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Esoteric Wizardry


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Before I start, I just want to say that I'm not trying to come of as a maximal fedora sperglord thats here to spout "magiq doesn't real XD" ad nauseum.

So, I've never really been big into magick, and for the most part I never really thought it was real. After reading quite a bit of esoteric stuff while lurking /x/ and /fringe/, I'm starting to have my doubts. I want to start being able to perform different experiments to really test the existence of magick for myself in a very clinical and scientifically rigorous fashion. I'm willing to do my best to clear any previous bias that I may have had and to approach this as objectively as possible.

The problem is that since I don't really know all the much about magick, I really don't know where to start, so I need some ideas.

As far as the experiments I'm willing to run go, they shouldn't be anything too expensive (a few hundred dollars is the absolute maximum I'm willing to spend) or too extreme (no animal/human sacrifices, no extreme self mutilation [I'm ok with blood letting or something similarly minor], no destruction of property, no narcotics, nothing too illegal in general). The experiments should also preferably produce effects that can be observed, quantified and studied in a statistical fashion (although I am ok with trying something that would produce more subjective effects just for the giggles). Finally, each experiment should have a procedure that is easily repeatable, not only for myself but for anyone else who would want to personally confirm my results and conclusions.

I'm willing to equally consider both physical and paranormal explanations for the potential outcome(s) of whatever I do, but goal will be to simply observe first and conjecture second.

I was thinking about maybe starting with pic related, is there anything else I could do?


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Good luck on your path, Hylic. But don't forget you are not first and not the last.

And you could try Astral Projection since there is already scientific research on it (look up Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce)

Just remember there is nothing paranormal about magick, we just use the knowledge of natural laws like anyone else, the only difference is that we don't limit ourselves to the "Rational" dogma, most of us are just as skeptical as you.

I recommend the reading of Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson to develop awareness of your primate limitations and extreme susceptibility to external influence. If you are a Reactionary or something like that, take it with a grain of a salt, the author has some wisdom, but is a quite hippie, and he'll indulge you in some exercises like smoking weed and similars, but you don't have to do those to "get the message"


Get some of your blood, use it to draw something that will attract the attention of Eris and say five Hail Erises. Hail Eris, Goddess of Chaos, confuse me x 5

Scientifically you may get little in the way of recordable results but it should be an interesting experiment.


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Ignore Robert Anton Wilson. He sucks. Read the various arcane books.



C'mon, for mundane terms, he's quite the eye-opener.

Also, he's fun.


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And a fucking pope


I have some snake oil you might be interested in.


Good luck getting someone to actually give you a project. Everyone here will just refer you to a book.


I'd give him a project if I wasn't way up North in my cabin splitting wood, hunting, and doing very advanced magick with only a shitty tablet to send short messages on. I lurk/read mostly.


No fuck him he is a waste of time.


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I can suggest one. Summon Seere and set up a deal with him to bring you an object you want, OP. Maybe something fairly simple, like a wizard robe and hat. Be prepared to fulfil your end of the bargain though. Relax too, Seere is not as bad as some demons, he is unlikely to screw you over or steal your soul etc. he is a pretty cool guy, just doing his job.


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>trusting demons



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Some may be reliable, but I wouldn't put much hope on their 'good will'.

Sometimes we forget the fact that most spirits are like just like human beings, they will screw you up just for fun, loosh or both, because they simply feel like doing so.

Just because they lack a physical body doesn't mean they can't be as unreliable as some people.
Unless you know this entity well enough, maybe you can rely on it. But this may vary depending on the individual that summons it.

Best one you can trust is yourself.


I know the safest option is to not trust them but as you say there are like people as in they have their own motives. Plenty of demons I would not even wish to contact yet Seere is like a professional businessman or contractor. Unless you specify him stealing your soul as part of your arrangement I don't think he will bother doing it. He has a reputation to consider and screwing over his customers is bad for business.

The guy is a pro bro, until you can manifest/teletransport objects on your own call Seere in for those purposes.


Okay, so how does one summon him?


>actually considering making a deal with a demon
you know what, i don't care. go ahead. if you're this motherfucking stupid, you deserve your soul to be stolen


If you dont know how, just say so. No need to be an ass.


