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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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We're truly engaged in spiritual warfare, aren't we?

I was just watching stuff on youtube and I had a seven minute ad pop up in front of me. Curious, I decided to see what such a long ad could be for.

After watching about three minutes of it, all I could conclude was that it was for some sort of gaming clan. The entire thing consisted of poorly-shot GTAV footage, and there was apparently some sort of story to what I was watching, but the acting was so hate-laden and cursive that I had trouble deducing what was going on other than it was some sort of young man's power fantasy. It was pretty fucked up, considering that such a vague and aggressive message was being promoted, but I figured there must be a reasonable explination for this. I decided to check out the channel being promoted, since I figured the youtube shills would promote anything so long as it was a big enough cash-cow.

Did I find that cash-cow? Nope. The channel had less than 3000 subscribers. They clearly weren't popular, so promoting this channel - as damaging as it was - didn't have any immediate monetary benefits for youtube. The only other explination I could think of was that this clan had paid youtube a bunch of money in order to promote their channel, in which case that is still fucked up, as the channel was complete archonic trash.

Needless to say this shook me pretty bad, but I decided to move on a tried watching another video - what do I get? Another ad for one of those awful cookiecutter mobile games, this time trapping the viewer in with very shallow gameplay footage and an animated woman with massive breasts slowly walking up to the camera, which then focused solely on her breasts. That's when I figured that something other than just greed is going on.

Am I crazy, /fringe/? Has anyone else had these thoughts? I know /pol/ would immediately attribute these things to the Jews, but I'm not so sure. Even though I've always been suspicious of our awful consumerist society, I always just chalked it up to human greed. But now, I'm beginning to think there is some sort of darker reason for this greed, other than just "I want more stuff." Even if you're a status-obsessed, money-hungry asshole, you'd still probably find using tits to get kids to play mass-produced mobile games to be going too far. But yet this is happening, right in front of our faces, all across the world. There has to be some sort of darker force at play here, that's the only way to explain this. This has gone beyond just selfish greed - this is now the rape of minds for the sake of growing your own power, something that only dark spirits would try to do. Human greed alone isn't that power, right? I really need more opinions on this.




Capitalism is trash. Greedy sociopaths who want more profit = Powerful people = the people who control society. People profit from citizens being addicted to prescription drugs, people also profit from people being jailed for using the drugs they don't support. (I mean, people profit from prisons regardless of what the crime is, it's an industry now.)

Also, being a human now is different than being a human a century ago. There are dopamine/pleasure traps to fall into regardless of your age. People will try to take advantage of that weakness for their own greed.

>not using adblock


I've spent enough time on /christian/ before reading into Hermeticism to realize there is certainly spiritual warfare going on between various groups. They would attribute it to demons trying to tempt the world into sin, and while I don't think that most of the things considered sin in the Bible are a tremendously big deal, such shallow and instinctual temptations can certainly pull down those who aspire to something higher. But really, OP, what are you doing without adblock? Even iphones can use adblock now.


Montalk speaks about it to some extent, although i don't remember exactly everything he's written on the subject, but the rampant proliferation of these 'traps' like >>96005 refers to generally comes down to the influences of certain higher-dimensional forces. These technologies now permitting these types of activities, it is the ripe time for these forces to drain as much energy as possible, although to what end is a matter of great debate. Unfortunately, our sources of information are somewhat slim, and as some would say, somewhat dubious when it comes to these matters for one reason or another.

The gist of it however is the conflict between the thought/manifestations of expansion, and the thought/manifestations of contraction, and as the latter is growing very active at this time we subsequently see more of it around us.

There's more than that, but even in this place of all places i feel like there's still considerable skepticism over the existence of such a force, which should be understood if the polarity of existence is a given fact. If there are levels of evolution above our own, then it would follow that, if existences of that type were only interested in their own evolution, then they would necessarily come into conflict with anything that they could reach if it has no interest in submitting itself to them.

I would think that occultists would know best, but i could be wrong. In any event, reply if you'd like greater description.



