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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Many strive to transcend their ego. The awareness of your ego, what it causes, leads to, and so on is but a mere realization. You cannot act without your ego. You are an observer, you have no control without ego. Ego may be superficial, but that does not diminish that it has a purpose. In a pure egoless state, where one is devoid of desires, and only your true "self" remains, nothing can happen or will happen because you just "are". Doing anything is a product of ego. Regardless if it is feeling good, or bad. Your true self is essentially nothing, an observer that experiences. You won't experience anything by observing nothing. Your ego is a necessary medium and one must question why we incarnate in the first place. If it is to learn than ego is necessary, striving to be completely egoless appears to be reactionary. Yes I know this is my ego speaking, and I know all of this is a product of ego. But that's exactly the point. Without the ego there is no reason for ANYTHING. If one says they are ego-less they are lying, because that is their ego speaking. Your true self cannot even speak, it just "Is". Anything beyond that is a thoughtform. And many will say that perhaps even your sense of self is a thoughtform and an illusion within the all. And they may be correct, however that does not give reason to anything. That realization does not mean you should strive to become the nothingness from which you came. It does not mean anything at all other than it is what it is. Choosing to become nothingness because that is the state without ego, is itself, an act of the ego. These realizations leave us with more questions than answers, but it appears to be very simple. There is no point to anything, make it as you will. Do not be fooled into thinking that becoming nothing is inherently better than something. It's equal, and it's your choice. Feel free to share your opinions on this, I am highly interested in what everyone has to say.


Existence, meaning, and actions are just constructs like anything else. I see nothing that indicates purpose to anything. Everything just is. Some choose to do things, some do not. It does not matter unless you choose it does.



You are jerking off your ego while telling us to kill our ego. You are fucking retarded. Kill yourself.

You have schizophrenia. Go get some meds.



Not really. It's just a nihilistic and relative perspective of magic and existence.



If you think nhilism = schizophrenia then I pity you. Just because you can't comprehend that purpose - like anything else stems from arbitrary means.



>no point

You wish. Then you wouldn't be banished to the spanking universe after you lose in this one. I don't care how many times you've been mind-wiped, those were our terms.



Is this larping or something? What does that even mean? You only perceive spanking to be bad because you have been conditioned to do so.



Time and time again, people get a taste of egolessness and believe they understand the life of living with control over ego while inadvertently failing to recognize the life of bliss when the individual stops the mind dialogue.

To be free of ego is to be free of artificial emotion and thought. It can be theorized that ego is either summoned from the astral or created with tulpaforcing through the individual's life. What brings suffering, is to identify with the ego and what it says, and so it brings fake emotions from the ego to the individual.

When you experience silence from ego for longer than 2 hours, your heart begins to be felt. First the heartbeats. Then the feelings. Then comes unconditional love and compassion. The true essence of who you are, can do anything it needs to do and it will find it's desire to do so, if you have the silence and patient to feel it.

We have gotten used to listening to ego for so long, we have forgotten how to actually feel. Ego is a book reader, reading the bold and italic comments, so that we can have artificial emotion and boost ego's self image. Ego emotion is not true emotion.

By speaking truth, and only in observable, objective truth statements, void of commentary and beliefs, you strangle ego's energy and movement and eventually it becomes easier to communicate without drama. When you are asked about a subject, you can define the sentence with the message you wish to include, without logical fallacies or drama inducing commentary from the ego.

What do you think about X?

"It's a popular held belief among a statistical majority that X is possible and applicable for subjective experiences. Whether or not it works is based on the individual's mindset."






Be conscious of ego first, so that your consciousness can grow and become stronger than ego. Then you can taste the rainbow without eating skittles.


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fun things are fun is the secret of the universe



So in the absence of ego you immediately identify with the feeling of compassion that replaces it? Is that not equally folly?


I already made a thread on breaking the veil, NIGGA

>dat Atman


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Your ego is a necessary medium and one must question why we incarnate in the first place. If it is to learn than ego is necessary, striving to be completely egoless appears to be reactionary.

This is all you had to say really to get your point across. Yes these seemingly contradictory spiritual purposes make sense when you realize that becoming nothingness is indeed the end goal but the point is the journey not the destination. The journey being having the experience of being able to exist and learn and improve.



To identify with that feeling immediately removes the feeling. It is like a slippery soap that you can't hold by pinching your hand, you have to let it lay in your hand.

To reach you on your own assumed teachings based on your flag:

B influential category that have realized the illusions of their mental, emotional, intellectual and active centers to be part of the false identities, can then instead channel the higher emotional, higher intellectual centers, which are not clouded by memories or habits of the false personalities.

It's not just a feeling of compassion, it's a mix of many higher emotions that pertain to understanding, unity and unconditional love to all living things. You won't get there with the thinking ego, the commentator. Ego exists to allow us to realize what hell is. Absence of ego lets us feel the heaven.

To develop attachment to heaven and the blissful feelings, is similar to being a rich man and loosing his purse. You will fondle on the ground for pieces of coin to try and get back there and look like a fool in the process. Some psychedelic drug users may fall in line with this mindset.

In the end, all the fear the individual feels about letting go of ego to attain the blissful state, is inherently from ego itself. Realizing that lets you let go off fear so that you can get one step closer to your true personality.

"The greatest con ever pulled was making you believe that he is You."



You've been taken in by eternal shitstains. The point is in the relation of things. If you don't want to be spanked for a few trillion years in the next universe, you should unfriend them on facebook or something.


It's not the complete rejection and repulsion of the ego; that leads you round once more; rather it is the total assimilation of the ego into the higher self along with all its counterparts.



I'm pretty sure the compassion is the result of negating and counter-acting the negative feelings that arise from killing your ego slowly.

Imagine a psychopath strangling someone with a sympathetic smile on their face, "shhh, it's okay, it's okay. Go to sleep now, there's an afterlife, go to sleep now…"

That's what nothingness is. Because it doesn't exist, only Ego exists. Ego being Somethingness. There is only Somethingness. There is only attachment, only existence.

Faith based lifestyles/beliefs/knowledge are a scam. Unattachment is a scam lifestyle/belief/etc as well.

It does have its use though, makes one very good at strangling themselves, losing the will to live, and other such suicidal things.



People speak of Ego death but ego is not so easily killed, not even by imagining that you are strangling it. It took 6 years for Buddha to get rid of Ego through meditation and it took Alexandra David-Néel 6 months to get rid of a self created tulpa of Friar Tuck.

The counter to ego is that of awareness and awareness brings the conscious individual a far great length.

The purpose of refining your character through spiritual practice is to do away with earthly attachments and become the person you want to become. I seek to be kind, helping, compassionate, understanding and without judgement. The ego can't grasp these virtues and is mostly only capable of survival based routines.

Become aware of the fact that the voice in your mind is not you. You can ask it questions any time and it will respond. If you can ask it questions and perceive its answer, it's not really you, just part of you. The great illusion creates the suffering and awareness of ego liberates from suffering.


Learning to control the ego is essential for development. Most people and certainly mundane people identify with their egos. That is diaastrous.

Other than that, of course getting rid of the ego is nonsense. As long as we exist incarnate, ego is an inherent part of ourselves. A tool. The point of "killing the ego" (similarly as with killing the father) it's so that you can come back to it and see it objectively instead of with absolute subjective self-identification.

I also subscribe what Montalk says that the ego is actually formed in the soul (etheric and astral) as a consequence of having experienced a physical existence, and that it lingers after death until the second death (when the spirit supposedly sheds the soul in preparation for reincarnation).



Wow I can't beleive I typed this. I am truly all knowing. I am a god of knowledge.

lol fuck my ego XD



>Then comes unconditional love and compassion. The true essence of who you are,

>My truth is the real truth


>Yes these seemingly contradictory spiritual purposes make sense when you realize that becoming nothingness is indeed the end goal

Then there's literally no point in improving and hedonist have it right


>To identify with that feeling immediately removes the feeling.

>unconditional love and compassion. The true essence of who you are



>The purpose of refining your character through spiritual practice is to do away with earthly attachments

except you know buddah spent good amount of years dicking around in his place banging his wife. It's easier to denounce earthly attachments when you experienced all of them.

You seem to place ALOT of emphasis on empty minded meditation which is helpful for focus but not the ultimate meditation.



If you can't do empty minded meditation then there is no point in doing anything above it. You have to succeed in it first. Haven't you read Step I of IIH? If you just stopped being an armchair occult and actually practiced you would learn a lot more and have something useful to contribute instead of shitting up all the threads on here with meaningless critique. You are like the angry Xbox kid of /fringe/, and in the spirit of charity I hope this is the only place you come so other boards don't have to experience your bullshit. The things you say are accurate from time to time but always spoken through a filter of arrogance.



Buddha walked out on his wife and son to find the origin of suffering.

You claim to know what the ultimate meditation is. Teach us all.



>If you can't do empty minded meditation then there is no point in doing anything above it.

True but we didnt need another guy emphasizing it.

>Haven't you read Step I of IIH?

I have thats why I keep on doing it

>you would learn a lot more and have something useful to contribute

blah blah visualize blah blah intent

>meaningless critique

sorry didn't know this was hugbox

>You are like the angry Xbox kid of /fringe/


>in the spirit of charity


you dont know what that word means do yeah?

>always spoken through a filter of arrogance.

arrogance- an insulting way of thinking or behaving that comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people

>you are better, smarter, or more important than other people



>Buddha walked out on his wife and son to find the origin of suffering.

Doesn't change the fact he lived a plush lifestyle. So when he was doing away with earthly attachments, he did so with mind that knew they wouldn't make him any happier.

>You claim to know what the ultimate meditation is. Teach us all.

ah it's very simple really git gud nigga



I was being facetious when I said charity.



>Then there's literally no point in improving and hedonist have it right

you are a fucking moron. READ THE REST OF THE FUCKING SENTENCE



I'm not spelling it out for you more unless you can conversate like a sane person by respecting the post you reply to enough to acknowledge and consider the whole damn post before you reply to it




>Yes these seemingly contradictory spiritual purposes make sense when you realize that becoming nothingness is indeed the end goal but



actually it's but

>I'm not spelling it out for you

>consider the whole damn post before you reply to it

Just live your life and find what makes you happy, wow so deep

>you can conversate like a sane person by respecting the post you reply to

>if you disrespect me you are clearly insane

whatever you say



>Just live your life and find what makes you happy, wow so deep

no you fuck head. read it again



respect the post you reply to enough to FUCKING READ IT YOU SHITSTAIN. fucking morons need to ALL BE HANGED


Here I will add commas and a couple letters for your completely hollowed out brain

>The journey being, having the experience of being able to exist, and to learn and to improve.


>our ego is a necessary medium and one must question why we incarnate in the first place

blowing my mind. I was thinking of trying to destroy my ego too. Maybe I should personify it :p


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I am noticing a lot people never really define what they mean specificially by a proposed concept. In this case ego, what do you all mean by it? Today the word is a strange blend of all of its linguistic trends, then as it is conflated within various religious and spiritual systems, I think we all end up talking about slightly different things. Ego in its barest meaning and literal translation would simply be "I", but then we are also dealing with the pre-psychoanalytic literature, then of course Freud, modern psychological concepts, badly transposed ideas in pop culture etc. As far as I am aware for instance, no buddhist text has ever used the word ego, there are none in Latin and translating eastern-asiatic language into a romanized iteration is virtuallly never accurate so it seems inevitable much will become muddled in our confused language, connotating differently due to simply how we operate within the restrictions of our language when talking of any subject which deals this much into the abstract.

