw - I didn't see it with eyes - it was like I imagined that a very tall muscular figure stood at about a few meters to the NNE from me. It was about 2,5 m tall so I couldn't "see" its head since it was above the ceiling, as I've said it had big muscles and there was something Roman to it, maybe it wore some kind of Roman leather armor. I felt like a dirty worm as compared to it tbh, I panicked, went to the kitchen to drink water. The next hour I spent walking around the flat very agitated. Before that I read that Angels don't have any interest in communicating with humans because they have a direct connection to God who provides them energy, unlike demons who get this energy from humans so I wasn't expecting anything like that to happen. About a month passed since then and I had no similar encounters what so ever.
So what can you say about it? Have you ever experienced anything similar after LBRP? I don't think it's my imagination playing games - simply because it happened only once and nothing similar never happened neither before nor after.
12/05/16 (Mon) 19:50:13 No. 87264
Says who? As far as I know I'm drawing with the will God gave me, be that to expose and fight devils, to study them, or even to cast them out of myself.
I don't think are no specific «crimes» that would send you to hell, that makes no sense. Everything has a purpose and it's poles, but we're all essentially the same and very few people are truly evil in nature, and even some of those wouldn't necessarily deserve hell, because you don't even know their story.
Drawing cartoons is not a bad thing, sending people to hell for drawing them, is truly a monstrous thing.
I don't think you even know who your god is.
12/05/16 (Mon) 20:22:49 No. 87265
I have, and looking I also have predicted LOTS of things. It will sound stupid if I try to explain my methods, but I basically was doing them even before I discovered magic. It's a very unique form of expression that almost no one knows about. It involves the social media, doing things from the heart, expression and connecting dots.
Anyway, sometimes I even worried that I was causing this things to happen, instead of predicting them, but the waves of synchronicity just rise and rise. I can back away from it all if I wish to, but sooner or later it will catch up to me, when I go out to different environments.
I'm not saying it's bad, it has been one of the most amazing phenomenons I've experienced, but it got to a point where I thought it was almost trying to punish me. Trying to make me go mad or something.
But again, there has been very positive, empowering, loving and enlightening ones, but still…
I found it very odd not being thousands of people posting about this online.
It's like I see and listen every music, film and whatever comes to me with different eyes/ears/perspective. Like as if the other people aren't really watching the same thing as me.
>Do you do spontaneous movements, what's the most.. intense or perfect one you can recall?
What you mean by this exactly? Willingly or unwillingly? Give me an example.
What I was also worried about is the fact that my sub-conscious might be and feels like it is more opened to all this… Might be a good time to reprogram it?
I think I know what you mean, and most of them I have brought into myself, others just come around like «what goes around-comes around».
But it got very strong, to the point where it felt like I was orchestrating it.
12/06/16 (Tue) 01:20:50 No. 87276
in the few days I have talked to them I come to understand that.
I like them as people but the dogma and the blood pact they need are a step too far.
They are using fringechan and 4chan /x/ as a recruitment ground.
fringechan through hosting it and /x/ through a succubi server.
## Board Owner 12/06/16 (Tue) 03:58:45 No. 87282
Just wanted to let anyone that cares know that I've reclaimed the board since smiley let it go up for claims (this time there's no doubt it was claimable). I don't know what's happened to him but I haven't seen him for a while now. I've already made an effort to contact him and am just waiting for his reply so I can return the board to him.
t . Guy who claimed it last time ( >>82903 )
12/06/16 (Tue) 04:36:21 No. 87283
it would be better just to give it to the girl smiley designated to have it in case he was too retarded
12/06/16 (Tue) 05:26:16 No. 87287
I am in "hospital" still and have been for well over a week now. For about 2 days I was on edge of dying and I also had a relapse. Full details whenever I get the fuck out of here finally. Posting this from someone's normie Apple iPad. I will probably be homeless soon after getting out and have to sell my computer and stuff too but we will see. Wish I could say more about what is happening with me right now.
12/06/16 (Tue) 05:27:14 No. 87288
I am in "hospital" still and have been for well over a week now. For about 2 days I was on edge of dying and I also had a relapse. Full details whenever I get the fuck out of here finally. Posting this from someone's normie Apple iPad. I will probably be homeless soon after getting out and have to sell my computer and stuff too but we will see. Wish I could say more about what is happening with me right now. This might be only message I ever get out if I die soon.
12/06/16 (Tue) 05:28:40 No. 87289
go back and live with your parents smiley
## Board Owner 12/06/16 (Tue) 06:12:42 No. 87290
I had no idea you're in such a serious situation, I hope everything turns out well buddy and thanks for giving us an update.
I'm still very resistant to that idea, it seems stupid to me to hand over the board to someone I won't know for a 100% fact won't do anything bad to it. I trust myself and I trust Smiley since he's the one who created fringe. I don't trust Chansey since there's no reason to trust her outside of Smiley's vouch of approval. It's nothing personal, it's just what seems safest. If Smiley wants to talk privately about this I'll welcome the conversation and if he passes before we can have this conversation I'll respect it as a dying wish and hand it over to her but other than that it's probably not gunna happen.
12/06/16 (Tue) 06:44:09 No. 87291
Just wondering for how long was it up for claim?
## Board Owner 12/06/16 (Tue) 06:58:34 No. 87292
couldnt have been more than a couple hours, his last login was exactly 2 weeks which is the time it takes for a board to go up for claims.
12/06/16 (Tue) 13:05:23 No. 87297
just fucking die already you sissy "wizard"
12/06/16 (Tue) 13:08:50 No. 87298
current board owner is a white knight smiley apologist who always grabs the board before 'someone else' (someone competent) might take it.
8ch/fringe is pure cancer
12/06/16 (Tue) 13:15:35 No. 87299
at least he got it and not some joy of satan lackey
12/06/16 (Tue) 14:40:51 No. 87305
>a white knight smiley apologist who always grabs the board before 'someone else' (someone competent) might take it.
rly make u think huh?
12/06/16 (Tue) 15:46:52 No. 87310
Not everyone reach this and certainly no bullshit occultists
SAGE! 12/06/16 (Tue) 16:35:34 No. 87311
This is the universe talking to you, if you find something or someone, it's for a reason which you will know or come to know, likewise how you can't seem to find some things sometimes, because it is not their or its time with you.
It's.. like something has given you a lot of knowledge at some point and these moments of focused consciousness is opening the doors, bringing information stored in the soul to the focus of the spirit.
Know that feel when you intricately know things you normally wouldn't?
If you stay in this zone of listening and being one with the present area you can snap up the rhythm of the room and translate it into song or dance, as in you can hear the true sound of the present now in your mind, this can also be expressed through movements, you walk steadier, you might spontaneously dance or if under stress and forced to sit still jerk or ticks as there is no natural release of the contained energy.
… this got long and boring.
Good for you. Keep listening and it will talk more. If you tune it out you can let it back.
Try standing still for a bit in a positive high pressure environment like a dance floor, soak it in and then let your body move on it owns. Cleanses the chakras related to the body parts with which you moved with.
Heightened contiousness over the present now manifest by rhythm and being in unity.
This got even longer, am I repeating myself?
I'm out.
12/06/16 (Tue) 19:31:19 No. 87317
The admin of fringechan is okay but the moderators are pure cancer.
>a joy of satan teenager
>a muslim (ALLAHU AKBAR INSHALLAH) who huffs mercury and is likely either a teenager or in his very early 20's
And the site is full of faggots and redditors.
12/06/16 (Tue) 19:37:50 No. 87319
>I trust a clinically insane homless kike who is likely schizophrenic and bipolar
really makes you ponder
12/06/16 (Tue) 21:16:10 No. 87322
I don't think you're up to date.
Alpam is the administrator and a Joy of Satan follower.
Mossa who you accuse of huffing mercury was a moderator until he had a fight with Alpam. No moslem. In fact, Alpam banned the moslem spammer.
12/06/16 (Tue) 21:17:27 No. 87323
>And the site is full of faggots and redditors.
Not that this site is any better. At least at fringechan there is no fucking captcha.
12/06/16 (Tue) 22:13:48 No. 87326
Is there a tulpa/thoughtforms thread somewhere? I can't seem to find much useful information about this in the catalog or in the library, but maybe I'm not looking in the right places.
12/06/16 (Tue) 22:16:23 No. 87327
Yes, it does feel like it. The universe talks and loves but it can also spin things around and try to make a fool out of you, but in the most clever ways. But the way it also rewards you with answers and findings in the most sublime way, is also a great, personal gift.
Everything I came across with so far (specially these last 2 yeas), which came with great force and intensity causing me great confusion, fiery love, power, desire, pain, sorrow, and other darker feelings - has brought me into who I am today, and looking back from here and now, almost ALL those moments (even the ones I thought I'd regret) seem vital, and necessary for my evolution.
What amazes me is how it came (super-)naturally and only after recognizing it, did I start to study it and defy it.
So far, so good - and for that I'm thankful from the bottom of my heart.
But I right now, I also feel that If I were to do, some particular things (that I could've easily and mindlessly have done in the past), I'd have to face different consequences.
As in, because I'm more mindful of my actions, I'm also more mindful of what they could bring back. (And that thought alone could empower even more - of what it brings, for better or worst).
>If you stay in this zone of listening and being one with the present area you can snap up the rhythm of the room and translate it into song or dance
Not exactly sure what you mean by this, but I could also relate with it on other levels.
Like sometimes all it takes is for me to pass by a room with music or tv on, and the moment I happen to pass by the music or tv is saying something that correlates with many of my subconscious thoughts, like a almost a private symbol.
Anyway, this is getting very long and I could type about it for ages trying to explain, but my words alone wouldn't really do it justice.
Thanks for your answering guys, was starting to get a little freaked out with all this and paranoid about some all-knowing secret agency or some multidimensional beings spying on me and manipulating things.
12/06/16 (Tue) 22:17:49 No. 87328
fringechan is a recruiting ground for the joy of satan autism
12/06/16 (Tue) 22:25:25 No. 87329
*Important detail I forgot to mention.
I don't know much about astronomy but for some reason I decided to go check my charts and I found out that
-apparently- I had something called «Saturn Square» which I had to «endure» for 2-2'5 years. And it ends in 2017.
The moment I found and understood the meaning of this, a big wave of clarity came down my being. And even thought I don't know much of astrology, I accepted that thought.
Peace and love to all!
12/06/16 (Tue) 22:36:45 No. 87331
They're pretty bad at this then because there has been lot more talk on Joy of Satan on this board.
12/06/16 (Tue) 22:38:27 No. 87332
Thats because they don't have control over /fringe/ why do you think alpam got everyone to come to fringechan.
12/06/16 (Tue) 22:54:00 No. 87334
I will never understand how anyone can be so blind to the Joy of Satan cultist bullshit.
12/06/16 (Tue) 22:55:57 No. 87335
They target neophytes, they find suckers who want a succubus through their discord and tell them to make a blood pact.
it is disgusting.
12/06/16 (Tue) 22:58:39 No. 87337
But blood pacts are bullshit…
12/06/16 (Tue) 23:00:16 No. 87338
everything is mental but even cosmic consciousness has laws you must work with.
12/06/16 (Tue) 23:03:31 No. 87339
Ok. But I still don't see much of this recruitment. Many people are just being banned once they question their leaders.
12/06/16 (Tue) 23:07:42 No. 87340
no there not, they have 6 weeks,six days and six hours to commit, there was only one guy who was kicked and that was because they are retarded and thought his energywork research prototypes are mind control devices.
12/06/16 (Tue) 23:17:34 No. 87342
12/06/16 (Tue) 23:21:02 No. 87343
12/06/16 (Tue) 23:25:31 No. 87344
their retardation? or maybe joy of satan
12/06/16 (Tue) 23:27:19 No. 87345
they are not bad people or stupid, they are stuck in their tunnel world and I assume to a point influenced by their satan through the blood pact.
They are trapped
12/06/16 (Tue) 23:29:06 No. 87346
how can we stop this??
12/06/16 (Tue) 23:33:07 No. 87347
First they must be cut off from power over the uninitiated.
there methods and what they desire must be shown to all
finally they must be defeated in argument completely for all to see
12/06/16 (Tue) 23:37:59 No. 87348
how can you stop newcomers from joining? they dont recruit just from the fringe boards
12/06/16 (Tue) 23:48:25 No. 87349
You can't. You can only put the truth out there and hope people listen. Those who don't will have to learn first hand, unfortunately. But they are allowed to make this mistake by their higher self, so ultimately it must help them learn at some point even if they must suffer now.
12/07/16 (Wed) 00:03:55 No. 87350
it is unfortunate but hopefully they are spared of too much suffering and aren't thrown back to a basic lifeform
12/07/16 (Wed) 03:00:27 No. 87355
12/07/16 (Wed) 06:15:37 No. 87376
get raped you jos cocksucker
tor 12/07/16 (Wed) 17:32:11 No. 87391
I read that tor was initially developed by/for the navy, should I keep using it? Also should I be using any other software in conjunction with/instead of it? Please give your recommendations.
I realise this isn't very /fringe/ related but I just trust this board to give decent advice on this matter over others.
12/07/16 (Wed) 22:04:49 No. 87402
TOR was created by the FBI.
The internet was created by CERN in this timeline too.
12/07/16 (Wed) 22:08:26 No. 87403
>Mossa got kicked out
And he is a legit mercury huffer, read the ORMUS thread on fringechan, he used lye that went through mercury process to make ormus and got severe mercury poisoning, that's when he started completely losing his mind.
Alpalm can't be older than his late teens, I won't believe it. He actually believes the whole Jews of Satan schlock and buys into that whole act.
12/07/16 (Wed) 22:17:17 No. 87404
mossa is a good guy, has nice ego sessions
12/07/16 (Wed) 23:38:30 No. 87406
Snowden leaks revealed that the government knows they can't break Tor, so they're trying to discredit it. Search it up. It is used by the government. It's safe. All exploits have been through javascript or the browser at most, none with the Tor network.
12/08/16 (Thu) 00:06:14 No. 87407
There is a ton of shilling, defacing, slander and "bigotry" going on in this thread about these "JoS" guys; and not one bit of actual discreditation. I am sure the people that deface them being as stupid as they are, they would not know the difference and some self-admitted multiple-personality disorder faggots (>>87355)
even think calling something "retarded" or "crazy" is showing everyone how wrong the ideology is. I'd hate to pick sides but from the previous "Joy of Satan & Experiences" thread, I really got an eye opener on who makes actual sense and who is only capable of flinging shit because they have no actual sense to throw. And some people still take those weirdoes seriously.
Well, I'll do you a favor. List all your actual "claims" and counter-arguments against these guys and I'm sure either I or someone else will actually discredit you faggots in short order. Be orderly, clear, concise and most importantly, coherent and not schizophrenic; or get ignored.
This is a good chance for logical debate to prove your point. So if you shy away from it or try to deface even this, I'm going to claim my victory and "sell" my soul to "Alpam", not even Satan. Go the fuck on ahead.
12/08/16 (Thu) 00:09:36 No. 87408
jos get of my board you cultists
12/08/16 (Thu) 00:10:04 No. 87409
Are there any more books out there like the Science of Breath in Series of Lessons and are there any other resources out there on the subject?
12/08/16 (Thu) 00:11:32 No. 87410
here, don't let people tell you their way is 100% the best or do blood pacts
12/08/16 (Thu) 00:16:29 No. 87411
I think it was clear from my message I'm not really part of either side yet; just that YOUR side is retarded. That being said, what the fuck can I expect but mindless, silly insults and fucktarded egoism (my board) from a bluepilled child with multiple personality disorder? Let me return it.
Go back to your padded cell, schizo.
12/08/16 (Thu) 00:17:54 No. 87412
"don't let people tell you their way is %100 the best"
>pushes books on people that literally shill for Christianity, self-mutilation religions such as Buddhism and other stupid books by shill authors
Good job, idiot. And you did not even address how exactly their initiation rite is a "blood pact" and even if so, how it's "evil". Good. Fucking. Job. Keep making my case for me.
12/08/16 (Thu) 00:29:18 No. 87413
>I'm not apart of either side but your side is retarded
>you have no argument
>makes up stuff to attack my character
>muh evil christianity
>muh destructive Buddhism
>everyone I don't like is a shill even though I've probably never read them
>you didn't explain how it's a blood pact
>that said why are blood pacts evil, huh!
my fucking sides have gone astral, like really do you not have any self reflection on what you've posted.
12/08/16 (Thu) 00:38:27 No. 87414
">makes up stuff to attack my character"
Bitch, YOU admitted to being ALL those posters, and thusly admitted to having spoken to yourself as if you were multiple people.
And yes, I'm not completely swayed to one side yet but you are making an EXCELLENT case for your side's supreme intellectual prowess. Not.
">muh evil christianity
>muh destructive Buddhism "
Yes and yes. The former is objectively true and the latter is LITERALLY about extinguishing your self.
Not everyone I don't like is a shill; but everyone that ties into supremely retarded bullshit and actively preaches it, especially when they pretend not to "preach" anything, IS a shill. Like YOU, shill.
">you didn't explain how it's a blood pact
>that said why are blood pacts evil, huh!"
Yep. I made two points. I first told you to stop being retarded and explain how, if at all, that dedication thing is a blood pact; and secondly, even if it is, explain exactly why and how it is "evil".
>like really do you not have any self reflection on what you've posted.
Seeing as I pointed out exactly what the fuck is wrong with you and to an extent, what is wrong with YOUR PERSON, I have a great amount of reflection. The question is, do YOU?
Your shitty ad hominems and "side" "jokes" do not work on me, fucking mundane. Unlike either side, I have zero need to "save face". I can return your insults twofold with impunity. Sound intelligent (I know you aren't to begin with so I can't say BE intelligent) or get fucked, mundane teenager.
12/08/16 (Thu) 00:55:45 No. 87416
who do you think I am exactly?
>my perspective of esoteric Buddhism is absolutely right, no way I'm wrong
>everyone that has ever referenced or has been influence by what I don't like is a shill.
thanks for being specific
I can't believe I literally have to tell you it's a blood pact
you make a pact with satan, your loyalty for his protection and daemons and it's completed with your blood.
>why is it bad
>what is blood magick
using your blood literally give them power over you, you are advocating this to people who have no idea what they are doing and have no chance of escaping being brainwashed once it's done.
The influence warps you into a nice little "Muh satan is the only way no one else you shill" drone, you lose yourself to being a slave to power and to another entity.
You people are literally cultist, you are Brainwashed and nothing anyone says will ever convince you or papa satan is wrong.
Btw I don't even hate you, I feel sorry for you.
12/08/16 (Thu) 01:08:29 No. 87417
Looks like I'm getting a free ride through college. I'm taking up this opportunity for the purposes of expanding my academic reservoir, the tons of easy college poontang, and the chance to test my skills at this point on crowds of normies.
Only thing is I have this detachment from passion that keeps me from actually giving a shit about anything. The spiritual realm is the only real thing that stimulates me in that sense, but I'm not about to follow up on "Religious Studies" under some fuckwit professor. The search for God is personal. I just have no idea what kind of degree would be best for the path I find myself on. I want to study something that not only supports my wizard lifestyle but also pays the bills. I don't expect to be doing the job life forever, I'm just trying to stay incognito for least resistance possible.
12/08/16 (Thu) 01:21:53 No. 87419
that is but the first stone on the path
12/08/16 (Thu) 02:41:42 No. 87422
>Im asking about major advice on something that can also support my wizard lifestyle
>thinking I dont already have my own books and library to read from
12/08/16 (Thu) 02:43:00 No. 87423
whatever fam, be a psychologist or a shrink.
12/08/16 (Thu) 03:14:45 No. 87427
Ahem, pardon me, unrelated image.
First things first, I'm just a newfig who hasn't read a single book yet but I'm curious.
How does /fringe/ view philosophers such as Plato and Nietzsche? How is their knowledge and view on things? Are some of them somehow connected with other Esoteric knowledge that is accumulated here?
12/08/16 (Thu) 03:23:27 No. 87428
plato was an initiate of ancient mystery schools of greece and his line of thought was influenced their teachings.
Nietzsche produces the ideal overman who magicians can become when they apply themselves to study, practice and self realization.
12/08/16 (Thu) 03:33:20 No. 87429
Okay, I actually meant to ask about any philosopher at all, but I'll work with the information you gave me.
>Nietzsche produces the ideal overman who magicians can become when they apply themselves to study, practice and self realization.
But his work was made for, how do I say this, "Physical" people or "Materialist" people, however you call it. Are your higher states are similar enough that one philosophy for "the earth" also apply to your "magical world"?
Words placed between quotations are being used because hell if I actually know /fringe/.
12/08/16 (Thu) 03:45:27 No. 87430
look basically he boils down to making yourself into the greatest of your power, that can apply to any entity
12/08/16 (Thu) 04:10:33 No. 87435
Well, That's simple enough but more indirect than I hoped it would be.
I won't be posting anymore but I'll still be watching the thread, seeing if anyone has any other comments on Philosophers, not necessarily just the two I mentioned, and other theories(such as Metaphysics, which is related according to the posts here).
