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Esoteric Wizardry


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 No.8810[Last 50 Posts]




A fedora rejects magick and refuses to investigate it, he is actively opposed to the practise of magick and denies its existence. He doesn't want to do anything for himself and wants to sit there and demand you prove things to him so that after hours of preparation and considerable effort to show him magick he may then dismiss it again with "magick doesn't real, nice trick there faggot". His mind's already made up and he thinks practising and studying magick is foolishness. Some fedoras purportedly have read some magick books before but they may have been really shit books, or they might not be clever enough to make proper use of them, or they think what they read is better explained by a non-magickal explanation. They are men of faith and can't be reasoned with. "Magick is not real, trust me I've never done it!" is a famous slogan of the fedora.


A regular person with no magical knowledge or practise. Probably they aren't interested in magick or only know a little. There attention is given primarily to the mundane pursuits in life. They do not necessarily reject magick and they may be theists or religious but for whatever reason they don't pursue it. They may be apathetic, they may think they can't achieve a level of skill in magick where it would be worth their while, they may simply be too distracted with just trying to survive, they might have had some bad or startling experiences with the paranormal and let fear dominate them and keep them from going further, they might not know where to begin with getting into magick, etc. There are many reasons mundanes don't actively study and practise magick even if they acknowledge its existence or possibility. They are the same same as Hylic or Somatic in Gnostic terms.



A person who is learning magick. They have an actual interest in occultism and study it and may be engaged in some basic practises. They've at least read some books – they are learners following the path of illumination. They want to develop adept-hood in magick. They might not be accomplished in the practise of magick for now but they're learning and they respect the initiates and masters who they seek guidance from. Same as Psychic in Gnostic terms, someone with the potential to overcome his material-animal nature and become a spiritual being.


A person who has learned a lot of magick, probably studied at least a minimum of one year, read multiple books, engaged in a variety of practises with enough success in magick to not take the doubters seriously anymore. He has achieved gnosis, he's seen some shit, he's got results. He knows there's "something to it" and doesn't doubt his path any longer. Considers himself a wizard, is able to help others along the path and teach them as well. Some of these would be Pneumatic in Gnostic terms but most would still be called Psychic.


An initiate who has finished all of his studies, is extremely skilled in the practise of magick, has much to teach everyone else, and has basically overcome third density and reached a level of consciousness where he is assured not to fall back into ignorance. He has attained mastery of the magical arts.


Master of Masters

Hermes Trismegistus is called the Master of Masters. You will never be him, not without learning and practising for countless lifetimes in which you consciously remember everything. A spirit of this level of power travels to other worlds and reveals the highest truths to its inhabitants, creating the foundations of religion. He makes even learned wizards who've already mastered their arts still looks like like neophytes compared to him.


You can only get this rank by becoming an alien in another incarnation or being an alien already. Aliens are typically 4D or even higher and magick is child's play for them.


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Why can't I post with flags in some of the older threads and why are some flags not showing up as available to me?




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>no Uber trismegistus rank
>implying there's such things as "nevers" or impossibles" in this or any other plane of existence
>implying all aliums are 4D



Nobody is worthy of the Uber Trismegistus rank until reach such a level of power that they can force it to exist with their magick alone.


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Finally we have flags.




Loosh Farmers Report In


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Fedoras in the house


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plz this ones




Check 'um




I am an alium but not an grey. Pls represent me with flag you ignorant bigots. Saiyan Pride!


At least I'm not a fedora


Am I doing this right/


qwop the law of vibration holds untold power


>A person who has learned a lot of magick, probably studied at least a minimum of one year

>tfw when I won't consider myself an initiate until I finish step 8 of IIH.


Come abduct me first then, greys beating you at your game bitch alien.


If magick is real, then why have none of you divined the winning lotto numbers?


Aye aye, I do the same.


*tips fedora*


>A person who has learned a lot of magick, probably studied at least a minimum of one year

>tfw din do nuffin for a year even though believe in fringe stuff because of laziness

I'm ashamed of calling myself a neophyte


I know that feel. I never have the will to do anything. It's pretty sad honestly.


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Those rankings are ridiculous and out of date.



>The Incurious

This archetype is too busy or too content to commit to intangible pursuits. He is firmly rooted in reality and has several responsibilities and activities that are his primary focus in life. Believers and Zealots refer to this archetype as "the Mundane."