You could put just about any spin on the word ego, you could look at it as a based impulsive force, even evil, that desires, posseses and inflates itself into arrogance to the point of ultimate demise. On the other hand, one can simply look at it as an idea of self, this literal translation of "I", and really how can one ever truly seperate themselves from some context of self. I(!) certainly couldn't seperate myself from it in terms of MY opinion, I believe there is an individual essence in all things, even if they do add up into what could be perceived as an All-Encompassing One, still in the relative sense that One is made up of many small individual different things. Somehow I think a very negative connotation has been given to the word ego but I think we can see that this sense of self has given us so much in this world. Those very famous words of Descartes; "Cognito ergo sum." "I think, therefore I am." And it was an excellent conclusion, for what can we truly prove to exist other than our sense of self, what other means do we have of perceiving anything other than our own experiences, sensory perceptions and introspection? In that sense the ego is essentially the foundation of all your percieved existence. Taking out all the bad parts of the self and just labeling it ego as though it has nothing to do with you is foolish, and I think if anyone ever manages to transcend the individual into a higher sense of being for long, speaking in contexts of individuals would be beyond them.



>the life of bliss

Stopped reading here. I do not desire personal happiness. I more than that desire Right Action. I see nothing wrong with acting out my desires and embracing the pain that results.


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>… Somehow I think a very negative connotation has been given to the word ego but I think we can see that this sense of self has given us so much in this world …

Who is it that thinks these ideas? Common man is identified with the thoughts it hears and perceives; some also believe they are the voice in their head, but it can be proven with simple questions and meditation, that those who inhibit the body are not the body nor their thoughts.

Descartes': "Cognito ergo sum", is flawed for it is the thoughtform collection of the ego telling Descartes: "You are your thoughts, without thought you don't exist". Understand a hypothetical scenario where an evil entity attached to Descarte' body and whispered in his ear: "I think, therefore I am". Now instead of it being an evil entity, it's a thoughtform he was born with or created by tulpamancing. The entity speaks into his mind daily, telling him compelling evidence and justifications for why he as a human, is his mind.

Ego is the collection of thoughtforms that responds to the pronoun of "I", "me", "myself" and "mine", internally by the host or creator and responds externally to: "you", "your", FIRST NAME or LAST NAME by others. When the police pulls you over at a routine check you hand him your license which is in effect your ID, he asks you: "Is this you?". By answering: "Yes", you are spiritually and physically saying you are a plastic card, and the ego identifies with the role of being a citizen and the repercussions of what that system has to offer.

Try saying: "This card represents the identify of a physical character of a human entity". But sovereignty may not be for you.

Ego is the entity in your mind that told you to write your post so you could prove you understand the concept of ego to others. Ego is such a meta topic and meta aware object, it will tell others and itself of itself so that it can justify action and behavior based on the belief of being right. Ego is the entity that made me react to your post so that the consciousness could tell you to keep looking for the answer to enlightenment.

True enlightened beings do not speak. The moment they open their mouth they loose the slippery soap out of their hands. It is a sacrifice for an enlightened being to teach enlightenment. That is also why a true enlightened being will not state that they are anything enlightened. For any word uttered regarding their own state would inherently be considered a channeling of the ego.

Not even the things that is written in this post is to be considered true. It's a valid theory to claim how the mind works and try to prove it. But the biggest challenge you have to undertake is the illusion of self.

Ask yourself: "Who am I?". Whatever answers is not you.



I have to say that I feel as though you circumvented what I was saying and your post is quite incoherent. You also misinterpreted Descartes, whom took a huge amount of time and justified argument to say "Cogito ergo sum" which does not mean "I am my thoughts, without thoughts I do not exist" But that thinking in of itself was proof of his self and existence. Nothing else does it, you come out with all this "tulpas" "thoughtforms" etc when none of that is applicable in the context of his philosophy. How could he prove tulpas exist when he couldn't even trust his sense or his eyes in the 17th century? You really think you refute Descartes in the slightest by just saying that he had some projected disembodiment of himself whispering into his ear? Guess what, for all intents and purposes that is still the same thing, it is still himself. You still haven't actually said what you mean by ego either, all you have given are trivial anecdotes which anyone with a philosophical mind, or even midly critical, could not be satisfied or see as conclusive.

The post then gets to a new level of stupid which to be honest you should be smarter than and I should have to deconstruct it to demonstrate such basic fallacies in your thinking. If a cop asks me, "Is this you on your drivers licence?" And I say "Yes" I am not spiritually and physically saying I am a bit of plastic. Such an assumption is quite frankly borderline retarded. I don't think you can come here and say that you are showing me the way to enlightenment when you aren't enlightened yourself to know what it's like and all you do is try to refute argument with rhetorical gymnastics and spiritual loopholing. What it seems you have is some weird confused hybrid of oriental buddhist and freudian interpretations, something that just doesn't mix by the way, and you contradict yourself even in mid-sentence.

>but the biggest challenge YOU have to take is the illusion of self

That is an oxymoron.

>True enlightened beings do not speak

>Not even the things in this post are to be consider true

Absolutley incoherent. It's quite hard to even entangle what you say when so much is criss-crossed over each other and one thing falsifying the next. Maybe its a point in your path to enlightenment when you realise half the things you are saying are wishy washy and filled with shit; either be master of your own words or get a better idea and way to express it, because no one can get anything out of this other than confusion and part of me even suspects that was your intention. If so consciously spreading confusion in the hopes of manipulating people to wider speculation, even if fruitful, is inherently opposed to ideologies like Oriental Buddhism.



No. Don't bother.

The answer was written in the post:

Ego is the entity in your mind that told you to write your post so you could prove you understand the concept of ego to others. Ego is such a meta topic and meta aware object, it will tell others and itself of itself so that it can justify action and behavior based on the belief of being right. Ego is the entity that made me react to your post so that the consciousness could tell you to keep looking for the answer to enlightenment.

To have your jimmies rustled in one post is sign of a strong ego. Take yourself less seriously and lower your bar of expectation. You cannot see the forest for all the trees blocking the view.

Further correspondence will bring suffering unless you let go of the idea that this conversation has any meaning or matter in the world, internal or external.


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Oh yes, I'm sure that is the buddhist way, avoid all points and instead of arguing your point just deflect with

>you are just responding in opposition to me because you have a strong ego.

You are so self-righteouslly condescending it is just arrogance. I wasn't even annoyed or rustled, though after this response, yeah can't deny I find you irritating and incoherent. I actually just tried to have a discussion with you and you were incapable of it. The only thing you could do was regress into yourself, refusing to confront anything propsosed to you, and simply regurgitate what you have already said and then imply anyone who doesn't understand just has evil tulpas controlling them. While you profess the ignorance of others you in fact just showcase your own.


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Brother, I love you. If I could take honey from the tree of life and put it in your mouth, I would.

What is the difficult part? To be irritated about me, or to forgive and accept me?

You say you find me irritating and incoherent. These are just your opinions. I find you loving and kind, these can be made facts.

When the eyes are open to the possible reality of how human consciousness works, seldom does he spend time arguing with others over trivial matter. The topic turned into a meta topic of how to converse with others, now the topic of Ego is yet again shunned so that Ego can do its part.

You are not the voice in your head that is angry or irritated, you are the one perceiving it. Ask the ego in your mind: "What will my next thought be?"

How ignorant is it to point out other peoples' ignorance while riding the bull of arrogance? If you believe you are right in any topic, you are indeed a fool.


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Ah fuck off this is completely fruitless. If you can't commune of the subject and instead have to sidestep what I am trying to say so that you can put yourself on some moral pedestal just because I find you irritating then why even bother? You offer nothing to me except a waste of time if you haven't confronted anything I have said instead you just look for any excuse to virtue signal your ideals. I wanted a decent discussion on what the ego was, all you have done is spout the same nonsense and claimed any misunderstanding is due to my own ego - the very term I am trying to discuss - and you say "I am not incoherent that is just your opinion". I showed you very clearly how you were being incoherent, how you were not making sense, and this is how you respond? You aren't enlightened, far from it, you just hide behind a bunch of axioms and surround yourself in a wall of impenetrable rhetorical tricks. It is incoherent unless you claim to transcend all means of linguistic definition and if so there wouldn't even be a point in language itself to you. I am not even going to bother, surely to such a thing you would just tell yourself "Oh they just have a big ego, I can't possibly be wrong, they are just beneath me in some way, I love you by the way anon!" - So utterly ironic and self-contradictory.



Great post showing how you say you don't bother. Please don't bother anymore.



Hale Hortler fellow skinhead


LMFAO this is what happens when you kill your own ego. You start riding everyone else's dick



>we can only talk about ego as long as its on my terms and you agree with me without me explaining myself



>ego ego ego ego ego ego

t. ego



>Ask the ego in your mind: "What will my next thought be?"

I know you (and you me).


We can talk about ego. I swear I had written an answer to >>98653 and now it's gone.

I consider the go to be a bit more of what Mossa there was talking about. If you have read Montalk you will identify it very quickly, but it borrows from a couple other places as well.

To me, ego is best described as the software that comes with your meatsuit. A regular spacesuit needs only to make you physically capable of surviving in a hostile environment, but for us, being spirit and all, it also requires a "mental interface" (the soul in Montalk's terms) to facilitate the experience of physical reality. Otherwise the meatsuit would do very little and the experience would be cut short very quickly.

Ego is then more than your thoughts (which might have their origin in the physical brain). Ego is a thoughtform that forms around and attaches to "you" as you experience life in your body. It includes instinct, desire, aversion and other things that would be useless outside physical reality. In that sense, animals have a rudimentary form of ego. Just enough so that their spirit can interface with reality.


I think to claim the ability to discern which parts of you are ego and which one's aren't is the epitome of hubris. Precisely because of what you said here: >>98728. Thus, what's the point of turning the discussion in to a meta-discussion around a meta-inducing meta-concept? We all know we are egos talking. And in fact if we weren't we wouldn't even own a computer, or know how to read or write. So let's get on with discussing ideas and stop pointing out the obvious without getting anywhere. There's a difference between ego as the inseparable part of the person and an inflamed ego of a person who doesn't know how to use any other part of theirs when interacting with others.

And then this



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You are honestly so self-absorbed and short-sighted you don't even see the complete irony and projection in that post do you?


So basically from what you are saying the ego is simply a social construction formed through contemporary fringe talk. There is no demonstrable process or experiment you can perfrom to prove that even thought-forms exist conclusively - it is complete founded in relative and subjective basis, holding no real grounds in absolutes or objective reality unless you present some sort of case for life being merely a psychological projection. You call the ego this, I call the ego that, Freud calls it this, Jung calls it that, the word was only used in this contemporary fashion since the 19th century, so it's hard to see it as anything other than just a label which people latch on to very different things over time. What makes you definition of the ego more valid or applicable than anyone elses?

All >>98732 points out or says are pure axioms, philosophical truisms, ultimately that is all they are as they are not self-evident and they do not reason. It's like saying "Liar liar, pants on fire." or "There is only one." or "Life is what you make it." It is simply illogical to accept any of these things as true simply because they are said. I can say many axioms I can say "The ego is Gods gift to man, embrace the self, and embrace happiness." or "The Ego is Love." Such a statement has just as much validity as anything >>98728 says because he assumes that simply by saying it it must be true. Then in the height of his own ignorance he tells people to stop changing the topic whilst simoultaneously changing it to "I love you, look how enlightened I am, ego is whatever I say it is regardless of argumentation and evidence." And what is the response once you highlight his incoherence and innacuracies? Further ego labeling. "Oh you react like this because you have an evil thought-form speaking to you, it has nothing to do with me being wrong." You set up some guard around yourself so instead of confronting your own mistakes you just label anyone who says anything to oppose that as in some sense less illuminated than you are. Pretentious bollocks.

Overall I think most concepts I have seen here are an over-simplification of aspects of the self. One calls it a thought-form another calls it developed conditioning, the next will call it God, and the one after that the Devil. Blah blah blah blah fuckin blah round and round in circles of rhetoric with some hollow sense of enlightenment to keep you content. There a much more fuffilling things to discuss or contemplate, doing so with something like ego is just hitting yourself on a wall in chains of abstractions. Go beyond ego, go beyond such primitive concepts such as good and bad, go beyond the boundaries you put around yourself instead of chasing your own tail and putting your head up your ass.


>this whole thread

ego is such a loaded word

language fucking sucks, we can do better



Only the Sith deal in absolutes.



