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I think most magicians understand that the intent to be frugal is aligned with the will to be poor.

How do you manifest currency, wealth, cash flow, an income, resources, work that pays well?

I don’t think there is one significant strategy to is more useful or powerful than another, however, I would argue that there is not point in getting your hands dirty trying to summon something that quite literally grows on trees.

I am going to throw out my go-to ways of manifesting money.



Another strategy that is incredibly simple and very effective is paying with a debit card. Hear me out. All you have to do is have a debit card and know that you have the money to pay for whatever it is that you are buying. When you buy the item pay for it as credit. I know that sounds strange but what you are doing is literally putting credit into the system.

“You can be free if you money loan.”

The Chinese say to put coins with a red string tied through them to attract money. You must have the correct number of coins or else it may work against you. Or you can create a money shrine of sorts. You get a glass bowl and fill it with gold and and other rocks. It can be yellow marbles. It should have a nice smell to it as well as a pleasant appearance.

Also apparently keeping a Terrapin (relative of a turtle) can bring good luck and wealth.

The lifestyle of the mage, the occultist and the ascetic put us in a particular position; to enact change on the physical world through mostly non-physical means. People say that you don’t get something for nothing, but at the same time does anyone have to lift a finger to have a river flow?


Right now I'd settle for finding my wallet.


It would be nice as I am a person always stressed about money and how to support those around me. I couldn't find much info on this topic, but I've just been using affirmations.


>How do you manifest currency, wealth, cash flow, an income, resources, work that pays well?

By applying salt of your life with mercury of any source to the sulphur of financial success.


“Earnest Desire—Confident Expectation—and Firm Demand—these form the Triple Key of Occult Attainment.”

The Master Formula of Attainment is as follows: “(1) Definite Ideals; (2) Insistent Desire; (3) Confident Expectation; (4) Persistent Determination (5) Balanced Compensation.” Reduced to popular terms, it is as follows: “You may have anything you want, provided that you (1) know exactly what you want, (2) want it hard enough, (3) confidently expect to obtain it, (4) persistently determine to obtain it, and (5) are willing to pay the price of its attainment.”

>you got to want money all the time, always money on your mind, and be willing to embrace that money mind and money life




Reading The Richest Man in Babylon helped me. Try to read it as fast as you can comprehend and no faster than that.

Money is a resource and in terms of metaphorical nature; it is not like a river, but like grain instead. You must have seed, you must claim and prepare the earth, you must plant and care for and practice patience while remaining alert, then if the wind and the rain and the greater world provides, you may be able to harvest that resource.

Things such as cultural symbols, folklore, and prayers are all just procedures to put energy into the process itself - but the process still needs to happen in order for the mage to reap.

Even still, money is not necessarily a physical thing beyond gold and resources that are considered wealthy. It is something that exists, but outside of natural reality for without humans/minds, does money exist? So, if the purpose of a mage is to enact change through non-physical means; then money fits right in with that.

When it comes to money magick, within that paradigm, it must be recognized that the billionaires+ are the greatest wizards of our world and everyone below them are just different ranks trying to get as close to their level as they can.



try 'sleep and grow rich' by ben sweetland, it's a very simple method/book - you just have to be a bit persistent and clear with what you want. don't stress friendo the world is abundant and you just need to find your groove




I'm going to start occult-enhanced daytrading. I am very fucking good at magick, I am just learning more about how daytrading works, and then I'll use my powers to make the whole process that more intense.



Sounds dope, hope it goes well. I'm about to start a simple buy/sell business thing with family too, thinking of going hard into the money magick to make sure everything will go smoothly.


>having a wallet



>Try to read it as fast as you can comprehend and no faster than that.

Isn't that what you should be doing always? Or do people actually read text without understanding it, thinking they learned something.


I found that the best way to manifest money is going to work.



probably one of the easier ways but definitely not the best


Study the history of money. Its origins. When you understand what money actually is, it will be less meaningful to you.


Open a cryptocurrency portfolio, invest in stocks/companies you know will rise, dabble in day trading until you become rather good at it, have a boring dividend paying portfolio as well.

Learn a high paying profession, with a high paying skill set. Bonus if it can enhance your other activities and money making goals by ilt.

Try learning several high paying skills that work together for an incredibly high paying profession that you can enjoy given you have a positive temperament.

Example: Training engineers how to work with unfamiliar systems and be leaders in the field where getting others to do specific things for them will mean the difference between a 4 hour job and a 40 hour job.

Example: Director with background in writing, graphic design and costume/prop design.

Example: Trader/Investor with background in political writing, economic writing, business management and sales.


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tl;dr How to Mundane 101



come on goy get to work your boss needs you to earn shekels for the company:))


still need enough of it to cover bills



>how to make money

>invest in stocks that will rise

>work on something that is well paid

wew mate you sure spelled it for me, this is some ancient wisdom I had never contemplated myself.




Truly, mundanity is the highest form of magic.


>And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin


Who the fuck uses wallets still?

wether u choose to believe or not money circulates


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Money was invented by Hades with help from his friend Mercury. Money is black magic and it comes from the underworld.

If you look on a dollar bill it tells you that money is the opposite of wealth i.e. debt. When you realize this you realize everything.


>If you look on a dollar bill it tells you that money is the opposite of wealth i.e. debt. When you realize this you realize everything.

America's trillions of dollar debt also helps to get that across



Same here. Best of luck to you.



If you want money, do it the mundane way then empower your pre-existing avenues of income.

Use divination on choosing stocks.


recovered thread 94160


Or we could kill every kike on earth so we don't have to worry about schizophrenic autists who think they are pharoahs. Your shit is fucking retarded, gay, fake, dumb, and embarassing.



Good one Carlos Mencia

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