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File: bd7433f707be1f9⋯.jpg (121.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Whereistheproofs.jpg)


Lets be honest here, those books are droplets in the ocean of knowledge, real Hermetics like the Rosicrucians wouldn't share their know on the internet.

What is a good/easy way to find a group in real life, and how do I know its not using me for political gain?


Wikileaks has the Rosicrucian neophyte material. It's typical bullshit occultism.


Is anyone here from New Zealand?


If there's a university/college where you live, you could see if there are any vaguely occult-related clubs that aren't just for stupid trendy New Agers/Wiccans. You could also just try to manifest some occultist friends, but that's a bit unpredictable.



>Is anyone here from New Zealand?

Southland, you?






Neat. Let's connect on another platform. Got any for me to contact you?



Sure, I'll give my contact details to a stranger on the internet I know nothing about. Here's an email address.



No need to get sassy with me.

How do you expect to be able to connect with other like minded people without putting some effort in? Isn't that the point of this thread?

Come chat with me on Chatstep. You can remain anonymous - it's just some instant chatroom website.

For room put:


And any username you like.



>No need to get sassy with me.

It was a joke, anon



I know.

Pity these irl meetup/connect imageboard threads never amount to anything.



>Pity these irl meetup/connect imageboard threads never amount to anything.

Aussies have been doing a /fringe/ meetup for months.




there is no easy way and you can't know for sure


>real Hermeticists wouldn't share their knowledge on the internet

Says who?



My local college has occult symbols everywhere but no "occult clubs" or anything else of the sort. What does this mean? That shit has to be there for a reason. Maybe they left?

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