Ultimately the discussion is about what are we made of. Demonizing the ego is just as stupid as wanting to destroy it or putting it on a pedestal. It is what it is, and its function is what it is, even if it's unclear at the moment for us. It's unhealthy to spend all day eating or masturbating, but it doesn't mean you should rip out your digestive tract or cut off your junk. Same with the ego. It's a part of the psyche and the person construct, that much is clear.

My definition is an amalgamation of experience and thoughts. It is changing and I will never be able to confirm it completely, nor I wish to impose it on anyone, but that's part of the fun. There are a lot of aspects about the ego that are in almost everyone's theory, and most trace back to Freud.

You are a bit confrontational though.


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The first enlightenment is that of realizing the illusion of mind. Ego is the illusion of mind. Simple awareness of the origin of desire puts the conscious being in charge and puts the ego at bay. The first power we have to realize is the power to not believe what the Ego says.

>We all know we are egos talking.

Please don't bother.

>So let's get on with discussing ideas …

What do you believe we are talking about?


>There is no demonstrable process or experiment you can perfrom to prove that even thought-forms exist conclusively

Ask yourself inside your mind: "What will my next thought be?"

>… Pretentious bollocks.

The previously quoted paragraph contains assumptions and opinions of your ego. Take yourself less seriously. Take this thread less seriously. If you are looking for truth, you won't find it written. If you are looking for truth, don't look for it among anything claimed to be true. Realize what is false and you will surely know what is true soon.

Before you can speak properly, you must learn the difference between fact and opinion. Ego dwell in opinions, consciousness perceives facts. You use the phrase: "I think", multiple times in your writings, which indicate that you still do not grasp simple awareness of your mind. There is still no one in your mind that thinks except for the ego, made up of thoughtforms. You are the one that perceives thoughts, you are not the one that creates them.

These things can be pointed out multiple times for you, but anger and irritation has already taken you over, for you try to grasp these concepts with the thinking mind, which cannot understand it. Stop thinking, start living.

And please don't bother.


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You haven't even read anything I have said have you? You call that an argument? You call that anything other than your own self-indulgence? What you call anger is just a projection from yourself. You tell me I am wrong because I use the expression "I think". This is axiomatic drivel. You say that I don't know what truth is but the only thing you accept is your own definition of truth which you do not justify at all.

>if you are looking for truth you won't find it in anything written

Once again, this is an oxymoron. Can you not make the slightest effort to be coherent?

>Before you can speak properly

>You don't know anything

>Your ego is to big to be on my level

>I'll just circumvent every single thing you say so I can get a platform to condescend and pretend I'm some enlightened being.

You are the worst kind. You just presume that everyone must understand you and accept whatever you put forth and if they don't then they are just beneath you. That kind of thinking is what I expect from delluded SJWs or /pol/acks. I try to discuss something with you, I provide many good points, and you can't even answer one of them all you can do is repeat yourself and cover it in the pretense of wisdom. Nothing you have said is wise, infact it is incredibly foolish in response to "There is no demonstrable process or experiment you can perform to prove that thought-forms exist conclusively you say: >ask yourself in your mind "What will my next thought be?"

Thats not an answer, that is just repeating yourself, do you actually think that contributes anything or refutes anything I have said? Of course you can't actually confront any of this, just perform some other mental gymnastic and then profess your own self-righteoussness. You have offered nothing other than axiomatic loopholes alongside >do this >do that >think like this >don't use these words

Literal thought and language police, I should be able to use "I think" and give valid points to the discussion without that somehow being a manifestation of something you don't even have the courtesy to properly define.

>anger and irritation have taken over you

>i know who you are and what you think

>be more like me in everyway

Get over yourself and try to communicate like a functioning adult please. If not, >don't bother


That makes total and complete sense and I understand what you mean by it. What do you think are the boundaries though, everyone requires the same amount of restriction? Or that it is completely relative to the individual? If it is the latter I guess you would just be confusing what would simply be "What is the right thing for me to do."



What do you mean with the "please don't bother" thing? I don't understand.

You do come across a bit pretentious though, because you keep repeating the same basic stuff as if the people you're talking to didn't get it. In fact, it's not pretentious. You're being condescending, and unnecessarily so.

And yes, the other guy is irritated. And you are partly to blame. You are not supposed to be condescending to those who you perceive that need illuminating. Do you know about the Bodhisattva bow?

I think you take yourself too seriously my man. If you are indeed Mossa, I will tell you you are a great teacher and a great guy as far as I know, but you lack humility deep down, and it shows. When someone is being condescending and shows a blatant lack of humility, that's irritating.

Not to me, though. I'm like an egoless god. But to other people, you see. :^)


>What do you think are the boundaries though

The boundaries regarding what? Accepting/rejecting the ego?

There is a great quote by a guy called Robin Sharma that perhaps you know.

>The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.

Basically the limit between being the master and the servant will be different for different people I guess. I have a huge ego and a lot of misplaced pride, so I have to be very careful in my day to day if I want to avoid identifying exclusively with it. But for other people perhaps it's easier.


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What I mean by boundaries are things like restrictions to yourself. For instance all egos requiring the same amount of discipline, being only one true way such as complete abstinence or something like that. The reason I say is because really if each path is existential and relative to individual then the most distilled version of the question just boils down to "What is the right thing for me to do." Now that is a much more direct line of questioning than delving into growingly obscure concepts of the abstract from the get-go. Even behind all the spiritual chatter and philosophy ultimately it all falls into "What is the right thing for me to do." The problem arises when everyone tells you a different thing, some making a lot more sense than others, but in the end only you can make the choice of what is best, even if you do end up making the wrong descision. That is why I don't see anyone being able to really seperate themselves from the self as YOU would still have to have done it. I actually agree with OP a lot and can see him coming to similiar conclusions before he posted.


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I say you don't get it and your response to not getting it show us that you don't get it. Don't bother.


It needs to be repeated for it is not known by many, the illusions of the mind. Until the master of the temple knows who he or she is, it will be kept repeated.

The same way Ananda repeats the "A Little Spell of Emptiness" in the sutra with the same name, it needs to be repeated to each individual that is the child of God until they realize and stop being slaves and sheep to their own mind.

The topic of the thread is Ego and ego so far excels in meta discussion about itself. Irritation is part of it, for it is the method we can determine those that are aware and those who are not. In the discussion so far I have not uttered a low level insult a single time, those popular on imageboards with slander, but the insult meter is maxed out.



I suppose I agree then with the view that it's what works for you what you should do. I believe (only because it is my case) that we are all being guided to a greater or lesser degree by a higher self of sorts, depending on how well aligned we are with it (Montalk again, I know). I also believe identifying too much with the monkey mind, or ego, makes us less susceptible to be guided through synchronicity and inspiration (why exactly I have not figured out yet, but we can speculate).

It amazes me to write this because just two years ago I would not have imagined I would be writing such things as I used to read. I'm actually quite excited for my future journeying.


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I don't get it because you don't explain yourself you simply repeat what you have already said avoid every point I have made then pronounced some sort of spiritual superiority. How can I get it if you don't even have the common decency to address anything I am saying? I have pointed out repeatedly to you many things that are wrong with your thinking or how saying axioms is no validation of your argument. Instead you cherry pick very small instances, like you are doing now, focusing on the fact that I call you ignorant instead of facing up to the points made, which is why I am calling you ignorant. You may like to think that you are very wise and know the truth but if all you can say is essentially "You're to beneath me to understand; don't bother" then you can't expect anyone to listen to you or believe you other than easily delluded fools.

>I have not uttered a low level insult a single time

>You are a fool if you think you know anything

I am guessing again that even when presented with such proof that you have infact uttered low level insults that you will once again circumvent it to rub yourself a little more. You may think you are being very polite and kind and oh so wise but really I think you need to realise that your own ego must be pretty strong if you see yourself as incapable of mistake or error. The fact that you are the one who consistently makes this a personal matter instead of platonically confronting an argument also is a suggestion of your own ego (in your terms) controlling you.

>Don't take yourself so seriously

You seem to be quite butthurt for and feeling "insulted" for someone who does not.

>You use the term "I think" so that is your ego talking

And yet you just used the term "I say" as the first thing in your post.

Do you think you would like to face up to your own ego now? I don't think you are fooling anybody now except yourself. And I say unironically now; if you have nothing else to contribute other than condescenscion; don't bother.


Interesting, so then do you think this higher-self is almost like a controller for the ego, almost like a player in control of a character in a game? I think what you have said quite resonates with the ideas of Jung, it also seems to me that what he calls the shadow-self, also a prevalent idea in early psycho-analytic theory is what people here are now referring to the ego. Another reason why clear definition is a good idea. That idea of a shadow-self though is a very good trail to follow, it can make you realise a lot about yourself whilst also giving good guidence for a healthy integration.

I am curious to know what you would of said 2 years ago.



On the contrary. I think the higher self guides events and sometimes intuition, but it ignores the ego (or perhaps can't deal with it in some sense?). So the more distracted we are by "being the ego", the less we see the higher self's nudges in our reality.

Two years ago I was still questioning magic. Now I've experienced so much of it (although I'm not advanced by any means) I actually feel alienated from society sometimes.



To clarify. I think you (spirit and soul in Montalk's terms) as you currently perceive linear time are the player. The higher self is more of a dungeon master.

If you haven't read montalk.net (metaphysics and gnosis, not the alien stuff) I recommend it. I don't know if I agree with the alien and conspiracy stuff, but the way he understands the mechanics of reality resonates with me. It's not new, really, but rather well explained and refined.



I know you don't get it. Just put it to rest.


Godamn thread doubled in size in 4 days


I think it is valid to interpret all references to ego as references to the subconscious. Except for Sigmund Freud. He was retarded. The ego is not what makes decisions. He described the id as the ego, the ego as consciousness, and the superego as the higher self or connection to god or intellect or whatever you think causes the phenomena of a conscience and desire to be moral or virtuous.

Ego is NOT I. That is an illusion. What you identify with is subjective. In truth, the I is just consciousness, the perceiver and decision maker. The ego creates and delivers thoughts to the consciousness; the consciousness enters delusion in identifying with the thoughts themselves or to this supposed source of thoughts that they have no understanding of (aka the ego, subconscious)

Buddhism uses subconscious and consciousness; some translations, commentary, etc, uses the word ego for subconscious.

I could go on and on but I don't want to make an entire lecture for you. You refer to issues of translation regarding buddhism, maybe you should actually read some of it with the intention of understanding. All this discourse on the mindstream, that the stream of thoughts is coming to the observer (consciousness) and that choosing which thought to pay attention to influences the stream to deliver thoughts in continuance of what you paid attention to.

You are not your thoughts. You are not the ego, you are not the subconscious. You are only the perceiver and the decision maker.

That is the only role for consciousness. Your personality and identity and everything comes from your subconscious.

actually I will go on and on. What you speak of individual essense is consciousness. Do not conflate it with subconscious. Even in quantum mechanics it appears as if elementary particles exist in superposition of probability, and when interacting it appears to 'perceive' the interaction and then 'chooses' which position to manifest into. This is the wave function collapse and there is no consensus on interpetation of what the mathematical data means in terms of physical phenomena. But yea, it sure sounds like consciousness to me. But there is no ego, no subconscious. Clearly there is a nonphysical variable that influences the seemingly random nature of elementary particles. What ever this nonphysical variable is, must be the "bias" or "personality" or "ego" of the universe.

You are also misunderstanding cogito ergo sum. It means that since the phenomena of doubt exists, then there is some sort of PERCEIVED seperation between the perceiver and the perception. Even the seperation could be an illusion. All this proves is that phenomena exists. That's it. The only substantial fact, the only objective substantial truth is that 'something exists' and nothing else. I think therefore I am, but I cannot be sure of anything else. I think therefore I am, or at least I think therefore SOMETHING IS. That is all. It certainly has nothing to do with sense of self regarding the conclusions.


