are actions reasonable or not?
What makes an action reasonable?
What makes an action unreasonable?
What does "reasonable" mean?
Does it mean only
1. "agreeable to you and your subjective values"
or does it mean
2. "consistent with the actors subjective values"?
or does it mean something else entirely which I do not comprehend at this time?
Can we not recognize reason in a person who violates our subjective values?
Can not two opposite courses of action, free of external influences, and only directed by internal values both be perfectly reasonable?
I think all actions can only be informed by reason but are decided upon by emotion which is inseparable to reason.
There is either nothing reasonable about suicide or living; or both are completely reasonable.
Likewise the same can be applied to any other course of action.
Everything ultimately boils down to muh feels. All of politics is muh feels; certainly some are better at arguing consistently and if you accept my second definition of reason then they are
more reasonable but reason is not persuasive except to people who are already in agreement on matters of faith which are found to be at the heart of any long or short chain of reasons.
Reason can clarify your position relative to someone else. It can make you yourself understand your own position too. It can not however change your position, only uncover what you already felt all along.
Am I not right /pol/? A machine following logic makes no errors but it also has no reason to act, it just awaits input, or follows its programming given to it by an emotional being. The only motive for action is emotion. Whether it be the emotion of the user of that machine, its programmer or creator, whatever; emotion is the cause of all conscious decisions to act and reason only informs actions. Emotion is there at the core of it all.
There is no reason for action but emotion. Emotion is the cause of all conscious activity, it is what sets us in motion, it is what tells us that we should do something or not. The only way to change others who do not already agree with us is through appeal to emotions.
The only time reason can ever have any bearing is something like "person x wants to do this, so I shall reason with him to find a way for it to be done". We could have a person that wants to stab himself with a knife and we could reason that kitchens are places where knives are commonly kept and so he should check in his kitchen for a knife to stab himself with and he should have a working pair of arms with which to grasp the knife and stab himself. We could have a person that wants to remove non-whites from his nation and we could then reason all sorts of ways to remove them and argue the merits of the different methods. Whatever can you do however to say to a person that truly wants to stab himself not to do it? Nothing which falls under the category of reason. Likewise, a person that doesn't want to stab himself with a knife, whatever can you say to convince them to do it? There's nothing reasonable about not stabbing yourself with a knife. The is something unreasonable though with a person who thinks they can stab themselves with a knife by using a fork; if there aim was to stab themselves with a knife then they have failed.
I think reason is non-persuasive to anyone who has different motivations from you. We are all emotionally conditioned. Everything we do or don't do is emotional at its core. If I want to live, you can't reason with me that I should die. If I want to die, you can't reason with me that I should live. Maybe you could discover a greater desire that conflicts with the others and point it out as a reason towards an alternative course of action but that's it.
Politics is a big ruse and there is no right or wrong answers to any course of action society might take on any issue where not all are in agreement as to the aims of a policy. If everyone say wants a homogenous society, then all can argue over how to achieve that, and multiple positions could develop out of that discussion as to which course of action is to be pursued. In this reason could reign supreme.
When however you have a lot of people wanting fundamentally different things there can be no agreement and reason can have no relevance. If everyone haa a different vision as to what society should be like then only a concept like
The Will To Power or
Might Makes Right can settle the matter. Elements of society that hold completely contrary values must be separated from that society or destroyed as nothing else will do to resolve the matter.