>The Pragmatist

This archetype favors reality over fantasy and prefers not to indulge in irrational thought. As a staunch proponent of rigor, he rejects theories that lack evidence or cannot be tested. Believers and Zealots frequently label this archetyle as "the Fedora."

>The Suggestible

This archetype is cerebral and curious, but his curiosity is as much a liability as it is an asset, for it makes him open to anything. As an intellectual, he entertains almost any argument or position. Believers and Zealots think of this archetype as "the Neophyte."

>The Believer

This archetype wholeheartedly embraces ideas while not understanding them to their full extent. In supporting particular belief systems, he validates his need for belonging, and he feels privileged as a result of this. Zealots label this archetype as "The Initiate."

>The Zealot

This archetype suspends all disbelief in regard to the fantastical and disparages those who are not committed to his brand of dogma. His fanaticism has made him militant, irrational, and manipulative. Believers and Suggestibles refer to this archetype as "The Master."

>The Reformed

This archetype was once a Zealot who could not reconcile his dogma with rational thought. He has all the knowledge of a Zealot without the limited perspective, which allows him to come full circle and reveal the cruxes of belief systems to all other archetypes.


Hey fucktard, pragmatists are NOT fedora, did you even read the recent thread we had that went into how magick is pragmatic?

Fedoras are far-removed from being pragmatists and instead are dogmatic materialist fundamentalists.



>magick is pragmatic

Zealot detected.

>scientists are dogmatic materialist fundamentalists

Swing and a miss.


Also your whole fucking text you laid out is purely sceptical in inclination and lacks any support for gnosis. You regard the most advanced persons as the ones who "know nothing and cling to nothing" when in reality they are but ignorant know nothings. A true master KNOWS and is CAPABLE and can DO THINGS, he has insights into reality that grant him true POWER.

The Reformed archetype you put forward is just a faggot fedora.


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>martin luther king
>on /fringe/

>rational v/s irrational thought

You know where it goes.


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Fuck off until you understand gnosis.


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>they're oblivious to their Zealotry

Zealots gonna Zealot.


>he thinks Martin Luther is Martin Luther King

Are you retarded?


The Incurious – aka Mundane

This faggot is too busy or too animalistic to commit to higher pursuits. He is firmly rooted in delusional maya and has several chains and distractions that are the primary focus in his wasted incarnation.

The Pragmatist – aka Chaos Wizard

This guy is a metaphysical pluralist and doesn't worry if the theory reflects objective reality and he understands that for a doubt to be taken seriously there must be a good reason for that doubt. As a staunch proponent of "if it works, proceed" he doesn't bog himself down in retarded unwarranted scepticism or metaphysical hair-splitting. Fedoras apparently have no idea what pragmatism is about but want to steal this label for themselves.

The Suggestible

These faggots pick up on the suggestions given to them all the time and believe everything but the depth of their belief is such that it may be said they believe nothing. They play along to everything and are moved wherever the wind blows. The are social chameleons, trolls, and lack a sense of true identity. There is a great nihilistic emptiness eating them at the core while their personas blow about like leaves in the wind.

These other "archetypes"

Fuck them, they're stupid.


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>he really fell for it
I don't care for either of both, since neither brought anything productive to the world.

Both wanted to keep spreading christinsanity and bluepills. Both were tools of archons.

Protestantism is the same shit as catholicism, just a different shade of brown.

Bringing tools of archons to /fringe/ is never a good idea.


Good job on being a sceptical faggot, faggot. As if it takes any effort to doubt everything (but swallow the mainstream narrative unquestionably).

Now try and actually do something but sit around and feign superiority for finding little cracks in other people's theories and shit, he who deconstructs, does not at all compare to he who constructs. "Debunking" is easy shit.



You can't be a pragmatist and believe in magic in the same way that you can't be a scientist and believe in a 6000-year-old Earth. Pragmatism and science are rooted in observation and evidence whereas magic and creationism are rooted in wishful thinking and faith.


>Bringing tools of archons to /fringe/ is never a good idea.

You're cute when you're trying to be ominous, Smiley. Give /illuminati/ my regards.


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>You can't be a pragmatist and believe in magic in the same way that you can't be a scientist and believe in a 6000-year-old Earth. Pragmatism and science are rooted in observation and evidence whereas magic and creationism are rooted in wishful thinking and faith.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about you retard, how about you actually fucking read about pragmatism, and also figure out what the philosophy you subscribe to is which is definitely not pragmatism.




u mad, Zealot?