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then that is bliss for you, bliss does not necessarily mean happiness, it is just another subjective thing


Your first paragraph is great. But you are wrong about cogito ergo sum. But that's because no one seems to know what it actually means. It has nothing to do with the "I" that is just the nature of the perception of doubt. Rest of your post is okay I guess, lots of nonsense and silliness though. could have been much shorter. Especially regarding "True enlightened beings" I hope you were being facetious there. As you seem to be implying, to no longer have an ego, to be truly enlightened, one must cease to exist. Consciousness without subconscious means no access to perception, and thus nothing to choose (and no personality and bias to influence the choice)


He was right about tulpas though. If you can create an artificial ego (which is what a tulpa is. an imaginary friend), then what makes it artificial truly? What is the difference between the ego of the tulpa and your own ego? What if they switched spots? Definitely something to think about. The ego is just a complex thoughtform, basically a tulpa. Then you missed the point of the post, expectedly, since the post got so carried away with it's 'higher than thou' metaphors

Buddhist and Freudian interpretations can mix though, as I have already implied


>dude stop being so triggered lol you obviously are too egotistical and need to let go of the ego. how and why one should let go of the ego I won't explain, because it doesn't matter

fucking pretentious nutbag. Your head is so far up your ass that you literally don't know what your saying. You may know what you're talking about, the ideas that you could be correct about, but you have no idea how to articulate those ideas into words. You only make sense to someone who already knows what you're talking about, and that's only because of the benefit of the doubt.


>The topic turned into a meta topic of how to converse with others, now the topic of Ego is yet again shunned so that Ego can do its part.

This literally never happened.

>When the eyes are open to the possible reality of how human consciousness works, seldom does he spend time arguing with others over trivial matter.

>How ignorant is it to point out other peoples' ignorance while riding the bull of arrogance? If you believe you are right in any topic, you are indeed a fool.

You are literally projecting so hard. Your consciousness is deep in your delusions, but your subconscious is calling out for help. What you accuse the other of being, in actuality you only describe yourself


This guy literally wasn't worth that effort. All you had to say was 'u r retarded, be ignored until you refer to xyz' xyz being any of the elephants in the room that he doesn't seem to notice. Like the lack of attempts in educating others that contradicts the teaching of buddhism that he seems to purport


Pretty legit, but the relationship between soul and spirit and the body is more complex than you make it. Montalk himself goes into the intricacies and, it is not easy to comprehend… Pic related


Yes very legit



Dude what. If you go into "proving things to exist conclusively" and criticizing things as "founded in relative an subjective bases" then there is nothing to say. Everything in philosophy that you think is objective (other than cogito ergo sum, as I have already explained) is actually subjective. science is based on the axiom of causality. science is based on an assumption of cause and effect. science itself as a concept only exists relative to this assumption. science is essentially subjective and relative

That being said, as I have explained already, tulpas are a real phenomena. Buddhists long ago, experimented with mental phenomena and accomplished a consistent and very vividly lucid hallucination of an imaginary friend. People today who practice making tulpas, have commented on how they have all access to sensory information just as the original host ego does, but sometimes the host will not notice something in their peripheral and the tulpa points it out. However I think that both the "surface ego" and the tulpa emanate from the subconscious. It is a universe inside of you connecting to humanity. The ego is just the surface that intersects with consciousness.

You give all these references but if you looked into them, when they refer to ego they are all actually talking about very similar things. Just take what is consistent, and call that ego. not a big deal. Definitions are not valid or invalid, they are presumed and defined (and subjectively based on these presumptions, axioms).

In your naivety you never considered that these seemingly contradictory explanations of ego all actually have something in common. There is consistency after all if you look close enough. Or ask clearly and I can explain, as I have. I can expand and extrapolate. A thought form grows based on what it is exposed to. As you grow, you make decisions and expose your ego to the environment (Even the act of making decisions is a direct exposure for the ego). This exposure is how conditioning works, as you may know. I would say God is consciousness. But I would also say that God is the access to intellect. Apparently Montalk says intellect is of the ego. Or at least the "higher ego" maybe when Sigmund Freud was referring to superego and id, it was opposite sides of ego. But this is silly, I will personally refer to "higher ego" as "higher self" as that has more contemporary usage. I would refer to ego as a lower part of our mental faculties. But if you have such a hard on to make ego sound like a good thing, feel free to use the term "higher ego" lol

The devil can easily be described as desires and delusions. These all come from your (lower) ego. You say others to go beyond, why don't you follow your own advice and see what happens? I would say you have to fully comprehend something before you can go beyond it, otherwise you will meet a dead end


Then do better instead of shitposting and not even contributing to thread


That's literally another absolute you doofus


lame. Don't be proud of your ignorance. That's what got Plato killed. Seriously though I think that it would not be difficult to collaborate towards a mutual understanding of ego. I don't like Freud's explanations though. Most (should) trace it back to Buddhism.



>And please don't bother.

Really. Please don't bother. Please stop being a pretentious asshat.


He said don't bother for a reason. It was a plea from his subconscious to end this fuckery. He obviously cannot help himself but to regurgitate his pretentious verbal diarrhea over and over

What exactly are you referring to when you say boundaries? This sounds interesting but I don't know what you meant, even with the context of what he said.



Almost didn't notice that, and how that line was troll. I would not say it is a master and slave relationship. It is a yin yang kind of thing. One provides information and the other decides. Sometimes making decisions is tiring though, and becomes a slave to the default actions of the biological robot. Decision making itself can be seen as slaving away while the ego cheerfully reacts and doesn't actually do anything itself. It's like Tao, are you a slave to the flow or do you influence the flow? No, there is only flow.


That is silly. To answer the question of 'What is the right thing for me to do.' one must develop many things, like logic/intellect, and understanding the objective mechanisms of consciousness and it's relationship with ego.

>That is why I don't see anyone being able to really seperate themselves from the self as YOU would still have to have done it.

I have no idea why you said that or what that has to do with anything else that you said. To me it seems like it came out of nowhere. If you still believe this, you would have to explain how you get to this conclusion for anyone to consider it.


>implying that being condescending means hurling out insults.

No you are being condescending. You keep telling the guy asking his genuine questions, that he needs to relax and stop caring about his questions. Basically, that he isn't good enough for the answer (That you have so clearly avoided in telling him, just empty metaphors to say the least).

>Irritation is part of it, for it is the method we can determine those that are aware and those who are not

Why the fuck does it matter who is aware of it and who is not? Who the fuck are you to judge? Only a mindreader can see what the other is aware of or not. Keep your judgmental conjecture to your damn self


Well as Montalk seems to imply you should identify with the higher self to get synchronicity and inspiration. Personally I see it as between two extremes of identifying with all of humanity or all of existence itself (STO) versus identifying solely with the body (STS) and of course you need both. With no STS you will not develop the capacity to ever help others


Carl Jung is incredibly legit. He developed his ideas through researching the different religions like hinduism. Also I think the pretentious loser is just an attention whore, and you are only feeding him attention at this point


It's not that the ego is "ignored" by the higher self, it's more like since consciousness is in the middle, it can only connect to the higher self or lower self. Can't look in both directions at the same time you know


Yeah if the dungeon master only had an effect if the dice lands on the rarest combination; and the more aligned you are with your higher self the more loaded the dice gets.

yes. fuck the alien stuff. metaphysics and gnosis is where it's at. matrix stuff is cool too. just read his book, fringe knowledge for beginners.


Again the subconscious calls out to the host in a plea of desperation


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Firstly I do not think you can really say "The ego is not I" because what I was alluding to is the fact that in its literal translation that is what ego means. In some sense it certainly is the I and this is what I was picking at when saying you could twist the ego around to mean what you want as people interpret it in different ways.

>You refer to issues of translation regarding buddhism, maybe you should actually read some of it with the intention of understanding.

This is mere projection, you have no way of knowing which buddhist texts I have read and I am not sure why you would assume I haven't for pointing out the word "ego" is never used in them as none are written in Latin. You can say "maybe you should try and read it before you say anything about it" but really what I am pointing out is that "ego" is not a buddhist term and is only translated through the lense of our own english-speaking culture.

Secondly, you say I do not understand what cogito ergo sum is even though you have only elaborated on what I have said. I agree with you and this is what I said it meant; for what can we truly prove to exist other than our own thinking? - This is what I said. Do not be so presumptious as it may turn out I agree with you in a lot of areas. I personally did not say what the ego was I simply explored the idea, refuted others and gave argument for various interpretations. You are arguing with a projected image if you think I am saying conclusively the ego is this or that although I do think it is the interpretation is quite relative and based on modern psychological concepts rather than purely spiritual ones. You actually kind of prove what I am saying in the first line of your response, Freud called it this, you call it that, but even though you have different names you are talking essentially about the same things. That is why I thought proper definition was a good idea before delving this much into the relative abstract, don't you agree?


I disagree to some extent I think you can prove some things conclusively within the bounds of reason. Obviously some a lot more than others but I believe in some sense of objectivity somewhere, very minute it may be, even in philosophy. I understand perfectly what you mean though and that is why I was saying it. Really you can't prove much to exist conclusively except that cogito ergo sum element we have agreed upon so why I was saying it was in response to something that was being pronounced as indefinitley and self-evidently true. You kinda cherry picked me out of context there.


>askiing yourself "What is the right thing for me to do" is silly because there are right things for you to do.

I'm not sure I follow you there. I wasn't detracting from what is being said or saying that enhancing logic and intellect is wrong, I was merely trying to distill the whole line of query to its most basic element. Of course this splits off into a multitude of other questions related to all parts of the universe but when it all comes down to it what you really set off to answer was essentially "How should I live?" or "What is the right thing for me to do?".

One book I think you guys would really like >>99029 >>99003 for going into religious/spirituality stuff mixed in with matrix, AI sentience demiurgic philosophy is Hyperion by Dan Simmons. It's a sci-fi sereis of novels and they present some really great ideas I had never really thought about, or he puts ideas I have thought about a lot into this what-if context that is enjoyable to read. I see Montalk got a lot of his ideas and philosophical trails from sci-fi as well, Philip K Dick is a great example, a lot of these big sci-fi writers are really pilled.

And no, I don't think I entirely wasted my time as anyone with a modicum of common sense realises his blatant short-sightedness and I also set a decent base for the discussion we are having now in doing so. As long as my ideas are still being presented, even if he doesn't have the capacity to confront them, there are still others and lurkers who may find worth in my words.



>It's not that the ego is "ignored" by the higher self, it's more like since consciousness is in the middle, it can only connect to the higher self or lower self. Can't look in both directions at the same time you know

Very interesting. It's obvious really, but I had not looked at it that way. I keep writing and deleting this reply because there are so many ideas pouring in from this realization that I don't know where to begin. Very interesting indeed.






Well if the ego literally translates to I, then the I that is being referred to is the illusory 'thing' that consciousness misidentifies with. 'I' can either refer to your true essence, but in colloquial and contemporary usage the 'I' refers to the natural misidentification of the individualized consciousness belonging to a body, being deluded into believing that it is the physical body itself, and not any nonphysical concept like the astral body or spirit or more accurately, consciousness itself.