You can do the full ceremonial ritual and study the goetia if you want to go by the book. I am not in a position to give guidance on goetic practice though, not really familiar territory for me.


Let him do what he wants you are not his mother there is no need to shelter him. If you care that much you can tell him something to do that is safe he will get what he wants no matter what and your unkind words help no one


There is no set defined way. Here is something that you can do.
>look at the space where the wall and ceiling meet.
>Pull your focus back until the line is just out of focus but not doublevision
>you should start seeing mild white noise or static
>get comfortable and good at doing this relax lots and empty your mind.
>get a sigil on paper and study it in that same whitenoise kind of relaxed empty mind.
>when you can remember it well eyes opened or closed focus and meditate on it
>the lines should appear and disappear randomly
>rinse repeat till you can do it well all in that static sort of mind
>while your thinking of that sigil in that mindset visualize something you want to happen. declare your intent well
>dont think with narrative/language thoughts just pure imagery

if you want to see the entity your working with use that same mental static deal sink into it and relax for afew minutes then take a black mirror (cell phone or tablet screen works) point it so you can see into it but you cant see yourself. relax yourself more and more with that same ol empty mind static deal. eventually you will see a mist/fog roll over the 'mirror'. visualize the afore mentioned sigil you have been practicing on remember no narration just the sigil in your mind as you stare vacantly at the screen and something will show up.

Dont waste that entities time so have afew questions or requests in mind. keep it simple if the entity wants anything more than an offering of incense or something politely refuse thank the entity for its time and dismiss it.

If it is in a scary form ask for a more pleasing form.

side note: as your doing the sigil thing and the line are disappearing and reappearing whatever is in the mirror has been there the whole time waiting for some kind of input from you so don't be disrespectful even if you can't see anything in practice.


Can anyone affirm that this is a decent method? What are some other ways it can be done?


Seems doable to me. Only way for you to find out is to do it and observe the result.


OP here again. I'm going to start tripfagging so I can report my results reliably. This definitely looks like something I could do, I just have a few questions.

How long do I have to give my offering to whatever entity I make a request of? Is there anything I should have on hand for quick compensation (certain herbs, types of incense, oils, etc)? How long will it take (roughly) before I see my request granted?


i hear theres a wayt o force spirits to tell the truth?


This. You can use a very simple test too, just take a deck of cards, shuffle it nice and thoroughly, and stick it somewhere like a high shelf without looking. Then when you project, you just go and check the card, and return to your body.

Things to keep in mind
-Don't try to guess the card, this taints the results
-Don't fuck around before returning to your body, be prompt and make sure to make an effort to remember the card. For maximum results, have a notepad next to you so you can write it down ASAP.


ITT nobody giving good suggestions. Fuck I wish I had access to a PC with keyboard.


Goetia – S. L. MacGregor Mathers (1904) (quoted)
Seere's Goetic SealSeere's Goetic Seal

The Seventieth Spirit is Seere, Sear, or Seir. He is a Mighty Prince, and Powerful, under AMAYMON, King of the East. He appeareth in the Form of a Beautiful Man, riding upon a Winged Horse. His Office is to go and come; and to bring abundance of things to pass on a sudden, and to carry or recarry anything whither thou wouldest have it to go, or whence thou wouldest have it from. He can pass over the whole Earth in the twinkling of an Eye. He giveth a True relation of all sorts of Theft, and of Treasure hid, and of many other things. He is of an indifferent Good Nature, and is willing to do anything which the Exorcist desireth. He governeth 26 Legions of Spirits. And this his Seal is to be worn, etc.


> If you care that much you can tell him something to do that is safe
that's what he did
he told him to stop being a moron and implied he should forget about summoning spirits


grammarnazi demon, come to me


What, atkinson? Im certain a huge amount of people couldnt get themselves into it enough to read through his word heavy material.


No, Robert Anton Wilson. Atkinson, in my opinion, has a lot of good material, though he repeats himself in his works.


No idiot – Robert Anton Wilson is the one who is a waste of time.

Atkinson gives you exactly what you need to know to do anything.

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