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"Under this Law of Infinite Universes are two other laws: the Law of Pragmatism and the law of True Falsehoods. The Law of Pragmatism simply states, "If it works, it's true." This is a very useful law because it avoids moral arguments with oneself and others. In this case, therefore, truth has a functional value since it works properly for the person. Such a law allows different responses to the same or similar situations which is the interplay of the Law of Synthesis."


u mad, fedora materialist fundamentalist who has never ever fucking read up on what pragmatism is?



That falls under "Believer" or "Zealot," depending on how dogmatic you've become as a result of time spent on it.


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Fedoras trying to steal the pragmatic philosophy for themselves BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.



>if it works, it's true

That isn't the definition of "pragmatic."

You Zealots are all the same.


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Fedoras go back to the Classical Model or to Empiricism, you don't know what Pragmatism is, you philosophical ignorants.

>Chaos magic, also spelled chaos magick, kaos magic or kaos magick, is a postmodern and post-postmodern magical tradition which emphasizes the pragmatic use of belief systems and the creation of new and unorthodox methods.


The more Fedoras post the more they embarrass themselves.


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Keep digging that fedora hole deeper, all true students of philosophy are laughing at you right now in this thread, idiot.



>magical tradition which emphasizes the pragmatic use of belief systems

Believing that you have superpowers is the opposite of being pragmatic.

Magic is like any other religion in that it is faith-based and devoid of supporting evidence.

The strength of your faith doesn't make you a pragmatist; it makes you a zealot.


>all true students of philosophy are laughing at you right now

You mean the same ones that are flipping burgers after earning their degrees in philosophy?

How pragmatic of them.


>Believing that you have superpowers is the opposite of being pragmatic.

No it's not you fucking IDIOT. READ the actual article on PRAGMATISM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pragmatism

READ THIS TOO: http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/us/james.htm


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You're playing with words whose meanings you do not understand.

Typical anti-philosophical attitude of retarded fedoras who DO NOT EVEN KNOW THE NAME OF THE PHILOSOPHY THEY'VE BEEN INDOCTRINATED INTO MINDLESSLY.



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Magic Pragmatism. Inner Observation and the Quest for Inner Perfection

he project explores a group of Italian psychologists, philosophers, and writers who in the first years of the twentieth century crafted a form of pragmatism known as “psychological” or “magic” pragmatism. The members of this group transformed pragmatism from a set of philosophical doctrines into a practical guide for inner or spiritual action: a “psicacogia,” or an art for the conduct of the soul. To them pragmatism derived its recognizable unity less from any coherent body of philosophical ideas than from the practices it encouraged. These included introspection and self-observation (both psychological and philosophical); psychological techniques aimed at strengthening the will, concentrating attention, and intensifying “mental energy;” philosophical exercises of a Stoic variety; religious exercises, such as forms of the “imitatio Christi”, and a host of practices for the writing of the self (such as the intimate journal, the letter, and the fantastic tale). They borrowed those practices from heterogeneous traditions, but reinterpreted them in light of Henri Bergson’s and William James’s work, especially James’s pragmatism and his psychological theories of attention, perception, and the will. The result was a powerful, though, unstable, synthesis of psychological, philosophical, spiritual, and, shortly afterwards, political ways of life which they mobilized as they pursued a typically modernist project of individual renewal and social regeneration. Bordogna’s MPI project is part of her current book project, The Pragmatist Hotel: Pragmatism as a Way of Life.



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"Crowley was also influenced by William James, the psychologist and creator of Pragmatism."




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"Not just any magick, but one that is ultimately pragmatic. Pragmatism is a strong part of many magical traditions and hoodoo exemplifies this. What purpose is there for magick if not to help right wrongs, to help find a person happiness, …"

I am not going to touch on the history of hoodoo, nor its religious influences (for more on the topic of hoodoo's history check out catherine yronwode's online book). Instead, I am going to point out one salient fact that the critics who decry conjure's lack of concept of karma are missing: hoodoo is magick. That's right, it is a system of *magick,* not religion. Not just any magick, but one that is ultimately pragmatic.