12/08/16 (Thu) 04:13:23 No. 87436
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>87435
William S. Burroughs is the most /fringe/ literary figure of all time.
12/08/16 (Thu) 07:31:57 No. 87449
I still don't understand how James Joyce books have anything to do with the occult. I don't think anyone responded in that other thread.
12/08/16 (Thu) 09:36:59 No. 87452
Are they having a hard time talking anon without looking ip or namefig?
12/08/16 (Thu) 12:11:53 No. 87453
we know you're a shill btw, so drop the act
12/08/16 (Thu) 16:32:43 No. 87461
Get a history or law degree with a minor in philosophy or political science.
Become a charismatic politician and gas the kikes.
12/08/16 (Thu) 17:58:53 No. 87464
No, really is that stuck in dogma.
12/08/16 (Thu) 20:07:57 No. 87468
Nothing /fringe/ ever works for me. Should I just give up? Am I just an NPC?
12/08/16 (Thu) 21:47:03 No. 87470
Fellow newfig here. If you have the capability of self-awareness and introspection necessary to seriously ask yourself that question, then you probably aren't. But even if you are, it wouldn't hurt to continue looking into this stuff to prepare you for future life/lives
12/08/16 (Thu) 22:51:23 No. 87473
Nah it takes a while, be patient.
12/09/16 (Fri) 00:48:51 No. 87477
I doubt he's self aware that he's a shill.
JoS is a religion for people too edgy to be Protestants yet wanting a religion identical to Protestant "Christianity" where it really matters. They're both religions that require you not to question the beliefs of the faith, they both require a pact with a demon (baptism/"rebirth" to yaweh yaweh is a demon and the satanist blood pact to satan satan is moloch ), both give you a community of like minded low IQ sheep who believe as you do and make you feel good about your circle jerk.
You can tell the JoS cultists are the kind of people who are just incapable of acquiring information and knowledge and building their own worldview, instead they need a dogmatic faith structure so they can wall themselves in to their beliefs and feel secure, ignorance is strength war is peace.
12/09/16 (Fri) 01:03:00 No. 87478
>Those JoS practices they blog about
Holy shit do they not know how to defend themselves or something
Can anyone bring me a book about JoS, specially "Meditation" and shit? I'm willing to bet 1 dollar that its the basic fringe books like the Kybalion with any important knowledge stripped off.
12/09/16 (Fri) 01:28:44 No. 87479
anon lets just relax, here, I'll post a pdf so you can read it.
it's long but lets judge after we read the material, at least a skim of the techniques at least.
12/09/16 (Fri) 02:49:27 No. 87482
>satan is moloch
Can you sauce this?
12/09/16 (Fri) 02:51:42 No. 87484
If you think it doesn't work, it won't work. If you think it's working, it works. It sounds dumb but the more you read, the more you understand it.
12/09/16 (Fri) 03:00:56 No. 87486
I thought Moloch and Yahweh were just two parts of one larger being entrapping most of humanity?
12/09/16 (Fri) 03:05:03 No. 87487
Guys, I have a question, or a challenge.
So I have like a little gap between my front teeth, and buying/wearing braces isn't an option right now.
So, would it be achievable to get straight teeth in, say 3 months? Without forcing anything too much, like pulling them together with a string or something (which I do sometimes, but not nearly enough).
It's not that big of a deal, but I can turn it into a challenge.
What methods, mind power should I use?
Thanks you.
12/09/16 (Fri) 03:06:46 No. 87488
what source tells you that?
12/09/16 (Fri) 13:35:47 No. 87492
If you go by what Jews ACTUALLY believe and what gnostics believe their god is Samael/Yaltabaoth and jews worship the demiurge, and the jews are basically parasitic nodules of Samael who's bound so he can't directly effect the world.
12/09/16 (Fri) 16:01:42 No. 87498
How can we overcome and become more than all of those things?
12/09/16 (Fri) 16:05:58 No. 87499
The most fundamental aspect to JoS is evocation of various goetic entities and Satan/Enki himself. The issue with this isn't that it works, because it does, but that there isn't a biological explanation as to why it works (yet). The best way I can describe evocation is that a human has the dormant ability to use oneself as a radio transceiver, being able to send out thoughts and receive them. JoS isn't the first group to tap into this ability, I'd wager that just about every religion ever has revolved around following the instructions given by, as modern psychology would say, schizophrenic voices in someone's head.
The biggest problem that I have with this is there isn't a full understanding of just what exactly is happening when one is evoking. I would equate it to an abo, with no understanding of electronics or radio waves, being trained on how to operate a radio and subsequently being trained that certain settings will allow him to reach certain goetic entities and Satan/Enki himself. The only proofs this abo would have of who he's reaching are who he's told they are would be what he's told through the radio, as the abo thinks of radios as unexplainable magic. A clever enough person on the other end could figure out who they "should be" as based on who and what this abo would ask for. Since most here are to evocation as this hypothetical abo is to radios, this makes me skeptical of JoS' claims.
The other problem are the inconsistencies in the evocation process itself, mainly based around an entity's sigils and name to which you can reach them. According to JoS, Satan/Enki and his crew are the most persecuted group since Semitic religions have taken over. These Semitic religions, and the people that run them, have done their best in defacing, removing and destroying the memory of Satan/Enki and the goetic entities around him. Yet, thankfully, the supposedly correct sigils and names of these entities have been preserved, despite the fact that the origins of most sigils are difficult to track, and, more importantly, would be the first thing that would be subverted by anyone who knows anything about evocation, namely those who run these Semitic religions and those who supposedly wanted to completely destroy the entities that JoS worships.
For example, going off of this pdf, "raising", or evoking, Azazel aka Azael aka Samyaza, aka Samyazazel aka Shamgaz aka Shemyaza etc. from "your radio", or whatever human facility that allows for evocation to happen, all one has to do is enter a trance state, firmly implant Azazel's sigil in your thoughts and chant his name. Yet there's a dozen names for Azazel given and more than one sigil. I'm not claiming to be an expert on knowing exactly how evocation works, other than it does yield results, but I would equate having the wrong sigil, or even the wrong name, during evocation to incorrectly dialing in to the wrong frequency on a radio.
Since we're talking about a very important operation of your facilities, or reaching the supposed benefactors of mankind as JoS says, I would want to be as exact and certain as possible in order to not being duped by someone clever LARPing as a benefactor of mankind. The best explanation I got from Alpham was this post, screencapped in case you don't want to go read the thread.
tl;dr being, if the entity is who it says it is, it is who it says it is
If that's good enough for someone, then that's fine, they are allowed to have faith in whatever they want to. What's not good enough for me is that people have been using the same sigils and names of entities, again let alone people evoking the supposedly same entity using different sigils and names, and have been getting different answers from the same questions. Either these entities are purposefully misleading people, or, again going back to the abo on the radio example, people are reaching different entities who try to figure out who this person is trying to reach and do their best to masquerade as what the operator wants them to be. One thing you can do is compare what JoS' goetica says to that of other goeticas. I'm not saying that JoS is wrong and that some other goetica is right, but that people are getting different results using the same "frequency", or sigil and entity name to the point where I think what the operator gets is dependent on what the operator expects. Since there isn't any continuity with these experiences among unconnected people, my only conclusion is that these entities aren't who they say they are, or are who JoS says they are.
Other than that, there's really nothing wrong with the information JoS has from a really makes you think perspective. It's a pretty neat conglomeration of information.
12/09/16 (Fri) 16:35:18 No. 87501
>The issue with this isn't that it works, because it does, but that there isn't a biological explanation as to why it works (yet). The best way I can describe evocation is that a human has the dormant ability to use oneself as a radio transceiver
Stopped reading, into the fedora bin you go.
12/09/16 (Fri) 16:40:24 No. 87502
12/09/16 (Fri) 22:02:00 No. 87506
Its been years since I even remember reading the source I saw it in.
But something along the lines of either Yahweh was just a minor entity annoyed that Moloch was receiving praise outside the Age of Taurus, or all the entities in this cycle of the ages are the same collective entity that's using us for loosh. Pretending to have fights among themselves so we're more inclined to pick a side.
12/09/16 (Fri) 23:34:37 No. 87511
so they are pissed people have degraded and aren't following a astrological plan they don't know about.
unless moloch is encouraging people to follow him I don't see why they are fighting.
any books on this subject that talk about them like this?
12/10/16 (Sat) 05:50:24 No. 87516
12/10/16 (Sat) 13:18:33 No. 87528
12/10/16 (Sat) 15:10:08 No. 87529
I think you're giving us your conjecture. You don't need to bind it in the Zodiac or Jew mythology. You mean to say that all entities outside of normal perception are working together, as part of a deceptive, 'loosh-farming' arrangement.
As it seems to me, there is no such arrangement, because the spirit behind the good and the spirit behind the bad; if imagined as human energies or emotions, can't exist at the same time, and their actions aim at erasing the other. Maybe there is an agreement that certain ages will be characterized by love for Man, and other ages characterized by love for power or something else – but does that constitute an alliance or an armistice?
12/10/16 (Sat) 19:27:47 No. 87533
12/11/16 (Sun) 02:07:54 No. 87542
Found these on /pol/ and feel like they are the best thing I've ever seen since The Universal Master Key. I want more.
12/11/16 (Sun) 02:50:35 No. 87544
Would any formal education help me with learning /fringe/ matters?
chansey !iKJ3nneN3c 12/11/16 (Sun) 08:43:37 No. 87550
I will act as a ward for /fringe/ in smiley's absence.
Please contact me.
12/11/16 (Sun) 15:38:21 No. 87558
No it "doesn't work" because of reasons described in the last chapter of The Arcane Formulas and throughout Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic and Personal Magnetism ; namely the people you're dealing with are shit at mental influence and you've got a strong enough psychic barrier not to be easily entranced.
You would STILL get completely wrecked by an elemental/servitor if you could find someone who can be bothered to expend all the loosh and maybe make a basic fluid condenser to make it strong enough to link into your nervous system and just-fuck-ur-shit-up-matey.
Someone could also remote view you amongst other feats.
12/11/16 (Sun) 15:38:59 No. 87559
>try to do your hilarious crappy rituals
You're thinking of /x/-tier retardation.
12/11/16 (Sun) 19:50:50 No. 87564
I think you forgot to use the Fedora flag matey. Nice trips though
12/11/16 (Sun) 22:12:12 No. 87571
What do you guys think about The Book of Knowledge in fringe library. Is it good way to start learning. I find it easy to read and not so BS as some books seem.
12/11/16 (Sun) 22:40:25 No. 87573
>magic is literally not real you fucking bullshit sissy wizards fucking fight me irl you fucking cucks hahahaha fucking losers LOL
nice post
12/11/16 (Sun) 23:51:30 No. 87578
I'm 27 now. I've had a relatively sheltered life and I feel like I haven't really lived. At the same time I don't want to waste time going down the "wrong path". What do?
12/11/16 (Sun) 23:53:35 No. 87579
>I feel like I haven't really lived
literally me
12/12/16 (Mon) 01:19:06 No. 87586
>At the same time I don't want to waste time going down the "wrong path". What do?
By the sound of it, you're going to avoid the "wrong path" by going through no path.
12/12/16 (Mon) 02:16:36 No. 87588
12/12/16 (Mon) 05:48:38 No. 87592
What the fuck is the kundali anyway? What is it suposed to do exactly? All I know is that it makes you artificially euphoric and might give you brain damage if you have sticks up your ass about anything, but otherwhise…? Surely, someone here has done it…
12/12/16 (Mon) 05:56:34 No. 87593
just do it, anything
tipp 12/12/16 (Mon) 16:13:30 No. 87611
Yes, also how legit is the diagnose?
tipp 12/12/16 (Mon) 16:20:14 No. 87612
>what is Kundalini
You know how half life batteries would make the game boy work but at low light?
If you've raised Kundalini you not just have enough power to properly make the chakras function, to have you alert and awake enough to feel anb think, you have buckets extra.
Raising Kundalini and cycling the energy raises your body voltage, your body heals better, works better.
Kundalini is a powerful energy that "makes you light up" with energy and life, it will empower all aspects of your life, which is why it's important to not raise it until you've sorted psychological trauma or stuck ups cause it might cure these things, it might also make them much worse.
tipp 12/12/16 (Mon) 16:20:54 No. 87613
Future Hermeticist spotted
12/12/16 (Mon) 16:35:33 No. 87616
>What do
Literally anything lad, literally anything.
12/12/16 (Mon) 17:45:57 No. 87620
Give some legit methods to raise it. No guru bullshit.
12/12/16 (Mon) 19:12:43 No. 87623
Guys I need some help.
Would it be possible to create like, an afterlife?? Even unknowingly? Like imagine if you had a bad trip, and you created this virtual hell in your head for hours and parts and memories of the idea remained there.
Could it become real? Like an afterlife, if you believed it?
How could you escape this?
I had this terrible dream, that my thoughts and actions on the social media was creating this hell. And it creeped up my spine, and by God I'd like to get some answers on how to go back to peace and escape the chaotic thoughts.
Help please.
12/12/16 (Mon) 23:45:34 No. 87629
The hell you invented in your hell (sic, 'mind' came out 'hell') is a figment of your mind in this life. Your words as a denizen of the internet (assuming they are bad ones) are the foundations for the hell that others (and perhaps yourself) will find the future to be, if the Computer God and Light/Dark Millennium hypothesis of the future is believable. Raw abstract terror is as real as it lasts though. It may be suppressed, but it can be realized again. Sounds like you may have had a warning from 'yourself'.
12/12/16 (Mon) 23:53:51 No. 87630
I did. What can I do?
Work on my mind, blocking and transforming it into something else?
Or just change the «vehicle» or whatever introduced the fear?
Note, I was under the influence of a mind psychedelic drug when I had this «warning» but still the thought remains.
Could this be my call to turn to God, within? Could this be the answer I got for asking the divine to show me the way and to start my own self transformation? I hope so.
12/13/16 (Tue) 00:06:31 No. 87631
How do I know what entity I'm contacting when I'm evoking?
12/13/16 (Tue) 01:33:07 No. 87634
I'd like to take a simple survey if my fellow anons are willing, don't worry no identifying information.
>what age did you learn to read
>how often do you read and/or how often have you read throughout your life (mainly regarding reading fiction)
I'll give my own
>4-6 books a week
I need this information to see if a theory I have is correct.
12/13/16 (Tue) 04:39:24 No. 87643
>if the Computer God and Light/Dark Millennium hypothesis of the future is believable.
Silicon will not advance past the point of MAYBE being able to fully simulate a worm's brain (which hasn't been done to a degree fine enough to be relevant yet). Biological computing with augmented DNA would basically just be creating new organic beings similar to humans but connected to machines through grafting, so I wouldn't really consider them computers in the sense we use the word as they would be individual beings.
12/13/16 (Tue) 04:43:44 No. 87644
So what are you saying? That our words create beings? lol
12/13/16 (Tue) 08:47:33 No. 87654
Do all that many people actually know how old they were when they learned to read? I certainly don't.
12/13/16 (Tue) 10:24:54 No. 87656
>I did. What can I do?
I think it's more like your final paragraph. Could be it's saying to remedy or distance yourself from that specific guilt before trying to elevate your mind. Or maybe I'm a guiltier shitposter than you and I'm projecting that. hum.
12/13/16 (Tue) 10:33:22 No. 87657
Sounds like something from Existenz- actually it sounds like the computers in Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell.
Maybe people should riot down Sillicon Vallley before it's too late?
12/13/16 (Tue) 16:08:47 No. 87659
Would it be possible to create artificial intelligence, using music and films through the social media, for example?
Or am I way over my head?
12/13/16 (Tue) 17:16:14 No. 87661
What do you mean by artificial intelligence? Silicon machines cannot even simulate the brain of a worm, in ten thousand years they will not be able to simulate on the quantum level the brain of a worm.
If by AI you mean a golem that can recite certain things from a large directory of knowledge sure you can create a chatbot.
12/13/16 (Tue) 17:29:28 No. 87662
Not sure what you mean. You can't just invent an AI as a user on social media. You might be able to influence one if one was already set-up on there– like how sockpuppets and bots mimic people, which actually indicates the existence of something approximating AI. If (the often fake) tech news is to be believed, you could post something on social media which is then noticed by a bot trawling profile pages, which then causes a sockpuppet to be created that steals your picture or something you've said and uses it as its own; that happens on here. I've gotten contextual comments by bots on youtube pretending to be people and inviting me to join shit like bandhub dot com, just because I posted a video of a song.
Social media is like The Matrix and the squiddies outnumber the sleeping cocooned folks plugged in it. We're all kind of over our heads now.
12/13/16 (Tue) 17:46:21 No. 87666
12/13/16 (Tue) 18:40:48 No. 87668
How does brushing my teeth with flouride toothpaste hinder me? Should I completely stop doing it, or only use it selectively.
What should I do to make the most of my experience during lucid dreams when I realize that I'm dreaming?
12/13/16 (Tue) 19:14:29 No. 87669
Satan confirmed for hating Jews of Satan.
12/13/16 (Tue) 21:32:55 No. 87673
12/13/16 (Tue) 21:41:38 No. 87674
How would I destroy it? What if everyone is doing this unwillingly by sharing continuous amounts of information on their media stuff?
12/13/16 (Tue) 23:50:30 No. 87678
You'd have to find and destroy the Internet itself. Word on /g/ a while back was that there's a mainframe hosted in Toyko Tower, guarded by Yakuza types using Uzi smgs. I researched it and a Youtube source has it that the European substation is the Eiffel tower which is held by ex-GIGN forces with Galils, while in West Coat USA it's at the Seattle Space Needle guarded by a gang banger posse led by Tyrell Kafka, who also has hacker mercs paid in SOL (speed-of-light) broadband and the adderall to use it; so kiss your GPS bye-bye, and the bangers are packing deagles. You'd need to destroy all of the towers using explosives. Destroy one and you only buy a timeout for that continent.
Honestly I'd rather hit the Yakuza because Europe is a no gun zone for plebs and GIGN have good body armour, while Kafka's Needle is a fucking junkie hotspot and an attack on their supply isn't gonna get received nicely by the locals, plus the hackers can make your 21st Century tech edge disappear (assuming you aren't a neo-ludd). They probably kept the defense light in Toyko because it's a CCTV-ised island country with an obedient race and any foreigners stick out to the point of being noticed everywhere they go, with nowhere to run.
BTW posting that question is bound to attract attention from the 'Sad. You may want to leave your router off overnight to get a new IP addy and if you live outside of WC, SEA, and Europe then you're shit out of luck infowise, kohai. Gannbatte anyway.
12/14/16 (Wed) 00:24:19 No. 87682
Pepe=penis another plaoy by these people you mentioned to censor internet, groups and partnership.
kek=dumb korean replacement of the word lol , around the same time as pepe.
facebook=you in their war up close and in your FACE the way it should be/ to restrict your personal freedom, same with myspace the list goes on.
Meme= again me+me this ties in with the greentext stories wasting our time with egocentric balony.
all of this is being uncovered NOW while distracting millions of americans with PIZZA and COMETS, sounds like another grab at our chances of coming together on the internet.
12/14/16 (Wed) 00:42:11 No. 87684
Lol the irony. I don't know about all that, I just had a bad vibe about sharing certain songs and stuff, that all our mental bullshit could be creating unwanted stuff.
12/14/16 (Wed) 01:07:42 No. 87687
>Meme= again me+me this ties in with the greentext stories wasting our time with egocentric balony.
Lmao this level of retardation is above and beyond anything I have seen on the internet since its inception.
Congrats anon you made the most retarded post I've ever seen.
12/14/16 (Wed) 04:55:57 No. 87692
>You'd have to find and destroy the Internet itself
That's not actually possible. At best we can destroy the cables they use to transmit the data(Apologies for forgetting the name), but otherwise your quest is SoL.
t. -/tech/
12/14/16 (Wed) 15:05:59 No. 87707
When you quarry at the mountain, the rocks don't stay the mountain. Same applies to the internet; if you can break it into pieces e.g. sever enough hubpoints that the www stops working, like if google went down completely, it starts crumbling down, until it becomes more like a LAN.
But I'm thinking that the goverment could cause an internet blackout if they wanted, so what if they did and then their central computer went down forever. Or you might completely cut the electricity throughout the world.
There's always options.
12/14/16 (Wed) 17:47:47 No. 87715
Actually you could destroy the internet.
First you'd have to kill at least 6.5 billion people to curb the manufacturing base. Then you'd have to completely disable all factories and major roads across the world, cut oil pipelines, cut off all sources of oil and gas, then you hit the coal refineries (you already blew up the nuclear plants when you killed the SIX BILLION OY VEY WHAT A SHOAH). After that you just activate the large scale EMP satellites hovering above each continent and send the world into complete darkness.
12/14/16 (Wed) 17:59:03 No. 87716
When doing magic, is it better to think a lot about the desired outcome or to be "distracted" for the most part?