Gay fucking post. Kill yourself you whiney faggot. Never think again. Just let us big guys handle all that for you. Thanks for making me waste my time again parasite. Go sit in a room for 5 years and then maybe I'll think about letting you add any noise at all to the universe. Fucking faggot.

P.S. Kill yourself

- Nobody (Because nobody would ever talk to a fucking faggot kike nigger cunt like you)



Every employer who doesnt adjust their wages based on inflation/cost of living needs skinned alive on a cnn live feed. Then their body needs fed to wolves in front of their families. I'm pretty sure this would solve everything. You faggots need to either join me or fuck off. I'm the only person taking the best aspects of capitalism and socialism, mixing them in a bowl, putting them in an oven in Auschwitz along with every Abrahamic religion follower, then letting the ashes of the dweebs marinate on the capsocialism bread, then putting some anarchy oil on the bread, then sprinkling on a tad bit of judeochristianvalue seasoning.

Every person who gets mentioned on the tvnewsnet doesn't give a fuck about you. Every socialist only wants a socialism where they are Stalin and make all the rules. Every capitalist only wants a capitalism where they are Trump and make all the rules. There is a middle ground you fucking easily divided and then conquered douchebag faggots.



I don't know what the hell you're going on about here. Yes there is a war of some sort going on around us and outside of us but what does that have to do with two base jewtube ads that are easily blocked? What kind of things do you watch?



I'll just get started anyway.

If we wish to approach this subject and learn more about our relation to it, it is necessary to understand more about the human race's history, which possibly stretches back beyond and around the commonly-understood paradigms, whether those paradigms describe our history as being a brief, 6,000 year period as some members of christianity might think, or the infinitely longer, albeit much more random and haphazard history of darwinian evolution from pond sludge that modern science would suppose (although that sentiment is not exactly wrong either, but further exploration of that subject is beyond the scope of this posting). If approached appropriately, there are bits of our true history that can be gleaned if all the dross is stripped away first, and although that may give but a shattered and muddy look through the proverbial telescope, it is about all there is to work with.

While it may be true that writing really did destroy oral tradition, at the same time it has helped to preserve these traditions over the ages, albeit in degenerated and distorted forms. Stories like the prodigal son and the ten virgins were, like much else of the bible, likely lifted from common tradition at that time and repurposed in the direction of furthering the intent of the book's producers. If that is the case, then, without taking it all wholesale, we might find something of an outline of our past if we examine some of these stories and myths.

Of primary importance then would be the story of the fall; whether that be of the fall from eden or the fall of lucifer, either one describes the situation in the same basic terms, that of falling from another state of reality into this one as a result of giving in to some foolish temptation or whim. Channeled materials like the cassiopaean logs would suggest that one of the reasons for following this path was in the pursuit of a more 'physical' existence, but this meant aligning ourselves to the higher-dimensional, contractionary beings that could provide this desired form of living. Though the bible does have this serpent symbol in the story of eden, the serpent imagery is prevalent elsewhere in the world in the forms of the indian kundalini, the mythical greek dragons, and the mayan/aztec feathered serpent.

More recent items like the channeled material above describe these beings as the ruling species of this planet and in greater, fuller detail.



Forget about the war "around" or "outside" of you, what about the war INSIDE? Don't you know the hermetic axiom, "as WITHIN, so without"? If a change can be forced within an individual, that results in an acausal effect beyond themselves. Don't you see how something impinged upon a child, like a lurid advertisment for a game, could have a deleterious effect not just on them as an individual, but upon reality as a whole?????? Get it together!



I'ma expand on what you 🐝saying.

When the man is made perfect, he makes no mistakes any longer. Every action, every thought, everything that flows through him is as exactly perfect for that moment as possible. He effectively does the greatest good he can, for all, because he has tuned himself thus. So to the wise it is ourselves only which we are concerned with; when we make ourselves good, goodness flows through our whole life out to everyone. The most perfect man can, while simply playing his part, restore the greatness of a nation; and you might never guess he was the true focal point of power.