Pragmatism is a strong part of many magical traditions and hoodoo exemplifies this. What purpose is there for magick if not to help right wrongs, to help find a person happiness, to bring about a nurturing relationship, or financial success? The rootworkers is a deeply spiritual person, but a person who's not so far up in the clouds that they forget where their feet are.''



I sure as fuck know what it is because I actually study philosophy unlike you who just fucks around with muh pop science retardation.






>he thinks that his belief in superpowers and metaphysical canards makes him pragmatic

Are you sure you know the definition of that word, bro?



You're the one who's putting on a wizard hat and arguing over fairy tales, Zealot. If anyone is indoctrinated, it's you.


Crowley wasn't pragmatic at all.


>Pragmatism is a strong part of many magical traditions

Nah. Magic is fantastical and faith-based, which makes it antithetical to pragmatism.



Pragmatic Wizards: +1
Fedora Philosophical Sceptics: -1


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Get started here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology

Current assignment for you; read and understand each epistemological position from empiricism to rationalism to scepticism to idealism to pragmatism and so on.



I double posted, so I deleted one.

If anyone should be ashamed, it should be you for projecting this hard.


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Come back when you're not an ignorant buffoon.

Here's a few more for you to study:

- Constructivism
- Coherentism
- Foundationalism
- Infinitism
- Phenomenalism

More here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Epistemological_theories

Watching fucking Carl Sagan and Black Science Man does not constitute an education in philosophy, retard fedora.




You first, bro.

If you're this far off the mark when it comes to pragmatism, then I'm not convinced that you understand any of the ideas that you've put forth.

At this point, you're more of a Believer than a Zealot.


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>You first, bro.

Already fucking did.

>If you're this far off the mark when it comes to pragmatism, then I'm not convinced that you understand any of the ideas that you've put forth.

You don't understand shit. If you think I'm wrong you have to go edit the chaos magick wikipedia article, faggot.

>At this point, you're more of a Believer than a Zealot.

You're a retard.




>Come back when you're not an ignorant buffoon.

If that's your policy, then you should've left this place a long time ago.

>Watching fucking Carl Sagan and Black Science Man does not constitute an education in philosophy

Neither does reading William Walker Atkinson while wearing a robe and wizard hat.


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>calling other people zealots
>Zealots were originally a political movement in 1st century Second Temple Judaism



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It sure does.


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Fucking William James (one of the founders of pragmatism) was part of the Theosophical Society.


Fedora BTFO out again.


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The placebo effect even seems to work in sports, particularly in the aspect of pain killing. Researchers in the University of Turin found that athletes who used morphine to treat pain during a camp, can, unbeknownst to them, be given fake morphine, just before competition, and receive the same effects of real morphine during competition thus there is some type of causation between belief and athletic performance. Conor McGregor has cited his intense belief as a source of his success in the Octagon, but are his belief's true? To this we turn to a man who influenced Aleister Crowley, William James.

As one of the main exponents of the American philosophy of Pragmatism, William James believed that "the truth of an idea is not a stagnant property inherent in it. Truth happens to an idea. It becomes true, is made true by events. Its verity is in fact an event, a process: the process namely of its verifying itself, its veri-fication. Its validity is the process of its valid-ation." This main doctrine of pragmatism can be explained with the following parable.

Read the rest here: http://fightland.vice.com/blog/conor-mcgregor-aleister-crowley-and-the-power-of-belief




That doesn't make magic pragmatic.

Swing and a miss.


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William James: Pragmatism and His Life Devoted to the Occult

William James and John Dewey are credited with the popularization and refinement of pragmatism. Pragmatism proclaims that the truth or worth of an idea is based upon the results it brings. Pragmatists believe that truth is relative, situational, and that a desired end justifies any means required to reach it. [1] John MacArthur has stated that pragmatism has sucked the life out of the Church.
James was the Father of American Psychology. [2]
James studied closely the schools of thought known as associationism and spiritualism. He was a Swedenborgian theologian, and heavily involved in the Metaphysical Club, all of which are the occult.[3]
James was a Harvard professor, psychologist, psychic investigator, and philosopher.
William James explored multiple vocations in his life-long quest for intellectual clarity and spiritual fulfillment. [4]
He was a Progressive Socialist. [5] [6]
In 1899, he was the leader of Anti-imperialist League.[7]
James used hypnotism in his teaching and practice. [8]
He accepted Darwin's explanation of human evolution. [9]
Published in 1902, his pioneering Varieties of Religious Experience, which concerned building a bridge between psychology and religion. It has become the cornerstone of scientific study of religion to this day. He considered himself a pluralist. [10]
William James called for a serious study of paranormal phenomena and played a leading part in the foundation in 1885 of the American Society for Psychical Research.[11]



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>being desperate enough to lean on vice.com

You still haven't been able to coherently state why magic is pragmatic, and you won't be able to do so because pragmatism invalidates magic.