12/14/16 (Wed) 19:51:11 No. 87719
I cannot actually watch my thoughts the moment they emerge. I cannot be simultaneously aware of a thought and have a thought. I always become aware of them only right after they emerge.
It's like, if I start watching my thoughts right now, there is complete emptiness in my head. No thoughts. But in 2 to 20 minutes, I zone out, and when that happens some thought appears. I quickly realize that a thought emerged, and I'm back to emptiness… but I actually missed the moment the thought emerged.
In fact, I HAVE to miss the moment/zone out in order to have a thought at all.
In this regard thoughts, daydreams and dreams are very similar things. I only can have them if I stop being aware.
How do I become aware of point of emergence of a thought?
12/14/16 (Wed) 21:46:05 No. 87734
You don't create thoughts.
Your thoughts can be influenced by the application of Will upon the thought matrices some call a soul but thought is merely the result of waves of energy reaching your astral body and being converted down until they flow through your thought matrices and the complete "thoughts" are processed through the spinal fluid and transmitted to the brain.
12/14/16 (Wed) 23:22:12 No. 87740
By matrices you mean the survival processor and the territorial processors? The circuits of the ego that generate thought after processing data?
I know I don't create thoughts. Thoughts simply emerge from multidimensional casual streams.
Awareness of this emergence has very positive effects of my awareness and well-being. It's a bit like my sight improving. However, I notice I'm probably NOT QUITE aware of the thoughts - I'm actually only aware of the memories of thoughts a second after they emerge. During a millisecond a thought emerges, I'm possessed by it, and therefore not aware.
I hold the image of surface of water in my mind and I'm waiting for anything to emerge. I can wait for some time in emptiness. Then I suddenly catch myself having a thought and I realize I missed the point of emergence.
And then there is this weird, abstract type of meta-thought which is tricky because it appears these thoughts use awareness as a vehicle to emerge. I mean, I "think" things by holding them in awareness.
Ehh, I wish there was a teacher who wrote about architecture of thoughts using very precise, mathematical language. Everywhere I turn, 99% are boring ego-generated buzzwords
12/15/16 (Thu) 00:02:08 No. 87742
Semen retention/no fap? Yay or nay? Not about using the energy etc. of an orgasm. Any benefits? I read about that taoist guy a long time ago, but it seemed kinda dubious.
12/15/16 (Thu) 00:56:36 No. 87746
Do this simple test:
Get an erection. If you penis does not maintain a completely erect and straight or slight curved form in a vertical line with the tip coming horizontal (or close enough if you hive a micropenis) to the belly button and if it has ANY softness or lack of rigidity outside of the first 1cm you have erectile dysfunction. A healthy erect penis is more firm than your nose cartilage and has less give to it, frequent masturbation causes erectile dysfunction in most healthy adult males.
12/15/16 (Thu) 02:54:05 No. 87754
can we please exterminate the bullshit occultists???????
12/15/16 (Thu) 08:18:20 No. 87769
I do not have that problem, really. I masturbate maybe twice a month, can go way longer, but eventually I get frustrated with all the nocturnal emissions and the balls hurting and I just jerk off staring at the wall or whatever. But I honestly felt little difference when I did not jerk off for 6 months than when I do 2-3 times a month. Maybe the added confidence from abstaining, but that's it really.
The taoist guy, I remembered his name - Mantak Chia. And he had these ideas how semen gets "transformed" into vital things, but it seems bullshit.
12/15/16 (Thu) 08:26:02 No. 87770
Is there any kind of statistical astrology resource that shows the most common aspects, which planet is most common in which house/sign or anything of this sort? I'm sure it's very unlikely but I thought I'd ask.
12/15/16 (Thu) 09:11:43 No. 87772
I can make it hard like wood with kegels. Does it count? If I dont contract kegels once in a 30 sec, it goes softer.
12/15/16 (Thu) 11:18:50 No. 87779
What are the best ways of training one's willpower?
12/15/16 (Thu) 16:18:34 No. 87787
No fap. If you can't do no fap, get up an hour earlier than usual, every day and always get out of bed as soon as you wake up, always always. If it's a struggle getting up, take a cold shower for 60 seconds when you do get up. Running long-distance requires a little willpower if you arent used to it, so you might try that once in a while.
I suppose following a planned routine is an exercise of willpower, so literally just making a cooked breakfast and lunch everyday, or doing chores to a weekly plan, is an exertion of willpower; there's no need to be strenous about it.
Close your eyes and just Log Off when Porn finds you.
12/15/16 (Thu) 16:22:37 No. 87788
Actually if it's a struggle getting up, you need to find a reason to get up, maybe something like only allowing yourself internet usage in the hour of when you wake.
12/15/16 (Thu) 17:20:53 No. 87791
I am doing no fap though, I've been clean for about 5 weeks now. Anything else or just keep doing that?
12/15/16 (Thu) 18:06:57 No. 87794
You have mild ED.
What's your BMI? Losing weight might help. Bodyfat above 10% makes it harder to get a firm erection unless you have a yuge metabolism and are a solid hulk of muscle mass.
You could meditate or stretch each day without fail for 30 or more minutes.
12/15/16 (Thu) 23:08:13 No. 87801
Where can I find the best comprehensive list of the colours and their strengths/weaknesses, in what situations they are best used, and anything else of significance each one possesses? I've seen many of these breakdowns before that tend to contradict with each other, so please tell me why the particular system your list is based upon is the accurate one. Thank you in advance and Merry Christmas.
12/15/16 (Thu) 23:12:18 No. 87802
Interesting. I did nofap 3 months, that's my longest (off the wagon now though buckaroos) and I felt a head taller than everyone else at that point, but I was aimless and wound up frustrated, angry and lusty; those passions diminished my rational self-control. I had better life quality in my streak that was half as long.
So no, it's not enough to bank on nofap or nofuck to give you the complete pac- the complete deal – nofap is feeding you energy or 'willpower' (and most people are spending theirs), but you need a will to use it to your advantage. Have you any experience with Stoicism? Stripping away from a text like the Meditations is a good way to temper the Will against the frustation you'll inevitably come up against, even that which comes just from doing nofap (if you allow the advice to heart). If it resonates with you, you'll have an imperturbable Will while nofap is making you energetic, and frankly everyone else might start to sink in comparison, but your Stoicism will keep you in balance with reality. Those who accomplish this should consequently acquire desire; aka will, for a wholesome life, being in nature and trying to make an honest buck. Meanwhile every misled COD-player, 'sheeple', fapper or fornicator, being deficient or lacking in this desire, are putting themselves into a coma by the brainrot of TV and sexual license.
By all means keep at it, those are good gains. I wish I hadn't succumbed my 90-day streak, haven't been able to get back since.
12/16/16 (Fri) 00:10:06 No. 87808
Not much seems to be happening in my base energy center/root chakra/thing. I'm stimulating it based on Robert Bruce's Mastering Astral Projection (I did day 28 yesterday), which says it's located around the perineum (between the balls and the asshole). I get obvious feelings in all the other ones, but I only get some very faint feelings in the base center and I lose them sort of quickly. This is the only book I've read about any of this in detail. I know it's meant to be at the base of the spine, though. I'm just wondering, has anyone else that's written about this kind of thing said anything different about where it's located, or has anyone here gotten it to work differently to this book (which mostly says to create brushing, stirring and tearing feelings with your awareness in the right place)? I just have a feeling I'm focusing my awareness in the wrong place. Otherwise, I guess I'll just spend more time on it.
12/16/16 (Fri) 01:00:11 No. 87810
At risk of starting another JOS shitstorm, here you go.
>I've seen many of these breakdowns before that tend to contradict with each other, so please tell me why the particular system your list is based upon is the accurate one.
You'd have to work with the colors to know if they're legit or not, don't be an armchair occultists and instead play with the colors to validate their legitimacy.
12/16/16 (Fri) 03:41:05 No. 87821
Moonman confirmed for turned into an egregore / deified.
He has manifested to us.
Ebola Chan, Kek, Winterchan, now Moonman…
12/16/16 (Fri) 04:15:56 No. 87823
I am fairly sure it is in a different place on men and women. On men it should be halfway between the base of your balls and Lower Dan-Tien in a circle that forms a cone/cord by connecting to the base of the spine.
Yeah I had a piece of toast with Yeshua's face on it once.
12/16/16 (Fri) 14:19:07 No. 87831
Can wearing maks/costumes of certain Archtype trigger the characteristics or skills or said archtype?
Lile shamans do, i'ts well documented the ritual porpuse they masks can serve.
12/16/16 (Fri) 16:41:07 No. 87833
Sounds like you'd make for a dynamic pairing. The "chaos" that you experience is likely due to outside interference, though some aspects like "people dying" and so forth could be the results of the intermingling of your energies together, which others in the surroundings may not be suited to being around. Not necessarily a bad thing, that last part. Whether a more "stable" kind of relationship is in the cards, I don't particularly expect, but given how reactive your interactions together seem to be it would be worth pursuing further.
12/17/16 (Sat) 01:24:49 No. 87838
getting aroused by fractals is normal, right?
12/17/16 (Sat) 01:53:33 No. 87839
getting aroused by shitposting is normal
12/17/16 (Sat) 05:52:59 No. 87849
12/17/16 (Sat) 10:53:37 No. 87853
Greenpill me on Reiki. What is it, how does it work, is it worth looking into, is it benign or malevolent, can you de-attune someone, should you de-attune them? Any other info would be appreciated
12/17/16 (Sat) 14:01:43 No. 87860
12/17/16 (Sat) 14:29:31 No. 87862
been told it is bad from many sources, mainly because you'll get forced into astral slavery as payment
12/17/16 (Sat) 14:44:32 No. 87863
Could you elaborate on this? Also, what can be done for someone who is already attuned like me ?
12/17/16 (Sat) 16:41:39 No. 87867
Well great. I've got a song stuck in my head and I can't meditate.
I really don't want to be stuck with a song in my head for one hour trying to exorcise it, any help with this one?
12/17/16 (Sat) 18:20:57 No. 87870
What are the motives for groups such as CCRU/MDE/NINERS?
12/17/16 (Sat) 18:53:47 No. 87874
They stick an astral parasite into your astral body to "attune" you. It uses your loosh to preform minor abilities the lowest neophyte could do with minimal work in exchange for sucking your life energy from you and consuming your soul (memories, personality, you know the thoughtforms that create what you call you) when you die.
Reiki is a faustian pact. Enjoy being consumed at death! Because I don't even know if it's possible for you to remove it yourself once it's in, though someone else may be able to remove it for you. Find an adept at least and get him to make it fuck off I guess, that's the only thing that can help you.
They make the people who created the group and the people who join feel speeshul because their mummies didn't give them enough attention when they were young.
12/17/16 (Sat) 20:44:15 No. 87876
12/17/16 (Sat) 21:56:32 No. 87880
Well if that's true, then you've successfully scared me anon, kudos. I don't suppose you know how to find someone who can exorcise me? Also, do you have any further evidence?
12/17/16 (Sat) 22:59:30 No. 87881
A big fat fucking meme
12/17/16 (Sat) 23:41:04 No. 87884
But then again, what entity isn't a huge meme?
12/18/16 (Sun) 00:43:41 No. 87886
12/18/16 (Sun) 03:02:06 No. 87889
Pyramid scheme created by loosh farming entities. They stick a parasite up your ass (metaphorically speaking) and it sucks your root chakra dry in exchange for making you think you have some trivial abilites (the loosh leech they stick in you is actually preforming all of the feats and tricking you into thinking it's you that does it). Reiki practitioners are basically spiritual vampires but unaware of it. They often "calm" people using their crystal hoodoo sticks but are really just sucking their loosh out to drain them of all emotion and give them the same "calm" that opiates give.
But the highest echelons of Reiki are completely aware of all this and don't even have a parasite in them, because the entities they serve use them as direct hosts and turn the original body into a husk consuming the original astral body that dwelt within and making it their own body.
12/18/16 (Sun) 04:53:01 No. 87892
what's real magic?? teach pls
12/18/16 (Sun) 12:08:56 No. 87905
step up fim.
12/18/16 (Sun) 12:09:50 No. 87906
How can I get the Reiki parasite out of me?
12/18/16 (Sun) 13:27:30 No. 87907
I've felt huskified for a while but I've never had Reiki done to me to my knowledge. I saw a college brochure offering Reiki courses last year, which I read, but now to think about it the 'me' I used to know wouldn't have wasted one second on that. I seem to have all the symptoms of astral paratism; my libido is low and on a 0-10 scale I only feel a 1 in attraction for anyone. I often feel like I'm escaping my own mind and I'm not sure it's me in control anymore, especially when using the internet. Could Reiki have been used against me without my knowing it? Or an astral Reiki being have transmitted itself to me memetically through my reading of the brochure?
Also >>87906
12/18/16 (Sun) 16:04:10 No. 87908
What he described only affects those who are attuned, if you're not attuned then it's not Reiki that's bringing you down. Still need an answer to >>87906
12/18/16 (Sun) 16:32:26 No. 87910
IIH with Rawn Clarke Companion version II
>minor levitation
>creating complex thoughtforms for various purposes
>creating solid and liquid fluid condensers
>walking on water
To the second guy it's not a reiki parasite just some random loosh parasite that you attracted. I'll respond to you both since the process is mostly the same.
You could simply burn the parasite out purely through Will (safe), you could go into trance meditation for long enough time that it decides to fuck off, but that could take anywhere from an hour of meditating to 100, no way to know until you do it. You could also get someone else to get it out of you but you'd have to trust them.
Foolproof things that will at least make it better are you could wear silk, but it has to be 100% and threaded with silk, a silk circlet on the head would also work. The (etherically) insulating properties of silk combined with a daily energy work regimen could be enough to get rid of an astral parasite. Of course there are a number of other materials that work similarly to silk but in different ways, some types of woods, metals, and nuts/seeds etc.
If all else fails you can just find a god to worship like Jeebus and fervently pray, that sometimes works but it might just make you crazy.
Really you can think of astral parasites like malware. They infect you and use your processing power, either as a one-off deal and use it for their own means, or they're part of a greater botnet of parasites that are part of a greater entity. I'm fairly sure that Reiki attunement parasites are nodules of a greater entity or group of entities though like all things that are real and not just disinfo created by government agencies the information on who Reiki practitioners actually serve is quite dubious and sparse.
12/18/16 (Sun) 17:30:02 No. 87915
There's no such thing as astral parasites.
12/18/16 (Sun) 17:36:05 No. 87916
If anyone here would like to weigh in on and try to counter or throw in their support for Ernst Mach's extreme form of Phenomenalism I'd like to see that.
12/18/16 (Sun) 18:13:39 No. 87921
How would you propose somebody frees themselves from Reiki then?
12/18/16 (Sun) 18:50:33 No. 87928
Reiki is a shallow pit of about knee height, and anyone who wants to escape it can just stand up.
12/18/16 (Sun) 19:27:46 No. 87934
This tbh is the greatest plague upon me and I have taken to concentrating very intensely to try and avoid exposure to music in stores n' shit.
Only waiting it out until it naturally undergoes the process of dissolution or else fighting it with a battle of wills seems to work for me.
I would think so, yes.
12/19/16 (Mon) 01:35:34 No. 87959
Today I have been led by synchronicity to:
and it answers our question.
12/19/16 (Mon) 01:46:04 No. 87960
This Master Mind book reminds me so much of The Stellar Man and also of Initiation Into Hermetics.
12/19/16 (Mon) 01:46:29 No. 87961
tipp 12/19/16 (Mon) 01:49:03 No. 87962
Can't open link. Does it explain how or should I type out my method?
12/19/16 (Mon) 02:10:28 No. 87964
tl;dr of what I've read so far is RAJA YOGA.
but I'm on page 31 of 372 so far.
12/19/16 (Mon) 05:13:28 No. 87967
Ok motherfuckers, this is my first time on /fringe/ and I'm new to this.
I want to do a SIGIL, how may I start?
>pic unrelated
12/19/16 (Mon) 05:27:47 No. 87970
You're new to fringe so let me explain.
>everything is mind
>you are not real
>everything is real
>reality is objective
>self is an illusion
>we wuz gods an shit an we will be godz again
12/19/16 (Mon) 07:39:57 No. 87971
Write out a statement that you want to happen as if it's already happened (e.g. "I get plowed by nigger dick all the time"). Don't use words like don't or aren't to say that something won't happen (e.g. "I don't have AIDS"), because then it will happen (instead you'd say "my asshole is cleaner than the average nun's"). Make sure you actually genuinely want what you're doing to happen the way you've written it. Get rid of all the vowels and repeated letters, and forget the statement. Use the remaining letters to create some kind of weird symbol, and then keep messing with the symbol and getting rid of minor details until it's completely unique and you think it looks cool. Then, you need to feel intense emotion while looking at it. One way to do that is to stare at it and masturbate (for reals). Then you get rid of the sigil and forget about it, and the entire material world around you completely turns to shit because you used occult techniques you know nothing about and angered the dark lord Moloch by not giving Him a proper sacrificial offering.
Alternatively, read The Kybalion and dig through the library in the banner and the recommended reading list. There are a couple books about sigils in there, but I'd recommend going through the recommended reading list instead. Do whatever you want, though.
12/19/16 (Mon) 13:04:11 No. 87975
The meme magic is spreading but the knowledge of how it works isn't, as usual.
Someone linked me to this, a Philosopher commenting on Pepe again.
12/19/16 (Mon) 13:44:38 No. 87976
>(instead you'd say "my asshole is cleaner than the average nun's")
Laughed my ass off. Thank you for the amazing post.
tipp 12/19/16 (Mon) 14:17:05 No. 87978
>feel out thought
>see what thoughts it connects to
>single out the essence of the thought, imagined like a swirling silver thread, put in sphere of light, burn, let dissolve, feel the emptyness
Making good use of practice, got a job, got a new gf, got girls flirting with me.
I'd like to say it's the magic but it's probably part me being beautiful. Ofc that's due to wizardry.
tipp 12/19/16 (Mon) 15:32:12 No. 87986
Hunter x hunter describes the technique well enough.
All anime and manga are thinly veiled greenpilled.
Nation of wizards. If only they didn't spend their loosh on, now, superpowered semendemons.
12/19/16 (Mon) 18:28:31 No. 87991
>All anime and manga are thinly veiled greenpilled.
They live right next door to CHYNA and have a huge amount of chyna's culture embedded in their own, and they also have their own shit like zen and shinto. So they have pretty much all oriental esotericism in cultural consciousness except hinduism. That's why jews hate them, can't have FILTHY GOYIM not being material nihilists.
12/20/16 (Tue) 03:40:51 No. 88001
>, got a new gf, got girls flirting with me.
Damn nice son. How'd you go about doing that?
12/20/16 (Tue) 07:12:57 No. 88002
Complete newfig but is there a section of "magic" that is devoted entirely to math?
Like magic through math I guess?
I'm just curious
12/20/16 (Tue) 08:06:13 No. 88004
Ive personally never delved into it but I think I sacred geometry may be what you're looking for. I don't even know how that shit works or what can be accomplished with it so I hope someone else can give you a better answer. Just thought I'd make you aware it exists.
12/20/16 (Tue) 11:08:44 No. 88009
Anyone doing anything special for the Winter Solstice?
tipp 12/20/16 (Tue) 11:14:32 No. 88010
tipp 12/20/16 (Tue) 11:14:58 No. 88011
tipp 12/20/16 (Tue) 11:29:32 No. 88012
It's about the eyes. Every thought you have can be seen clearly in your eyes, one might not consciously know what every muscle twitch in the eyes represent but you subconsciously know for sure.
Align positively, want nothing but health and joy for everyone (you may ignore the impulses to do good, it's about the attitude/alignment.)
Also this little trick where I look into someone's eyes and connect to their soul.
Want to try to learn it? Meditate on different emotions while focusing on eyes, throat and third eye chakras.
Learn what muscles represent what, hardwire attitude by tensing these different muscles.
12/20/16 (Tue) 12:37:21 No. 88013
Can I use a sigil to fuck a girl that I like?
12/20/16 (Tue) 12:47:51 No. 88014
yeah but theres going to be massive resistance.
12/20/16 (Tue) 15:48:13 No. 88020
But if you're ugly or autistic you'll have cause and effect. So while you may fuck her she may decide she felt raped and you'll go to fuck-your-ass prison for a decade and not be able to live near a school or park again. Or she may decide to gut you with a kitchen knife when you turn your back. She might also push you out a window or push you into incoming traffic. She could even ask a pack of feral niggers to anally rape you to death.
Good luck, cuck!
12/20/16 (Tue) 17:56:47 No. 88026
>All anime and manga are thinly veiled greenpilled.
Do people actually believe this? It's one of the biggest cancers killing Japan, turning their young population into NEETs, otaku and fujoshits and keeping them there. They're becoming the 'beautiful people' to get away from their salaryman/OL working culture, which granted is another cancer killing their country.
tipp 12/20/16 (Tue) 18:10:32 No. 88027
Post scriptum I'm not entirely sure how I learned how to connect so well with others by simply looking them in the eyes..