Anyways I doubt what you say so I will research now. Wow this is interesting. I think there is more to it, but if you are correct then everyone is shitting on the actual latin definition of ego, which is the 'sense of self' translating to 'I'

So maybe Freud is the only one using the word ego properly? Not really as one can consider their sense of self as the id itself (id as in identity…) or one can even consider their sense of self as some higher being, aka the superego. But it seems he's closer to the original than everyone else. Oh well, 'ego' and the german 'ich' still correlates to how it's used today as the "default sense of self in the natural world"

Remember that this delusion is actually required for developing beings. As I mentioned earlier, one must be a little selfish to construct their capacity. Learning the truth of the subjective nature of the sense of self only makes you lack in selfishness and many spiritual people become demotivated and lost in life due to this. One must ground themselves sometimes (ground yourself into the illusion to best function in said illusion)

ANYWAYS, to connect to your next two paragraphs. Although there are no substantial objective phenomena, there are 'subjective phenomena with objective mechanisms a phrase I invented. don't steal it until I write my books and websites yo. though I've been using it liberally across the internet during my random crusades to share my information anonymously and what I was trying to say is that anyone who truly delves into buddhist discourse, will discover this objective mechanism that is behind the subjective phenomena that is consciousness. And I delved into what I think is the heart of the matter by referring to the material of said discourse that explains the midstream and how the subconscious is an OCEAN of thoughts. Consciousness is only aware of streams of thoughts coming from this ocean. Only when you meditate are you able to perceive past the stream into the horizon and dive deep into the ocean. ahhh The journey of self-awareness is one of my favourite topics

You misunderstand what I say still. Cogito ergo sum does not prove that our thinking exists. At least it does not prove that our thinking exists as a separate phenomena. It only proves that phenomena exists, whether all phenomena is caused by one thing or whether there is any separation or not, has yet to be proven (and it seems impossible to prove. In fact I think the fact of this impossibility has been proven instead lol). I partially broke it down and implied the conclusion but let me finish. Cogito Ergo Sum essentially states that ' I think therefore SOMETHING IS, however I cannot be sure of anything else'

I'm not making assumptions, I do not dabble in conjecture unless invited to; that would be fallacious. I simply take what you say on the surface and react to it. You can clarify your own words if you have a problem with how your words are being perceived. You can argue all you want about bias behind perception, but the fact of the matter is that if you think your words are being misinterpreted, you always have the option to further elucidate your words to allow as little misinterpretation as possible. In fact, if you dare accuse others of misinterpreting, the onus is on you to specify exactly which part of what you said has been misinterpreted, what exactly was the resulting misinterpretation and what was the original intended interpretation. I take accusations against me quite seriously, and will not stand for false accusations undermining my integrity. You failed to point out exactly what my resulting misinterpretation was, most likely because you failed to understand what I said. But that is just my conjecture =")


>You actually kind of prove what I am saying in the first line of your response Freud called it this, you call it that, but even though you have different names you are talking essentially about the same things.

Um no. I explicitly stated more than once (and I do so once more at the beginning of this post) that Freud is the OUTLIER! Whether he is more accurate or not regarding the use and etymology of the word ego is a separate matter (that I already delved into earlier in this post), but the fact of the matter is that the subconscious of buddhism, the personal unconscious of Jung, the Id of Freud, and in colloquial and contemporary usage of the word ego, all of these things refer to the same thing. Please carefully reread my first line of response. I have supplemented my next line with that very first line.

Actually, I am misinterpreting what you said. I will leave my misinterpretation up because it is a cohesive response to what you have been seem to be saying otherwise. But right here, you say that Freud called it this, and I call it that, and the different names refer to the same thing. Yes, what Freud calls the 'id' everyone else and their mother calls it the ego/subconscious. That may be true, but how the hell does it prove what you are saying? What are you even saying? You are saying nothing, and you admit it yourself when you say "I personally did not say what the ego was I simply explored the idea, refuted others and gave argument for various interpretations." I respond to these contradictions in a few lines further down this post.

>That is why I thought proper definition was a good idea before delving this much into the relative abstract, don't you agree?

Well sure, but that's literally the very first thing I said. I declared a definition, and many many times I have provided justification for it. Like in the previous line.

>>I think it is valid to interpret all references to ego as references to the subconscious. Except for Sigmund Freud.

>what I am pointing out is that "ego" is not a buddhist term and is only translated through the lense of our own english-speaking culture.

That is literally meaningless to this conversation. This issue comes up in all instances of translations, ever. Anyways you are changing your own words to what you said earlier. Or rather it seems you were originally implying something preposterous, unbeknownst to everyone else.

>no buddhist text has ever used the word ego

Well originally I was going to say that the word ego is definitely used everywhere in English to explain Buddhist concepts, wikipedia is riddled with it and I have had a gander at some books that do use the word ego the same way. But it seems you already know that. What's worst though, is that you are implying that "buddhist texts" cannot exist in English! That is PREPOSTEROUS. A translation of a buddhist text is still a buddhist text! It can be a badly translated buddhist text, but it still is what it is. Fortunately, all the translations are consistent in their usage of the word ego and as I have pointed out on many occasions now, their usage of the word ego equates to the idea of the subconsciousness. Maybe everyone but Freud's translators has been wrong about the etymology of the word ego, but oh well boo hoo nothing can be done about it. It has entered modern use of English and the modern definition is what it is, definitions cannot be changed directly once society has passively redefined a word. We can go into possible conspiracy theories of how the fuck this happened, but that is entirely another matter. It would be conjecture

>You are arguing with a projected image if you think I am saying conclusively the ego is this or that

It's ridiculous for you to even say this when you in the same breath say

>I personally did not say what the ego was I simply explored the idea, refuted others and gave argument for various interpretations.

You are only perceiving me to be arguing (regarding the actual definition of ego). Maybe you can say that I've been arguing about other things, but as you say, you gave argument for various interpretations without revealing your true position on the matter. And of the various interpretations that I have noticed here, I have only been explaining my understanding of ego and responding with affirmations with those interpretations that match, or with corrections with those interpretations that contradict with my understanding. Of course I could be wrong but I would need to be proven wrong through invalidation of what I say and/or by a valid counterargument.


>although I do think it is the interpretation is quite relative and based on modern psychological concepts rather than purely spiritual ones.

Okay bro, good for you. Provide logic for your opinions or they will be regarded as invalid. I have no idea what you are even trying to say, and I will tell you why. There are correlations in the spiritual definitions found in eastern philosophy and in the mental concepts of western psychology. They correlate, the interpretations of "purely spiritual ones" and of "modern psychological concepts" refer to the exact same thing. They are not contradictory, they correlate and are supplementary

>I disagree to some extent I think you can prove some things conclusively within the bounds of reason.

Well feel free to attempt to do such a thing. Until you do, there's no point to say such things

>Really you can't prove much to exist conclusively except that cogito ergo sum element we have agreed upon so why I was saying it was in response to something that was being pronounced as indefinitley and self-evidently true.

Just because something is true, doesn't mean it has been proven to be objectively true in the substantial sense. There is something more objective than objectivity itself, and that is logic (and this is how you discover the Truth). Although cogito ergo sum is the only thing that can be proven to be 'objectively true in the substantial sense' one must differentiate between objective phenomena (only one such phenomena exists, and that is the statement that 'phenomena exists') and between subjective phenomena with objective mechanisms as that is all that remains within this single existential objective phenomena. When considering the subjective phenomena of the relationship between consciousness and subconsciousness, one can determine and conclusively state that the sense of identity is entirely relative and even… spontaneous. You can have multiple self autonomous "entities" with "individual identities" within a single seemingly isolated mental-physical construct. This is the phenomena of tulpas and thought forms. What is super fucked up is examples of thoughtforms interacting with multiple conscious beings. And then there's the dream world and shared dreaming and astral projection. Entities are real, and thoughtforms can be anywhere and they do not need to be corded to physical bodies. That's what devils are. Egregores and dieties… I only mention this since we are on /fringe/, if you only came here to talk about philosophy and consciousness, well you are in for a rough slippery paradoxical enlightening ride.

>You kinda cherry picked me out of context there.


>Implying one cannot say the same thing about you. And pretty much everyone ever.

This is conjecture regarding the mental decisions of others. You are not a mindreader. Just. Stop.

>I'm not sure I follow you there. I wasn't detracting from what is being said or saying that enhancing logic and intellect is wrong, I was merely trying to distill the whole line of query to its most basic element. Of course this splits off into a multitude of other questions related to all parts of the universe but when it all comes down to it what you really set off to answer was essentially "How should I live?" or "What is the right thing for me to do?".

This may or may not be true, but it's irrelevant because even to answer this 'distilled' 'most basic element' of a fundamental question, one must have an understanding of logic, not to mention the very topic that we are beating to death: an understanding of the objective mechanisms behind the subjective phenomena that is the relationship between consciousness and subconsciousness.

How should I live? What is the right thing for me to do? Let me distill this further to it's most basic fundamental issue of the most essential elements of reality. What is this 'I'? Who is the 'me'? What is 'living'? What is 'right and wrong'? Etc…

Yes, Montalk refers to Philip K Dick as a true gnostic. I would prefer to simply absorb information and concepts. I already know too much and don't have time to read. Maybe later, but right now I have to share my understanding of things that society seems to sorely lack understanding of. Well I don't have to do shit actually. You are all so lucky for me to follow through with my voluntary obligations

>And no, I don't think I entirely wasted my time as anyone with a modicum of common sense realises his blatant short-sightedness and I also set a decent base for the discussion we are having now in doing so. As long as my ideas are still being presented, even if he doesn't have the capacity to confront them, there are still others and lurkers who may find worth in my words.

This is a good attitude I suppose. But it's no fun reading walls of texts. And in repose, that's all I am creating. Oh well, I supposed it is all for the best.



stop deleting! just open note pad and go ham! free write, let it all out. Your subconscious has revelations for you and you don't know how to react. Stop being apprehensive big boy. You can organize and manage your thoughts later.

I am convinced that the best thing to have around while high on shrooms and acid and stuff, is simply blank paper and writing/drawing utensils.


*And in response, that's all I am creating. Oh well, I suppose it is all for the best.

This was a bit tiring, resulting in messing up my last line. A considerable time is spent on delving into semantics and definitions, but this discussion of semantics is actually substantial to iron out the perceived inconsistencies within western and eastern ideologies of consciousness and identity.

Also I would add that when you said

>You kinda cherry picked me out of context there.

This is simply another opinion that is unverifiable. I then attacked the notion that making empty opinions of other's mental phenomena is so incredulously invalid. What I should have added is what I had already said. I will edit it to accommodate this new issue

>> In fact, if you dare accuse others of cherrypicking, the onus is on you to specify exactly which part of what you said has been cherrypicking, what exactly was the resulting misinterpretation and what was the original intended interpretation by pointing out specifically what context was ignored to result in such "cherrypicking".

In this case, it's if you dare accuse others of cherry picking, or of any mental phenomena. You godda godamned prove it


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>subjecive phenomena with objective mechanisms

>a phrase I invented

Well, off the top of my head, there's something similar in the introduction to the 1944 text Hatha Yoga: The Report of a Personal Experience by Theos Casimir Bernard.



Now THIS I should probably read. Nice.

The two greatest influences on me (aside from wikipedia) from the internet is Montalk and Steve Pavlina. They both kind of heavily imply such things.



And as a bonus, if you read nothing else from Montalks website, at least read this



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Do I have to have a position? If I refute things I do try to provide an argument, maybe if you ask "Why do you think this?" Then I can give you a response instead of this chaotic borderline ramble. Like I have already said I am just exploring the ideas and I am quite happy to do so. Me forcing my interpretation or my meaning when I do not feel as though I know enough to make a conclusion would be arrogant. There are some things I say though which are irrefutable, such as, the ego literally translates to "I". You can't say that the word when translated literally is always relating to an illusory thing that consciousness misidentifies with, that is simply a circumventing the point, ego means "I". I don't know Latin fluent but I have done enough at school and read enough texts to know that it means "I" it's one of the most basic words, look how much we use it. So once again, in its literal translation ego simply means "I". When reading many texts translators frequently will keep specific words in their original presentation which seems rather sensible to me as with things like "Logos" or more asiatic words which have very distinctive or transcendental meanings through there very characters like "Ki". Using a narrow english translation then seems to inevitably lead to some innacuracies. Given the context I'd say its a fair point to make which is why in academia these acts of preservation are consistently made for greater clarity. Even when reading Neitzche or Plato, some words, especially if it is relating directly to the main concept in discussion, are kept to the original because nothing else truly does them justice. So when you say

>I think it is valid to interpret ALL reference to ego as references to the sub-conscious

You are simply wrong. It is very easy to find examples, basically all you have to do is read any Latin text, and it will contain a differing reference. This I think enables me to make another part of my point you don't seem to be getting. This logical inference I just made hints at some things being objectively true even if it is in the bounds of anthropos, though perhaps not, for instance 2+2 = 4 is objectively and demonstrably proof by that same principle of logical inference.

>Well sure, but thats literally the very first thing I said. I declared definition.