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You're a fucking idiot, just off yourself, or apply the label of a philosophy that actually reflects your fedora beliefs.

Find the correct one for you in here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Epistemological_theories

Pragmatism; something you don't understand at all and which you misrepresent in your stupid fucking picture.



There is no need to be upset.

Surely a Zealot such as yourself can explain why magic is pragmatic.


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Are you just trolling at this point? Anyone with half a brain reading this thread can see how fucking wrong you are.

Lets look at the facts now shall we?

1. Wikipedia article on Chaos Magick explicitly states it's Pragmatic. Don't agree? Then go ahead and try to edit the article and see if the wikipedia community thinks you're an idiot or not.
2. William James a founder of pragmatism was a member of the Theosophical Society and a known occultist.
3. Many occultists rightfully describe themselves as pragmatic and correctly use the label to explain their stance on things.
4. Your previous statements in the picture with the stupid pop scientist picture you made are based on philosophical scepticism and are a direct contradiction to the pragmatic model.
5. Most of your beloved heros of Fedoraism such as Black Science Guy, Bill Nye, Carl Sagan, etc. would never call themselves pragmatists because they either know their actual philosophical stance already or have consultants that can help them avoid making retarded mistakes like you.
6. Pragmatism is metaphysically pluralist.
7. Pragmatism explicitly rejects Scientific Realism ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_realism ) and is also Anti-Realist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-realism
8. Another key feature of pragmatism is that doubt requires justification under this philosophy; something fedoras reject very strongly as they don't believe they need to justify their doubts and only that beliefs have to be justified.


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Is wikipedia wrong or are you just an idiot?



>Chaos Magick explicitly states it's Pragmatic.

The strength of your faith in a particular belief system doesn't make you pragmatic; it makes you fanatical.

>William James, a founder of pragmatism, was a member of the Theosophical Society

So? That doesn't make magic pragmatic.

>Many occultists rightfully describe themselves as pragmatic

Like I mentioned earlier, anyone who clings to irrationality isn't a pragmatist, no matter how strong their convictions may be.

>Your previous statements in the picture with the stupid pop scientist picture

Non sequitur.

>Most of your beloved heros of Fedoraism

Non sequitur.

>Pragmatism is metaphysically pluralist.

No, it isn't.

>Pragmatism explicitly rejects Scientific Realism

It doesn't reject the tenants of science. In fact, the tenants of science are the foundations of pragmatic thinking.

>Another key feature of pragmatism is that doubt requires justification

This is an intellectually dishonest way of trying to convince yourself that pragmatists validate claims for which no evidence exists. Such thinking is in no way indicative of pragmatic behavior.


Why do fedoras suddenly want to caste off the correct philosophical labels for their epistemological positions and adopt the labels of philosophies that are a direct contradiction to what they believe?

Are all fedoras going to start calling themselves idealists next and insist that idealists believe in a material godless universe?


Why do zealots suddenly want to take up the incorrect philosophical labels for their epistemological positions and shun the labels of philosophies that are a direct matches to what they believe?

Are all zealots going to start calling themselves realists next and insist that realists believe in an immaterial deistic universe?


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>Like I mentioned earlier, anyone who clings to irrationality isn't a pragmatist, no matter how strong their convictions may be.


Now stop calling yourself a pragmatist, call yourself a rationalist instead; although you're quite fucking irrational.

You have no idea what pragmatism is. You seem to think that pragmatism is the same as your retarded fedora beliefs.

>Pragmatism is metaphysically pluralist.

>No, it isn't.


Metaphysics: a pluralist view that there is more than one sound way to conceptualize the world and its content.



>It doesn't reject the tenants of science. In fact, the tenants of science are the foundations of pragmatic thinking.

Philosophy of science: an instrumentalist and scientific anti-realist view that a scientific concept or theory should be evaluated by how effectively it explains and predicts phenomena, as opposed to how accurately it describes objective reality.