You know how when you look someone in the eye, it's always two eyes to one eye? That's wrong. You should look him or her in both eyes with both yours, this connects your third eyes.
I think it's also something.. when looking someone in the eyes this way I impose my energetic body onto theirs and empower their chakras, I do this because I hate half hearted communication.
If I find someone interesting enough to talk to I give them my all and expect the same from them, which I get. People who never in their life have have looked someone in the eyeS do it automatically when I do it to them, coupled with blinking a few times like a fog has been removed from their vision and an expression like they can see for the first time in their life.
It's not easy to learn. To look someone in the eyes, your left his left (your perspective) your right his right you need to use all three of your eyes.
Aquired this kinda recently and haven't really thought about it that much.
12/20/16 (Tue) 19:25:29 No. 88032
I don't understand both of you
Can I fuck with a classmate (she already have a "Chad-like" boyfriend) nomatter how beta I am or not?
tipp 12/20/16 (Tue) 19:30:20 No. 88034
Yes and no. Not feasible. You'll need to put in a lot of energy, more so than just going to a gym and getting gud.
Hit the gym faggot.
12/20/16 (Tue) 19:34:48 No. 88035
Nigga what?
Tonight is the Christmas dinner from my college class…
I want to fuck her this night; but I am beta as fuck.
12/20/16 (Tue) 19:47:35 No. 88037
You can be a fucking mundane somewhere else, but since you cant get laid, try x-box or doritos, i don´t know.
12/20/16 (Tue) 23:07:00 No. 88045
If you try to magic yourself sex/anything like that from a specific person, you're working against their will. It's pretty likely to go horribly wrong, or not even work, because you're working against every other force in their life just for a cock sneeze. A better idea would be to realize that the reason you want this one specific girl is because you actually know who she is, realize that there are countless women you'd want the same thing to happen with that you haven't even met, and magic yourself some new people into your life that want the same things as you. That way, you're not trying to counteract someone's will. You'll attract people into your life that want the same thing as you (sex).
12/20/16 (Tue) 23:25:17 No. 88046
Better realization is the fact you can literally ask god for the very best women to come into your life, the one absolutely perfect for you, that will lead to the best life, and to not desire then any other woman but this best one which god will deliver to you
12/21/16 (Wed) 00:21:06 No. 88050
"why the fuck does this dude have a lazy eye only when he looks at me"
this pretty much. willing a specific woman is gonna lead to disaster, will that you will attract women who want you. it hurts, i know, but you can't win them all.
12/21/16 (Wed) 03:47:16 No. 88051
But.. I want to fuck that girl, no one else at the time…
Here are the things: lasts time at a party she was drunk and starting seducing me (she was fought with her Chad) but another girl (her best friend) cut off the party.
So fuck you all, My will is to finish what should have happened that night.
Belief is a tool, or not?
12/21/16 (Wed) 03:48:36 No. 88052
Rape her faggot, that's what a real bullshit sissy wizard would do, ask Smiley.
12/21/16 (Wed) 04:01:44 No. 88054
if i had a way to magickally get certain girls to lust for me, you think i'd still be here? visualize an aura of lust/seduction/love around yourself, put a chain/tube between your and her heart and root chakras, and push thoughts into her mind. that's what i do. it doesn't work, but fuck it, do it anyway. didn't get those methods from anywhere, just made them up because i'm not an armchair occultist. post results too. you better be attractive mundane wise too or you're fucked.
belief is a tool but you can't use raw belief/will/thought for everything until you are completely connected to the universe and at that point you aren't gonna care that much about fucking this girl
rape is a strong manifestation of will. do it faggot.
12/21/16 (Wed) 04:24:49 No. 88055
You're a slave to your hormones and you're going to remain desperate for dumb shit like this until you learn that it's dumb. But you don't know it's dumb, because you're too deeply rooted in your current life and your emotions. You're going to die one day, and everything you've ever struggled for will be completely meaningless. In fact, you're not going to be able to magic yourself some sex with this one girl, because it's a lot more complex than you realize, and you're eventually going to be stuck obsessing over another girl. Maybe then you'll realize how dumb this is.
12/21/16 (Wed) 05:38:25 No. 88056
once I had this sudden ripple feel on my forehead like i something made an impact and pushed into my head but not in the physical sense, it made my ability to feel set on level with the ground off and everything was lighter like when I clear mind meditate for a great period of time.
I perceived the experience was a light blue in nature.
Anyone know what it was, any help would be appreciated?
tipp 12/21/16 (Wed) 11:43:35 No. 88058
I wouldn't worry about it.
Unless you were at an abandoned hospital or a graveyard.
Was this in relation to drugs or meditation?
Next time include this or you won't get an answer.
12/21/16 (Wed) 12:57:17 No. 88059
I was at Menard buying stuff when it happened, I wasn't on anything nor was I meditating recently
tipp 12/21/16 (Wed) 16:52:50 No. 88060
12/21/16 (Wed) 17:45:32 No. 88061
What book would you recommend for learning how to go astral?
Is Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience by Robert Bruce any good?
tipp 12/21/16 (Wed) 18:31:21 No. 88062
12/21/16 (Wed) 19:09:51 No. 88068
12/21/16 (Wed) 23:00:32 No. 88076
I'm 34 days into MAP and there hasn't been much about the actual process of astral projection yet (it starts either week 5 or 6), but I'm pretty sure this book is meant to help you do it regularly as opposed to reading a bit about it online and haphazardly being able to do it once every couple of months. There's a lot about energy work, clearing your mind, energy centers/chakras and trance states in the first few weeks. If you're interested in those things as well, and you can commit yourself to 30-50 minutes every day for at least 50 or so days (there are actually 91 total. 50 is a guess as to when you'd have your first projection), I'd recommend it. If you just want to project a couple times to prove that it's real, Astral Dynamics might be a better idea, or any shorter books or articles out there that explain how to keep your mind awake while your body goes to sleep. Nothing like that worked for me, which is why I'm doing MAP.
12/22/16 (Thu) 06:25:40 No. 88095
too me less than 5 days to have regular involuntary projections
12/22/16 (Thu) 07:48:35 No. 88098
Lucky you. Not everyone has that kind of natural ability, which is why I answered the anon's question.
12/22/16 (Thu) 16:57:54 No. 88101
Do what I say shall be the whole of the Law. Hate is the law.
12/22/16 (Thu) 17:38:25 No. 88103
KKKolonel Sanders, bashing in nigger skulls since 1488. Moonman's back baby, he's back to stay.
12/23/16 (Fri) 01:58:55 No. 88129
I have some questions:
Can your soul be stolen without any pact?
Is there such thing an actual soul or «selling soul»? Or is it all mental?
Also if I devote myself and identify myself too much to works that arent my own, can it give birth to a consciousness that isn't mine, but is infesting my thoughts?
Thanks, and how to escape all the negative, or embrace the uncertain?
12/23/16 (Fri) 04:40:16 No. 88139
can spiritual cleansing have physical side effects, like having shits that smell like graveyards or tonsils pushing alot of tonsil stones
12/23/16 (Fri) 05:06:26 No. 88140
Wtf you mean «smells like graveyards»? lmfao
12/23/16 (Fri) 05:41:44 No. 88141
meant it smells really really bad, almost like rotting meat.
I used the term so to be less unpleasant
12/23/16 (Fri) 09:30:45 No. 88147
Just sharing some info here. Redpill on Trump.
12/23/16 (Fri) 09:39:19 No. 88148
Does anyone have some good sources/reading on Sacred Geometry?
I would like that please :3
tipp 12/23/16 (Fri) 10:55:05 No. 88149
Zero is nothing and everything therefore it's equal to one which is a whole undivided, the whole undivided is the results of male and female merged therefore one is equal two and the two are nothing but spirit therefore the two are equal to three to make one trinity.
0 0 0 0 0 0
tipp 12/23/16 (Fri) 10:57:03 No. 88150
Are nothing but//
Are nothing without* is not one without*
tipp 12/23/16 (Fri) 10:59:48 No. 88151
Yes, negative stuff leaving the body. Sweating. Puking. Pooping. Crying.
tipp 12/23/16 (Fri) 11:01:52 No. 88152
There are none. Get really messed up and stare at circles. Sacred geometry only tells you what you are ready for. It's a quick hax for illuminating wisdom and knowledge if you can access it.
12/23/16 (Fri) 12:21:04 No. 88154
I don't necessarily know what I'm talking about, but at least based on the principle of correspondence (as above, so below), it would make sense. Ejecting rancid smelling turds from your physical body could be a physical manifestation of the negative energy leaving.
12/23/16 (Fri) 16:06:34 No. 88159
How do I time travel within my own life time?
I want to be a child again with my current mindsent and memories to avoid a whole lot of bad decisions.
Does it have to be trough meditation, astral proyect?
I doubt it's with technology.
12/23/16 (Fri) 18:31:00 No. 88163
You can do it right now, you just choose to move into a timeline where you continuously grow older. Master the mind, master space and time, as these are just constructs of the mind. Your brain acts like an interdimensional radio with each static realm as a frequency to pick up on, and as a single frame in a film reel. Pick and match em up at your pleasure, if you can figure out the system that is. Im only figuring out basic things right now, like hopping to timelines where peoples plans have changed to accommodate mine.
12/23/16 (Fri) 19:49:39 No. 88174
Have you managed to become the POTUS trough timeline hopping yet?
12/24/16 (Sat) 00:10:38 No. 88184
This is literally my goal. It's so damned lofty I doubt it's possible though. Guess that's a no-no for a Wizard.
12/24/16 (Sat) 00:15:08 No. 88185
I cheer you on fam, just use your Jing and meditate a lot.
in worst case scenario you'll just be a very good sci fi writer
tipp 12/24/16 (Sat) 01:42:04 No. 88188
tipp 12/24/16 (Sat) 01:46:32 No. 88189
To pop even more dreams now on Xmas, some of you guys have a faulty understanding of time lines or parallel universes.
There is only one here and now but of this time line there exists unnumerable variations, "alt timelines", these are the possibilities of what you might have achieved in your life, these exist in the astral as thoughts and nothing else. They can come about but you need to draw it from the world of thought to the material by creating, manifesting, making it real.
12/24/16 (Sat) 01:52:54 No. 88191
There is no self, there is no past, there is no you. Humans are animals.
tipp 12/24/16 (Sat) 02:06:16 No. 88194
Kek, look, a stray JoS cultist.
12/24/16 (Sat) 02:08:13 No. 88195
You may as well be spewing word salad at this point anon. What you are saying is nonsense and doesn't help anyone actually get shit done with magick. There is a self, the self is a useful concept, and there is a past. That past is part of a continuity.
What are you even trying to imply by saying humans are animals?
12/24/16 (Sat) 02:11:23 No. 88198
>there is a self
12/24/16 (Sat) 02:11:32 No. 88199
12/24/16 (Sat) 02:31:34 No. 88208
Are you going to keep shouting that everything is bullshit because you refuse to understand what others mean by the self and only look at it from your particular brand of buddhism or are you going to actually try and explain why you reject the concept of self and what it that is meant by this "self" which you claim is non-existent?
12/24/16 (Sat) 03:16:02 No. 88217
Serious question.
Why does Smiley still use the "tipp" persona? Just typical jewish neuroticism?
12/24/16 (Sat) 08:40:24 No. 88222
Maybe you should stop making up a dumb conspiracy.
tipp 12/24/16 (Sat) 12:01:39 No. 88226
12/24/16 (Sat) 16:37:15 No. 88231
hello how is everyone
been a rough past few weeks health wise but slowly improving. I can almost digest food normally
12/24/16 (Sat) 16:54:29 No. 88232
>oy yoy yoy you filthy goy that's just insane, what a shoah stop it goy
Nice try jewberry jizzard
12/24/16 (Sat) 18:18:26 No. 88234
please tell me that this is all real
12/24/16 (Sat) 18:26:36 No. 88235
some of it is real, there's is such a thing as shitpost in this board
12/24/16 (Sat) 18:57:36 No. 88236
Alright, which one of you fuckers is messing with me in my dreams. After shitposting on this forum for the past few days my dreams started to get a horror-esque feel to them, though its some pretty weak shit. Horror movie villians, zombies, etc. Some short ugly fat guy pulled out a piece of paper on me but through some work of illusion magic he made it look like a knife. Definitely not one of my dream characters, he had a different feel.
Also, the first dream affected that I had from this. I remember I was beating a dog to death, and I wanted to stop but it was out of my control. I used my willpower to try and stop but something was making me move. I just remember crying as I tried holding back but eventually kept hitting the poor thing. Dog even acted like I owned it to. Your psychological tactics are weak.
12/24/16 (Sat) 19:11:03 No. 88237
Maybe you are just eating something bad before bed anon, stop being so paranoid and do a banishing ritual
12/24/16 (Sat) 19:34:31 No. 88239
no evil can enter a house in which it is not invited
12/24/16 (Sat) 19:52:31 No. 88240
>eating before bed
Im no pleb, I barely even eat anyways
shitposting can open many doors
12/24/16 (Sat) 19:56:41 No. 88241
>its pretty weak shit
I've dealt with a haunting before, and this is sub-par. The person or entity in question is autistic as fuck. I wouldn't banish to get read of some free entertainment now would I?
12/24/16 (Sat) 21:23:02 No. 88247
Nope, it's all fake. When you die, you cease to exist and there's only complete empty nothingness for eternity. Your entire specific life from the exact point of your birth is all that has ever existed and all that ever will.
12/24/16 (Sat) 22:25:35 No. 88249
Assuming you want your birth chart. ?
After you fill your info go to bottom and click Extended Chart Selection then where it says Chart Drawing Style pick astrodienst with Ceres + Eris then click show chart.
If you want to know more about the aspects/houses just google them. Like "Pluto in 1st house meaning" or w.e
Also here's a picture showing the meaning of the symbols on the bottom, trines squares etc. I'd include it with my post but whenever I post on my phone attachments never show up
12/24/16 (Sat) 22:29:57 No. 88250
>Also here's a picture showing the meaning of the symbols on the bottom
Not the meaning actually just the names, mb.
12/24/16 (Sat) 23:08:22 No. 88251
thanks anon that was exactly what I was looking for
also is it weird to have like six of the planets in the same sign?
12/24/16 (Sat) 23:13:23 No. 88252
legitamite question.
i think i've met the greek gods and titans in human form.
what should i do?
keep in mind bhudda was there to, him and ares got kronos to go off eating concrete and pig's blood.
12/24/16 (Sat) 23:36:34 No. 88253
I have a great question!
What is meme magic and what it's for?
12/24/16 (Sat) 23:41:48 No. 88254
Yeah kind of, they're called stelliums and I've only known one guy to have it out of like 5 of my friends charts I saw. He had a stellium on his Scorpio Ascendant which made him an odd character to say the least.
tipp 12/25/16 (Sun) 00:35:09 No. 88257
tipp 12/25/16 (Sun) 00:36:39 No. 88258
four or more is a stellium, the more of one sign the more powerful the characteristics of that planet and sign influence the person.
12/25/16 (Sun) 00:49:43 No. 88259
It is a great question for me.
12/25/16 (Sun) 01:01:57 No. 88261
>Question Thread
Can you guys help me with a little thing?
It's about teamwork.
12/25/16 (Sun) 01:55:42 No. 88262
What if law of attraction is only the way to keep us from fucking with reality trying to hack the system?
12/25/16 (Sun) 05:24:19 No. 88267
Yes, we can help you.
There, I answered your question. You're only allowed to ask one question and that was it.
You might find Montalk's Synchronicity & Reality Creation a useful read. It's only 13 pages. It's in the library.
tipp 12/25/16 (Sun) 08:39:09 No. 88269
Gosh the symbolism got me kekking.
12/25/16 (Sun) 09:49:25 No. 88270
How do I stop desiring sertain things? According to montalk avoidance just attracts it more.
12/25/16 (Sun) 10:42:14 No. 88271
If you manifest things by focusing your thoughts and emotions on them, wanting something to not happen causes it to happen because, despite thinking "I don't want x to happen", you're still focusing your thoughts and emotions on x, like you're saying Montalk said. That's why, instead of using a negative statement about the thing, you use a positive statement about the opposite of the thing. For example, if you want to stop being lazy, instead of thinking "I want to stop being lazy", which focuses on laziness, you'd think "I'm a very productive person and I get everything I set out to do done quickly", so that you're focusing on the opposite of laziness. You'd have to have the willpower to act on it too, of course.
12/25/16 (Sun) 17:02:36 No. 88276
hol up
how do i get willpower without the willpower to get willpower
12/25/16 (Sun) 18:24:59 No. 88281
Thank you! Ill read it.
12/25/16 (Sun) 19:28:25 No. 88282
Ah. I´ve been doing the exact opposite when trying to get rid of my bad attributes. Thank you.
Damn how i stupid i feel right now. That was like one one the first esoteric teaching i read, but then forgot.
12/25/16 (Sun) 19:35:11 No. 88283
use positive feedback loop
12/25/16 (Sun) 22:11:35 No. 88287
That also seems to be the way the Kybalion recommended to deal with opposites, to summon courage in order to deal with weakness.
Anyways, side question for my own amusement now.
Are there any other Hermetic texts online? My country has next to no hermetic presence, and the only other text I've found so far is the Corpus Hermeticus. I could quickly find some more I assume, but right now I'm busy with real life.
12/25/16 (Sun) 22:12:33 No. 88288
>to summon courage in order to deal with weakness.
Fucked this one up, apologies.
To summon courage in order to deal with FEAR. As they are opposites, they contradict one another.
12/26/16 (Mon) 00:39:43 No. 88290
You used willpower to type that reply. It's difficult to control all of the attributes of your life that you don't like, but like >>88283 said, if you start small, like following a couple hours of strict scheduling, or eating less if you eat too much, or going to sleep earlier and not wasting time on the internet (these are small for some people and big for others, so obviously you'd do whatever's small for you), and do more difficult things as you go, you can gradually control yourself more and more. That's how to apply willpower to your actual life, of course. I'm not 100% sure how this all ties into occult work, other than the fact that focusing your mind, WWA magic lantern stuff, etc, takes a lot of willpower for a person to do.
You've almost definitely heard of it considering you're on /fringe/ but Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon. There are a few (maybe 20-30) things about hermetics or by Hermes Trismegistus scattered throughout the folder linked in the library html page, but I haven't read any of them yet, so I don't know if they're any good (there are a humongous number of books in there, and a significant amount of them are shitty).
12/26/16 (Mon) 05:18:29 No. 88302
I want to hunt skinwalkers
12/26/16 (Mon) 05:21:38 No. 88303
12/26/16 (Mon) 05:41:41 No. 88305
You could do that in a lucid dream
12/26/16 (Mon) 08:45:22 No. 88309
thats dumb, I can do anything lucid dreaming, I want to experience life not wallow in slumber
12/26/16 (Mon) 11:29:27 No. 88310
Well, skinwalkers are thoughtforms too, so you could fight them on the astral plane if you can project. You're aware that you're stuck in your current life on the physical plane and that it stops you from doing cool shit, but it's your current life on the physical plane that wants to do all of that cool shit, and not the you that can do those things. Isn't human existence so ironically cruel and fascinating?
12/26/16 (Mon) 17:42:25 No. 88318
are any of you guys friendly or just know it alls??
tipp 12/26/16 (Mon) 21:54:44 No. 88321
You're beautiful today, I like how you did your hair.
Also you smell nice. Don't look under your bed.
12/26/16 (Mon) 23:07:19 No. 88325
12/27/16 (Tue) 00:15:33 No. 88327
Can I magic myself into being a better person? Just like, change myself in an instant?
tipp 12/27/16 (Tue) 00:43:19 No. 88328
>what is magic for 1000
You're someone with a noble goal, tell me more about yourself, the attributes you want to change and so on and I'll do my best to help you.
12/27/16 (Tue) 00:45:19 No. 88329
Suicide will make you a better person instantly.
12/27/16 (Tue) 01:35:04 No. 88330
does Brahmacharya truly work? I need a kind of chart regarding semen retention; how many months=which benefit?
it was said early budhist monks made women faint with their virility.
How many years of semen retention are needed for that?
12/27/16 (Tue) 05:02:53 No. 88339
If it works then I can tell you after 1.6 years in prison that I shot blanks for almost a month of regular masturbation after abstaining the full 1.6 years incarcerated. Might be diet also.
12/27/16 (Tue) 11:42:25 No. 88341
what does shot blanks mean? I just wanted to known about the attraction effect
>also what did you =DD?
12/27/16 (Tue) 18:18:03 No. 88357
It's completely diet.
Most prisons put chemicals in the food to make the prisoners impotent, it keeps ass-rape rates down.
12/27/16 (Tue) 19:58:05 No. 88359
Why not just isolate all prisioners in small cells tho.
12/27/16 (Tue) 20:13:34 No. 88361
Because chemicals are cheap as fuck and economical. The chemicals they spike the food with are by-products of industrial manufacturing and cost pennies to the pound. Giving each prisoner his own cell is completely impossible in America since
>American prisons are almost all privately owned and run for profit
>America has the highest prison population in the world and has millions of felons running around because not enough prisons
12/27/16 (Tue) 22:36:59 No. 88368
Not sure if sarcasm
tipp 12/27/16 (Tue) 22:51:01 No. 88373
Its not.