>You will find various classes of men in this world. First, there are the God-men, whose self-abnegation is complete, and who do only good to others even at the sacrifice of their own lives. These are the highest of men. If there are a hundred of such in any country, that country need never despair. But they are unfortunately too few. Then there are the good men who do good to others so long as it does not injure themselves; and there is a third class, who, to do good to themselves, injure others. It is said by a Sanskrit poet that there is a fourth unnameable class of people who injure others merely for injury's sake. Just as there are at one pole of existence the highest good men, who do good for the sake of doing good, so, at the other pole, there are others who injure others just for the sake of the injury. They do not gain anything thereby, but it is their nature to do evil.

( http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/kyog/kyog06.htm )



If a garden is struck by disease and the plants continue to grow sick and die you burn the garden and the ashes fertilize the seeds you have saved. You have to kill what can't be saved.


I dont read anything any of you bots post. Glorified gibberish. Kill yourselves oullshit bccultists.


OP here. I may exorcised a few demons!

I suppose I should explain my reasoning better. What I'm getting at is, even from a non-spiritual point of view, using sex and violence as a means to entice young people into playing shitty games for the sake of money is such an utterly damaging thing for society that most people, no matter if they're generally a good person or an asshole, should find such a thing abhorrent and borderline-evil and completely impermissible. And no doubt, this stuff has gone on since time immemorial, yet it has always been regulated to the fringes of society, since most people had the common sense to oppose it.

Yet here we are, where a platform that virtually every person alive has access to is allowing for just that, and yet there seems to be little opposition to it, or if there is the people in charge of making these decisions just really, really do not care.

There'll always be advertising, there'll always be greed, that I can accept, but at least socities have generally had the good sense to say that this was bad, and the people responsible for had to pray on those without many morals themselves. But now society - for whatever reason - seems to have ignored how damaging it is and seems to accept it as another fact of life, so much so that literal children are being exploited en masse for short-term profits. This is such a reprehensible state of affairs that it boggles my mind how more people aren't concerned about this.

If it makes it easier for you, think of these darker forces as aspects of the human ego, which haven't had the forces of truth and kindness to keep them in check. Basically, I am saying that it's gotten to the point where ego and greed are so rampant that overtly using sex and violence as a tool to draw profits from kids is now an every-day affair. That's all.


Came back to this thread to mention those pervers Spiderman Elsa channels that farm ad revenue from children. Look at the thumbnail, it's really only the tip of the iceberg of the perversion in these channels though. There's a lot of weird scat/pregnancy fetishry when you go deeper.




It's very fitting you accompanied this post with a picture of the last known statue of Mani, founder of Manichaeism. Research the lost religion of light and you will discover a lot about the nature of this world.



I like mani.



Reading your post bring this anon a lot of joy, it's good to know to not be the only one to feel this way. The only fact of us being aware of such influence is a sign of the times.

It seems that some of the higher Jews have turned not only to worship devils, but to something even worse, Archons, those who feast on Consciousness, the Elsa/Spiderman videos reek of their presence.

I am sure you will find this a very intriguing read, as unrelated as it might seem:


Does the Key of Wisdom sound like something familiar to you? Do you know of the spiritual planes and the spiritual ladder? Have you began climbing it too?


Learn about natural law. Watch closely and learn natural consequences. Try to act in reinforcement of the basic consequences of reality - have faith in what was built. Be empathetic, but not sympathetic, alert and yet reluctant. Do not help others. Help others help themselves. If you can't tell the difference between helping someone and empowering them, err on the side of doing nothing. Do not help others in ways that take power from them.


Also, Muhammad (the prophet of Islam) was claimed to have been considered a Christian by certain Syrian Christians early on in his youth.