^ SAME FUCKING ARTICLE - ALSO READ: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-realism

>This is an intellectually dishonest way of trying to convince yourself that pragmatists validate claims for which no evidence exists. Such thinking is in no way indicative of pragmatic behavior.

You're a retard spewing shit and have no idea what the words you're using means and think you can get away with it by using fancy words you don't understand. This might work on other idiots who've never studied philosophy but I have and I see right through you. Your mother should have aborted you.



>Now stop calling yourself a pragmatist, call yourself a rationalist instead

I happen to be both pragmatic and rational.

>there is more than one sound way to conceptualize the world

Pragmatists are able to entertain this concept, but they do not wholeheartedly accept it unless it is pragmatic to do so.


Science is pragmatic. If you deny that, then you don't understand pragmatism.

>You're a retard spewing shit

Who are you trying to convince – me or you?


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>I happen to be both pragmatic and rational.


>Pragmatists are able to entertain this concept, but they do not wholeheartedly accept it unless it is pragmatic to do so.

Stop this trolling at once, you either have no idea what you're talking about and are retarded, or you know but you're intentionally perverting the meaning of words in order to ruse me for loosh.

>Science is pragmatic. If you deny that, then you don't understand pragmatism.

There are multiple scientific models one of which is the pragmatic model which btw is NOT the mainstream model ascribed to by fedoras like you.

>Who are you trying to convince – me or you?

Anyone capable of understanding the differences between contradictory philosophies. You're probably not in that category.




I don't – that would be neither pragmatic nor rational.

>it's trolling if it makes me reconsider my beliefs

Are you sure that fedora label doesn't apply to you, too?

>There are multiple scientific models

Truth is singular; it's versions are mistruths. Science does not deal in mistruths, and it is wholly pragmatic.

>Anyone capable of understanding

So, you're trying to convince others of a claim based on assumptions. A pragmatist, you are not.


"I'm a huge idiot please rape my face while I continue to say retarded shit with words I don't understand!"


Now stop this trolling and fuck off.


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If you aren't trolling you need to actually look shit up before you post and make wrong assertions again & again. Wizard hat anon is correct and you are a fool.

Pragmatists deny an objective reality btw.

Your "truth is singular" statement is a contradiction of pragmatism, a philosophy you clearly do not espouse, but whose name you've got a hard-on for and so want to apply it to yourself even if it makes no sense to do so.


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>Are all zealots going to start calling themselves realists next and insist that realists believe in an immaterial deistic universe?

Philosophical realism — belief that reality exists independently of observers.

Now how does this contradict the idea of a deity or no deity; a wholly separate matter?

Realism is a contradiction of idealism and anti-realism, two philosophies that are not compatible with realism.

Pragmatism is anti-realist and thus more closely related to idealism; a philosophy that pisses fedoras off very much and which affirms the mental principle that is the basis of magick.

You can not be a realist and a pragmatist, as pragmatism is anti-realist.

Magick and pragmatism are not contradictory. Realism and pragmatism ARE contradictory though; do you like that label "realist" and want to use it to describe yourself anon because it sounds authoritative and correct to you like you must be really intelligent if you're a "realist"?

As for Zealot, you're all Zealots in here, in the sense you show zeal and are fanatical about your positions; and that's not a bad thing but anon with no flag is just wrong about practically everything.


>your picture
>using the word "realistic" to describe pragamatic behaviour
>pragmatism is explicitly anti-realist


Why are you guys still replying to this faggot

>lalala i'm right you're wrong

>magic is bullshit therefore it cannot be pragmatic you stupid zealot

Literally his only argument.

He even has that Smiley-Jewish picture saved >>9010 so he's not a random fedora visitor. He's clearly here just to fuck with people.


File: 1415580479001.png (105.71 KB, 1250x900, 25:18, The Truth about Pragmatism….png)


It's evidently the same guy who trolls /pol/ and several other boards spreading misinformation about Hermeticism and /fringe/ too. Remember that one thread on /pol/ where OP dismissed all of /fringe/ and Hermeticism by talking about Thelemic shit and he kept ignoring that we reject Thelemites?


Another founder of Pragamatism, Charles Sanders Pierce;

>Charles Sanders Peirce published in the Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research. His brother was a member of a committee that investigated telepathy.

