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What is all this space for?

I look at something like this and feel quite a lot of anxiety. Something in my mind is unsettled by things like this. What is the meaning and purpose of all that empty space?

Can anyone explain what the fuck all these endless solar systems, all this debris, etc. what it's all about? Why is there so damned much of it? Why is it the backdrop to our world?

As I go on living my life and mastering the problems I have here on Earth all this… is all out there. I need to fucking understand. What questions to even ask and to whom though? What will the more advanced souls of the race tell me about all this?

Maybe space is just a load of bullshit and spacetime actually starts to breakdown the further you get from Earth and especially outside our solar system. Like, the way I imagine it is that Earth is like this luminous glob of mind held together by the imaginations of all the people here, but when you stray too far reality gets more weird and dream like and "subjective" because there's less people around to observe it. That's actually how I think it is. I believe there'd be an actual potential risk in that if a group of humans were to get too far away, they'd get lost in this reality-warping mess and might not ever come back, and if they did come back and there stories were compared with other adventurers who did the same they'd all be talking about different things and places. Then as more people go out and explore and our civilization expands, reality gets more stable, more solid on the frontiers; and the dreaminess instead becomes far more rigid.

Another way to imagine it as I do it think of some kind of Minecraft where as the players move away from the central point more virgin land is generated; but with the difference that this generated land also then dissolves if no players tread around there again for a long time so if players do eventually venture out again it is largely if not entirely regenerated. I think of our whole world as a collective dream given objectivity by so many observers and the further our thoughts reach out into the fringes of our reality the more subjective and weird things get.



it's flat, deal with it


Why do you think everything has to have a meaning and a purpose?


I feel that your theory is right, OP, or at least something very close to it.

Perhaps escaping this place is possible, and venturing out into the weird reality warping mess can happen…



Every planet in the universe galaxy is inhabited with life - on some level.

Every star is a Logos.

Every Galactic Center is our Source.


You still identify with fear of the unknown. Accept your current state of reality and learn to become comfortable with who you are.

You have an outlet in your facet, bathtub, toilet and plumming that sucks water down a hole somewhere. Just because you found a 40 million Solar sized sink as old as the big bang, doesn't mean anything. It exists, just as suns exists. There's no morality attributed to it. It just (objectively) sucks, and it's good at it.



It's never something you experience first hand so get off it. You're conscious is bigger than that meaningless picture because ALL is limitless. And you are ALL. You are the microcosm of the macrocosm.


That's an interesting take on space to be honest



>you are ALL

bullshit occultism



You are dun cowshit duck, All is part of you, you are part of All.



My hand is part of me but I'm not part of my hand.

Bullshit occultiste



but yes you are, inferior spiritualist.



More like your hand is part of you but you are not your hand.

Your hand is part of you; but it is not you.


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Interesting, but you're assuming that the living beings here on earth are the only ones in the universe and that, there isn't some outside force that makes entire universe objective. Like a divine observer in each particle of matter. The purpose of this endless space is for you to understand your own insignificance. Our existence is not a minecraft game, matrix or even a hologram, it's infinitely more complex and beautiful than that. Whatever you do, don't fall for relativism, atheism and solipsism. Those are lethal for your development as a person.


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I think the appropriate instinct is "FILL FILL FILL THE SPACE FILL THE SPACE NOW NOW NOW" contradictory to the fear of propagating the universe, getting worm hole tech and the universe being boring and unadventurous ((the most ludicrous of fears that I am also guilty of)).

It's like…. that space sort of exists on this world as well. Your ((Solar System)) or domain is that small, when the black hole of your true wants, needs, potential and soul is as big as that black hole. The black hole is your self-denial and cowardice.

That's your potential anon :) Go be big.

The secret is to expand knowing this, thus going full EXPANDU mode where you break 1000 limits in one go instead of 1 at a time.

Example: Exercise with burnout drop sets until you can't life your arms or stand up or even breath.

Example: You have never tried writing before so you write a 200 page book.

Example:You are all alone so you start a streaming channel based on your favorite hobby with special effects, a sound board, and a large material base to draw from a few days a week, join a club/group for your other or same favorite hobby/interest, and join a dating site.

That's like, +1% progress, or, 4x your old life.


You are naive if you think that the Father's overarching intentions do not involve unimaginable manipulation of matter and large swaths of physical space.


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Get outside and reconnect with nature, raw and pure. I think you'll be healthier afterwards.


I've personally found that the physical "Space" acts as a metaphor for my own mind.

I had similar feelings to you OP. Sometimes, whilst watching videos about space, I would get this uneasy feeling. The distances all seemed so impossibly large, and it seemed so utterly, utterly *lonely.*

However, the more I delved into my own mind and uncovered the deeper natures of it, the less physical representations of the cosmos scared me.


Empty space is pure potential, it's a product of consciousness and it has to exist before anything can take form.

The amount of matter that exists, and its behavior, reflects the consciousness that created it




>Interesting, but you're assuming that the living beings here on earth are the only ones in the universe and that

No I'm not at all. Also I assume there's other races and conscious beings out there but that they are shifting around because there isn't enough contact between us and them. In a sense, whole civilizations could be winking in and out of our timeline, and we don't notice right now. It's schrodinger's galactic civilization until we observe them and create a stream of consciousness to tie them together with our reality.



It's all manifested potential.

It's yin and yang, dark and light or however you wish to quantify it. Basically for where there is density and abundance, so too will be empty expanse and an absence.

Where life cannot exist, fantastic phenomena can take place such as quasars and black holes and nebula, etc.

There is a reason for everything.



That will happen in good time, when its supposed to happen, not everything is supposed to happen all at once. There is an order even in chaos.


Why can't a "collective dream given objectivity" go on forever? Space could very well go on forever without getting fucky, and there's no reason the effects of human consciousness wouldn't carry on throughout this plane.



>Can anyone explain what the fuck all these endless solar systems, all this debris, etc. what it's all about? Why is there so damned much of it? Why is it the backdrop to our world?

There is a divine frivolity. The love that moves the sun and other stars? It is frivolity.

In other words, it is as the central principle of Buddhism: No Purpose. You no say "at 10pm I drop fart", no. You just drop fart. It happen of itself.


recovered thread


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There is no outer space.

No one has ever left low earth orbit, and they freely admit it now.

You need to stop believing all the shit they tell you. Everything is theater, pure bullshit to keep people treading water and not noticing they could just stand up.

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