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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Evening, mein negros.

Have any of you ever managed to transmute physical matter, as in, literal physical transmutation? Water into wine, base metals into gold, et cetera?

The Cassopeian logs say that everyone knows how to do this, and the Seth material says that all physical matter is psychic and therefore transmutable.

How is this achieved? I'm assuming it has something to do with the electromagnetic fields in the body, spul, and/or mind interacting with hyperspace, but there must be a more advance theory behind this.

I don't remember what pic I chose for this thread, but pic probably not related.


Read IIH


Read the stickies before posting. This goes in the question thread.


No one on this forum can answer with an honest yes so they'll refer you elsewhere


Nigga where you think the egeyptians got they gold AYO


The Alchemy of Transmutation

Alchemy uses the code names salt, mercury, and sulphur to denote the different components of a substance.

• Salt denotes the physical component, the seat, base, matrix, anchor, or ark of the nonphysical aspects.

• Mercury is the etheric component and represents the dynamic, vital, transmutative, vivifying energy present within the substance.

• Sulphur denotes the archetypal identity or pure vibrational essence, analogous to the human astral body and spirit because it contains the “Idea” unique to that substance.

For example, in Alchemy an element like gold is seen to have three components: the salt of gold, mercury of gold, and sulphur of gold. These respectively denote the physical, etheric, and archetypal aspects of gold. Same goes for other materials employed in Alchemy, they also have their salt, mercury, and sulphur components.

The goal of transmutation is to impress the archetypal signature of one element upon another in order to change it to that element. By changing an element’s archetypal signature it cannot remain the same element.

What Alchemy does in the case of transmutation of lead into gold, is to

• extract mercury from etherically potent sources

• imbue it with the sulphur of gold

• store the combination in a suitable salt.

The result is then ready to impress its archetypal essence of “goldness” upon a different element responsive to transmutation.

This is the Philosopher’s Stone, or rather one form of it called the Red Stone because it is made with gold and assumes a red color.



Sorry but this is incorrect.

t. Alchemy Pro

Here's a hint, metals have three forms, vulgar, elemental, and astral. While these correspond to mercury sulfur and salt they are not the same. As below so above.




what is that?



A common Latin term used in the English vernacular for over 6 centuries.



Little need to worry about the Philosopher's stone if the approach to the vegetable stone (plant stone) has not been accomplished. Of course the plant stone is not really a stone but a menstrum.



It's Latinglish for "basic," a trait you're probably pretty familiar with.




The literal and metaphorical encounter, who is actually right?


Oh hey CIA Nigger fucks. I see you are are creating a honeypot thread. It is obvious to me that you fuckwits are using my browsing habits as a way to socially profile "threats" but the problem is you have no understanding of anything because you are old and fucking retarded. Why don't I help you give you that attention you so desperately crave.

Dissolve gold in mixture of nitric, and ammonium chloride. Add nitre, lots of it.

Add Copper equal weight and dissolve. Dissolve 8x weight silver in nitrix. Mix the two. Evaporate down to thick syrup. Add pure sulfuric. The silver chloride will now have turned orange into a fine powder if you did it right. Now gently heat off the HCl that forms. Increase heat a bit more and the nitric will heat off. Increase heat more and the silver chloirde will turn black and then liquefy into a black tar looking substance. Crank up the heat a tiny bit more. WIll transmute the silver/copper/gold into pure gold. This is an enhancement of an Italian process.

Other easy ways to make gold aka cold fusion aka transmutation w/e the fuck. Create an amalgam of lead powder and mercury. Make your amalgam the cathode in a solution of KOH. This will form a K-Hg-Pb amalgam. You can look into Franz Tausend, he worked a chemically similar process. Anyways, electrolyze at twelve volts, higher amps are better You want at least 5. A quartz crystal in solution can help for reasons unknown. After a week the lead will have transmuted to gold.

There's also the Phil Schneider process with a quartz geode. Lots of info on this one. Easy to look up online.

All of this info is freely available online if you know where to look. Why are PGMs worth what they are? Oh, because they're the easiest to synthesize.

Oh look CIA Niggers you just played yourself. And yes, I can tell by the steady stream of shit that you all boomer fuckwits posted on this board that you are shilling it heavily with crap. You obviously have no understanding of anything. Get fucked.



Another guy to look into is Alex Putney, who uses a technique with Ag and CO2 water. he explains the process in detail on his site. I did not have success with this but I believe it works.

It is always so easy to spot the CIA Nigger started threads.



Don't forget CIA Niggers, truly you are just shitting where you eat. Namely fucking up the countries where you live. Hope it makes you faggots happy. You can still redeem yourself. Maybe.



It is quite amusing to me that in the deep state / CIA Nigger objective to control everything by sowing division, you have so destroyed society, whether it is obvious to you or not, that in the coming decades you will be ruling over nothing more than a bunch of third world ruins. Good fucking luck with that.




The division is to begin the killing to remove excess humans so automated AI can replace them. It's all planned mang. Meatbags gotta go.




Also, lol CIA Niggers are so triggered over some random fucking info people posted online that maybe like 100 uniques read, 10 people believed, and 1 person tried. This is how you blow your whole operation, idjits.

Interwebz in the USA are awful flaky lately CIA Niggers, why is this?









It's only a matter of time until people go from "Fortnite is down" to "there's internet outages everywhere" Watch yourselves, CIA Niggers.



Ovid's "Metamorphosis"


Time wasting bullshit imho, unless your instinct is pointing you to something specific.

You aren't going to fuck with reality unless it's reality fucking with time.



isn't that just chemistry



Lel, welcome to the real world, nigga.

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