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File: 6cbf6752e9b912b⋯.jpg (60.84 KB, 457x550, 457:550, Hermeticist GF.jpg)


All I want is a Hermeticist GF!


>tfw came across this randomly on the internet while searching for something else

Please someone be my hermetic girl?


File: abcada17be4d0db⋯.png (223.81 KB, 457x550, 457:550, Hermeticism.png)


>implying women have thoughts

>implying women have feelings

>implying women have souls

>implying the female human is anything other than a simple animal chinese room


The only girl I've ever known in real life who knows what hermeticism is was, ironically, very close minded.



>close minded

>projecting this hard

Women are fucking chinese rooms.


Shut the fuck up, faggot… Females are nothing more than a weaker vessel to obtain chi from. You get that stove, you heat it up, you get those three treasures, you lose that ho. Imma steal that ho. Gimme that ho. Dat loli tho.



Are you trying to force a meme or something? What are you talking about?


Ching-chong sheee, what he mean?

Three treasures, here for posterity…

medicine of the three peaks

According to both Tantric and Taoist eso- teric teachings, woman produces three dis- tinct types of sexual secretions, from her mouth, breasts, and Yoni. By absorbing these Threefold Elixirs, a man can compensate for ejaculation of semen and can nurture his spiri- tual essence. A book of the Ming period describes the three types of female secretions, calling them the Great Medicine of the Three Peaks:

The upper peak of woman is known in Taoism as the Red Lotus Peak. The medicine that emanates from it is called Jade Fountain, Jade Liquid, or Sweet Spring. It emanates from beneath the tongue of woman and is of a very light color, almost transparent. When it is pro- duced in abundance, the man should endeavor to swallow it, transforming it in his Cinnabar Field [the navel center] at his solar plexus. This medicine imparts fluidity to his five internal organs. Reach- ing his left side, it will nourish his intu- ition and strengthen his Mysterious Gate [the sexual center]. Reaching his right

side, it will effectively increase the potential of his solar Cin- nabar Field. This will have the effect of generating vital es- sence and strengthening the blood. The middle peak of woman is known as Double Lotus Peak. The medicine that is produced from it is known as White Snow, Essence of Coral, or Immortality Peach Juice. It emanates from the two breasts of a woman, particularly from one who has not produced a child and who hasn't any milk. Its color is white and it has a slightly sweet and very agreeable taste. A man should suck and drink that special medicine. When it reaches his Cinnabar Field [the navel center], it brings nourishment to his spleen and stomach. When the White Snow is sucked out of a woman, her blood circulation will be greatly im- proved, and both partners will experi- ence delightful feelings of pleasure. When deeply sucked, this precious fluid reaches as far as the Flowery Lake [the head cen- ter] above and descends to the Mysteri- ous Gateway [the sex center] below. It has a beneficial effect on the whole

According to both Taoist and Tantric traditions, the breasts of women secrete subtle essences that have a beneficial effect on the whole organism. A Japanese print by Isoda Koryusai, circa 1775.


Why trouble with the Pill of

Immortality when one is wel-

comed to drink from the Jade



During erotic kissing the couple exchange saliva. Taoism credits female saliva with life-giving properties. A Shunga print, school of Utamaro, Meiji, Japan, early nineteenth century.

Vishnu the Preserver 229

organism. Of the Three Peaks, this one should first receive the attention of the lover. The lower peak of woman is known as Purple Mushroom Peak, White Tiger's Cavern, or Mysterious Gate. The medi- cine that is produced from it is known as Moon Flower or White Metal, and ex- udes from her Palace of Yin, deep inside her womb. Its doorway is usually closed, but when a woman is aroused during love-making to such an extent that her cheeks become flushed and her voice catches in her throat, then this inner Doorway of hers is opened. When she reaches the climax of pleasure, the mois- ture exudes, flowing freely downward. If a man wishes to absorb this womanly secretion, he should withdraw his Weapon until it is only at the depth of a thumb tip. This has the effect of benefit- ing his Original Yang-force while at the same time nurturing and harmonizing his Inner Spirit.

The drinking of the Jade Fluid, the saliva produced by the mouth of a sexually excited woman, is frequently mentioned in Taoist treatises as "one of the best ways of strength- ening the Yang." Occult traditions through- out the world credit saliva with magical properties. It is used on talismans and for "ab- sent healing" as a way of making contact with a patient who is not present in person. Mod- ern radionics, a branch of homeopathy, uses saliva for diagnosis, and also as a "target" at which healing energies can be directed.