Rather help someone self improve than do black magic to get dick wet.
12/28/16 (Wed) 03:11:34 No. 88382
For fuck sakes I can't find any good citations for Isaac Newton being a Hermeticist at all.
Does /fringe/ know anything?
12/28/16 (Wed) 04:31:30 No. 88384
/edgy/ is kill 12/28/16 (Wed) 06:33:45 No. 88387
>(someone competent)
Your idea of "competence" is someone who wipes the board clean and makes it impossible to post and just completely destroys fucking everything.
12/28/16 (Wed) 06:34:34 No. 88388
I need to vandalize the faces of those who vandalize my boards.
12/28/16 (Wed) 06:55:27 No. 88390
>Question Thread #25
What time is it?
12/28/16 (Wed) 07:12:32 No. 88393
8:12pm New Zealand time. What are you talking about, anon?
12/28/16 (Wed) 10:18:04 No. 88395
Maybe I'm just looking for shortcuts but – tips on completely killing current self, wiping mind, throwing consciousness into a crisis? What's some balls deep insane mind-bending shit?
12/28/16 (Wed) 11:14:35 No. 88397
You could get into a major car accident and become a brain dead vegetable. What exactly do you want to do that for, anyway?
12/28/16 (Wed) 11:23:06 No. 88398
got a fix for skin picking, hair pulling?
usually i am "zoned out" or "spaced out" as it's called when i do it
12/28/16 (Wed) 18:01:06 No. 88406
Should I avoid any and all escapism in media and the like?
12/28/16 (Wed) 19:13:50 No. 88411
>Corpus Hermeticum
>2nd chapter, To Asclepius
>Wherefore child-making is a very great and a most pious thing in life for them who think aright, and to leave life on earth without a child a very great misfortune and impiety; and he who hath no child is punished by the daimons after death.
But I have some genetic damage
I don't want to have a child
12/28/16 (Wed) 19:17:54 No. 88412
A few years back I took up an interest in learning Tarot. My SO's mother heard about it, and gave me a very old and worn looking Waite & Smith deck. She also said that Tarot decks don't work unless someone gives them to you as a gift.
Tonight I decided to look into learning Tarot again, I brush off the deck she gave me, and realize one card is missing - the Hermit.
PS, the deck came with one of those blank cards the manufacturers put in for whatever reason (google tells me there were normally two of these, making the total num of cards = 80), so in total there are 78 cards.
12/28/16 (Wed) 22:40:51 No. 88426
I want to meet someone.
A specific person.
I've been visualizing a bond between us and imagined "pulling" the person towards me for a while now.
What do?
12/28/16 (Wed) 23:00:14 No. 88429
I want to meet you.
12/28/16 (Wed) 23:45:43 No. 88432
Could anyone who isn't insane recommend a book or two that covers everything about astrology from the complete basics? I know absolutely nothing about what any of it does/means/is, and this thread >>81982 has been intriguing me. I asked the anon in that thread and they called me a Jew and said I was "way too on esrar" (whatever that means).
12/29/16 (Thu) 02:36:25 No. 88433
That conversation was so adorable.
12/29/16 (Thu) 03:42:32 No. 88437
Tbh id like to see a book I can start recommending to people but I've yet to find The One as they say so for now this one will have to do.
Also check out Steve Judd on YouTube he's bretty good when he's not trying to get political.
Also I don't think the book I linked has aspect meanings so if you want to learn what a certain aspect means just google it, googles results are pretty accurate from my experience. Gl fam
12/29/16 (Thu) 05:22:46 No. 88438
this is how i got really gay tbh
by calling other people faggots
the irony is painful
12/29/16 (Thu) 05:24:47 No. 88439
Do you regret it though? Are you better off now?
12/29/16 (Thu) 05:38:21 No. 88440
well, i can get off to a wider range of porn so, yeah its great
12/29/16 (Thu) 06:58:07 No. 88441
Thanks anon
Post dick. Maybe they'll recognize it from their dreams.
12/29/16 (Thu) 12:40:24 No. 88443
Here's a question. Can we have a rough estimate of what people here follow? As in, their religion?
Esoteric Christianity? Hermeticism?
12/29/16 (Thu) 15:22:43 No. 88447
Do you generally know their physical location (city, region, etc)?
If they're on the other side of the country or something you're going to need more than just the pulling spell.
i.e, it's highly unlikely you'll run into them if they're a thousand miles away, but if you're within their general region, the odds go up a lot.
tipp 12/29/16 (Thu) 17:48:39 No. 88453
This week, starting monday the 26th Scandinavia was hit by a relatively large series of storm, since, I've been feeling a depressive mood or a dark weight on my shoulders - I was recently contacted by a friend who has felt the same and he has been talking for a mutual friend, a medium with good intuition, she feels as if though the spirit world and the material world has overlapped more strongly.
I'm asking if there is anyone else with anything to share.
Start of week I had a powerful being trying to suffocate, implode or burst my bubble/me/aura which I had to forcefully fend off and retreat from. I did not get the opportunity to strike back before waking up from lack of air as I had stopped breathing.
To add, anyone here better than me in regards to astrology and would like to share interesting, recent and relevant alignments?
12/29/16 (Thu) 20:33:08 No. 88458
Nothing special here.
Although Finland isn't technically part of Scandinavia.
12/29/16 (Thu) 20:40:16 No. 88462
I'm a pedo.
Can I use sigil magic to fuck a cute little girl?
tipp 12/29/16 (Thu) 20:48:22 No. 88463
bärkele, seudi cursed.
12/29/16 (Thu) 23:05:52 No. 88468
We'll be happy to help.
We just need your name, address, and date of birth first, can't teach you without knowing basic information about you fellow fringer. A picture of yourself for identification would also be useful.
12/29/16 (Thu) 23:09:14 No. 88469
>Although Finland isn't technically part of Scandinavia.
12/29/16 (Thu) 23:13:37 No. 88470
Instead of saying "I want to kill niggers" say "All fucking niggers will hang". Instead of saying "Gas the kikes race war now" say "The holocaust didn't happen but it will soon".
We must will a more noble reality, a reality without jews and niggers. A white reality.
All fucking niggers will hang.
12/29/16 (Thu) 23:56:11 No. 88471
>inb4 not a question
Justify your flag; prove you aren't LARPing.
12/30/16 (Fri) 01:19:16 No. 88473
Only bullshit sissy wizards like tipp use a flag. Real looshers use a random flag.
12/30/16 (Fri) 03:00:55 No. 88476
Close. Saying "all fucking niggers will hang" or "the holocaust will happen soon" is anticipation. You're saying that it's an event that will happen in the future. If you try to manifest that exact statement, it'll always be an event that will happen in the future, rather than actually happening. It's difficult to explain in words, but basically you just have to use present tense every time. As another example, say you wanted a sandwich. If you manifested "I am eating a sandwich", then, at some point in time, you might eat a sandwich. If you manifested "I want to eat a sandwich", you will continue to "want to eat a sandwich" into the future, rather than eating the sandwich. You have to envision events you want to happen as if they have already happened or are happening. From what I remember reading, there's no time on the astral plane, so when you manifest things based on statements like these, you're altering a static image of the conditions of your life, or something. Hopefully I explained that properly, because it took me a while to understand.
12/30/16 (Fri) 05:06:46 No. 88486
"All fucking niggers are hanging"
"The kikes are being gassed"
Okay I think I get it. But it seems like it would take quite a bit of loosh to manifest a reality where over 6.5 billion are exterminated no?
12/30/16 (Fri) 05:18:31 No. 88488
Of course it would. There would also be some kind of karmic imbalance, but I don't remember much about what wishing harm on others does in that way. I've also forgotten where you can read about that (maybe someone else here might know), but I do remember that it wasn't as simple as "if you do negative things, negative things happen to you". Everything is still cause and effect.
12/30/16 (Fri) 07:41:28 No. 88496
What is the significance of the number 333? I see that shit fucking everywhere, its ridiculous. I see myself checking the time at 3:33 all the time (been happening for atleast 7 years) and those numbers are even on my fucking SSN and birth certificate…
Also see 555 to a lesser extent so id appreciate an explanation on that too pls.
12/30/16 (Fri) 16:20:38 No. 88505
I can't verify the accuracy of this data, but in general from what I've read 333 shows up a lot when the "ascended masters" are around. Other sources describe it in relation to "angels", but they appear to all be describing the same phenomena. 555 seems to be associated with spiritual change.
Numerology isn't really my specialty, so take this with a grain of salt.
12/31/16 (Sat) 06:20:37 No. 88528
Congrats anon you're an ascended master. Now you just need to meditate daily until you turn 33 years old and you will become the next messiah. But you've gotta practice magic every day without fail if you want to remember who you need to be!
12/31/16 (Sat) 09:05:00 No. 88532
can i get that book on identifying and resolving conflicting emotions. i can't find it anywhere
12/31/16 (Sat) 16:39:43 No. 88538
What magickal opportunities exist during the transition of one year to another and especially 2016 to 2017?
>tfw that message about drunk driving
Fucking normies.
12/31/16 (Sat) 22:38:36 No. 88547
you can go into 4th density this year
01/01/17 (Sun) 06:13:13 No. 88577
how, my tall nordic friend
01/01/17 (Sun) 07:50:06 No. 88583
>go into the forest where nothing can be heard but nature
>sit naked in the shade
>meditate for at least 3 months without moving a single muscle
You've gotta finish all steps of IIH first though, and be able to survive without food or water.
01/01/17 (Sun) 08:54:08 No. 88589
Maybe numerology? Or just study quantum physics, which often verges on occultism
01/01/17 (Sun) 17:46:32 No. 88610
I'm not the only one that thinks this dox is funny as shit right? I feel young again.
Jewberry Jizzard 01/01/17 (Sun) 17:48:34 No. 88611
oy vey the BO is trying to censor us.
01/01/17 (Sun) 17:48:36 No. 88612
Does anyone know much about spirits and their ability to materialize objects into reality? Im dealing with something pretty nasty, doesn't seem to like me, always materializes items that make people around me question my own sanity. Its kind of annoying when its challenging my housing situation and trying to get me kicked out…
01/01/17 (Sun) 21:58:28 No. 88623
>mfw I have something like this happening to me and it's stolen all my essential oils, toothbrushes, nail clippers, tweezers, scissors, and my only irreplaceable occult book that is out of print
It's really pissing me off.
01/01/17 (Sun) 21:59:18 No. 88624
Doxxing is a form of censorship to silence people from ever talking anonymously. Kike.
01/01/17 (Sun) 22:01:02 No. 88625
Yes you can. I would recommend you fuck a tulpa girl though and not a human one. I warn you also the girl will be an independent, sentient being either way, and may not like what you're doing… and also that both spirits and humans have ways to retaliate against you, dead or alive.
01/01/17 (Sun) 22:29:42 No. 88629
>BO is a literal kike
>oy vey doxxing him makes you a jew you bad bad goyim
01/01/17 (Sun) 23:09:50 No. 88632
Shut up you half-berber half-jew.
01/01/17 (Sun) 23:11:53 No. 88633
If you are legitimately a white nationalist / national socialist / far-righter / pol-tier individual, PLEASE, for your sake, get out of this. I don't want a fellow WN to get hurt because someone else fooled him into thinking I'm a jew. Go spend your efforts combating actual jews and anti-white scum.
01/01/17 (Sun) 23:56:13 No. 88639
>tfw I believed you were actually just german until you sold out to gizmodo
It's just hard to believe you now, what kind of white would sell out his board to a jewish owned corporate media tentacle? Yaweh why have you forsaken me.
01/02/17 (Mon) 02:07:31 No. 88647
01/02/17 (Mon) 02:09:34 No. 88648
Again, if you're an antifa please do continue your bullshit, as I won't give a single fuck when they come knocking on your door. If you're at all redpilled and care about the survival of the white race, please stop attacking me, as I can't control what the police are going to do to you. I'm only even bothering to warn you because I'm not sure if you're a legitimately redpilled anon or not who maybe has been tricked into thinking I'm an anti-white in some way.
01/02/17 (Mon) 02:33:27 No. 88653
>who maybe has been tricked into thinking I'm an anti-white in some way.
Yea, praise Gizmodo the savior of /fringe/. We have only helped spread Esoteric knowledge. Thanks Smiley.
In other news this board is dead.
01/02/17 (Mon) 02:49:23 No. 88654
>the American police are going to arrest me for LARPing on an anime imageboard
Muh freedoms muthafuka
01/02/17 (Mon) 04:56:27 No. 88659
oy vey shlomo the mod is trying to censor me
01/02/17 (Mon) 04:58:01 No. 88660
oy vey analmously posting
01/02/17 (Mon) 05:01:00 No. 88661
Honestly Smiley there's a simple way to put this rumor of you being a jew to rest. You just need to tell us what your mother's maiden name is. What can it hurt, everyone already knows your dox because it's plastered everywhere. If your mother has a convincingly goy name the rumor gets put to rest, if her maiden name is goldsteinowitzberg well…
(5. No identifying posts / namefag drama)
01/02/17 (Mon) 05:56:51 No. 88668
Can you get high with magic without actually using drugs?
01/02/17 (Mon) 06:26:06 No. 88669
ʙᴏ ᴅᴏx
(DOXXING) Post last edited at 01/02/17 (Mon) 19:47:08
01/02/17 (Mon) 06:30:21 No. 88671
Cool. Can you dox me now?
01/02/17 (Mon) 15:56:28 No. 88678
Fuck off to fringechan you doxxing and social engineering retard.
01/02/17 (Mon) 15:57:02 No. 88679
Easy. Use trance and just will it or try certain breathing practices to do it.
01/02/17 (Mon) 15:57:51 No. 88680
The FBI legitimately talked to me yesterday and they want to find you or whoever idiot it was for filing a false report attempting to swat me.
01/02/17 (Mon) 17:18:23 No. 88687
oy vey someone is crying wolf
01/02/17 (Mon) 18:05:11 No. 88688
I don't want to dox or cause any harm to a single person, no matter what disagreements we've had, or how our worldviews sincere or ironic clash, this whole thing is really upsetting for me. Imageboards are supposed to be a place for ANONS to come together and share their thoughts ANONYMOUSLY. However you won't stop and I can't find another resolution to this conflict, so for each and every one of you involved in this shitfest, you are all going to go down. If you care about any of these individuals lives or about your own, please stop, and urge others involved to STOP. I would like us all to collectively agree to respect one another's right to meme anonymously.
Now for the counter-doxxing:
Legit IP's of Omran [REDACTED]
(DOXXING) Post last edited at 01/02/17 (Mon) 19:48:24
01/02/17 (Mon) 18:05:27 No. 88689
Skype's of Learningcode, the half-jew half-berber:
This man has a long career of subverting and destroying various imageboards. He was a mod on, on, and posted on krautchan a lot for awhile too. He effectively destroyed 4chon with his trolling, cuckold porn spam, pro-Israel and Jews posts, and multiple troll personalities many of which involved My Little Pony spamming. He is also possibly the Rach poster and is expected to be a mod on /pol/ right now, fucking up that board for regular /pol/ anons. He has literally handed over many posts of goys to the Jewish Internet Defence Force and is believed to have an account with them. He is the most paranoid kike ever.
Post last edited at 01/02/17 (Mon) 19:49:50
01/02/17 (Mon) 18:05:36 No. 88690
Unfortunately for him, the only thing that ever stopped me doxxing him was that I myself am not doxxed and that I really don't like to overstep boundaries like this, but for the role he played in doxxing me and encouraging others to dox me I shall dox him in return. I have nothing to lose now. I will take down a pile of anons all at once if you can't respect my own privacy.
Useful tools
Unfortunately also for everyone I am counter-doxxing right now, you all have far more to be ashamed of and to hide and far more criminal or deviant shit going on without having to make up a single thing about any of you. I will be doxxing even more anons for each day that goes on that you all continue to dox me. All I wanted was to worship my waifu, praise kek, spout dank memes, hail Eris, experiment with different political paradigms, and study occultism on the deepnet but you fags had to disrupt everything.
Post last edited at 01/02/17 (Mon) 19:52:03
01/02/17 (Mon) 18:21:18 No. 88695
wow nice work goyim where is the address or the phone number?
SAGE! 01/02/17 (Mon) 18:23:28 No. 88697
Why aren't you banned for 60 days yet from this board and all these posts shitting up the sticky deleted?
tipp 01/02/17 (Mon) 18:26:25 No. 88699
>be obnoxious trickster
>not doxed yet
i feel left out.
01/02/17 (Mon) 18:30:10 No. 88704
It was learningchode probably.
And how can the FBI get the chode when he's in UAE.
01/02/17 (Mon) 18:33:58 No. 88706
rly make u think huh?
01/02/17 (Mon) 18:35:47 No. 88707
>inb4 you are smiley
>inb4 smiley is having a psychotic breakdown and doxxed himself
SAGE! 01/02/17 (Mon) 18:41:02 No. 88709
>And how can the FBI get the chode when he's in UAE.
He's definitely not. Omran's in the UAE but Chode is somewhere in either Canada or America (maybe travels between those two countries).
01/02/17 (Mon) 19:30:09 No. 88710
Any /fringe/ methods I could use to shrink/get rid of myopia?
01/02/17 (Mon) 19:31:36 No. 88711
tipp 01/02/17 (Mon) 19:51:22 No. 88712
eye yoga. stretch eye muscles so they're not to tight or lax, making the lens concave or convex.
third eye meditations.
tipp 01/02/17 (Mon) 19:57:03 No. 88713
you wont get the same result and doing it "naturally" includes not eating, fasting, sleep deprivation… and its still not as fun or rewarding.
pop acid, pop E, snort speed, do mary, remember and implement the effects into your energy body, you wont have the high but you will have some of the positive effects, feeling rhythm, moving effortlessly, graciously, thinking /different/, /deeper/, more complex, movement and emotions on another level.
the closest you'll get to the effects of drugs are the different stages of Jhana which is similar to acid or strong E bliss, but stronger, like you are nothing and everything, purely content in the moment.
its hard to reach.
tipp 01/02/17 (Mon) 20:04:08 No. 88714
tip of the day, progress towards learning to control your energybody so that when in corpse pose you can adjust it in a solid piece so that it feels like you are in perfect lotus.
can also be used to dance while being perfectly still.
when the aura/energybody, in a solid state is moved from for example the arms, the arms will grow cold while you have bodily experience through your aura, snapping fingers, moving limbs.
its good for imposing hindu deities onto yourself for various purposes, an advanced form of aligning with avatars.
haven't read any on this, learned it, if anyone has anything to say about it i'd like to read it.
tipp 01/02/17 (Mon) 23:16:54 No. 88716
01/03/17 (Tue) 01:13:37 No. 88719
Please help me, /fringe/. I've spent at least 4 months (probably more but I don't remember what I was doing back then in regards to this) trying to quiet my mind using all the methods from the recommended reading list and a couple others, and I still struggle to even get a few seconds of silence. It's really starting to piss me off, which distracts me even further. A lot of it is just myself thinking about things that I normally think about, which I find really difficult to get to stop. When I do manage to get it all to stop and I can quiet my mind for a little while, I'll start getting all these very strange thoughts of complete gibberish that don't sound like my regular thinking voice. It's like if a bunch of people I've never met each read a couple words out of a random word generator. Are there any techniques anyone here has used that they think are way better than anything else?
01/03/17 (Tue) 02:50:42 No. 88721
You've accidentally discovered telepathy. I can do that shit too. It starts off as static/noise, then becomes random gibberish, and if you keep tuning in correctly it becomes more coherent. It works like a radio.
01/03/17 (Tue) 03:14:02 No. 88724
I would be thrilled about that if it wasn't stopping me from having OBEs and getting past step 1 of IIH. If it is telepathy, obviously I'd love to get better at it and use it, but I also really want to get on with all this practical work that requires a clear mind. Could you recommend any books, and do you know how to tune it out? Should I unironically get a tinfoil hat?
01/03/17 (Tue) 03:53:21 No. 88725
Are there any benefits occult wise by being physically fit?
01/03/17 (Tue) 04:11:15 No. 88729
01/03/17 (Tue) 04:43:45 No. 88735
Absolutely, I'd even go as far as to say it's mandatory. There's increased physical magnetism, easier energy flow, removal of energetic knots, more energy of different kinds, stronger will, clearer mind and there's probably loads more I can't think of/aren't aware of. The healthier you are physically, the healthier you'll become mentally. As above, so below. As below, so above. Another huge deal is it helps you stay grounded.
Also from my experience, i dont think anyones talked about this so idk if this is true for everyone or it might be just me, is training certain muscles increases energy flow to certain emotions. For example the stronger my lats become the stronger i can feel my aura. The stronger my abs are the more confident I feel. The more i train legs the higher my sex drive becomes. The more i train shoulders the more aggressive i feel. Training traps feels like it increases my awareness. I'd honestly recommend everyone to do some form of physical exercise whether it be yoga, lifting weights, jogging, anything that puts your body to use.
