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File: ed4ab3ec8ed0965⋯.png (12.14 KB, 1275x161, 1275:161, scannersfringe.png)


look what they just said.

(5. No identifying posts / namefag drama)


Ich hab's dir doch gesagt.



jetzt hab ich beweise. ist nicht so dass ich es nicht ernstgenommen hab, habs nur vergessen.


We have to destroy you Hanz, before you reveal yourself as the Messiah and lead the world to freedom.


File: 20904d3735b18d5⋯.jpg (17.58 KB, 480x328, 60:41, 98a20ce431ab19c58cd773e366….jpg)

If it makes you feel any better I don't know and don't care who you are, namefag.



>He doesn't know who Hanz is

Tbh you're not missing anything but you're still a newfig.



t. cuckchan



i dont believe you.


You are in psychosis. Come back to reality you larping faggots.



You have passed the first test. More will come in the following days. You are truly the Chosen One.


Scanners sound like bros.

Can they find me a wife? I don't mind if she's asian.

As long as she's not nigger, gypsy, jew, or vegetarian.



We will find you a wife on the condition that you have her birth 3 children and give them all to us.




why tho


Bump to learn more about, "Hanz".

I've seen the name a few times at /x/ of 4chan.

Seems to be a name for multiple people…but I could be wrong.




>5. No identifying posts / namefag drama



I want to know this too.

t. B.O.

Seriously… how the fuck is he posting with a name???



Wyrd majicks?

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