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Esoteric Wizardry
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Esoteric Facebook Group

Contact Rick Nerio to Join








Discord groups, and now facebook? We need a /techfringe/. If you can do magick, you can install Gentoo.



We've actually been around since 2012 but figured we'd reach out to this board



Associating the esoteric with your real name is a bad idea. There's a reason the general consensus is "stay quiet". Expect a visit from men in suits if you ever develop skill and go public with it.



Who ever said that was my real name?


>facebook groups

Why would anyone do this? Do you know where you are? People have got to stop using fringe as their recruitment tool for off-site circle-jerks.


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Just trying to find some interesting perspectives to add to our discussions.





Contact him where, on facebook?



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Looking at the page and I don't see how joining would benefit me. It looks like you guys are just ironically supporting Catholicism or maybe your are catholic and are trying to make it relevant again? Honestly I don't know but what I do know is that their has been a big influx of people trying to recruit anons from fringe and fringechan it's suspicious at best.

pics I found on the guys facebook page



>their has

there has



There are Catholics in the group, including myself, but we are a minority.



well you guys are certainly secret. I cant find any correlation between Rick Nerio and his friends. but in between this guy




and Rick Nerio it's a little too strange.

Mind explaining why Catholics are allowed to practice magic?



Don't know who the poster of those are.

Depends on what you mean by magick. If by it you mean sorcery and divination, no. Is the Eucharist magick? Is bringing God into substantial form via incantation and ritual so that one may consume Him magick?



Eucharist is definitely magic.



Isn't it based on an old pagan ritual?


Occult practices will be clamped down soon. Be careful.



What makes you say that?



Because I think normies are on the verge of finding magic. When that happens, meme magic certainly will occur, even if real magic won't.

That's a nono for the government, can't have awoken citizens.



Have you ever been to a book store? They have a section dedicated to magic and the occult. It's waking up no one.

Why clamp down if you can just pump in more new age and wicca?



>Have you ever been to a book store? They have a section dedicated to magic and the occult.

Literally this. At first I was sceptical of those books because how they were in the open. Wouldn't they grab everyone's attention? But they didn't; they only grabbed my attention. They weren't bullshit either as they were translations of The Kybalion and included authors' personal experiences. Could it be that only few people are attracted to awakening?

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