"oh but magick and pragmatism are totally not related, trust my fedora, the word pragmatism sounds fancy and nice to me so I'm stealing it and redefining it!"



Not bad, but those chaos magicians are not behaving pragmatically.


>His brother was a member of a committee that investigated telepathy

And his labors bore no fruits, which is why pragmatists have little regard for telepathy.


Can't the Owner/Volunteer check the IPs?
Come on, this is unbearable.
I could tolerate an healthy skepticism towards our "fringe" ideas, because they can sound crazy if you come from a "mundane" paradigm, but this guy is just shitposting all over the board.


File: 1415581520632.png (11.66 KB, 1203x63, 401:21, Screenshot from 2014-11-09….png)

>Not bad, but those chaos magicians are not behaving pragmatically.

Stop being fucking retarded.


>Not bad, but those chaos magicians are not behaving pragmatically.

How about you start arguing your points, instead of always dismissing (or straight up ignoring) people's arguments and replying with one line.


File: 1415581648534.png (106.7 KB, 1250x900, 25:18, The Truth about Pragmatism….png)

Just to make it more clear to our retarded fedora shill.


Jesus Christ people just ignore the fedora, let him call himself the fucking king of England if he wants, he'll still be wrong and making a fool of himself to anyone who actually knows what he's talking about.


>And his labors bore no fruits, which is why pragmatists have little regard for telepathy.

You mean sceptics not pragmatists you fucking idiot.

…and you don't know if his "labours bore no fruits" or not.


File: 1415582625077.jpg (10.53 KB, 289x289, 1:1, william-james-philosopher-….jpg)

Fedora Shill Guy holds multiple beliefs which stand in direct contradiction to what pragmatism is about and the links posted in this thread to the various articles prove him wrong if he'd just fucking read any of it or acknowledge any of it.

The fedora shill guy anon said here ( >>9022 ): "No, it isn't." (in response to the statement by the other anon that pragmatism is metaphysically pluralist.

All he'd have to do is actually read the opening section of the wikipedia article where it says that pragamatism is "a pluralist view that there is more than one sound way to conceptualize the world and its content."

…or read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluralism_%28philosophy%29 (where it explicitly mentions Pragmatism as being pluralist)

…or read this post: ( >>9015 ) ( where it is written that William James, founder of pragmatism and a devote occultist, "considered himself a pluralist.")


File: 1415583043606.jpg (44.25 KB, 403x275, 403:275, Quotation-William-James-cu….jpg)

He doesn't have a point he's just shilling. He either doesn't know what the words he's using means or he knows and is intentionally confounding the meaning of them to create confusion. He also has no citations at all given in the whole thread.

I bet you still haven't read a single William Walker Atkinson book or you have and you recognize the truth but are motivated for some reason to cover it up and spread disinformation.


File: 1415583194463.jpg (69.7 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Clever-Quotes-35109-status….jpg)

Two more quotes coming up from the occult founder of pragmatism.


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What's that, are you rejecting pragmatism there?



The men in that picture aren't behaving pragmatically.


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tips fedora


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Martin Luther was a genius with balls the size of beanbags,who accomplished more than you ever hope to. gtfo neckbeard.


>Dissing Luther
>"I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against them. But since I learned that these miserable and accursed people do not cease to lure to themselves even us, that is, the Christians, I have published this little book, so that I might be found among those who opposed such poisonous activities of the Jews who warned the Christians to be on their guard against them. I would not have believed that a Christian could be duped by the Jews into taking their exile and wretchedness upon himself. However, the devil is the god of the world, and wherever God's word is absent he has an easy task, not only with the weak but also with the strong. May God help us. Amen."
Fuck off kike.


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File: 1416829406496.jpg (61 KB, 500x399, 500:399, Greenpill 013.jpg)

We need to enforce a rule to ban all people that don't post with a flag so every post comes with a ranking and flag use is more popular.

At least temporarily.

All in favour?


Go fuck yourself.




Thanks for the loosh, mundane.


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I know more than you could possibly understand, but labeling myself master is pretentious as fuck, there is so much more to learn.

I implore you to tend to this.


How about an adept rank?


File: 1417683001875.png (205 B, 16x11, 16:11, qblh.png)

Kabbalist, or Qabbalist.


File: 1417683384154.png (310 B, 16x11, 16:11, tao.png)



Stop stretching them into rectangles.

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