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What can /fringe/ tell me about the work of Rudolf Steiner? I'm currently watching vid related, and I've ordered his book "How to Know Higher Worlds" which hasn't arrived yet but I'm looking forward to it. Anyone have experience with their local Anthroposophical Society or Waldorf schools?


Stop worshipping dead white dudes you fucking faggot. You are holding everyone back. Kill yourself. Every gay religion is dead.



I have only read a little of Steiner, but he did have a large impact on Western Esotericism. I am a little more partial myself to Tomberg, who was with Steiner in the Anthroposophical Society. Some of Steiner's ideas influenced Tomberg and they make their appearance in Tomberg's works. I just am more familiar with Tomberg's Christian Hermeticism approach.



How did you first encounter Tomberg? Are his teachings theoretical only or also practical, and do you belong to a 'group' or do you practice on your own?

Can you give me a brief overview of Tomberg's ideas in your own words?



>What can /fringe/ tell me about the work of Rudolf Steiner?


He was the Teal Swan of his age, only without being raped as a kid and having youtube as an outlet.


File: f769048b803f599⋯.jpg (24.12 KB, 480x299, 480:299, tarotwoytila2.jpg)


I really got into Valentin Tomberg's work through the book Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism, which was written by an anonymous author. I was immediately blown away by how dense and deep the book was, and I was determined to find out who the author was. Well there is almost no debate that the book was written by Valentin Tomberg. So I started reading some of his other works like Lazarus, Come Forth! Most of his practical work is put out by the Sophia Foundation, which at the time I post seems to have a problem with their site. I have their foundation practice work written by Tomberg and his practical work on the Lord's Prayer. Tomberg's practical work is one of the few gems that I have found in the creation of a solid Christian Magical practice. I predominately work on my own. The only groups I currently belong to are BOTA and FRC.

The pic is Pope John Paul II with Meditations on the Tarot (bottom 2 book set) on his desk.


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Forget to add the other pic. Here is the Pope's edition.



Thanks. Are you otherwise a practicing Christian? If so which Church, and do you believe in the tenets and dogmas of your Church?



I don't belong to a specific church, as I don't find the need to have someone stand between me and God. If there was an Orthodox Church near me I would probably go to that as I find the Liturgy to be a mystical experience. I noticed you have the Fourth Way flag, have you heard of Boris Mouravieff?



>have you heard of Boris Mouravieff

I have but I haven't read him. Have you? If so, would you recommend him?



Boris Mouravieff was a close associate to both Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. Mouravieff's main work, a trilogy, is titled Gnosis: Study and Commentaries on the Esoteric Tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy. It is divided into three cycles, one for each volume. Book One - Exoteric Cycle, Book Two - Mesoteric Cycle, and Book Three - Esoteric Cycle.

Mouravieff weaves Gurdjieff's Fourth Way with Ouspensky's cosmology into a synthesis with what he calls the "Royal Road", basically a lost Christian esoteric tradition. The books are very full of theory and practice. Keep in mind Gurdjieff got his start and inspiration by coming across some Orthodox holy men in Armenia, so in a way it is interesting that Mouravieff is picking up where Gurdjieff started. As I work within a more Christian Hermetic approach, I have found the books to be useful in supplementing aspects of my own practice.

On a side note Gurdjieff was one hell of a guy. He is definitely underappreciated in the occult community. I never gave him much thought until I came across mention of him from Dr. Hyatt in his Radical Undoing work.



I was actually attending Orthodox liturgies for a while. Since you mentioned them earlier.

Well, you've begun to really pique my interest here. Since we're already starting to veer from the thread topic, if you want to continue our conversation through email (I certainly would) I leave the option open to you. "Juan Fitzcarraldo" is a pseudonym, btw:




Sounds good! I sent one out.



I had a nightmarish experience with a local anthroposophical society that involved blackmail, pedo coverups, human abuse, and the summoning of actual demons. Stay away. Stay the fuck away.






you're full of shit.


willing to bet you've only skimmed bits of his work and you have no idea what you're talking about


most of his work is online for free FYI. his work has been a major guide in my process. a compilation of lectures called secret brotherhoods and the mystery of the human double is not available online, but it will knock your socks off. https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Brotherhoods-Mystery-Human-Double/dp/1855841622


What is a good reading order for Steiner? Synchronicity points me to him, but I do not know where to start.



nice trips. i started with knowledge of other world. then various lectures (e.g. http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA106/English/AP1971/EgyMyt_index.html)

i then read christianity as mystical fact then an outline of occult science.

worked for me. just google the name of any of his book followed 'pdf' and you can find the majority of them for free. countless lectures are also online for free.



Solid info, thanks

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