So you agree with me? I never said you didn't provide a definition, in fact I have no idea from me saying "I think its a good idea to give proper definition before delving this much into the relative abstarct." You some how think to yourself - "He is telling me that I haven't provided a definition" Then you say something like:

>I'm not making assumptions, I don't dabble in conjecture.

ummm… and then

>I take accusations against me quite seriously, and will not stand for false accusations undermining my integrity.

Calm down a bit man clearly you are capable of misinterpreting, its nothing to be ashamed of, slow down and we will discuss it better.

>Cogito ergo sum doesn't mean "I think therefore I am" it means "I think therefore SOMETHING IS"

Actually I really think this is off. Descartes says repeatedly throughout his mediations that he can't prove anything exists other than himself and perhaps one other thing which he frequently calls the deciever. I think its abundantly clear that through his writings and not just the singular quote Descartes means he has proved his own existence as he reiterates it many times and even says in clear terms that that is what he sets out to do after concluding his sensory perception is demonstrably capable of falsehood. Nevertheless I don't think it's much to dwell on, it is not like we have a widely different opinion on it we are both pointing to the same thing essentially. I can see how it can be interpreted both ways.

>You are implying that buddhist texts can't exist in english

Nope, never said nothing like that. Language is a barrier I think you might be understimating though, I am guessing you only know one language? Try learning a few and you will probably see what I mean with this idea of accuarate conception.



>You kinda cherry picked me out of context there


>You are not a mind reader. Just. Stop

>That is just another opinion that is unverifiable

And the first thing you responded to me was?

>Dude what. If you go into "proving things to exist conclusively" and criticizing things as "founded in relative an subjective bases" then there is nothing to say.

So all things are unverifiable and just opinions and I cannot say any of them? That is a really bad refutation considering what you yourself have said. Man, all I said was you kinda cherry picked me out of context, what an over reaction to such a trivial thing. It's not healthy to a discussion and it is kind of what I meant.

>What is the right thing for me to do further distills into "what is right and wrong?" "Who is the me?"

No actually those questions would come after that initial line of questioning. Yes I'm sure you would ask yourself these questions but only on first addressing that intial "What is the right thing I should do?" do you then ask "What is right?" and "What is self?" I'm noticing you didn't provide any reasoning behind that point, something you have repeatedly criticised me for, I think you are tripping over yourself a bit. Definitley seems that way when you are basically saying

>just free write and let it all out, you can organise and manage your thoughts later.

That is the wrong way to do things when trying to have an organised discussion which is easy to manage. You are making it pretty hard for me to communicate with such borderline chaotic rambling. It is all jumbled and even parts of it you know are full of shit then just say ah I will leave it there anyway. It is much easier for me to get my point across to you I think and you to mine if you slow down a bit and organise your posts better. You can do what you want of course but I can't be bothered dissecting such a mess again.



When did I say you should have a position? Don't strawman arguements in my name to attack a misrepresentation of what I said

I don't give a fuck why you think anything. If you come here to be curious about a topic than we can discuss. This isn't a circle jerk where we wank off to each other's opinions

Most of the first paragraph is attacking an argument that I never made. It's funny that you talk about arrogance like you are innocent of it lol

The rest of it goes on about something that I already talked about, that is etymology and how we should try to conserve original words and symbols without translating. Sure individuals can dig for these etymologically original phrases but like I said

>Maybe everyone but Freud's translators has been wrong about the etymology of the word ego, but oh well boo hoo nothing can be done about it. It has entered modern use of English and the modern definition is what it is, definitions cannot be changed directly once society has passively redefined a word.

>You are simply wrong. It is very easy to find examples, basically all you have to do is read any Latin text, and it will contain a differing reference.

Then fucking do it. Find me an example. Stop with your empty claims.

>This logical inference I just made hints at some things being objectively true even if it is in the bounds of anthropos

Then fucking show us. What are these "hings being objectively true even if it is in the bounds of anthropos"

>though perhaps not, for instance 2+2 = 4 is objectively and demonstrably proof by that same principle of logical inference.

2+2=4 is not an objectively true thing. Mathematics is baesd on axioms. You can say it is logical, but do not conflate objectivity with logic. Logic ascends past objectivity itself. As I said, logic is something more objective than objectivity. Do not conflate the two. Be careful of the noun objectivity, and the adjective objective.

>So you agree with me? I never said you didn't provide a definition, in fact I have no idea from me saying "I think its a good idea to give proper definition before delving this much into the relative abstarct." You some how think to yourself - "He is telling me that I haven't provided a definition"

Then why the fuck are you saying it? What the point of telling me "I think its a good idea to give proper definition before delving this much into the relative abstract." What is the relevance? Why should I are about another opinion of yours? You need to get off your high horse. And before you accuse me of doing the same, I am sharing my understanding of logic. Call it opinion if you like, but I am providing the logic behind it. If we agree logic is objective, then you can see how many reasons I have given for someone to care about my 'opinions'

>>I'm not making assumptions, I don't dabble in conjecture.

>ummm… and then

You have gone full retard. First of all, you are implying that one cannot be serious without being calm. You accuse me of not being calm, did you not read what I said about baselessly accusing others of their mental phenomena? I am mad now, considering how at this point you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. But my swearing is still done in a calm manner. Calmness is subjective anyways, you really need to stop saying such foolish things.

Second of all. Are you implying that this sentence "I take accusations against me quite seriously, and will not stand for false accusations undermining my integrity." somehow has an assumption within it? That's literally a claim I made about my beliefs. It has absolutely nothing to do with assumptions.

>>I take accusations against me quite seriously, and will not stand for false accusations undermining my integrity.

>Calm down a bit man clearly you are capable of misinterpreting, its nothing to be ashamed of, slow down and we will discuss it better.

You have gone beyond retardation now. I never denied that I am capable of misinterpreting, resulting due to a bias behind perception. I literally explained this phenomena already. Please refer to what I have said here

>>You can argue all you want about bias behind perception, but the fact of the matter is that if you think your words are being misinterpreted, you always have the option to further elucidate your words to allow as little misinterpretation as possible.


>Then fucking do it. Find me an example. Stop with your empty claims.

Because when you do find an example, it will be in latin. And the translation will translate ego to 'I' or sense of self, and it may even use the ENGLISH word ego to refer to the subconscious


>Actually I really think this is off. Descartes says repeatedly throughout his mediations that he can't prove anything exists other than himself and perhaps one other thing which he frequently calls the deciever.

Descartes was wrong. Read the criticism of what he says. Considering the logical conclusion of the criticism, the meaning of cogito ergu sum changes beyond what Descartes intended for it to mean.

>Nevertheless I don't think it's much to dwell on, it is not like we have a widely different opinion on it we are both pointing to the same thing essentially. I can see how it can be interpreted both ways.

No. It is incredibly important to point out that the only objective phenomena is that phenomena itself exists. There is NO PROOF that the self exists, or that your perception is special or seperate from the phenomena that you are perceiving. Perception itself is a phenomena that you perceive. Just like thoughts. None if it can be proven to be exist.

If you continue to have the belief that the 'self' exists then you will continue to misattribute significance to it. This can lead to dangerous egotistical behavior. I will say nothing more, but you can perhaps see the implications that I would point out in the conjecture that I will not share since in my perception you are already acting like a big baby, desperately hanging on to your beliefs that I have completely obliterated multiple times by now. But that's just the narrative that I see :")

>I can see how it can be interpreted both ways.

There is no interpretation regarding this. There is only logic, and then the implications of said logic can lead to differing interpretations.

>Nope, never said nothing like that. Language is a barrier I think you might be understimating though, I am guessing you only know one language? Try learning a few and you will probably see what I mean with this idea of accuarate conception.

I know urdu. I know very well of words that cannot be translated (they are literally fucking memes everyone has heard of the word tsundere by now). That doesn't take away from ANYTHING that I have said. You miserably fail to understand most of what I have been trying to say. If you never implied that buddhist texts can't exist in english, then why the fuck do you say that

>no buddhist text has ever used the word ego

It's like you take a sentence of mine, and only read half of it and skip to the next sentence without finishing. Like dude what the fuck. Read this entire paragraph, carefully.

>>Well originally I was going to say that the word ego is definitely used everywhere in English to explain Buddhist concepts, wikipedia is riddled with it and I have had a gander at some books that do use the word ego the same way. But it seems you already know that.

I mean if you did know that, and you weren't implying that buddhist texts can't exist in english, then what the fuck does "no buddhist text has ever used the word ego" even mean?



>So all things are unverifiable and just opinions and I cannot say any of them? That is a really bad refutation considering what you yourself have said. Man, all I said was you kinda cherry picked me out of context, what an over reaction to such a trivial thing. It's not healthy to a discussion and it is kind of what I meant.

Another strawman. You fail to understand completely what I say.

>Dude what. If you go into "proving things to exist conclusively" and criticizing things as "founded in relative an subjective bases" then there is nothing to say.

IF YOU GO INTO things like that, THEN THERE IS NOTHING TO SAY. I am not the one going into things like that. YOU ARE.I am the one saying that it doesn't matter that you can't 'prove things to exist conclusively'

Since you cannot prove subjective phenomena to exist conclusively, instead you can analyze these subjective phenomena for patterns and other objective mechanisms. Objective mechanisms cannot 'be proven conclusively' per se, but their patterns can be proven to be 100% repeatable. Patterns however are based on the axiom of causality. Science is subjective to the assumption of cause and effect. I literally already explained this in the same paragraph that you are responding to. Jesus Christ man, try to comprehend what you respond to. It's like you have this attitude of "this doesn't make sense, so I can ignore it" like what the fuck is wrong with you

It's not a bad refutation. Your silly implications that what I say is opinion is disturbingly laughable. Sure, in a way everything is opinion, but the opinions/claims/philosophies/ideologies that are backed up with the most logic are more valid than competing schools/systems of thought. When I say that you make an opinion, it's to point out the lack of logic (something I am sure I have very explicitly explained)

>Man, all I said was you kinda cherry picked me out of context, what an over reaction to such a trivial thing. It's not healthy to a discussion and it is kind of what I meant.

I can't hold all these logical fallacies

>No actually those questions would come after that initial line of questioning. Yes I'm sure you would ask yourself these questions but only on first addressing that intial "What is the right thing I should do?" do you then ask "What is right?" and "What is self?"

Sure. But the initial question was never answered. The subsequent questions must be answered before the initial question can be answered. If you are saying that the order of what question comes first signifies importance, that is silly. The order of what is ANSWERED first would be much more significant. Of course, significance is relative, but I think what I said is more rational. None of these statements about significance are at all objective though

I'm noticing you didn't provide any reasoning behind that point, something you have repeatedly criticised me for, I think you are tripping over yourself a bit. Definitley seems that way when you are basically saying

Then you noticed wrong. I never even made any point. You were the one making the point that talking about ego doesn't matter since the essential question that comes before ego is simply 'what I should do' and then I obliterated your point by pointing out that your attempts of distilling can be further distilled back to what you started with. This entire point of distilling is retarded, but since you keep beating a dead horse (way too many dead horses) I have no shown you that if you distilling towards the essential questions, then it would be more rational to see the sequence of which questions must be answered in order to consider the next question. Using this rational approach it is still the fundamental question of "what am I" that must be answered before moving on to other questions. None of this even matters unless you want it to (in which case I will show how using your own faulty logic you are wrong about your own conclusions, or at least I did already a few times)


>>just free write and let it all out, you can organise and manage your thoughts later.

>That is the wrong way to do things when trying to have an organised discussion which is easy to manage.

You little shit you've taken what I said ENTIRELY OUT OF CONTEXT. I was responding to someone who said

> I keep writing and deleting this reply because there are so many ideas pouring in from this realization that I don't know where to begin

Fuck you man. I was giving this curious fellow who has some disorganized thoughts, and you come to interject, take what I say out of context, use it as a strawman arguement to paint EVERYTHING I SAID into some nonsense perception of something that somehow needs dissecting? Get off your high horse and keep your damn baseless opinions to yourself. We can all fling shit at each other trying to make a fool of others but if you want to talk amongst adults then act like one.

>You are making it pretty hard for me to communicate with such borderline chaotic rambling.

