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Esoteric Wizardry
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This is a general thread for discussing news which potentially is connected to esoteric or magical phenomena. Considering memes and influential people also qualify as magical, there is a lot to discuss. Just keep it contemporary.

Pic unrelated I just like the quote.


That's a fake quote.



>The Trump transition is transcendent

what did he mean by this?


> the shooter appeared to have an interest in the occult, after “corresponding symbols have been found at his home.”



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>Damien Echols remembers discovering the symbols of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn when he was around 10 or 12 years old. The ritual magic of the 19th-century organization, which counted W. B. Yeats and Tarot card artist Pamela Colman Smith among its members, harmonized with his growing interest in the esoteric.

>However, it was exactly their occult associations that made Echols an outsider in West Memphis, Arkansas. Echols was fatefully singled out with two other teenagers when three young boys were brutally murdered. “This is something they used to send me to death row,”

>Echols is one of the “West Memphis Three,” who were wrongfully convicted of the murders in 1994; the prosecution asserted that the killing had been a Satanic ritual.

>It’s particularly interesting, then, that Echols chose to so visibly evoke in his art the magic imagery that helped get him convicted. Yet it’s also what mentally saved him when he was serving time. “Always when I was in prison, my art and my spiritual practice were really entwined,” he said. He briefly appeared amid the frenetic festival to discuss his work with the crowd. “When I first create them, they are squiggly lines — that’s it,” he explained of the sigils. “But they are batteries. The more you put into them, the more they are.”


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Thoughts/interpretations on this?

The Economist is owned by the Rothschilds and other prominent billionaires, I mention this to give some credibility to the image.



I wouldn't worry about it. Rothschilds are just impotent white men trying to keep the patriarchy from crumbling. The sooner whites are eradicated the sooner the world will be free.



>The sooner whites are eradicated the sooner the world will be free.

i hope you're shitposting


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/fringe/ is the embodiment of shitposting



>Jew (Zionist)

Yeah probably.



It is completely real. All of it. Not only are they pedophiles, they also do occult rituals and sacrifices with the children.




I went onto Fringe and pissed myself off. I am naturally an entertainer, I like entertaining people, that’s who I am. When I study philosophy or meaningful things, it is a means of enriching the entertainment I give other people. Fringe, is full of itself, and has its head ten-thousand miles up its own enchanted ass. They talk about wizarding and magic and after going through 15 of their 25 pages just to assure myself beyond a shadow of a doubt there is nothing to justify them, I found there was nothing to justify them. They spoke like such elitists, they call people that don’t believe in or study magic ‘mundanes’ or ‘normies’ and they’re just so ridiculously rude about it only a rude, gullible person would even be enticed to learn this stuff.

Naturally I am now going to try learning from the archive of books they linked me to. I am doing this purely because I’m a stubborn dick and I don’t like how they post, and I want to know beyond a doubt they are unjustified in how they act, so I’m going to learn what they know. And once I’m done, since learning from all these books makes you basically on par in terms of knowledge with them, I’m going to come back and tell you all whether or not they are shooting hot loads of steaming crap from their mouths, and put to rest once and for all whether or not this kind of magical shit is real or fake, because someone has to do it. No self-respecting scientist would do it, no self-respecting person would do it, but luckily for us all, I am neither of those things.

Please discuss fringe and the linked works in this thread, and here is a link to the page which talks about this stuff on fringe as well as links to an archive of these books for free in the first sentence: /fringe/faq.html

I was tempted to post this in riff raff but felt some actual discussion on fringe, and occult stuff in general is necessary. Please post your thoughts on this stuff because right now I am too angry at them to think straight. Wish me luck in reading this material and perhaps even doing whatever they instruct. I’ve also been informed if you’re going to read this stuff you should start with something called The Kybalion. :3




Epyc Wynn detected!



It seems like he was convinced the Kybalion was pretty good seeing by his later posts, which is completely unexpected.




Hey Epyc Bytch, how has your opinion changed from then to now if at all? Seeing as that post was written about a year ago.






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Huh, I forgot about that thread. That was back when KnowYourMeme hadn't banned me and I had yet to expose the immense social and bureaucratic problems stemming from their poorly chosen moderators who can't take criticism without lashing out with their misguided application of powers the administrators such as Don and Brad of the site should never, have given them. Don is an okay guy but he is way too chain-balled by fear of mods turning on him for doing the real right thing.

Anyfuck, here is my conclusion, after all that, though any of you can read my older posts and threads.

