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I am planning to carve a staff. Well, more of a cane so I can keep it inconspicuous. I tried ordering an ironwood walking stick and infusing it, but it's not working. Clearly, the process of empowerment requires you to work the wood yourself; the work itself would take on a ritualistic significance, like in the forging of rings.

So, my plans:

1. Get something fairly thick. I don't want something which will snap or bend too easily. I might fell s young tree and use the trunk. Still want it to be lean enough ti grasp firmly and not be too heavy though.

2. Cut it to be tall enough that it reaches my upper waist like an actual cane.

3. Sandpaper it until it's smooth.

4. Carve symbols of power into it. I plan on using symbols associated with Jupiter as described by Agrippa, and maybe Mars.

5. Polish it. Not only will it make it nice looking and more comfortable, but it'll prevent it from drying out and becoming brittle.

6. Affix a metal piece at the bottom to prevent wear and tear.

Things I'd like opinions on:

1. What state of mind do you think I should be in while accomplishing the work? Is gnosis necessary?

2. Would you recommend incenses for the work? I'm thinking about using them as they're recommended for the forging of rings.

3. Which metal would you use for the tip?

4. Would you embed a stone in the head? If so, what kind?

5. What kind of wood would you use? I'm probably going to go for maple.

For the unfamiliar, second row are the characters of Jupiter and the third are the characters of Mars.


Nobody fucking cares. If you aren't paying me money I don't give a fuck about what you have to say. I didn't even read your retarded post. You are fucking insane.



Ash, Chestnut, Walnut, Poplar, maple. I would make it out of one of these woods, though oak is also an option. Cut it from a supple tree (make sure the tree is okay with it), cut off the branch at two ends so it's mostly the same width throughout and de-bark it. Then soak it in salt-water (rock salt, sea salt, doesn't matter, it's to create osmotic pressure on the cellular structure of the youn wood and burst the cells) for at least 2 weeks. After soaking it dye it with indigo. Then dry it out by covering it in silica for at least a month drying out the silica every few days. At this point you may want to re-dye and dry if you want it darker. Then sand it and carve whatever. Polish it with scented plant oils, either sage or red sandalwood 100% essential oil. Then affix iron, untreated, as it is of Mars.





Apt advice, especially when it comes to the iron.


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>make sure the tree is okay with it

wait what



Did I fucking stutter?






You'd be surprised, friend.


When carving each cut should be fully dedicated to the runes and staffs purpose.


lol OP I already did exactly this and have an ironwood staff in my room

Empowering it is just a matter of imbuing it with thoughtform attachments and dreaming about it and so on. You might want to name it.

Incense? Just burn whatever incense you like most and that gives supports the right mindset for the particular enchantments you want for your staff. I myself have so much incense I can burn incense all day every day for at least a year.


do not fell a young tree and use the trunk, carve your cane out of a large tree chunk. young trees have too much moisture and will not set correctly and will warp easily. get a long chunk of wood either from the forest or a lumber yard and cut it down from there.


I would make it out of oak as I'm British and the druids used to love oak (though I also feel I should state I am new to fring and haven't preformed any magick yet).



Buy some exotic hard wood, cane must be as hard as a dick of colossus. You can surf some wood selling sites to find out what wood has best hardness and pattern. Get indiscrete wood structure(i.e. rosewood is good, lacewood is bad)

Before carving get the surface fine sanding, not smooth. You'll make some serious scratches during carving, no need to do smooth sanding twice.

Tip must be removable, because metal will be scratched away fairly quickly. It would be nice to use some hardened steel, gilded or "silvered" if you need.



Don't mess with wands brother, that's some powerful bad juju. You'll regret messing around with it.



You should EARN the right to create a magical staff of power. Go through the most grueling physical and spiritual cleanse/purification, trials by fire, and triumph that you are capable of. Fast for a week, all the while going through physical trials, spiritual do-good trials, emotional overcomings, deep meditation, and travelling. Keep it ascetic, with as little comfort as possible. Begin work on the staff from the very beginning, with the rough work on the rough outset, and each rune signifying a significant event in your quest. Gnosis is required. Asceticism is required.

Ruby is good, but I'm biased. Look up the properties of the stones and correlate them to parts of the body (and their significance) where you would like their empowerment. Correlate this to points on the staff, and connect all the stones with an upward double helix of iron and bronze/brass wire or something else. Make grooves for the wire in the wood.

Every step must have a correlating trial, all of which must be planned ahead, all done in the same chunk of time (a week, 3 weeks, whatever), without "disrupting" incidences between any of the steps in producing said staff.

If you fuck up synching your actions and spirit to the cane/staff you will have to make up for it later, and it will be an inferior staff always. Remember this. Use all the advantageous available for the best results.

Intertwine your essence with the staff by blood ritual at significant intervals in the process. When you first take the branch from the tree, or from the ground, give up something of value in its place. Some blood if you cut it, smeared on the mother tree, or fingernail clippings and piss if from the ground… maybe take a shit (just making shit up here). Every step must come with sacrifice and entanglement with the staff, for the best possible results. It will become a complete conduit of your energy, a true extension of yourself, by doing this.

I could make more shit up if you would like.



>I could make more shit up if you would like.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh, look, it's this dumb bitch who uses my flag to spout cuntshit again.

My friend Duncan made a cool staff.



>faggot makes a literal faggot


You guys don't need a fucking staff, holy shit.


"the practice of sorcery was strictly forbidden"



I'm going to have to strongly recommend sourcery, but you'll have to sacrifice your soul to yourself and trust your shadow with it. Not often gonna turn out well.




The art of finding citations?

I've seen you misspell sorcery twice now and I'm starting to think maybe you're just stupid.



fuck off anonymous fag

if you don't have a name or trip you're not welcome on nu/fringe/ - home of reddit



fuck off and die



You're free to think what you want about me!


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Anonymous will swing from trees.

We are Reddit.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect us!



Why and how did someone as garbage as you wind up here? I know I'm a completely insane and totally insufferable asshole, but you're a dumpster fire in comparison.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Anonymous will swing from trees.

Like the fucking monkeys they are.



well in the ultra expensive religion known as wicca they give attributes to every item used in the religion. so shouldn't your choice of wood be based on the woods so-called magical attributes as a starter for this project?




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So I made a staff last year, it is one of the greatest things I have made. I set my intentions to making one, and then went walking in the forest, and literally stumbled across the most perfect size baby tree i could have hoped for. After that i used a knife to smooth off any side branches then sanded it down for a while. I decided i wanted to keep the process all organic, so i bought a hemp oil online and used that to finish it with. I highly recommend using that oil as opposed to some chemical wood polish you get at the store. After that I began hiking with my staff to remote and seemingly powerful places, I turned those walks into a meditation where i would pick up the energy of the different spots and imbibe it into the staff. So i was infusing energy into my staff from the coast, deserts, forests all across the country basically. I thought about putting some sort of crystal in the end, or carving some symbols but I really felt comfortable with the way it was without it.



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