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I get that this isn't /x/ but that place is a den of roleplayers and while I can't argue that this isn't I'm an avid astral projector and believe normies unconsciously affect reality through will alone and if we put our minds to it we can accomplish things that the elites want us to envision is impossible.

Many of you seem to honestly believe in higher planes and things that should be impossible and now I can't deny I've either lost my mind or awoken to some crazy shit.

Sorry if this kind of thread isn't warranted but I'd really appreciate some serious explanations and suggestions where I should go from here.

I'm going to explain what happened in detail, yes it'll be a little drawn out and maybe even dramatic but I want to actually tell my story of what's happening encase it doesn't stop and I've bitten off more than I can chew.


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>live out in rural Alaska on my own far away from people, used to live with fiancée but we got in a fight weeks ago and she left with some of her stuff for a plane home. This is only relevant because my mental health can be called into question here, her leaving hasn't affected me too much except for the fact I miss physical comfort.

>Again live out in the fucking nowhere isolated, love the snow and can stand the cold. Yes I trip out here sometimes and there's fantastic meditation spots but I don't do it often and I'm usually under the influence, haven't done it in a while and no I'm not experiencing any kind of withdraws from shrooms.

>two days ago I go take a smoke outside to blow off steam because I got to thinking about the fiancée, lets call her Kim. Think about mediating sober and putting my feelings on the entire situation far from me but I can't get comfortable enough, blow off some steam with a smoke, I only smoke outside because I'm not a barbarian and if I smoked in the house I'd go through my cartons way too fast.

>get my Winchester Model 70 no scope or any tacticool shit. This is a nice gun encase I run into a bear, kind of hoping I do so I can eat bear again, we have a law stating you can kill any animal in a survival situation. Only take a few rounds because 30-06 is hard to stockpile and I end up taking too many potshots at stuff.

>go through an entire pack just wandering around enjoying the atmosphere, completely calm now until I THINK I see a human in the distance.

>again I live far from anyone else and my neighbors don't poke around in my side of the wilderness so I'm curious, the closer I get the bigger I realize this thing is and feel stupid for mistaking a bear for a person.

>know this thing looks too humanoid to be a bear but too big and animal like to be human.

>honestly doubt bigfoot lives in Alaska

>spend an entire three minutes I'd assume watching this thing and getting closer until it notices me and I become sure what this thing is.

>A tall very very lightly furred humanoid that literally walks on two legs and has a goat-like head without horns.

>completely inhuman, doesn't have fingers but seems to have paws. Visable muscle tone

>completely fucking stumped on what the fuck I'm shooting at, yes I shot it while it walked towards me. Thought I missed the first shot and quickly knocked back the bolt while holding my ground.

>adrenaline is pumping through my veins and I completely forget I'm cold but I start to shiver from something that is 100% emotional. Not quite fear but there is a good bit of that.

>second round hits the chest, this causes it to speed the fuck up and I aim for the leg and it doesn't fall, it completely stops.

>shoot it again as it turns around aiming for the head but miss, it runs away and I'm not sure I hit the knee anymore. A short holy fuck moment ensues and I pursue it with my last round in the chamber, no blood anywhere.

>lose sight of it around a hilly area, this thing had white fur and I'm 100% sure I'd either become famous or killed by the illuminati if I actually bagged the thing.

>give up because I'm still shivering and trek home while shaking deciding if I did shoot the shit out of this thing it'll die not far from here and the December cold will keep it fresh atleast a day.

>get home and my door open, don't lock the door because the only person who lives near me is a really good ways away plus he's white.

>this scares the living fuck out of me

>go around sticking my gun in the windows and searching my house from the outside before actually going in

>100% sure I shut my door to keep the heat in.

>nothing inside out of the ordinary except my fucking bed has been moved from the wall to the middle of my room

>try to call up my neighbor to lie about my heater being broken and ask if I can stay with him for a day.

>no answer

>super fucking paranoid I push my bed back into place and sit all night with other guns pointed at the door until I become too tired to care, locked everything down and literally built a hall of death with some furniture strings and bipods to let me shoot a semi-auto shotgun, double barrel and an AR15 at once down the hallway that should be easy enough to point at windows.

>get too tired to about personal safety care and fall asleep. Everything is fine the next day.

>Today when I woke up I went piss when I was coming back there was a literal snake hanging from the light on my ceiling right above my door.

>snakes aren't native here because it's super fucking cold and hard for a carnivorous reptile to survive here.

>shot it with a 22 and still beat the thing with a replica sword I had from a fare I went to when I was 13

>literally have a dead snake in my house so I know I can't be tripping, closed eyes and looked at it for a while, left and came back to find it still there.


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Anyone know anything about snakes suddenly appearing inside houses or beastmen?

I'm at a bit of a loss and I figure the least you can do is cast a spell and wish me luck.


Now technically this isn't just a question thread. I want some discussion on this if anyone is autistic enough to get into it and help make sense of things.

Did I do something wrong?

Was shooting it dumb?

If people are actually interested in this I can post more about it if I encounter anything else relating to it.


AND FINALLY. To let people know.

No I haven't gone to check for where whatever it was went to yet.

I spent most of my time smoking inside and being a paranoid shut in.

When I woke up I was almost in a state of disbelief trying to rationalize what happened, I was preparing for it and I'm seriously considering looking for it now.

Not sure if there's much time today though, I was pretty busy with home stuff. I'm considering skipping searching and going into town with the snake and asking if anyone else locally had these show up.



First off all:

>pics or it didnt happen

Then, assuming this isnt just made up, and you arent tripping balls, whether from a substance or just from not dealing with the breakup well while in prolonged social isolation, id say screw looking for the thing and get anther pair of eyes on the case, first of all. Anything you find in a panicked, paranoid state will be, rightly so, questioned by anyone you show it to, so play it smart, and play it safe. Other than that, good luck dude.


>see "roleplayer"

>open thread

>see extremely faggy image

>eyes unable to focus on writing

>superior intuition phases out all attempted influence



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>kill snek




nice roleplay



>den of roleplayers

This place is seriously not much better, what's worse is you have tippers following this board, clearly being triggered by what is being discussed and yet they continue to subject themselves to said triggering.

/fringe/ is really going downhill.


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lets see now…



top left, second top left, second row second down, left down three, column three second right.

almost bingo.


I see no picture of a snake, OP


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I have lots of spiders. Luckily frogs are numerous too.

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