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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 66rd Attention-Hungry Games
/nothingness/ - R I S E U P

December 2018 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Hey /fringe/, I want to ask all of you to do a little experiment: help me to win the lottery!

I have this ticket; and I want all of you to help me win the big prize.

Help me using any kind of magic that you can use: sigils, rituals, mememagic, whatever suits your knowledge!

That said, and egregore-meme by teamwork would be awesome.

Yeah; I know what are you thinking:

>Why should I waste my time and energy to help some random anon to win the lottery?

Think about this like an experiment, literally.

Think, what is the real power of all of us? what is the real power of /fringe/? No one knows… But right now we have a chance to test it, an opportunity to prove and know the potential of all of us.

And yeah, maybe you have more questions, like:

>Why Ecuadorian lottery?

Simply, Ecuador is a very little country and it's lotto is little enough, there are just one million of tickets: 000,000 to 999,999

Lotteries from other places would be to big or to small to try this experiment.

>What we get by helping you?

In first place, the great opportunity to know the potential of our teamwork; the teamwork power of all of /fringe/ (or at least the majority of us).

In second place, if I win a prize of 5000 USD (5k USD) or more and I (or another people representing me) actually get the money (maybe after wining I don't want to claim the prize), I promise to donate the 10% of that prize to 8ch.net and another 10% to fringechan.org (the lotto also take a 14% of the prize for charity stuff, but I will calculate the 10% for 8ch.net and 10% for fringechan.org before that 14% is taken).

So, if I win and claim a prize of 5k US dollars or more; you have my word of honor that I will donate 10% of that prize to 8ch.net and 10% to fringechan.org. Maybe I will do the donations by using bitcoins; however, if I win, I let you know about that donations.

>If you can understand Spanish; in the second image (the back of the ticket) there are the terms; and you can always know if I win or not by looking the webpage of the lotto service at www.loteria.com.ec

So, now let's try the potential of this board and all of the wizards from it!

>pd: sorry for my non-perfect english

>pd2: flooding /pol/ with memes of that number wining the big prize would be a good idea?


Wouldn't it have been more effective to magic yourself into a situation that would give you a winning card rather than trying to alter a card you've already bought?





Not a great sales pitch.

You're going to really have to sell it to me.

>Simply, Ecuador is a very little country and it's lotto is little enough

Are you implying you aren't an Eucuadorian communist?

Look OP here's the thing, you're a tripnigger so you've gotta go back, reported.


Seems like way too much work for little reward tbchwyf. HOWEVER I will say I do really like the idea of /fringe/ working together to accomplish an agreed upon goal, it sounds really good to me. The question is what should we do?



I know one person who forecasted the lottery numbers in a dream and it was totally legit, had she bought a ticket, sucks, I think they gave the date too in the dream


This is a disturbing level of entitlement


I guess I am now somewhat clairvoyant for I recently had a feeling that something like this will come up here.


>has magick

>wants money

Nigga why don't you roll the nickels?



We have to meme the RaHoWa.

Just use this simple affirmation:

"It's race war time, all non-whites are being exterminated"

oy vey goys it'll be like a third shoah!


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Since the raffle is made using balls like the image, I think is more easy to magic the winning numbers instead of magic myself to get the winning ticket that can be sent to another city of this country.


Oh, c'mon nigglet, you kno you wanna try this too.

And yes; I'm ecuadorian, a white one.


Actually my first goal is not the money, but try the potential of teamwork on fringe.

I am not even sure if I want to claim the money if I win.


Who give her that info?


My first goal is to try the potential of teamwork on /fringe/.

Half million of overrated american dollars is not big deal anyway.


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>to try the potential of teamwork on /fringe/.*

>*In a way that helps my materialist pursuits



>white ecuadorian

>no moneys

You're either a drug addict, LARPing, or both. It's not like you live in Brazil or something.



>white ecuadorian


"My great-great-great grandfather was 1/4 Spanish I am an honorary Aryan friend"



Is that parrot jewish? Sounds like he is exclaiming his sadness saying oy yoy yoy yoy yoy.


the idiot posted the barcode and if he wins anyone can fake the ticket and rush to get the money before him


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I know I'm late, but I come back to this topic to say something: As you can see in the image attached and the links below; I don't win a single shit. Not even a one-dollar prize.

Now let this fail thread to die,





If you wanted the thread to die, why did you bump it?



>with money comes status

>with status comes drugs

You'd have been dead of an OD in bathtub somewhere in a year.



Bumping for more info on this.



Well I'm still here (the person you're replying to) what am I doing with my life if you wanted me to go into more detail, although many here could explain it, or you could just read some books.

When you're trying to get something to manifest, the more broad and ambiguous the thing, the easier it is to make happen. Thoughtforms make changes to the world in its current form when you create the feeling that something you want already exists in the present tense. When you work on making something manifest, regardless of its complexity, forces on higher planes guide you to the situation in which you get what you want, bring opportunities, influence actions that other people take, etc. As above, so below, yadda yadda.

If you wanted a new car, regardless of whatever kind of car it was, you could visualize owning a car, use the mantra "I own a car", etc. The only thing that would have to be altered about the world around you is that you would have to be in a situation in which a new car could come into your life, and most people are in that situation or are close to it (barely anyone lives in the middle of the ocean, for example). If you were more specific and said "I own an ice cream truck", and you had started in the same position in life, your life would have to shift to the far more specific point of it being possible to own an ice cream truck (which, for some people, might even be more likely than a car, but that seems far less likely, right?). Let's say, hypothetically, you could measure the amount of emotional energy you put into a thoughtform in units, and it took 50 units to manifest a car. For practically everybody, more about the world around them would have to change in order to manifest an ice cream truck (an ice cream truck person near them wanting to retire, or one being restored and sold, or something else; these things don't happen often or everywhere). It isn't impossible, but it would likely take more than this hypothetical 50 units.

In the case of this thread, OP bought a ticket and wanted to influence the balls, when another option would be to manifest the right ticket. I can't remember my exact line of reasoning, but I thought it would be better to manifest the right ticket. There are two reasons I can think of off the top of my head. The first is that buying the ticket means you're trying to manifest specific balls, whereas manifesting the right ticket influences both the ticket and the balls. I would think less change would be necessary to the uninfluenced tickets and balls than would be necessary for the balls to manifest the specific output OP needed for the ticket. If some of the details can't be changed (such as the numbers on the ticket), then more specific things need to manifest. If OP hadn't bought the ticket, more things were subject to change, thus more manifestation legroom. The second reason I can think of is that OP bought the ticket with the intention of turning it into a winning ticket. That means OP's thoughts surrounding the ticket were that of failure: OP thought it wasn't necessarily a winning ticket yet (until the balls are influenced), so OP influenced the ticket in the opposite direction. Had OP manifested the best ticket possible, the thoughts surrounding the ticket would have been those of success, which would influence its success.

Sage because OP wanted the thread to die

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