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File: e9a0aa551d66530⋯.jpg (12.26 KB, 314x249, 314:249, Dämon.jpg)


hey guys, i need your help. my mom is a demon and has latched onto my soul. it makes me stop being self-sufficient and makes me lazy and stuff. i have only recently found out that she latched onto me my whole life and thats why my life is so shit.

i need to know how i can cut the connection between her and me so i can have a normal life.


this is of upmost importance and im not trolling.


PS: how i know shes a demon is because my third eye saw her wings a few years ago. she didnt even deny it.



Banish her.



You're bound to her legally as well as spiritually right? I recommend the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram followed by a road opener spell to get out of that particular situation.

Good luck, F.


It's simple. You kill your mother. No boy can become a man without doing this.


Are you a grey hybrid?






they tell everyone "kill the father fuck the mother"


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

no nigga i owe!


File: d7c57b815f61dc5⋯.png (610.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 061163e45d4e31c7463692b36a….png)


Have you tried enema? Will expel the demon right out. Don't overdo it, though, or your soul may come out too.



Yeah wave your arms around like a faggot and look to the west for 6 minutes and your insanity will be cured!

No. Stop falling for this fucking bullshit. You faggot larpers are making peoples mental health worse. Show me on paper how any of your faggot rituals work - oh wait you cant.

Grow the fuck up. You mental patients are holding the world back. I have secondhand fucking embarassment for you stupid fucks. Nobody takes you or your bullshit seriously because you are not grounded in reality. Go outside and get a job NEET.



just did that banishing ritual but nothing happened. as expected.


File: 5624bfb19464806⋯.pdf (1.92 MB, What Men Know That Women D….pdf)


That's degenerate. You mommy-boy.


It's called manhood initiation rituals, something that's missing in the West.

I first heard the concept in What Men Know That Women Don't by Rich Zubaty.

You must be reborn into the world of men.



The Catholic church has rituals and they get paid for it.


OP needs to be cured of his paedophilia. His shitposting is caused by the enormous stress of him not being able to fuck children. OP you've gotta go in the Bog it's the only cure.



Woah, we got a real shitposter here. I think you need to go hug mommy and then it will be all better.


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>inb4 kike on le stick

No matter what she might have going on right now, a mother's love for her child (especially her son) is unconditional and truly sacred. You cannot 'cut the connection' and by attempting to do so, your problem will surely worsen. Pray for this undying bond to heal and strengthen, particularly to the Virgin Mary. If she does not seem to improve, then at least she will realize your mercy when her time comes and your prayers will put her soul in a strong enough place to watch over you as you continue your journey.

Chances are however, you are just a pathetic NEET who is projecting your failure to get laid onto the only woman who has genuine love for you, lashing out after she picked up the wrong flavor of 'dew on her way home from church. If this is the case (likely), then you are the one who has attracted some kind of dark entity. If there is one thing that a demon loves doing, it is instilling hatred of the mother into its host.

Either way, your best bet is to consult with a theologian. Your mother won't be around forever and if she passes away before you resolve these issues, I can assure you that the despair you are feeling now will be nothing compared to the piercing regret that will haunt you. At this point, your problem is irreparable.



Motherly love is not unconditional, faggot. It's mostly a bargaining chip to secure resources. JUST STFU.


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Blessed are the shitposters, for they too may find a place in His kingdom.



A lot of implying here.

If physically running away is the only option, then so be it. It is probably his best choice tbh. But even if her flesh may seem irredeemable, doing what he can to strengthen her spirit wherever he may find himself can only be of benefit for when she eventually passes into her next stage of understanding. By ignoring the spiritual health of his mother, he is only setting himself up for further influence from negative entities. I cannot stress enough the level of attraction that demons have to a man who holds hate for the woman who brought him life.



>feeling guilt or responsibility for another persons actions.

op just leave and don't look back if this or any relationship is hurting your progress.


fuck it.

accept and forgive, move on with your life, free of anyone elses influence and errors.


You need an exorcist to get the demon out of a bitch like that and I don't do it for free.


OP you need to fuck your sister and make your mother watch the whole thing. Then you need to cut her throat and feed her blood to your father before making him fuck your sister. Then you have to consume the flesh of your sister (the holy sacrament) and you will become immortal. Trust me.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'd respond to this with "Love and light to you too friend :)" or something annoyingly new-agey like that because I know it'd send you into a rage but, luckily for you, I'm not in a loosh farming mood today.


