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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Interesting paper, check it out. But the real topic of this thread is this, and in a way the thread title is fitting for it: Just as atheistic libshits are so stubborn and programmed as to give any legitimacy to the spiritual, why are there those within the mystery schools who are blind to the scientific/mathematical/computational?

I've just had a conversation with so called Hermeticist who refused to admit that there was any commonality between the Hermetic Axioms and modern scientific philosophy, namely in the realm of the Holographic Principle. Called me a retard, blinded by the tools of my trade. Was he a low IQ plebeian who had come across the Kyballion by some act of fate? A shill following COINTELPRO to demoralize other users through whatever means? Perhaps. But I have a feeling this is more widespread. Seems to me the sheep infect both aisles here. I think the real problem is that we've been all trying to give the pearls to the swine, hoping to turn them into real wizards. But all we get are swine dressed in robes.

We all know that New Age is cancerous for this reason. What can be done about it? I know not.


They were just one person. Most people interprets things slightly differently from one another, while others interpret very differently. Why stress out over one opinion?


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i know which thread you are talking about.

however i believe many stuff were just called differently, and that todays society just uses new words to make things seem more rationable and less mystifyed.

for examples, demons, from another world, unknown to us, pretty much the same as aliens except that we "kinda" know where they come from, from a physical place, a distant planet instead from another world.

another thing i thought about is that magic is just the old word for technology. think about TV, pretty much some crystallball wher you can see all parts of the world, planes or helicopter, magic to make people fly. even the stuff like shooting fireballs could be a flamethrower, shooting lightning, we have tesla coils.

there were some ruins looking like an ancient circuit board. did they use it to compute things? where those some way of drawing energy from the surrounding to use for something else?

the egyptians used the binary number system, like our computers do


all this stuff just seems like the same the ancients talk about, only with different terms. it looks for me like a huge effort to get rid of every mythical or supernatural thing, anything spiritual, probably so we are bound more to the material world, putting the below, the body above the above, the mind.

with all that in mind suddenly the flat earthers (yeah, go on, make fun of me for not saying they are completely lunatic) make some sense with their rembling about the globe earth was just created to get us away from god, even though i feel its more the effort to get us away from anything spiritual, so we fall into complete pursuit of the material desire and get trapped in the black cube, the material world.

6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general. 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan. and (((they))) try to get us into the 666 status


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Its not some specific problem only found in our esoteric circles.

This is a widespread phenomena. The fact is, the vast, vast, vast majority of people are not able to think about complex systems, and even less of the are able to think in paradoxical, nuanced ideas.

This IS the biggest problem that humanity is facing.

We cant come to terms with different levels of complexity. So some cucks hang on to the edgy, not-even-really-scientific attachment to the "scientific" understanding of reality, the other species of cucks swallow some magic pills, and completely lose all common sense, looking at the sky, forgetting that there is an earth bellow their feet.

Nothing new here really.


Is something about how fags like a dick in their mouth and their ass?



The systems we use are just one way of doing things. There are universes where numbers aren't used. There are universes where people eat food then burp and you smell their thoughts.

One faggot figured out a system for doing things and has spent infinite years making sure no other system is used. We need to redo everything tbh fam. This system isn't flexible at all and we are too easily thrown off track by disinfo/misinfo. We don't even need to use dirt to grow things. There are unlimited senses. Let Abraham and the Faggots break up and let's start taking advantage of this computer program with unlimited possibilities. For the longest time I rejected society because people seemed dumb and narrow minded. Turns out I was right. Cut yourself off from the old world and lets make a better one. Sick of this slavery shit. Not trying to be one thing. I want to master science/programming/medicine/exercise/law/sociology/psychology/sports/video games/art/sex/etc, but I still feel we are at a crossroads and have an opportunity to break this Hillary Trump system and become actual creators. Fuck it, I hate everyone. Even if our (((mathmatetics))) system is the only possible system that can ever be used for certain things(fucking bullshit), I hate these people and want everyone keeping humanity grounded in the past to die. No I am not joking, these people shit on me enough and won't even provide me with a decent way to cobain and move somewhere else in the universe, so it's time for the Queen to die.


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why, as a believer in hermetic philosophy, would you deny science? the kybalion aligns with modern science for fucks sake


"The All is mental", but it's also physical too, which is a fact that I think gets thrown out too often like so many babies with so much bathwater.



Physical and mental might be 2 sides of the same coin. The same, but a different manifestation


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Mah nigga


Matter is just densified thought.


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Science and the occult used to be intertwined, this was until the enlightenment when things got all (tips fedora).

Actually, sir issac netwon was one of the last hold outs to still study the occult and alchemy near the beginning of the enlightenment, he had this reputation so much that people thought his theory of gravity was occult nonsense.

Another good guy to look into who mixed science and occultism is jack parsons, Wernher von Braun said he was the real reason america landed on the moon


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Im serious, look into parsons.


>The Babalon Working was a series of magic ceremonies or rituals performed from January to March, 1946 by author, pioneer rocket-fuel scientist, and occultist Jack Parsons and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard


>In mid-1947, a United States Air Force balloon crashed at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, prompting claims that the crash was of an extraterrestrial spaceship



This is your true wisdom right here, there is absolutely no point in trying to control how others think, and those who do are nothing but materialists masquerading as esotericists for ego based reasons.

It is up to you to find your own path and find those who are like minded, you can do nothing more. Anything else is a subversion of any effort toward moving your mind past the constraints of material reality.


>someone disagreed with me

>that means everyone is a sheep


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There's zero doubt among serious cyberneticist that we're using Hermetic principals to transform ourselves and our lesser technological "minds".

I've yet to find a serious neurologist who's unfamiliar with the occult though we'll all deny it openly if questioned (of course). However, if you pay attention you can clearly see the ancient magics openly on display even in our "ground breaking" research papers.

Those with eyes to see shall note the alchemical language of color in pic related video.

TL;DR: Op, stop being a faggot. Of course all hackers know we're doing magic, it's in our lexicon, FFS. Your quest is now to discern which magical school dominates technology…

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