Projecting are we? We can drop this entire conversation and you can ask specific questions. I have a cohesive and coherent ideology. It's what allows me to have integrity. I will forever back up everything I say, and everything that I have said thus far in this thread.

>It is all jumbled and even parts of it you know are full of shit then just say ah I will leave it there anyway. It is much easier for me to get my point across to you I think and you to mine if you slow down a bit and organise your posts better.

The one time that I decided to leave it there, was explicitly to point out how YOU ARE THE ONE WITH THE JUMBLED PARTS. What you say is contradictory. What I left was an invalid direct response to a specific sentence that you said, but it was a valid indirect response to the whole message that you seem to purport. What you said specifically there contradicted with what you say overall. I explicitly explained this. Again you fail to even read what I type. Why did you bother responding in the first place when you won't read before responding?

>You can do what you want of course but I can't be bothered dissecting such a mess again.

I would say likewise, but then that would mean I am refusing to engage in conversation. If you agree that logic is objective, then there is no reason for you to stop talking. I will assume your arrogance when you leave the conversation :")


>2+2=4 is not an objectively true thing. Mathematics is baesd on axioms. You can say it is logical, but do not conflate objectivity with logic. Logic ascends past objectivity itself. As I said, logic is something more objective than objectivity. Do not conflate the two. Be careful of the noun objectivity, and the adjective objective.

I can expand on this, but I won't if no one gives a fuck

Also I mess up the qoute a few times like when explain how you are being retarded, and a lack of green text when you said "noticing you didn't provide any reasoning" Hopefully you will stop being retarded and will be able to follow.

But like I said, all of this can be thrown away and we can start anew. We both perceive the other to spout verbal diarrhea, and so the responses will continue to look like verbal diarrhea

>We can drop this entire conversation and you can ask specific questions. I have a cohesive and coherent ideology. It's what allows me to have integrity. I will forever back up everything I say, and everything that I have said thus far in this thread.


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Listen man I am sorry I have upset you so much but honestly you sound like you are having a mental episode right now or something.

>Then fucking do it. Find me an example. Stop with your empty claims.

>Because when you do find an example, it will be in latin. And the translation will translate ego to 'I'

Yeah, thats exactly what I have been saying to you, because ego is a Latin word that literally translates to "I" top kek heres some Descartes in the original Latin if you can even read it.

> Imò etiam, quemadmodum judico interdum alios errare circa ea quae se perfectissime scire arbitrantur, ita ego ut fallar quoties duo & tria simul addo, vel numero quadrati latera, vel si quid aliud facilius fingi potest?

>Quare verò hoc putem, cùm forsan ipsemet illarum author esse possim? Nunquid ergo saltem ego aliquid sum?

See that word "ipsemet"? It means "personally" as in "I personally" not subconscious. You do realise that subconscious is a Latin word as well right? Heres a good one to illustrate perfectly what I mean;

> Imo certe ego eram, si quid mihi persuasi. Sed est deceptor nescio quis, summe potens, summe callidus, qui de industriâ me semper fallit. Haud dubie igitur ego etiam sum, si me fallit; & fallat quantum potest, nunquam tamen efficiet, ut nihil sim quamdiu me aliquid esse cogitabo.

Since I already know from such ridiculous assumptions you cannot actually read Latin here is a translation for you.

>In fact, at any rate, as I was, if I am convinced of it. But there is not anyis enormously powerful, extremely clever, and deliberately have always failed. Doubtless, then, I my selfe am not, if I am deceived; And how much deception it can never bring it aboutthat so long as I am nothing to something.

See how many times the word ego is used, and how many times the pronoun I is used? See how never does it allude to the sub-conscious? See how if writing in Latin you wanted to refer to the sub-conscious you would simply use the word sub-conscious because it is a Latin fuckin word? Hahaha

See how when a buddhist uses the word "Atman" meaning essence, soul, absolute self, and written in Sanskrit (sanskrit man, you are an utter fool if you think you can accurately translate sanskrit into roman lettering, the two hardly even compare) doesn't directly translate so simply to romaninsed ego?

Well anyway that is all the time I have for you, I have much better things to read/do than actually go through every bit of this over extensive drivel.

>you little shit

>fuck you man

>i'm mad now

>muh integrity

>n-no YOU

>I don't assume

>I will assume you are arrogant when you leave

>coherent ideology

Take your meds son or meditate a little. Or alternatively, enjoying typing up 1000s of words again whilst you get mad and angry over nothing and proclaim victory and others arrogance.

You did make me chuckle a lot though.



>>Because when you do find an example, it will be in latin. And the translation will translate ego to 'I'

>Yeah, thats exactly what I have been saying to you

Are you literally retarded? If the ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS use ego to refer to consciousness then my claim

>I think it is valid to interpret all references to ego as references to the subconscious. Except for Sigmund Freud.

Still stands.

>See that word "ipsemet"? It means "personally" as in "I personally" not subconscious. You do realise that subconscious is a Latin word as well right?

So, what is your point?

>See how many times the word ego is used, and how many times the pronoun I is used? See how never does it allude to the sub-conscious? See how if writing in Latin you wanted to refer to the sub-conscious you would simply use the word sub-conscious because it is a Latin fuckin word? Hahaha

I literally never said that the word ego means subconscious. I said that in Latin the word ego may mean sense of self, but when the LATIN WORD EGO is translated to ENGLISH it becomes 'I' or SENSE OF SELF.

In fact, I would not be surprised if references to the subconscious in latin translates to ego in English. This does not contradict what you have said here, what you have said here is in fact irrelevant to the discussion (since you yet again fail to understand what I say)

>See how when a buddhist uses the word "Atman" meaning essence, soul, absolute self, and written in Sanskrit (sanskrit man, you are an utter fool if you think you can accurately translate sanskrit into roman lettering, the two hardly even compare) doesn't directly translate so simply to romaninsed ego?

Completely irrelevant to the conversation

Literally everything I said in this post is a repetition of what I already said earlier.


Also good job ignoring the dozens of tines that I invalidate much of what you say



>Are you literally retarded? If the ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS use ego to refer to subconscious then my claim




>>you little shit

>>fuck you man

>>i'm mad now

>>muh integrity

>>n-no YOU

>>I don't assume

>>I will assume you are arrogant when you leave

>>coherent ideology

For all valid references to what I have said, I can back it up with logic. The onus is on you to invalidate what I say and/or to provide a valid counter argument

For example, when I said

>If you agree that logic is objective, then there is no reason for you to stop talking. I will assume your arrogance when you leave the conversation :")

Well first of all I put the smiley there to indicate the facetious nature of what I said. But hey, if you want to point it out as if it is some how fallacious or contradictory or lacking in integrity, then sure I will provide the logic.

So in actuality, one can consider what I said to be a sort of revelation into an axiom that isn't even an assumption and happens to be based in logic. Consider the following statements

>If you agree that logic is objective, then there is no reason for you to stop talking.

>I will assume your arrogance when you leave the conversation


>If you leave the conversation, you must disagree that logic is objective

>If you disagree logic is objective, you are arrogant.

QED bitches


File: 1cd8668820cc1a5⋯.jpg (79.75 KB, 455x675, 91:135, 1cd8668820cc1a55fe711af168….jpg)

>No buddhist texts ever use the word ego

It is honestly hillarious how frustrated and imcompetent you are of percieving this statement.

>I have had a gander at some books and it says ego on the wikipedia for buddhism

hahahaha you literally have no idea wtf you are talking about or how to commune with others.

Just to reiterate one more time for you, my claim was and I quote

>You can't say that the word WHEN TRANSLATED LITERALLY is always relating to an illusory thing that consciousness misidentifies with, that is simply a circumventing the point, ego means "I"

To which you then so graciously responded:

>Then fucking do it. Find me an example. Stop with the empty claims.

In which I quite clearly showed you my point was correct through 3 examples all quite easily found and translated if you know even the most basic of Latin.

To be honest, after reading >>99082 I have no further inclination to believe you even remotely know what you are talking about and are either a very try-hard troll or actually having some sort of mental breakdown. Anyway I am quite confident anyone reading (though I doubt much will even give your over indulgence much time) that they will conclude you are an over sensitive idiot with mental health problems. There is absolutely no point in continuing any discourse with you, though I'll still read your long over-drawn reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and rambling for a cheap chuckle. Go into another extensive emotional rant proclaming you are right again only to ironically illustrate how much of an imbecile you are.



>>You can't say that the word WHEN TRANSLATED LITERALLY is always relating to an illusory thing that consciousness misidentifies with, that is simply a circumventing the point, ego means "I"

This literally does not make sense in English. Try again

>lol my opinion is right because I said so

Or just stop trying completely. Seems you are too incompetent to articulate your thoughts.


File: f8e43ea7d7a80a4⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1023x781, 93:71, f8e43ea7d7a80a479e892d42fc….png)


First this please don't bother guy and then >>99028 >>99050 >>99053 >>99054 >>99068 >>99082 this unhinged lunatic. LOL /fringe/ the stupidity and delusions and grandeur have no limits. gr8 thread fam



If you think logic is lunacy then that is your opinion. But if you want to take anything I said and want to invalidate it and/or want to provide a valid counter argument I'm all ears

I stand by the truth in logic behind everything I have said



Hey buddy, did you know that you can copy and paste text? You don't have to type everything again when you quote someone! Especially since you were not very accurate


File: dcb6d18d3d8e826⋯.png (148.05 KB, 222x293, 222:293, dcb6d18d3d8e826a878054311f….png)


Every quote in that post was actually copy and pasted except one where I took some words out just to be concise. You know what greentexting is right? So instead of you saying

>I have had a gander at some books and it says ego on the wikipedia for buddhism

The accurate version is:

>wikipedia is riddled with it and I have had a gander at some books that do use the word ego the same way.

Oh wow, I did a complete injustice to you and this in no way says the exact same thing as what I just quoted. Lmao. I think it is pretty obvious who you are. So when you change flags and try to damage control by literally lying out of your ass you only make yourself look like more of a fool. Okay cue 5000 words hissy fit now and rant about your intergrity. Nothing to do with an over-bearing ego I'm sure. Then change flag again and try to say I make up quotes when I literally did copy and paste. You ain't fooling anyone lol



That wasn't the only post. You've been doing it all thread. And free world man, I can do whatever I fucking want. You don't have to cry about it.

Btw, are you going to continue to ignore the literally dozens of times that I've invalidated what you've said?



Literally all four of them are inaccurate. Inaccurate means less than 100% accurate. Pick up a fucking book some time you illiterate moron



> was actually copy and pasted

You are literally lying. Are you a troll after all? Or completely braindead retarded.


File: 60c1fbb1ba7fd26⋯.jpeg (18.75 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 60c1fbb1ba7fd26cd188a612c….jpeg)


Wow so you admit to lying then delete half your posts and say shit like

>I stand by the truth in logic behind everything I said

You stand by the truth in everything you have said then lie and decieve to everyone? Dood, people can use crtl+F, put all 3 of those quotes into search and they are exactly the same. 100% accurate. Then that fourth one yeah I just copy and pasted what you said in that last post, use crtl + f you moron its bang on the same

>You are literally lying


>I've been lying and pretending im someone else throughout this thread.

>I can do whatever the fuck I want

>You've been doing it this entire thread

Yeah except I fuckin haven't you mentally ill moron, got anymore baseless accusations? lmao all my posts in this thread are quite clearly me being quite open with who I am because the whole thing has been replying to butthurt and bruised personas. What a classic example of projection, you have been lying and pretending you are multiple people in the thread to literally jerk yourself off and then presume everyone else is as dishonest and full of shit as you are. And when exposed for it you just say >I can do whatever the fuck you want. You sound like an utter child throwing his toys out with the bathwater.

Just to completely BTFO you once again and produce another even further childish reaction.

>No buddhist text ever uses the word ego

This quote is word for word found in your own post here >>99051

>You can't say the that the word when translated literally is always relating to an illusory thing that consciousness misidentifies with

Which I said here,>>>99062, responding to you, here >>99050, in which I quote you in your own terms.

>Then fucking do it. Find me an example. Stop with the empty claims.