Western allopathic medicine has an in- complete understanding of the salivary glands and their secretions. The current theory states that "stimulation of the cerebral cortex and the hypothalamus evokes salivation." Inter- estingly enough, in Tantric love-rites, sub- stances such as camphor and incense are burned and placed near the female partner. Camphor and other related volatile odorif- erous substances have the effect of simulat- ing the cerebral cortex and thus evoking salivation in the Shakti. The quantity and composition of saliva vary considerably, depending on the type of stimulation producing it. Edible substances produce semi-fluid, enzyme-rich saliva, whereas inedible substances placed in the mouth stimulate very watery secretions. If an acid substance is eaten, the saliva becomes very rich in protein; milk causes profuse sali- vation, rich in organic material. Homeostatic saliva is usually acid, and when flowing freely, it becomes alkaline. The tonic properties of oral secretions are widely accepted by West- ern medicine, but the special nature of saliva produced by sexual stimulation is still rela- tively unknown to the Occident. The drinking of White Snow from the breasts of a woman is a mysterious concept to Westerners. The text clearly refers to it as a physical rather than a subtle secretion. It is made quite clear that White Snow is not the normal breast milk produced by a woman with child, but rather a secretion spontane- ously generated by sexual excitement. An early Taoist text refers to a man who lived to the age of one hundred and eighty by sucking the secretions from women's breasts. In India, one occasionally hears of Yogis producing milk-like breast secretions. Indian medical texts declare that "mother's milk is the best of all foods and can rejuve- nate an old person." Interestingly, there have been a number of cases of men spontaneously producing milk to feed a baby whose mother suddenly dies, illustrating that within man, woman lies latent. There are subtle connections between a woman's breasts and her uterus. When her breasts are sucked, the womb contracts, and this in turn affects glandular secretions. Tantric teachings declare that breast secre- tions are often activated by particular sounds, especially those similar to the first cry of a baby. A woman without child can certainly produce physical milk-like breast-essence

The man makes his semen

return and prevents any emission.

He absorbs the juices from the

woman's Precious Gateway, while

above he drinks her saliva. This

special practice is known as

Completing Nature; it endows

a person with good health and

long life.



Taoism teaches that female sexual secretions can be effectively absorbed through the head of the Lingam by slightly withdrawing to the entrance of the Yoni. From a Chinese painting of the nineteenth century.

230 Vishnu the Preserver

(White Snow) during sex, provided she freely experiences the desire to give. This mother- like and nurturing desire creates an emotional message to the glandular system which in turn causes the snow to fall. Breast secretions can also occur on a purely subtle, non-physical level. A sexually excited woman secretes fluids in her Yoni. Taoist texts refer to these spe- cial secretions as Moon Flower Waters; In- dian and Tantric texts speak of Moon Fluid or quite simply Love Juice. The Kama Sutra, the classical Hindu love treatise, states: "Women do not emit like men do. The fall of semen from the man takes place only at the end of his love-making, while the juices of the woman are secreted continually." The emissions from the Yoni of woman vary considerably, depending on tempera- ment, general health, diet, the moment in the monthly cycle, and the level of sexual passion. Ovarian hormones, minerals, and tis- sue salts, as well as amino acids and other essential body-building substances, are but some of the highly potent substances con- tained in Yoni-juices. Only recently has Western sexology accepted the fact that when a woman has an orgasm, she actually does produce secretions other than those termed "merely sexual lubricants." It seems that these emanate from the uterus and "dormant pros- tate" region. Tantra considers the Love-juice or Lotus- nectar of woman most beneficial when it has a sweetish taste. This accords with Oriental medical treatises, which relate sweetness to assimilation and nourishment. The Ananga Ranga declares, "The Lotus-type of woman produces love-essence perfumed like a lily that has just burst open. The Art woman emits hot juices that have the perfume and taste of honey; a Conch woman secretes dis- tinctly salty love-fluid."


An important Taoist alchemical book de- clares that woman has a Yang-essence in her uterus, which is emitted as menstrual blood once a month. Referred to as Red Snow, it is said to be "The true essence of the woman's blood, which creates the embryo in the womb." It is this original Yang-essence that is drawn upon when a woman produces her Moon Flower Medicine, and it is this which is credited with the power of strengthening the Yang-force in man, through a process of direct absorption. Various techniques, such as those given

in the "Mutual Absorption" and "Nurtur- ing Nature" sections of this book, are taught in both Tantric and Taoist traditions for the absorption of the threefold Peak Medicine of woman. An account in a Taoist alchemi- cal work advises, "When the Tortoise [the male organ] has entered, one should await the coming of the Essence of Woman, pro- duced from her climax. Then the Tortoise should turn its head, holding back its own semen, and drink up the juices of the woman." Such absorption can take place either by advanced Yoga techniques (Uddiyana Bandha), which create a vacuum or nega- tive pressure on the bladder of the man, thereby "sucking up the woman's Yoni- emissions," or quite simply by the natural absorptive capacity of the head of the Lingam. The mem branes of the Lingam become erect by absorbing a tremen- dous quantity of blood. In the same way, when the Lingam becomes soft within the Yoni, it natu- rally absorbs its secretions. Absorption of the Yoni secretions can also take place directly through the mouth. Then there is a direct ex- change between saliva and Yoni-juices. This type of oral

