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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I dream of one day being able to imagine things so well, I'll be able to just slip my consciousness into another world at will; do you think it can be done?

I'm not talking about lucid dreams here, no, I'm talking about being awake and aware but overriding every single one of your senses with ones originated from your mind, be it seeing, smelling, touching, tasting, anything, really. On one hand, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, on the other, I believe it'd take years and years and years of practice before you could really say you are able to live "from within".



That would be nice, I have had strong images, scapes that felt like they had overridden my attention to other senses, that I imagine is the typical difficulty with many others that want what you do. All i can do is speculate as to how it would be done though. I mean, old wise people got those magick herbs that give them the right mojo, they rely on them to go into inner worlds. So, you would have to reroute your minds natural, and programmed workings to be able to do such a thing. Also, if it just vision they will not feel very compelling, you will not be attracted to them. You would have to simulate smell, temperature, touch, as well as allowing these cultivate a sense of immersion that would have you feel disconnected from you are. Looking back at my dreams, they don't seem to be outside of the ability of waking consciousness, but they are not compelling when you are awake there is just too much other stuff going on. I think astral projection is what you are looking for, but I am not sure what exactly they demand of immersion. I am not sure it would take years, but it would take dedication to something that feels stupid at first. I however know nothing for sure on this topic. I would assume the astral projectors would live in a dream world the rest of their lives on a cloud if it was so great until they succumb to death by starvation. I know I would if I could imagine be sandwiched between giant unwashed futanari maids in a softly lit ballroom.


I've done that since I can remember. Daily I would slip into a kind of a "trance" for hours (you can lose 2 hours in the blink of an eye) and do everything that I never could in real life.

But the dream must always end.

If you're seeking refuge from depression or whatever other everyday horrors you face, you will not find it in fantasies.

If anything, they'll make matters only worse as they lure you into giving up and retreating into your shell.

It's like a drug for me now and I can't stop doing it whenever I am even slightly idle or not paying active attention to what I am doing.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




How, and where do you go. Have you out with a mermaids in Atlantis?



>If you're seeking refuge from depression or whatever other everyday horrors you face, you will not find it in fantasies.

Why does this come up in every discussion about this sort of stuff? It's the same when someone asks how to lucid dream for longer or at will or something, some faggot will go "oh, you musn't use lucid dreams as a way to escape your problems". Can we not bring this to this thread, please? To me, it just sounds like the person saying this is either projecting hard; it'd be like me going "oh, you musn't abuse alcohol consumption" at a wine tasting festival, it's obnoxious as fuck.

Anyway, on topic now:

I think we should gather material on sharpening our imagination. One of the most important aspects would of course be meditation, but it seems appropriate to have a series of "mind exercises" to practice things like seeing, touching, and so on. We're great at imagining voices because we do it all the time, right? It must be that way with other things too. Are there any good books on the subject?


I am actively doing exactly that OP and have been working on it for years. I'm getting there. Some odd things I would never have expected to have made a huge difference also have been helping me get over some plateaus I seemed stuck at.



think they'd be common issues?

elaborate, if you'd like


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Jesus you people are everywhere forcing your maladaptive daydreaming meme on everyone, it's called ADD and you can be addicted to anything.

I think if you try not to get addicted and let your subconscious go wild, you can get some worth while experiences going.

If you think daydreaming is a unproductive timesink go look at any mundanes day sitting, watching tv/playing games all day.

Atleast one can use some mana.



this desu, i daydream too much. it's abuse of dopamine, like masturbation. gotta cut that shit out.




I never dissuaded him from doing it.

Just pointed out what I thought he ought to know.

It can be unhealthy, I've gone without lunch one time too many to know that.

The key to proficiency, in my opinion, is to blend lies with truth – mix the reality that you know and understand with what you want to experience.

If you don't know what a bird's feathers feel like, you can only make vague guesses which might just be correct. The more you know the better.

Practice obviously helps.

You knew all of this already.

What I think you should focus on instead is how to make use of it. I've been able to do this nearly perfectly for over a decade now, but I still haven't figured out how to apply it to help myself.


Not yet.



If /mlp/ tulpafags can do it with their "wonderlands", so can you.