01/03/17 (Tue) 04:48:12 No. 88736
this is just about feeling good about yourself and being healthy.
01/03/17 (Tue) 04:49:02 No. 88740
I love you too, my greatest ally.
01/03/17 (Tue) 04:51:02 No. 88742
What are you trying to achieve?
01/03/17 (Tue) 04:58:04 No. 88744
Kek isn't your personal army and neither are we
01/03/17 (Tue) 05:02:04 No. 88745
fellow noflag poster, are a Smiley loyalist?
01/03/17 (Tue) 05:09:46 No. 88746
I know barely anything about him, but I think this board drama is really fucking stupid. In the time I've been on /fringe/, nothing he's done has seemed, to me, to warrant spamming the board with his details. He's not the only person that uses this board. Maybe I wanted an answer to my question, instead of someone derailing the thread.
So is there a reason for this other than doing it because of the nature of this website?
01/03/17 (Tue) 05:14:43 No. 88749
oy vey Shlomo let other people's dox be spread around but smilebergstien's dox must be taken down
## Board Volunteer 01/03/17 (Tue) 05:21:35 No. 88752
I redacted all the personal info from the doxs smiley posted too. I don't even understand why you keep posting it here, smiley isn't even the one who has to keep removing them, its me.
01/03/17 (Tue) 05:22:59 No. 88753
01/03/17 (Tue) 05:26:31 No. 88756
he's done some bad things outside this board
01/03/17 (Tue) 05:30:03 No. 88760
nobody is forcing you
01/03/17 (Tue) 05:33:09 No. 88762
>moderating shitty larpingtard board
>for free
01/03/17 (Tue) 05:39:42 No. 88764
01/03/17 (Tue) 05:54:24 No. 88781
01/03/17 (Tue) 08:43:30 No. 88782
Question, what are the benefits of not offending god?(I'll lead a spiritual life even If there are none, but I wanted to ask)
Its said in the Corpus Hermeticum that a materialistic attitude to life offends god for making it harder for other people to ascend. Is there any punishment on [this] life for what I am doing? Will avoiding materialism net any tangible rewards other than not being a stupid consumerist?
01/03/17 (Tue) 09:22:53 No. 88788
I wonder if this spamming has anything to do with TRS
01/03/17 (Tue) 17:47:07 No. 88791
According to The Kybalion, god is far above the emotional plane and is incapable of our human emotions like being offended. However that's not to say that there may be some entities that may be working with you that are getting offended by this but if that's the case I'd personally cut them loose but that's because I hate being influenced to do something I don't agree with intuitively. Also, materialism is OK to an extent; it's when you let materialism (or a materialistic attitude) run your life that it becomes problematic. Try to balance your spiritual desires with your material ones. You incarnated for a reason and when you figure that reason out you can run all your questions through that goal/goals and see if they correspond and make life decisions accordingly. It's always very important to have a goal to work towards otherwise you become a pawn and get dragged around by different entities hoping that one of them is benevolent enough to push you in the right direction which is very rare. If you have a goal that you're actively working towards and feel passionate about, you become a player instead of a pawn. You become positive instead of negative.
I don't know how accurate this part I'm about to tell you is but it seemed true to me. Check your north and south node in your natal chart and google its meaning. The north node is supposed to be the lesson you've incarnated to learn to advance spiritually. So for example, if you have north node in capricorn in your fourth house google "north node capricorn" learn what you can about it then and afterwards google "north node in 4th house" afterwards do the same for your south node. If you're up to it, I'd even recommend you do your entire chart but that's not really relevant to your question. To make your chart do this >>88249 .
Also on your last question, yes there is rewards but there's also drawbacks. It's a give and take. You're giving up on your materialistic needs and desires for your spiritual ones.I took this route before and it led to me being unable to talk to others properly and gave me anxieties and loads of other energetic issues, peoples dense energies were very strong to me and it would continue to drain me the longer I was around them. It's very tough to participate on the physical world when you're so invested/anchored in the spiritual, the energies are so different. However it also allowed me to learn alot about myself/others and gave me alot of time to read, meditate, and see under the veil. I also made some nice spirit friends which was very nice. There's also occult powers that do unlock from this like telepathy and being able to feel what others are feeling to name a few. It makes you very receptive to others and to all sorts of energies. If you decide to take this route by the way my advice is to remember to stay grounded in the physical as it will help reduce the drawbacks but it will also reduce how quickly you get the benefits.
Good luck fam.
01/03/17 (Tue) 18:47:33 No. 88792
>actively going against the wishes of Our Lord And Master Ken-Sama
Smiely needs to kick your ass out!
01/03/17 (Tue) 23:08:38 No. 88799
Bumping these since the spam seems to be over
01/03/17 (Tue) 23:38:27 No. 88802
I just would like to point out the thing about offending god again…
Actual quote:
>Processions passing in the road cannot achieve anything themselves yet still obstruct others, so these men merely process through the universe, led by the pleasures of the body
Now I actually forgot the source of this quote but I believe I can find them later on if I am given time, or someone else will be able to find it.
Rest of the post is okay.
01/03/17 (Tue) 23:53:32 No. 88803
>tfw jackwgn hasnt uploaded in 7 months
01/04/17 (Wed) 00:41:32 No. 88804
1. What is sleep?
2. What are dreams from an occultist POV?
3. Where did freedomboard fringe go?
4.How to remove a succubus?
tipp 01/04/17 (Wed) 01:53:22 No. 88808
when you sleep your aura expands to absorb energy from the area to refill energy, when this happens its not as dense, its easier to penetrate, dreams are trade of information between you, your area and entities.
01/04/17 (Wed) 02:32:15 No. 88809
>3. Where did freedomboard fringe go?
jews killed it
01/04/17 (Wed) 04:47:42 No. 88812
01/04/17 (Wed) 16:33:35 No. 88839
So what does it mean if I don't dream about a particular someone even if I used to?
tipp 01/04/17 (Wed) 16:46:10 No. 88840
That he or she has severed the contact and does not want to reach out to you anymore.
tipp 01/04/17 (Wed) 16:46:27 No. 88841
The persons heart does not yearn to be with yours anymore.
01/04/17 (Wed) 20:41:55 No. 88857
Holy shit you just explained that really well. If you're interested in writing more explanation like that I'll put all your explanations in the FAQ.
tipp 01/04/17 (Wed) 21:37:50 No. 88862
>not sure if newfig or smiles off schizo meds
tipp 01/04/17 (Wed) 22:07:22 No. 88864
If you remember you asked me to help you with this before and I accepted but you were to unstructured, aloof and not present, I requested a good system to work it out and you didn't reply and at this point in life I just can't be fucked with it as I see little gain in it, I answer individual questions and all my answers are great, if this is the first one you think is good its because the answers are targeted to the reader in a way that, mostly, only they understand - I do not do it out of wholly selfless reasons either - Furthermore everything I have written will be shared thrice by the people I have answered on top of it all being in the archive.
Instead of writing for blind eyes and shouting at deaf ears why don't you ask me how to help you transmute all your negative energy into positive energy? Ask from the heart and I will answer from it.
Namaste, bless you.
01/04/17 (Wed) 22:12:13 No. 88865
OK. How do I transmute all my negative energy into positive energy? Honest question. I have plenty of it.
Second. I had a dream that I had a tumor on the side of my neck. When I looked at it and touched it it became smaller. What does it mean?
tipp 01/04/17 (Wed) 22:23:58 No. 88868
Why are you negatively aligned? Why do you want to be positively aligned?
Easy, your throat chakra is way to overactive, this, also, has to do with you trying to save or heal the world when you are broken and should focus on yourself. A person who is not in good (preferably perfect) positive alignment cannot possibly heal or teach someone else who is also broken and even if he tries his message although true will sing hollow and quiet.
01/04/17 (Wed) 22:33:04 No. 88869
>Why are you negatively aligned?
This answer will be quite the blogpost, so for anyone not interested, just skip this paragraph.
I feel like I'm too old and I'm "past the time" to realize my dreams. At this age I feel like I should've accomplished more and be in a different place, physically and emotionally, and I should be more skilled, professionally and socially. That and the possibilities are so vast it's overwhelming. Also, I had some things I feel like I had to say or do to close people/ex-friends that I never said. Right now I'm feeling great but most days I'm kind of depressed.u
>Why do you want to be positively aligned?
I want to be more productive and use the time I have that I now know is very limited to learn the things I want to learn and be good at them. I have huge issues procrastinating but I know I'm good when I set my mind on something. Used to get complimented on my intelligence often.
01/04/17 (Wed) 22:52:59 No. 88870
Can you help with
>4.How to remove a succubus?
tipp 01/04/17 (Wed) 23:17:45 No. 88874
Nobody is interested and I do not care if they are or if they are not, this is for me between me, I am talking to myself, I am the conscious, omniscient inner me.
My time is now. I'm about my age, I've had hell for an upbringing but I chose to walk upright and to not dwell in the past nor grieve for lost past present or future possibilities because I live in the now.
I have accomplished much and I will accomplish more, I have discovered and uncovered hundreds of ancient secrets kept to a select few and shared it selflessly with whoever wished to know, I have changed lives for the better and for the worse, I have spread knowledge and truth, I take great pride in that.
I am where I am because I chose to because I still have something to learn and overcome. I am exactly where I need to be and I'm grateful for being here so that I can go somewhere else once I have overcome.
There are innumerable possibilities but I walk the path I choose.
I correct the mistakes I have committed and if not possible I accept the regret I feel and keep walking my path towards greatness so that I will not repeat them, so that in the future I can instead act with grace and kindness towards myself and others.
I am infinite, my time is limitless, I am a constant, I live and I die, I embrace life, I embrace death with gratitude for the chance to learn.
I am part of God, God is part of me.
tipp 01/04/17 (Wed) 23:19:47 No. 88875
no. its basics 101. overcome your own lust. you've got demons because you accept them.
tipp 01/04/17 (Wed) 23:44:03 No. 88876
tipp 01/05/17 (Thu) 00:11:50 No. 88877
I prayed for you Smiles, they answered me, its up to you to accept.
01/05/17 (Thu) 01:27:42 No. 88879
Huh well tats somethings
01/05/17 (Thu) 01:28:40 No. 88880
01/05/17 (Thu) 01:28:51 No. 88881
01/05/17 (Thu) 01:29:06 No. 88882
01/05/17 (Thu) 01:29:17 No. 88883
01/05/17 (Thu) 01:29:27 No. 88884
01/05/17 (Thu) 01:29:37 No. 88885
01/05/17 (Thu) 01:29:50 No. 88886
01/05/17 (Thu) 01:30:00 No. 88887
tipp 01/05/17 (Thu) 01:42:51 No. 88889
Not a legit get, you spammed 11 posts and deleted them, this is a community of wizards, expect great misfortune for stealing the God's gets.
tipp 01/05/17 (Thu) 01:43:09 No. 88890
tipp 01/05/17 (Thu) 01:44:31 No. 88891
Wew didn't even delete the shitposting.
Live an interesting life.
SAGE! 01/05/17 (Thu) 01:47:55 No. 88892
Well that's completely shameful. You did a similar thing on /u/, didn't you?
Its time to go.
tipp 01/05/17 (Thu) 01:56:29 No. 88893
i kinda feel like killing him.
tipp 01/05/17 (Thu) 01:57:30 No. 88894
just casually, no real emotion, like, how you clean away a spot on the table.
tipp 01/05/17 (Thu) 02:01:52 No. 88895
not even my thought or desire, getting a vibe like something wants to exact revenge.
djee boy, you dun fucked up. royally.
01/05/17 (Thu) 02:14:30 No. 88896
I'm not sure you could be more upset. Tom brady is pure magic however. Would you disagree?
tipp 01/05/17 (Thu) 02:20:36 No. 88897
not in the slightest, if i wanted the get i would have taken it three hours ago but i had a feeling that something major was about to happen so i let it be in hopes of the get actually being good, now i'm sensing that something is off balance and really pissed off.
i don't really mean it when i say it but good luck, you're going to need it.
i would suggest you get down on your knees and sincerly apologize to whatever you angered.
even if you did, trust me this will have consequences.
tipp 01/05/17 (Thu) 02:22:16 No. 88898
>taking gets in such a dishonest way
>killing board culture
>being scum
If you're still alive in a month, come back and tell us whats happened to you so far.
01/05/17 (Thu) 02:27:09 No. 88900
Promise I will I'll make a thread for it then. I know a little bit about this magic stuff myself. I left it all in an easy to delete way. Your board cultures far from killed friend.
I'll be back in 30 days just to discuss this though. I fear nothing tbh. I'll bet you now, nothings gonna change. Till then.
tipp 01/05/17 (Thu) 02:28:21 No. 88901
isanyone else feeling it? im burning salvia to get rid of this overwhelming negative presence
lmao dude is a goner
01/05/17 (Thu) 07:47:56 No. 88904
For a winter semester film course I'll have to pick 8 movies to analyze throughout the semester, and I figure I may as well do films with spiritual/occult/fringe themes. Any recommendations? I just watched Polanski's The Ninth Gate, and next I'll watch Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East. I need 6 more. Any ideas?
01/05/17 (Thu) 08:58:40 No. 88910
Tarkowsky's Stalker – don't let the name put you off, it's an interesting movie especially if you're ok with a slower pace
01/05/17 (Thu) 19:06:14 No. 88935
I've seen it. I'll watch it again for the course though. Thanks for reminding me.
01/05/17 (Thu) 22:30:40 No. 88939
01/05/17 (Thu) 22:32:26 No. 88940
Why are you being mean to me? Is it because you want to join in on the hate-train? le bandwagon effect? I'm amazed at how everyone just gangs up on me.
01/05/17 (Thu) 22:58:42 No. 88944
I appreciate you and what you've done for all of us with the board, Smiley
tipp 01/06/17 (Fri) 04:18:45 No. 88975
Me to nice dubs.
You were mean to me first
>Implying only great explanation ever
Made me think about reading something about chansey holding the board and flag, if not you've clearly forgot everything I posted in >>88864
01/06/17 (Fri) 04:42:35 No. 88977
what is this ringing in my ears?
01/06/17 (Fri) 07:07:36 No. 88981
tipp 01/06/17 (Fri) 11:24:27 No. 88986
Vibrational change. Going from one frequency to the next.
It's not tinnitus.
Try inhabiting the heart or crown right after you've gapped and hit rock bottom base.
01/06/17 (Fri) 11:34:37 No. 88988
Sheeit. That helped me too, thanks anon.
01/06/17 (Fri) 11:54:29 No. 88989
You should stop giving shitty journalist websites cheap stories, holy fuck.
01/06/17 (Fri) 12:38:29 No. 88991
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>88904
That episode of Spongebob Squarepants where he has an astral projection and jumps into everyone else's dreams. Vid related.
tipp 01/06/17 (Fri) 15:31:37 No. 88994
&smiley i'm not jumping some bandwagon, i've always held a certain disdain for you, you're so gifted but so weak, undisciplined, maybe lazy or not willing to change.
it makes me angry to see something great smother itself because it can't pull itself out of the shit around it.
and sometimes the only way to reach people is to be harsh and hurtful because thats the only thing that ticks them off, grants a response, an anchorpoint from where they can work themselves out, much faster anyway for sure.
git gudder you faggot.
01/06/17 (Fri) 15:53:43 No. 89005
There is no such thing as an astral realm. Most "wizards" are insane nobodies who need some way to feel "special", so they act like their THINKING" is special. You are not divine, you are a fucking worm like everyone else.
To enter the "astral" you FUCKING THINK. How do I benefit from changing my thought process so the only way I can enter DEEP THOUGHT is if I go through retarded measures like imagining I'm climbing up an invisible rope? I don't. To think, you think. Stop falling for this gay bullshit. Astralfaggots are loser trolls who want to drag you down to mediocrity with them. Go live life. That is the only way to experience "MAGIC".
01/06/17 (Fri) 15:56:42 No. 89006
>See thread order has changed
>Its just >>89005 shitposting at ALL of them with the same KC tier arguments
Did a African Cultist violate you when you were 8 or something?
01/06/17 (Fri) 20:29:56 No. 89022
Why are you so ass mad faggot, didnt work on the first try so you don't want anyone to do it?
01/06/17 (Fri) 21:43:08 No. 89032
Is there anything to it? Seems enticing. I'm thinking about ordering pic related by Godfrey Dowson, unless someone can suggest a superior deck or can deter me altogether by reasonably debunking the game.
01/06/17 (Fri) 23:40:33 No. 89053
It's literally just a tool.
You could devise your own symbols and write them on paper cards to do the same thing as long as the symbolism was correct.
01/07/17 (Sat) 03:27:47 No. 89075
Inshallah kuffirs
I must know how to kill the infidels using wizardry and cleanse the entire earth of the unbelieving filth. Allahu Akbar!
01/07/17 (Sat) 04:10:15 No. 89080
Isn't using magic heresy in your religion?
Execute yourself.
01/07/17 (Sat) 05:59:35 No. 89086
on a scale of 1 to 100, 150 being eaten alive, how bad is it to die from starvation
01/07/17 (Sat) 06:15:56 No. 89088
01/07/17 (Sat) 06:50:45 No. 89090
What did he mean by this?
01/07/17 (Sat) 07:29:12 No. 89093
Which religion?
There is only a generic islam flag. I am a praticioner of sufi, I want to kill all of the Arabs and cleanse Persia.
01/07/17 (Sat) 07:32:53 No. 89094
He's a kike who thinks that there is no such thing as the individual and humanity is a single organism with the goyim being a sort of cancer that needs to be surgically removed.
01/07/17 (Sat) 07:37:19 No. 89095
how do i get my intellect back, i did drugs and shied away from my friends
01/07/17 (Sat) 07:44:14 No. 89096
Go back in time and undo the drugs. What kind of drugs were they?
01/07/17 (Sat) 07:48:03 No. 89097
too many psychedelics, and pot. i even was convinced i was depressed and got put on anti depressants (SWINDLED!)
01/07/17 (Sat) 07:58:33 No. 89098
tipp 01/07/17 (Sat) 10:35:01 No. 89102
>stupid because not social buttryfly
quite the opposite.
social skills can be learned.
>doing drugs more than once in a while
rebuild, clean, with spirit. you likely lost yourself in the drugs because you didn't have a good hold of the self when you started, become strong.
tipp 01/07/17 (Sat) 10:35:38 No. 89103
Does anyone else here have wings?
01/07/17 (Sat) 13:13:31 No. 89104
I've been unwell for the past few days but the biggest symptom for me has been tiredness. Like, being unusually tired. Is this normal?
01/07/17 (Sat) 13:48:56 No. 89105
There seems to be a large amount of Hermetic writings here such as "The Kybalion", but do any of you practice Theurgy, Astrology or Alchemy?
Do any of you even have the materials for the above?
Or are they useless?
01/07/17 (Sat) 16:14:03 No. 89107
tipp 01/07/17 (Sat) 19:34:43 No. 89111
Hows this for a curse,
>>This Koi and restaurant have no more no less fortune equal to the emperors true goodwill and respect towards his subjects
Any Chink here who would care to translate that into Hanzi? I want her to know what it is when or if she finds it.
01/07/17 (Sat) 20:15:19 No. 89116
I practice.
>materials for the above
You mean a mind? That's all you need.
>are they useless
They are not useless.
01/07/17 (Sat) 20:19:43 No. 89121
Official Handbook To Outing And Exterminating Kikes by Zyklon Ben Garrison
01/07/17 (Sat) 20:21:19 No. 89122
It wasn't the drugs that made you retarded, it was the jew prescribed psychotropic (((anti-depressants))). You're irreversibly maimed, that shit does irreparable damage to your brain. Those drugs were invented to make goyim good cattle-animals.
01/07/17 (Sat) 20:40:45 No. 89129
is the board owner a jew?
01/07/17 (Sat) 22:06:40 No. 89137
>there's no time on the astral plane
There's no "time" anywhere. Your perception of "time" is simply the mischaracterization of the action of your soul moving to a higher entropy position in time-space, which it does by nature. Keep your lying senses out of your works if you wish to succeed.
01/07/17 (Sat) 23:09:36 No. 89144
01/07/17 (Sat) 23:51:19 No. 89148
t. jewbergowitzsteinovich
01/08/17 (Sun) 03:45:41 No. 89162
I may as well upload the book directly to this board anyway.
01/08/17 (Sun) 04:42:26 No. 89163
That makes sense for Theurgy I guess, but wouldn't Alchemy need at least some materials to work?
Or are you saying that I am not once wrong about Alchemy but twice , and Alchemy is somehow purely mental?
01/08/17 (Sun) 06:13:48 No. 89166
Didn't know where else to take this, apologies for being new I'm from /pol/ but I've got a friend who thinks/says they're wicca and while I've read alot of the material from the library thread, mostly the hermetics stuff, I don't really know what to do/say since I don't really want them to be a retard for the rest of their life.
