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According to standard fedora theory about the origin of metals all of the elements comprising the Earth are remnants of dead stars.

However I have heard a different theory, that the Earth is alive, and produces within itself all the range of metals it needs.

Sure, some if not quite a lot of the metals come from deposits of asteroids and space junk, and a lot of the metal on Earth is very ancient.

…but I think some of the metals on Earth are generated here, are not ancient at all, and that out of the Earth comes gold and silver and iron and so on that forms very recently.

So if I do understand this correctly, you could strip Earth of all of its Gold (such as in those theories about aliens coming over and harvesting it periodically), and Earth could then produce more gold (without it having to rain down in the form of asteroids). There is some kind of alchemical (and maybe chemical too) processes going on in the Earth that form the various metals.

Would I be correct to believe this or do all metals have to be generated first in a star?


The Earth is a living being, it's just so different to the various organisms that live on it that most people don't realize it. The Earth is basically an egg/embryo type thing but more similar to a mammal skull then a bird egg. The tectonic plates are analog to the bone plates in a skull, the magma is blood and also forms the skin of the Earth which is the earth, the soil and rock and such. My theory is that over a period of millions, perhaps billions of years the Earth will crack open and birth the creature growing within it, then one day when that creature reaches full size and dies it will lay eggs around itself and become a New Sun somewhere in the universe looking to repeat the process.

Maybe it sounds crazy but think about it, like humans have bones of calcium the Earth has bones of these various metals which it generates using the Sun's energy, it is an embryo in the womb of the solar system, a child to its mother and father Sol. That's why the Earth has an EM field like humans, because it is a living being though still in an infantile stage of development. The Earth somehow produces material directly from energy/ether given to it by Sol.

Mars has no magnetic field because it was an embryo like Earth but died. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Ganymede are all embryos too.



close but not quite, the creature the egg is giving birth to is a mind, not a physical, material entity.



But then how do they replicate?


You're literally retarded OP, I hope you go back to school and quit taking drugs



>spirit implodes

>releases energy which degrades over time into physical matter

>matter organizes after/aligns according to the spirit upon which it rests

>evolved material structures become complex enough to generate soul

>soul can host spirit, consciousness

>material structures are, in time, on earth as they are in heaven, evolving to generate out of matter higher frequency energies to heal the tear in the spirit which is our universe

>spirit is full of universes, tears in the fabric on path back to God, the all, consciousness



You're fucking retarded, read a science book.



*tips fedora*




Are you guys newfigs brought here by gizmodo? We don't do drugs here and we are highly educated. While you were busy ignoring or failing your philosophy classes, we were already leagues ahead of your paltry smatterings of knowledge in every way.



>>evolved material structures become complex enough to generate soul

more like host soul not generate it

The substance soul is composed of is more primal and tenuous than that of physical matter.



I'm going to take your dubs in consideration and ponder this a bit more that said wouldn't you agree that Soul/biological electricity is generated by the body through food?

The different astral layers are a blanket between the material physical and Spirit.

I don't >think< that the astral existed before Spirit rupturing because it to will eventually evolve back into Spirit.

In which case the Astral is created in a process of living things generating emotion and thought which is later absorbed into the intermediate between Soul and Spirit.



Nah. The Earth is hollow. There's another sun inside it.



Did we get featured on gizmodo? Link?


The ultimate key to alchemy: all elements are one element in different stages of transmutation or evolution. Just like the evolution of animals, there are different 'levels'. the metallic state is one of those levels. Stars are furnaces which birth all dense matter. metal is the most rarefied form of dense matter, gold is the pinnacle of that 'level'



very interesting you say that. one time i had a dream that planets were actually eggs for giant space animals, the sun was like an incubator, nature was like the sperm used to fertilise them. most profound dream ive ever had.




could be just metaphorical though, maybe planets are baby suns. gas giant stage is like embryo, which collapses into dense planet which is like a fully developed foetus. maybe a black hole is an adult sun. interesting concepts


Having fun, children?

>tfw dosing monatomic noble metals all day

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