Of course you can! However, you need to REALLY commit yourself to it for a while. Even mere thoughts or memories of your 'former' life can jolt you back in the here and now when you're not fully prepared


Visualize your daydreams from a first person perspective and they will materialize in the visible universe to the degree that you're able to feel the emotional resonance of their reality. All is mind.


Bumping this thread because interested. I can do this, at least partially. If i want to expand and perfectionate it how should i do? There are books, articles, tips you can offer?



You can try tulpa switching. It's basically the same thing and forces you to build the sensory imposition required for such a thing.


>not meditating


>not having serveral imgained areas to better yourself and for the shits



>being condescending

>with sage in the name field



>t. Addict in denial




During long meditation I have experienced something similar, except that I "receive" the memory of the experience instantly.

I feel as if I had been someone doing something, for a period of time (hours or days), and I instantly "remember" it, as it it had just happened. But obviously no time has passed.

I think it is a form of divination though.

I've had experience with astral projection and lucid dreaming, but it's way to involved. What you describe sounds like it would be awesome.



Massively underrated post. This in itself gives you the ability to do all the magic you will ever need.



The Tibetan Master have something to teach you in this area…



Isn't this the same thing as the lucifer experiment? >>100630


It's not that hard. A few months of dedicated meditation where you focus on building and visualizing a world and navigating it in first person and it will be as vivid as a lucid dream. Keep at it for longer and it will get progressively more real. This is pretty basic stuff and requires no specific instruction, just do it.



>I dream of one day being able to imagine things so well, I'll be able to just slip my consciousness into another world at will; do you think it can be done?

People who've had near death experiences describe the experiences as more real than this reality. This reality may be the dream, with its artificial constraints on our abilities. Our bodies are essentially meat spacesuits for our consciousness. Animal bodies we temporarily pilot to navigate this realm. Without them we wouldn't need to eat or feel any need to reproduce. So being pure consciousness is likely our normal or resting state.

The dreamtime has always seemed very real to me. I know that I interact with a variety of different beings throughout my dreams. I think the scenario is slightly different for each being from what I'm experiencing, even though we are interacting together.

What you describe sounds like a basic shamans trance though. Try meditating with some recorded drumming in the background.



> I believe it'd take years and years and years of practice before you could really say you are able to live "from within".

Creating your own paradise is the goal of eastern practices like falun gong, so the idea is not unique. But just thinking something up will not be enough obviously, you need to control the hard matter over there and create something beyond reincarnation for it to remain as your world and for you to be able to go there.


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wiggly willy bepis

(Rule 7)


I feel a big part of the key to this is memory. How can you create a consistent world within your mind that quickly changes as our does without keeping track of every little variable? Maybe I'm looking at this wrong, maybe it's wise to mix the solidity of our physical world with the malleability of our imagined one to create a pleasurable and believable experience; only problem is, jumping back and forth like that would take you out of the experience, no?


I thought this was one of the principles of existing; grabbing bits and pieces from lives you live and making a reality.


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>falun gong

Interesting reading. How many exercises/schools branch out from buddhism? I need to learn how to retain memory after reincarnation



Don't track every variable. You form and guide your subconscious to cut out the trash so when you want to build a world you only need wireframe to hang it on.



We're discussing this over at mewch/fringe/ right now.



If you're going to shill here do something about that theme, you've already made the shitty-looking current /fringe/ theme look even worse



let me put it like this, if you could go to sleep completely consciously every night, and remember all your dreams. at that point, your mind has reached a state of immortality



Exactly. Just read the tibetian book of the dead.





So lucid dreaming=astral travel?



Yes but beside the point. We are talking lucid living.



Is their a guide to this method?



Only a bullshit occultist can equate lucid dreaming with astral travel.



Astral is the Dreamland.


File: 16dd07a77d510b4⋯.pdf (1.5 MB, The Book of The Dead.pdf)



Would you be so kind and post a pdf of the tibetan book of the dead or maybe a link or sth? I'm pretty sure I should read (its a feeling) it but I can't find it. Would be very grateful. What I have found is the egyptian book of the dead, might as well post it here. Enjoy.


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