01/08/17 (Sun) 06:16:20 No. 89167
just tell them wicca is just about magical vaginias and how it doesn't do shit
01/08/17 (Sun) 06:18:42 No. 89168
I thought you were from /pol/ nigger? You tell that bitch that wicca is jewish bullshit and detrimental to the white race, then bitchslap her.
01/08/17 (Sun) 06:20:26 No. 89169
Not that anon, but what's wrong with wicca? I don't know anything about it.
01/08/17 (Sun) 08:15:19 No. 89172
Sorry anon, alchemy is purely mental
01/08/17 (Sun) 08:40:04 No. 89174
Good stuff
Is the music in that video Heather Alexander?
01/08/17 (Sun) 09:11:05 No. 89178
Also, a lot of what holds up wicca and what this guy has gotten from it, really just sounds like a good European community that taught him and gave him the experiences and wisdom that was common well before this age of decline and degeneracy. or am I wrong
01/08/17 (Sun) 09:30:36 No. 89181
Useful information, but is there something with more debunking of the modern stuff?
01/08/17 (Sun) 10:22:09 No. 89183
>Useful information
pick one
01/08/17 (Sun) 17:44:54 No. 89191
Physical alchemy is just ritual.
It doesn't actually do anything other than in your mind. You can't change lead into gold with physical processes but you can with mental power.
Wicca doesn't work. If you want to LARP as a bullshit occultist go become a wiccan cuck.
01/08/17 (Sun) 17:52:28 No. 89193
What can I do to give my life purpose and direction? Also >>88406
tipp 01/08/17 (Sun) 18:04:20 No. 89194
tipp 01/08/17 (Sun) 19:51:14 No. 89199
Reminder that porkies and /pol/yps are no longer welcome here. This is now a strictly leftist board.
tipp 01/08/17 (Sun) 19:52:46 No. 89200
>its lonely at the top
>lets google it
>>the price of being a sheep is boredom, the price of being a wolf is loneliness, chose with great care
>>if you find it lonely at the top consider the people you stepped on during your climb
>yah except no, power through love, power to help others
>>its lonely and cold on the top.. lonely and cold - judy garland
>>its lonely at the top but i like the view
>>its lonely at the top but i like the silence
>yeah but its still lonely, asshole galore old drunk elvis & co
>>its lonely at the top so you better know why you are there - john c maxwell
>>its not lonely at the top if you help someone else get there
>implying i didn't build an escalator on my way up
>>be good and you will be lonely
>fuck you twain
>>they say its lonely at the top. it must be even lonelier at the tippy top - Demetri Martin
tipp 01/08/17 (Sun) 19:53:31 No. 89201
tipp 01/08/17 (Sun) 19:56:39 No. 89202
be your greatest possible so that you can lift others up.
01/08/17 (Sun) 20:34:46 No. 89205
>Wanting authoritarian politics
Okay let me make a simple metaphysical observation for you.
There are two axioms in politics: Left and Right, Authoritarian and Libertarian. Lets focus on both.
Left and Auth. is considered masculine even though its members are feminine. This is because they want a masculine government acting upon them(Leftist/Authoritarianism). How do I know that leftism and authoritarianism is masculine?
Its simple. According to the Kybalion, the masculine principle "messages" and the feminine "receives, reflects, thinks". When no law is exacted, you are "free" and therefore masculine(You are ACTING) and the law is feminine(It receives your action and makes no act upon it).
Comparatively, a authoritarian system is MASCULINE in itself, and makes other FEMININE. it SENDS a message, and the lowly workers have to ACT upon it.
Contrast with Right Wing-Libertarian, which is a feminine government which is acted upon by masculine and free people.
If you want the Demiurge to act his masculine principle upon you, then you can go to your private room and ask Mr.Stalin to Gulag you right up.
01/08/17 (Sun) 21:21:18 No. 89208
Is there any ware i can find an .epub of Initiation into Hermetics?
01/08/17 (Sun) 21:52:06 No. 89210
What am I doing with my life
01/08/17 (Sun) 21:54:20 No. 89211
>being a politicuck
Politics is for mundanes who think that manipulating people and society will benefit them. True freedom is taking only what is given and giving only what is asked.
Crashing this plane, with no survivors.
01/08/17 (Sun) 21:55:44 No. 89212
Hi, I'm new here. I'm currently 18 and I'll be 19 after a month and few days.
I've done crystal-based energy manipulation in the past (last 1.5 or so years) based on information scattered around various sources. It was for my paganism practices. Only recently I've started to pay more attention to my own energy, emotions and thoughts. I have gotten more self-aware but I also noticed that my visions of future are fading out as if I'm now only living for this day not tomorrow. Sometimes I'm becoming emotionally unstable and it feels like I'm yearning for something I don't know or understand. And at the same time I'm losing my will to do many things. After getting home from highschool I'm exhausted and I spend most of my time in bed either sleeping or laying awake. And on daily basis I'm often feeling as if I'm disconnected from this world as if this world isn't as real as I thought it was. Being awake kind of feels like being in a dream but reality checks remind me that I'm not. Any ideas what might be happening?
01/08/17 (Sun) 22:07:06 No. 89213
you should cleanse your self and perform a lesser banishing ritual.
btw fam you should master your emotions, that shit will only cloud your judgement on all matters
01/08/17 (Sun) 23:48:15 No. 89214
>Wicca doesn't work. If you want to LARP as a bullshit occultist go become a wiccan cuck.
All I've wanted this entire time is to know why it's bullshit but nobody is telling me. I know next to nothing about it.
01/09/17 (Mon) 01:30:16 No. 89222
Please add your board to the #loosh network (see board tags):
Then add this to your board announcement:
<a href="/boards.html#loosh ">#loosh</a>
Feel free to delete this thread when you've done that.
01/09/17 (Mon) 01:32:19 No. 89223
Let me give you the real greenpill on wicca: it's a shallow as fuck pseudoreligion with barely any depth or content and all wiccans that have any kind of skill or knowledge in magick draw on other sources for said skill and knowledge (usually they get it from hermeticism)
You look through endless wicca related stuff and all you find is landwhales talking about their "identity" as a wiccan and never any actually serious discussions on magic, philosophy, metaphysics, etc.
01/09/17 (Mon) 01:46:51 No. 89227
If I'm starting out in /fringe/ stuff is it okay to just read through the books or do I need to pause and do whatever exercises the book gives out? Because I tried stopping to do the exercises and I wasn't really getting anywhere.
01/09/17 (Mon) 02:43:27 No. 89228
Have you tried not being a pussy fag boi? Take the dildo out of your ass.
Follow the FAQ. Become a BASED Armchair Occultist. DO NOT do any of the exercises or practices, never meditate. Remember to go into a negative feedback loop ending in terminal schizophrenia so you can be admitted to a mental hospital like based Smiley. Armchair Occultism is based.
01/09/17 (Mon) 02:44:16 No. 89229
Why does /pol/ have better /fringe/ threads than /fringe/?
tipp 01/09/17 (Mon) 02:55:55 No. 89231
buy some crystals, do basic meditation, awareness of body, being still until body falls asleep, read everything that interests you and recommended books, experiment with crystals, put them over corresponding chakras, once you can feel their and your energy you can start doing the practices that the books teach.
try some binaural beats for chakras, chants, solfreggio
for quick results, mind you you'll be unbalanced, even if you don't feel it, imagine drawing energy to the third eye while listening to this or chanting
for slow and steady turtle balance root and crown chakras and then proceed.
raise your kundalini.
smoking weed is optional, overloads body with energy, makes it easier to feel energy, if you can't handle it/makes you panic, tough luck, its a state of mind you'll need to master anyway with or without the drug.
if you want to take this route which is undoubtedly the fastest, save some money, take a couple of weeks break from work and smoke daily, express yourself in writing, art, whatever, meditate, peel away all the shit that is not you and find yourself when you stand there naked, having let go of all things negative, bad traits, bad habits, poor thoughtpatterns, shame, arrogance.. you can build from scratch. affirm who you want to be, who you are.
tipp 01/09/17 (Mon) 03:01:37 No. 89232
you don't go there to shitpost and teach meem magic?
lots of ambitious and smart people there.
/fringe/ is for collecting and refining, /pol/ is for spreading.
that said this place has way to many yoga moms. send nudes
01/09/17 (Mon) 03:09:56 No. 89233
If you find all of this stuff interesting on a theoretical level, whether you believe it or not, like I do, then it's not like you're doing anything harmful (unless you blindly believe everything you read without trying to prove it to yourself). What are you having trouble with? Most of what we learn to do here it to make use of processes that already happen to everyone that we just aren't aware of.
Why does /pol/ have so much shittier /mu/ threads than /mu/ does (even when 8/mu/ is so shit)? /pol/res/8721193.html
>experimental music is just a bunch of random notes and it was created by Jews to subvert white culture
>but at the same time, we should get rid of artistic college tuition because it's useless leftist shit, even though that stops us from learning enough about music theory to understand even the kind of thing that was being composed before atonality was introduced
I don't have a link showing anyone saying that last thing right now, but I've seen it a heap of times, since I get most of my news from /pol/.
tipp 01/09/17 (Mon) 03:14:10 No. 89234
I strongly recommend suspension of disbelief and work your way through all the bullshit occultism by trial and errors, cross referencing, reading lots, looking through all kinds of sources, books are good but I would say some youtube videos contain more and better information than most books combined.
All from a scientific point of view. Understand why or get stuck doing sigils and chanting stuff you don't know that wont achieve anything.
Do not summon anything until you're powerful enough to tell it to piss off afterwards.
Good luck.
tipp 01/09/17 (Mon) 03:14:38 No. 89235
this in relation to >>89233 regarding the posts answered.
01/09/17 (Mon) 03:20:33 No. 89236
And (to the anon who asked the question, since this reply chain is getting confusing) don't forget that you can ask way more specific questions here. They don't all get answered, but it's mostly the weirder understudied stuff that nobody here cares about that nobody here can answer.
tipp 01/09/17 (Mon) 03:37:17 No. 89238
wh don't i let you goys in on what "tipp" stands for…
tipp !!IgMTDP39mE 01/09/17 (Mon) 03:39:39 No. 89240
In order to prevent further identity theft and slander of my good name I will now be using this secure tripcode. Any post made by a "tipp" not using this tripcode is NOT the real tipp.
t. tipp
tipp 01/09/17 (Mon) 03:41:02 No. 89241
sure thing, you guys have fun, i'm going to bed.
01/09/17 (Mon) 03:43:33 No. 89243
You could always just stop being a nigger and go anonymous like the rest of us.
tipp !!IgMTDP39mE 01/09/17 (Mon) 03:44:38 No. 89244
Anonymity is death.
01/09/17 (Mon) 03:46:15 No. 89245
And acting like you're somehow more important than everyone else is the death of imageboards.
tipp 01/09/17 (Mon) 03:58:06 No. 89247
implying i'm not anonymous
implying any of you are anonymous
implying what is dead can die
i type i with lower caps because there is no i, tipp is an identity which posts information without sources, tipp points you the way with clues without sources, there is no desire or need for tipp to be right, if you don't listen to tipp you miss out, if you do you might get some help on the way.
for all you know t(i)pp could be constant funposting, tipp could also be so far beyond you that whatever crazy things tipp blurt out can be passed off as a madmans ramblings and tipp likes it that way because only the ones who listen to themselves will know if there is any legitimacy.
tipp 01/09/17 (Mon) 04:05:57 No. 89248
I'm a raging faggot who takes himself way too seriously.
tipp 01/09/17 (Mon) 04:07:48 No. 89249
be careful with those affirmations, friend.
tipp 01/09/17 (Mon) 06:35:34 No. 89269
I AM imageboards.
tipp is legion
we do not forgive, we do not forget
we are the goon army
the /pol/yp fears the tipp
01/09/17 (Mon) 06:48:35 No. 89270
This thread goes queer when there aren't questions going around huh?
Question to /fringe/
I have a huge, bloated Pride. It is hard to say "sorry" to someone.
What is the most efficient way to reduce this pride, even if its just a little?
01/09/17 (Mon) 08:24:19 No. 89272
There are questions going around. The thread, and the rest of the board, go to shit when people willingly shit it up. >>89220 is another example. Shitposts aren't getting deleted, so the board turns to shit.
Ironically, I don't really have an answer to your question. I just wanted to complain. I guess I could mention the fact that it's a matter of willpower.
01/09/17 (Mon) 14:08:51 No. 89277
I feel depressed and alone. What can I do to feel less depressed? How can I stop feeling lonely when I have nobody to talk to? What do you guys do when you have nobody to talk to?
01/09/17 (Mon) 16:08:39 No. 89280
01/09/17 (Mon) 17:45:05 No. 89283
Any non-meme answers?
tipp 01/09/17 (Mon) 17:57:03 No. 89285
Smiley killed himself after getting doxed.
rip as fuck smiles, we'll miss you, rip in pepperoni
01/09/17 (Mon) 18:19:34 No. 89286
Realize that what you're feeling is just a craving for stimulus. You think you want people but you crave some sort of stimulus for either your spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical body. Really analyze what it is you truly feel lacking in and realize its not people that you need. You just need to fill the "gap" with something you enjoy doing.
I thought I wanted to socialize a lot but then I realized people are fucking morons. Been speeding through occult grimoires ever since and it seems to tickle my fancy just right that I dont feel the need to go hang out with mundanes.
01/09/17 (Mon) 19:12:49 No. 89293
I remember now.
>You don't know things, or their natures, or god!(Rough paraphrasing)
It seems I too have started to read words in my dreams.
This is rough.
I'm not exactly worried by this text but I do think its wording is funny specially if you know why those words in particular were chosen
01/09/17 (Mon) 20:25:23 No. 89300
Do you know the significance of the name of a god in your dreams?
01/09/17 (Mon) 21:00:17 No. 89305
I have not read the name of any god in my dream.
Unless you mean the word "God" itself, then you've got me. What does it mean?
01/09/17 (Mon) 21:19:20 No. 89310
Don't listen to this retard. Humans are social animals.
More often than not, the problem is the solution. Lonely? Go talk to strangers. Afraid of being rejected when talking to strangers? Try rejection therapy.
01/09/17 (Mon) 22:43:43 No. 89317
Thanks for that I originally asked here >>89166 for an answer and this anons vids >>89170 were helpful but the guy just seemed to be talking about being apart of a european derived mystic group I don't know what to call it I feel like a fucking faggot
01/09/17 (Mon) 22:46:44 No. 89319
Just say "apologies", "my apologies" and then explain your reason/s for doing whatever made the person upset in a way that diffuses them being upset.
01/09/17 (Mon) 22:47:39 No. 89320
01/09/17 (Mon) 23:41:14 No. 89323
How do you get the flagless flag back? I was making fun of tipp and now I can't change it back because it isn't in the list.
01/10/17 (Tue) 00:09:39 No. 89325
You are all going to die tonight
01/10/17 (Tue) 00:33:04 No. 89326
01/10/17 (Tue) 03:41:32 No. 89331
well I had the name minerva pop in my dream once, strange as it was
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 07:34:28 No. 89333
01/10/17 (Tue) 12:38:54 No. 89335
delete cookies and do browser magic
01/10/17 (Tue) 16:43:04 No. 89338
Please, please, please let this happen. I can't fix my body. I'm too fucking weak. Magick isn't just about knowledge, it's about power & vitality, and I lack those. I'm useless. I can't fix myself, 4 years of trying have proven that for me. ;_;
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 17:02:19 No. 89340
Basic yoga or even chi gong, slow motion movements, combined with regular energy work would give you the strength you want.
Just move as near perfect as possible. least resistance, trains all muscles, more improvement if you speed up slow rapidly.
I don't gym but instead do this kind of energy "dance" all the time, people think I work out thrice a week.
It's really good for you, incorporate into life.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 17:04:05 No. 89341
Speed up and slow down rapidly*
01/10/17 (Tue) 17:33:27 No. 89344
That sounds nice but how does that repair damaged and malformed bones?
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 17:35:37 No. 89345
It can strengthen the muscles supporting the bones.
Have you tried drinking milk?
In all seriousness, last another decade and science will give you new bones, focus on making money.
01/10/17 (Tue) 17:39:00 No. 89349
I can't make money, I'm sick all the time. Waiting another decade? I'm not sure my body won't crap out and die on me before then. It's not like I need stronger bones, my bones are actually already very fucking strong, they're just malformed and I need to reshape them.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 17:51:37 No. 89352
then yoga you dickwad, its what yoga does, realigns the body.
how old are you, at around 25 the bones settle and merge.
malformed how?
doesnt matter, do yoga.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 17:52:27 No. 89353
>can't make money
not with that attitude.
you've got a good head don't you? get some bullshit degree, learn some skills and use the ones you have and and desktop job.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 17:53:17 No. 89354
01/10/17 (Tue) 17:55:37 No. 89355
How do I into yoga that would actually work towards my objective? Just for the sake of making this not too complicated, lets say my objective is shape-shifting, because I have to seriously reshape my body in ways that I'm not sure just asanas would do.
>you've got a good head don't you? get some bullshit degree, learn some skills and use the ones you have and and desktop job.
Not really. I have constant headaches, fatigue, and mental fog.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 18:02:42 No. 89357
the head issues are a sign of poor energyflow to the head and will solve.
meditate on every chakra in order, spin them up, overload, make them big and bright with assigned colors then let go of your body, let it move according to impulses, stretching, twitching, dance spurts.
that is yoga.
easy as that.
make the energybody perfect and powerful and the body will align.
if you like you could wager a kundalini awakening, it might hurt your body and cause severe emotional disturbance because the energy could get stuck - BUT - it will force open the blocks eventually if you keep at it. quickly.
just don't stop if you do start.
01/10/17 (Tue) 18:44:18 No. 89358
With what? What do you mean by this? Can you give me a more descriptive rundown of what you're actually doing?
01/10/17 (Tue) 18:46:49 No. 89359
So what is /fringe/ doing during the eclipse?
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 18:58:15 No. 89360
locate each center first physically, if you're not great at energywork get a crystal that have strong qualities of each center, heart, love, solar plexus, confidence etc next lie down and put it over the chakra then locate the chakra with your mind, feel it out and contain the energy then draw energy from all over the body and breath to that place until it feels so warm you can no longer go on while imagining it spinning, a sphere of energy spinning on its vertical axis, very fast.
finish one and move on to the next.
optional get a moldavite and repeat but with it. i can't stress how powerful this crystal is if you take care of it.
and take good care of your crystals, after workings put them in salt water, warm, some 50 celcius then the day after put it in direct sunlight, you'll be able to feel it radiate power in a dense humm like wubwubwubwub.
also good, before a crystal meditation session take five minutes to draw breath from air and push it into your legs, breathe in, down the legs, let it fill, breathe out nothing, repeat.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 18:59:07 No. 89361
even if you're good at energywork get crystals. crystals are the shit.
amazing tools.
01/10/17 (Tue) 19:05:42 No. 89362
Ok so before you even responded I decided to just wing it and so far I've just tensed my muscles against each other while willing the circulation to increase and doing slow movements that feel good (avoiding anything that hurts) while holding this tension and then also alternating to relaxing all the tension and continuing smooth flowing movements but with no muscles tensed. Am I doing this right? I've done it for arms, legs, shoulders, head, chest, and stomach, trying to make each one turn red with blood going to it.
01/10/17 (Tue) 19:06:56 No. 89363
>and take good care of your crystals, after workings put them in salt water, warm, some 50 celcius then the day after put it in direct sunlight, you'll be able to feel it radiate power in a dense humm like wubwubwubwub.
I live in a place that basically, never, ever gets direct sunlight and the sun is very weak here in general.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 19:07:15 No. 89364
>>slow movements that feel good
>>smooth flowing movements but with no muscles tensed
doing perfect mate.
01/10/17 (Tue) 19:07:42 No. 89365
Would it be a good idea to repeat but also consciously drawing in breath through the nose and trying to make the breathing process harmonize with the movements?
01/10/17 (Tue) 19:08:15 No. 89366
The tensing part is also right though? Doing the movements fully tensed and then again without tension?
01/10/17 (Tue) 19:10:13 No. 89367
Would studying something like this do me any good or be ultimately a waste of time? Maybe it's better to just experiment along the lines of the general principles of slow movement, concentration, ideation, grace, etc.?
01/10/17 (Tue) 19:11:46 No. 89368
This pushing hands thing, is it basically you push against your partner and they give way, and they push back? Might evoke a tulpa for this purpose.
01/10/17 (Tue) 19:17:50 No. 89369
>In order to make the style easier to learn, the Yang Short Form was developed which incorporates around 100 postures, as opposed to around 300 of the long form. New Zealand t'ai chi teacher Hu Loo-Chi (who taught Chen-style) said the 84 postures could be learnt in around 14 hours, though it would take a lifetime to master them.