#IIT#: Initiation Into Hermetics is to self-help guides what astrology is to astronomy. It encourages people to categorize their personal problems in ways other guides simply fail to come close to at the present moment with specifically the magic mirrors. That being said it poorly defines the fire earth water air categories and that part you are forced to just make up to a strong degree, which the author should have fixed but didn't. If self-help guides simply built upon IIT's concepts and removed some of its glaring faults, I have a feeling people would prefer the self-help guides over this one. The magic mirrors might have been helpful along with the other steps it had me go through but beyond them I have not found anything remotely resembling an experience that can be considered magic.

#Kybalion#: Provides a decent basic foundation, but it has distinct flaws I have figured out. Principle of Gender is way overblown, you are wasting your time on that one I guarantee you; it is just Principle of Polarity applied on a specific level. Like having a God damn principle of penises and vaginas or a principle of boxers or briefs it's so opinionated and baselessly built upon elder teachings which are all really built on one thing: *amy schumer voice* my vehjinuh.

Also the Kybalion should have merged and altered some of its core teachings for instance Rhythm could more accurately be renamed Pattern and things would encompass more and make more sense. Principle of Correspondence I feel is covered again by the Principle of Polarity since by the logic of polarity if the measure of the swing to the left is the measure of the swing to the right, the same would apply to moving up and down; and yes I am aware gravity does not work like that but I am talking directionally. In which case, correspondence is just more of the same thing.

Also, why the hell are the Kybalion's principles "ranked" as if one is better than the others? If they are really accurate there shouldn't be a ranking of most important to least important; that'd be like having a ranking system of "most important rules of physics to least important" you just list the rules, and they should speak for themselves. Also this notion some of them can be broken, makes the whole thing look weak. A proper Kybalion should not have rules that can be broken at least within the realm of this universe.

And on top of all that, The Kybalion isn't even Hermeticism -it's just an Omnist's basic guide to understanding spirituality in other religions and what the general rules of thumb applied in understanding and creating a religious belief system are. That's like calling a book on "how to understand basic philosophical concepts" part of Hermeticism that's not how a belief system works, it's just a guide to understanding theological and magical concepts -that is all. A "hermeticist" is just a trumped up term for being an Omnist. Omnism for those of you not aware, is the belief that all religions have some underlying basic concepts that are commonly held and are part of one big true religion all other religions are a part of -i.e. the fucking Kybalion is essentially The Omnist Bible V.2.0. I know we are using pseudoscience here but the point of pseudoscience is you can make large leaps in judgement based on sheer intuition, provided you are really wise and intuitive -the Kybalion has a decent amount of wisdom and intuition but it is still just a very very basic prototype that still does not fully encompass what a proper Kybalion should.

Also SUMMUM's 8th principle of creation is just another rip-off of Principle of Polarity by having a duality between Nothingness and Possibility because everyone just loves making up new shit to sound meaningful and receive that ASMR placebo effect that gets you so so high off feeling so so special from your own bollocks imagination. I can make up fifty witty meaningful spiritual principles that just rip off the original principles big deal it is just rehashing the same shit in slightly different wordings!



Well, that was worthless and misunderstood. You can leave the board and go research meme magic now.



>which is completely unexpected.

You mean complete par for the course. Nobody can read The Kybalion and remain ungreenpilled.



>I dislike things just to because everyone else likes those things



No, I just dislike basic bitch spirituality

You could build a much better list of starter books that are more comprehensive and don't try and "dumb it down" for the reader

I still don't get why there are occult books written for soccer moms



…and yet here you are complaining instead of actually building such a list and explaining its merits and promoting it.


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The Kybalion needs work.



Why would I open the door for lowly commoners?



I pity you for having child mind, you should reflect on how people see you and why you do things.



The fact you don't so much as question the accuracy of the Kybalion shows how much wisdom the text has truly helped guide you to. It is a guide, it is not an accurate picture and has a vast room for improvement. Like you were honestly going to have the truth of the universe in a neo-hermeticists recompiling of old teachings from Hermeticism which reads more like a realization of what Omnism teaches about all the religions having a few mystic things in common and those few things are what composes a one true religion.

Anyway if you ever feel like doing more than getting stoned off how good it feels to believe something special and meaningful in its mystic importance, you could always critically analyze where certain logical weaknesses lie in the Kybalion's principles and perhaps go from there in perhaps creating better more solid principles that don't need to be ranked and don't necessarily have to have their rules broken like the Kybalion's rules require. We could make in mathematic in nature, experiment on how these rules apply to the world, and through thorough testing and reproduction of the results, we could convey to the world our findings. We will call it, science.

jk on that last part but seriously quit eating up a religious text it has flaws like any other even if like any other it tries not to have them



Not to mention how pretentious and uppity that anon sounds.