Mutual oral sex allows vital secretions to be circulated and exchanged. From a Rajasthani miniature painting of the mid- eighteenth century.

Taoist love-posture for absorbing female secretions directly through the head of the Lingam. From a Japanese print, circa 1680.

A Tantric love-posture specifically for mutual absorption and nurturing nature. Movement should be gentle and rhythmic. From Rajasthani miniature painting of the eighteenth century.

sex helps to integrate the two "poles" of the body (the "Upper and Lower") and creates a healthful exchange of secretions, ener- gies, and potentials. Tantrics declare that the absorption of female se- cretions through the tongue, lips, and mouth is beneficial to the whole system and is "pleasing to the Kun- dalini." (This aspect of sexuality is discussed in detail in "Oral Erotics" and "The Crow/'69.'")

The Medicine of the Three Peaks has the potential for nourishing and revitalizing the body and spirit. Any practice based on this fact should not be abused; a bond of love is essential for there to be any lasting exchange of potency. The distillation or alchemization of love takes place primarily in the heart cen- ter, from which the highest emotions derive their strength. It would be a big mistake to view the secrets of womanly secretions only on an external level. Love must "charge" the physical with the spiritual. Only then can true sexual alchemy take place.

When he has embraced his female partner, inserted his Scepter into her Lotus,

he should drink heavily from her lips; they seem as if sprinkled with milk. As

the full richness of delight is enjoyed, her thighs begin to quiver and her first

fulfillment is reached. This is the way of becoming One with the Imperishable,

by absorbing each other selflessly. These practices should not be abused, or else

they'll push one into the hells of sickness and confusion. Adepts should take

care to act correctly in these potent practices.



Is this an ad?

I'm 99% sure this is a trap for materialist faggots.


File: 8ac868b4a243e4f⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB, 544x408, 4:3, chinesetorturechamberstory.mp4)


>tfw no GF


it's probably a generic model with the design pasted on



Silly boyz see no forest for trees mmhmm



It literally is. There are pages of these and some of them don't even make grammatical sense.


What the fuck are you doing



Do you ask tree what it do? Flower? NO. Just do.



Where did you come from? You're being retarded either way. I just want to know whether to blame you or Smiley for it (I don't know if that Gizmodo article is out yet or not).



I can shitpost as a Chinese sage and offer better content than this collective board. Step yo game up. Now you must call me master.



You can shitpost as a Chinese sage, but you're terrible at it.



C'mon soldier - learn to read between the lines!



>not knowing the analogy of the chinese room


Bullshit Taoist detected. I love it when imbeciles get it all wrong and wander in illusions.



>gemini chick

>cancer sign

shit site



how fitting for this garbage of a thread


File: 5b953f9d963b520⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2115x1038, 705:346, 1483911709069.jpg)

I feel like this is one of the sad little paradoxes of spirituality. Any girls you meet who are 'spiritual' will be used up whores who've had miles of dick in and out of them up until that point.

That or 40+ year olds who are there because they're having a midlife crisis. Sad really.



this pretty much. masculine and feminine are equal in theory but time and time again i see it proven wrong. feels bad man.

although i guess women are more of a receptacle for training, so you'd teach them spirituality after finding a good one



Always think, "maybe there's a reason for this".

When looking at women, you see disgusting people. But you do also see disgusting, degenerate men.

Assuming that women have a greater ratio than men, specially when you probably come in less contact with men than women, would then be a mistake.

Lets not get depressed just yet.


you talk like virgin manchild losers. oh wait you actually are. you've obviously never explored "spirituality" outside of new age soccer moms and memetic bullshit occultism <3



t. weed smoking "spirutualist" whore



>masculine and feminine


If you believe this, then you haven't begun the journey. There is no such thing as equality, as there is no purpose for it.



Ugh I am sick of you people shitting up the internet with your ignorant bigotry. Get out, go to your containment board.



File: c3d54f60ccd976c⋯.webm (534.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Wecantell.webm)



What do you guys want to see done on this board?