Someone please make a thread on this. I want to learn the 84 postures.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 19:25:56 No. 89370
don't be afraid to, when letting body flow with no tension, let go and go 'over', that will make the body crack a little, it either aligns the ligaments and skellies or unlocks them so that the ligaments and skellies next in line can do the same, you'll first need to 'destroy/break' to build.
these are the first steps, the endgame is reaching solar plexus and heart, breaking your way from bottom to top.
once you heart the heart a lot of the spinal columns can't be accessed with only motion, these you'll need to unlock with breath, sometimes coupled with movement.
once you are done with unlocking all parts of the spine you will find your breath to lock them, this will be done by taking different sized breaths and tensing. do NOT push this. only do it instinctively, the knowledge comes from energywork.
if you push it without impulse or divine inspiration you will hurt yourself, there is a large chance of ruining weeks of progress and damage ligaments and pinch cartridges.
if it comes naturally its safe.
even if you do pinch a cartridge trying to force it, it can be fixed but you will be in a lot of pain until you get the inspiration for the right movement.
once you're finished with locking different parts of the spine sit in perfect lotus and wait for the perfect breath, the one that will fill you up a hundred percent, if its not forced all parts of your spine will lock into perfect posture.
after that you will be able to realign your body with movements, say you slept bad and next is 'off', you just shake your head like a dog and its fixed with some cracking. doing this before all the previous steps is very dangerous.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 19:27:54 No. 89371
chi gong, tai chi, yoga, all different ways of reaching the same results, perfect posture, perfect body, perfect energybody, unified mind body and spirit.
what ive described is the fastest way, not necessarily the best. whatever the case what ive written is sure to give results.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 19:29:57 No. 89372
this is a good word and everything it entails is great. pray for grace, find the deities, i suggest hinduism ones, that grants it and ask for it.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 19:34:19 No. 89374
don't forget to focus on balance.
invoking water will make you more fluid. "I am water." try it in the shower while rocking from left to right.
air is for easy going quick movements without any force, higher chakras, good for breathing open locks, eventually for moving to snap them into place.
earth is for force with minimal fluidity, good for unlocking all lower chakras while moving about.
fire is for powerful movements, good for training muscles. "I am fire." can usually inspire one single movement to realign the whole spine, in a second.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 19:35:36 No. 89375
i've watched him before, a lot, for his movements, hes got great posture and decent flow in his movements, take after him but don't actually care for this martial art, its good for training the body but its not practical in a street fight.
01/10/17 (Tue) 19:38:14 No. 89376
This post makes me wish I had access to a pool and some kind of tube for getting air so I can practise underwater taichi and energywork.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 19:38:30 No. 89377
sure the first block is great but the followup is not practical, just put a knee to his side or and elbow to his chest, stomp his knees or kick away his feet and kick him a few times so he doesn't get up.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 19:43:11 No. 89378
its not wrong, i do it but not overly much when i'm looking for a certain movement for a certain bodypart, mostly i invoke water and rock from left to right using rhythm to find the right amount of power or swing to fix the bodypart.
try tensing in a perfect position, relax and then swing to feel the body out on what needs focus.
tensing is for lower chakras, the three lower.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 19:46:33 No. 89379
i like your thinking. try a pool or the ocean with no tube, its also pretty nice.
01/10/17 (Tue) 20:41:04 No. 89380
Please consolidate your responses. Your 3-5 replies at a time could easily be 1.
Crystals, energy work, and flowing movements, all is solid advice.
I would also suggest a raw diet and/or detoxing internally. The body can heal itself of just about anything, but the toxic conditions most bodies are in simply do not allow for it to happen.
A good osteopath or chiropractor could be a good compliment as well, if finances permit. That's assuming that the problem lies with alignment. Just remember that these are crutches that are not meant to be relied upon long term. If they can't get you aligned in 2-5 sessions, find a better one.
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 20:58:37 No. 89385
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 20:58:47 No. 89386
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 20:58:57 No. 89387
01/10/17 (Tue) 21:03:51 No. 89389
Okay /fringe/ berate me for this one but I'm in a clinch
I can't do basic meditation by clearing my mind because its obstructed with constant music or just random crap I have heard lately
I can't do numbers meditation because I keep making "sounds" as the numbers pop up, even if it isn't the name of the number itself, sometimes just key notes form a piano or something of the sort.
Am I truly lost? I don't plan on stopping but I'm getting worried
01/10/17 (Tue) 21:21:06 No. 89394
Where do you get your crystals from then?
tipp 01/10/17 (Tue) 21:23:56 No. 89395
i'm fortunate enough to have a shop in town that have a broad assortment of crystals and scent sticks and other shit, i get to touch them before buying which is good to find the one that resonates the most with me, 1 out of 100 different of the same type and a dozen different for each chakra.
search it, if you're lucky you got one to.
worst case scenario, internet shops.
01/10/17 (Tue) 21:26:23 No. 89396
how can you tell lies and get people to believe them?
01/10/17 (Tue) 21:43:34 No. 89397
Seriously this is important
I just tried numbers meditation again and a short musical tone comes up whenever I imagine another number
01/10/17 (Tue) 22:02:30 No. 89398
Go on an anonymous imageboard, everyone believes shit you say on the internet.
01/10/17 (Tue) 22:04:36 No. 89399
>its obstructed with constant music or just random crap I have heard lately
I have pretty much the same problem.
And on top of that it's as if my mind has 2 almost independant thought paths. One of them is the "voice" which everyone has according to literature. The other one is "silent" and appears as complete concepts and ideas, if the "voice" constructs thought using a sentence which consists of words then the "silent" one skips sentence constructing and appears as understanding of a sentence that wasn't there in the first place. Could it be that my visualization is lacking control?
I did try to imagine things without giving my mind "loud" instructions when I was younger few years ago. And I stopped working on it once I got it to work and I've been using it to think ocassionaly but it seems to randomly "roam" and generate thought noise whenever I'm not controlling it.
01/10/17 (Tue) 22:51:33 No. 89401
My general attitude towards life is to be uncaring, resentful and lazy. I typically do nothing worthwhile with my time and avoid others whenever possible. On rare occasions I can act against type for a number of days but I always end up falling back into my old ways, unable to resist my default behaviour.
My question is, can I change what I am? Should I change? And how can I change myself?
01/10/17 (Tue) 23:33:24 No. 89406
I was practicing visualization, I had placed myself in a forest near a lake and I was walking along to coastline to a cabin, when all of a sudden on the other side if the lake, a giant white horse appeared that I did not consciously visualize' it had to be at least 150 feet tall, it galloped through the tree line for a while, not destroying any trees, just traveling over them and between then with its legs. It wasn't pure white, its coat was fairly dirty, but it was a white horse underneath.
Has anyone experienced anything like this, and can anyone tell me what it means, if anything?
01/10/17 (Tue) 23:57:33 No. 89407
Is The Kybalion just a meme or is it worth reading?
01/11/17 (Wed) 00:14:51 No. 89408
Don't be fooled by the few shitposters, The Kybalion isn't just a meme. However, The Kybalion being bad is a meme. It's an ironic shitpost since The Kybalion is almost universally agreed to be one of the better beginner books. If you don't believe me give it a skim and decide for yourself.
01/11/17 (Wed) 01:18:37 No. 89414
This would make a great banner for /fringe
01/11/17 (Wed) 01:59:00 No. 89416
The Kybalion is worth reading. All the anti-WWA and anti-Kybalion stuff is shitposting. Whenever anyone asks them to explain what they think is wrong with those books, they never get a reply. Even if it wasn't worth reading, you should at least skim it yourself and not blindly listen to anons.
There are a few symbolic things that come up in visualizations, but unless you can find a list somewhere, or they happen every time you do anything even against your will, it's probably nothing. Not everything that comes up in any kind of visualization meditation means anything. The only two things I remember for sure that mean anything are snakes and wolves doing specific things (the wolf thing was in Magical Use of Thoughtforms, if anyone remembers). Keep doing whatever you were doing a whole heap of times (I can't tell if you were using creative visualization or if it was just a "visualize stuff and see what happens" kind of meditation), try to forget about the horse, and see what happens. I had this recurring theme of myself entering some kind of really old building (once it was an ancient Greek-style building, another time it was a 50's-style house in a field, another time it was some kind of hunting hut that seemed like it came from older Europe somewhere, and there were a bunch more, even when I'd forgotten about the recurrence), but I never figured out why it kept happening. Good luck if it is something, anon.
How long have either of you been meditating? It takes quite a long time for some people to have much progress. It's all a matter of will and practice. I first meditated about 2 years ago, and I only really started trying to clear my mind maybe 5 months ago. I can keep my mind silent for about 20 seconds at a time. I only tend to meditate at most half an hour or so each day. Some people will take a lot less time than that, too, if that sounds like too much effort. The occult was never going to be an easy, overnight thing. That doesn't mean you should give up, though.
01/11/17 (Wed) 02:01:12 No. 89417
Didn't work. Deleted cookies, cleared cache, deleted history. I can't tell if it's just the shitty state of 8ch. Ironically, I'm in the middle of a comp sci degree and I don't know how to do something as basic as setting a thing on a website back to its default.
01/11/17 (Wed) 02:05:30 No. 89418
I forgot to mention, I'm this anon >>88719 and everywhere else I've looked/asked on the internet, I've been told I'm "sensitive" in some way (whatever that means exactly), so you both might have an easier time than me and it might not take as long.
01/11/17 (Wed) 10:05:46 No. 89426
Thanks. I'll buy it.
01/11/17 (Wed) 10:27:03 No. 89427
There's a pdf in the library Mega though. Why waste your money?
01/11/17 (Wed) 11:34:27 No. 89430
It's not in my preferred language. It's way easier to read it in my own language.
01/11/17 (Wed) 11:50:04 No. 89431
01/11/17 (Wed) 11:51:18 No. 89432
01/11/17 (Wed) 12:43:34 No. 89433
I can't change, I would be better off dead
tipp 01/11/17 (Wed) 15:17:34 No. 89434
Do you want to change?
tipp 01/11/17 (Wed) 15:20:04 No. 89435
Google the thing and symbolism.
01/11/17 (Wed) 16:31:31 No. 89437
Whether I want to change or not doesn't matter, there isn't enough time for me to do so
tipp 01/11/17 (Wed) 16:48:50 No. 89438
You've already made up your mind. Good luck in your current vibration.
01/11/17 (Wed) 17:47:53 No. 89441
Is there any reason why I shouldn't kill myself?
01/11/17 (Wed) 18:15:34 No. 89442
If you don't aim for immortality you might as well kill yourself. There is no reason to live for a short period, joyful or not. Immortality or death are the only two options.
01/11/17 (Wed) 18:36:38 No. 89443
And what does aiming for immortality entail?
01/11/17 (Wed) 18:52:59 No. 89444
attaining physical and more importantly spiritual immortality which ensures eternal existence
01/11/17 (Wed) 19:06:01 No. 89445
Man I am lonely, I've lost faith in humanity. I guess I'll pray to zeus.
*day later a friend calls*
"Hey what's up wanna hang out?"
*friend shows up with beer and food*
"Wow! Beer and food! Hold up a second."
*leaves room and gets on knees in front of statue of Zeus*
"Thank you so much for the beer and food Zeus!"
No. Start giving credit where it's dude. Your friend helped you, not zeus. Your friend is a living person who needs thanked and worshipped. Stop taking other people for fucking granted and thanking "god" (aka yourself) for something a living fucking person did. We are here with others to interact and form friendships. If I wanted to sit around doing nothing I would just exist. Get over your god(the split personality you created to keep your ego constantly masturbated) and start appreciating people that are actually fucking here. All the varieties of selfish fucks showed their true colors in 2016 especialy during the election. Lets aim for more than likes this year. Lets actually fucking interact with people. I haven't had a "heart to heart" with anyone in awhile. Now that we have everything at the press of a button human contact is just becoming a formality. I dedicated 8 years of my life/wizardry/meditation towards trying to become self sustaining. I was constantly interacting with the world but was still basically in isolation. I think I'm qualified to say that the solo path is fucking stupid as fuck. You are never going to accomplish anything alone. Start forming alliances now or we are all fucked and the division and chaos happening will get much worse. Believe me, I hate all of you too, but for the time being we gotta humble ourselves cause as much as we think we know we don't have a fucking clue.
01/11/17 (Wed) 19:10:34 No. 89446
* If I wanted to sit around doing nothing I would just exist in the void…
Then again sometimes I wonder if I was somewhere better before this and a universe taking up more space than mine sucked me into this one to prevent me from either doing the same to them or to use me as a battery.
01/11/17 (Wed) 19:41:57 No. 89450
>All the varieties of selfish fucks showed their true colors in 2016 especialy during the election
01/11/17 (Wed) 20:43:47 No. 89456
If a person sees a ghost/spirit is it actually seeing it or feeling it so vividly that it creates the sensation of seeing?
I mean, in everyday life there aren't many ghost sightings. As far as I have heard, they are experienced by those who are more or less clairvoyant. So, could it be concluded that the third eye lets us feel spirits and create the feeling of seeing them?
But this also raises another question- the phenomen of ghosts/spirits appearing in photos and videos. Or are they fake as it would require the camera to feel energies? Or is it some sort of electromagnetic interference?
On Pythagoreans 01/11/17 (Wed) 20:45:49 No. 89457
Does anyone have information on Pythagoras "way of life"? It seems like a cheerful and esoteric tradition to me, does anyone have actual information on it?
01/12/17 (Thu) 00:01:00 No. 89473
>You're not practicing magic, you're practicing highly advanced science
Okay cool.
01/12/17 (Thu) 00:56:34 No. 89474
It's literally the opposite, but ok kid. Try not to think about how hermeticism caused the discovery of the majority of science.
01/12/17 (Thu) 01:23:47 No. 89477
Lacerta files are fake. Go back to 2006.
01/12/17 (Thu) 01:36:55 No. 89478
>occult powers DO NOT exist
>occult powers are a type of highly developed science
So do occult powers exist or not? Make up your fucking mind.
01/12/17 (Thu) 02:15:28 No. 89479
reading comprehension
01/12/17 (Thu) 04:35:15 No. 89481
What about reading comprehension? It says "occult powers and magic - both of which things DO NOT exist", and then it says "everything that you label as "magic" is only a part of science". They say that magic doesn't exist, and then they say things labelled as magic are scientific processes (meaning magic exists but they're giving it a different name).
01/12/17 (Thu) 04:45:04 No. 89482
I swear, every fedora ever, it's always the same shit argument again & again.
Someone, probably me, has to compile a history of philosophy and science with citations out of some of the books that cover the relation between hermeticism and science. Then it needs to be mass-distributed until these fedoras become a rare breed.
I think I should narrate this one book too I have that you can't find at all anywhere online, it'll be a great greenpill.
01/12/17 (Thu) 04:46:13 No. 89483
Are you implying btw that reptilians do not lie and that they do not also make mistakes?
…because they both make mistakes passing on misinformation and they lie too.
01/12/17 (Thu) 14:41:38 No. 89495
Yes, and it's basically telling you that those occult powers and magic aren't separate at all from science like some armchair occultists want to tell you. "Oh, you need science for that, not magic." You understand now?
01/12/17 (Thu) 16:26:19 No. 89497
>"Oh, you need science for that, not magic."
This is still implying that you can do anything without magick (which is universal law).
Science and magick aren't opposites but an integrated whole (along with art and all other fields of knowledge).
01/12/17 (Thu) 21:59:28 No. 89512
I have question about sigil creation of chaos magick. Should I use English or my native language when creating the initial sentence before removing vowels. Or it doesn't matter at all and I should instead use the one which feels right at the time?
01/12/17 (Thu) 22:26:47 No. 89513
How can I learn to have an open mind? In other words, how can I suspend my disbelief?
01/12/17 (Thu) 22:44:04 No. 89516
01/12/17 (Thu) 23:05:02 No. 89519
So is there actually any power in being a virgin over 30?
tipp 01/12/17 (Thu) 23:35:52 No. 89521
>blabla science not magic science is magic bla bla
magic is a >science< most people will never be smart enough to grasp, its a subject entirely in the mind, intangible.
magic is practical application of quantum physics.
come to realize you don't know shit, that the world is so much larger than the tinty worldview you once held, only then it will be open to you, you will not dismiss it out of hand, you will see and will see what is truth and what is not, entertaining all ideas rationally.
01/12/17 (Thu) 23:40:13 No. 89523
get rid of pride and arrogance.
01/13/17 (Fri) 00:05:03 No. 89524
I think you might be the one that needs to learn reading comprehension, anon. It says occult powers don't exist, and then it says occult powers do exist. All I was explaining is that it contradicts itself. I agree with what you're saying, and I know that's what it said. If you don't understand my point by now, I really don't know how I can be any clearer.
The whole point is having the affirmation in your subconscious mind, so it shouldn't matter. I'd imagine you could even translate it into a language you don't speak and it would still work, since you still had to come up with the initial idea in your own language. It would be very unnecessary, though. Use whichever language you want.
Based on my limited knowledge of egregores, there's the power of depression and loneliness.
01/13/17 (Fri) 02:24:14 No. 89535
So are we getting this thread then?
01/13/17 (Fri) 04:14:54 No. 89539
anything magickal about tinnitus?
01/13/17 (Fri) 15:41:33 No. 89562
Are there anyone whose goal is to shapeshift? How has that worked out?
I´ve been trying for last two years without succesfull AP and without sigils, but there has been some minor changes. My life is too short for this.
01/13/17 (Fri) 18:10:14 No. 89565
Hi /fringe/, I hope you all are having a great day.
I have a few questions;
>What is your opinion on Albert Pike and Morals & Dogma
>Is there any spiritual enlightenment to be found in Christianity?
>What should I do when I find myself lost?
01/13/17 (Fri) 18:56:51 No. 89568
Stumbled across this, anyone heard of anything like this before? Is he serious? *
01/13/17 (Fri) 20:09:59 No. 89575
For fuck sakes the sarcasm even goes through the roof when you read the last line
>This is totally for reals! It's not just a weird idea I got after thinking about the books by Charlie Stross!
RIGHT below the image
But anyways, If it was true I would avoid it because, hear me, this dude by the name of Satan is not a good person.
01/13/17 (Fri) 20:12:21 No. 89577
Yeah I feel kinda dumb for taking it seriously, dunno how I didn't pick up on that.
01/13/17 (Fri) 20:18:54 No. 89578
Thank you, I'll do this and see if it keeps happening.
Did that and apparently it's a sign of a Messiah or savior. Fuck, I don't think I'm ready for that.
01/13/17 (Fri) 22:16:36 No. 89583
What are the chances that this guy is for real?
01/13/17 (Fri) 22:32:59 No. 89585
>/pol/ack Admin
>teenage satanist mod
>2-3(?) literal faggots likely from /leftypol/
>unknown numberless masses of redditors
>small number of /pol/acks
>Tavistock Board Volunteer
>one dead BO who killed himself after being doxed (RIP in pieces ken-sama)
>numberless masses of /pol/acks
>a few redditors
>mindless hordes of newfigs
>a fucking tipp
Ah finally you have reached your final form m'goy. Now is not the time for white genocide, that comes later.
tipp 01/13/17 (Fri) 22:54:12 No. 89587
01/13/17 (Fri) 23:05:34 No. 89589
pro boner.
Also, threads lock up when they hit 751 posts. Might want to prep up a new one.
01/14/17 (Sat) 01:04:43 No. 89591
If someone is supposed to discover such knowledge they will, if not they won't. How does it feel to know all of your attempts to spread esoteric knowledge are absolutely worthless and you're wasting your life, for free ?
tipp 01/14/17 (Sat) 01:22:51 No. 89592
>they will
by asking the question, cunt.
we don't have time for all of you bullshit occultists lazing around wasting good time to learn basic bullshit.
01/14/17 (Sat) 03:17:22 No. 89598
Learningchode doxed ken-sama. Ken-sama killed himself. RIP.
01/14/17 (Sat) 03:58:36 No. 89601
Are there any mods here to make/sticky a new thread?
I know nothing about crystals (and I'm skeptical about them since they seem to be so popular with New Age people. Like I said I wouldn't know) but orgasm does release a lot of energy, and it's used for charging sigils and stuff like that. It probably does something, but not necessarily what he thinks it does.
>What is your opinion on Albert Pike and Morals & Dogma
Never heard of him/it (but nobody else has answered this yet so I might as well answer the other two).
>Is there any spiritual enlightenment to be found in Christianity?
All forms of organized religion do seem to come from earlier teachings, so probably if you studied hard enough, but you'd have to dig through so much bullshit and rules. Why go through all of that when you can learn so much through other more hands-on and less restrictive ideological methods? Learn to have astral projections.
>What should I do when I find myself lost?
What does that mean? What does lost mean? That's a really vague question.
01/14/17 (Sat) 04:15:00 No. 89602
>Are there any mods here to make/sticky a new thread?
There is only Smiley, and he killed himself. /fringe/ is dead, fringechan is shit. Time to stop using the interjew.
01/14/17 (Sat) 04:16:27 No. 89603
He's obviously just looking for people to fuck in the ass and trying to be subtle. He must die, inshallah.
01/14/17 (Sat) 13:39:35 No. 89628
09/13/17 (Wed) 16:12:43 No. 109094
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3
𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 211 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓸, 𝓞𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓝2𝓛 5𝓦3