You've got to remember, The Kybalion was written by a human. All the vast information of the universe can be understood by humans to an extent, but when someone takes that information and writes a book, it's being put through a human filter. It has to fit language, it has to fit the organizational protocols of a book, the author has to remember everything they need to say and all of the little details, and it has to be possible for every other human to understand within a human lifetime (as opposed to being an information overload like >>81982). That degrades the raw understanding someone who has gone through an experience already knows. Anything a human writes is going to be flawed.



Epic Wynn for fuck sakes, I'm going to recommend that you go for meme magic again. Every mistake you point out in the Kybalion isn't because its actually wrong, but because you didn't actually read the fucking Kybalion. Its more like the "Human Filter" for the reader.

Want proof?


>*amy schumer voice* my vehjinuh.

This is the most basic mistake, its not about actual fucking physical gender. Hell you probably know this but decided to act like you didn't for some reason.

>Also this notion some of them can be broken,

>A proper Kybalion should not have rules that can be broken

The book directly states that substituting one rule for another is NOT destroying the rule. If you can't figure out how escaping something isn't the same as destroying it(Hell you probably do but you're shitposting for the dramatic effect) what are you doing here?


Two contradictory statements here

>The Kybalion isn't even Hermeticism -it's just an Omnist's basic guide to understanding spirituality

>A "hermeticist" is just a trumped up term for being an Omnist

Seriously the flaws of this post just stand out more and more.

Here's a request:

Try to rewrite the part where the Kybalion speaks about the mind without using the principle of gender. You can do it but you'll realize why it was better to use a shortcut to "part which sends the message" and "part which receives the message".



>Trump Tower attacked

>Canadians responsible and America annexes Canada

>The majority of the world awakes

>Anons defeat the elites

>A world shattering event occurs

>The "gods" offer salvation in the form of the machine kingdom

>The old elites get punished

>We reach the stars and achieve "peace"

Similar to many other prophecies but the machine kingdom is a deception that traps souls in soul vessels for maximum loosh harvesting. The better prophecy is that the "gods" end up annhilating themselves during their return and subsequent war with the remants still on Earth, and the moon blows up in the process, thus freeing Earth from the frequency prison. The elites want things to stay like they're now, but that's pretty much impossible at this point.



you cant write sci fi for shit



It's called "Armchair Occultism - The Book" for good reasons.



Yet you can't name 1.


Armchair Occultism

In my opinion, armchair occultism is a common trap among the mystically inclined. It's easy to move from book to book, absorbing knowledge but not really doing anything with it. Intellectual and scholarly pursuit alone is worth the time for many but when armchair occultists clash with practical magicians it can sometimes get ugly. An armchair magician might say that something has to be done a certain way, no exceptions, because that's what the books they've read have said. How can they say this with certainty if they've never actually attempted it themselves, especially when a more pragmatic occultist has had success going against the grain? The reality is sometimes very different from what the books say.

Study is a necessary part of occult practice because one has to have something to practice in the first place and we learn about this through study. However, knowledge not applied has the same benefit as reading a novel. It can be entertaining, it can make you think, but it usually has no practical benefit. The practical magician, the one that studies to find new things to practice, is going to have the truer and more fulfilling experience. The practical magician is going to have something that the armchair occultist can only wish for: firsthand experience of the mysteries.

This said, it's a good idea to have a firm grasp of your source material and the knowledge of the past. Very few people have ever said "I'll just go practice magic today," without having picked up a book on the subject before. This is how knowledge progresses; we build upon the knowledge of those that came before us. I'll also tell the truth and say that it doesn't hurt your credibility to be able to throw out a few prominent (or even more obscure) examples of occult literature in discussions with like-minded individuals. Knowing where your practices came from can help you progress them. New material sparks new ideas and this requires study.

The gist of what I'm trying to get at with this post is that you should be mindful not to fall into the trap of armchair occultism if you hope to be a practicing occultist. As annoying as armchair occultists can be in discussions, the only true danger is in becoming an armchair occultist practicing solely in your head with what amounts to vague concepts and ontologies when you really wish to be "out there" doing something, applying the knowledge, and having the experiences firsthand. Study and theory have their place but they only have true value when they're applied. The thought of contacting spirits is perhaps more entertaining than the actual process, but it is nowhere near as awe-inspiring.