The LBRP was just in preparation for any road opener work to follow. It's dangerous to go alone and all that.




All good advice to be honest. A combination of both limiting contact with a poisonous person while at the same time forgiving and not dwelling on them would be ideal.

Indifference is better for your health than hatred.



>edgy bullshit satanists

i wish JoS would go away.



We agree that running away is probably most reasonable resort, if his mother's situation is really as bad as OP is making it out to be. But how does praying for the soul of his mother to heal and strengthen result in him feeling any kind of guilt or responsibility? OP's unrelenting honor will find him favor with the Lord while the feelings you refer to will be ultimately realized by his mother when her time comes whether or not he actually decides to send her these blessings. In choosing to do so, he can be assured that upon reaching the next level her spirit is in a position to truly understand whatever torment she may have caused and in order to settle this empathy of the soul, she will send her son the heavenly blessings he deserves for his loyalty and patience.



Why don't you go uck Jamal's Swedsh Meatballs fagboi?



Does it bother you that I call you out on your misplaced edgyness and lacking knowledge?

No true Satanist would be so suffocated in his broken ego for a true devotee would be cleansed by the Lords touch.

Stop hiding behind religion you do not understand to be an edgy suffercore loser, its disrespectful towards the deities and elements.




>That's degenerate. You mommy-boy.

I agree ^^ its what "they" tell "us", so of course it is degenerate

Thanks for sharing the pdf


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why does the bass drop so good?

I'd rape the demons out of your mom, but she/they would enjoy it too much.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listening to this will increase your testosterone. Turn you into a REAL MAN.



Say it on fringechan not on /fringe/ and see what happens kid, psshh.



This chucklefuck still believes in objective reality. What a crinkled old napkin.



Maybe try reading a book instead of pushing some armchair occultism garbage you found on wikihow.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Which books would you recommend?



That actually looks like an interesting book. Thanks, anon.



>being this vague

There's a library you know >>77411 but in relation to this thread, I'll suggest 1) The Bible 2) Catechism 3) Manual of Minor Exorcisms 4) anything written by Malachi Martin 5) some sort of encyclopedia on the different demons.

forgot flag in my previous post



>actual gnosticism

>related to anything in the (((modern bible)))

I hope this is ironic shitposting.


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10/10 toploosh. You're awesome. I'll get you back some day.


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Very hard to banish this demon

1Get a job

2Get an apartment(shared with a like possessee

3find an ugly fat female (these are easiest to find) to take to said apartment and put your penis in it

demon exorcised



I need to exercise her not exorcise her idiot.



>I need to exercise her not exorcise her idiot

She's can get exercise by puishing you around like in the pix



But I have brittle bones and only weigh 80lbs. When I move my bones shatter.






This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard



can confirm I tried to cut the connection once, it was great for a few hours and then things got worse



Hi, my name is Alpamfollower 69, the jews took it all for me, especially my pride. Now I partake in spouting bullshit in hopes that retards can empower me, and then I threaten people because apparently I've totally met with satan and drunk beer with him.

I get super mad over nothing and think that my tantrum can overpower anything, by the way you little faggot snakes sent me one of your 'ladies', to try and ruin my life. Sadly she enjoys the girth of my cock and the lovely juices spouting from my cock, so she's mine now.

She was a pretty weak whore anyways, stop pretending to be so almighty and enlightened and maybe you'd find actual power instead of just being a group of LARPers loosh farming an astral war against entities you have no idea what do.

It's like trying to build a computer from scratch, yes I mean doing the fucking microchipping yourself, it's like you're just buying the equipment and putting the pc together and think you're fucking god because you can put some legos together. So smart.

>The devil is in the details

Some smart man once said.

But yeah go full Crowley he was soo smart, atleast he got some hedonistic pleasure out of his life instead of throwing hissy fit after hissy fit

-Love, a satanist who isn't fucking retarded and thinks satan just blindly condones malicious wrath.

You're blinding yourselves, young ones.

And we all know fringechan is run by neophytes pretending to know it all kek.


File: 887e47629a4359e⋯.jpg (128.83 KB, 640x625, 128:125, le_apple_of_shill_fucking.jpg)

>All these people taking seriously and replying to a ''funposting'' thread

I'm sure OP didn't expect to hook all these autists, good job LOOSH MASSA.



how did the entities you summon manifest stuff into reality?


Dice rollRolled 24, 40, 20, 8 = 92 (4d44)



>taking that edgy turd seriously

please dont

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