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It is great to see you are opening up to the amount of possible layers of reality, this is a great step and I find such a mentality to be very illuminating, these questions shall bring you much wisdom. When we distill the things you are talking about to their most basic elements we see what they represent, we can view life and our experiences like a constant exchange of archetypal symbols and meanings, when we view life and reality in this way we can understand it and then transcend it, because we then see the most simple of truths. I guess it is a bit like Occams Razor, the simplest most direct thing those adverts represented were greed, lust, aggression (when you strip the rest away that is what you are left with in its archetypal form) so in a sense the spiritual warfare you are talking about is being under assault and tempted by negative metaphysical qualities. These are all inversions however, greed is the inversion of generosity, lust the inversion of chasity and prudence, aggression the inversion of compassion. If we follow the virtues then the inversions cannot contaminate us though we are being tested almost constantly from the universe, then there are those who thrive in ignorance and perpetuate their folly through trying to cast others under the spell of desire. That is there aim, to make us desire, and the more we desire the more we suffer, the more we desire the more we consume and the more wealthy and greedy they become but we all contain the power within ourselves to reject these propositions and take control of our own lives seeing truth in virtue; ignorance in evil.

You are not crazy, you are waking up, and so we can also see that such depravity and basedness can lead one on the path of righteousness and to God. In the end all things serve The One.



Is there some sort of 'way' or path to follow concerning these sorts of 'defense mechanisms'?



I never said defence mechanisms so I am not quite sure what part you mean but that might be a good way to express it. There are many ways and paths which are protective from suffering. Do you have any sorts of religious/spiritual beliefs that grant you a stable perspective tinfoiler?

In a sense I think this board and people discussing fringe topics are looking for those answers and paths. Many here have found wisdom and ways of transcending beyond greed, anger, lust etc… I think we all walk different paths but we all walk towards the same goal you just need to find yours, we are all Seekers. Rising above these things is never instant, and more frequently than not it is a process of incremental progress, but with each step forward along the path we become closer to God.

Knock and the door shall be opened.

Ask and it shall be given.

Seek and ye shall find.


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I switch between the simplistic /pol/lack view and David Icke's.

What is clear that what /pol/ calls the Jews goes beyond human race. Perhaps even races or physicality itself. You said it, it may be archons.

If not malevolent superintelligent beings, at the very least it's astral larvae gone very wrong. Our whole race seems to be infested by these thoughtforms.

So perhaps I wouldn't call it spiritual warfare the same one I wouldn't call being eaten alive by louses being a victim of terrorism, but regardless of the nature of this "attack", which we could argue about, it is clear something needs to be done because the human race is going to shit due to this.



I disagree in regards to what you call "inversions". By the law of polarity, these opposite poles are a degree of the same quality. In realizing them in one another (greed in generosity, lust in chastity, aggression in compassion, etc.) you can transcend them (depolarize) and then be truly immune to their contamination.

I know this because I've done it.


Meditate on opposite poles.



There is no greed in genorosity, there is no lust in chasity, there is no aggression in compassion, such a thing is utterly paradoxical. You invert the virtues by turning them upside down, that is the basis for most lefthand path or satanic practice, it is mockery and perversion of the original virtues. By very nature of them being opposites they are not the same thing, yes they are two sides to one quality but giving is not taking, in is not out, even though contextually they refer to the same property. Good is not evil.


anti spam bumpanti spam bump bomp


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>Am I crazy, /fringe/?

Yes. Please read attached book.



Greed in generosity- greed for the wellbeing of all (obviously not 3d reality's intended MO)

Lust in chastity- yearning for a forbidden fruit never to take it. Chastity begets lust, just because we transmute that lust into higher desires doesn't mean we didn't use A to get Z.

Aggression in compassion- compassion is a strong pull to alleviate observed pain. It is aggression toward the other person (however veiled) because that person is the only one capable of fixing their own problems. Someone stepping in is absolutely aggressive toward the others development.

Literally all dualities can be switched or they're endlessly chasing eachother


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In the scriptures, when folks went out to war like as in…

>"And it came to passe, that after the yeere was expired, at the time when kings goe foorth to battell,"

….it was usually accompanied by prayer and fasting.

The Book of Maccabees tells of many such events through by the military revolts in Judea against the armies of the Hellenistic gentile conqueror-generals.

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