(check out the board pages, CSS, the flags, everything)….



>you've obviously never explored "spirituality" outside of new age soccer moms and memetic bullshit occultism <3

You're describing every woman to dabble in spirituality ever right there.



Can you clarify as to what you even mean by that… because "close minded" and "open minded" are both terms so vague and meaningless that I really can't fathom what anyone even means by it.



The reason women who are into spirituality are used up whores is because their boyfriends got them into it in the first place.

All the women on these boards, same thing. Some boyfriend of theirs introduced them to the site.




We created /pol/. We were /new/smen. We founded /fringe/.

Also the fact you're using the default flag further indicates you are a newfig.


You betas just don't get it. That's why you are weak. Now master will explain. It's been said that finding a female tantra partner in this decrepit age is nearly impossible - and it is. A worthy tantrika would possess divine grace among other qualities while being humble and willing to serve. She would have a body of resplendent youth and softness with perfect porcelain complexion. This combination of gentle demeanor, enlightened virtue, and youthful jing is likely nonexistent in this era. The only possible cunt that could mirror my greatness is one that I raised from young age and nursed on my own urine. Sad state of affairs, to say the least.

>tl;dr you will never find a nubile sex saint



Me personally I'm just going to create a female tulpa.


File: af4ddd752a0a6f0⋯.png (88.6 KB, 300x480, 5:8, Maithuna.png)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sex isn't some fairy tale. It is BATTLE OF STEALING AND STRENGTHENING.

This thread makes me want to go to Chinese massage parlor, but those greedy chink whores always say "teep-teep" while staring at me with their lifeless beady monkey eyes after spilling my essence. What kind of deal is that? A shit one. I need to get my own chink massage slaves and force them to massage me with urine. I usually bring my own coconut oil for massage but that just ain't cutting it.



I'm intrigued by your posts here. Is this Taoist philosophy? Where can I learn more?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I also have this book that is the best authority on tantra.




Thank you, all book recommendations in particular would be appreciated.


Taoist lore holds that sex is for SALVATION first, reproduction second. The highest attainment to become a SAGE KING and guide the community to higher consciousness.


>make thread

>(43) new replies when I come back




What is the point of that link on slavery in ancient China?


If you follow my dictum and stay the path, you can achieve this.


Grain is for peasants.



I've shared all I came for and shall now leave your thread. And trust me, I came.



Just kidding, those things are more trouble than they are worth



Well, thanks man. You've really piqued my interest about Taoism. I had considered looking into before but it seems like a very complex topic. Probably it's well worth the effort.



Close minded means unreceptive to new ideas; e.g. if you told your typical SJW stereotype about the black on black crime rate, they'd call you a racist and ignore facts because they're close minded and their head is stuck in a narrative. Open minded obviously means the opposite; e.g. you, me and most of everyone else on /fringe/ gave The Kybalion etc a chance even though most people wouldn't believe it at all, and that's an open minded thing to do. If you meant you wanted me to clarify about my story, the short version is that I was with a clairvoyant friend who was talking about hearing a gunshot in his head a couple hours before finding out that someone he knew had shot himself in the head, she dismissed it as total bullshit, and we never saw her again.



Bigu is another egregore cult like Reiki, you fucking idiot.






I'm sure this information will be of great use to the kissless virgins hanging around here


Women have souls. Some are horrible sluts, but why should they give a fuck when people like JFK and Bill Clinton who are supposed to represent man at his peak bang whores?



I came.



>I use the example of a bunch of retarded chads to excuse my own shitty behavior as a slut

Meanwhile I'm cultivating virtue erry day and striving to master my reality and I don't do any of that shit. Yet you don't strive to emulate me?



Since when have politicians represented men at their peak? They are almost on the same levels as actors; which are on the same level as prostitutes. Totally unworthy of respect.



3 treasures?

as in 3 holes?






From their perspective, a corrupt politician is much more powerful and successful than that guy who sits around on the internet sll day talking about "Hermits and yoga"


To be honest, I don't want a hermeticist gf. That would detract valuable attention away from studies and practices, mixing positive and negative emotions that ought to be unrelated into all of my shit, and I'd constantly have to be explaining things to her. I'd like to reserve magick-related relationships to friends and siblings, nothing more than that. I have a childhood friend whom I know to have latent psychic abilities and an interest in the occult, and I'm going to talk to her about the Kybalion later this year, but there is no way in hell I would accept a legitimate emotional attachment to her with all the obligations of a relationship. I honestly don't see why so many boards here want gf's that have the exact same interests as them. They aren't the same things as friends, you know. I'd rather reserve the things really important to me for bros and family.

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