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I wonder if it would be possible to write a program that took the planetary alignments on every date for the next couple thousand years and a bunch of arbitrary numbers from the Bible and calculated every possible date that the world could "end" based on that kind of dumb shit. I guess most of the idiocy is too subjective to code, though.


"Jesus" is "coming back" soon in the sense that a messiah figure must soon appear.

However this new messiah will be more of an Apollo/Sun figure, a bringer of justice and destruction. In some sense I suppose the Christian mythos of The Holy Judgement is indeed correct, save for the fact that they are among those to be judged as are all men, and that the judgement will not be of God but Man.



And who told you that, mate?




>sage in all fields

Afraid of something?



It's funny, reading this makes me giddy for the time that I reveal myself to the masses.



Everyone is the messiah lad.

We all have the duty of gassing the jews and their slaves the christcucks.



Actually, everyone has the archetype of the messiah within them but only one can truly reign king.



I'll beat you to it. I've got the wise beard and emphatic eyes already.

I bet you still sleep with a pillow lol.



Hol up.

So you be sayin.





hol up

so it's like there's this probability that any number of people could become a messiah but once the messiah is revealed the probability is collapsed and the past conforms so it could only have been the him and no other


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File: e3b42de4b0a3c33⋯.png (1.22 MB, 944x708, 4:3, kalki is hitler!.png)


>Rabbi Yeshua is coming back

Just in time to be removed by Kalki.



>the messiah is coming to signal the end of this age and the beginning of the thousand year empire of white mankind as prophesied for countless millennia

ids habbeding


Ponder this.

What if "Jesus coming back" is actually just a secret agency waiting until complete civil and global unrest, and then unleashing the secret of free energy upon the world?

Would this not be seen in the same light as Jesus turning water into wine? They would instantly be worshiped.

Their demonstration of it could be the production of wine using free energy.



I can already make wine for free.

You just throw fruit and shit in a barrel and wait a while.



>logic, reason, anime

ayy lmao



He already is.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




The guys voice is off putting to me.

People have been predicting jebus would come back since the day he died.


File: 4f449f3364cae49⋯.png (456.95 KB, 480x598, 240:299, img-25587892f6f.png)


He is actually trying to come back through every one of us.


I am Jesus. I am here to save all good people. The 5000 most "powerful" people here are going to be killed. Enjoy the show!



You are onto something

The hints are all out there

Nobody is buying any bs the gov tells us anymore

Free energy gon be lit af fam



Oh yeah. Everyone is about to get rewarded with free energy devices and a free income. No ones gonna have any bills to pay or need to work anymore. People will age slower and premium whey protein shakes from non-gm fed cattle will pour out of public drinking fountains completely free and without restriction; as will be most services e.g. gyms, fast food and new forms of public transport such as helicopter rides. It's all because G-d is so pleased that humanity cracked the code and figured out that Obama was the antichrist, that racism is healthy in extreme but non-violent doses and that the government was using Pizza houses to store abducted children.


I am jeecus



Funi post but human trafficing is real as fuck. How much of a douche fuck do you have to be to attack someone for investigating a possible place where children are being pimped out? Do you realize that all you stevecolbert johnoliver faggots succesfully made it taboo to ever do something to try to stop human slavery once and for all? But hey, you all got to agree about how right you are about everything together, and thats all that matters.

Die in a fucking fire


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>I am jeecus

hi jeecus, I'm michael


checked but I'm a little disappointed in you mann. Wasting god dubs and loosh on a blue pill mundane


>The 5000 most "powerful" people here are going to be killed. Enjoy the show!

I will


Fart!! #poop #poopykek



What the fuck is loosh? I can say as many words as I like. Is that seriously considered a hack in this universe? They make you pay for each word you say? I'm gonna fucking kill these mother fuckers.



>'I can't do anything about anything even though I want to. The Daily Show and its fanbase on cripplechan and the world would laugh at me if I dared to speak! They're all the same and they take everything they see at face value.

lel. no one here's in agreement about anything. Why are you freaking out so sadly and how come you sound like a teenage goon? I thought they were all old guys now.

Did you know that Freech is the fun place for fun posters?



>god dubs



I know reality is scary, but no gay debunked religion is going to save a weak faggot like you. Kill yourself.

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