Which I see now you have conveniently deleted probably in one of the deleted posts that was highlighted by >>99090

So you delete you posts, you admit to pretending to be other people to jerk yourself, you react to little things and post big incoherent rambles then have the audacity to just regress into:

>I can do whatever the fuck I want

>Pick up a fuckin book moron

>Literally lying


>Braindead retarded

Lol you are just chimping at this point. Time for school or go back and play on your xbox. So whats it going to be next another 1000s of word ramble, create some more sockpuppets to decieve everyone on the thread, or just simply resort to ad hominen and childish insults? So funny the topic of this thread is ego, I think you are a perfect example of what people were trying to describe. Come on, give everyone another laugh at your own expense.


File: 02a99893eac3ca1⋯.jpg (228.33 KB, 785x1000, 157:200, Alex_Grey_angelskin.jpg)


You still believe anything of this means something. Please don't bother. Ever.



And you still believe anything you have said means anything. You can't even master your own words all you can do is regurgitate

>please don't bother


>don't bother. ever.

Cut the broken record routine or fuck off. Or keep showing the whole board how much of a "true enlightened being" Mossa is by just repeating yourself like a true dumbass completely incapable of saying anything other than his own self-indulgence.



Thank you for playing. Please try again.



oh yea that is such a sexy picture of frodo mmmMMYEEAAAA time to have a wank


anyways……………. The fuck? I haven't deleted a single post.

>then lie and decieve to everyone?


>Dood, people can use crtl+F, put all 3 of those quotes into search and they are exactly the same. 100% accurate.

That's literally what I did to check you the fist time. Have you even bothered to try it? It's literally not 100% accurate. Maybe a word is swapped from your to the or something, but that's not 100%. maybe try to select the whole line before you paste it into cntrl f? you hold down left click to select text, then cntrl c then cntrl v

>Yeah except I fuckin haven't you mentally ill moron, got anymore baseless accusations?

check yourself, you poor pathetic wanker

>lmao all my posts in this thread are quite clearly me being quite open with who I am because the whole thing has been replying to butthurt and bruised personas.

hope you are enjoying your delusions

>What a classic example of projection, you have been lying and pretending you are multiple people in the thread

name one time that I have lied. Name one tine that I pretended to be multiple people. I changed my flag once and tried being nice to you, and you only get more triggered. jesus christ you need help

>to literally jerk yourself off and then presume everyone else is as dishonest and full of shit as you are.

now THIS is a classic example of projection

>And when exposed for it you just say >I can do whatever the fuck you want. You sound like an utter child throwing his toys out with the bathwater.

exposed? I affirmed that you are right but I don't know why you ever even doubted it was me LOL; I never explicitly said that I was someone else. all of this is in your head dude. you have perception problems

>I can do whatever the fuck you want


yea you pretty much are putty in my hands. talk about a freudian slip.

>>I can do whatever the fuck I want

>>Pick up a fuckin book moron

>>Literally lying


>>Braindead retarded

Once again I can back up all of these with logic. For example, you continue to act as if you were 100% accurate. anyone with half a brain can, as you yourself said, cntrl f and check. Maybe you didn't select the entire line, but that further supports the theory of your braindead retarded state

>No buddhist text ever uses the word ego

>no buddhist text has ever used the word ego

>This quote is word for word found in your own post here

wew lads fail2copypasta for the tenth time or so. second of all, this qoute was first mentioned in YOUR post


>Which I said here,>>>99062, responding to you, here >>99050, in which I quote you in your own terms.

>Which I see now you have conveniently deleted probably in one of the deleted posts that was highlighted by >>99090


that's one of my supposed deleted posts. you are getting delirious? the website seemed to be fucking up in failing to hyperlink every other referenced post sequenced in a line.

fuck man, you are making an utter fool of yourself. I really think you should stop posting. I don't want you to get an aneurysm

you know what? fukitol. if you simply read my posts I wouldn't have to repeat myself over and over and over over the course of over 30 hours. actually, no I don't even feel sorry for you. it's for the sake of anyone who decided to try and follow this torturous conversation.

>You can't say the that the word when translated literally is always relating to an illusory thing that consciousness misidentifies with

>You can't say that the word when translated literally is always relating to an illusory thing that consciousness misidentifies with

how do you fail simply copy pasting? like seriously? once again this is your own words ROFL


Anyways, since you finally accomplished some coherency, you've only proved yourself to be even more stupid. I literally already responded entirely to what you said. Here let me green text back the relevant dialogue

>There are some things I say though which are irrefutable, such as, the ego literally translates to "I".

Yes, I have always agreed. I literally in one post showed how I was skeptical, then looked it up and found you were right. I will even post that

>>>>Anyways I doubt what you say so I will research now. Wow this is interesting. I think there is more to it, but if you are correct then everyone is shitting on the actual latin definition of ego, which is the 'sense of self' translating to 'I'

>>>>So maybe Freud is the only one using the word ego properly?

>You can't say that the word when translated literally is always relating to an illusory thing that consciousness misidentifies with, that is simply a circumventing the point,

No you are missing the point, you are missing the point I made in my very first post in my response to you. SAD!

>ego means "I". I don't know Latin fluent but I have done enough at school and read enough texts to know that it means "I" it's one of the most basic words, look how much we use it. So once again, in its literal translation ego simply means "I".

I had already agreed to this

>When reading many texts translators frequently will keep specific words in their original presentation which seems rather sensible to me as with things like "Logos" or more asiatic words which have very distinctive or transcendental meanings through there very characters like "Ki". Using a narrow english translation then seems to inevitably lead to some innacuracies. Given the context I'd say its a fair point to make which is why in academia these acts of preservation are consistently made for greater clarity. Even when reading Neitzche or Plato, some words, especially if it is relating directly to the main concept in discussion, are kept to the original because nothing else truly does them justice.

Yet I had already said this. And hilariously I responded to that by copy pasting what I already said, so this would be the third time you would be reading this exact sentence. Hopefully you can comprehend it this time

>Maybe everyone but Freud's translators has been wrong about the etymology of the word ego, but oh well boo hoo nothing can be done about it. It has entered modern use of English and the modern definition is what it is, definitions cannot be changed directly once society has passively redefined a word.

when I copy pasted it before I preceded this line with

>it goes on about something that I already talked about, that is etymology and how we should try to conserve original words and symbols without translating. Sure individuals can dig for these etymologically original phrases but like I said >Maybe everyone but Freud's translators …

But of course, you completely failed to understand this the first and second time. And you failed to articulate yourself here

>So when you say

>>>I think it is valid to interpret ALL reference to ego as references to the sub-conscious

>You are simply wrong. It is very easy to find examples

>Then fucking do it. Find me an example. Stop with your empty claims.

But I saw the potential for miscommunication anyways, and clarified with

>Because when you do find an example, it will be in latin. And the translation will translate ego to 'I' or sense of self, and it may even use the ENGLISH word ego to refer to the subconscious

But it seems you failed to comprehend what I said, because the latin you posted translated exactly to how I described. When the LATIN ego is translated into English, it DOES NOT STAY AS THE WORD EGO. IT DOES NOT TRANSLATE TO THE ENGLISH WORD EGO. It, as I stated 18 hours ago, will be translated to 'I' or the 'sense of self'

So of course I continue with

>>Are you literally retarded? If the ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS use ego to refer to subconscious then my claim

>>>>>I think it is valid to interpret all references to ego as references to the subconscious. Except for Sigmund Freud.

>>Still stands.

>>I literally never said that the word ego means subconscious. I said that in Latin the word ego may mean sense of self, but when the LATIN WORD EGO is translated to ENGLISH it becomes 'I' or SENSE OF SELF.

>>In fact, I would not be surprised if references to the subconscious in latin translates to ego in English. This does not contradict what you have said here, what you have said here is in fact irrelevant to the discussion (since you yet again fail to understand what I say)

And then after this you must have stuck your head in the sand for some reason… Only to revert backwards 10 posts and repeat yourself….


File: c463adacaf10528⋯.png (107.53 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, rock-Tool-band-simple-back….png)


Hey you listen to tool? Great band, actually I just love the Lateralus album. Most spiritual thing for me



I listen to silence and I hear something that can't be explained with words. Most spiritual thing for me.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Alex Grey is the artist of the of the pictures you made. He is also the artist of Tool's album covers. The ending of this music video was created by him. I am sure you will enjoy it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've seen the video with the Alex Grey painting related 3D models. The things he paints are pleasant to touch.











This body holding mem feeling eternal



recognize this as a holy gift and

celebrate this chance to












YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here this song is more relevant to the thread

"I must crucify the ego before it's FAR TOO LATE"



Don't bother.



why is that


Hi. I'm this guy's ego. I'm pretty drunk. I'm gonna masturbate while thinking of long lost highschool gfs. My new phone isbpretty awesome.



Jesus christ dude you are so fucking lost.



you sound pretty degenerate. stop being detrimental to society



I actually pity you, but I have no fucking idea how to help you. You represent a demographic I feel I could so easily reach out to, but I don't know how :(

>don't bother

Ok. :( It's your grave mate.



Dude I'm just drunk. We all have a shadow self

*gay kisses*



I'm actually going to start reading atkinson's Dynamic Thought. (<—lol the ego saving face. I'm too drunk even for a wank. Imma sleep now. Learn your lesson).




before I pine away…


fuck reading. go and DO something with your life



actually I glanced at the first few pages of the book and the universe just possibly implied that I should keep reading. OH WELL LOL


post egos or gtfo


So, so many words in this thread. It is, at the same time, the most productive thread on /fringe/ right now, probably, yet also the furthest away from reaching any answer. A truth is usually always simple. Though I myself am very guilty of massively sucking at simple yet satisfying posts.

I believe the following about our topic: The focus on either the ego, or the shadow, or the higher self by itself while ignoring the other is the true problem here. Modern spirituality only cares about fighting the ego, not too long ago spirituality was about confronting the shadow and at first it was about reaching and deeper understanding the higher self. But almost never do we try to see the whole picture.

Stop focusing on one single part of your soul while ignoring the others. The ego gets blamed for so many things the shadow is actually responsible for.


Seek balance of your soul instead of trying to remove unwanted parts from it.



If you are referring to OP's question, it has been satisfactorily answered at least a handful of times in this thread. All before the derailment regarding semantics and etymology. What exactly is the question, from your perspective?


File: 55d80042785e209⋯.jpg (175.33 KB, 640x427, 640:427, IKnowYou.jpg)


The simple truth is:

The voice in your mind is not you.

The ego is a compilation of thoughtforms with a main tulpa and several servitors and egregores.

By conquering desire, you become God and can live without eating or drinking.

By learning magick, the body can do miracles and reverse aging.

By learning advanced astral projection, the consciousness can body swap.

The world is spiritual and ideas have form that can be perceived externally.

Everyone you meet is you and how you treat them will reflect back at you.



>The ego is a compilation of thoughtforms with a main tulpa and several servitors and egregores.

Although this may be true, it's not always true of the ego can be unified, And telling everyone this unconditionally would do more harm than good IMO

>By conquering desire, you become God and can live without eating or drinking.

By conquering subconscious beliefs you mean. All desire comes from belief.

If you get rid of conscious beliefs and ALL desires, you will cease to exist. And then yea you would be God. God is nothingness because he has no ego let a lone a vessel to allow existence anywhere.

>By learning magick, the body can do miracles and reverse aging.

Learning magick is just proxies for editing the subconscious beliefs.

Legit I guess, but you act like you know more than you do. Can be dangerous. If you do know (which you obviously think you do) maybe better articulate your thoughts


File: d59d0635afe9208⋯.png (988.77 KB, 1040x826, 520:413, d59d0635afe9208438b0a0a4ee….png)


When you overcome ego and recall your true self you will behave in harmony with the way of nature and with the way of heaven. You can be full of zest and action in such a state, and considerations like pleasure and pain will not hamper you from doing what needs to be done.

>Without the ego there is no reason for ANYTHING.

On the contrary, without ego you will do what needs to be done, the body will take care of itself and things like greed, hate and delusion will not captivate your mind in the process.

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