Firsthand experience should be the goal of occult study. Otherwise we're just accepting whatever dogmas or cosmologies have been laid out. An experiential approach is pure empiricism and the only way you're going to gain any true insight into whatever mysteries you're looking for. Someone has to try things and actually do something in order to write about it and pass it on to the true seekers and armchair occultists alike. Do you want to be someone that reads about the experiences and practices of others or do you want to be having your own experiences? Do you want to find the truth for yourself or accept it at face value?


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As I walk through the shadow, I encounter Asclepius, who seems to have taken my lessons to the heart.

And I ask Asclepius how his studies go, and I am surprised to hear what he has to say: That the knowledge he has found is bogus. This reminds me that I have also experimented with the knowledge I find in books before, but I am disappointed in what I hear.

"O Hermes, it is simple, this book tries to conflate the rotation of the planets with the movement of a pendulum! How could someone fall for such a cheap trap?"

As I re-read the book again, I find that no such thing has happened, as the book is merely using a metaphor but not implying that planets move like a pendulum. but Asclepius rebukes,

"Do you then imagine this human book, contains pure perfect knowledge?"

- But I tell him I have never implied that.

"Then, my critique stands!"

I am confused as to why Asclepius has decided to go such a path in his life, I realize that Asclepius might be testing me. I ask him if he is testing my knowledge, but again he goes-

"Its important that you don't become a farce, Hermes"

No amount of questioning has change him so far.

Of this encounter, I remain doubtful of. What has transpired in Asclepius mind?



You imply someone with such a lack of understanding is worth understanding.

Asclepius believes that an inaccurate metaphor cannot be used to convey accurate knowledge; as if imperfection can have no relationship with perfection. In doing so he conveys an elitist attitude that all imperfect metaphors should be thrown away so that the perfect information is not sullied with being compared to imperfection. In doing so he would remove all the ladders for imperfect beings to acquire and eventually understand perfect knowledge. This is a display of apathy for the weakness of people with less-than-perfect understandings of the universe even when said people want to understand the perfect aspects of the universe.

Only a perfect being could make use of a book with only perfect information, because only a perfect being would be capable of understanding the perfect information without extra help along the way. That is why the metaphors are necessary -for connecting the perfect information people do not understand with the imperfect information people do understand.

In Asclepius's mind, truth is perfection, metaphors are an imperfect "farce", and perfection cannot be related to imperfection or else the perfection is not truly perfect but instead a farce, in the view of Asclepius. Thus, Asclepius believes that the relationship between truth and metaphors is a lie when in fact accurate truths require inaccurate metaphors in order to be understood accurately.

That, or Asclepius is fucking with him and knew all of this and was acting as if he did not in order to get Hermes to think about all this. In which case, Hermes should consider gaining some better friends.




where does this come from?

sounds like an interesting read



As I learn and evolve, I become more and more conscious of how ignorance is bliss, and that maybe the best way to live life is to admit we don't know anything, and trying to know such things might not be worth the hassle.

That living life is better than learning about all levels life, the universe, the future, etc.. That experiencing life and all the blessed things that come with it is better than indulging in a virtual assumption world of mysticism, tales, prophecies or what have you.

That maybe those things could be the cause of our problems, and not solution we want. Maybe. Ironically for me, it took all these things, plus some really bad but enlightening experiences to realize how good life in this planet is, as it is, to most of us and how most people take it for granted and have no idea how lucky they are.

Of course we would all prefer a world without suffering and restrictions and injustice, but as individuals we might be able to conquer all of that in this beautiful world and enjoy life. With a clean mind, a pure mind without corrupt thoughts and beliefs.

I'd say if you like religion, the idea of God, mysticism, etc.. Learn Buddhism and go on from there with your own life.

Because all of this judgemental, punishment, angry gods, hell, etc…

Might just be polluting our minds, which makes it harder to enjoy life.

This is based on my experience so far, you can correct me if you think I'm wrong and if you think the spiritual path is more important than this earthly life, but how can we really know?

Live the present, experience life, create happiness, help and love others. Living simply or even in ignorance might be better than living by someone elses thoughts, don't you agree?



You mean >>89561 ?

I wrote it to represent the current state of this thread, where Epic Wynn tries to critique the Kybalion by pointing out its flaws. Or apparently, anyways.

Asclepius is Epic Wynn and >>89557 / >>89559 .



Ignorance isn't bliss in my opinion. Before I gained the knowledge I now possess I couldn't control my thoughts properly and let emotions control my behaviour. Now I control my thoughts and don't let emotions rule over me and I haven't enjoyed my life this much before.


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The Old Gods will be ascendant in 2017. As the magick of old returns to mass consciousness, technology combined with the magick will create wonders of such a paradigm even the novelists of man cannot imagine them.

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